#ummmm I need a special tag for this post
lycanthrop-ee · 4 months
i can be more specific if you want/need but like, throw wide the gates!!!!!! TELL ME WHATEVER YOU WANT
my friend Ban (feniksido on here) has an incredibly intricate project he's been working on for ages and ages (if you ever see me reblog the same image sets a bunch from him it's because it's like my dominant special interest and if i don't look at kharian and enzo regularly i'll wither inside) and i love it with all my heart!!! i love learning about worldbuilding projects and oc's so much im so excited you want to talk about yours PLEASE!!! vibrates in place i am excited to learn
HEEHEE OKOK UMMMM ok well . BASICALLY it started as a vague "dnd-type setting" and sort of spiraled from there so there are three kingdoms [Troceia, Alistair, and Amaryllis] on the larger continent and a commonwealth [Nesprit] on the second one :] here let me get my trusty map
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now keep in mind i know very little abt geography so this is mostly abt continent shapes + kingdom/capital placements hmm lets see.. the first character to be created was mordred elderhardt, a runaway prince of Trociea who ended up escaping and finding their way to the honeystone, which is an inn in the mid-sized trading town of wellspring! since that was the first town to be invented it became the shorthand name for the universe as a whole the "#mordred" and "#troceia" tags have posts that remind me of them, their kingdom, + their family [which. has character lore up to three generations back] and the "#honeystone" tag has posts abt the inn + the family that owns it ! perhaps one of the most active character tags i have is "#quigley" who . has nothing to do with any of that HSGDHG he started as my dnd character and then i got so attached i airdropped him into wellspring . though i dont use the wellspring tags for his posts bc he would clog them <33 he is my favorite oc though thats the most basic starting point for the Lore ,, i also have some more general info like regional folklore, religion, creatures [which you found some of by yourself :33], international relations, cultures, etc etc etc !!! not to mention the rest of the characters ,, if you have any specific questions/topics of interest i can elaborate on them :DD we can also dm if you want/are comfortable :3
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desired-reality · 1 year
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Name: Fluxuates depending on what prounouns I'm currently using. Alexandra on more feminine days, Alexander on more masculine days, and Alex on more neutral days.
Nicknames: Anything works but I love space, nature, or special intrest themed nicknames. If your going to use gendered nicknames please ask my prounouns first.
Age: I don't fell safe saying my age on here beacuse some people are really freaky, but I will say that I am above 18.
Special Intrests: Anything to do with the positive side of LGBTQIA+, Nature, witchy things, Psychology, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, what real life monsters would look like, My Hero Academia, FNAF (Exspecily security breah), shifting.
What types of posts will I Write, reblog, or like: Most likely something to do with shifting. It could be a fanfic that gave me a idea for my script, shifting motivation, random pictures, ect.
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Gender: Genderfluid
Prounouns: Switches between She/Her, She/ They, They/Them, He/They, He/Him, She/They/ He, She/Her, It/it's, and mirror prounouns.
Sexuality: omnisexual, Panromantic, Demirose, Polyamorous
Dating Status: Current not dating anyone
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Asks: Everone is welcome to send asks as long as you don't go against my DNI or my boundaries. So feel free to send me anything ranging from a picture of your cat to a deep poem of your choice.
DM: Ummmm, this one is a bit tricky. It all really depends on the circumstances. Like your lonely and think I'd make a good freind? Absaloutly you can message me. You want to tell me something but are really scared to put it in a ask? Of course you can, as long as It doesn't go against my bounderies. But If your gonna flirt just no, absaloutly not.
Touching: Only If we are really close. I am autistic and even the though of someone I'm not close with touching me makes my entire body cringe
Flirting: Absaloutly not. I am Demi-aroace (meaning I need a strong emotional connection to be romantically or sexually attracted to anyone) so I don't feel very comfortable with flirting. Soooo yeah, Absaloutly no flirting.
DNI: Basic DNI criteria (Homophobic, Racist, cringe culture, ect). I don't have a super detailed DNI but I do block freely. Oh and any Anti-shifters that interact will be instantly blocked.
Note: If your a minor do NOT scroll through my likes, as I will have some NSFW things in there. If any of my posts have NSFW things I'll tag them #Alex's NSFW, so if your a minor or just don't wanna see it you can block those tags.
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cosmic-affinities · 5 years
Read on AO3 Here
It was stiff and uncomfortable, no one knew how to act, everything looked the same but felt completely wrong. 1998 was full of turmoil, war, and a couple months of recovery. No one thought going back to Hogwarts would feel this way, everyone desperately wanted to move on and pretend like May 2nd was behind them, they knew in their hearts it would never be truly behind them.
“I would like to thank everyone here for returning with me. I know it is difficult, especially for those of us who have grown up here and have discovered who we want to be in these very halls but, everyone in this Great Hall should feel infused with courage, loyalty, wisdom, and ambition. It is not going to be easy but it is right, and everyone here has made the decision to forgo ease for the ability to say they made the right choice. Now let me allow the feast to begin!”
There were gasps, mostly first years, when Headmistress McGonagall waved her hands and made massive amounts of food appear.
“One last thing, I would like our returning 8th years, as they have been dubbed, to stay after the feast is finished, I have some things to discuss.”
Heads from all four tables looked up at McGonagall, many hopeful and even more scared, it was going to be a tough year.
“Thank you all for listening to me and staying after the feast, I just have some housekeeping type things to go over and thought the other students wouldn’t enjoy hearing about them”
There were some murmurs that quickly stopped as she began to speak again.
“First, I am going to make a designated table for you all in the great hall and I expect everyone to use it. There is a special set of classes for all 8th years, but those of you taking courses other than general education will join the seventh years. Sadly you will not be able to join Quidditch with the rest of the school, but you are more than welcome to book the pitch and do as you please.”
At this, some people groaned quietly, but everyone understood that she wanted to give the rest of the school their chance to have a normal time at Hogwarts, the 8th years were the ones imposing not the other way around.
“There are some changes with the curfew, you will all have to be back on the grounds by midnight, or else you will be locked out, but I do not feel the need to tell adults when they need to be in bed. Just remember you will be expected to attend all classes regardless of how late you stay out. I have already set up a separate common room and dorms for you all. Each dorm has its own bathroom and there will be two in a room, each person from a different house, and I will not be accepting any roommate change requests, I have posted your dorm assignments in your common room and I expect you to act like civilized adults to each other.”
After McGonagall made a special point of not allowing roommates to switch, the 8th years slowly became scared, but they followed their headmistress to their new common room anyway. As they walked quiet conversations began.
“Alright, you will have the East Wing of the castle, the common room is through this door, it will open to your magical signatures, and just the same as all the houses, boy’s dormitories are to the left while the girl’s dormitories are to the right. The stairs will not turn into a slide if you try to approach the girls' dorms, and I trust I will not have to change that. One last reminder, your roommates are unchangeable, so don't start something you do not want to finish.”
With her last words McGonagall whisked off quickly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the east wing and after a beat of hesitation, the 8th years turned and allowed the door to read their magical signatures.
“Did McGonagall say that we were rooming with other houses? I hope I can room with a quiet Ravenclaw, anything would be better than a Slytherin.”
“Ron! Stop that now, everything is finally over and I don't want to be a part of any badmouthing, you will be happy with whomever you got paired with.”
“Oh, c’mon ‘Mione! You know I’m right, but if it makes you feel better then I won’t say anything else bad.”
“Fine, thank you. Now, why don’t we go and actually look at who we are paired with.”
Harry watched his friends talk, not knowing what to contribute, he agreed with Hermione, they didn’t need any more anger or hate in their minds, there had already been too much for their lifetimes. He decided to hang back and wait for the crowd around the room assignments paper to dissipate, he was getting tired of crowds.
“Draco why have you been so quiet? You've barely said three words since we got off of the train.”
“Don’t worry about me Pans, I’m just tired. I need to find my room so I can sleep. Hopefully, my roommate won’t be anyone too bad, I can’t easily protect myself at night.”
“Alright if you are sure, and plus you’ll probably get roomed with some random Hufflepuff or something.”
“Well I’m going to go take a quick look so I can find a bed to faceplant on, coming back to Hogwarts has been exhausting.”
By the time the crowd dissipated there were only two small groups left in the common room, they both walked towards the roommate list at the same time.
“Um, guys I think we found our roommates.”
Five faces turned to Hermione, none of them looked too happy.
“Oh no, you can’t be serious ‘Mione! Please tell me you are joking, we all got paired with Slytherins?!” Ron’s face paled, he hoped his friend was just messing around.
“What! Let me see that paper, Granger!” Zabini quickly snatched the paper and his eyes widened.
“Draco, you are not going to like this.”
“Spit it out Blaise, am I with Potter or Weasley, I am not in the mood to play the world’s worst guessing game.”
“Potter. I am with Weasley, and Pansy is obviously with Granger.”
“Alright now was that so hard?” Draco turned to face the other three, “Potter I am going up to our room.”
“Well, I was not expecting that.”
“Well, I guess that means I should go up too, Ron ‘Mione I'll catch up with you guys later.”
There were four shocked faces watching the retreating figure.
“Wow, I was not expecting either of them to stay calm, this will be an interesting year.”
Hermione turned to face Pansy, her new roommate.
“I wasn’t either, I just hope no one gets hexed while no one else is watching. Anyway, I think I should properly introduce myself. Hi, I’m Hermione Granger, your new roommate.”
“O-oh um, Pansy Parkinson.”
She stretched out her hand and Hermione shook it carefully as the two boys stared, not knowing what to do.
“I just want to say that I hope we can make things work this year, I don’t want to be uncomfortable in my own room.”
“Well Granger, I agree with you, something I never thought would happen, so I think that this just might work.”
The two girls walked away together, towards their room, leaving Ron and Blaise behind them, dumbfounded.
“This is going to be a weird year.” Blaise turned.
“You can say that again.”
Harry approached the door and opened it slowly, his trunk was already at the foot of the bed closest to the door, he saw Malfoy unpacking.
“Look, Potter, neither of us enjoy this but can we at least agree to not sling hexes? I’m exhausted and I don't even want to think about any protection spells.”
“Yeah, fine whatever Malfoy. I'm going to use the bathroom.”
Harry closed the door behind him and splashed water on his face, he knew the git hated him but he was not expecting-  whatever you could call what just happened. He was itching to talk to Padfoot, he spent the summer basically attached to him and Remus but he was already missing them, he wanted to tell them about his roommate and try to figure out the weird feeling in his stomach. Although it was probably just general dislike for the blonde through the door. Harry knew it was late though, Padfoot and Moony were probably already in their pajamas curled on the couch watching Defying Gravity (1997) for the umpteenth time, all he said when Harry asked why was ‘It's funny and gay, like me why wouldn't I watch it over and over?’ in a way only Sirius could, all while Remus sighed and shook his head trying to fight the fond smile that crossed his features. Harry allowed himself to get caught up in the memory until a stiff knock brought him back down.
“Come on Potter I haven’t got all night!”
Harry swiftly opened the door and walked past Draco without looking at him; he didn’t have the energy to think of a witty comeback.
“I’m going to the common room, I'll try not to wake you up when I come back.”
With his words, Harry grabbed some parchment and a quill and walked out of the room.
The common room was blissfully empty, Harry wanted to write a letter to Sirius and Remus instead of firecalling them, at least this way he wouldn't feel bad for interrupting them.
He started the letter three different times, it had only been one day, he didn’t know what to write about. He finally settled for something short and to the point,
Dear Padfoot and Moony,
We were right, being back at Hogwarts is a little weird, McG has us all in an ‘8th’ year dorm setup and we are rooming with people from different houses.
I decided not to firecall, I figured you guys were curled up on the couch watching something gay (without me, which I'm only a little annoyed about) and I didn’t want to interrupt your evening even if I wish I could be there. I’ll firecall you guys later this week once I get a response so we can talk a bit more.
(annoyingly) missing you already, Prongslet.
Harry finished his letter and took it to the owlery, there was one owl not up in the rafters or out hunting so Harry stuck the letter to the tawny owl and sent it on its way.
He made his way back to the common room and couldn’t help but be amazed when the door swung open with no prompt, magic was awesome. He crept back to his dorm, careful not to wake anyone and when he opened the door to his room he was met with the sight of curtains drawn on a four-poster bed and a dim light coming from a small lamp by his bed. Seeing the bed waiting for him made him yawn, he didn’t even realize how tired he was. After a quick change, he fell into his bed and quickly was sleeping.
Draco tensed as he heard the door open, no matter how tired he was, fear crept in and didn't leave until he heard light snoring. Had Potter really fallen asleep that quickly? He was in a room with someone he had hated for seven years and just fell asleep as if he was with an old friend, Merlin Draco even resented him for his ability to sleep. As time passed Draco’s mind finally slowed and allowed sleep to take over.
@daddiesdrarryy @gloster @thatonepurplepancake @devilrising
And a gigantic thank you to @itsskylover23 for reading this for me before i posted it!
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astrolavas · 2 years
read your tags under that post and which do you actually think is more likely? That hunter knows what a grimwalker is or that he doesn't?
HMMM okay tbh imo it depends mostly on what the general public knows too.
because if grimwalkers are a common public knowledge? something that is presented as a fact, something that people know CAN exist, even if only in theory? then yeah he knows lol he knows. that boy is a living encyclopedia and he's got so much curiosity abt the world; he'd definitely have gone down this rabbit hole at least once (nerd)
but also, if there's anything he DOESN'T know, then....... it's definitely this.
y'know, the thing that i keep thinking back to is this; the pages from eda's urban legends book.
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like. this is literally hunter. lol. the hair? the cape thingie? the eyes? AND THE PINK EYE TOO???? okay.. lol
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like...... this might be nothing but hmm interesting, okay (also this rn is not serious but back when elsewhere and elsewhen came out i spent like a few hours trying to identify and determine if the leaf ^ has any significance, like any hidden symbolism or meaning or whatever (NO ONE @ ME. 💀 I KNOW.) and didn't rly.... find anything meaningful xjskksks but the closest existing leaf that matched the shape that i'd found was a maple tree leaf. and. i just find it funny because maple directly translates to klon/clone in polish LMAO i just find it funny)
so anyway. this makes me wonder like maybe grimwalkers ARE some kind of an urban legend? a myth, a cryptid, etc?
it'd make sense, especially since the ingredients are like...... IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. i very much doubt that anyone but belos would ever be able to even think about making one, not to mention making new ones constantly over and over again. so it might be the case that maybe many, many centuries ago it was actually a factual ritual, that got lost in time because of its rarity and complexity; OR belos somehow created the grimwalker recipe himself, by experimenting until he succeeded, and maybe even based it off some ancient texts too.
in this case, i could imagine people like.. treating it as a myth definitely. like, oh, here is this niche thing that apparently may exist but actually CANNOT possibly be real, right? because no one would ever even get these ingredients, right? and cloning people?? that is sooo ridiculous. like, ohhh no surely no one has even seen a grimwalker (lol)
in this case, it'd be hmmmm possible that maybe hunter had heard something, depending on how niche the legend would be in the first place. he probably wouldn't know everything though, or wouldn't be able to find a fully valuable, reliable source, and that would frustrate him, a lot. like he LOVES knowing stuff and just finding out stuff and reading about stuff, so not knowing anything about what he actually IS would be.... so frustrating to him LIKE. YEAH. oof. in that case, he'd go into like.. full research mode or sth lol (also getting excited abt research/new information could distract him from all the pain so kxjsk he'd definitely research)
so yeah ummmm HM. 🧍
tbh i really hope we just... hxjsk get more info about grimwalkers, in general, as a species LIKE I WANNA KNOW. we've known how they're created for months but what about how they live? do they somehow function differently, do they have any special characteristics? i need Answers. yeah.
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poisonpeche · 2 years
YOU im like this every time u tell me things 😍🥺
Ummmm you are not a long-winded mess, you are my new best friend LMAO /j unless but oh my gosh. I’m so thrilled to know you are enjoying Untitled, and as a former art major too (of course you are) — never would I ever have expected to bond over the hilarity and relief of American Spirits post-critique like come onnnn that’s so specific and yet I felt like it was a specificity that really suited Eren and Y/n’s dynamic.
I’ve written myself into a corner with Untitled but you are helping me to see that there is something special in the story. The third chapter is coming along, but I did the thing I normally do and started two new series around the end of writing chapter two. I’ll come back :)
But pa-lease no pressure to read or anything, you’ve already really made my whole month I think (lol)— for real. I cannot express how grateful and just so content to connect with you and our love for Levi— our connection really makes me feel a little more connected to the aot/fandom community— or at least the levi corner hehe— believe it or not!
omg if you look under the tag #mica.draws u will find my “art” i am a rusty artist lmao. I think i’ve only posted one on this blog… hm. Drawing was never my medium but I did keep a sketchbook. I’m trying to get more familiar with keeping a digital sketchbook nowadays. OMG UNTITLED LEVI IN YOUR STYLE WOULD BE WILD but hey, i see you are working on some fun stuff please no pressure or expectations at all i’m like rarely even inspired these days *shakes fist at the cosmos*… 🖤 mica
Lmaoo I had a TA that would hand roll his cigs while someone would break out a pack of Spirits. Literally just thinking about it warms my soul. The fact that it was a shared experience across art school is fucking hilarious to me.
Feel pressured? To have the absolute honor to read your words? Um, literally never. I would be out of my skin honored hehe.
Take your time, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Your plot is fantastic, but you have a gift delving into a character’s psyche…their ticks…idiosyncrasies…schemes…Anything you’d commit to us will be spellbinding I’m sure of it. No doubt, your work is very special to me and others.
What if I told you…I was LITERALLY working on my version of Untitled Levi when you sent me this ASK dfjhkbvljhvbweljrhvb. I’ve been CAUGHT. 💀
Just…Look at him please…
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He’s taking over my life. HOW DARE YOU.
Also, welcome to this corner of tungle. We are fucking insane, but we love our babygirl Lev’ somethin’ fierce.
I can’t wait to check out your art! If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.
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lemonlushff-iy · 3 years
Hi lemon! I was wondering if you could recommend the best order of the one last ride series I should start at btw I just finished binge reading dog tags and courage to fly and It was a masterpiece! I’m looking forward to seeing what comes next also is there any cover art of inuyasha in his pilot uniform? Thanks a bunch for all your Writing!
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Ummmm YES. More than happy too!
I'm going to do this chronologically according to the story, as opposed to the order I wrote it in. If you wanted to just stick with the main however, you easily could!
Puppy Love - This starts them out as childhood friends and relives their first kiss together. You can see a bit of Kagome's relationship with her father, as well as see Sesshomaru in action imparting some important information to Inuyasha on the ways of men.
More Than by @keichanz! Summary: An angsty glimpse of Inuyasha and Kagome's breakup from LemonLush's fanfiction, One Last Ride.
One Last Straw - It starts you out post Inu/Kag's break up, and is a prequel to the story. The angst is pretty heavy and it CAN be skipped, but some things are referenced in it later in the main fic. It's also where we see Inuyasha's relationship with his brother become fleshed out.
One Last Ride - The big kahuna. This is where the bulk of the story is, and where you see Inuyasha and Kagome deal with their past together before slowly working through their differences and finding their way back together. Please keep in mind - this story WILL have a happy ending, and fluffy chapters for it ARE out. You just need to get to the 20s first. This is still a WIP, while the rest are complete.
A Brand New Ride - Post story canon one shot that walks you through a very important day for Inuyasha and Kagome!
One Last Sin - The seven deadly sins shown as Kagome and Inuyasha prepare for his parent's anniversary.
Knot a Good Time by @wulfintheforest! Summary: Post "One Last Ride" Universe from LemonLush, written with permission! Also a big shout out to both LemonLush and Clearwillow (BrigidTheFae) for some of the ideas!
Kagome and Inuyasha want to get pregnant, hilarity and embarrassment ensues. Porn with Plot, basically.
One Last Box - Kagome has a very special Christmas present for Inuyasha
THEN we get into the Smutshots that are not OLR canon, but does play with them! I'm going to try and list those in the order they were written.
Barn Destroyer: She really didn't want to go to this barn dance...Especially since she knew her ex boyfriend, the love of her life, was going. Then again, maybe they could patch things up...
House Broken: Kagome agrees to help her boyfriend into his new house in exchange for a special request - fulfilling her darkest sexual fantasy. Inu/Kag. Emphasis on darkest. Part of the One Last Ride universe.
Surf and Turf by @clearwillow: All they wanted was to get away for two weeks. Rent a vacation home on a private island to enjoy being together. Alone. Funny thing about making plans is that they never turn out the way you expect...
Starting Fires: He always hated couples' costumes...But maybe dressing up as a fireman won't be so bad. Not when Kagome as a little surprise up her sleeve. Part of the One Last Ride universe. Brace yourself for all the debauchery.
It wasn't until this moment that I realized just how extensive this whole universe is...
....And I have a few other things for it that I apparently have not posted to AO3 yet that are floating around out there?? I will fix that.....
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kckenobi · 3 years
2021 fic review
tagged by @katierosefun @the-last-kenobi @adaliak and @stolen-pen-name23 <333
total number of completed works: 26 this year i think, between tumblr and ao3!! Not including the orchestra au, which i’ve yet to finish and start posting :)))
total word count: i wrote 165k words this year! And i did include the orchestra au in that one, bc its consumed so much of the time i’ve spent writing during the second half of 2021
looking back did you write more, less, or the expected amount of fic this year?: more, i think!! Because looking back this year has just been,,,so crazy? And i totally expected it to be crazy–i graduated college, moved, started my career, i’m applying to grad school, like i did not expect to have time to write as much as i did during 2020, which was primarily a year of quarantine and isolation lol. Last year my word count was 104k i think. So i definitely topped it!! 
your own favorite story of this year?: it might be On Gravity and Broken Things, my stargazing fic, which i wrote for the Untold Zine so that was pretty cool. Also, maybe Reflections?
did you take any writing risks this year?: writing multichapter fics!! I’d never done it before Bloodlines, bc honestly I was afraid of the commitment lol and couldn’t justify it to myself. But this year, I finished Bloodlines, my fic where Dooku, Anakin, and Obi-Wan get stranded on Tatooine. And I also started a modern au where Anakin, Obi-Wan & company are professional musicians in an orchestra. And that fic is honestly like,,,so special to me. I know none of you have read it yet lol but it’s kept me company during what might be one of the loneliest times of my life (i’m good tho!! just being very independent lol) and that’s just,,,neat
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?: start posting my next multichapter!! After i finish and edit, of course. But i also want to write wayyyyy more oneshots. I have this annoying mindset that everything i write has to be like, my magnum opus lol, and i think that held me back this year from doing work that wasn’t necessary “moving” so much as just plain fun. 
most popular story of the year? Bloodlines, which is no surprise!
story most under-appreciated? hmm…probably The Thing About Falling, which is understandable lol. I know obitine isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and also this one was high-key me projecting my relationship problems onto fictional characters lol, but it is quite special to me, and i was proud of it
most fun story to write?: probably What I Want lol, where Obi-Wan buttdials Cody when he’s sleep deprived.
most unintentionally telling story: yikes!! ummmm part of me wants to say the one i posted today bc i technically wrote it on new years eve…..that one was…something. But one that i posted in 2021, would probably be What Dreams May Come. I think i mentioned when i posted it that it was,,,basically something that happened to me in real life and i just needed to fic-ify it lol. Both of those are codywan, which is interesting…do i smell projection?
biggest disappointment: hmm i’m not sure if i have any? Except for maybe, idk–you know how as writers we all go through the whole “what if i’ve peaked what if i never write anything good again” nonsense? Yeah lol
biggest surprise: getting to write for 2 zines! (one won’t come out till later this year tho!) That’s just a really cool opportunity to collab with some awesome people.
my favorite part of fandom this year: just getting to strengthen these awesome friendships i have, and make some new ones too. Like its so awesome–how some of these people i’ve now known for almost 2 years, and like?? We genuinely care about and check in on each other the way i do with real-life friends. Which is just awesome, and i love you all dearly.
But also there’s some people here on tumblr who i haven’t even talked extensively with, but who have popped into my inbox to offer me support when needed and that’s just really special too. Like–i mentioned, this year was a lot!! It was dramatic for me!! And every time i’d even mention i was feeling less than stellar i’d have someone–or multiple someones–offering to listen or just giving a virtual hug. And i’m really grateful for that too :) i’ve been so, so fortunate in my dealings online, and i’m looking forward to another wonderful year w/ yall :’)))))
tagging some other lovely individuals, sorry if you’ve been tagged already! @pandora15 @giggles-and-freckles @tessiete @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 @meantforinfinitesadness
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daxieoclock · 2 years
hey hey shay! this is late but i wanted to thank you for the tags you wrote on my promo post!! it made me smile ;w; i love when my friends use both pronouns for me waahhh ALSO I DIDNT KNOW YOU LIKED NEO TWEWY???? what are your favorite character moments for everyone if you have any?
Thank you for the ask!!! :D and yeyeye of course! im glad to make my good friends smile C:
and YEAH i do! i didn't play the original, but you can thank @izabellwit's fics, especially all that's left in the world, for getting me invested in the characters. Then when NEO came out, I decided to hit up some playthroughs since I didn't have a switch, and. g-ddamn i was in love.
like the story FUCKED unequivocally but i got sucked in primarily because of the voice work, especially since most of the cast (VAs for Rindo, Nagi, Beat, Neku, Sho, Rhyme, Coco, Shiba, Tsugumi and Hishima) haven't really been in any projects on this scale that I can tell (besides for other TWEWY stuff and KH3D for the veteran characters). Even tho Neo TWEWY isn't like a huge pop culture phenomenon by any means, I'm still hoping this turns into a breakout role for them. Like if this doesn't pay off for Paul Castro Jr, Bailey Gambertoglio, Miranda Parkin, Crawford Wilson, Jessie David Corti, Andy Hirsh, Ashley Rose Orr, Shaun Conde and James Austin Kerr? I'm rioting, they ROCKED this fucking game.
And then on top of that, there's some fucking amazing VAs with history in the industry. Xanthe Huyn as Kuon, Xander Mobus as Tanzo Kubo, Nicolas Cantu as Hazuki and Aaron Spann as Joshua. All of them do phenomenally and it makes me so happy to see them here. Skylark, Kirk Thornton and Robert Buclotz did some damn good work on production and voice direction too, like, you can really tell the voice direction is on point when the entire cast is consistently hitting their vocal mark. Helps that they have some damn charming writing to go off of too.
Anyway uhhh sorry for rambling about VA stuff, ummmm, character things.....Nagi was an eternal delight, and I had the biggest dumbest grin whenever she was on screen. It's impossible to pick a specific favorite moment, she's just a delightfully unhinged weirdo and the loser girl bisexual representation we absolutely needed. Coco was similarly fucking delightful, I like fully came into this game expecting to hate her cause she shot Neku but. it took about two seconds of her being on screen before I forgot that completely and decided I loved her character. As far as actual moments though...tbh the entire last hour of the game was just fucking golden. Shiki showed up and I pogged out of my mind, the entire ensemble came together to fight off the noise, fucking JOSH arrived and was just as big of a condescending asshole (affectionate) as he always is, the protags used all of their powers in unison, the final boss fight was perfectly badass and then everything got wrapped up nice, and that final moment with Shoka getting grumpy at Rindo for not checking his inbox, just....amazing. All golden. I couldn't stop grinning.
But as far as favorite moments? Rindo and Haz's conversation nearly brought me to tears, holy shit.
Haz: "What makes [Shibuya] so special? Why fight so hard to protect it?"
Rindo: "I dunno. It doesn't feel very special right now."
Rindo: "I'm going back. I'm going to save the city and my friends. Without them, all of this means nothing. Shibuya isn't special without them here!"
lost my entire shit it was amazing. g-d what a fucking character moment. rindo's the best, love that kid.
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dramionecommentfest · 4 years
Reader Profile: Kiwi05622
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The Dramione Comment Fest is the fest where readers take center stage! We’re excited to feature profiles of some of our readers throughout the course of the fest. First up, we have the most delightful and lovely @kiwi05622​!
Location: Middle East Hogwarts House: Slytherin Pronouns: she/her When did you start reading Dramione? How did you originally find fics to read?  I started reading in 2017… I think. Or was it 18? I'm not sure anymore. But one of those years lol! So yes, I'm still relatively new to the fandom. But I have devoured so much that it's come to the point where all the stories I've read have started to mingle with each other, and I can't tell you which story is which unless it had a massive impression on me and stood out. How did I find fics? I had this friend of mine, who was a closeted fic reader (I will never forgive her for not introducing me to this world sooner) that kept on dropping these obscure hints my way whenever Harry Potter would come up in our discussions, which was often. She would call me and ask what I'm doing, and my answer would either be, I'm reading HP, or watching one of the movies. She never once judged me or asked me why I'm spending so much time re-reading and rewatching, and I love her for that. One night, she got a little frustrated with me when I whined about NEEDING MORE of it, and she snapped. She was like KIWI JUST GIVE ME TWO CHARACTERS THAT YOU LOVE, and I shyly replied Hermione and Draco? She had the audacity to sigh (she is not a Dramione lover by any means). She sent me a link to Ao3 with a message "Welcome to my life, and I wish you luck stepping foot inside this black hole. Bye.” because I didn't know better. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I clicked on the FIRST link I found, and this is how Bleak Manor by Pushthebutton became the first story that made me -surprisingly- fall in love with Dramione and fan fiction.  How have you gotten more involved in the Dramione community? What platforms/websites have you participated in, and which do you like? I'm not VERY involved in the fandom, if I'm honest. I'm an introvert by nature. Even though I started reading years ago, I only started joining Facebook groups last year. From there, I stumbled onto Tumblr (which was the weirdest platform I've ever been on, but now I LOVE IT), which then led me to Discord. This is where I'm currently stationed. I'm not as active as I used to be on Facebook. I also reached out to many people on Discord and found friends that I no longer call "internet friends," and I find it easier to communicate to authors over there.
Tell us about any reading preferences or practices!  Okay, I won't talk about my past habits, because looking back, it was really unhealthy. But I remember I used to read at every waking hour; I would only *sleep* to generate energy to keep ongoing: Goodbye food and social life. However, now, I dedicate time to reading, and it's usually 2 hours before I sleep. So I'll have dinner, and then open up my kindle and read until my eyes can't stay open. My days are usually spent talking to friends and doing many things that need to get done. I started off reading with my laptop until my boyfriend got annoyed by the bright lights emanating from my screen (honestly I didn't even think about reading from my phone). He later suggested reading from the iPad, and I stuck to that for a fair bit, until one night, I ran out of battery, and I couldn’t find the charger, so I reluctantly read from my phone, which I later obviously loved. I could read on the train, while making dinner, taking a walk (because we all need to exercise at some point). Then, after my boyfriend was SURE this wasn't just a phase, and I'll probably be reading for the rest of my life, he surprised me with a kindle, and the rest is history.  
Do you like to leave comments? If so, what is your advice for leaving comments?  If I'm completely honest with you, sometimes. I'm guilty of moving on from a chapter to chapter without taking a moment to comment. Telling myself that I'll go back and let the author know how much I enjoyed this part or that part. But I forget. Once I'm done with a story, I want to MOVE ON to the next one. However, in the past year, I've made an active effort to write down everything I feel on my phone while I read on my kindle, so I can go back and paste my review. That’s the other thing, I read SO much from my kindle, that it makes it so easy to forget to go back online and submit a review. And with Discord, I usually read with my friends, and sometimes the author will be there while we talk, theorise and flail all over their work. It's a much more interactive experience. I think authors would prefer that over a thank you. This isn't to say that a thank you doesn't go a long way or isn't appreciative, but honestly, how many times can an author say you're welcome? Or thank you for reading? This takes me to the second part of your question. The one advice I would give is, don't expect a response back. Do it because you genuinely liked it. Suppose we keep expecting and wanting the author to respond, especially if a chapter gets SO MANY reviews. In that case, it might seem disheartening to the reviewer, and they're left feeling unseen or that their review was lacking, which isn't the case most of the time. Tell them how it made you feel, which parts did you love, which string of emotion was plucked and left vibrating in your chest. Tell them that. But also, saying a simple thank you is enough. Personally, I would go to the last chapter and tell the author how much I've enjoyed their story if it's a story that was posted years or months back. If it's a story published years ago and they seem inactive, I would slide into their DMs and flail all over the story. You'd be surprised how many actually respond.
What is your all-time favorite fic you’ve read?  ALL TIME FAVOURITE is such a difficult question to answer. So I’ll compromise and tell you which one I really really really LOVE but also list a few that I can't be parted with. If my room was caught on fire and I had all these stories in front of me and I had to only choose ONE I would say Risk Reward Ratio by @MissiAmphetamine and its sequel! Okay, I know I cheated, but *sigh* honestly I love it. And I’m not sorry about it either. It's not what you would typically hear because it's not really a fluffy story and there are some questionable actions, plots and let’s not start discussing their relationship. But you see, I enjoy a story that questions my morals sometimes, where I find myself asking “what would I do in this situation?” Plus, as you’ll see below, I have a thing for angst with a happy ending. That being said, I also love love love these stories and they each hold meaning to me, because I've read them at various stages of my life: 
Redemption by @anondracomalfoy (wonderfully written story and very enjoyable!!! It’s a memory trope mixed with some suspense)
Revert by SUPRNTRAL LVR (this is when I found out that I can actually cry while reading a story lol) 
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing (I will FOREVER love this story and no one can taint it for me. If you ONLY knew how much this story means to me *cough* I spent every moment I wasn’t reading this making her moodboards that's how much it moved me *cough*)
The Art of Betrayal by @hathawaywrites
Across The Hall by @takingflight48 (this one just hold a special place in my heart)
Thirteenth Night by Nelpher (This is the story that changed my mind about memory loss trope which is my LEAST favourite)
Nightmares and Nocturnes by @olivieblake (one of the most creative and unique war stories ever written)
Hindsight by @floorcoaster (This changed my mind about T rated stories)
Broken by @inadaze22 (this taught me a lesson to READ THE TAGS, but the pain was worth it)
Sugar and Spice by @inlovewithforever (ummmm do I need to say more? This is one of the best triads I've ever read)
Looking Glass by @kyonomiko​ (Every time I'm in a rut I go back to THIS and it never fails to bring me back to life and remind me why I fell in love with these two. It's light hearted, funny and has my second OTP. it's a win-win for me)
Find Your Way Back by @willhavetheirtrinkets​ (Musyc) (I will forever rec this story to everyone)
Pound of Flesh by @pennilynnovus​ (HELLO STRIPPER DRACO! This one tore my heart out, I love it!)
Honestly, the list can go on and on and on. There are just SO many good ones out there that I haven't mentioned yet, but I wanted to list only a few that I will always go back and re-read. Also, just because I haven't mentioned the ones that we keep seeing everywhere, doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them or loved them! 
What fic gave you the most feels? Definitely “Risk Reward Ratio.” It gave me SO much feels. Some were good, and some were pretty bad. It took me on a wild roller coaster ride. I was happy, sad, angry, happy, sad, angry. I laughed hard in some places, I cried even harder in others, I wanted to pull my hair out MOST of the time, and some parts were oh so good the butterflies wouldn't settle the fuck down. But ehh I like what I like, and I'm unapologetic about it. :D
Who is your favorite side character from any Dramione fic? This one is easy! Theo-fucking-Nott! Without a shadow of a doubt. You want to make him the most awesome sidekick character, go right ahead. The best bro, be my guest. The one that has secret feelings for Hermione? GIVE ME THAT TRIAD!!!!! You dare to make him evil? FUCK YES! I'm SO here for it. Even if he is one, I will STILL love him. I always get slightly giddy when Theo makes an appearance, and I tend to enjoy the story that much more. He's an interesting character to me because he's ambiguous. Canon never gave us much about his personality and reading how everyone interprets him makes him one the most versatile characters in my humble opinion. :D
Last question: Do you really like kiwis?? Hahaha!!!! Yes, I really do. This name was given to me by the people who were worried I had a mild obsession with kiwis. You don't have to ask me what I need from the store, because my answer would always be “we've run out of kiwis, BRING ME SOME MORE.” However, let me just make it clear that I'm not a heathen and I don't eat them with their skin on (no judgment if you do).
Thank you so much, Kiwi, for sharing with us! The Dramione community is lucky to have you <3 
Don’t forget, sign ups for the Dramione Comment Fest close February 6, 2021. Check out the rules here and sign up for the fest here.
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red-nightskies · 3 years
tag game
Tagged by @rejected-beater @jollybone @spicevalleys and @shellibisshe
1: Why did you choose your url?
Cause it sounded cool
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Nope I used to have one called.. bunny-babe??? I think?? But it is long gone
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2010? 2011??? Idk but defo before 2012
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope I reblog when I reblog
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I can’t remember. To look at stuff
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s just a drawing of me, nothing special
7: Why did you choose your header?
Because ✨aesthetic✨
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
My fc5/letterkenny art lol
9: How many mutuals do you have?
10: How many followers do you have?
11: How many people do you follow?
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
My life is a shit post
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?.
Too often
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope I look at peoples shit opinions and move on with my life cause I do not care
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
They should not exist
16: Do you like tag games?
17: Do you like ask games?
Double ye
18: Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Ummmm all of them
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
UwU y’all my faves
20: Tags
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nymika-arts · 3 years
blog tag
tagged by @kelly-severide thank u ily 🥰
1. Why did you choose your url? – i just wanted an artist handle that was short and easy to remember, so i made it up. nothing special 😂
2. Any side blogs? – nope
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? – oh ummmm i initially made an account sometime in high school but i never used it; i started posting my art a few years ago but i’ve only really been active since last fall
4. Do you have a queue tag? – it’s just ‘q’ but i forget to use it half the time
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? – i wanted to start posting my art here! 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? – it’s pride month and i am ace and i love eddie
7. Why did you choose your header? – i wanted to use a piece of my art that kinda matched the colour scheme of my blog (i’m thinking of changing it soon though)
8. What’s your post with the most notes? – my original comic ! 
9. How many mutuals do you have? – idk around 70 i think?
10. How many followers do you have? – 4005
11. How many people do you follow? – 260
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? – everything i say is basically a shitpost so yeah
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? – too often
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? – no i like to stay in my little corner of people who are smart and have good opinions
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? – i don’t like it when people try to guilt trip you into reblogging posts. the people who are going to reblog the post will reblog it without the prompt; telling me i have to reblog something does not make me want to reblog it more. 
16. Do you like tag games? – yes!
17. Do you like ask games? – yes!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? – well not @herodiaz bc she’s stinky
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? – i have a crush on all of my mutuals actually
i’ll tag @from-nova @zeethebooknerd @grcywvren @deareddie @tylerhunklin @ace-diaz if u want to!
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kebinwooo · 4 years
ult group game!
thanks @2bosoos for tagging me in this!! sorry it took me so long to get to this. i literally have like no excuse HAHA but your answers were super interesting to read!
for: ukiss (had to narrow it down to my ult of ults or else this would become a REALLY long post lol)
1. who was your first bias?
kevin! i barely remember why he became my first bias tho LMAO probably just thought he was very pretty and 11 year old me was a very superficial human being 
2. who is your bias now?
kevin and junyoung! ngl i sometimes think kevin is only my bias now out of loyalty lol but i love love love junnie! i think he’s one of the most talented idols to exist (a singer, rapper, dancer and actor all wrapped in one!!) and also a super humble, down-to-earth kid. i mean there’s a reason why so many people are friends with him and have such good things to say about him and idk i just really think ukiss raised him well and made him the thoughtful, hard-working idol he is today ;;
3. what was the first mv you watched by them?
my memory’s super fuzzy around this but it was probably either manmanhani or shut up... all i remember was that i heard one of their songs on a kpop end of the year mashup and i was like OOOO THIS SONG SOUNDS GOOD and i checked them out afterwards lol
4. what’s your favourite mv?
i’m apparently basic for saying this but neverland!! idk something about that mv was just VERY good and that’s what launched me into actually being a kissme so it holds a special place in my heart hehe
i’m also really into tick tack, which i still think is the best japanese debut song a kpop group has ever released lol 
5. if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
lmao if you know me, the song choice is already obvious AHHA it would be someday! that song really feels like healing for me. like it encourages me yet comforts me and idk i just love it so much ;; 
i also wouldn’t mind if i could only listen to heartless! that song is an absolute banger and i’m STILL disappointed they never performed it live/it wasn’t their title song for their last comeback as ot6 ;;
6. who would you want to see them collab with?
seventeen!! seungkwan is the co-president of kissmes (alongside jaejae, the woman who singlehandedly revived ukiss’s career last year LOL) and several of the other svt members are also fanboys and it makes me so so so happy ;u; soohyun also covered aju nice a while back and ABSOLUTELY SLAYED IT (we love a vocal king) so i need them to collab on something. hell, i’ll even take a ballad collab, JUST FEED THIS KISSMECARAT
7. what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?
LMAO i’m not picky bc i want them to just give me a comeback!!!! i mean they technically did have a comeback already but only with two members so really my point is that i won’t ask for anything much, just please give ot3 a comeback with proper promotion @ NH Media!!!
8. have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
i don’t think so? i don’t ever dream of idols anyways so if they did appear, it would probably be like me talking about them in my dream rather than actually seeing them in my dream lol
9. if you could spend a day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
it would either by junyoung or soohyun! junnie would be super fun to hang out with bc he seems like such a chill dude and i really like when hes in his element and enjoying himself. as for soohyun tho, he finds so much joy in the little things that i’m like ;u; yes pls lets hang out dude, it’ll be such a good time. also i want to meet his niece and nephew who are ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS OH MY GOD 
alternatively.... i am also down to hang out with kiseop but for the ulterior motive of meeting his wife LOL 
10. which member do you think you would get along with best?
soohyun makes me laugh SO hard bc he’s kinda unpredictable and has no boundaries. like he really doesnt have to try to be funny, he just IS lmao so i think i would end up having the time of my life even if we just chatted with each other LOL 
11. which member do you think you would argue with?
.....aj but that’s because i actually want to punch the dude in the face for being a snake towards the other members
ummmm i have no idea?? i don’t really see any of their personalities clashing with mine in any way that would lead to arguments?? LOL maybe i’ll argue with hoon for the fun of it bc hes really funny when he gets sulky but he won’t hold a grudge like soohyun would HAHA
12. if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
hmmm i think i would choose jun? i mean i did do a lot of embarrassing screaming about him on this blog but i think i’d want him to know how much i admire and love him and want good things for him and i think my tumblr kind of encapsulates that bc i can’t count how many times i’ve said i’m proud of him in my tags HAHA
tagging: @xfirebenderx and @bookwan and @pjminyard (👀 bekka are you here idk why i felt like tagging you but imma do it) but feel free to ignore as well! 
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boltwrites · 4 years
Ummmm any tips on how to start writing fanfics? I have ideas but I am worried nobody will like my ocs or my reader inserts.
ofc anon! i’ve actually been meaning to write a post directed towards people looking to start writing for the first time or for people who want to grow a blog similar to mine, so here are some tips! also i answered an ask about my writing process here if that interests you as well!
writing ocs
i’ve found that one of the most important parts of writing an oc is figuring out what their purpose is in the story. do you want to use the oc to give a character a partner? do you want to use them to flesh out a concept in canon that wasn’t talk about much? think about why you’re writing the oc, and build around that!
figure out your point of view. for example: are you going to ONLY follow the oc? is the oc the center of the story? or is the oc just a cog in a larger story? this will help you figure out how to navigate your oc story. for example, i initially started writing bittw in third person, with a more detached narrative surrounding Taro. then, i realized that since she interacts so much with the main characters, and since we already KNOW the krew’s story, that it would be more interesting to move into first person and see the story through Taro’s eyes
its ok if your oc is similar to some canon characters (because they have to have SOME similarities) but not exactly the same. for example, i knew that Taro can be pretty similar to Korra sometimes, so i made sure to distinguish her by making her a little bit more intense, and by giving her a backstory that was wildly different than Korra’s own backstory
if you can, give your character a life outside of the main story. what does your character do in their free time? do they have a job? where do they live? what are their relatives like? 
give your oc powers relative to the universe they’ll be interacting in, or the story they’re a part of. for example, let’s say you’re writing for lok. if your story is just a romance, then it doesn’t matter if your oc is a good fighter or not, because your story is focused solely around a romantic plot. however, if your story extends beyond that and you want your oc to go on adventures with the krew, it would make more sense for your oc to be a powerful bender, a weapons specialist, or an inventor (like Varrick or Asami). however, creating a character who is basically an additional Avatar wouldn’t be advised, because then your character would be overpowered. match your character to your universe and genre - they can be powerful and special, so long as they are of a similar caliber as the main cast
writing x reader
the most important thing about writing x reader is not actually how you characterize reader, but how you characterize whatever character you are writing for
it’s always a good idea to come up with some general headcanons and post those before you jump into writing your x reader fanfics. re-watch or reread whatever it is that you’re going to be writing for (at least a couple episodes or chapters) in order to get a feel for the character, and then writing down your headcanons. figure out their personality - i find that people value a consistent character, so having a list of the character’s personality traits in romantic situations can help out a lot if you get stuck
reader, however, is a character you CAN change to suit your needs. don’t be afraid to switch up reader’s personality if the prompt calls for it. i’ve written really shy, quiet reader, and then turned around and written a very dominant, loud, and outgoing reader right after. dont be afraid to give your reader some personality, because you can just as easily write reader as the opposite for the next request
know your limits. if you won’t write nsfw, or you won’t write for a certain popular character, let your followers know beforehand. this is about you having fun, and if certain topics make you nervous or uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to say no
running a blog
if you want to run a blog similar to this one, i have some tips for that too!
USE READ MORES!!!! if you have the bulk of your story under a cut, it’s more likely to be reblogged (aka spread beyond just the tag you posted it under). put a summary or maybe the first paragraph above the cut, but put the rest of it under a read more. not only does this make it easier to scroll through your own blog, but it means that the content under the read more can be edited, even after it has been reblogged! that means if you made an embarrassing type, that it will be fixed even after it has already been reblogged!!
post in tags, and make sure your work shows up in the tags, and stays there! your work is guaranteed to show up in the first 5 tags on your post, so make it count. i’ve found that by using only five tags, your work shows up in the tags quicker, and stays there longer. adding a link within your post can cause a delay in it showing up in the tags, and in some cases will prevent it from reaching the tags altogether. being in the tags is important as a young blog, because it’s how you’ll get your work out to people who want to see it!
use the correct tags. while crossposting is ok in some instances (such as promoing an oc x character in the reader x character tag, or promoing closely associated characters in each other’s tags) flooding tags with unrelated content is seen as rude and may turn some people away. especially once you gain a decent following, try not to crosspost in unrelated tags as to not bog down content that is actually related to that character
keep a clean blog. a masterlist is a great idea, as if you have a pinned masterlist, new followers can easily go back through your catalogue of works and find something they enjoy
set up an info, rules, or faq page. even if you don’t have many rules, some people are nervous that they are going to request something you’re uncomfortable with writing. by having a rules page with a list of what you will and will not write, as well as how you will complete requests (ie: i complete headcanons quicker than fics, i usually write gender neutral reader) it can make your followers more at ease that their request won’t bother you
have fun! not all fandoms are big or active. sometimes you’re just going to be writing for yourself. before this blog, i wrote for a ship that has a grand total of maybe 50 fics in its ao3 tag. i didn’t get much interaction or support. sometimes you won’t get the support you expect, but that’s ok, so long as you’re writing for yourself and you’re enjoying what you do. 
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nightreaderenigma · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by – anyone who said that they would tag anybody else who wanted to do it.  That’s me! LOL  (It looked like fun).  
Name: Maddy aka NightReaderEnigma
Fandoms:  A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones (all Jaime and Brienne related) and occasionally dabbles in Magic the Gathering (though I’ve never written anything for it)
Where you post: Ao3 and Tumblr.  I actually created a FF.net account, but have to this date never used it, LOL.  
Most popular one-shot: I will judge this by Kudos, so the answer is:  ‘All The Things I’ll Never Have’ (Braime fic).  I posted this one-shot on the day of the leap year, 29th Feb 2020 as I couldn’t resist the idea of Brienne proposing.  
Most popular multi-chapter:  ‘Sapphires’ – my first ever fic posted on Ao3!  A post-canon fix-it reinterpreting and setting to rights the events of GoT Season 8 and giving Jaime and Brienne their well-deserved happily ever after.  It remains dear to my heart and I call it ‘my baby’.  
Fic you were nervous to post:   Ok, so to start I must admit – every fic and every chapter I have ever posted makes me an anxious, queasy, agitated mess.  I don’t think I have ever hit that final button to post without a shaking hand.  
But in the interest of answering with a specific fic, I have to say that the title for ‘most nerves’ goes to ‘War of Hearts’.  I am not generally an angst writer, but this fic was an emotional roller coaster.  I cried over my keyboard, avoided my comments, wrote apology letters in the authors notes, had sleepless nights and nearly quit releasing altogether.  But I persevered because the fic was fully written and now I’m very glad that I did.  War of Hearts is the longest story I have ever tackled and for all the ups and downs this tale and I went through together, it holds a very special place in my heart.    
How do you choose your titles? Ummmm…they come to me? LOL.  I’m not sure.  My titles generally reflect the theme of the fic, a play on words or a quote from the tale itself.  Often the title changes as I write the story (my festive exchange fic was called ‘By Blood and Battle We Are Bound’ until the last second before I posted when I deleted the majority and simply called it ‘We Are Bound’, preferring the multiple ways the word Bound could be interpreted in the shorter context).  For me it’s kind of like naming a child or pet – I can go through all the practical avenues and have a list of names at the ready in advance but once it is complete and in front of me my brain goes ‘oh but it feels more like a _____’.    
Do you outline? 110%.  Even with my one shots I generally have a list of bullet points or pre-written dialogue.  I don’t start working on a story unless it has structure and direction.  Having said this…I do detour.  I let the story walk me off the trail and take me where it wants to go.  But I always know the final destination.  The ending is set in stone before I type the first word – that’s how it won out over the other ideas on my list, LOL
Complete:  Braime Fics posted to Ao3 – 27. Additional ones hidden in my computer? I might just keep that to myself. 😉  Non-fic things I’ve written?  So many I’ve lost count.  
Do you take prompts?  Yes – if they speak to me. I always like a challenge but I have to connect with the prompt for a story to come to me.  My endeavour with a prompt is to do my best by it, as I would hate to disappoint, so I will only accept it if my imagination latches on and refuses to let go.  
In progress:   On Ao3?  None currently.  I work behind-the-scenes and only begin posting once the story is completed or only a chapter or two away from being done (otherwise the pressure gets to me and I stay up all night writing instead of sleeping), therefore on Ao3 all my stories are fully released.  
However… I have been writing a multi chapter in the background and when it’s done, on Ao3 it goes.  😊
Coming soon:  Most likely a one-shot I have here which just needs some editing. However, I am keen to recommence work on the aforementioned multi-chapter which is about two-thirds of the way completed.  
 Tagging – anyone like me who wants to play and hasn’t had the chance.  Feel free to tag me as your tagger (wow, that was a lot of the word ‘tag’ in one sentence, LOL) – I would love to read your answers.  <3  
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thejugheadparadox · 5 years
the rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
thank u @fionaappletini for tagging me aaa i would tag you back in things but no one else ever tags me lmaoo its v lovely of you <3
nickname: big aversion to nicknames bc i like having a Special Name.... a family friend used to call me ketchup when i was little
zodiac sign: gemini :/
height: NEVER fucking measure myself, i think im 5′4″ but who can say
hogwarts house: fuck jkr but like also gryffindor
last thing i googled: ummmm jughead jones. i needed a photo for my friends birthday card
song stuck in my head: nicest thing by kate nash
following and followers: [im redacting it]
amount of sleep i get: 8-9 hours sunglasses emoji. if i get less i oversleeeep
lucky number(s): 3. theres an embarrassing gay backstory behind that that i will not say here. feel free to ask
dream job: like i do not dream of labour but ALSO theatre director
wearing: green t-shirt and blue pajama trousers w glittery bees on them. outifts that say i dress like a 12 yr old
favorite songs: oh gosh... right now “i could carve a better man out of a banana” and sweet and tender, julian by onsind and um drunk roses by sara renberg, wicked little town from hedwig and the angry inch, starchild from ghost quartet and im REALLY into all of preludes the musical rn. god i like a lot of songs and fuck i shoukd have some marika hackman here. and something from big machine by eliza carthy and the wayward band. music is good man
instruments: USED to play violin. quit. now i just siiiiiing
random facts: christ i can never think of these... i used to have like 7000 followers on pjo instagram and one time during a particularly strange and insular period of drama i left a bitchy comment on the post of an older girl who was recently in an amazon series w maya rudolph. she blocked me B) she ran a group hoo youtube channel where like half the characters were whitewashed. it was a moment. OH heres a decent one! when i was 15 i directed a yr 8 production of charlie and the chocolate factory basically on my own and the kid i cast as charlie once lay on the floor and stuck his hand down his trousers for like a minute during a rehearsal! again feel free to ask for ANY elaborations
aesthetic: made a conscious decision to lean into the fact that i look like 14 and am just trying to go FULL kiddie quirky. i like green and plants and the sky and moths, shockingly enough. sometimes i like to vibe like im a kind of annoying evacuee boy discovering the countryside like zach in goodnight mister tom
im not sure i even know 17 people but here goes: @myceliated, @doraspenlow, @medievalswords, @drubetskoys, @titanic97, @dykealope, @5parrows, @walllerbridge, @keiranculkin, @birdhug, @pwbxjelly, @rootlessbymarina, @isherwoods, @wutheringheights1978, @number1girl and Christ fuck it henry and Isaac do this @spellwatch642 nd @tenderfag… obv only do this if you want to... it is VERY fun to procrastinate on important schoolwork w
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ice-arena-meltdown · 6 years
The Stupidest of Headcanons
This one isn't about the Food Fantasy world in general. This one's just in my head, about how my personal Food Souls, with me as their Master Attendant, get along and go about their in-game lives.
I'm only bringing this up because there's like, pieces of it in my Food Fantasy Google Drive folder, and there's the slight possibility that someone may see them, lol.
So, last post, I was talking about the shake-ups in my delivery teams. Interesting subject, I know. But Team 6 has always, or at least since I unlocked it, been special. It wasn't for powerful Souls, grouping together Souls with linked abilities… it was just for rag-tag Souls, like the other bottom teams were at the time. But these Souls, on Team 6?
They were all pastel.
Once Mango Pudding left to be with Orange Juice and Souls like Long Bao and eventually Sakuramochi went on to other pursuits, they became…
The Pink Punks!
The Pink Punks were an elite team of bikers, the first ones on the case when a citizen in an Angel-infested region needs food and provisions, challenging any adversity with pure attitude.
And of course, like any headcanon that gets humored for too long, it evolved. They got matching jackets, black leather with patches individual to the wearer, but with each jacket's back featuring a large number 6, and atop it in pink lettering, "P [symbol] N K." The symbol, in the name, is the low tire-pressure light, which if you're not a driver or live somewhere warm year-round, looks like this:
Tumblr media
…which I kind of thought looked like a U and an I put together, and kind of had to do with motorbikes via the tires and arguably a devil-may-care attitude. And of course, in pink. We got an aesthetic going on. But anyway, I drew this once, and it looked bad in my shoddy phone-photos of my pencil sketching, so nope it's not being posted.
When the team would get broken up, they would all have one last snack (some of them are kids, and the gotta drive, so no drinking) and the four remaining members would get a special badge for their jacket's breast indicating that they were once one of the Pink Punks, and once a member, always a member. Maybe you get little patches to suround it for those Punks they rode alongside. (I'm a Boy Scout. I speak badge, lol.)
Sometimes they're rowdy, and Neveas citizens or whomever are like "yes, that my order, and ummmm, can you not send those girls? The pink ones. They're rather boisterous…" But they're a ton of fun when they crash the Ice Arena party. Someone would race Hawthorn Ball around the rink, another one would be trying to coax Jiuniang out of her shell, another would be playing Vanguard with Sandwich and be super into the theatrics of it… It's a great time.
Idk. I like this headcanon.
But, due to some shuffling in my delivery teams, I got curious to see who amongst my Food Souls might be recruited, or who I could assign to maintain team cohesion. Like, for a while, Sakuramochi was in the team. But she's a gentle soul, meek and kind, and being thrust into a position where you have to be the moral center in a group of rowdy teams is rather tiring. And some Souls just don't like pink. And then there's factors like,,, I think Moon Cake would be a bad influence on Long Bao; or at the very least, Moon Cake would 100% take advantage of Long Bao's oblivious brewing of extremely unpalatable "tea."
So! The Pink Punks. Traditionally, they include
Bloody Mary
Moon Cake
Napoleon Cake
Raindrop Cake
Sweet Tofu (He's a pale pink! He counts!)
But who else??? Maybe Laba Congee? Perhaps Skewer?
Tl;dr, I have a Pink Biker Gang AU, and feel free to add on to it. I hope at least one of you enjoys this as much as I do, lol.
And when I get back on my laptop, I'll add a "Read More" cut 😂
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