curryhealthcenter · 7 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
New year, new semester, and one step closer to holding that diploma in your hands. For some of us, this is the final countdown, for others, it’s the starting line. If you are new to campus this spring, welcome to UM! Beginning a semester can be challenging and overwhelming whether you are an incoming freshman or a soon-to-be graduate. But it can also be a clean slate - a fresh start.
Health Nut is back and excited to share another semester’s worth of wellness tips to get us all through the spring and out the other side with strong bodies and minds - starting with these five hacks for a healthy transition into student life. 
Download the UM App
Seriously - do it. This app is a lifesaver. Equipped with easy access to Moodle, the Food Zoo menu and hours, the bus schedule, your student health portal, and more. The UMontana app has it all. With the convenience of everything you need at your fingertips, you’ll feel ready to start and organized from the get-go. Download it here! As a plus, when you download the app, it gives you the option to download the Campus Rec app as well, which allows access to fitness class schedules, intramurals, outdoor programs, personal training, etc. 
Bonus tip: This week is Free Fitness Week at Campus Rec. Which means all group fitness classes, body composition measures, and fitness consultations with a personal trainer are FREE for students! Take advantage while you can.
Seek a tutor
Now that you have the Umontana app you can make this happen right from your phone! Click on the Tutoring Board button within the app to get started. Working with a tutor for a particular class or assignment can not only help improve your overall grade, it can also help you retain the information and form better study habits, ultimately decreasing stress levels and improving your sleep hygiene. Remember, asking for help is self-care, which is always encouraged.
Bonus tip: if you’re feeling breezy in the academic world but tend to struggle when it comes to staying on track with personal health and wellness, a peer health coach could help! Check out this link for Health Coaching at Curry Health Center to learn more.
Schedule exercise
Just like you would a class. If physical activity is part of your weekly schedule, you will be more likely to make time for it. It can be anything from a 20-minute walk to a fitness class at the Rec or 3 on 3 with friends. Plus, studies suggest that physical activity before an exam can improve memory, creativity, and alertness. Regular activity has been shown to result in similar long-term effects - improving cognition and overall student academic performance. Stay moving! Your brain (and your grades) will thank you.
Get to know your professors
Hello (professor) it’s me. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - a simple introduction during designated office hours can make a whole world of difference. Find their office at the beginning and get it out of the way, so next time you are in a crunch, you can easily zip in and resolve an issue or ask any questions you might have. And Email is great, but there is something about face to face convo. 
Curry Health Center Wellness launched a new initiative which recognizes faculty who advocate for student wellness in some way. The nominees are personally selected by students for their outstanding efforts to support student health. The Student Wellness Advocate movement is taking off across campus, so there’s a good chance your encounter with a UM professor, faculty, or staff member will be positive and accommodating.
Treat yourself (to serenity)
All work and no play can be very taxing on your mental and emotional health. Try setting aside at least one or two hours per week specifically for time on your own. Go for a bike ride around Missoula. Hike up to your favorite overlook. Enjoy a coffee at your favorite local shop. Make art. Play music. Write poetry. Anything to exit the world for just a short while. Doing this on a regular basis can help lower the stresses of a jam-packed semester. 
Bonus tip: Swing by the Wellness office in Curry Health Center for some free essential oils!
Wherever you are in your journey at the University of Montana, let the perspective of a fresh start energize you as you enter this spring semester. 
Here in the Wellness Department, we wish you success. Study hard and keep reading Health Nut every Tuesday!! Be well, UM.
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