#under the weeping willow
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seaniesam · 2 years ago
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“Time will continue to pass. Everything will pass by. Perhaps for this reason, youth is beautiful. It shines blindingly bright, for just a split second. But you can never go back to it.” -Alexander Goth
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archivist-crow · 3 months ago
“Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow" - Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris performing on The Dolly Parton Show (1976)
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waveydrawsathing · 2 years ago
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spring is here and so is he! 🌸
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duskandcobalt · 10 months ago
wip wednesday 💕
i'd like to take a brief interlude from my depressive spiral to present a small excerpt from the slutty elriel fic i'm working on, still hoping to get this out this week but taylor swift put a pin in my plans and i've been wallowing in bed for like 96 straight hours.
no warnings here bc im saving the actual slutty content for the full published piece.
hope everyone's having a good week 💖
Elain blindly wandered down the dark hallways.The echo of her heels on the stone floor was menacing, causing the already frantic beat of her heart to rise to an almost worrisome crescendo. It didn’t help that she could barely see and was relying solely on the occasional flickering fae light and the cool, insistent shadow pressed to the small of her back to guide her towards her mystery destination.
It felt like she’d been walking for hours, turning this way and that in the labyrinth that made up the various chambers of this unfamiliar place but finally, the pressure of the shadow on her back eased as she approached an arched door right at the end of the seemingly never ending hallway. She paused in front of it, unsure what to do until the shadow slid up her arm and along her neck, wrapping itself around her ear. 
Elain swallowed, her gloved hand reaching out for the doorknob. 
Subconsciously, she knew where that shadow had been guiding her. Knew that the neat, dark interior of this room was the perfect match for what she’d always imagined in those salacious dreams of hers.
She’d been ready to see him. Aching to see him. But to open the door and get her first glimpse of him… she hadn’t quite been ready for that. 
Azriel was reclined in a leather chair behind his desk. The jacket he'd been wearing earlier had been discarded and left to drape on cabinet at the far end of the room. The first few buttons of his crisp white shirt was undone, providing a glimpse of the tantalising tattoos hidden underneath. He had one long leg folded over the over, one ankle resting on his knee. And on that knee, cradled by his large, scarred hand, sat a short glass of amber liquid that perfectly matched his honeyed eyes.
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
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flamingredanon · 1 year ago
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Random traditional doodle page featuring Wilford and Randy's fusion in stick form, Henry and Right getting some glasses post CtM, Adrian the humbug and Left as a Wubba (I think that is what they are called, inspired by these three pics)
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maxbytes · 1 year ago
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aprocessionofthoughts · 2 years ago
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Day 9: ghost zone
Ghostly Flora and Fauna
A guide to common plants
By Ghost Writer and Undergrowth
The various leafy plants are called Polypodiophyta, or Fernals. These are mutations of the human fern plant that found its way here through natural portals. Apart from their glow and edibility, though they are quite bitter, they don’t do much else.
On the upper left, we have the Alta ​​Esculenta, or the Mavor plant. The center orange part is an edible fruit.  According to our interviewee, Danny Fenton, they taste “like citrusy mangos with a touch of battery acid.”
Below that we have the Nox Filicus, more commonly known as the Night Fern. This functions much like what Fenton called a ‘sea anemone’ that only allows small blob ghosts near. Any more powerful ghosts will be ‘stung’ and have to receive immediate medical attention lest they want their appearance to become unstable.
In the upper middle we have the Malum Hydriam, the Blob Catcher. As its more common name suggests, it attracts small blob ghosts which it then catches and absorbs.
The one pictured in the lower middle is the Extractus Malus, the common Shroom. This plant helps filter pollution and foreign particles out of ectoplasm.
The one on the right is the Salicum Candentis, the Glowing Willow. These plants are considered sacred and are said to be connected to the core of the Zone itself. Like the common Shroom, it also helps extract contamination. But more importantly it also produces pure ectoplasm and its blossoms can help with medical issues such as calming a ghost down from an obsession trance and helping a ghost who's lost touch with their obsession not retreat into their core. 
Most importantly, they are integral to the coronation of new kings. A potion is made using the blossoms and the king to be is to drink it then walk up to the trunk where they will be obscured by the branches. If they walk out then the Zone has accepted them as king and they are imbued with knowledge of the movements of the Zone and an inner sense for navigating the ever shifting islands.  
However, this plant is not without its dangers. As stated, it can have a calming effect on ghosts, but if a ghost were to be near to the tree for an extended period of time it would have a soporific effect and the ghost would fall into a deep sleep like trance. The branches would then gradually wrap around the ghost pulling them toward the trunk where it will slowly begin to absorb the ghost leaving only the ghost’s core. Recovery is possible, but will take a long time and the ghost, once emerged from its core, will be back at the strength level of the newly dead.
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newly-feral · 1 year ago
I woke up this morning to Ruston Kelly's version of Bury Me Under the Weeping Willow playing in my head. This song should not be an earworm...it's lovely, but it's also just soaked with loss. It's the story of being the one who isn't chosen, of being rejected by the person you think you're building a future with. Here's a sampling of the plaintiveness...
Bury me under the violets blue
To prove my love to him
Tell him that I'd die for him
His love I could never win
I went down a rabbit hole of versions, and you know what? This is the only one that actually matches the lyrics in the best possible way. Every other version sticks to the upbeat tone of The Carter Family's original recording, at least to some degree or another. But Ruston Kelly's version is like the most melodic funeral dirge of all time, beautiful, and pathetic, and incredibly sing-a-longable.
This may be the best cover of all time. There's a gravity to this song that is incredible.
On a side note, another great thing about it? He doesn't gender-flip the pronouns. Fucking champion.
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seaniesam · 2 years ago
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pleasantview '99 babies
student ID card template credits to @gloomiee!
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putergenius · 2 years ago
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silvery-stars · 7 months ago
did you know you can look at the town you grew up in and haven’t been back to since you moved out on google maps? but watch out!
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pepminttea · 2 years ago
I hate tinder whatever happened to making a flower crown, throwing it in the river, and marrying the person who retrieves it for you?
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booklovingcreechur · 11 months ago
Elrond is said to be "as kind as summer", which I absolutely love as a descriptor. I imagine this as resting under a weeping willow by a river bank in the middle of June. Every time you start to feel uncomfortably warm, a gentle breeze sweeps over the cool water and brushes your hair away from your forehead. That feeling of restfulness and comfort, that feeling of the warm sun and gentle breeze that is always there for you, that is the kindness of Elrond Halfelven.
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moonstruckme · 7 months ago
poly!wolfstar x reader or whimsical!reader would be absolutely wholesome Maee!! Love and hugs 💖 have a lovely day 💫
(to clarify I'm not the anon who mentioned wolfstar previously. I'm just a lovesick of these two lol. hope the request is ok! Sending good vibes your way✨)
Awh I love them so much! Thanks for requesting sweetheart, hope you have a lovely day too <3
cw: squished snail :(
poly!wolfstar x whimsical!reader ♡ 900 words
Remus comes home, juggling his umbrella with three drinks from the coffee shop down the street, to find you and Sirius kneeling outside your front door. You seem to be placing dead leaves in a circle around a wet-looking smudge on the ground.
“Um.” He steps under the overhang of your roof, adjusting his hold on the drinks to set down his umbrella. “What’s going on?”
“We’re surrounding the snail with dead plants so it can be nourished in the next life,” Sirius says easily. Like this is something he does often. “Watch your step, handsome.” 
Remus heeds the warning, stepping carefully around the circle and behind the two of you. That’s when he notices your clothes. 
For Sirius, wearing black isn’t so unusual. He knows it sets off his tattoos and comparatively milky complexion, and he loves nothing more than a dramatic juxtaposition. But you, Remus didn’t even know you owned clothes this colorless. Your dress is loose and flowy, an inky black that’s more of a contrast against your generally lighthearted disposition than it’s ever been against Sirius’ coloring. You look lovely as always, but like a dulled version of your usual self. 
“Are we having a funeral?” Remus asks carefully.
Your posture is slumped, droopy as a weeping willow. “Yeah,” you reply glumly. “I went to take out the trash, and I couldn’t see in front of me. I crushed them.” Your voice seems to quiet further at the end, some mixture of shame and mourning clogging your throat. 
“The snail,” Sirius clarifies. He rubs between your shoulder blades. “It was an accident, sweetheart.” 
You nod, taking in a bolstering breath. “A funeral feels like the least I can do to try to honor them after cutting their life short.” 
“Oh, that’s very thoughtful of you.” Remus kneels on your other side, ignoring Sirius’ sharp look when he can’t help a little grunt at the ache in his joints. He sets your drinks where they won’t get knocked over. “Maybe this was a very old snail, and you found it at the end of its life.” 
“I just hope they didn’t leave a family behind,” you fret. 
“I’m sure even if they did,” he says, reaching for his most reassuring tone, “their family would appreciate what a nice resting place you’ve made for them.” He pets the back of your head. “And that you’ve dressed up so nicely to say goodbye.” 
You turn your face towards the ground, and Remus notices a soft pout to your bottom lip. Sirius seems to spot it at the same time. The other boy lifts your chin to kiss at it sweetly. 
“Do you want to say a few words, lovely?”
Remus smiles over the top of your head at his softhearted boyfriend. Were it anyone else, Sirius would be making endless fun of them for creating such a fuss over a snail’s death, but because it’s you he’s in all the way. (Evidently, he’s learned his lesson after the time he squashed a mosquito in cold blood. You would hardly look at him for days until he apologized.) 
You nod, clearing your throat. “I hope you’re going somewhere with tall grass,” you say, “and lots of soft, wet dirt. And I hope this food gives you sustenance for the journey.” 
You mean the dead leaves, Remus supposes. He presses a kiss to the side of your head. “I’m sure it appreciates that, darling.” 
“And if you want to reincarnate as an elephant to step on me, I completely understand.” 
“Oh.” Sirius coughs. “Don’t we think that’s a bit far?”
“Yeah,” Remus agrees. “You’ve put yourself through enough already, that’s probably not necessary.” 
You look between your boyfriends, bemused. “I’m only trying to make things fair. I killed them first.” 
“I just think we ought to have a bit more faith in this snail,” says Sirius. “I doubt they’re out for revenge; they strike me as the forgiving sort. No need to relinquish yourself to an untimely squishing.” 
You frown. “I suppose you’re right. Snails don’t have very long memories anyway, so as a group they might not be very inclined to hold grudges…” 
“Exactly.” He gives your shoulder a loving pat. “Now, it looks like Remus has brought us something. Haven't you, handsome?” 
Remus gives you both a small smile, reaching for your drinks. “Here’s a coffee, and a tea for you, dove. Let’s get out of the cold and drink them inside, yeah?” 
“Okay.” You give the snail one last, speaking look before starting to stand. 
Sirius hurries to Remus’ side, forcing him to use the other boy for support as he straightens up, knees protesting. 
“Your hair’s all wet,” he murmurs. 
“I know,” Sirius gripes under his breath, but Remus can hear the fondness hidden beneath his grousing. “I figured you’d be upset if I let her go out in the rain to find her ceremonial leaves alone.” 
Remus chuckles and kisses his part. “I’ll make some soup before you both catch cold.” 
“She’ll only think it’s karmic if we do.” 
“No, not really.” Sirius hasn’t kept his voice quiet enough to avoid your hearing, and now you’re looking at him with an earnest bemusement. “It would be karmic if I got sick, but you haven’t done anything wrong, Sirius.” 
Remus tsks. “I think you’ve repented enough already, dove,” he says. “Let’s get you both dried off.” 
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borathae · 2 months ago
Kiss the Cook
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“Yoongi loves to cook for you. You love to watch him as he does and soon you can’t take it anymore. You have to kiss him or you will implode.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Slice of Life, domestic Fluff
Warnings: cutie!Yoongi, Yoongi being a sexy cook, i said what i said, he blushes!, she feeds him some tangerines <3, as she sits on the kitchen counter, making out on said counter, Yoongi in a woolen jumper, idk but this is so hot to me and therefore needs a warning, they’re grossly in love!!!, i want what they have #bigsad
Wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: i love him, i love them, i love her, i love this :( enjoy besties, oy!Yoongi is going to be the fucking death of me fjdjasf he is such a cutie ❤ ps: does a story sometimes make you feel so single or discontent with your current love life that you want to claw your own eyes out? yeah. this is that story for me. i want what they have fuxkxk they feel so mature and settled and :( grrr spreading negativity all around me grrrr
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You invited Yoongi over for dinner and wine. Which means that he comes over to your place to cook while you watch him and sip on wine. Now, this isn’t because you are lazy or you are forcing him to cook. On the contrary, it was Yoongi’s idea. He loves cooking for you, so you learned, and these little dinner dates have become a regular thing in your relationship.
And it is perfect. You get to see him and talk to him. He gets to do something he loves whilst talking to you. And at the end of it, you can share the yummiest dinner ever and experience a giddy tingle in your stomachs.
You invited him over tonight for exactly such a dinner date. You dressed up in a thick jumper and some woolen socks and even did your hair.
It has been snowing rather vividly all day, turning the roads into one powdery white plane with the rest of the world. The weeping willow in front of your sunroom is bending under the weight of the snow and the frozen stream is covered under a heavy layer of it as well. It is such a beautiful view, making you happy to be inside where it is warm and cozy.
Levi, your cute little cat, hasn’t left his spot by the fireplace all day. He spends most of his winter days napping where it is warm or watching the very few winter birds eat from your bird feeder. He will not leave for outside, however, that much is sure. It is way too much work to soil his good fur with sticky, wet snow.
You check the time again. Ten past eight. Yoongi should have been here by eight. You pace in front the sunroom windows, looking at the faint lights where his house might be. He decorated the outside with lots of Christmas lights and on the nights where you miss him, you like to stand in the sunroom and look up at the lights. Whenever you do, it feels as if he was right there with you. 
Tonight however, the view makes you uneasy. Where is Yoongi and why isn’t he here yet? Did he slip and hit his head? Did a huge chunk of snow fall on him and he is now buried alive somewhere? Is he stuck somewhere? Did he forget?
Nervously biting your own nails, you hurry to the front door to take another peek outside. 
“Oh, shit!” Yoongi exclaims, stumbling back and almost dropping the grocery bags he is carrying under his arms.
You flinch back too, not having expected him to literally stand right in front of the door in the midst of ringing your bell.
“Sorry, you scared me”, he apologises for his cursing. He is bundled into the thickest winter coat ever, wearing a beanie, scarf and gloves with it. His snow pants are covered in snow up to his thighs, his winter boots are basically white from all the snow. The last few inches of his coat are opened. Holly, wearing a little beanie as well, is peeking out from it. Yoongi must have bundled him up in it to keep him warm. The view is adorable.
“You scared me too. I wanted to check if I could spot you. Come in”, you say, stepping out of the doorway.
“Yeah, sorry for being late. I underestimated the height of the snow. I had to fight my way down here without falling on my butt. I waddled like I was ninety.” 
“No worries, I’m just so happy that you’re here now and that you’re safe. I already pictured the worst scenarios ever.” 
Yoongi chuckles, “I survived. Barely, but I survived.”
You laugh. He is so funny, making you laugh again when he struggles with undressing.
“Wait. Let me take the bags so you have your hands free.”
“Of course, I’ll carry them to the kitchen if you don’t mind.”
“Go ahead, I’ll be with you soon.”
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You are in the midst of unpacking the groceries when Yoongi and Holly join you in the kitchen. Holly greets you first, jumping up your leg and barking excitedly. 
You coo, picking him up to let him lick your face. 
“I missed you too, you little stinker. Aw big kissies, yes big kissies.”
“He really missed you”, Yoongi says, walking to you. 
“Yeah, I missed him too.” You hand him Holly. “And I missed his dad even more. Hey there, handsome”, you say, stealing a kiss. 
Yoongi smiles into it, rubbing your waist as the kiss breaks.
“Hey there, beautiful. I missed you too.” He says and then takes a step back to set down Holly. The little toy poodle instantly sets off to explore your home and look for Levi. 
Yoongi studies your get-up, “I love what you did with your hair. It suits you.”
“Thank you, heh. I tried something new.”
“It’s nice, really beautiful.”
“Thankies. Uhm, wine?” You offer. “I might have already started without you because I was picturing you dying somewhere.”
He laughs, “what a relaxing thing to do. I won’t say no to some wine, thank you.”
You prepare him a glass, then cheer with him. He enjoys it with a hum. Afterwards he touches your hip and kisses your cheek. You lean into it, smiling from ear to ear. He is always so gentle with you. You love it so much.
“I hope that you’re hungry. I’m making risotto tonight”, Yoongi says.
“Yes risotto! I love risotto. I haven’t eaten since twelve because I wanted to be really hungry tonight.” 
Yoongi smiles and begins. He puts on the apron you made for him and rolls up his sleeves. Well, at least he tries to because you stop him before he can.
“Wait, let me.”
He gazes at your face as you work, cheeks slightly flushed and heart racing. 
“Thanks”, he whispers, trying oh so hard not to expose how giddy he actually feels. Spoiler alert, he feels very giddy. You are always so tender with him. He loves it so much.
Yoongi is wearing a brown jumper made out of the softest wool. It is warm and sits on his body in the most perfect of ways. His chest and back are defined in it, but he still looks snuggly. You feel so attracted to him that it is difficult not to bite him. In an adoring way of course. 
It also isn’t helping that he is wearing your favourite cologne and a watch which really fits his wrist. Once his sleeves are rolled up, you can’t help but feel up his arms just once. You trace his veins, squeeze him and play with his fingers.
Yoongi chuckles lazily, closing his hands around yours.
“Is this still part of the service?” 
“No, this was for me. You look really sexy in this jumper.”
He smiles and pulls you close to steal a kiss. You give it to him with a fluttering heart, gazing deep into his eyes once it breaks. He has the most beautiful eyes.
“I put it on for you. Because you once said that you like me in a jumper.”
“I do. I could bite you, I’m serious.”
“Please don’t”, he laughs and pecks your cheek, “I’ll be quick with dinner, promise. No biting needs to happen.”
“Maybe a little bit of biting.”
He laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“If I knew that I would be dating a biter, I might have reconsidered”, he jokes, busy with setting up some pans.
“You like it. Don’t lie”, you say and sit down on the kitchen counter.
“Maybe I do.”
You snicker, picking up a tangerine to peel it as he cooks.
And so it begins. One of the coziest and most beloved date activity as a couple. He cooks while you watch him. There are only a few things better than this. 
You have the radio playing. Christmas songs because it is almost time for the holidays. The tangerine fills the air with a cozy scent and the wine tastes especially good. Whenever you and he aren’t lost in conversation, you can listen to Yoongi hum to the songs on the radio. He has a very nice singing voice. Deep and warm. You could listen to it for hours. Just as you could listen to him talk for hours.
“How are your legs by the way? Did the snow soak through your snow pants?” you ask him, staring at his butt. 
It isn’t your fault, he is wiggling it to the music. It is his fault that you have to take a sneaky look.
“Mhm? No, my legs are fine. The snow didn’t soak through.”
“That’s good to hear. How was your day?”
“It was good. I fixed some things in the upstairs bathroom and started with the chaulking.”
Yoongi is still renovating his house. It is a very big project and he isn’t stressing himself, so it’s been taking some time already. You don’t mind. It just means that he will have to stay over more often whenever the building site is too dirty. Quite frankly, a part of you secretly wishes for the renovations to take forever just so he will keep coming over to sleep in your bed. You really love having him sleep in your bed. Not only because he is a total cuddlebug (don’t spread these news to anyone, he is very shy about it) or because he always smells so good, but also because you feel safer with him close. 
“Chaulking? Wow, this sounds like process”, you say.
“Yeah, it’s been going really well lately.” He turns for a moment. “And you? Did you have a good day?”
“I had a really good day. I made some progress on the scarf and then did some yoga. Tangerine?” 
Yoongi closes the distance, snacking on the slice you’re offering.
“This sounds like a good day. You have to be finished soon, don’t you?”
“Yeah, it's almost finished, which is very exciting if you asked me.”
You are currently knitting a scarf and have been regularly sending updates to Yoongi via text messages. His reactions to the messages vary from “good job!” all the way to the very rare and precious thumbs up emoji. He is honestly such a cutie.
“I can imagine. Do you have a new project in mind after you finish the scarf?” Yoongi takes one more slice of tangerine before he returns to the stove. 
While you begin telling him about all the knitting project ideas you have. You don’t leave out any details. The material of the yarn, the design, the colours, even what kind of stitches you plan on using. And Yoongi listens gladly, he asks questions and reacts with his very endearing version of enthusiasm. It means so much to you. Being loved by him is so fulfilling. You feel so important, as if your existence has purpose. There is not one thing about you which isn’t important to him or which you feel like you have to hide from him.
It might sound strange, but being loved by him is so freeing. You feel so whole and so happy and you love him so much in return. 
Yoongi steals one more slice of tangerine, staying close to you afterwards as he slices some mushrooms for the risotto.
“And what about you? Any new music projects you are working on?” you ask him, switching your adoring gaze between his face and his hands. He has such sexy hands.
“Yes, so many”, he says, nodding his head.
“Tell me everything.”
You listen to everything he has to tell you, gazing at him with the biggest heart eyes. He is so interesting and exciting. His hobbies are so wonderful to listen to. As much as you love talking to him, you love listening just as much.
Yoongi feels content with you. He feels utterly and completely happy. There is nothing missing with you. When he is with you, he feels whole and like himself. There is not even the littlest thing about him he feels like he has to hide from you and whenever he comes out of one of his accidental monologues about his interests, he isn’t met with boredom but enthusiasm and questions. Truly, his nerdy little heart swells thrice its size when he is with you. 
A moment of silence follows after you and he exchanged interests. Happy and jazzy Christmas music fills it. Yoongi picks up the cutting board, carrying it to the pan so he can sauté the mushrooms in some butter. He adds the rice afterwards, seasoning it before he pours white wine into the pan. He pours some of the wine in his glass afterwards, closing the distance to clink glasses with you. 
“To this evening”, he says, smiling one of his pretty, soft smiles he always does.
“To this evening and to you, the best boyfriend ever.” 
“Be quiet”, he mumbles and drinks from his glass, looking to the side shyly. He blushes.
“Never. You need to know”, you say and lean in to munch on his cheek. 
“Hey. No biting”, he laughs as he complains, moving back. 
“Mhm, then how about I kiss the cook instead?” you say, setting the wine aside to pull him closer.
He lets you tug him between your legs, smiling at you and setting the wine aside. His eyes fall to your lips, his hands dance along a path which consists of your waist, hips and the side of your thighs.
“You’ve got a minute before I have to get back to the risotto”, he says.
“Then let me make the best of it”, you say, pulling him into a kiss. 
How you make the best of this one minute. You kiss him as if you missed him for a million years, as if you needed him for survival, as if his lips are all you ever wished for. It might only be a minute, but Yoongi comes out of this kiss with slightly wobbly knees and a racing heart. His cheeks are flushed, his lower lip tingles as you end the kiss by biting on it gently. 
“What was that for?” his voice is raspy, his eyes foggy as they gaze at your lips.
“Just felt like it”, you whisper, playing with his soft hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Should we like, I don’t know, should I remove the pan from the stove for a moment?” 
You laugh, scrunching your nose. You know what he is insinuating, stomach tingling at the aspect of it.
“And why should you do that?” you tease him, tinting his cheeks an even deeper pink. He curses under his breath, giving your hips a gentle squeeze.
“You drive me crazy, you know. First kissing me like this and then acting innocent.”
“Shouldn’t you check on the rice?”
Yoongi lets out a whine of discontent, but breaks away from you to stir the rice. He glances at you. You retort the glances, heart racing like crazy. His hair is a little messy because you played with it as you kissed him. His lips are slightly puffy and flushed pink. Quite frankly, he has never looked more attractive than he does right now in your little kitchen wearing the black apron you made for him as he cooks you dinner and seems just a little ruffled from your kiss. 
You lift the glass of wine to your equally as puffy lips, giving him an eye smile as you sip the sweet alcohol. Yoongi blushes, shifting his gaze to dinner. He rolls his lower lip between his teeth mindlessly while his hands are busy with pouring chicken stock over the rice. 
You and he both feel the electric sparkles in the air. The feeling is addicting, just as it is addicting to spend time with each other. You just work so well together, you are so right. 
“You know”, you begin.
“Yes, baby?” he answers you, voice warm and caring.
“I love having you over.” 
He glances again. His eyes sparkle, his teeth show in the shiest of smiles.
“I can look at you, I get to listen to you and talk to you. I love it.”
“Yeah, I love it too.”
“And I get to kiss you. It’s pretty awesome.”
He looks at your lips, raising your pulse with it.
“You know. I, theoretically, have one minute again”, he says, giving you puppy eyes.
You laugh because you love when he flirts. You set the wine aside, making grabby hands at him.
“Then come here and make it count.”
Yoongi sets the spoon aside, closing the distance. How he is going to make it count.
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