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What to get your lovely assistant when you come back from your very TOP secret and VERY limited capacity assignment that kept you off the grid for a few months? This is the question The Doctor asks himself during the plane ride back to UNIT HQ. Of course he WANTED to bring Honey. Absolutely, he did. However, some select few members of UNIT's higher cabinet staff insisted this mission was TOP SECRET. Only UNIT'S best could go, and unfortunately— that included him.
Which meant leaving with nothing but a cheap handwritten note that said
'be back soon'
Allegedly, some of the men had been given strict orders NOT to answer any questions regarding where all these high profile UNIT members had gone. This was a strictly OFF THE BOOKS mission, meaning The Doctor was out of touch with his assistant for WEEKS. It was miserable. Never at any point prior had he realized just how much he'd needed Honey to help make all this droll military work interesting and fun. So surely, to make it up to her and to tell her just how sorry he was for leaving so abruptly, he had to get her something. Surely.
Unfortunately, he didn't take his own car to the airport. That was probably also a red flag for Honey, as The Doctor adored that car. When he wasn't working on The TARDIS in a continued effort to escape his forcibly-imposed exile— he was adding all sorts of modifications to Bessie to improve her performance. Nobody would simply believe she was anything more then an old beat up car, however. That being said, his determination to surprise his assistant was still ever present.
So, what to do? Well, easily— ditch the group of returning cabinet members who are going straight back to HQ. That gives him time to find a cab and spend his hard earned money that he never uses. He usually just gives Honey most of his salary, as even in exile— The Doctor still doesn't really have any use for money. All of the faculties inside the TARDIS still work, aside from her flight capabilities. This eliminates the need for him to require anything. That being said, they insisted he didn't leave his credit card with her. This allotted him some element of flexibility, however. He had a lot of room to spend.
But what first?
Well, it's starting to get colder. Honey hates the winter, she loves the summer and the springtime. So, perhaps a nice coat with a fur lining? Bright colors such as pink and yellow seemed to be her forte, so he picked a few luxury coats, some new boots and bags (and even some jackets, as he only pretended not to notice how often they ended up matching outfits.) At the first store alone, he easily spent eight hundred pounds on winter clothing alone.
And yet he wasn't satisfied. (Does he enjoy spoiling her, or something?)
THE LAST TIME HE GOT HER JEWELRY, she seemed highly receptive to that. Was too much jewelry tacky, though? He thought he remembered hearing that Honey liked bathroom items. Like soaps and candles, bath bombs and what not. So, he went somewhere and proceeded to spend another five hundred on a plethora of items that seemed to fit her aesthetic. At this point, the cab driver had to be tipped extra in order to stop his yammering. The Doctor felt bad for making him wait, but once the driver received his tip— he seemed rather receptive towards more gift shopping. He even made a few suggestions, all of which The Doctor disregarded. He was trying to show his appreciation— not make her blush.
Though, after his final stop at the bakery— it seemed as if he'd spent enough money to do that regardless. The final haul of gifts totaled out to about two thousand pounds. Cakes, bathroom items, flowers, clothes, shoes, bags. An entire trunk was filled with boxes galore, all of which he'd simply grabbed because he hadn't been satisfied with just one category of item. He simply needed to grab her everything all at once and more.
Which all culminated in him bursting through the doors of his laboratory with a few poor souls from the front gates wheeling in all the gifts he bought her whilst he stands near the door with his fists on his hips.
"Right, we've got a lot to go through. Pick a corner and start unwrapping."
What a gentleman...
'be back soon'
No punctuation; no folder, document, cryptic photograph or loosely correlated text underneath to even subtly hint at what he was doing, or where in all the gods' names he might be going. That in-and-of-itself wasn't unheard of or terribly strange—though the Doctor was generally good enough, (nowadays), to give her some clue on the somewhat-rare occasion he couldn't bring her along—so it didn't trouble her much the day she first plucked the note off his desk.
She simply set aside the parcels she'd picked up from delivery and set to work on what little tasks an assistant might do in their assist-ee's absence: organizing bits-and-bobs, tidying the lab (without disturbing anything she was sure he'd come looking for exactly where it was), and eventually settling on doing inventory: taking stock of everything in their current supply, requisitioning replacements as necessary, and generally making sure everything was set to run smoothly when her 'boss' made his return.
"soon," he'd said.
Those tasks only managed to keep her busy the first week and change; then she was left showing up to the lab each day, dithering around for an hour in case 'today' was the day he'd clatter in through the door with an armful of whatever technological ephemera he'd stumbled upon in his ventures, along with other samples, souveniers, and stories to tell for every one.
She only bothered trying to ask about the mysterious disappearance once, maybe twice, to a handful of different UNIT staff, before it became abundantly clear nobody was going to spare a crumb, even if she batted her long and lovely lashes at them or teased some form of bribery. Hush, hush, the whole thing. Need-to-know basis only—and they'd clearly decided she didn't need to know.
Fine. She had other, better ways to keep busy than to sit by the door and mope like a lonely puppy; and despite running out of official work to do (for lack of an eccentric alien to assign it), they didn't stop paying her—so la-di-da. See if SHE cares about all your cloak-and-daggerness!
Spite was enough to carry her through the end of the first month, and barely into the second. Same as every other time: it gave plenty of time to study, branch out into new avenues and take a few tests, even volunteer for some shifts at the clinic near her flat; it gave her guiltless leave to finally make it to some of those lovely little underground concerts and other exciting social... events she'd missed while running about; and, of course, many hours spent lazing about—late to bed, late to rise, idly listening her way through several new records while rifling through a spellbook she'd managed to quietly acquire from a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-relative's-neighbor... and if she happened to spare an evening to send a protection spell out into the starry sea, in hopes it might find someone far away, then so be it.
'be back soon' my ass.
She turned the note over in her hand for the hundredth time, an ill-suiting scowl on candygloss lips which were so well known for framing laughter and playful smiles, melodramatic pouts and anger which came and went like a puff of steam—not this kind of expression, at all. Weary, anxious, sullen and irritated; as a week turned into a month and a month turned into more.
By the end of the second month, she'd started coming back to HQ at the top of the day—brought a portable record player from home to spin vinyls on, accumulated a pile of textbooks and notebooks, a grimoire or two, keeping busy... all the same things she'd been doing to fill the time, only in the place where he would hopefully come to first, the moment he came back.
Because she wanted to be ready to read him the riot act the SECOND his feet hit familiar soil. How dare he! How dare all of them put her through this! Being treated like a child, left in the dark! She didn't care how TOP SECRET the whole affair was supposed to be—they'd had no issue tossing her into the frying pan in other volatile situations before! She couldn't have kept count of the debriefs she'd gone through after ventures with the Doctor if she'd wanted to, but all of a sudden they can steal him away without a word, with no estimate of return or vague details, and she was just supposed to be fine with that? As if!
Honey must have rehearsed her rant a dozen times over by that morning. The bustle outside was impossible not to notice long before they properly reached the doors—which saw the little blonde perk in her seat, promptly dropping the note as well as the tome she'd been unceremoniously using it as a bookmark in. The clamor of burdened wheels chuttering over the floor, at nearly half a dozen different footfalls laced between each rattle, bump, and shift.
An audience, huh? So be it; maybe it'll help the shameless man feel as scolded as he'd ought to!
She finally stands, trotting over to stand front-and-center before the doors, briefly wavering between 'huffily folded arms' or 'coolly disappointed, slightly nonchalant hands-on-hips' before settling on the latter. Oh yeah. She was ready.
At least, she'd thought she was. Ready, perhaps, for him to saunter in through the doors all casual-like, as if no time at all had passed; just another day in the office, maybe a little 'Ah, hello Ms. Moto. I hope you've had a restful time?' or perhaps a HINT of guilt (not nearly enough), with a quiet apology which she'd barely take in stride before going on with her monologue. Honey was not, obviously ready for the parade which suddenly burst into the room: her Doctor at its helm, throwing the doors open in a flourish and making way for his miniature infantry of porters to ramble in behind.
They're a mirror of each other in stance, though the ire which creased her brow is quickly overtaken by bewilderment, watching the hoard grow, and it's all she can do to blink in the meantime.
"Right, we've got a lot to go through. Pick a corner and start unwrapping."
It's not an explanation, but the apology is there all the same, delivered in the language of affection he knew best. He wasn't always the best at talking through his feelings or avoiding putting his foot in his mouth, but what tact he may drop in the department of delicate discussion, he'd more than once made up for in gestures and, indeed, gifts.
If her nerves hadn't been so harried and thoughts filtered through a lens of worry, perceived helplessness, and irritation, Honey might have expected as much. It was hardly the first grand gesture she'd been on the receiving end of from her employer, and they were long beyond the days of him being careless of her feelings...
But she still ends up pouting through round cheeks at him. She'd put a lot of thought into how she was going to lay into him—and some of their other superiors, given the chance!—and now he'd gone and spoiled all that effort because she couldn't be THAT petulant in the face of such wanton spoiling.
Not content to give up her (righteous) anger, entirely, she crosses the gap between them with precise strides and looks up at him with a flinty glare—holding fast in that fashion for a moment before raising one hand from her hip to bap him on the nose with the back of her hand; a barely-there tap not unlike the kind one might give a cat muzzling too-near their plate.
❝ Don't think for a second that you can buy yourself out of trouble, mister. There's not enough fancy gifts in the world to brush off a stint like that. ❞ ...though he'd notice, too, that all her bluster and pout can't completely mask the relief which traced the back of her words, the worry finally escaping her lungs where it had made nest—gentler emotions which quickly overcome her: amethyst eyes take a turn for the tearful, and she hides her face by leaning her forehead against his shoulder. ❝ ...worrying as awful and as long as all that isn't good for a beautiful girl's complexion. ❞
Thankfully, the other men who'd so diligently helped load the bounty into the room were eager enough to take their leave, so the decidedly less-than-"professional" display is witnessed only by the man whose shoulder the blonde briefly sniffles against, before leaning back and delicately bringing the backs of her fingers to swipe under misty eyes. ❝ AND bringing me to tears when I did my makeup so nice? Horrible. Terrible. VERY un-gentlemanlike. ❞ Thus returns the teasing tone under melodrama, and a wane smile reclaims its natural place.
❝ You bring me whichever gift you think is going to cheer me up the most, and we'll start from there... but most importantly, and before any of that:
welcome back, Doctor. ❞
#unboundtravels#whoverse.#♥ 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 (ic)#( answered. )#( someday i'll write a response for these two which isn't 1000+ words. probably. )#( today is not that day. )#( she's going to make him show them off and explain why he chose some of them. THEN she'll start getting all giddy and excited. )
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( 🌙 ) HER WINGS FLARED as the woman glared hot at the woman who sat upon her throne. her own brother was lost to her, she hadn't an idea where he was and precious time was being wasted as she was dragged into a war that was not her fault. the woman tugs at the binds that hold her, at the men in uniform that lead her to rassilon's presence. she's pushed to her knees, the blonde's teeth gritting as she breathes out rough, her gaze full of loathing as SHE LOOKED UP.
❛ HAVEN'T YOU DONE enough ? what more DO YOU WANT out of me and my family ? ❜
@unboundtravels gets this for rassilon ( late time war ) & pre - teyvat lumine ig
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@unboundtravels replied to your post :
What a good bean.... she has no bad bone in her body...
look at that face. she could do no wrong.
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@unboundtravels &&. said... 📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂
i'm going to do a quick lightning round of headcanons i either want to elaborate on at a later date, or things that more or less explain themselves!
in the scene where scaramouche is falling, you can see his eyes going dull in the instant before he hits the ground — that isn't symbolic or indicative of his ( frankly in shambles ) mental state. his eyes are always faintly backlit by the power of the electro battery powering his system; when he loses consciousness, they go dull — he's basically powering down like a machine going into standby mode. it would also happen if he were to fall asleep ... if he ever slept willingly.
though speaking of, the kabukimono actually did try to stick to a regular sleep schedule! in fact, he would spend a lot of time trying to copy the people around him in an effort to be human; eating despite feeling no hunger, resting despite feeling no fatigue. it didn't really work out for him, because sleep made him deeply uncomfortable — oftentimes he would just lay there willing himself to lose consciousness or go for little walks when he found he felt particularly restless.
ren sheds tears every time he falls asleep. he claims he doesn't know why it happens — and that's true. he assumes it's a flaw of his design. it's more incentive to stay awake, if nothing else. however, there is an actual reason for it; he just can't remember what it is.
his tastes in interior décor are actually really old fashioned; if you ask ren to decorate a house he's going to fill it with peepaw furniture circa four hundred years ago.
a lot of his interior components ( ley lines, muscle fibers, some organs ) resemble tree roots.
ren is ambidextrous, but he usually pretends to favor his right hand — both because it affords him an advantage if the situation arises, but also because he's always seen it as another oddity that sets him apart from everyone else.
he also occasionally pretends his memory isn't as sharp as it actually is. sometimes to be petty, sometimes in an effort to feign humanity. even if he no longer has aspirations of becoming human, it's still beneficial to masquerade as one ... and if he's speaking with the rare few he's on genuinely good terms with, he doesn't want them to feel more unsettled than they already would be.
that also means he's CONSTANTLY studying people and accumulating information in a little mental file when he's interacting with them. if you say you hate white chocolate, he will remember forever and use it to inform his decisions moving forward. he may ask you occasionally just to give off the impression that he doesn't know — but it's a lie, meant to fool you into thinking he hasn't been meticulously cataloguing your likes and dislikes in his brain library. it also feeds into how ren adjusts his behavior in accordance to the morals and preferences of people he seeks approval from. there is still a sort of blank slate element to him, no matter how vibrant his personality may seem.
if you gave scaramouche a lightbulb, he could make it light up in his bare hands.
he knows how to play the shamisen, and first learned during his kabukimono era. he heard someone else making music and was so enamored by the sound that he asked and asked and asked until they finally took pity and taught him.
his sense of smell is quite sensitive. not in the same way that kazuha's is — rather, he's very weak to strong perfumes and colognes and the like. they make him feel sick. scaramouche refused to let his subordinates wear anything of the sort, and ren just tries to avoid them. more subtle scents are fine.
scaramouche would occasionally take great joy in coming up with completely unnecessary rules for his underlings to follow — then try to gaslight them into believing they made them up. there is literally no constructive reason for this beyond him being an absolutely insufferable person with a collective grudge against all of humanity. most often he would target the newest subordinates beneath his command and be especially cruel to them so he could properly "break them in." hazing, but the one doing the hazing is your superior who you aren't entirely sure won't kill you if he doesn't crush your spirit first. there's a reason he was so wildly unpopular.
#unboundtravels#𝟎𝟎𝟒 : 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥. ◟ hc .◝#gaslighting tw#( just a mix of ''ren is weird'' ''scaramouche is a menace'' ''the kabukimono deserved headpats'' )
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"" so . . . . you said this place is called paris ? "" to be able to call this an adventure and not a dream was , quite literally , too surprising for navia to process fully all at once . arm interlocked with the other's as they walk around under her parasol , her bright blue eyes looking at everything and everyone with wonder .
"" and that it is similar to my home ? . . . "" while certain things and even names were similar , yes ; fontaine was fontaine and nothing could ever come close to it ! "" those are quite the big shoes to fill , doctor . ""
starter call ( 5 / 5 ! ) ! // @unboundtravels - goth !
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lil starter for @unboundtravels
It was a gaze of subtle skepticism, an emotion that wasn't very common for Freyja at any point in her life. But this...person felt so strange to her that it was the only emotion she could call forth at the time.
"You...aren't from around here either, are you..?" She grumbled, eyes squinting ever so slightly as she studied them as if they were somehow more alien than she may be.
#verse to be tagged.#unboundtravels#i literally could NOT pick between Scarf and Goth doctor i stg-#so it's up to you??? QAQ#also -stares at my old doctor who hyperfixation a few years back- LISTEN#also idk what verse to use for freyja so hold uP HAHA
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You're on fire.
Give me more takes.
It's okay to disagree with people and have a discussion. A discussion does not equate to arguing, but with that said it's always good manners to let each other know hey I'm not arguing with you, we're just talking this out. Talking things out with someone who has a different perspective than you on a similar subject might help you open your mind to things it was initially closed off to or something you weren't considering.
I can not stand the Summer. The heat drains me out completely and it makes me feel sluggish and that's not God's plan.
Oranges are delicious and the best thing to have happened to us as the human race.
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' i understand you're a man and all, but when are we going to stop somewhere so i can get a proper coat? ' her voice was saccharine but it barely hid her annoyance or the slight chattering of her teeth. though she loved her wardrobe, it was meant for the sunny, occasionally breezy mondstadt days or the spot by the fireplace where she liked to read.
' i find it very hard to keep up my charm when i'm starting to turn blue. '
@unboundtravels / wintry starter call.
#✦ lisa m. * ic let me introduce you to the true witch of purple rose#✦ lisa m. * v.001 let me introduce you to the true witch of purple rose#unboundtravels
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she couldn't care at all about her surroundings ; even as they went haywire , lights flashing on and off and the whole room shaking , she didn't care . white eyes were full on the man before her , head tilted slightly to the side , white hair floating below the veil she wore .
the government already had information on this man , who suddenly appeared and disappeared constantly. so many sights of him on past documents , and all things considered ; maybe in the future already , too .
"" state your name and purpose . "" her voice is echoey , arm stretched out entirely and going through his neck ; phasing through it without trouble . "" now , unless you want your head no longer attached to your body . ""
starter call // @unboundtravels !
#hope this is fine!!!!#if not lmk!#* (&. in character) this red tainted smile shall be the last you see .#unboundtravels
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@unboundtravels replied:
Bond vc: What kind of game is this..??? 🤨
ugh. once again my hard work and highly professional opinion gets brushed aside. oh well.
[she promptly flips the chalkboard over to its other side, revealing a romance manwha-panel quality illustration of two characters with the aforementioned biscuit stick suspended between their lips]
the pocky game, my dear Doctor, is about the TENSION, it's about the coquettish mystique–
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@unboundtravels replied to your post :
pink vc: Yes!! Get over here!! Where have you BEEN omg
─「胡桃」─ " doctor ! there you are ! were you looking for me ? are you happy to see me ? yea, yea ? " she was giving him a nudge with her elbow. " c'mon. you could say you miss me. i won't make fun of you ~ "
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the wanderer operates beneath a veneer of relative apathy — that indifference his shield, and sharp tongue his sword. he drifts about, seemingly UNCONCERNED with the goings on around him. more preoccupied with whatever unexplained motive takes precedence in his own mind. however, to say he doesn't care would be a grave misinterpretation of his character. there are several things the wanderer holds dear to his nonexistent heart — things he will fight tooth and nail to DEFEND. sumeru just so happens to be one of them.
... and sumeru only has room enough for one wandering eccentric garbed in strange attire.
❝ who do you think you're trying to FOOL? ❞ he's been lurking around for quite some time now, a figure peering eerily at this stranger from the shadows and outermost edges of every crowd. try as he might, ren can't quite seem to string together a proper MOTIVE — only that his intuition ( as that detective would say ) is all but screaming something is off. perhaps a direct approach is a little inelegant for his liking, but the wanderer admits he hasn't exactly been subtle about his suspicion to begin with. ❝ you're up to SOMETHING; anyone with eyes can see that. ❞
@unboundtravels &&. liked for a SMALL STARTER.
#unboundtravels#( I HOPE THIS WORKS i was buzzing about who to throw ren at but i'm super indecisive )#( so i thought it'd be easiest to put something more general out there & see what sticks )
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@unboundtravels // *sip sip* "This needs more honey." Everyone's a critic.
" next time , make your own tea , then . "
#damn she just woke up and people are like this smh#* ic // so you wanna play with magic ? boy ; you should know whatcha falling for . baby ; do you dare to do this ?#unboundtravels
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we turn the page to a new chapter | @unboundtravels gets a one-liner!
" i will not go back and forth with you, " nari huffs. it's not often that she gets upset and even less often that she isn't all onboard with whatever it is that looney drags her into -- as crazy as most of it is, she likes helping him. but today? today she's got a fan signing. her first. " i have to go to work! whatever's threatening the world this time is gonna have to wait. "
#unboundtravels#nari vc: man i just wanna be a normal idol today pls??#asdfg pls let me know if this doesn't really work!! nari's just jumping around in my brain rn#but i can always come up with something else <3#interactions | nari
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@unboundtravels - "Nobody I've ever met has been more gifted then you." (Scarf to Razor) \ in case you didn't know
( 🐺 ) RED EYES TURN up at the doctor, silent at first 'fore looking down at the puzzle he had been in the middle of. the way he said that . . reminded him of miss lisa. she said that to him, so many times when he understood something he hadn't months or days prior to that lesson. he felt small as he chewed on his lower lip, not wanting to cry to upset him because he knew he WAS STRUGGLING TOO.
IT DOESN'T LAST as his hand raises to palm at his face desperately so it would stop. tears begin falling as the wolf BARELY CHOKED DOWN a sob
❛ MISS LISA SAID. also, she said. ❜ he tugged at his hood, trying to cover his face as grief once again felt crushing like a big rock or something heavier. he MISSED HER so much.
#unboundtravels#OUT OF CHARACTER ( MEME REPLIES )ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🌟ㅤ ) ㅤ ㅤ — thanks for being grand uwu#RAZOR ( MONDSTADT AQ V )ㅤ ㅤ ( ㅤ 🌟ㅤ ) ㅤ ㅤ — ㅤ I AM NOT A WOLF. I AM NOT A BOY. I AM JUST ME. I AM RAZOR.
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The Elder Woman huffs and gives him a glare via a one eye stare. "Those hips do lie. I'd know."
oh, here they go. howl sighs, and gives her a look so exasperated it might well have killed her, had he had the means to ( perhaps he does have the means to. perhaps he does not wish to kill her after all. or perhaps he really wants to right at this moment ).
❝ you don't have to go bringing that up … ❞ a mutter, so low even she might not be able to hear. ❝ besides, these hips are perfectly capable of telling the truth. have you considered you may have been mistaken that first time ? because it sounds like you still have a very incorrect notion of me. maybe you should try again. ❞
#unboundtravels#( ;; NOT apologising for THIS one. )#( ;; you know FULL WELL how he is. )#( ;; yeah he's bluffing. so what. )#.゜–– ic . * answered .
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