cassediaz · 11 years
In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they'll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
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cassediaz · 11 years
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cassediaz · 11 years
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        { He wasn't sure why they bothered telling him about it... As if he wanted to know that  someone else had her heart in their body. What was it supposed to do to him? Give him some comfort knowing that part of her still existed? Quite the opposite, really. All it accomplished was making things more painful for him. Although having all of her dead was still just as painful, he wouldn't have to walk around knowing that her heart - the one he had won over.. Was in someone else. Why did they get to live? How could that ever make him happy? What was their problem? He would have been better off not knowing at all. }
            { Now he had to go see her.. The one with the heart of his deceased lover. He wasn't prepared, at least not emotionally or mentally prepared. He wanted no part of this girls life.. Why would he want to be around her knowing who's heart was actually keeping her alive? The heart that once kept Elena alive. How was it even remotely fair? He wore an expression of displeasure as he made his way to the  cafè. This wasn't going to be a satisfying experience, at least not for him. If he was alerted of anyone else having her organs he was going to lose his sanity- he was certain of it. What bothered him most of all was that the heart was the first to be used. }
                  { He was there, and what was he to do now? Casually approach her and act as if there was not a single problem in the world? Wrong. He couldn't pretend like everything was okay. He stepped towards the girl with caution. It had to be her, right? Isaac walked to the girl slowly and silently and cleared his throat to get her attention. He was going to do his best to remain polite. He wanted to see the face of the girl Elena had technically saved. } 
Misguided Angel -- Isaac & Cassandra
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       {She felt so self conscious and uncomfortable of her surroundings. She hadn’t been out by herself, without a hospital pole by her side in, well.. forever. It was far too overwhelming for her so here she was, in this little cafè close to the hospital she had just left. It was peaceful, not too hectic like it was in the hospital. She asked if she was able to have alone time, her family hesitantly letting her go out alone in this big world that she had no idea about.}
       {The movies she had seen about this place that she watched was completely different to the actual real place. People weren’t as nice as they were in films, they were always rushing around and hardly ever smiled if you smiled at them. She sighed, her finger dipping into her now warm hot chocolate before licking it clean. The cafè was empty, it was pleasant, the Batista coming over frequently to ask if she was okay. Only because of her father nagging him about making sure she was safe and looked after. She’d occasionally come over with top ups.}
      {The girl heard the bell above the door chime, she thought it was a little odd. In the full hour and a half of being here the only reason that sounded was if she needed to go out for some air or the occasion child walking in for some sweets. It was a little too late for both of those but she didn’t bother looking up.}
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cassediaz · 11 years
Like for a starter. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
I got busy over the past few days. Sorry. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
Ugh I know I owe one reply and I'm gonna get to it soon. I'M JUST SO S I C K. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
Sorry I've been away all day oops. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
loveiswater liked your post:Give me some verses for Isaac. 
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wtfryder liked your post:Give me some verses for Isaac. 
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idledlove liked your post:Give me some verses for Isaac. 
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pessimisticxminds liked your post:Give me some verses for Isaac. 
No don't just like it. Come and love me. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
Give me some verses for Isaac. 
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cassediaz · 11 years
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cassediaz · 11 years
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@zaynmalik: Be in the drivers seat , make decisions and trust your own judgement bcz the only person that can make you happy is you, :)
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cassediaz · 11 years
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"At some point, they will. It comes unexpectedly, no warning, no signs. They'll understand one day when they go through something tragic and experience what true pain feels like. It's so much worse than physical discomfort, and mark my words- they will come to realize that. Sadness is never going to stop existing, and that's something I've come to accept." 
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           ”I’d have to disagree with that, well the everyone feels like this part, because there’s a lot of people I know that have never felt like this, that don’t understand. They won’t ever understand but like you said, the sadness never goes away…”
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cassediaz · 11 years
He's clearly growing more annoyed with each passing second, and he can't help but wonder if they're doing this intentionally.  Are they looking to get a rise out of him or something? Of course he didn't turn into the Hulk or anything of the sort when he was angry, he just became a raging mess - and nobody should have wanted to see that. "Can you just shut up already?" He hissed, eyes narrowing. "I don't care what you have to say to me. I'll never care." 
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cassediaz · 11 years
Come plot with me.
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cassediaz · 11 years
"I wouldn't expect you to understand... It doesn't surprise me.. Nobody gets it.. At least nobody that I've met." 
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"Oh, uh, no! No!" Maelyn retorted to the guy, "I just.. don’t understand. I’m curious."
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cassediaz · 11 years
"Yes, you heard me correctly," Isaac confirmed to the stranger. "Do you have a problem with my beliefs?" 
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cassediaz · 11 years
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"Everyone feels like that at some point.. It never goes away." 
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           ”I’d just…like to stop existing right now,”
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