gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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Venom Snake
I’m Nuclear
I’m W           I             L
✗— Independent Big Boss blog from Metal Gear Solid ✗— Main verse is Ground Zero/Phantom Pain but is willing to play any verse! ✗— Multiverse ✗—Semi-selective. ✗— Para, novella, script, one-liners ✗— Icons, gifs, or none at all ✗— Five year roleplay experience.  1 on Tumblr. ✗— Extensive Knowledge of Metal Gear Solid. Fan for 13 years. ✗— Open to AUs 
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
Wade uncovered his eyes upon feeling the duster hovered over his nose. His jaw slacked instantly, eyes widening.  "Oh. My F#%$"
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Wade clapped his hands at her comment. “Surprise? Sweet. I’m ready.” He closed his eyes, hands clapsed tightly together.
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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Wade clapped his hands at her comment. "Surprise? Sweet. I'm ready." He closed his eyes, hands clapsed tightly together.
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"-I was talking about you and that fine ass  though, duh. I always loved when you wore that lab coat around me.” He spoke with a growing grin.
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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"-I was talking about you and that fine ass  though, duh. I always loved when you wore that lab coat around me." He spoke with a growing grin.
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"Ooh. I see what you did there, Stacy. Slick. Very slick."
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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"Ooh. I see what you did there, Stacy. Slick. Very slick."
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"Supah fly. Feelin awesome.  Still hot and nerdy as ever I see.”
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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"Supah fly. Feelin awesome.  Still hot and nerdy as ever I see."
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“-Gwen! Long time no see. Ya miss me?”
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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"-Gwen! Long time no see. Ya miss me?"
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
[the way deadpool hates himself but uses humour as a facade and--
oh hi guys]
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
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Wilson returned the smirk with a grin of his own, raising his head up ever so slightly. "I am. Won't take long to figure out what to do with you."
"Come a little closer and we’ll figure something out." He said gesturing her to the seat that he was sitting in.
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"You started it. Nerd."
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"Well then. I’m glad to know these thoughts I’m having for my ‘friend’ are normal."
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"Boy? Outch. Ego thrown out the window."
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"Th-Th-That butt though.."
" Th-Th—-quit your stuttering, boy." 
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"Well then. I'm glad to know these thoughts I'm having for my 'friend' are normal."
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 ”Yeaaaah. And I’m sure ‘friends’ think about fucking their friends brains out, right? Totally normal thing.”
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"Yeaaaah. And I'm sure 'friends' think about fucking their friends brains out, right? Totally normal thing."
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"Iunno..I mean they don’t eye rape eachother or undress their friends with their eyes. You were pulling some Rick Grimes type stares. I mean unless you’re into that sorta thing."
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"Perhaps I am into that sort of thing, but you will never know. Joking, joking. I was simply looking you up and down, is that such a crime? A friend can’t check a friend out? I’m sure everyone does it at least once with their friends. Sitting back, admiring what a good looking friend they have." 
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"Iunno..I mean they don't eye rape eachother or undress their friends with their eyes. You were pulling some Rick Grimes type stares. I mean unless you're into that sorta thing."
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"Friends don't look at each other like that."
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"Since you seem to be an expert on facial expressions——how are friends supposed to look at each other? With their eyes crossed? Tongue out? How?" 
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"Come a little closer and we'll figure something out." He said gesturing her to the seat that he was sitting in.
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"We gonna keep talking in metaphors? I mean I could keep this up all day but..that’d just get boring eventually, don’t ya think? I like to keep things a bit..interesting.”
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gimmeyourmilkmoney · 10 years
"We gonna keep talking in metaphors? I mean I could keep this up all day but..that'd just get boring eventually, don't ya think? I like to keep things a bit..interesting."
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"If it’s a conversation with you it’s definitely in. Just gotta choose your deck, babe.”
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