#unbelievable. crazy. unreal. impressive
leconcombrerit · 9 months
Perfectly handled three phonecalls after not waking up in time to make it to work this morning, including one at 6:45am and one right after waking up for the second time at 9:30am.
Unreal. What's next, making my own doctor appointments?
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I'm on page 169 of the HGCZ so far and I am in love. It's getting late at night now tho, so I must take a break because I have to move out of my apartment early tomorrow. But this has so been worth the wait!
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ANON I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING THE ZINETHOLOGY!!!! everybody has worked so so hard on it and i think this has to be THE most impressive project i can proudly say ive directed. Being Head Mod for this was such an unbelievable treat and everything thats come out of it has been nothing but showstoppingly gorgeous and incredible. Massive props to the rest of my mod team for their insanely hard work and to all of our contributors as well, who im pretty sure injected cocaine intravenously to get this finished on time with the level of detail it got finished at /silly
Something i want to let everyone know about hgcz is that we did not have this plot going into the project!! We didnt have a plot at all!! Instead, our mod team gave everyone about a month to make lore negotiations using the bare bones worldbuilding i wrote out for them, and then we had each team give us three pitches they wanted to create a piece for!! From there, me and the rest of the mods stitched them into a plot, and the contributors went CRAZY meshing it all together even further. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience of creating this thing together as a group, and i couldnt be more proud of everybody
Anon, if you wanted to write a fic based off of this zinethology, everyone would be THRILLED. We're all so enthusiastic about recursive works, and being able to inspire everybody, so please go for it if the inspiration strikes!!!! If you want to tag it, feel free to use a tag like #hotguy comics zine au or smth similar, and tag our official blog while you're at it!! And if you want to post to ao3, we actually have a collection just for this purpose! And im sure you can use a Hotguy Comics Zine Au tag on ao3 as well :D
Again, thank you so much for being so enthusiastic about our project 🥺🥺🥺🥺 we've worked insanely hard on this and seeing everyone's thoughts and liveblogs and comments is SO AMAZING!!!! Genuinely i could not be happier, it feels unreal :]
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Inherently I'm an icon for universally everyone. My sexy energy stay exceedingly, continuously, relentlessly, unstoppably, overpoweringly and mercilessly bombarding their imaginations. My energy is inescapably the main character. My energy is the apex predator of being inescapably the main character. I'm insanely unreal. I look sooooooooooo crazy good. My face card is the apex predator of being LETHAL. I'm the apex predator of being drop dead gorgeous. I'm the apex predator of being absolutely stunning (chills). I'm a literal doll. I'm the apex predator of being flawless. I'm the apex predator of looking toooooooooooooooooooooo FIRE. I'm the apex predator of looking iconic. My face is the apex predator of never ever ever ever declining. My body is the apex predator of being snatched. I'm the apex predator of looking AMAZING. My looks are the apex predator of SERVING😍! Im the apex predator of having absolutely all eyes on me. Im the apex predator of unreal beauty. Im the apex predator of beauty and being stunning it's shocking. Im the apex predator of unrealistic and unbelievable beauty and stunningness it's shocking (chills). I'm the apex predator of perfection it's shocking. I'm the apex predator of mythical beauty it's shocking. I'm the apex predator of being insanely beautiful it's shocking. My beauty is the apex predator of being undebatable it's shocking. My stunningness is the apex predator of being undebatable it's shocking. My attractiveness is the apex predator of being undebatable it's shocking. My irresistibility is the apex predator of being undebatable it's shocking. My prettiness is the apex predator of being undebatable it's shocking. My face without filter is the apex predator of being carved by the apex predator of the highest archangel it's legit shocking. The objective fact I'm the most beautiful woman is universally undebatable it's legit staggering, mindboggling, mindblowing, astonishing and SHOCKING. Subconsciously I'm never violated whatsoever. I'm so DISRESPECTFULLY FINE. Laika is inherently into manifestation. I always have the strength to go to war for myself. Laika is always kissing me (chills). I approach God with courage. Heavenly Father inherently loves answering my prayers. No one thinks I'm trying to run away from anything. IM INHERENTLY STILL THAT BITCH. I'm THE APEX PREDATOR OF BEING THAT BITCH. They can't keep up with my Magic Mike vibe. Everything I affirm that puts me at ease, my subconscious mind is rigged to already accept it as true. My subconscious mind is rigged to accept only what puts me at ease as true. Subconsciously I know I cannot get it wrong for no matter what I'm unerringly in my desired reality. I'm inherently in portals where it's staggeringly, exhilaratingly, blissfully, astonishingly, magically and unbelievably safe for me to jump out of my body and randomly wake up in another world on another planet that's my desired planet, shifting everyone along with me too. Yup all infinite versions of them too. The deeper recesses of my brain, my subconscious mind and psyche is rigged to accept only what puts me at ease as true. The deeper recesses of my brain, my subconscious mind and psyche already knows I'm already a LEGIT Zillionaire Superstar who's the biggest superstar in the world with Laika by my side and the entire process of it all unbelievably puts me at ease. The deeper recesses of my brain, my subconscious mind and psyche already knows I'm the apex predator of being the God of rigging the Nelson Mandela effect into my own favor working in my own benefit with me harboring absolutely all of the spotlight. My energy has this robust sturdiness. Everyone I'm impressed by are staggeringly impressed by me and is in awe of me an antonellamania number of times more. They inherently see just how energetically monstrously big I am in their dreams that they wake up violently staggered. The deeper recesses of my brain, psyche and subconscious mind profoundly and understand and knows my desires are the apex predator of being uncompromising.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
oh it was soooooooooo good i'm so happy i got a chance to see it!!! gorgeous design all around, there was no standout elements bc everything fit so well together. all the spirits + magical elements were done with traditional (japanese and western) style puppetry, so everything was articulated and manipulated by an operator, which had this really wonderful almost youth theatre vibe. a lot of times with shows that involve puppets, they'll try to make the puppets as advanced as possible to not make them 'childish' (see: war horse), but for something that's based heavily in folklore and IS a children's story, to me the only logical sense is to emphasize that particular angle. the puppets were also incredible, very well made and sooo accurate to the movie??? like impressively accurate. my faves were probably kamaji and haku? kamaji's six extra arms were each operated by a separate person who had one hand operating the elbow and one hand as the actual hand, so all eight hands were able to do everything, which mean there was some REALLY incredible choreography of just. all the stuff that he was doing, but also when he got up and walked it was soooooooo cool. and haku!!! he had two puppets actually, one 'full size' that was a big long foam articulated body that took i think four puppeteers, and there was a tiny haku that they used for the flying scenes that was basically just a little head and a ....idk what the actual technical term is but it was basically just a wind sock as the body on a big long pole so the puppeteer could essentially move him like you would a big ribbon! the scene were he first transforms and flies off was sooo pretty, the actor haku did a lil setup to a GORGEOUS spinning jump and when he landed he ducked down behind some of the chorus members and as he disappeared the tiny ribbon haku shot up from the same spot and started looping around.......... actual magic. also wow the actor playing haku was so pretty. and very tall. which i did not notice until the very end. i would not be suprised if he had ballet training bc tall and he had the ballet dancer chin/head posture. also the actor playing lin (also doublecast as chihiro's mom) was crazy hot. just so unbelievably hot. anyways. speaking of casting: noface as a popping dancer. UNREAL and incredible galaxy brained choice. he had a solo while they did a set change and WOW. spooky and gorgeous and also weirdly welcoming? really excellent job of embodying a sympathetic physicality that made it understandable why chihiro would let him in to the bath house in the first place. also for the curtain call he put the mask on the back of his head and literally did the bows backwards. insane. my ONLY complaint is that i didn't love noface's giant form, but that's mostly because years and years ago i saw a (different) puppet show with a grim reaper character that was very similar to giant noface (the telescoping neck + large body) and i literally thought at the time 'if you were going to do puppet noface that is exactly how you should do it', so 1) expectations 2) i'm pretty sure that version was done using quite a sophisticated extending mechanism, which would be antithetical to the rest of the puppets in the show, and 3) this giant noface was VERY big (probably at least 10-15 feet across? he was at least eight puppeteers with the original actor as the mask) so the logistics would not have worked. regardless. it is a very small complaint that literally no one else would have had unless they had seen the same show that i did in like. 2015. costumes were all unreal, the set was phenomenal; it actually took me WELL over an hour to figure out that the set literally stayed the same the entire time, it was just being rotated (it was on a turntable) and redressed + had a couple balconies flown in. also live orchestra?? in the set??????? i didnt even know they were THERE they had them behind a scrim on an upper level platform in the back and they pulled it up for curtain call and there was like. 15 ppl sitting back there????
ok but if i had to pick ONE thing that was my favourite, it would be that ALL the living things were played by someone alive. i know that sounds obvious, especialy for like. the dancing vases and the frog and the soot sprites, but even the PLANTS were puppets in their own way. like the hydrangea bushes that chihiro hides in at the beginning and the flower field that she and haku run through were done with chorus members wearing these beautiful flower head/chest/arm pieces. even the stone guardians at the tunnel at the beginning of the play were actors. it really underscored the magic of everything to have all the life be actually alive.
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Blog Entry 6
Cymatics video
This was a really cool example that represents audio visually in ways I’ve never seen before, some of it was unbelievable. I thought of designing this sort of thing in Blender but these guys have just done it with nature. I believe this video could be almost exhilarating. The voice over is a brilliant edition. I found this video completely immersive. This video uses an exceptional buildup; when he takes off the black sheets and his hood and you see that all the people there are him. Then they put on these nuts’ executioner chainmail and fucking turn on a mfing tesla coil like WTF now we see homies chainmail conducting electricity like damn how crazy is that. This was a very impressive piece however if I were to try and analyse it from an audio focused perspective I’d struggle because this piece has such immersive audio visual synchronis which I believe has a bias towards the visuals; which is completely fine of course but it may slightly distract us from the title of the piece being Science vs music which supposedly entails an equal battle between music and the “science” based visuals.
OH MY GOD Automatic was actually better than Cymatics I think, or just different. It was good at the interesting at the start but the middle when the robots started to speed up and move absolutely flawlessly. Then when the robots supposedly became autonomous but still wanted to include the human, I thought this was absolutely epic. Unlike what Darrin and Nick thought, I liked this absurd destruction that the human just accepted as it happened around him; I felt as though the video was set up well enough to make all these things fathomable. For example, the laser was shown at the beginning and appeared to be a real thing, same with all the other robots; as I was watching them in the beginning, I was thinking jeez is this real, if their parameters are off by an inch the whole instrument will be destroyed. This amazing precision really makes it unreal and consumes our focus. Because of this, we can assume exhilaration initially comes from high focus and amazement (likely some combination of the happiness and heightened state factor). Later, it could be argued that the exhilaration is more generic, following that lit excitement factor when robots are becoming sentient, it could even tie in with secondary factor of fear/risk briefly before they throw him the guitar and want him to jam with them. At this point it’s a nice combination of excitement from the action, danger, and music building up, and then happiness through seeing our main character getting the outcome of being chosen to be included by the robots instead of consumed by the havoc they were wreaking. HOWEVER, upon reflection I don’t like the ending where you get the idea that he’s been a robot/connected to them the whole time because it means that happy theme of human-sentient robot peace is gone.
Techniques of Maintaining Engagement
Reveals what has been hidden the whole time
Introduces new complex and slightly dangerous looking machines by pulling off black sheets that were covering them
Sudden narrative development (Robots becoming more and more capable and then sentient)
Research - Academic
Fear Psychology – Nautilus Article
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Mental Rehearsal
“Honnold keeps a detailed climbing journal, in which he revisits his climbs and makes note of what he can do better. For his most challenging solos, he also puts a lot of time into preparation: rehearsing the moves and, later, picturing each movement in perfect execution. To get ready for one 1,200-foot-high ascent at the cutting edge of free soloing, he even visualized everything that could possibly go wrong—including “losing it,” falling off, and bleeding out on the rock below—to come to terms with those possibilities before he left the ground.” (Mackinnon 2016).  
Honnolds journal keeping is the act of memory reconsolidation; reconsolidation adds new information and/or alternative interpretations of consolidated memory, fearful memories can be reconsolidated into less fearful or fearless ones.
“Revisiting memories to cast them in a new light, Monfils says, is almost certainly something that we do all the time without being aware of it. But doing so actively, as Honnold did, is better—“a beautiful example of reconsolidation.” (Mackinnon 2016).
She then speaks on Visualisation which happens before memory consolidation (before the event or action). You picture a future event.
“’It’s better over time if you can put yourself in a situation where you experience some fear, but you overcome it, and you do it again and again and again,” Monfils says. “It’s hard, and it’s a big investment, but it becomes easier.’”
For many skateboarders including myself, visualization is common; I like to imagine myself landing the trick before trying it (if I’m struggling, for the first try I don’t tend to use visualization). I also talk to myself a lot but it’s mainly harsh motivation with lots of swearing at myself. There are some clips where you can see the skater about to attempt something very difficult and dangerous and they scream or yell something before doing it. Screaming is known to activate the amygdala, however that wouldn’t make sense in these events of them screaming and then landing the trick. Here are some reasons that might be making it work for skaters
Psychological Priming: Screaming may psychologically prepare individuals for the impending challenge. By vocalizing their readiness or determination, they may psych themselves up and increase their confidence, which can be crucial when facing something scary or risky.
Catharsis and Release of Tension: Screaming can serve as a form of catharsis, allowing individuals to release pent-up tension and anxiety. When facing something frightening or risky, the body's natural response is to experience heightened physiological arousal, including increased heart rate and muscle tension. Screaming can help discharge this built-up energy, making it easier to cope with fear and anxiety.
Physiological Response: Screaming triggers a physiological response in the body, including the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood elevators. This can create a sense of euphoria and exhilaration, helping individuals overcome their fear and commit to the activity.
Arousal Regulation: Screaming can help individuals regulate their level of arousal. In extremely challenging or dangerous situations, the body may enter a state of hyperarousal, which can impair decision-making and motor skills. Screaming can serve as a way to modulate this arousal, making it easier to focus and perform effectively.
Research - Creative Practice
*All use of “liminal spaces” in the following analysis are referring to liminal space imagery.*
Other Opinions and Outliers in Liminal Space Classification
Youtuber, Scrabbl, summed up a few common definers of liminal spaces:
Designed context removed (e.g., a mall that isn’t full of people or a highway with not a single car)
Combination of the above
His idea of transitional spaces is more constrained than mine; I find this insightful. For example, this viral image of a living room that has no furniture. Scrabbl says “you wouldn't call a home a transitional space; maybe in the grand scheme of things but not in the traditional sense.”.
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Rather, it’s the removal of the context this space was designed for that makes it a “liminal space”.
When I was thinking about why I disagreed with this as soon as I heard it, I reminded myself not to mistake developmental for transitional. However, I feel that Scrabbl acknowledging transitional aspects but overall disregarding them is closed minded. I believe developmental spaces are inherently tied to and/or make up transitional spaces; after all, development in any sense isn’t just one linear, connected, path, there are transitions. Thus, I believe that the home, a long-term space of development where many people end up before and after one of the most major transitions in life (child to adolescent); perhaps the “moment” of transition that we may internalise is not the home, but the fact that the space of the before and the after is consistent makes this relationship interrelated if not interdependent.
He then shows us a couple of outliers:
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He says this basement is neither transitional or had its designed context removed from it, yet we still consider it a liminal space. He says one may claim “oh but the kids aren’t present in the play space so that’s why it’s liminal”
He says “fair” and presents this. He says this image we may typically see in a furniture catalogue doesn’t feature kids playing in it when that very much appears to the purpose of the space, i.e., context removed to the same extent as previous example, yet we wouldn’t consider this a liminal space. His point is that defining liminal spaces isn’t that simple. He says when we see an image of a liminal space we don’t stop to classify it using the aforementioned definers, we just feel it. He believes that we should define liminal spaces based on the feeling associated with them, rather than the physical traits or the way the feeling is produced.
He also believes we shouldn’t define spaces solely on the definition of the term liminal (this is very insightful to me because this has been a major factor leading me to classify which spaces I consider to be “truly liminal” and which are just cliché misattributions to the term “liminal space”).
Therefore, he attempts to define liminal spaces using the only two physical traits consistent across all liminal spaces:
Presence of manmade structures
Absence of people
Always a combination of UNEASYNESS and FAMILIARITY, varying in which is more dominant.
He then goes on to identify methods of achieving the atmosphere that gives liminal spaces that unique feeling combination (above):
90’s and Y2K aesthetic (time period many internet users grew up in) providing sense of familiarity
The above also provides a sense of weirdness coming from:
Overload of colours
Yellow light
Low Quality
 He says darkness typically associated with fear, creepiness, and negative feelings but he used only one example:
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In this image, it’s arguable that the light is just as important as the darkness; the light is from the flash or a torch, giving this first-person feeling, its scarier being reminded that this photo was taken by a person in this creepy dark indoor playground opposed to lighting that is less related to the position of the camera/photographer.
I actually have much more to explain on the reasoning for WHY some liminal space imagery gives a certain feeling but I could go on for ages, best be concise or keep some for next entry.
He goes on to explain why they can be comfortable. He says that liminal spaces can be relatable or at least they were for him when he was particularly down and didn’t have anyone to talk to (or even just didn’t feel like talking to anyone). Emptiness, sorrow, disorientation, loneliness, he saw in them what was happening in himself, he felt understood by the images. The combination of these feelings, the relatability, and the nostalgia embedded in these images, made him feel at ease. “Have you ever wondered why liminal spaces feel so empty? It’s because you’re supposed to fill the void, to escape reality even if it’s just for a brief moment, and explore a world where you and your feelings are completely free.” (Scrabbl 2022).
CONCLUSION: he made great points about why liminal spaces (liminal space imagery) give us a certain feeling. He spoke too much on negative feelings and generally speaks to the audience only from his POV of finding them comfortable when he’s really sad or stressed or sick of life, but that isn’t relatable for me at all; I do feel that freedom he talks about but not for the same reason. I don’t directly notice similarities between liminal spaces and negative emotions (even if I was feeling them on that day), I’m far too immersed in the exhilaration. I believe this has something to do with the fact that I’m physically IN liminal spaces that are accessible and he’s just looking at a folder of images of those really cliché ones; altered, edited, purpose-made. It’s becoming clear that “liminal space imagery” and liminal spaces are two very different things and that frustrates me.  
Research – Technical
Glitchy entrance effect
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I used this tutorial, very conveniently this is very close to what I had in mind. Their glitch effect is a bit more blocky but I wanted mine to look more wavy like an old tv in between channels static thing.
Here’s the result:
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Still might adjust it a bit but looks good for now. Good thing about this is that it’s really easy for me to apply it to other masked clips now that I’ve made it once. It used a solid with fractal noise added to it which is then linked to the masked clip using displacement map.
Works Cited:
Mackinnon J.B. (2016) The Strange Brain of the World’s Greatest Solo Climber, Nautilus website, accessed 25/08/2023. https://nautil.us/the-strange-brain-of-the-worlds-greatest-solo-climber-236051/  
Scrabbl (2022) The Comfort of Liminal Spaces (and The Desire to Disappear). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9OgLEUjz_g (Accessed 26.08.23).
KYLER HOLLAND (2018) After Effects: Disconnected Glitch Effect!. Available at: https://youtu.be/-WOLWXnlSso (Accessed 29.08.23).
0 notes
fanfic-corner · 4 years
A-Spec Across Fandoms
23/10/20 - I know I have already done an a-spec post for Destiel fics, but it is asexual awareness week next week, so I thought I’d read a load of fics with ace characters from a few different shows I like! We have some Supernatural, some Doctor Who, some Sherlock, and a couple from Good Omens. Happy ace week!
broken when I’m lonesome by SailorChibi on AO3. (7,015 words).
Tags: Asexual Castiel, Demisexual Dean, Panromantic Castiel, Biromantic Dean, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dean Has Self-Esteem Issues, Dean Has a Sexuality Crisis, Angst, Fluff, Touch-Starved, Comfort, Platonic Cuddling, Castiel is Not Oblivious, comments that could be taken as ace-phobic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: After being saved from hell, Dean's old methods of coping aren't working anymore: he's not sexually attracted to anyone, and he's not interested in sex no matter how many times he climbs into bed with hot, naked women. Sam is convinced that his brother is just depressed, but Dean knows this goes deeper than that. He still craves the intimacy that can make him feel safe. Fortunately, Castiel is there to both understand and provide.
Notes: This fic really hit home. I’m not sure if it is because almost every person I have ever talked to has had some form of this conversation, but it was still cute.
La Vie A Plus by K_K_TiBal on AO3. (6,260 words).
Tags: Punk Castiel, Asexual Castiel, College/Uni AU, Roommates, oh my god they were roommates, College Student Dean, College Student Castiel, Pining, First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Art Student Castiel, Love Confessions, Gabriel is a Little Shit, Tattooed Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester is hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with his best friend and roommate, Castiel. Castiel - with his blue hair, and his tattoos, and his artwork, and his perfect everything. Dean never stood a chance, really. It only sucks because, as far as Dean can tell, Castiel is definitely not interested. But love, much like art, has a way of being unpredictable. Even if you think you know where you're going with it.
Notes: The angst is strong in this one! Again, I feel like many aces have had this conversation or that fear that people (allos, especially) may not want to be with them.
Exposed to What You Hide by SailorChibi on AO3. (1,890 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Hunters, Creature Castiel, Procubus Cas, Asexual Castiel, Established Relationship, Hidden Relationship, Assisted Suicide, Cuddling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: "We think Cas is a procubus," Sam blurted out. Then he winced and yelped when Charlie kicked him under the table. "Ow!" "Smooth, Sam," Charlie snapped. Dean looked back and forth between them, realizing that they were both 100% serious. "A procubus." "Basically it's the sexless version of an incubus or a succubus," Charlie explained before Sam could. "It's... it's a demon that kills people by sleeping with them." She was chewing on her thumbnail now, eyes big and apologetic. Sam had done one better pasting on a truly epic kicked puppy expression of apology. "You think Cas is killing people by cuddling with them," Dean said, just to be sure. 
Notes: Well that took a bit of a turn. I’m not sure why, but I love fics where Cas keeps bees, it was just so cute to see him that happy! (Even if he was crazy. Shut up).
Consolation by Trell on AO3. (1,195 words).
Tags: Aromantic, Aromantic Relationship, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: In which both of them are ancient, and neither of them are in love with each other.
Notes: Okay, I would first of all like to say that I do not ship Cas and Ten. I was kind of curious though, and clearly whoever wrote this ships Destiel and Ten/Rose. That being said, I am here for some angst; poor Cas and his unrequited love, and poor Ten because all his friends are dead.
Doctor Who
don’t hold this war inside by WishingTree on AO3. (1,824 words).
Tags: Asexual Yaz, Pre-Relationship, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “It’s just - I’m scared,” she finally manages. “Scared?” the Doctor stills where she’s been trying to roll up the sleeves of her coat, shoving the material of one arm over her elbow and asking, “Scared of what?” Yaz doesn’t answer, can’t answer, and the Doctor goes to reach for her, aborting the movement halfway and only managing an awkward swaying motion. “...Scared of me?”
Notes: Thasmin is a ship that, had I not stumbled across it on Instagram, would never have thought of on my own. Much like Sabriel, however, now the idea is in my head, I ship it! Also, the author in this fic manages to perfectly capture the Doctor’s personality, which is quite an impressive feat.
Whatever fits my skin by lloydsglasses on AO3. (1,481 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Canon Gay Character, LGBTQ Character, Aromantic, Pride.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “So, does that happen to you a lot?” Bill asks once they’re safely back in the Doctor’s study, each cradling a mug of tea. “Getting snogged by gorgeous women as a thanks for saving their lives.” The Doctor sets his teacup down gently on the desk, mouth pursing in distaste. “Far more often than I’d like.”
Notes: Oh my god that was so (fucking) cute! Now I want more fics of characters going to pride. Maybe for next June. Also, I’m just saying that I hated Nardole and nothing you can say to me will make me change my mind.
Take It, Leave It (But you’d better believe it) by lloydsglasses on AO3. (760 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character. Aromantic, Canon Gay Character, Coming Out, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, LGBTQ Themes.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “I told my foster mum that I’m gay. Now she keeps trying to set me up with guys." 
“Ah,” says the Doctor, with a frown. “That seems… counterintuitive.”
Notes: I’ve always loved Bill and Twelve’s relationship, and this is such a cute scene! It is a crime we haven’t got more River Song content, by the way.
Crescendo by tenscupcake on AO3. (6,013 words).
Tags: Fluff, Asexual Character, Romance.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: As her relationship with the Doctor slowly develops into something a little more than friendship, Rose starts to wonder what's holding him back. But one fateful night, he confesses something that makes her realize she never had any reason to worry.
Notes: Beautifully written! I don’t think I’ve ever read a Ten/Rose fic before, but I have always shipped it and it is adorable.
The Important Bit by Solshine on AO3. (9,984 words).
Tags: Asexual Sherlock, Platonic Relationship, Amarriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Bromance, Domestic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
Notes: Oh, this is absolutely one of my favourite Johnlock fics now. Absolutely adorable (because I love domestic Johnlock okay), I nearly cried, and now I want all the art of Sherlock with a fancy old cane!
the art of getting by (isn’t really so artsy at all) by stupidmuse_hatesme on AO3. (6,521 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Sherlock, Romance, First Time, First Date, Slash.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “He's treating things like they're normal! Things are not normal.” Sherlock drags his hands from his mussed up hair and covers his face. “You aren't helping much,” he mumbles into his palms. “I hope you know that.” The skull only grins from his perch and says not a word. “Really, you're supposed to do more than just--sit there.”
Notes: John is so unbelievably sweet in this, but Sherlock was bit OOC.
what does the world get by coloredink on AO3. (2,302 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Sherlock, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: A women's magazine quiz leads Sherlock to investigate the nature of love.
Notes: A cute lil’ fic about exploring your (in this case, lack of) romantic and sexual attraction.
Surprisingly Simple by heeroluva on AO3. (855 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, First Kiss, Touching, Fluff, Cuddling and Snuggling. My Rating: 3 stars. Description: In which John is asexual, and Sherlock never asks. Notes: Pretty cute, and it is always nice to see a character who is just cool with it, without some massive explanation. I can dream.
Good Omens
An Honest Surrender by Kedreeva on AO3. (4,107 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Post-Apocalypse, Love Confessions, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, First Kiss, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Aziraphale’s True Form, Crowley’s True Form, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: "For six thousand years," Crowley said, voice cracking, "I have wanted something I couldn't have, because I asked the wrong questions. But I'm asking the right one now. The only one that matters." In which Aziraphale follows Crowley home after the nonpocalypse.
Notes: Seriously, reading Good Omens fics always makes me so relaxed and sleepy it is unreal. I need to read them more often. Anyway, this is such a cute explanation for the final episode, and I loved it!
You’re the Only Prayer I Need by Kedreeva on AO3. (5,507 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Wingfic, Angel Wings, Angel/Demon Relationship, Wing Grooming, Bathing/Washing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, Snake Crowley, Love Confessions, Trust, Non-Sexual Intimacy.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Crowley had, in the six thousand years Aziraphale had known him, shed his skin exactly twice that Aziraphale knew of. Both times he had disappeared without a trace, having retreated somewhere very safe and very, very unknown to hide while he was so vulnerable, and Aziraphale had never thought to ask beyond that information. Everyone was, he had supposed at the time, entitled to their secrets. The problem was that he had stumbled directly into this secret now, and there was hardly a graceful way out of it.
Notes: The sheer level of trust is adorable, and I’m always here for snake Crowley.
A Little Less Celestial by Kedreeva on AO3. (2,360 words).
Tags: Non-Sexual Intimacy, Non-Sexual, Sharing a Bed, Ineffable Husbands, Literal Sleeping Together, Wingfic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Aziraphale accidentally falls asleep, and Crowley teaches him sleeping isn't so bad, really.
Notes: Oh my God, this was so calming to read in a way I really can’t describe? Also, now I want a bookshelf bed.
Just One Yesterday by Kedreeva on AO3. (1,952 words).
Tags: True Form Crowley, True Form Aziraphale, Ineffable Husbands, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, Time Loop, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Missing Scene.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Crowley and Aziraphale didn't stop the apocalypse on the first try, but you know what they say... try, try again.
Notes: I could not tell you the plot of this, but that image of Crowley’s true form was beautiful (and the artwork was phenomenal!).
So, there we have it! I hope you enjoy them, and have a nice week. By the way, if you have instagram, please would you consider following @justaceofficial? They are trying to get funding for a TV series which focuses on an asexual main character, and they ran an asexual advent running up to this week!
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lanaeishops · 4 years
Top Bluetooth Headphones to Get in 2020
Top Bluetooth Headphones to Get in 2020
From rugged, waterproof designs to aesthetically-pleasing Bluetooth headphones, technology enthusiasts can find plenty of options to purchase a great pair of headphones. Today, this accessory is a must-have addition to your music or gaming gear.  Whether you are a music buff, an avid gamer, or a tech-savvy consumer, you are always on the lookout for the most amazing Bluetooth headphones online. Regardless of the reason why you want to upgrade your tech-gear, we are here to help you buy the best of Bluetooth headphones you can find online.
Top Bluetooth Headphones to Get in 2020
When we explore the different variety of options, there are over-ear wireless headphones and plenty of in-ear products – some with neckband cables joining the buds.
Here are the top Bluetooth headphones in 2020 that you must add to your collection. All these products offer exclusive features for a powerful performance.
Sony WH-1000XM3
WH-1000XM3s are the latest wireless headphones from SONY and offer numerous hi-tech features. The pair is popular for its performance, comfort, and contemporary design. The incredible headphones let you take control over music tracks, regulate volume, and also activate your voice assistant to take phone calls. With impressive noise-canceling features, this product is a must-buy for everyone.
Bose SoundSport Wireless
The Bose SoundSport Wireless is a must-buy if you want to impress your friends with a smart design and powerful features. Being extremely comfortable to wear, the soft silicone rubber hooks fit just right on the ear, guaranteeing a secure fit. That makes it one of the best accessories for a run on the treadmill or a jog in the park. The powerful bass, a great design, and impeccable performance are why it ranks among the top Bluetooth headphones in 2020.
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless 3.0
Sennheiser doesn’t need any introduction when it comes to premium sound quality. The brand never fails to impress with astounding products. This explains why the Momentum Wireless was an instant success from the day they arrived. The headphones offer amazing sound and promise an impeccable performance.
Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700
The Bose Noise Cancelling on-ear headset is the largest ever leap in technology since the famous QuietComfort series. They are highly innovative and offer an astounding noise-canceling system. The slim design and the minimalist style of the pair score great reviews. Consider it as one of the most revolutionary tech accessories and among the top Bluetooth headphones in 2020 to deliver unbelievable performance.  
Sony WF-1000XM3
Introduced in 2019, these best wireless headphones of 2020 come with more features than most rivals. They are packed with brilliant noise-canceling technology and intuitive touch controls. They produce a perfect sound that is natural, believable and loud.
Cambridge Audio Melomania 1
If the pure sound is your top preference, it is hard to ignore these earbuds, especially when you consider their price tag. The price lies just within the budget of an average consumer. The hi-tech in-ear headphones offer a solid and crisp sound. With a 9-hour long battery, you can enjoy its incredible performance without any interruptions
AKG N60NC Wireless
By far, this is one of the most compact and appropriate pairs of noise-canceling headphones you will ever come across. The AKG N60 NCs are a symbol of superb performance, at an unbelievable price. The extremely good-looking on-ears will fit on just about anyone’s head. Other worth mentioning features include 15 hours of battery life along with amazing noise-canceling functionality. You will certainly love to wear these beautiful Bluetooth headphones everywhere you go.
JBL Reflect Flow
JBL is a pioneer in wireless sports earphones. Fans anticipated the JBL Reflect Flow release, and the headphones did not disappoint anyone. If you are looking for a great accessory to keep you happy during intense workout sessions, all you need is this pair of headphones to pump up your workout. Get your hands on the contemporary and beautiful-looking headphones for building your tech gear.
The AKG Y50BT offers great value for your money. Enjoy incredible sound at an affordable price. The product offers an incredible combination of beauty, functionality, and affordability. The right ear cup has function buttons for volume, play, pause, power, and pairing. Enjoy hassle-free pairing with swift Bluetooth connectivity. The practical headphones are incredibly popular among tech and music fans.
Sennheiser Momentum Free
A successor of Sennheiser M2 in-Ears, this is the wireless version of the same series. The design is suitable for everyone and impresses with a battery life of six hours and a built-in mic. With its incredible ergonomic design, you never get tired of wearing these headphones. Enjoy an inclusive listening experience with this latest Bluetooth accessory, which comes in a beautiful leather case. You will never return to your regular Bluetooth headphones once you experience the magic of this product.
Grado Labs GW100
In many ways, these headphones are as crazy as technology can get. They’re wireless, granting unchained portability, and the open design produces sound both in and out making them an ideal for music lovers. However, not everyone may like this functionality since the open design does not make them a great fit for all environments. Some reviewers even review it as a blessing and a curse as it is best for listening in a more isolated place.
Apple AirPods Pro
Our list of the top Bluetooth headphones in 2020 is incomplete without this revolutionary accessory. Not only does the AirPods Pro offer tremendous noise-canceling features, but the sound is also crisp and clear. The Bluetooth headphones offer incredible comfort as the design conforms to the shape of your ear and guarantees a secure fit. Get ready to experience the magic of superior sound with unreal sound cancellation features with the Apple Airpods Pro. Feature-packed and great-sounding, the pair is great for travelers, gym enthusiasts, and gaming fanatics.
Final Thoughts Now that you know about the top Bluetooth headphones in 2020, you can choose the best pair according to your needs and budget. Pay attention to the features, design, performance, and noise cancellation abilities before choosing a product.
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riostm · 5 years
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            i  told  myself  i  wouldn’t  do  this  but  ...  ig  i  just  have  no  self - control  left  fkgjnfgkj  but  anyway  10  years  later  i’m  excited  to  introduce  u  all  to  sam    !    he’s  a  revamp  of  an  old  muse  of  mine    &    if  u  would  like  to  plot  w  him  just  press  that  heart  or  hit  me  up  on  my  discord  @𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖊𝖉𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖉#0369    !
❛ chicago’s very own samuel ríos has been spotted in new york city in a  bmw 330e saloon , welcome ! your resemblance to josh heuston is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re meticulous , but being debonair might help you . i guess being a leo explains that . three things that would paint a better picture of you would be sleepy morning voice, messy sheets & an unmade bed, poetry at midnight .   &   ( cismale & he/him )     +   ( lina, twenty-one, she/her, gmt. )
                  trigger  warnings  :  mentions  of  death  ,  a  house  fire  .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋  𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄    :    samuel    (    name  of  god    )    adam    (    to  be  red    )    ríos    (    river    )    .
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    :    sam  ,  sammie  .
𝐀𝐆𝐄    :    twenty - three  .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘    :    july  25th  .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    :    leo  .
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    american  .
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    portuguese  sri  lankan  .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    bisexual  .
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍    :    swimmer  .
𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐒    :    the  jocular  ,  the  vagabond  ,  the  aquaphile  .
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒    :    portuguese  ,  spanish  ,  english  .
𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒    :    bare  feet  in  mornings  ,  neatly  folded  clothes  ,  an  organised  shoe  closet  ,  messy  sheets    &    an  unmade  bed  ,  missed  calls  at  2am  ,  highlighted  passages  in  a  book  ,  dogeared  pages  ,  unanswered  texts  ,  tucked  in  shirts  ,  unfinished  books  ,  warm  tea  ,  warm  jumpers  from  dryer  ,  odd  ceramic  mugs  ,  hidden  springs  of  water  ,  worn  out  military  boots  ,  fallen  leaves  during  autumn  ,  poetry  at  midnight  ,  sleepy  morning  voice  ,  unsent  letters  ,  an  ice  cold  water  bottle  .
*    𝒃𝒊𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒚    .
              𝐈𝐓    𝐖𝐀𝐒    𝐎𝐍    𝐀    warm  day  when  they  met  .  in  the  sunny  city  of  lisbon  ,  portugal  ,  danilo  ríos    &    kalani  perera  once  sat  down  on  a  faded  bench  in  the  middle  of  the  city  centre  ,  talking  about  the  weather  which  eventually  led  to  talking  about  a  date  .  needless  to  say  ,  the  pair  hit  it  off  rather  well  .  after  the  success  of  their  first  date  ,  they  soon  went  on  a  second    &    after  what  felt  like  no  time  at  all  ,  they  were  helplessly    &    in  this  case  ,  incredibly  in  love  .  it  was  only  a  short  few  months  later  that  they  were  engaged  ,    &    not  too  long  after  that  ,  they  were  married    &    happily  so  .  it  seemed  almost  too  perfect  .  they  had  a  house  ,  a  very  stable  income  due  to  danilo’s  hotel  resorts  he  had  dotted  about  everywhere  ,    &    after  a  test  was  taken  ,  kalani  was  said  to  be  pregnant  .
of  course  ,  things  were  almost  too  perfect  ,  there  was  bound  to  be  a  bump  in  the  road  somewhere  .  they  were  pregnant    ;    they’re  not  sure  how  anything  could  go  wrong  .  until  it  did  .  the  pregnancy  ,  although  one  of  the  best  thing  they  could  ever  imagine  to  happen  to  them  ,  turned  out  to  be  very  tumultuous  with  more  problems  than  a  little  .  kalani  was  admitted  to  the  hospital  more  times  than  a  little    &    doctor’s  worried  that  the  baby  would  be  born  before  full  term  .  expectantly  ,  their  fears  were  correct  .  two  months  into  the  last  trimester  ,  two  weeks  before  full  time  ,  kalani  went  into  premature  labour    &    gave  birth  to  a  bouncing  baby  boy  .
the  labour  was  bad  as  it  was    ;    the  baby  struggled  to  get  out    &    it  was  within  a  split  second  that  he  managed  to  get  out  breathing  .  kalani  ,  however  ,  wasn’t  so  successful  .  almost  immediately  after  her  son  was  born  ,  she  began  haemorrhaging    &    although  the  doctors  tried  their  hardest  to  stop  the  bleeding  ,  there  wasn’t  very  much  they  can  do  .  it  was  on  july  25th  1995  passed  away  ,  safe  in  the  knowledge  that  her  baby  boy  was  healthy    &    breathing  .  it  was  a  hard  few  first  months    ;    the  baby  boy  ,  who’s  father  had  yet  to  pick  an  name  for  him  spent  the  first  month  of  his  life  in  an  incubator  ,  then  after  that  danilo  grieved  the  passing  of  his  of  his  beloved  wife  .
despite  the  grievance  that  meant  danilo  was  unable  to  take  care  of  his  child  ,  who  still  had  no  name  for  the  first  couple  of  months  that  he  was  home  .  instead  ,  the  baby  boy  was  left  in  the  care  of  a  nanny  while  danilo  was  lost  in  his  grief  .  then  suddenly  ,  something  changed  .  danilo  became  less  robotic    &    more  like  a  person  again  ,    &    found  it  in  himself  to  take  care  of  his  child  ,  the  only  thing  he  had  left  of  his  wife  .  of  course  ,  it  still  hurt  to  think  of  her  but  he  had  other  things  to  think  about  .  things  like  the  beautiful  baby  with  bright  green  eyes  ,  who  he  had  decided  to  name  samuel  .
samuel  was  a  bouncing  baby  boy  ,  an  energetic  child  who  ,  when  growing  up  had  everything  handed  to  him  on  a  silver  platter  .  but  he  appreciated  it    ;    he  appreciated  everything  his  father  gave  him  ,  including  every  place  they  visited  for  his  father’s  business  .  as  sam  grew  up  ,  his  father’s  company  built  up  hundreds  of  resorts  across  the  world    &    became  more  profitable    &    respected  each  year  .  but  his  father  ,  being  a  dedicated  businessman  as  well  as  a  doting  father  wanted  to  mix  his  work  life  with  his  family  life  ,    &    so  sam  was  home  schooled  for  the  biggest  part  of  his  childhood  ,  jumping  from  hotel  to  hotel    &    from  country  to  country  every  few  months  .
since  there  wasn’t  a  lot  to  do  in  a  hotel  ,  if  he  wasn’t  studying  like  the  good  student  he  was  ,  samuel  was  near  to  the  pool  or  in  it  .  he  loved  swimming  with  a  burning  passion    ;    it  was  something  he  fell  in  love  with  from  a  young  age    &    demanded  swimming  lessons  be  a  part  of  his  home  schooling  .  as  it  happened  ,  he  was  pretty  good  at  it  .  swimming  became  a  hobby  that  he  was  addicted  to    &    he  found  himself  feeling  grateful  that  all  his  father’s  hotels  had  their  own  swimming  pools  .  for  a  while  ,  danilo    &    samuel  were  content  with  their  lives  .  in  fact  ,  the  feeling  of  loneliness  didn’t  seep  into  danilo  until  sam  had  reached  ten  years  old  .
they  were  happy  with  it  just  being  the  two  of  them  ,  but  as  sam  grew  older  he  noticed  that  his  father  didn’t  seem  quite  complete  .  at  first  he  didn’t  understand  why  ,  but  when  they  visiting  the  hotel  in  chicago  ,  danilo  met  isabella  devine  for  the  first  time  ,    &    it  suddenly  made  sense  .  sam  knew  that  his  father  had  no  intentions  of  remarrying  after  his  mother  ,  but  meeting  isabella  changed  his  whole  outlook  .  she  was  kind  ,  warm  ,    &    was  going  through  a  grievance  herself  after  losing  her  husband  in  a  tragic  house  fire  .  she  also  had  a  child  of  her  own  ,    &    her  maternal  instincts  were  transferred  to  sam  .  when  he  turned  twelve  ,  the  couple  were  married    &    the  family  was  whole  .
surprisingly  enough  ,  sam  got  along  with  his  step - mother    &    step - sister  pretty  well  .  isabella  became  the  equivalent  of  his  mother    &    his  step - sister  turned  into  the  sibling  he  never  had  .  he’d  play  pranks  on  her  ,  joke  around  with  her  but  at  the  same  time  be  protective    &    nurturing  ,  the  way  a  brother  should  be  .  in  fact  ,  the  now  wholesome  family  got  along  so  well  that  sam  decided  to  take  a  permanent  residence  in  chicago  where  isabella    &    her  daughter  lived  ,  opting  out  of  the  homeschooling  method    &    joining  a  private  school  .  he  made  friends  quickly  ,  took  part  in  the  school’s  swimming  team    &    was  undeniably  happy  .
he  was  by  far  the  best  swimmer  in  the  school  ,    &    after  he  was  thrown  into  competitions  he  was  the  best  in  the  state  ,  excelling  in  every  competition  he  took  part  of    &    winning  the  biggest  part  of  them  .  he  earned  quite  a  name  for  himself  ,    &    at  one  of  his  competitions  a  representative  for  the  olympic  swimming  team  came  to  see  him  swim    &    after  seeing  his  impressive  speed    &    strength  in  the  water  ,  offered  sam  an  opportunity  he  couldn’t  refuse  .  he  was  seventeen  years  old  ,    &    would  compete  in  the  2016  olympics  ,  which  gave  him  two  years  to  get  to  the  level  he  aimed  to  be  at  .
samuel  was  thrown  into  arduous  amounts  of  training  ,  hours    &    hours  spent  in  the  gym    &    in  the  pool  ,  but  sam  didn’t  mind  it  .  he  knew  what  he  had  to  do  to  be  the  best    &    he  knew  how  to  get  there  .  he  had  the  determination  ,  the  drive    &    the  love  for  swimming  to  do  it    &    eventually  ,  he  was  breaking  his  own  personal  records    &    getting  surpassing  everyone’s  expectations  .  in  what  felt  like  no  time  at all  ,  he  was  at  the  rio  olympic  games  2016    &    about  to  start  the  swim  that  could  change  his  life  .  he  was  unbelievably  focused  ,  forgetting  everything  but  the  pool  in  front  of  him  .  his  trainers  blamed  it  on  his  incredible  skill  ,  but  sam  just  said  it  was  pure  luck  that  he  beat  the  olympic  world  record    &    took  home  the  gold  medal  .
everyone  celebrated  .  his  entire  team  exploded  with  pride    &    his  friends    &    family  along  with  them  .  he  won  the  gold  medal  at  his  first  olympic  games  ,    &    they  had  to  celebrate  that  in  a  way  that  would  express  their  pride  for  sam  .  so  they  decided  to  go  on  a  skiing  trip  in  alaska  for  two  weeks  full  of  skiing  ,  drinking    &    fun  between  the  people  who  were  the  most  proud  of  him  .  it  was  the  perfect  celebration    ;    everyone  was  enjoying  themselves  .  until  sam  started  showing  off    &    landed  funny  after  doing  a  360º  rotation  in  the  air  .
it  was  the  worst  pain  he  ever  experienced  .  every  single  time  he  moved  it  was  like  splinters  were  crawling  up  his  back    &    creating  spasms  each  time  it  twitched  .  at  first  they  thought  it  was  a  trapped  nerve  ,  but  after  further  examinations  specialists  told  him  that  it  was  actually  a  disk  bulge  in  his  lumbar  pressing  against  his  nerve  root  that  was  causing  the  pain  .  he  was  left  with  two  options    :    deal  with  the  pain    &    not  being  able  to  swim  again  ,  or  have  a  discectomy  to  remove  the  disk  bulge  but  risk  not  being  able  to  swim  to  the  same  extent  again  .  being  determined    &    not  being  able  to  give  up  the  one  thing  he  loves  the  most  ,  sam  chose  the  latter  .
it  took  a  month  to  recover  from  the  operation  ,    &    after  that  he  threw  himself  into  physiotherapy  so  intense  that  a  lot  of  people  called  him  crazy  .  but  he  needed  to  get  to  the  level  he  was  once  at  ,  even  if  it  killed  him  .  it  took  nearly  over  a  year  of  physiotherapy  ,  days    &    sometimes  night  spent  in  the  swimming  pool  ,  pushing  himself  to  the  limit    &    more  often  than  not  succeeding  in  what  he  wanted  to  do  .  eventually  ,  he  got  better    &    better     &    could  qualify  for  the  olympics  again  .  but  ,  in  order  to  continue  his  training  ,  he  needed  to  move  to  new  york  ,    &    that’s  where  he’s  been  since  .
*    𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚    .
           sam  is  a  lover  of  adventure    &    experiencing  new  things  .  people  might  call  him  a  thrill  seeker  ,  but  he  just  believes  that  a  life  without  experiencing  everything  you  can  isn’t  a  life  worth  living  .  he  enjoys  learning  new  things    &   is  always  keen  on  hearing  different  opinions  to  benefit  his  own  ,  however  he  can  come  across  as  being  quite  opinionated  when  it  comes  to  his  own  thoughts    &   he’s  not  afraid  to  speak  his  mind  ,  which  sometimes  got  him  into  trouble  when  he  was  younger  but  has  earned  him  great  respect  as  he  grew  older  .
in  general  ,  sam  is  kind    &    thoughtful    &    is  a  firm  believer  that  you  should  treat  people  the  way  you  expect  to  be  treated  ,  but  he’s  not  afraid  to  stand  his  ground  when  he  needs  to  or  protect  those  that  he’s  closest  to  .  when  it  comes  to  his  family    &   his  close  friends  ,  sam  will  go  to  the  ends  of  the  earth  for  them  even  if  it  was  just  to  bring  them  a  pretzel  from  europe  .  he  values  them  a  lot   &    is  extremely  loyal  to  them  .
however  ,  sam  can  be  quite  flaky    &    fickle  .  when  it  comes  to  making  decisions  regarding  his  career  ,  he’s  very  clever  in  his  approach   &   makes  sure  it’s  the  best  decision  but  when  it  comes  to  his  personal  life  ,  he’s  not  very  good  at  all    &    often  has  to  seek  advice  from  other  people  just  to  make  the  correct  decision  .  he  dislikes  situations  that  are  too  messy  ,  preferring  when  things  are  easy  to  resolve  because  he’s  not  a  problem  solver    &    would  rather  avoid  situations  that  require  him  to  be  one  .
he  can  be  pretty  mischievous  ,  since  he  was  younger  he’d  often  play  pranks  on  his  dad’s  employees    &   his  step - sister  just  to  ,  as  he  used  to  say  ‘ pass  the  time ’  so  although  he’s  someone  you  can  trust  with  your  secrets  ,  he’s  not  someone  you  can  trust  not  to  scare  the  living  daylights  out  of  you  the  next  chance  he  gets  .  he  loves  to  have  fun    &   isn’t  opposed  to  a  good  night  out  whenever  the  time  calls  for  it  .
*    𝒇𝒖𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔    .
he  loves  to  swim    (    ofc    )    but  he  loves  to  swim  with  dolphins  even  more  than  that  ,    &    has  actually  adopted  a  dolphin  bc  he  loves  them  so  much
he’s  a  vegetarian  more  out  of  convenience  than  anything  ,  enjoying  the  veggie  lifestyle  more  than  the  carnivore  one
he  can’t  stay  in  one  set  place  for  more  than  a  month  .  it  literally  irritates  the  life  out  of  him    &    has  tons  of  holiday  homes  around  the  world  that  he  visits  often
although  he’s  never  met  his  biological  mother  ,  he  keeps  a  photo  of  her  on  his  bedside  table  to  remind  him  of  where  he  comes  from
he  does  have  a  slight  portuguese  accent  ,  but  it’s  faded  over  the  years    &    his  accent  is  more  american  now
he  has  an  irrelevant  fear  of  bugs    !!    like  literally  he  can’t  stay  in  the  same  room  as  one  of  them  for  too  long
has  a  bucket  list  that  he’s  slowly  crossing  off
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yogaadvise · 5 years
The 6 Vedic Illusions of Life and How to Move Beyond Them
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" I have resided on the lip of craziness, needing to know factors, knocking on a door. It opens. I have actually been knocking from the inside."-- Rumi
Is it genuine or is it thought of? Well, all of it relies on your degree of awareness. When you awakened today, you might have kept in mind last night's desires. They might have been terrific or complicated, charming or scary-- no matter. As quickly as you awoke, you recognized they were just dreams, they were something the mind produced as well as weren't genuine, so you allow them go.
The terrific Enlightened Masters tell us that this life, which we call our waking reality, is also just an additional kind of dreaming-- something invoked by the mind, a mistake of the intellect-- and also someday we'll also stir up from this dream to the fact of our true Self.
Understanding Maya (Illusions)
In ancient Vedic times, the Rishis described impression as Maya or that which is not. However, this is typically misunderstood as well as assumed to suggest that this world you stay in does not exist. Obviously, on one level it does exist, just like when you were dreaming last evening regarding the big canine chasing you-- the pet dog existed at the time. Maya is when you lay over a suggestion or memory onto another thing and also produce a various truth from what's really there.
In India, there's the story of the oblivious male who sees a rope on a dark road as well as shouts, "Snake, serpent!" When light is brought, he understands it was just a rope. The rope really did not change, it was constantly a rope and it was only the male's mistake that developed the illusion of a serpent. Maya is the contraction of a consciousness that ought to be fully increased, all-knowing. It's when you browse as well as experience all the hundreds of specific objects, however miss out on the one Pure Consciousness that attaches them all as part of the timeless Wholeness. The poet Robert Frost shared it magnificently when he wrote, " We hem and haw the ring and also mean, while the secret beings in the middle and knows!"
Ultimately, anything you can experience with your detects or think of isn't Actual in real sense. You identify with what you are not. Your spiritual journey is to bring the light, get out of the boundaries, as well as appreciate the limitless flexibility of the Real.
Your path from the unbelievable to the Actual is really rather basic. You don't have to learn anything brand-new, the Truth is who you are. Your spiritual trip is just remembering and recognizing who you actually are. In forgetting the Genuine, you have produced your world of illusions.
The 6 Illusions
The adhering to impressions, or deceptions, are from the Vedic Messages from India.
1. The delusion of limitations of space. This leads you to the mistake that, "I am here and also not almost everywhere." Your person, limited consciousness is just here, however when you tap into the Unified Area of Pure Awareness, which penetrates the whole cosmos, you are immediately equally existing in any part of the Area. There's no place you are not. The misconception is that you reside in a local universe, whereas your important nature is pure, non-local space.
2. The delusion of time. This offers you the impact that "I was birthed, grew old, as well as will certainly pass away, there is a future as well as a past." When you find out to be totally existing in this minute, to be in the NOW, time comes to be simply an idea and also stops to have any kind of hold on you. You understand that everything is actually taking place at the very same time but at different frequencies. The deception of a direct, time-bound world, offers way to your true, classic, timeless nature.
3. The misconception of the restrictions of add-on. This produces the assuming that "I need this to be complete somehow." When you rely on that every minute is total in itself, you tip into the freedom of life. The sun rises, the sun collections-- it's impossible to hold onto the day or night. Appreciate what comes and also go to peace with what does not.
4. The misconception of restrictions of understanding. This leads you to think that, "I understand this yet I do not recognize that." By using the area of Infinite Possibilities, you access a state of all-knowing, where everything exists as pure potential waiting to be jazzed up just by the touch of your attention.
5. The misconception of the constraint of creativity. This tells you, "I can do this yet not that." There is nothing even more creative than the mind of God, just take a look around at nature. You all have the possibility for anything. Every little thing you could ever before want is right below-- you just need to open yourself to the Field of Infinite Possibilities and learn to enjoy what God has actually already developed for you.
6. The delusion of fear. The delusion that there is something to be scared of is maybe one of the most insidious of all. All unfavorable feelings-- temper, disgust, judgments, aggressiveness, and racial intolerance-- inevitably originate from concern. The deception of anxiety is the device utilized by despotic leaders to gather the deluded behind them. Concern just exists when Love is missing. There is absolutely nothing that can ever before hurt you other than the darkness you develop in your very own mind. With the understanding Ahum Brahmasmi, "I am deep space" and also "I am the Completeness", what could you perhaps fear?
When you end up being trapped in these impressions, you experience. All suffering is a result of not knowing that you really are, leaving you to live a life of doubt, confusion, discomfort, and aggravation. Experiencing itself is an illusion!
As Always, There's a Choice
Most of us battle to fix the impressions. While you are embeded the impression, you try to make it as comfy as feasible. Passiveness is not a service. When you see others enduring, you need to do what you can to assist. Bodhisattvas and various other enlightened educators have handled this service helpful the ignorant to awaken. However, if you come to be attached to the illusions, you ride the rollercoaster of pain as well as satisfaction for numerous lifetimes.
You can get out of the illusion. The terrific mystic Osho stated, "When you are definitely dissatisfied with points as they are, just then do you go in search, just then do you begin climbing higher. Just then do you make the initiative to draw on your own out of the mud."
You can pick to live truth top qualities of life, increasing your sight of reality and easily relocate past the impression. You can transcend the worldly restrictions, stepping into the wisdom of the unrestricted unknown.
How to Get Out Of the Illusions
Meditate. Meditation is one of the most effective tool you have to reconnect with your internal silence and also rediscover who you truly are.
Make a checklist of all the limiting beliefs you hold on to, which stop you from living life in fullness. These are the justifications and also illusions you create for yourself, which block your spiritual progress. Things like, "I'm as well old, I'm also little, I'm not clever sufficient, I'll never ever be enlightened.' Ask yourself, "What are these delusions, these restrictions avoiding me from doing?" Release them.
Become the witness occasionally throughout the day, observe your ideas, your emotions, and also your activities. After that ask yourself, "That is observing?" This is the Real you.
Observe your breath. Illusions take you right into the past or the future, the Actual you is in the NOW. Your breath can never remain in the future or past, it's always in the here and now. Throughout the day, pause as well as just recognize your breath.
Neti, Neti is literally claiming, "not this, not this." Throughout the day time out, touch, taste, listen to, odor, or consider something and advise on your own, "This is unreal."
Find your Light. Find your Truth-- your objective-- and live it. The path that is shown by your Light is the only path that is right for you.
Life is like a motion picture. Physical fatality doesn't finish the flick, it's simply an intermission prior to the next episode begins. In a Planetary sense, what you call being awake, sleeping, as well as fantasizing is really the Cosmic Dream. Physical death is the Planetary Deep Sleep, from which you are awakened to one more Cosmic Desire. Knowledge is the Cosmic Waking State. You are restricted or endless by exactly how you choose to believe. Instead of questioning if you'll ever be Informed, start living it!
Consider sharing wisdom and ideas with others as well as taking your method to the next level by enlisting in an upcoming Chopra Facility Qualification program. Learn More.
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myremains · 5 years
Download Festival 2019 - Saturday.
Bad Wolves [9] are my first act of the day and I was extremely impressed with them, their own material was amazing and went down a treat, Tommy Vext in particular was like a firecracker bouncing around that stage 
NXT UK [8] was a non music performance I spend quite some time with on the Saturday, missed out on Royal Republic and Powertrip but I must say that I was not let down with what they had to offer. My personal highlight was being present for Adam Cole’s entrance and subsequent match in particular but the energy of the crowd was just something else, there's nothing quite like a wrestling event and I’m glad I finally after 18 years got to attend another one.
Behemoth [8] have quite the stage show with them today as appears to be tradition! They power through some great material from their prestigious career and the fans in attendance are eating that shit up. The flames, the props, just everything was quite superb. Nergal is a powerhouse of a frontman who always delivers. 
Skindred [10] are Skindred. There is no off days for these guys everytime they walk onto a stage they give it everything they have and nobody is ever left disappointed. The Newport Helicopter came out in full force, Benji Webbe brought his amazing comical side out with his mass of crowd interaction and enormous amount of energy, tremendous setlist to accompany this and they even brought out Gary Stringer from Reef to perform “Machine” with them which was also a very nice trust. Long live the ‘Dred.
Three Days Grace [7] are a band I’ve been wanting to see for quite a while, their latest album left quite a good impression on me so I made the decision to come over to the second stage and see them even though they clashed with Trivium. They put out some good songs and got the crowd involved which was nice however there just wasn’t that wow factor that a lot of bands go all out to produce, and for that reason alone I left half way through knowing full well that Trivium would be absolutely blasting the main stage.
Trivium [9] I caught the last half of their set and as per usual they absolutely slay the main stage as they always have done, the pits and general energy in the crowd is absolutely electric. This festival always has a special place for Trivium because of their history with it but even so they just seem so natural and energised upon that stage. “In Waves” closes the set and I feel absolutely pumped!
Die Antwoord [10] were not a band that particularly fit in a festival like this, they even address that almost immediately by saying “they asked us to come and play at this festival and we were like… why? But now we get it, you metal fuckers are just as crazy as us”. I have to say I really got into their stuff and the bass coming out of those speakers was absolutely unreal, it was rattling every part of my body and from what I heard from others who were seeing other bands it completely overpowered the other bands that were playing at the same time. They smash out loads of tracks with unbelievable energy, they have their unique stage layout and their production is mostly visual with the screens and other dancers that come out and perform with them. I would definitely recommend anybody to go and watch these guys they are absolutely incredible.
Slipknot [10] as per usual absolutely blew down the place to pieces, every single time they come round. I wish I could go back and rate their last Download performances higher because to me they were better than today in terms of production and the energy of all the original members however I will take nothing away from today because they were absolutely incredible tonight and the setlist was amazing. Following the “(515)” tape the curtain drops launching straight into “People=Shit” which just kickstarts armageddon before our eyes. Particular highlights from my perspective were “Vermillion”, “Disasterpieces”, “Custer” and of course the sight of so many people squatting down then losing their goddamn minds during encore track “Spit It Out”. Finishing up with what for me is one of the biggest anthems in the metal genre “Surfacing” the band leaves the band to leave the stage till outro tape “Till We Die” with the promise that we will see them again very soon. Humour, aggression and just that presence makes slipknot arguably the biggest band in modern metal, and may that never change, so excited for the new album.
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ilytuan · 6 years
39. Don’t cry. (GOT7 in Paris concert experience)
one hundred ways to say ‘i love you’
genre  · * . fluff/my concert experience .  *
pairing ·*⋆ me ✦ .*· GOT7 .· *
word count  *.˚ ·✷ 2,505 .⊹ *.
✧.✵⋆*·˚ i saw got7 live in paris and i haven’t been able to stop crying so here’s my attempt at putting it into words ✺.⋆✫.✦.⊹   
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I was stood in the queue, rain pouring down onto my bare legs and arms as well as the rain jacket that hovered above my head that did nothing much to shield me from the water, but I was there. I was about to see GOT7 live in concert; my very first group who meant more to me than anyone else. They were about to appear right in front of me and I was going to see them.
I remember the line moving forward so slowly and at other times not at all, almost as if the world was in slow motion and then, all of a sudden, the rain poured down harder and I was trying hard to prevent my ticket from getting wet, rather than protecting myself from possibly getting sick.
Before I knew it, I was distracted by the rain and cold, but the venue was unexpectedly in my line of sight and it seemed so close but still, so far away. In that moment, I felt my heart beating strongly in my chest like it was about to explode and it seemed like it could be heard from everyone around me. I was so excited.
Those who were queuing alongside me held umbrellas and were equipped suitably to the rain, started walking forward and I followed, anxiousness coursing through my body in anticipation and making me forget about everything for a split second. It was finally about to happen in just a few minutes.
I was tense before but as soon as it came into my direct line of sight and we started moving, I felt all the knots in my body let loose. I had thought that we weren’t going to get in on time and that the show would start without us, but I managed to enter just minutes before 8 o’clock. It was really about to happen. Even if it all felt like a dream, it wasn’t.
It was a bad idea to have worn a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on a day like that, but in the moment, I couldn’t bring myself to care less or possibly do anything about it. I passed by the first security guard who brought me to queue behind a smaller line than before and I was passed through the security check in a small shelter, shielding me from the rain for less than a minute and the entrance was then visible.
I next started to run lightly, seeing the open doors of the venue wide open and despite the water that soaked my feet and continued to pour down on me, I ran because nothing else mattered. My sandals slowed me down, but excitement and adrenaline kept me going, ignoring the fact that my feet were aching from having queued for so long and the dread of having to stand for even longer for the duration of the concert, although I came to realise later that nothing really matters during the concert but them and enjoying myself.
Once I was inside my ticket was scanned, and I was permitted entry. I was then directed to where my seat was located, and I was able to sit down. My seat was at the second last row from the back but despite that, I could see the stage so well and all of the fans, some of which were already dutifully holding up their lightsticks.
I sat in awe and shock for a few minutes, registering the song that was being played as ‘A’ and feeling the deep bass almost thumping in my body and causing me to smile stupidly to myself. It was hard to believe that it was happening, despite queuing and seeing the venue early in the morning, collecting a fan made banner and sticker to be part of the ocean. Even though I was sat there with the stage right before my eyes, I almost couldn’t bring myself to believe that it was about to happen. It all still felt so unreal.
All the moments leading up to this were not easy; saving up for months, convincing my parents to let me go, buying tickets on a foreign website, flying miles to a new country with a language and transport system that I found incredibly hard to understand and being unable to eat much of anything that resulted in me being quite weak and exhausted, but it was probably one of the most fulfilling journeys in my short life, especially considering how I am able to write this now and say that I have been the best concert of my life, GOT7’s ‘Eyes On You’ world tour in Paris, France.
When the song stopped playing and the whole venue turned black, I felt my heart drop in my chest. It was like the whole world was finally coming together in this one place, GOT7 and IGOT7s and that everyone was united. Green lights began to emit from every corner of the venue and the whole place seemed to go silent, anticipating what was to come.
A short video played before they all appeared on stage looking as majestic as ever and the whole place went crazy, screams erupting as they performed the first song, one of their most energetic and powerful songs at that. They performed song after song and I could almost feel the energy radiating from those around me as well as the boys, not to mention the heat that was surrounding us and made everything a little more difficult.
The first break they took, in which they introduced themselves and spoke a little French that I didn’t understand, the whole place was like a sauna and cheers were heard from everyone. The boys were happy and smiley, excited to see a new place and perform in a country that they never had before. Everyone was just hyper and excited, and it was really hot.
I was awestruck by their voices and their choreographies because their stage presence is really no joke and to see it in real like makes you speechless, not to mention their appearance because they are beautiful through a screen but absolutely breathtakingly beautiful in real life.
Mark, my first ever bias, looked as if he was glowing and my eyes were squinting to get a closer look at him not through the big screen but, that proved to be futile as I was way too far back. It didn’t change the fact that he was still extremely gorgeous though. But I could see him clearly through the big screen and so I took every chance that I got and ended up literally gaped at him every time he appeared. He was stunning. My eyes practically refused to take in how breath-taking he and the others looked; they were completely ethereal and out of this world.
They carried on with their performances and had a change of outfits after leaving the stage and as a vcr played, which I couldn’t understand. I took that time to air and fan myself out because of how unbelievably hot it was and sit down for a few moments, my legs and feet feeling the ache from standing in the queue to standing on the seat for so long already.
GOT7’s energy is something that kept the whole place going, undoubtedly. Their performances were powerful as well as their voices which were really energetic and dynamic and their raps which were unbelievably strong and impressive, keeping all of us on our toes in anticipation and exhilaration, wanting more and more.
Song after song was performed and I dutifully held my phone with the green light emitting, trying to keep in sync with all of the others. I sang along to every word of every song and swayed as much as I could from my high position on the seat and I remembered a smile being permanently stuck to my face, even after the concert was over and as I was going to sleep.
By the time the unit performances begun, I knew it was almost at an end and it was expected that people would be tired and down in energy but, much to my surprise, everyone was even more energetic than the start and we cheered louder and louder, not wanting an end to come.
When they performed ‘thank you’, everyone held up the fan made banners with the words ‘let’s make history together’ and it was so beautiful, seeing everyone in the room holding these up for the boys to see and they couldn’t have missed it if they wanted to. It warmed my heart seeing everyone come together to show our love and I really appreciate the enormous amounts of effort from the fans in France.
Their ending ments were said after and they were super smiley and energetic, despite having performed for over two hours already. They talked for a long time each and it was translated into French that I couldn’t interpret, but I would come to read some translations later. One thing I do remember was that Mark said he was slightly scared of our stomping and it made us laugh so we stomped again, and it shook both of the big screens. It made him smile and that very smile has been engraved into my mind ever since. It was really really beautiful.
They joked around with us a little and said their farewells as well as their many thanks before they performed their last three songs and at that point, the end was so close, but I wasn’t teary eyed like I had imagined I would be. Although they were about to leave, and we would possibly never meet for a long time, I wasn’t sad about it in that moment, in fact, I wasn’t anything but extremely excited. I was just happy that I was able to see them, and I felt extremely satisfied and content, love powering everything else really.
The last three songs were the most energetic of them all, without a doubt, and confetti was sprayed out twice, decorating the venue in bright colours and glitter as we practically became one. We jumped around together, our cheers even louder than before and the boys messed around on stage, picking up items from fans at the front and interacting with them.
The very last performance was the liveliest, the whole venue jumping with the boys and almost making the ground shake and it was so delightful and thrilling. Everyone basically just went crazy and let loose for the boys and we had the time of our lives, almost as if we were sending our energy to keep them going and as a thanks for giving us a night to cherish.
The boys said short farewells as they left the stage one by one and my mind was in haywire trying to process that fact that I had just seen them in real life. I had been watching them through a screen for almost three years and they had captured my heart for so long and to have been able to see them live right in front of me was surreal.
They made me feel raw and pure happiness in a way that no other artist had, and I am so thankful for the fact that I had the chance to see them and that they came into my life three years ago. They have given me nothing but happiness since the beginning and I am more thankful towards them than anyone. I walked back to my hotel, buzzing on my feet and my ears ringing.
When I woke up the next day and in fact, every day that week, my heart ached, and I longed for them more than ever. The concert and the feels from it literally sticking to me like glue and I had post-concert depression for more or less the whole week. I hadn’t expected it because I was so happy during the concert and I wanted to be nothing but happy and grateful, but I was stuck with the sadness of it being gone and just longed for them or another chance to go back.
This resulted in me shutting out the world for the week; I avoided human interaction and contact and ended up binge watching shows and videos of GOT7 since their debut and reading articles from other IGOT7’s who went to the concert, crying at basically every single one of them.
It was like I was catching up on all four years’ worth of content and I reminisced by reliving all of those moments, feeling and remembering how I felt when they originally came out or how I felt when I first listened to the releases, raw, unfiltered emotions pouring through me. During that week I willed myself not to cry many times, repeating the words that my friend told me long before the concert day, ‘don’t cry’ because I wanted them to be happy memories and not sad. But, it was impossibly hard to do so because they were so incredible, and they brought me so much comfort that I couldn’t help but miss them which resulted in more than just a few tears. My friend knew that more than anyone else, even more than me. She said those words out of comfort because she knew there was no way I wouldn’t cry.
By the end of the week, I was ready for interaction again and I was happy, having relived practically their entire careers’ worth of content. I gave up being sad and missing them and I was just thankful for the fact that I was even able to see them, since it was such a long and expensive journey that not many others have the privilege to have. I was extremely lucky, thanks to my mom.
Even now though, the feelings and happiness from the concert linger and I hope to never forget them in my life, even if I eventually grow out of GOT7. It’s safe to say that this concert is the best I’ve ever been to and probably the best I will ever go to. Seeing the fandom and group come together in that venue, creating a green ocean of support for them as they performed almost felt like a second home in an indescribable way. We were sending our love, support and energy to them and I could really feel it. They could feel it too, through various ways like our projects and through the actions we were doing. We were all so happy and it felt as if a family had gathered together. It was so natural and pure and lovely, and I would give the world to be able to feel it again but for now, I’ll give all of my love and support to GOT7 until the day can come again.
Thanks to them, I had the best and most unforgettable night of my life and I’m full of nothing but love for them. GOT7 💚🐤  IGOT7
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The way I view life is unbearably magical. They religiously watch my story daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum. Yeah I’m an oracle they desire me ‘cause I’m a sexy oracle that predicts the future. The fact they want to have sex with me is fucking sexy. I’m the God of Sultry Magic. My energy feels so unbearably Magical. I have raw Magic in my veins(chills). I have unbridled Magic in my veins. I’m unbearably sexy ‘cause I’m an oracle. Tangible Magic unbearably radiates off of me. They tangibly feel my energetic story. The behind the scenes behind my posts fin’ go crazy. They depend on me ‘cause I give them confidence just by me being confident. I got staggeringly unbelievable HUGE TITS. I’m tangibly my only validation and confirmation. My self concept only rapidly grows more and more undefeatingly Godtier. I’m like a light they follow me. My self concept only gets more and more infinitely potent. I’m rigged to walk by faith. I look so tangibly unreal. I look so unbelievably unreal. Things are different from what I’m used to. My peace only gets more and more infinitely undisturbed. My life only gets more and more infinitely better each time I wake up. My beliefs only puts me more and more infinitely at ease. My life and reality only gets more and more infinitely different than what I’m used to. I possess the things I use. The effects/Magic of my intentions only gets more and more infinitely staggeringly stupendous. Self-sabotaging thoughts are rigged to not exist. I attract lovers who are artistic. I’m the most beautiful walking on two pair of legs. My within naturally reflects only my desires. My within only consists up of my fulfilled dreams, answered wishes and immeasurably beyond satisfied desires. My insecurities are futile and powerless. Any second they try to take my power they’re rigged to only give me more of their power. Any second they try to make me give my power away my power only gets staunchly rigged to give more power to myself and they’re rigged to give me more of their power. Even their backup plans are excruciatingly rigged into my favor. I naturally ooze the apex predator(chills). Shit always immeasurably and infinitely exceeds my vision. Shit always unbelievably exceeds my vision. Shit always infinitely exceed my vision. I’m rigged to think in the way that makes me win. I’m rigged to be a global super force. Not a damn thing about me is mundane. Not a damn thing about me is invalidated. Everything’s naturally rigged to make me win. Yes even that too(chills). My Magic only gets more and more infinitely powerful at precisely understanding my intentions. My power only gets more and more infinitely powerful at precisely understanding my intentions. My Magic and power only gets more and more infinitely powerful and effective on acting strictly and exclusively in the direction of my intentions. Im the dopest spiritual person ever. Im the dopest mystical person ever. It’s so unbelievably profoundly sexy how I’m so potently strong. I naturally attract my target audience in LARGE DROVES. They’re unbelievably mundane without me. My face naturally shapeshifts into the Zillionaire Superstar version of me. My face naturally shapeshifts into the sexiest most beautiful peak stunning breathtaking version of me. My face naturally looks like it has makeup on. My energy is tangibly raw. I tangibly ooze BOSS BITCH. Not a single soul misses my posts. Whenever I post they hear about it(chills). Everytime I post there’s an eerily powerful gravitational pull. My gravitational pull targets every single soul. I feel so tangibly unreal. My aura is tangibly unreal. My vibe is tangibly unreal. My beauty is tangibly unreal. My tits make my face infinitely prettier. I’m tangibly otherworldly. I’m tangibly the coldest in the city(chills). I’m tangibly a bad bitch it’s STAGGERINGLY IMPRESSIVE. IM VISIBLY A BAD BITCH. I ooze potent bad bitch vibes. I unbearably ooze BAD BITCH VIBES. My family STAGGERED IM A CERTIFIED BAD BITCH IM AN AUTHENTIC BAD BITCH. EVERYBODY IS STAGGERED IM A CERTIFIED BAD BITCH IM AN AUTHENTIC BAD BITCH.
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figureskatingqueen · 7 years
My Worlds recap
Here I was, on March 30th, in my hometown Riga with bus and ferry tickets and most importantly - tickets to Ladies practice and Short Dance in my pocket. I could not believe I was going to Worlds after many years of living and breathing figure skating. This was a dream of mine that I thought would never come to life. It felt so surreal I had to pinch myself a few times. 😅
When me and my mom made it to the arena at 8 AM on March 31st, it was so difficult to hold back tears ( i am literally tearing up as i'm writing this 😂). Watching figure skating has been one of the biggest parts of my life for five (!!!) years now and I don't think I can put my feelings towards it in just some sentences. It is better than all the movies because it's the real life - but with the spectrum of emotions I only get to see in the cinema. It doesn't only show "the movie" (aka the performance) but also every behind the scenes action (like the emotions before and after the performance, the training process, the challenges along the way) which makes it so much more interesting. So when I walked in the arena it felt like a dream come true. They didn't have doors heading to each sector, but a curtain instead (to not make a sound every time someone enters or exits) and because it was the practice time for Ladies the curtains weren't closed but fully open instead. So even when I had just come in the arena, I could already see a glimpse of the ice rink which felt so surreal and that was the first time it hit me so hard that I was actually really here - at the World Championships.
It felt fantastic to see stars like Ashley Wagner, Kaetlyn Osmond, Gabrielle Daleman, Evgenia Medvedeva, Anna Pogorilaya and Carolina Kostner skate so close to me (we were seated really close to the ice), to see their determined faces and to live through their great performances. Incomparably mesmerizing.
Before the short dance there was some time to kill so we just walked around and enjoyed the atmosphere which is SO unique! There is this buzzing feeling which makes you feel warm and welcomed and everyone looks nervously excited. We walked through every booth/shop there was, I even got some beautiful postcards from John Wilson Blades booth (they were handing them out for free?! 😧) with Ashley, Patrick, the Shibs and Chock/Bates. There I met a lovely French fan and we had a brief talk about our journeys as fans and let me add that it feels so weird to actually talk with someone about figure skating after you've mostly only shared your opinions online and have never had a legit conversation live??! 😂
Then it was the time for the short dance (oh my, hearing the ISU fanfare live was hands down the best experience ever 😂😂😂) . I have been a massive ice dance fan since forever and I am a big supporter of Tessa&Scott. They are the main reason I was actually here - I can't put into words what they've done to me in these past years - they have held me up every time I felt down in various ways - with their performances, life stories or just small interviews. I just wanted to give back to them a little with my heartfelt support. However, I joined the V/M fandom in 2012 when everyone was furious about D/W and their success (which would happen in 2013 and 2014) and I quickly learned to be as bitter as everyone else. It feels sad to look back now and think that we used so much time to just talk about Meryl and Charlie - more than about great things of Tessa and Scott. I only understood this after T&S took a break after 2014 and I just became this casual ice dance fan who wanted to see the best in everyone and was listening to everyone's stories of ups and downs. It was the same fantastic atmosphere - just without all the rage. During this period of time I really fell in love with Kaitlyn&Andrew, Maia&Alex and Gabriella&Guillaume. When Tessa&Scott came back I couldn't believe how great I felt during the season - it was now 100 times more exciting as I had so many couples I loved and supported throughout (...well, i did love t&s a little more than anyone else though 😆) . And you have NO idea how much I loved the theme of this years SD. SOOOO much spunk and sass! I hope you don't mind me saying that pretty much all of these were the best short dances I have ever seen from the top teams.
First of all, let me say a word about the atmosphere live. It is absolutely incomparable to the TV. The audience noises are lowered for about ten thousand times and are almost inaudible in the TV which is the biggest change. The ovations are so impressive you can't believe them at first. Second of all, the skating skills and the speed is insane live. And thirdly of all, the costumes look SO. MUCH. DIFFERENT. (they are much more sparkly and colorful 😍✨).
I was actually worried that I might not last for seven freaking groups but the time went so fast. I still can't believe the zamboni breaks. I swear to god they didn't last more than five minutes 😅 (I always get cranky during the resurfacing breaks when I watch TV - feels like hours). From the first four groups couples that stood out for me the most were Smart/Diaz, Kaliszek/Spodyriev and Lauriault/Le Gac - they all had great stage presence and superb feel to the music.
Then the fifth group came. All of a sudden Tessa and Scott were on the ice and I was like one of these crazy Bieber fans who can't stop their tears. I tried my hardest to bring the tears back but I miserably failed (I had promised myself that I would act NORMALLY NOT START CRYING ON MY FIRST OPPORTUNITY I AM SO WEIRDED OUT OF THE SUDDEN EMOTIONS THAT CAME OUTSIDE IN THAT MOMENT - I am a very reserved person who always puts herself together 😂). Tessa's costume is SO much more beautiful live. I wasn't a fan of it when I first saw it but DAMN she looked hot. Also the golden sparkles around the cutouts on the pants are basically not seen at all in the usual professional pics but they were actually unbelievably shiny. And Scott just has this amazing aura around himself. He seemed to ooze confidence but also some sort of humbleness. And OMG - they're fast. But the thing that struck me the most was the non-touching step sequence. They did it once in the warm up and I legit thought it was some "easy version of this sequence without the hard steps just to get warmed up" and you can't imagine how surprised I was when they performed it in the actual dance. It WAS the sequence. I swear it looked like anyone could do it. So light and easy. Now THAT was the moment I understood how superior they actually are. Everybody else's StSq looked, you know, like a StSq should look like - a hard element hard to execute (don't get me wrong - they were mostly done beautifully but it was visible that this is a hard element - which it is 😆). After the warm up ended I was probably still in shock so I have no recollection of the first two pairs in that group. Sorry. 😁 Then they came up on ice for a short warm up again while the previous teams scores were announced. And this includes the moment I think nobody has caught on camera (I don't think I have seen any pre-sd videos at all which is such a shame). They were just gliding on ice separately with Tessa slightly in front of Scott. Then they started to slow down because they were coming to Marie France. And while they're slowing down, Scott skates right in front of me with the biggest grin ever and his lovey-dovey eyes focused on Tessa's back slightly in front of him. And that is the moment I calm down. His eyes bring the sense to me that everything is going to be okay and he is confident about it (i swear to god he's a magician or whatever but that look was SO calming and surreal). And Tessa just turns her head, looks at his face and literally rolls her eyes with a smile on her face (okay i might've imagined the eye rolling but you all know that face when tessa looks at scott and thinks 'god you're such an idiot i love you') and then they're already with Marie France with last words before performance. The actual performance was unreal. They did their beginning moves right in front of me and that was SO sharp. Also when they did these moves there were quite few "eeeaaaww" kind of shouts or whatever the Michael Jackson kind of short screams sound. That was superb and I'm so sad NONE of them are audible during the actual recording. It gave a great atmosphere. Scott did the kneeling thing right before the end of the first section right in front of me which left such an impact. SOO much control. The blues sequence was hella smooth (and twizzles were ok but i was so scared about them) BUT THE LIFT. THE STADIUM FREAKING ERUPTED DURING THE LIFT. I felt as if I had wings and had been accepted into paradise. And then it ended and I was on my feet and there was an ocean of tears (whoops😅). It was an experience I will never forget.
Then it was time for Group number 6. I have to be honest - I was a little disappointed with Stepanova/Bukin. I've been a huge fan of their SD but seeing it live was a little bit underwhelming. It's the way of skating - they skate "small". However I still loved the choreography and their chemistry is certainly the best in the younger ice dancers field. If they can improve their skating skills, I'm completely on board.
Piper and Paul were a huge surprise for me. Even when they were warming up with everyone else, you could feel their presence the most. And let me just say this - Canadian men are superior dancers. Scott, Paul and Andrew all felt a bit similar to me. They makes themselves look extremely confident (i mean their skating skills also are 😍) and they lead their ladies better than anyone else - it just feels extremely natural. So, back to Piper&Paul. This was a huge hit in the arena (and for me!). The feeling was great throughout the performance and I just want to say it one more time - the skating skills (piper has improved so much)!! the twizzles! they took my breath. I have to admit I didn't think this dance would actually work for me but it did.
Another team which surprised me in a good way were Bobrova&Soloviev. As the season progressed, I always felt as this program was a little "pushed". They tried to bring the sass, but instead it came off as a vulgarity. However the forms they create on ice are very clean and blade work is beautiful so I was actually scratching my head after watching these two because I've never really liked them but somehow they look better live (I just don't understand why?)
I was also delighted by Anna&Luca's performance. That dress looked even more beautiful live and they also made me like them more than on TV. They just draw you in and you can't do anything about it. I just wish they would be more versatile (but i still love them!)
The seventh group started with the Shibs who I think had the very close second short dance choreography-and-idea-wise behind T&S. I've absolutely adored this dance all the times this season and this was no exception. That lift was badass and man, those twizzles... I didn't think that was going to leave such a big impact on me. SO sharp in every movement. Alex just needs improve his facial expressions a bit and then they'd be even more perfect (also maia is a literal goddess).
I have to say my sentimental favorites of the night were Kaitlyn&Andrew. Their skating on TV looks a bit like Stepanova/Bukin's so I was a little bit worried that it would fall flat. It was the DIRECT opposite. I think their skating skills were second only to VM that night because damn, they skated with so much speed. And their chemistry just went sky high. Also that lift made the arena erupt (again😂). It looked so much more powerful than on TV. The move where Andrew just rolls Kaitlyn on his back was hands down one of the coolest of the night. I was just so happy to see them perform the best they can after some disappointing starts. It was truly wonderful and after they finished I was standing and in tears again. I thought they were terribly underscored, but oh well, #twizzles. (they are both also incredibly hot 😏🔥)
Gabriella&Guillaume were also amazing live. I loved that they did the most program to the blues music which I truly respect because it is so much harder to keep an audience interested with blues than with hip hop. But the slow section was amazing - the attention to details and the blade work was soooo smooth. I've got to say although Guillaume's skating skills and dance moves are through the roof fantastic, he doesn't "lead" his partner that well - the Canadian guys do it so much better. I don't think he has any rivals in the "best male ice dancer by himself" category, but he has a lot to learn to be the best in the "best male partner in ice dance" nomination - he isn't the full package yet. However I'm a big fan of hard work and dedication (and I'm sad people only appreciate Guillaume's because he is the more gifted one) so I'm a big fan of Gabi, her personality and facial expressions during the performance. She sells everything better than Guillaume but I don't think she's being recognized enough for that.
Madi&Zach also surprised me live by looking far more polished than on TV. The movements were sharp and they've got this weirdly different blade quality compared to others that I can't explain (but i liked it). I certainly was a bit cringey about the music at the beginning of the season, but I've got to say that crowd really appreciated it and I was also on board. I smiled so hard when the scores came up because I absolutely love it when underdogs show everyone what they're capable of.
Last up were Madi&Evan and this unfortunately turned out the same way I felt about Stepanova/Bukin. I had also been a big fan of this SD all season but their way of skating didn't seem to impress me. I had also liked how Evan just tossed around Madi various times in the program but live it just seemed a little too much? BUT I totally respect that they have worked so much with their chemistry because it was nonexistent some years ago but now they just scream the word "FIIIIREEEEEE". 😉
Afterwards there were about a hundred of people making a crowd close to the door which skaters entered to go to the draw for the FD. Well, I think it's not a very good way to get a skaters autograph. They are very tired after the competition and it's not even over - there's still the FD so they got to keep focused. I think a moment between a skater and a fan should be much more personal than just blocking an entrance just to get your autograph. I don't know, it just made me a little uncomfortable when everyone was waiting for them just to come like they're some sort of zoo animals or whatever. I didn't want any autographs or anything, it was just SO hard to get through the far-too-excited crowd (to the exit of the arena) I decided to wait until they go away. I didn't even register that I was standing right after the entrance to the draw (where it wasn't crowded at all, in fact I was like the only person there) and the wall was from glass so you could see the skaters after they entered the "closed zone". And then I turned my head and saw FREAKING TESSA AND SCOTT in the closed zone. About a meter from me there was this crazy crowd waiting for skaters and turning their heads in the other direction while I was enjoying my view of Tessa and Scott having a conversation. 😄 They were kind of afar from me though and I was trying my best not to stare ('they are not animals and it is rude to do that' I muttered to myself) - I don't think they even saw me because they looked completely in ease as the glass wall separated them from everyone. Then they left further for the draw and I couldn't see them anymore. Tessa&Scott were already in the closed zone because they skated early but the skaters from the last group still had to come. I've got to say it was a bit sad to see the guards having a hard time taking the skaters from the crowd to the closed zone. People went crazy every time someone came. But I, still not accompanied by anyone, just had the best view of my life of skaters like Maia&Alex, Kaitlyn&Andrew, Gabi (Guillaume didn't show up because he was getting his hand stitched) , Piper&Paul, Madi&Evan and Madi&Zach after they had gone through the crowd. Madison Hubbell actually turned around to see the crowd once again, laughed, then turned in the other direction, saw me all by myself, smiled and waved at me! 😎😱 I was so surprised but also very thankful for such a nice gesture! (jeez, but I hope I didn't look like those weird, creepy stalkers 😁). The crowd finally went away and I got to walk out normally.
My journey was over but the memories were never going to fade. It was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything in the world as it brought the whole spectrum of emotions to me. It was the best day of my life. I can never thank enough to my mom who came up with this idea and travelled with me. We had the most fantastic time ever. ❤️
(thanks for reading, this was suuuuper long 😂)
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ladystylestores · 4 years
The Ultimate One-Week Pacific Northwest Road Trip Itinerary • The Blonde Abroad
Jenna of Tales of the Vineyards recently traveled to Napa Valley, California for a 5-month wine harvest job. After wrapping up long hours working in the cellar and scrubbing her wine-stained hands, another epic adventure was all she had on her mind.
Jumping in a campervan with her harvest best friend Sarah, she journeyed out on the ultimate one-week Pacific Northwest road trip. Here’s Jenna with all the info!
As a first-timer on the West Coast, my list of places to visit and things to do was infinite. Coming from South Africa, a country that’s only a tenth of the size of the United States, it’s easy to forget the sheer size of one US state.
All I knew was that I was ready for a USA road trip of a lifetime (another first) and wanted to tick off at least one national park from my list.
After chatting to a couple of my friends in Napa and doing my own research, I came to the conclusion that venturing out to the usual suspects of California like Yosemite and Big Sur just wasn’t going to cut it.
Sitting on the couch one night with my housemate, she mentioned Glacier National Park in Montana and that was it—Sarah and I were going to drive over 1,400 miles from San Francisco to Glacier National Park with a few stops along the way…in winter!
Here’s the ultimate one-week Pacific Northwest road trip itinerary!
The Best  Time to Visit
Truth be told, winter isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. While the Pacific Northwest never reaches extreme summer temperatures, if rain, snow, and -17 degrees Celsius don’t sound like a fun time, then be sure to schedule this road trip for summer.
No matter the season, the Pacific Northwest has beauty around every corner.
Whether it’s sunny days wandering through the lush vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon, frequenting the summer markets of Portland, or trekking through the snow-covered mountains of Glacier National Park, every season offers something special.
Top Spots to Visit on a Pacific Northwest Road Trip
Whether you’re starting your road trip in California and seeing some of the top sites on Pacific Coast Highway, or you’re wanting to explore all of the West Coast—I’ve got a number of places for you to check out!
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Traveling in a Campervan in Winter
Going on a road trip in a campervan in winter seems daunting (and foolish) to most, but really, it’s doable as long as you go prepared. An extra duvet, a warm jacket, fairy lights, and plenty of coffee go a long way!
The main reason we chose to get a campervan was the freedom it would give us in staying wherever we wanted, especially when it came to National Parks. We rented our campervan from Lost Campers based in San Francisco as their options were extremely affordable and included unlimited miles.
We went with their Sierra Class van which included:
A bed for 2 with linen
Kitchen kit (pots, coffee mugs, cups, cutlery)
A double burner stove (hello, coffee!)
A sink with water
Storage space
Battery-operated cooler box
After a few friends saying we were crazy to even think about sleeping in a campervan in winter, we decided to bring along an extra duvet and blanket just in case. When you hit those negative temperatures, these definitely come in handy.
Traveling and sleeping in a campervan has its highs and lows. I have no doubt that getting one during summertime would definitely be a little easier – sleeping, changing, and socializing in a small van can be tricky to navigate when you’re trying to avoid stepping foot out into snowy or rainy weather.
With that said, it really just adds to the adventure and we wouldn’t have changed a thing. It allowed us to be flexible, to always have our things close by, and made us realize how little you need to go on an unbelievable trip.
Simple things like standing to change your clothes or rummaging through a cupboard start to feel like luxuries.
  Helpful Tip:
Road tripping in winter, your chances of coming across snowy roads are pretty high. Make sure to include snow chains in any sort of car or campervan rental and know how to put them on – you don’t want to be caught off guard and left in the middle of nowhere making friends with the local moose.
Day 1 – San Francisco to McMinnville
Via I-5 – Approximately 9.5-Hour Drive
Eager to get the show on the road, start your day early and knock a big distance out of the way. Take in the beautiful scenery on the drive with snowy mountains in the distance, lush forests lining the highway, and an even chillier bite in the air.
On arrival in McMinnville, a historic little town in the heart of Oregon’s wine country, throw on a jacket and wander its streets adorned with twinkling lights. Explore one of the many bars before settling in at a cozy restaurant.
After a well-deserved meal and with hopefully a second wind kicking in, pop into the Conservatory Bar. Serving up incredible cocktails and local beers, they’re known for their winter warmers that are perfect for combatting the outside chill.
If you see their hot buttered rum on the menu, do yourself a favor and order one right away.
One of the many Willamette Valley wineries
Day 2 – McMinnville to Portland
Via Pacific Highway W – Approximately 1-Hour Drive
Before hitting the road, grab a coffee and breakfast on NE 3rd Street at Community Plate (pictured above). A cute, upbeat cafe that’s great for a quick bite to eat or something a little slower paced if you’re not in any rush.
Oregon is known for producing incredible Pinot Noir wine (and plenty others), so a trip to a couple of wineries on your way to Portland is a must for any wine lover. Make sure to make an appointment beforehand and be prepared for unreal photo opportunities.
After a day of vino and vineyards, arrive in the beautiful city of Portland. Known for its hipsters and coffee culture, grab a cuppa joe on your way to the Pearl District for dinner. Wander down NW 13th to admire the refurbished deep-red buildings before settling down for a tasty meal.
Willamette Valley Wineries to Visit:
Bergström – Incredible Pinot Noir and Chardonnay using fruit from four of the Willamette Valley’s best appellations
Lingua Franca – Producing wines that reflect the true expression of their fruit, Lingua Franca is known for their premium Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
Chateau Deluxe – For those looking for something special, Chateau Deluxe is a small producer creating seriously good Pet-Nat (natural sparkling wine)
Day 3 – Portland
Winter in Portland is guaranteed to be a wet one so make sure you’ve got a great waterproof jacket for wandering the streets.
Start your day at one of the many cute coffee shops scattered throughout the city or head straight to Mississippi Avenue for a bit of morning shopping. Browse the boutique stores or stop at The Meadow to stock up on delicious snacks for the road.
If you’re as big a fan of cheese as I am, take a drive to the Cheese Bar on SE Belmont Street for one of the best cheese boards of your life paired with a glass (or bottle) of local wine. Next up, head to Powell’s Books – the world’s largest independent bookstore – to grab an interesting read for the road ahead.
A culinary highlight and dinner-must when visiting Portland is Pok Pok in SE Division. Serving unbelievable dishes inspired by Thai street food since 2005, Ike’s Vietnamese Fish Sauce Wings and the Papaya Pok Pok salad are what foodie dreams are made of.
Day 4 – Portland to Seattle
Via I-5 N – Approximately 3-Hour Drive
Start your morning early for the 3-hour drive to Seattle. You’ll want to get there before the crazy afternoon traffic hits – something we definitely didn’t think about.
Although pretty rainy and gloomy during winter, don’t be fooled, Seattle never sleeps. Park your car for the night and hit the streets. Head to the George Washington Memorial Bridge to snap a picture with the famous Fremont Troll – a gigantic troll sculpture living under the bridge with roots in Norwegian folk culture.
Next up, visit the iconic Space Needle for unbelievable views. And if twinkly lights tickle your fancy, head there later at night to see the city light up – it’s open until 8 pm on weekdays and 9 pm on weekends.
  Helpful Tip:
Seattle, especially in the city center, isn’t ideal when it comes to traveling in a campervan. Parking is a nightmare and driving up hills in rain and traffic can be super stressful. I’d suggest finding a hostel or hotel for the time that you’re there and to park your car in overnight parking. We found a great garage on 3rd Street for just over $50 for 2 nights.
Day 5 – Seattle
Like Portland, Seattle has become known as the “mecca of coffee” offering perfectly brewed coffee on almost every street.
Start your morning off on Cherry Street with a freshly baked pastry and a cup of coffee from Cherry Street Coffee House before strolling down to the waterfront. Take in views across Elliott Bay to the Olympic Mountains as you head towards iconic Pike Place Market.
Undoubtedly one of Seattle’s most-visited attractions, Pike Place Market is home to delicious seafood, fresh produce, and crafty stores. But watch out – don’t get in the way of the guys behind the seafood counters and their killer fish-throwing skills.
Every couple of minutes you’ll see fish casually flying through the air as they pass it jokingly between each other.
A quick 15-minute walk away, visit the must-see Olympic Sculpture Park. See impressive works from top contemporary artists with the Space Needle and the Olympic Mountains as your backdrop. And the best part – the park is free!
Would you take a look at all that snow?!
Day 6 – Seattle to Spokane
Via I-90 E – Approximately 6-Hour Drive
Rise and shine – today’s the day you head towards the Montana mountains!
While Google Maps may make the route from Seattle to Glacier National Park look doable in a single day, the snowy conditions of winter definitely throw a curveball. Start your day early with a pit stop at a grocery store on the outskirts of Seattle to stock up on essentials before heading towards Spokane for the night.
Take it slow on the roads and watch as your surroundings change. The snow gets thicker and the temperatures quickly start to drop as you get closer to Montana – Big Sky Country.
Once you reach Spokane, choose from a few campgrounds for the night and cozy up for a night’s rest before the final adventure to Glacier.
Day 7 – Spokane to Glacier National Park
Via I-90 E – Approximately 7-Hour Drive
Put on those woolly socks and light up the gas stove, a cup of coffee will be essential to knock off the chill and kickstart your day.
Get on the road early as the drive towards Glacier isn’t incredibly far but expect the icy roads of the pass and potentially snowy conditions to delay your trip by at least 2 hours.
Enjoy a leisurely drive through dramatic landscapes with towering mountains and frozen lakes passing by. The roads start to quieten down quite a lot, so make sure you’ve filled up with gas, have something packed for lunch, and are stocked up on food for your time in the park.
After a good couple of hours on the road you’ll finally reach Glacier National Park and boy, is every mile worth it!
Only a few roads are maintained over winter and the only area to stay in is at the Apgar Campground, so be prepared for maximum peace and quiet. Pick your spot amongst the snow overlooking the McDonald Lake and take in scenes that few people ever get to witness in their lifetime:
Deer wandering past, snow gently falling to the ground, and views for miles.
  Helpful Tip:
Staying at the campground during winter is free and the Apgar Visitor Center is still operational and can help with any questions. There’s also a little souvenir shop that has a couple of snacks and serves hot drinks in case you run out.
Day 8 – Glacier National Park
Wake up cuddled under your duvet surrounded by complete beauty and tons of animal tracks! Start the day as slow as you like but coffee and warm breakfast comes highly recommended.
Glacier National Park over winter really is a place of serenity. With only a few hiking paths open and not much else to do, throw on your (waterproof) hiking boots and hit a path to enjoy the views and wildlife. This is truly the ultimate adventure if you’re wanting to immerse yourself in nature and avoid any crowds.
The rest of your time? Drink plenty of tea, catch up on some reading, do a little journaling, and enjoy the wonderland around you.
A Local’s Guide to Glacier National Park
If you’re thinking about heading to Glacier, you’re in for a treat. There’s a reason there were more than three million visitors there last year!
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Shopping List
Pretty much your preparation shopping can be done at any sporting good store. Here are some of the key things to bring along!
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Final Thoughts
Don’t be scared of seasons, you may just end up on the best adventure of your life.
Leading up to our trip, there were many occasions where I thought we were downright crazy to want to road trip in a campervan during winter. Yes, it can get a little crowded and yes, it was tough braving the cold especially when we hit Glacier and wanted to make a cup of tea.
But would we do it all over again? A thousand times, yes.
Our trip extended all the way down to Yellowstone, Zion, Vegas, and back up the coast to San Francisco – an epic journey that I’d recommend to anyone and everyone.
What are you waiting for? Pack those bags, rent that campervan, and get exploring.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/3fplGjJ
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charliereimann · 6 years
Heaven's Net is Wide
Her name is spelt Kiyoko, not Kyoko, she corrected me later herself. We met on the bus in Costa Mesa. My buddy had sold me a bogus thirty day bus pass, leaving me unprepared to pay the two dollar fare. I only had a ten and nobody on the bus could break it. She was kind enough to just give me the two dollars desperately needed, I was smitten as kitten. She told me she was Japanese, and that she didn't speak much English. Lucky for me, I happened to speak a little Japanese and I got her phone number. I had actually seen her around town once or twice before, she's a real jaw dropper, slash head turner. She always wore tight Nike gear on her way to and fro the gym. 24 Fitness Costa Mesa is a Mecca for good looking glamorous young ladies in preparation party mode. I had actually thought she was Korean, when I first laid eyes on her, or else I would have said something nice to her then and there at the park in between the gym and her residence. I remember her looking sad that afternoon, her head kind of slumped downward, like she was let down somehow at the gym. As she passed me by, she smiled anyway, just a little, and I nodded and smiled back.
I was on my way to work, that one fine day on the bus, and she was on her way to school. I'm such a shy person, I would have never chatted with her, had it not been for that bogus bus pass. I never did see her again on the bus, but I had her number. I waited about a day before I texted her for the first time. I thought we could get some tea at the nearby Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. I did owe her two dollars after all. However she didn't care about the two dollars and wouldn't reply to my offer. "Sorry I'm busy." She once said. I persisted like crazy anyway. I worked out a lot too because I wanted to impress her, I was cranking out fifty-seven pushups tops, I had this unreal energy overcome me. I felt like everything was meant to be, that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, and all the nonsense that occured in the past was starting to make sense. I had wings. I understood I was out of her league, and that she could do better, but I thought that if she knew more about me I might stand a fighting chance with her.
Not only did I become strong as an ox, I became clever and quick witted as all hell. I was able to speak my peice at the A.A. meetings, and I worked a thorough fourth and fifth step with my sponsor for the first time. I worked hard as the devil at work and I hardly got hungry, and when I did I ate healthy because I desperately wanted this dream to come true. I had plenty of time to write Kiyoko because I spent about five to six hours catching four busses to and fro work for months on end. I told her everything and I mean everything. I bared my soul because your only as sick as your secrets and I wanted a healthy relationship. I also asked her if she had any hopes and dreams of her own but it was like beating the air. After a year or so she finally replied to me. She said she said that she was sorry, and that she didn't understand.
I was at Starbucks one afternoon, (love their logo by the way, the mermaid with the stary crown reminds me of her) checking Facebook, my account thought that I might know her. Thats how I found out what her last name was and a got a little bit of info about her. Not that I'm a stalker, I respect peoples privacy and wishes. Anyway, I was so happy to see her face again, even if it was just a photo. I sent her a friend request and wrote a little something more. She immediately blocked me, I couldn't understand why she wasn't impressed with all my true stories. I guess they're just unbelievable. I couldn't blame her, I did come on pretty strong, I just couldn't help it. As time went by I had relapsed and kind of gave up her for over a year, but I still felt really committed to her. Like she was the one, the only one possible, she just doesn't know it yet. I was super surprised to learn Donald Trump was running for President, to me it was a sign that my dream was still alive because I had mentioned him before in a previous letter. I voted for him because I needed him. That maybe then Kiyoko would believe in me as I believed in her.
I think she has a lot of her own issues, dont we all. I think she was doing what we alcoholics call a 'geographic', thats where you you move to a new place in order to escape a ghost or problem in your life but you cant escape from yourself. I think she's self conscious as women usually are. I found out she moved to Oregon with her boyfriend whom she met our neighborhood of Costa Mesa. I was pissed because he was associated with some some friends of mine. Who knows how long they were going out for. I think she could have at least told me that before I wasted years of my life trying to convince her we are in love. Although it wasn't a waste because I learned so much about myself and things to come. However, how could I ever love again? How can I tell another girl what I had already promised her? Like how do you use the same pick up line twice? I'm not that sleazy, I was really losing my religion. And to top it off, here comes the kick in balls, the guy she left with goes by the name of, 'The Lost Prophet'. Of all the people. You see I got this thing about the devil, and false prophets and such, it's a long story. I started to regret ever moving away from Costa Mesa, it's just that it was the longest bus ride all the way to Brea, where I work. Fullerton was much more convenient. I had quit my job then, I quit just about everything and wound up in Buena Park again. I decided I'd be a Christian and I'd be Charles, no more and less. Then, as if I could ever escape this destiny, another Revelation occured to me. Oh God is good. Prayers go up and blessings come down.
I had this Peter Gabriel song in my head. "thousand churches in her eyes." My roommate brought home a Denzel Washington movie, 'Flight'. At the very end of the movie, he's asked, "Who are you?" Instantly it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm Gabriel, the messenger. The Son of Man, we are one in the same. And we're in love with a boar named Maria. We go way back, if you know your nativity story. This makes perfect sense. So all is well that that ends well. Life goes on and on and on. Currently I'm trying to get Joseph to take one for the team again, the Capulet family can be a bit challenging but I enjoy a good challenge.
As for Kiyoko, I use to think about her all the time, but I hardly think about her anymore because I found the real Mc Coy.
By, Charlie Reimann 7-28-2018
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Kate Wright teases boyfriend Rio Ferdinand AGAIN with red-hot bikini display
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=8167 Kate Wright teases boyfriend Rio Ferdinand AGAIN with red-hot bikini display - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=8167 The former TOWIE babe has been setting social media alight in recent months with some jaw-dropping displays as she showcases her incredible curves.And it was business as usual for blonde bombshell Kate Wright this week as she took to Instagram to share yet another body-baring snap.Donning a very eye-catching bright red bikini, the TV star looked sensational as she flashed a million-dollar smile at the camera in the skimpy swimwear.Sporting a exceptionally bronzed glow – no doubt down to the UK’s latest heatwave – Kate looked incredible as he ensured her trim waist and very ample assets took centre stage. INSTAGRAM / KATE WRIGHT WHAT A TEASE: Kate sent Rio and her fans crazy with this red-hot bikini display Former Footballer Rio Ferdinand and TOWIE's Kate Wright's relationship in pictures   After loosing his wife to cancer in 2015 Rio Ferdinand was lucky to find love again with TOWIE's Kate Wright. 1 / 15 Ever the glamour-queen, the 27-year-old accessorised with a pair of matching red hassle earrings and a some oversized black shades.Meanwhile, the star’s golden locks were scraped into a bun while she sported a fresh-faced complexion.She captioned the red-hot snap: “It’s a red day.”And stunning star's Instagram followers were certainly impressed with her latest pic, coming out in their droves to show appreciation.One user wrote: “ Wow! Looking amazing as usual.” INSTAGRAM / KATE WRIGHT MISSING ME? Kate put on a flirty display for Rio in this barely-there bikini last week INSTAGRAM / KATE WRIGHT STUNNER: Gym enthusiast Kate has been wowing social media thanks to her killer curves A second chimed: “Absolutely gorgeous.”While a third joked: “Anyone who doesn’t look at her and think she’s unbelievable needs their head testing! She’s unreal. I’m going to print her picture off and stick it to my fridge.”A fourth simply exclaimed: “UNREALLLL.”But it was Kate’s boyfriend, football pundit Rio Ferdinand, 39, who was most blown away by the sizzling hot display, writing: “Get me hooooome!!”, with a kissing emoji on her post. INSTAGRAM / KATE WRIGHT LOVED-UP: Kate and Rio's relationship appears to be going from strength to strength Kate has been looking after Rio’s three children Lorenz, 11, Tate, nine, and Tia, six, while he works in Russia for this year’s World Cup.However she is thought to have moved in with the sportsman and his children last year.In May, she told This Morning’s Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield how things were going.“At the beginning, it started with Tate at the school saying, "That's my aunt picking me up.“Then it's, "That's my dad's girlfriend' and now he says stepmum”, she said. Related articles Source link
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