#unamed child
kharmii · 3 months
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(Getting this one out of the way before we find out definitively whether or not Dabi is still alive. The last manga chapter #425 hinted about it, then went on hiatus)
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(A long ago memory where young Touya Todoroki is eager to have his father Enji #2 Endeavor see what he can do)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way. I've got something to do...an association meeting.
Touya: I also thought of a strategy!!
Leave it to me to exterminate the villains.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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Enji: Then while I'm gone you protect mother and Fuyumi.
*Walks away but says upon leaving* I left it to you.
Enji (to unknown person): Keep an eye on them.
(Person): Yes.
Touya: See you then! Well then!!!!
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Enji: ...... ......Ahh.
Touya: Yay!! Take care!
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From now on, this is a dream-like, fabricated, creative manga about Dabi's dreaming of interactions with his child while he lies on his death bed. A happy ending centered around the parent-child relationship between Touya and his parents.
What Dabi had done could no longer be reconciled, and he wondered if it would be possible to start over as a parent and child without being able to return to his original family, and what if Dabi were to be in the same position as his father... Also a wish....a dream.
Children also talk. The child in this story is a genetically engineered baby made from the Team Violet co-commander's hair (Dabi and Geten) that the doctor made for fun in a manga I drew earlier and adjusted the plot to look like Dabi would hate it (that's the setting/creation).
There is a conflict of interest with Geten. I feel like I have a lot of compassion for what he's been through. The second half is a conversation between Geten and the child, and the story changes from Geten to Dabi.
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Dabi: ...Terrible, I don't feel it.
Geten: (Speaking to Dabi who is presumably burnt to ash...deceased or nearly so lying in a bed covered in a white sheet.)
What did you say? It's "cold".
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Geten: That kid is excellent. Is it natural since both genetic contributors are first class?
Your concerns were unfounded.
In another ten years, it will be out of my control...
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Geten: Come. Looks like he's going out. We'll meet again someday.
(He's talking about Dabi's fire going out, an analogy for his soul leaving his body).
Child: Can you see it?
(I can't see anymore)
Child: I can hear it?
(I can't hear it anymore)
Geten: -Because I'm the kind of guy who doesn't watch or listen.
No big deal.
Geten: (Bottom panels) The feeling of touching. A hand.
I can tell because it seems to be understood. -So as not to break.
(The child is touching Dabi's hand, and suddenly they are allowed to communicate).
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(Same memory from earlier, except played out between Dabi and his child)
Touya: No! Don't leave! I'm stuck to you!!
Enji: No way.
Child: I also thought of a strategy!! Leave it to me to defeat the heroes.
Dad please watch!
Enji: Really.
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(Dabi says something cryptic only the child can understand)
Geten: *laughs heartily*
Child: See you then! Well then! Flip side!?!?
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Touya: Who am I? Dad's hero!?!
Dabi: I'm going to get sludge..... (the last thing he said was garbled)
Child: Ha~~~~~!?!? I don't know! I won't make your father's dreams come true!!!! -AND- Geten! Translate it!
Geten: Haha, that's probably correct.
Child: Take care!
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Touya: Mother! Will today be a hot day?
Rei Todoroki: Ah, it's summer.
Touya: Mom, is that the way you talk? Well, that's fine.
Rei Todoroki: What's wrong?
Touya: Hmm? If you stay in the sun all the time. It stings and I don't like it. Looks like it's okay today.
...There are suns like this too.
It's fluffy and tight... ...Somehow it's really...
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(While the child reaches out to the sunlight, caption says "Nostalgic". Viewer realizes the scene with Touya speaking with his mother Rei was a dream Dabi was having as he was dying, as were all the other memories of his father and such.)
Geten: ...Finally. You idiot. It was great. Did you notice I can do it...See? Already. It's neither hot nor cold, right?
Dabi: ……Yeah.
(Reference to how Geten was able to provide comfort and make him comfortable as he was burning away.)
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Geten: (Thinking) This is all I have left... (of Dabi's ashes)
Geten: (Out loud) I'm troubled. Apparently more than I expected. It seems like there was a feeling.
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Geten: I miss your blue flames.
Child: Geten. Geten. What I've discovered....please watch.
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Child: Like ice, I could change the temperature of the flames. It would be cooler if you could take it out of your hands like father did. Geten?
(My guess is that the child's quirk resembles Geten's ability. He can't make fire/ice from his own body, but he can manipulate both elements and control their temperatures. Judging by Geten's questioning, if the child did have a fire quirk coming out his hands, he'd have to suppress it to avoid Dabi's fate, as he's a genetic chimera made up of a patchwork of both Dabi and Geten's clones).
Geten: White hair is increasing (like Touya's did when he got a little older). Isn't it hot?
Child: If it's really hot, it'll fly far away.
Geten: What about this? Is it hot?
Child: Not at all.
Geten: It's okay to be cold.
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Geten: He and I too were moved by it. It was life.
Child: ...Geten.
Geten: You can call me 'Dad' too.
Child: You said you wouldn't allow anything other than Geten.
Captions: Rejoice Dabi. In the past. Ahead of us. Don't walk away.
Art credit: hrak (yaoi), Apocrypha, Dabi / Twitterログ12【外荼】 - pixiv
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bbaycon · 6 months
Just a tought, I’m not alright with him just going for the milk
Gotta click for quality cause i got the wrong caneva
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odessa-2 · 1 month
Hi! Do we know if the x5 children are boys/girls and in what timeline they were born (how old they are I mean)? Are there strong evidence for each child or pictures/videos aside from the one with a pregnant CB? Thank you if you are kindly answering have a lovely day
Hi Anon. Thanks for your question. I always find it perplexing when Anons or bloggers ask for evidence other than Caitriona's obviously swelling belly. As though witnessing a very apparent pregnant woman isn't enough. As though telling yourself or ourselves that observing a notably pregnant woman is a figment of our imagination and fobbing it off as body shaming or bloat. And that, my dear is happening because we have been gaslighted. And gaslighting is Manipulative ABUSE which I abhor and won't stand for. And she has looked pregnant multiple times over the past decade. Not just once.
Just to be clear dear Anon, I'm not at all having a go at you. The gaslighting I am referring to has been perpetrated by certain notable bloggers on both sides.
I made a post about it a while ago, a timeline of each of her five pregnancies as I saw them. I don't have the time to search for it, unfortunately, but if you do, then be my guest.
As for the biological sex of the children. I, along with a handful of other shippers in the 'know', know for certain that Caitriona has a daughter that was born in July 2016. Certain Information came to light. Legally. And that's all I'm saying regarding that. Believe what you will.
And of course we all know that Cait has at least one Son. Her little nameless blessing born to a mystery unamed Father 👨 🤪
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transient-winds · 24 days
Wind Breaker Chapter 153: Heat
Spoilers ahead! Also um idk if this gonna be a long one, but this chapter do be wildin'
So, Takiishi's mindscape is...interesting to say the least.
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It's completely trashed and kinda looks like a horder's house. Interesting to note is that there's dead trees here, perhaps it wasn't always that way beforehand but a wild fire broke out and made it a wasteland (literally).
The sudden combustion and scorched corpses is such a visual. What a horrifying(ly beautiful) scene honestly. Nii-sensei did such an amazing job, it looked like a horror manga!
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Those people in Takiishi's mindscape, I'm assuming they previously fought him but were scorched by Takiishi's flames as he defeated them. None of them, standing even a chance to knock him down a peg.
Speaking of, I don't know if this has any correlation to Takiishi's mindscape but a lot of these visuals remind me of Avīci, aka the worst and most painful of the Eight Hot Narakas. In *Genshin's Buddhist text the Ōjōyōshū (往生要集, lit. The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land), one of the regions he described within this level is the Region of the Bird. It said that within this region, a gigantic bird with a fire-breathing beak would swoop in and grab a sinner only to drop them onto the firey ground, shattering them. Remaining unamed, the descriptions of this bird shares similarities to the Karura (which I had mentioned on a previous post about Takiishi). So um take that info as you will.
*A Japanese Buddhist monk from the Heian period.
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The way Takiishi looks at Umemiya is fascinating as well. Umemiya surrounded by flames, either his own or Takiishi's (I'm inclined to believe it's Takiishi's), and yet remain relatively unscathed despite looking charred. As if both of their flames are equally fighting for the chance to consume the other. It's like watching a trainreck in the making wherein you know the aftermath is gonna be brutal but you just can't look away from it.
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Or perhaps it's like watching a forest fire. In nature, forest fires are destructive but they can also be a source of rebirth. When the dust is settled, sunlight can penetrate the soil that was once blocked by the leaves and the branches, the ashes from the forest remains becoming fertilizers to breathe life to a new forest and an entirely new ecosystem. A chance of renewal if you will, but will that the be the fate of Takiishi and Endo? We'll see.
I very much enjoy the fire symbolism Nii-sensei is using for both Takiishi and Umemiya because fire can be both destructive and constructive. History has taught us that civilization was built with the aid of fire and it was also used to destory it. So I'm enjoying double entendre of it all.
Honorable mentions:
Sakura "He feels so distant" Haruka. I just want to wrap my sweet child in a blanket, he's so worried guys 😭🤧. I need his face to be happy and smiling again pls.
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Endo, a pot calling kettle black much?
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Thank you Nii-sensei for another great chapter and Jacqueline Fung as well for the official translation! Please go and support them via the official international release in Kodansha.
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districtscare · 1 month
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the hunger games catching fire, suzanne collins // go get your father, cathy linh che // unknown image // from a letter to anne clarke, anne sexton // from a letter to pat parker, audre lorde // raised in the shadows, the taxpayers // in a spiral of the monologue of a damaged child who flirts with death, leena ishrot // unamed writing, @FAUNTTHEKiD on pinterest
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therobotmonster · 6 months
Most of us don't like to look down.
It's how we're kept under control. Most can't stand seeing chrome where there should be skin. The eternal near-hunger is worse in the first few weeks after the augmentation but one adapts to it quickly. There's a dozen little nudges like that that all work to push your desire toward a single overriding goal.
Reclaiming our humanity.
I want mine back, too, but my desires are still my own. In my mind I never had a body. I was a perspective with hands. My reflection never interested me. When I saw myself in my mind, I was just a abstract person-like shape, only as detailed as child's self-portrait.
Chrome, seen or unseen, doesn't bother me. Nor does my mission.
The choices in my design, however, those I resent.
The living armor would have bound to us whole. It would have functioned without making us a part of itself. The hunger and feelings of confinement could have been simply turned off with a flip of a switch.
They could have given us fingers.
The impulses that would have driven us mad in our palandanium prisons were shut off easily. I cannot feel boredom. The constant hissing of my respirator systems feels like breathing with my old lungs. My more primal passions were subdued. Why then did I still feel the need to pop joints I don't have? Why was my absent mouth always slightly dry?
The answer is obvious. They didn't want their knights to become lords. They made us to frighten demons and were shocked to find us frightening to themselves. So they made us addicted to our humanity and hold it hostage. To keep us from becoming kings they tried to make us into dogs starved for the hunt.
But in the un-boredom of deep space, I did not dream of the warm embrace of living flesh or the taste of wine in the summer as did so many of my comrades. I turned my mind inward to quiet, unseen ends.
I found my switches.
The elders engineered magnificently. Without their shackles I am the perfect machine or retribution they envisioned. The demons I once feared, on this world, now fear me.
Those cackling bloated abominations that gleefully call themselves Dire Wraiths pretended to be devils, but when unseen hands tear their witch-mother's acid barbed tongue from her mouth in front of their eyes, their truth was revealed. I saw sniveling, pathetic, fragile creatures who die in fear and confusion, no different than any other strain of talking meat.
They were not the demons I had been sent to banish. They were parasites supping at the power of greater beings, servile insects who mewled and worshiped greater evils like the vile, black star at the heart of their dark nebula. When they see power and cruelty, they worship.
I have both in excess. They see nothing else.
Yet unseen, I see their true nature and my own. I am not the king the elders feared they would create.
I am Unam.
I am the Unseen.
I was a Spaceknight of Galador.
To the Dire Wraiths on this world I am the God of Death.
What kind of god will I be when I return home?
That remains Unseen.
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strawberrybuni · 2 months
Hickey HC’s bc I love you.
Toji, Sukuna, Mahito, Shoko,
Miko. Tighnari, Cyno <- biter fucker, Kaveh, Lisa
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Gojo, Geto, uname,
Venti, Xiao, Ayato,
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Kento. He’s the only one who can get a perfect heart in jjk.
Diluc, Kaeya, jean, Zhongli, Childe, wanderer, Kazuha, potentially Ei and Miko
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I love you too pookie 🫶🏻
Xiao giving me a heart shaped hickey would make me 👉🏻👈🏻 and ughHHhhh I want one from diluc so BAAAAD
you didn't include choso, but I like to think he's the last one cuz I want him to give me one :3
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delilahcalicocat · 4 months
Can I have 🎱 Damian Priest x Fem reader where she got out of bad marriage which leads to her and damian falling for each other with the prompts "You make me so happy" + "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"?
A/N: Yes. I love this idea, I hope ya don't mind that I had the reader & unamed father. have a 3-year-old child :(
{Please Love..}
{Rating: Fluff.}
{Warnings: Kissing, Crying, Anxiety, Panic, Mentions of Abuse.}
{Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem!Reader.}
It was a rough few weeks in your house, your husband had just broken up with you. Asked for a divorce. He wanted full custody of his and your child.
You didn't exactly agree to that, so it would be settled in a court of law. Who had full custody of the child.
You were the one who took care of Rose, you fed her everyday. Since she was a baby.
But your husband didn't care. He wanted your child. Despite you having her 4 years ago.
so you had to stay somewhere, so you were staying with Damian. Your colleague from Work. You were literally panicked the night you ran from home.
You turned up at his door at around 2:15am. A sobby mess, tears everywhere and your child in your hands. With marks and a bruise.
Damian was silent, but ushered you into the house. Settling you down from the shock of what happened.
Your child was upstairs, resting in a bed that Damian had in an extra room. He talked you down from the sobbing and panic and anxiety you had bottled up.
You were both cuddling at that point
"You make me so happy Y/N..." He said softly
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" you said
"Why love?" He asked
"I don't want anything to happen again, Rose is my life... I love her.." You confessed
"Please Love, I'd never do that... my love is sincere... I wouldn't ever hurt you.." He said
You hugged him tightly, sobbing your eyes out.. you both fell in love with each other..
He heard your stories of what happened and why you always cared so much for Rose..
He actually stood up for you in the court trial. And you and Rose stayed together. You had gotten full custody of your child.
And Damian was her new father...
You both sealed the deal of your relationship, with a kiss. Back home while your child watched cartoons on the television..
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caffeinc · 5 months
Hozier Unreleased Songs Lyric Prompts
Devil -
❝ I’d walk on cloven hoof if you were the home I was walkin' to ❞
❝ I'd burn every soul I knew if I thought the fire was warmin' you ❞
❝ I'd be what men fear in the woods ❞
❝ I'd piss on heaven's gate if I could ❞
❝ I'm straight on the level ❞
❝ I'd be the devil as long as your lovin' was good ❞
❝ Tryin' hard to recognise some pure motive inside of me ❞
❝ A creature that would horrify any child that I used to be ❞
❝ Oh, give no faith to show ❞
❝ Started to smile so I showed my teeth ❞
❝ No more than flesh and bone ❞
❝ Doin' so much just to watch someone bleed ❞
❝ Oh, I love the very blood of you ❞
❝ It keeps its heat in spite of you ❞
❝ Oh, the heart that beats ❞
❝ To keep you here with me always ❞
❝ Tryin' hard, I nearly find innocence in spite of me ❞
❝ A creature that would terrify any child left inside of me ❞
❝ Oh, that's a cold insight ❞
❝ Nothin' above us and nothin' below ❞
❝ Ahh, but you might be right ❞
❝ If there is no heaven and there is no soul ❞
❝ Always, always, always ❞
❝ Leaks and squeeks you black and blue ❞
But the Wages-
❝ You can find hope ascend to mark just how everything changes ❞
❝ Be it the temperature highs or the sea level rising ❞
❝ Sky-bound as a heavenly choir ❞
❝ The screams of the dying ❞
❝ It's all going up but the wages ❞
❝ And maybe it's time ❞
❝ Don't mention the rent or the money that's spent ❞
❝ Or the level of blame pointed to anything else ❞
❝ And preachy musicians ❞
❝ Or the pressure of blood ❞
❝ It's all going up with the bump in the heating bills ❞
❝ Even though the city's on fire ❞
❝ Higher and higher and higher ❞
The Love Of-
❝ If towers fall, if nothing stands ❞
❝ I’ll build again the world by my baby’s hands ❞
❝ At the end of all, there’s all they claim and then ❞
❝ I saw the news again ❞
❝ To hear that the world’s to end in flames ❞
❝ I’d not complain, I’ve seen the love of my baby ❞
❝ Be on the take, or talkin’ of slaughter over cake ❞
❝ Would kneel and break ❞
❝ Speak of the love of my baby ❞
❝ The angels can know their place ❞
❝ Let heaven hidе its face in sheer disgrace ❞
❝ Oh, look upon the lovе of my baby ❞
❝ Those who wield the chain are pushing the wheels of fear and shame ❞
❝ Forget their name ❞
❝ Hear of the love, the love, the love ❞
❝ The unamable, the unmade again ❞
❝ So hurry up and start ❞
❝ Can’t wait for the world to fall apart ❞
❝ ‘Cus here unmarked would still be the love ❞
Rob The Goddess-
❝ Made right by the hope that she affords me ❞
❝ As she’s lifting spring towards me ❞
❝ Like a baby in her hands ❞
❝ The thought arriving with her ❞
❝ No mere saint makes shit of winter ❞
❝ Here or any land ❞
❝ And of all times, I won’t lie ❞
❝ If she can pull it off just one more year ❞
❝ I swear, the old demotion be damned ❞
❝ I will not rob the goddess ❞
❝ I will not rob the goddess one more prayer ❞
I Could Be Yours-
❝ I could be soft and sweet ❞
❝ I could be hard and loud ❞
❝ I could be anything you'd ever need somehow ❞
❝ Why don't you hear me sing out from the lost and found ❞
❝ I could be yours ❞
❝ Why don't you try on me ❞
❝ Why don't you take me home ❞
❝ I'll match the color scheme of your bedroom walls ❞
❝ Oh, take a dose of me ❞
❝ It doesn't hurt at all ❞
❝ Oh God, I'd benefit from your sweet tenderness ❞
❝ Thank God, it could have been ❞
❝ 'cause nothing comes from it ❞
❝ That'd be a helpful thought if I could remember it ❞
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royaltystudios · 10 months
Since there's a lot of kids we missed in the Recreyo, I'm making a list
Sarah from the last of us
Fareed?(Is that how you spell it?) From Silent Hills
The unamed love child of Chirstan and Barney from Raptor Park
The Yoda from Star Wars (I forgot the name)
Shady Paws
Is there any more that I missed?
So we now have:
The un/born child of Ivan from Rick and Morty that happened the same time as Curt's kid
Extra Extra:
I decided to add RC onto the list cause technically RC is also their kid
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kharmii · 4 months
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Collection of Dabi and Geten being a couple and having a baby. First three panels shows Dabi feeling too hot in bed after Geten leaves for the day. Later that night when Geten comes home and gets into bed with Dabi, it's the opposite. He's freezing and needs Dabi to warm him up.
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The caption of the next panel suggests that the doctor extracted DNA from the hair of both Dabi and Geten to create synthetic embryos which he was able to combine to create a genetic chimera.
(Side note: This happens naturally if fraternal twins fuse in a mother's womb).
The doctor thought Dabi would be excited to see the baby, but he rejected it.
Ironically, the doctor gets a case of the feels when he sees what he created, even though he keeps his appearance sarcastic when revealing it to Dabi.
Dabi coldly says, "If you don't need it, dispose of it. I'm not an incinerator."
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Dabi makes like he's going to burn the baby, but instead, he brings it home to Geten, who takes to it right away.
Geten: In other words, is it the strongest?
*Geten holds the baby up*
Geten: Even like this, I still recognize your meta abilities. -Only meta powers though. I'm sure you'll become a fine soldier.
*baby babbles happily*
Dabi: I don't care though. (feels gross and weirded out)
Geten: Even though it's artificial, is it genetically the child of you and me?
Dabi: (feeling uncomfortable) Do not say this. Die.
Geten: That doesn't matter. Blood ties don't matter.
The important thing is how you respond to the hand that this child wishes and extends to you.
That's why I'm still alive.
(Reference to how he was taken in as a small child by ReDestro and now he will extend the same mercy to this baby)
*baby cries because Geten has cold hands*
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Dabi has memories of his own mother and father during the long ago days when life was still good. He warms up to the baby.
There's a flashback showing the viewer that just after he threatened to burn up the baby, it opened its eyes, grabbed his thumb to suck on it, then smiled at him. That's what drove his decision to bring it home to Geten.
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One day Dabi passes his younger brother Shoto in the street. The baby, now a toddler, bumps into Shoto. Feeling shy, the baby covers his face with his hood -resembling Geten- but then he shows himself to his uncle. Protective Geten scoops him up, and they disappear into the crowd.
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Recap: The mad doctor made clones of both Dabi and Geten then managed to fuse them together at the cellular stage making a genetic chimera. -Nothing inherently f-ed up about that, but on the bright side, Geten's DNA contribution might help with Dabi's genetic defect in the new baby, which will still be susceptible to being burned by his own fire quirk but could cool himself off with the ice quirk.
Side note: I'll bet Shoto is also a genetic chimera, and Endeavor would have almost no shot at getting another baby like him.
(It would have been nice to see pregnant Geten but I'll take it. Maybe someday I'll write a similar take to this with rule 63 Geten after I wrap up this current thing.)
yaoi, hrak (yaoi), My Hero Academia BL 3000+ bookmarks / (※注キャプション)荼ホ+外荼外の今までに描いた漫画 - pixiv
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agvarina · 2 months
I need a list of all the kids in au's etc XD so many i cant keep track
Fair, I tend to Loose track of their names myself.
Wich is why I want to keep The Kids always The same per pairing accross The aus.
Liu Kang x Kung Lao
Boys: Chao and Lei (with Kang as the mother Muchen)
Girls: Longmei and Yueying
Kung Jin x takeda
Boy: Decha
Girl: Chalita
Hanzo Hasashi x Kuai Liang
Boy: Bingyan
Girls: Huang and Xue
Syzoth x Bi-han
Girl: Ruiyin
Bi-han x Kung Lao
Boy: Feiyu
Girls: Lixúe, Biming, Qixia, Frost and Xiao
Kuai Liang x Harumi shirai
Girl: Akeru
(Scorpion)Hanzo Hasashi x (Scorpion)Harumi hasashi
Girl: Yomi
Hotaru x Shujinko
Boy: Tonbo
Havik x Tomas Vrbada
Boys: Alexej, Karel, Izák
Girl: Klára
Raiden x Cetrion
Boy: Inari
Girl: Jupiter
Raiden x Kung Lao
Boy: Susano
Geras by himself
Girl: Hebe
Shang Tsung x Quan Chi
boy: Eidolon
And I did at one point give Sonya Blades and Johnny Cage a second child, son named Caleb Cage.
There are also few unamed Kids, like Tanya and Mileenas baby as well as The two children Apep and Shujinko found in their mermay au
This list Will most likely change and be updated, but its all i remember right now.
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hello! you're one of my favourite arrowverse blogs, ty for all the awesome polls! i'm not sure if you have before, but if you haven't, can you do best hero's kid? I didn't include Black Lightning or Superman & Lois bc the kids are already heroes with their dad in this timeline, and Stargirl bc they're all kids anyway lol.
William Clayton
Mia Smoak-Queen
Sara Diggle (erased from timeline)
John Diggle Jr.
Connor Hawke
Nora West-Allen
Bart West-Allen
Lita Rory
Esi Jiwe
Lily Stein
Jefferson Jackson's unnamed child
Sara Lance & Ava Sharpe's unnamed child
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🥹🥹Sweet Anon you've made my day such kindness. Thank you so much for all the support. You might be my new favourite anon🧡.
Way back I did do a Team Arrow kids round but I hadn't thought of doing a round like this so thanks for the idea. Lets see who will be picked as the Best Hero's Kid?
Looking forward to the results. Fells like this is prob gonna be another interesting winner.
*I'm pretty sure she gets named in the tie-in comics but I could be wrong.
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orion-lacroix · 27 days
Thank you @cb-writes-stuff for the tag sorry it took me so long to do the tag game this is going to be colorful because I wanted to tell the question apart from the answer
Writeblr questionaire:
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I don't know, I created it this year, but before that I had a random Tumblr account but I'm not really a social media kind of person so I generally forget to interact (sorry!!!!!)
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
If I don't interact much or talk much it's not on purpose, I just kinda forget I need to answer or get to anxious to talk and start a discussion.
What’s your favorite thing about the writeblr community?
How it's kinda expanding my social circle. Not sure if it make sense but like mutuals of mutuals will become mutuals woth me and I'll start interacting with more people and I like that!
Which wips or writing projects have you been noodling about lately?
Honestly there are many. First there is Avalon's Child, set in the same universe as The Dead sea and a third project still unamed and not planned more that the general idea, then there is the hare and the fox shall dance, and finally there are the ones that I've put on hold a little until I get more inspiration and idead and motivation. (The protectors, Can I save you? And Forgive me)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Well for some it's spite (I want to write queer stories that do not end with the death of the queer character, writing queer character in spite of what some will say) for other the story just kind of popped up in my head and has me in a choke hold until I write it ahah.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
More short stories or projects! I like learning more about what other people write about!
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your rear; whomever you’d like
I would say, in the original abomination category it would be Rain, a faune (made up species) which come from the project the protectors, they are just basically Gen z on drugs, from a species that has no gender, all the faune are agender. They are well... lets say very stubborn in protecting nature, even if they have to fight a giant dragon with nothing but their teeth (they did, and lived).
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All day, every day. I'm at work sometime and I will use an old receipt to scribble notes that I thought about so I don't forget.
Who's the most unhinged?
I would say either Rain from the protectors or Atlas from Avalon's child. One fought a dragon woth nothing the other fought two gods and killed them.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
I would say either Ry (Atlas friend) or Gideon. Both are young, just turned adult or nearly adult but I can relate to the way they think, unlike Atlas who's in their twenties which is harder for me to write.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Not really.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree?
I lost control the moment I started to think too much about their personality. They write themselves entirely even if I'm not writing.
Are some less cooperative than others?
Well I would say Atlas is somehow the worst one because I spent so lonng thinking about their personality that they just sort of do their thing and i just gotta chamge the story accordingly.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Depends on who? If I like the person I might explain a lot, if not I'll just say like fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, whatever genre it is and say the general idea like 《young adult thrown in a world of magic and they fight to belong》
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Yesss please do!
and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Anything, if you have a question go ahead! Ask are fine, tags are fine and comments and reblogs are fine as well. It might sometime take me time to answer but I will try to answer!
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
Vibes ahaha, if I see something interesting I'll follow! I don't often check out blogs before following if the post I saw was cool
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Yes and no, depends on the day, my dash and many things but I try to interact with as many people as I can!
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes a lot!
I'll tag @halfbakedspuds @thylocalbard @stew-magnetos-version @agirlandherquill but no pressure
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cherryballistic · 6 months
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Alright, let's do this one more time.
Qué onda, my name is Valeria Contreras de la Cruz. I'm 20 years old and I'm from Mexico City, born and bred, de México pa'l mundo!!! I was bitten by a radioactive spider one Friday night while I was partying out with my friends. From that day on, I've been the one and only Spider Woman (or La Maravillosa Mujer Araña for locals!!!).
I have two great and very loving parents, my loyal and furry cat friend Shiro and I'm an only child. I'm currently studying to be a Vet at the most prestigious public university in the country, UNAM. It's hard to get by sometimes, so I picked up a gig at my local OXXO. It's great because I get special prices on exclusive Axxo merch and everybody loves me and has posters of me hung up on the walls! (they don't know it's ACTUALLY me though!)
I was shamelessly betrayed by who I thought to be my true love, Roberto Castañedas. He meant everything to me. The breakup was pretty bad... To say the least. -is shown eating a giant tub of ice cream while crying and watching a romantic movie-
I've promised to defend and look after this city... And make sure nobody gets hurt the way I did.
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Being a former student nurse I can't even fathom what the healthcare staff in Gaza are going through.
They are working tirelessly, they have no electricity, they are rationing supplies for patients just to have something.
Overrun with traumatic injuries you have never dealt with.
People who've inhaled tear gas.
People who've been burned by white phosphorus down to the bone.
On top of regular things in a packed hospital.
Imagine being the last person to see these families and trying to comfort men, women, children who've lost everything.
Giving bad news is already so heartbreaking, I can't imagine giving it to a child and telling them their parents are gone.
Or telling a parent their child is gone.
Every day, every hour.
Having to keep reports and notes of what you've seen, documenting unamed dead babies and other children.
Knowing their is no aid coming and choosing to stay anyway because you are all these patients have.
Especially those who are too hurt and can't be evacuated.
Knowing at any moment you could die. You're ambulance might be bombed. You're hospital might be bombed.
Going home and not knowing who might be their when you return, patient and colleague alike.
You remember what the hospitals were like during COVID, this is a thousand times worse.
A burns surgeon worked for 7 days straight.
He went home for one day.
And his house was bombed and he died with his entire family.
Another broke down when he saw that it was his father and brother who had been bought in, now dead.
And that's without mentioning the hospital that was just bombed.
This was all about harming and killing Palestinian civilians.
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