#umbra au earth
ask-umbra-au · 1 month
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soft-leons-art · 1 month
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Hiya! I'm Admin Lunar from the @ask-umbra-au account and I got some silly art of my favorite duo <3 <3
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waokevale · 7 months
The Overlapped AU [Aka Superhumans disguisted as Dinner Theater workers]
The Owners
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The Managers (Engineer & the HR person)
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The Waiters
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The Security
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The Performers (Wes is mostly on cleaning duty though)
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The Kitchen staff (the others are usually tasked to help, though very few are actually trusted at all times to be there)
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The Bartender and the Host
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The Dishwashers
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The Clerk & The Supplier
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So this AU came to me upon a dream, and I just had to make it real...
The synopsis below:
The event of April 17th 1906 does happen, however instead of Charlie and Maxwell being kidnapped into the Constant, the Constant overlaps with the real world and spreads itself onto Earth.
Charlie and Maxwell in the process become corrupted and have to hide away temporarily. Both of them soon began to hear strange voices, source of which neither is quite sure, telling them, compelling them to hide the corruption's effect from the publicity, for the time being.
They come to a mutual realization they have to fix this mess somehow and hunt down any and all corrupted by the tome, by any means necessary.
(Maxwell still has codex umbra, but it is sealed shut for the time being until he's sure it won't spread more if Their influence. )
But the corruption didn't just appear out of nowhere, it's been leaking way long before Maxwell found the Codex, if to a less prominent extent.
Thus, in few years passing, they form a Dinner Theater, a rather inconspicuous establishment from the first glance. Very quickly they began "hiring" employees, which in reality means tracking down and blackmailing those who have been corrupted but not fully lost themselves to its effects, in order to hunt those who had.
Winona was against the idea at first, as she found out. But seeing the effects of corruption first hand, she quickly had a change of heart and integrated herself into Charlie's new environment.
Eventually they gathered a rather generous amount of people. Once a person's proven to be trustworthy to a point, they're give higher positions in the company.
However those who aren't, are likely to be shunned or "fired" which...you could probably guess what that means.
Many of these people gradually come to terms with the reality of their situation and accept their newfound purpose, being thankful that at least they still have a roof over their head and a warm meal, instead of being viewed as monsters or outcasts to the greater society.
(Wilson though, can't quite accept this notion. He keeps claiming that "this is just a big misunderstanding, I'm just a normal guy!" Yet the truth could be far from it.)
When Maxwell and Charlie hear of the danger looming, they immediately inform their "staff" of the matter. Those who are more experienced in combat come along to face whatever opponent may cross them, while those who aren't, stay behind, to be an additional aid or a medic in case the battle gets too intense.
Whenever any suspicion arises in the town about the shady business going on in that particular building, the two owners alongside their employees practically gaslight anyone and everyone into believing they're but the most regular entertainment center.
The characters who have either willingly or unwillingly lost their humanity, mostly in the physical sense, are given special devices constructed of Thulecite and bits of nightmare fuel (made by Winona, Wicker and the main two), which effectively hide away their true identity, or surpress the effects of their ailment.
There's also a few other people important to this story, especially the One, which even Charlie and Maxwell refer to as "The Boss", though what many most recent hires don't know, is that there's someone who's in a position much higher than the owners themselves, controlling their every move.
Correlating to that, another person, or rather, a set of people per se, working for a much different cause. Though most of them are "people" in only a visual sense of the word.
And while, there might be someone inside the well-known around town diner, who just might be more than what appears on the surface, literally and metaphorically this time.
If you're interested to learn more about this AU, do let me know. If you have any questions, I'm happy to hear and answer them!
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mylittleponyauprompts · 6 months
Heavily alternate universe
An AU where Cadence and Sombra are biological siblings. Born in the age of the Crystal Empire at it's peak, Sombra was the first born and Cadence the second born. Cadence doesn't remember much if any of it, being nothing more than an young child.
Sombra however was jealous of her, she was born with their mothers inherent talent in emotion and mind magic. Meaning that she would one day be able to sync up with the Crystal Heart near perfectly just like their mother, meaning that the throne is going to this tiny pink child and not him. He felt cheated. He had worked years to master the few emotions and mind magics he has. Why should the throne go to this tiny little child and not him when he's been working so hard. Why do his parents get to choose who gets the throne. He can't bring himself to hate his little sister, she didn't choose this she was just born into it. And he can't bring himself to hate her when he's the one taking care of her so often, with how busy their parents are in politics.
He eventually rebels against his parents, turning them both to Crystal and shattering them. While he also turns Cadence into Crystal, it is not to shatter her statue. the small amount of bonding they have done had gone to his heart, he would be unable to kill his sister even if he had planned to. Turning Cadence to Crystal was that hopeful part of his mostly darkened heart that someone would be left behind to be able to stop whatever he had become. And when he and the Crystal Empire are banished below the ice of the frozen north, Cadences statue is left behind in the snow. Eventually being found by explorers one fateful day, leading to a family of earth ponies many years down the line being confused about their family heirloom now being a living breathing Pegasus child. Who eventually goes on to ascend into the alicorn of love, and sent back to the very place she was born.
Optional additions-
Their mother is The lost Crystal Princess Amore. Their other parents could be an Umbra from the comics, that seems fun!
I can see Cadence wanting to try and reform him once she finds out she's related to him.
Sombra probably had a freak out internally when seeing Cadence holding the Crystal Heart. Looks so much like their mother, it has to be his sister right? Who else could it be. She's an alicorn now? He's strangely feels proud of her when he gets nearly destroyed by the Crystal Heart
Sombra might have been extremely jealous of Cadence but he didn't really hold his grudges against her specifically. He held them against his parents. In fact his parents were so busy with politics half the time that it was him raising Cadence with the help of staff.
I can see Cadence having strange dreams about the crystal empire and sombra. Her dreams about sombra are usually not nightmares. Except one. Why is this dark unicorn she calls her brother turning her into Crystal, and.... is he crying?
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sams-infection-au · 3 months
Status Sheet
Be sure to check status every so often.
Be aware that some characters may not be able to respond normally depending on status.
This AU is set just after the happenings of 'Goodbye Solar' on the Sun and Moon Show.
Stage 1: Aggression, Lethargy, Uncontrollable Hunger
Stage 2: Casing Begins To Fall Off, Endo Gets Random Jolts, Smoke Coming From Main CPU
Stage 3: Internal Components Begin To Rot, External Components Begin To Rot, Physical Reactions Of Varying Degree Begin To Occur Randomly
Stage 4: Mind Begins To Fry Itself, Main CPU May Catch On Fire Or Melt From High Temperatures, Any Casing Left May Melt Off
Stage 5: Mindless, Irreparable Damage, Very Hard To Cure, Feral
Sun: Status (Unknown)
Old Moon (Nickname: Crescent): Status (Unknown)
Kill Code: Status (Unknown)
Original Eclipse (Nickname: Tyche): Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Old Blood Moon (Nickname: Deimos): Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Old Harvest Moon (Nickname: Phobos): Status (Unknown)
Lunar: Status (Unknown)
Backup Eclipse (Nickname: Umbra): Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Solar Flare: Status (Unknown)
Earth: Status (Bitten: Stage Unknown)
New Moon: Status (Infected, Stage Unknown)
Frank: Status (Unknown)
Bad Moon (Nickname: Starlight): Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Solar: Status (Infected, Patient Zero, Stage 1)
Jigsaw: Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Ruin: Status (Infected, Stage 1)
New Blood Moon: Status (Unknown)
New Harvest Moon: Status (Infected, Stage 1)
New Eclipse: Status (Infected, Stage 1)
Jack O Moon: Status (Unknown)
Dark Sun: Status (Unknown)
Stitchwraith: Status (Unknown)
Montgomery Gator: Status (Bitten: Stage Unknown)
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pars-ley · 1 year
Umbra (part two)
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Pairing: Demon Jimin x female Angel reader
Summary: Going to a demon for help was the last thing you expected to do but when it’s your only chance to find your soul mate, you have no choice. Even when that demon was your long term rival.
Genre: Soulmate au / Fantasy au / Demons and Angels / Strangers to lovers / Drabble series / Angst / Fluff / Smut
Rating: 18+ (NSFW)
Warnings: Mentions of demons / Demon magic / Mentions of hell / Severed animals heads / Mentions of sex and sexual implications / Pervert Demon Seokjin / Mentions of scarring / Hints at previous fights
W/C: 2.7k
Beta: @sun-kore​ thank you so much for your help and your kind words.
Banner: Moodboard by me.
Taglist: @jungkooksbroski​ @hotdamnchimchim​ @clouditae​ @ggukkieland​
Notes: This one has been a really long time coming. Now that I'm getting back into the swing of writing, I'm trying to go back through my WIPS and actually finish them! I’ve already started part three of this series, so if you like the second part, please do let me know.
Staring up at the pawn shop sign, wondering how on earth you ended up here, a notorious demon's cover for his dark magic exploits, you'd never set foot in here in your wildest dreams, but desperate times call for desperate measures. So you force one foot in front of the other and make your way inside; a bell jingles as the door closes. You survey the many trinkets scattering the shelves, searching for any sign of life.
"I'll be right with you." A deep, gravelly voice sounds directly behind you. 
You spin around, but you're met with nothing but empty air. A dark chuckle sounds around you, making the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
"Well, well, well, I must say I haven't received news that hell has frozen over." The rough voice sounds again. You turn to see him fully materialised before you, the broad-shouldered fiend himself, Seokjin.
"Believe me, I never thought I'd cross paths with you again."
He smirks and drifts towards you. "Ah yes, the last time wasn't so pleasant for me." His fingers skate across the scar that patterns his neck and creeps up his jaw. A lightning bolt of puckered skin created by you.
"But I have to admit, I am a sucker for your pretty face, and it has filled my dreams at night ever since our meeting." His fingers gently tuck your hair behind your ear, his digits managing not to touch you but still sending a sickly shiver along your spine.
"That makes you a very serious masochist." You reply, impatience forming a hot pit in your chest, threatening to erupt.
A seductive smile stretches his plump lips. "Mmmm, indeed."
"I'm here because I need your help." You add quickly, interrupting his hungry gaze that wanders across your body.
He freezes, eyes popping slightly before laughter bellows out from him. "You must be desperate if you've come to me. But, I'm sorry," he composed himself, "I find your misfortune pleases me somewhat." 
You roll your eyes. "Thanks. Now, are you going to help me or not."
"Just straight to it, no foreplay, no warm-up, nothing, um?" He looks at you, a cheeky glint in his eyes. "But I wonder, what are you willing to bargain for in exchange for my help?"
 He closes the remaining gap between you, his hand winding around your waist and pressing your body against his.
 "How far are you willing to go?"
Your smoky tendrils wrap around his wrists and ankles keeping him in place and unable to move. "I'm willing to not shop you in and let you continue practising your dark magic off the radar. That's what I'm offering." You say through gritted teeth, every fibre of your being coiled and tense, ready to spring.
He moans at your magical grip on him. "I love it when you talk dirty."
You snake extra tendrils around his throat and squeeze, cutting off his air supply. "Or I could just get rid of you myself and find another low-life demon to help me. One who will keep his hands to himself."
His reddening face manages a smile and a nod. You release him. The gasp of air he takes fills the tense silence in the room.
"Ok, ok." He says between breaths. "Can't blame a guy for trying, right?" Winking at you, his hand comes up to his neck,  massaging the red mark you've left there. He smooths his hair back and takes a breath.
 "What is it I can do to assist you?"
His face flashes behind your eyes for a moment, smooth skin, piercing eyes, and that perfect smile you got only a glimpse at. "I need to find someone."
Seokjin stares at you before waving his hand in a 'continue' motion. "I need more to go on, love."
"A demon has disappeared, and I need you to tell me where he is."
His face turns serious. "You want me to help you find one of your marks." He scoffs.
"He's not a mark. This is personal." Your eyebrows knit together, attempting to keep the desperation out of your voice.
His eyes narrow at you. "Then why? Angels don't mix with demons for the fun of it. So you expect me to believe you won't turn him in or kill him?"
You sigh and rub your temples. "You can believe what you want; nevertheless, I need this demon, but he disappeared right before me a few days ago, and I've been unable to find him."
He chuckles. "Sounds like he's not interested, dear."
"He didn't dissolve. He literally disappeared. He was right in front of me one moment; next, he was gone."
Seokjin frowns. "Now, this has piqued my interest."
He walks to the shop door, locks it, and turns the closed sign face out. 
He beckons you to the back of the store with a crooked finger, leading you out through a thin veil curtain. The dark green material billows around you and paves the way to a dark staircase, unnaturally so. You take hesitant steps down, your heart beating harder with every movement descending into the inky abyss.
A loud click and dim light illuminates everything in the basement and leaves enough shadows for your eyes to search for danger.
"Come and sit." He points to the large wooden table in the centre of the room.
You stop in your tracks, however, when you notice the seemingly real but very dead animals attached to various parts of the walls. They were slightly decayed, skin discoloured and disintegrating, yet there was no smell in the air or flies around. The magic aura surrounding it was an impressively powerful one. You sit on one of the chairs, fingertips grazing the scorch marks etched dark and deep into the grain of the old oak. You sift through them, running a finger over the demonic runes and curses which cover the tabletop.
"Now, demons don't just disappear." Seokjin starts, standing beside you, "and it doesn't sound like he was banished. Was there any smoke or a mark on the floor once he'd disappeared?"
You shook your head. "No, I was staring him right in the face, and it was like I blinked, and he was gone."
Seokjin watches you carefully, eyes narrowed and suspicious. Finally, he sits down, leaning back in his chair, stroking his chin with his long crooked fingers, nails black and scorched from the dark magic.
"How long have we known each other, angel? Ninety years?"
You shrug, your knee bouncing impatiently, but you force it down, clasping your knees together. "Give or take."
"Hm," he nods. "I know there is something you're not telling me. But believe me when I say I cannot help you unless you tell me everything." 
Sighing, you rub your burning, tired eyes. "Fine." Pulling your sleeve roughly and slamming your arm on the table for him to see. 
Your soul-mate mark was now a glowing white, illuminating your arm against the dark wooden backing. 
"Ah, you've found your mate; how sweet." He mocks. "And let me guess, this demon has kidnapped your new mate, and once you find him, you'll exact revenge, yada, yada, yada. Am I close?" He leans forward, resting both arms on the table. 
Your chest burns with the acid rising up from your churning stomach, unable to believe the words you are about to utter. "The demon is my mate."
It takes you a few moments in the silence that follows that statement to look at Seokjin, but when you do, his wide-eyed frozen face is almost enough to amuse you. The longer the silence stretches on, the more deafening it becomes, and with your current state of mind, you can't cope much longer.
"Seokjin, we're wasting time."
He snaps out of it, confused eyes focused on yours and mirroring your own mixed feelings in the glassy black optics. "I, um, I have some questions."
Your breath leaves in a frustrated huff.
His hands come up in a defensive position. "I'm sorry, but this is very new for me. In all my years, I've never heard of this happening… inter-species mating…permanently. Not even a whisper of it, and trust me, the things I have been privy to about our worlds, I could shock you."
"I doubt that. Not many things shock me about your world or mine anymore."
"Ah," he leans in, one perfectly pointed eyebrow sharp and raised straight for you, like an accusatory dagger. "But this little scenario did, did it not?" He stretches out and strokes his bent finger across your mark, making bile rise and anger alight your veins. 
You grab his wrist and twist it fast, but he's faster, grabbing your other wrist with his free hand and turning it hard enough that with one more movement, it would snap.
"We appear to be at a stalemate, sweetheart." 
Your teeth snap shut, an attempt to control some of your anger but also as a preventive to not let him know how much pain he's inflicting. 
"Are you going to help me or not? I don't have time for games." You spit.
He smirks, eyes fiery with lust and mistaken superiority. "Yes, I'll help. Purely now, because I have my own questions that need answering."
"Well, get in line, buster."
He laughs and releases the grip on your wrist. In return, you do the same, sitting down quickly before you change your mind about breaking some part of him. God, he'd be a dead man if you didn't need him.
"If we're going to…go all the way," he can't help the smile that tugs at one side of his mouth. "I'm going to need a little bit of trust. Can you do that?" 
You scoff. "Can you promise you won't touch me again?"
He sucks in a slow, deep breath. "I'll try my hardest, angel, but you need to give me something to think about on those nights I wake up from dreams of you." 
You feel your top lip turn up into an uncontrollable grimace. "Have I not hurt you enough today, already?"
His deep cackle vibrates through you as he strokes the wrist you just released. "With you, it would never be enough." But then he mimes, making a cross against his heart. 
"That would mean something if you had one in there." You jibe.
He holds the place on his chest where one should be, as if you've wounded him. "Ouch. Uncalled for."
Rolling your eyes, you shrug out of your jacket, sensing you are here for the long run, and ignore his eyes on your body as you do so.
"Ok, let's find this demon, shall we?" His bright smile unnerves you. "I need you to put your palms on the table, close your eyes and picture his face in your mind. Can you do that?"
You give a curt nod and do as he says, even if every fibre of your being screams against it.
The scorch markings under your palms feel strange as the sweat on your hands makes you stick to the table. You peek out of one eye at Seokjin to see him mirroring your stance, eyes wholly shut. He could almost look handsome with his usual smug face impassive…almost.
"Close your eyes." He orders, making you squeeze them shut tight and fight the smile that threatens beneath the surface.
You focus your mind and think of only him. Seems crazy to think you're bound to someone, and yet, you don't even know his name.
His face appears behind your eyelids, perfect smooth skin that practically glows. Plump lips that stretch into an exhaustingly beautiful smile and dark eyes like crescent moons. You see the way his blonde hair moves in the hint of a breeze, the curve of his Adams apple as he swallows. You're eager to reach out and touch his throat, sliding your fingers down his skin, wondering if it would feel like silk under your touch.
A noise interrupts the eerie silence, a low hum in the air. The palms of your hands start to burn as the marks on the table grow hotter, the air feeling thick and heavy around you, static, making your hair stand on end, but you ignore it, shoving it down and focusing just on the picture in your mind. 
"There you are…" you hear Seokjin whisper, so eager to open your eyes but daring not to in case the spell breaks and your chance of finding him diminishes. "What on earth?" 
"What?" You whisper, unable to contain the impatience.
Your hair falls down around your face, and the heat underneath your hands subsides, the wood feeling cold and the silence deafening once again.
"I found him." Seokjin's deep voice sounds into the quiet, barely a whisper but seeming louder than ever. 
"And?" You lean forward on the edge of the chair, waiting for his next words.
He finally meets your eyes, a sombre look deep in the onyx orbits staring back at you. "He's in hell."
You frown and shake your head. "What does that even mean?"
"I mean that very literally, love. He's in hell. That's where you'll find him." 
You stare blankly at the demon in front of you, so many questions race through your mind leaving you unable to focus on any particular one. 
How is this possible? Was he banished by someone? How can you get him? An angel in hell is almost unheard of…not since…
"You want my suggestion?" Seokjin breaks your wild thoughts. "If it was me? I'd leave him there, life-mate or not."
You push away from the table, ready to leave, not wanting to hear anything that won't help you.
"But…" he continues, and something in his voice makes your feet stop, wanting to hear his following words. "I know you won't be able to do that, so...I'll help you."
You turn, eyes narrowed suspiciously. "For a price?"
He smiles, "everything has a price sweetheart."
"Name it."
He stands and strides slowly toward you. Your body tense, ready to run or fight, a natural instinct you can't unlearn. His hand comes up to your face, hesitating for a moment, searching your eyes for permission. Then, for a moment, he seems to soften, his eyes almost pleading before his nonchalant mask returns, and his hand drops without touching you.
"You leave me and my shop alone for good." 
You breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, that would be what he wants. And that you could give him.
"And when I say you, I mean all of you." 
Now that is a little harder; there’s a long list of angels and other species who hunt delinquents, some for work and some for sport. Getting the other angels to Ignore his dealings would be a hard sell, but maybe his helping of an angel return safely from the depths of hell could work in his favour.
"Provided we return safely?" You press.
He nods, his eyes wild like a cat preparing to pounce on a mouse.
You put your hand out, and he eagerly takes it, lifting it to his mouth and inhaling your scent deeply. He moans, the sound turning your stomach but annoyance overrides it. When you feel his lips touch your skin, you snatch your hand away and storm up the basement stairs.
"What, no ‘thank you’?" He calls out.
"Thanks." You mumble as you slam the basement door shut.
You feel his breath against your ear, knowing full well if you turned, he wouldn't be there. "Be here tomorrow at two am." 
The shiver it sends down your spine makes your feet move faster to leave the building, and as soon as that door closes behind you, you finally feel like you can breathe again.
You absentmindedly rub the back of your hand; an irritation persists, and when you look down, to see a dark mark where his lips touched the skin, all around it red and sore. The sight makes you want to race back in there and rip those lips right off his face, but the sound of his laughter from inside, knowing he's watching you still, made you want to get away as soon as possible. You stick your middle finger up and march in the direction of home. 
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jonmyblaze · 7 months
Devil May cry au everyone lives traumatized!
So so I wanted to combined two ideas of what if Eva survives and what if Sparda survived..
(We are under the assumption that Virgil is Dante's older brother of 5-8ish years like OG DMC 1 canon Near identical face/ different age )
The tragedy that separated the Sparta family affected each of its members differently.
Eva was a woman of principle, a umbra witch a woman self-taught of the mystic ways of summoning demons with a monster fcking fetish . She got the demon boy she got the skills her life should have been happily ever after.
Then the damn attack occurred. She would admit it herself she wasn't the best mother.( Who let the kid run around with swords, she probably should have sent them to some sort of school instead of individualized education based off of their interests and needs. They probably should have gotten more experience with friends and other people who would care. ) But damn it all did she love her kids. They were her blessed children.
Eva looking through the ashes of the home. She Was not able Not even find her youngest son. Her eldest she feared was already gone dead. Perished cut down for the simple sake of being a hybrid.
Even her husband was gone.
She was all alone. First time in years. This is when she made her vow to hunt down the infernals of hell and eradicate those who sought to eliminate her family and her. Damn the umbra witch code. They were dead order barely surviving off of Madame Jeanne de Arc. She would look at heaven and Earth and hell for her children but she could not find them.
Not until decades later when they didn't even need her.
The devil night Sparta was in mourning. The blaze and the battle had tooken so much from him.
"It's all my fault" he wept, as if the entire event was solely on his shoulders and not those of his enemies.
It's because of my fame, my notoriety and pride that enabled these freaks to have enough leverage to attempt to kill me and my family.
My entire family is eradication
was because of my greed for the limelight. It seems this world is worse f with me in it. "And so the devil Knight takes his self-imposed exile. Not knowing that his wife and children are in need of theirpatriarch.
The eldest son was in a different position. He saw the army that his father took against. Then that would ultimately to his father's downfall. If only he had more power more strength he could have fought with his father and protect his family.
All alone, he wished he could have saved his family had he been a little bit stronger.
"I need more power I need to grow in power or else I will be weak and worthless pathetic
I lost my entire family because of that. No more"
And last but the youngest son, he had witnessed his mother in her final moments and her words struck a chord with him
Hls mother said to live a better life, a happy life don't abandon your family heritage, But don't forget to live. Run away if you must, but be safe and live and grow strong to protect yourself and others.
Dante the youngest son would struggle everyday to bribe steel and make not only a new identity to get an education but to live and to grow. Eventually he would grow into a famous demon Hunter.
The devil brothers would meet again in a strange Tower. Their ideology opposed to one another
one for powers for power sake,
The other craved power for protecting oneself and others.
The family would truly meet up and be reunited during
The Qliphoth incident. Sparta could no longer allow such devastation upon the human world. Eva could no longer allow anyone to die of such a ratchet pain.
Dante was hired for this by a strange man named v
Along with his nephew that he has yet to revealed he knew.
Bayonetta and Jeanne also there.
Their with Eva.
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catamaurrr-star · 4 months
ok YOUR TURN. i NEED you to tell me about your ocs, particularly in world 1. i need to know their gist. and the world too??? has hatsune miku declared war on australia ?? WHAT is going on there ?
YIPPPEEEE OKAY SO. australia is ruled by fukase the vocaloid and he was so shit at ruling his own continent that it started fighting itself. and it kept escalating. and its still escalating. and now australia is basically like Hell Itself and it got so bad there that hatsune miku just decided no one can ever get in or out of there ever again for the rest of the world's own safety. survival of the fittest she says
but all of that is like barely relevant to the ocs there. maur is actually australian and he has Seen Shit but he managed to get out on a tiny little raft in cat form and has never looked back since. iron is also australian but he's never left australia. this is also why they are bright pink
most ppl in world 1 are some sort of animal hybrid or have some power but there are of course regular people who have neither. jimmy is one of these people but he honestly does not care because who needs powers when theres cats !!! gude has the ultimate super special absolutely earth shattering power of. making chair arms whenever they want out of thin air. they will always use this to the best comedic effect as they can. oh yeah they're also half elf from their dad's side
umbra however. his power is Very Special. he can kinndaa travel time but he stays in the same place he was at before he time travelled just in a different time period and when he goes back to the present the time he spent in the past passes by in the present too. if that makes sense. his entire family's had it and it's been passed down from generation to generation. the government wants to find them so he has to keep his powers a very close guarded secret. however! they also have a drawback. the more times you time travel the sooner you're gonna go insane from it all and kinda just. break time itself for you alone and it's generally Very Unpleasant. this happened to umbra's mom when he was young and since she never got the chance to tell him about the powers when she was alive he doesn't even know what happened to her. she was just gone one day and everyone he asked said she never existed at all. not very fun! he assumed she just got lost somewhere in the past or future or something and he keeps trying to find her that way but uh oh! he's inching closer and closer to certain death every time he does that! and he has no idea! so sad!!!
there is also this storyline thats been cooking in my head for a bit that includes all the various umbra and maur aus which is why umbras family even has that power. something about an Original Umbra and an Original Maur and they did Something. i dont really know. but basically umbra is cursed forever
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wobblewokgaming · 22 days
Academy of Godhood, a Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel AU idea. (Part 1, AU introduction and Main Characters)
Name of AU: Academy of Godhood.
AU concept: In this AU, a seemingly normal day in the depths of Hell and the heights of Heaven is thrown into chaos when three odd envelopes are sent to three individuals; Loona, Octavia and Emily. These envelopes contained formal invites to one of the most prestigious and well renowned school in all the Realms; the Academy of Godhood! This school only lets in the best of the best, the most polished diamonds in the rough, the stars that shine brightest in the night sky, so the fact that an adopted and traumatized Hellhound, a demon of the Ars Goetia born via an arranged marriage and the wallflower younger sister of one of the Seraphim were being invited to such a school isn't a normal thing.
Join our three girls as they try their best to navigate through their chaotic life at their new school, making both friends and enemies as they do so! Welcome to the Academy of Godhood, dear readers. We hope you enjoy your stay!
Important/Main Characters;
Name: Umbra, Loona
Age: 22 Years (in Demon Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Hellhound
Family: Blitzø (adopted Father), Barbie Wire (unaware adopted Aunt), Tilla (deceased Grandmother).
Likes: Alcohol, smoking, violence, arson, the moon and the scent of lavender (don't tell anyone about this).
Dislikes: Hangovers, being mocked, sudden loud noises, multiple people questioning her at once, public/crowded places and needles.
Name: Goetia, Octavia
Age: 17 (in Demon Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Goetic Demon
Family: Stolas Goetia (Father), Stella Goetia (Mother), Andrealphus Permafrost (Uncle), Paimon Goetia (Grandfather)
Likes: Metal bands, her father (most of the time), the stars, magic, Loona and the scent of cinnamon.
Dislikes: Being abandoned, being ignored, her parents arguing, Blitzø (she believes he'll take her Dad away from her), her Dad being flirty with Blitzø and her Uncle Andrealphus.
Name: Aeon, Emily
Age: 20 (in Angel Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Seraphim
Family: Sera Aeon (Sister)
Likes: The idea of Sinner Redemption, her sister Sera (that may change soon), St. Peter, hot chocolate, singing, watching wrestling and boxing on TV (she likes to keep these two things a secret).
Dislikes: Adam, Lute, swearing, being lied to, people talking behind her back, smoking and alcohol.
Name: Polemistìs, Saber
Age: 25 (in Demigod Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Demigod
Family: Ares Polemistìs (Father), Mace Polemistìs (1st Older Brother), Archer Polemistìs (2nd Older Brother), Naginata Polemistìs (Older Sister), Diemos Polemistìs (1st Younger Brother), Phobos Polemistìs (2nd Younger Brother) and John Kratos (Uncle)
Likes: art in any form, baking, gardening, Boba Tea, Fro-Yo, blacksmithing and his family.
Dislikes: fighting in any way, shape or form (he's amazing at it, though), the idea of being an embarrassment to his family and plagiarism.
Name: Vallant, Hiro
Age: 19 (in Demigod Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Demigod
Family: Thor Vallant (Father), Odin Vallant (Grandfather), Balder Vallant (Uncle),Hod Vallant (Uncle), Hermod Vallant (Uncle), Heimdall Vallant (Uncle), Vidar Vallant (Uncle) and Vali Vallant (Uncle)
Likes: Helping others, cardio, mead, working with his Father, most of his family, Asgard and Yggdrasill the World Tree.
Dislikes: Odin, Nidhöggr, Loki, Hel, Ragnarok, Surtr, not being worthy of Mjölnir, disorderly conduct and those who'd bring destruction to the Realms.
Name: Richardson, Jeremy
Age: 21 (in Human Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Family: Unknown
Likes: Studying Mythology, Skullkraken (an Earth band), reading, video games, cooking, Mighty Mecha Fighters (it's a rather popular Anime) playing the drums (he keeps this a secret) and using guns (also keeps this a secret).
Dislikes: Being put in harms way, being the center of attention, not being useful to others, greedy people and bullies.
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Akko and the Claiomh Solais
Sooooo, remember 6 years ago on day 6 of the first Dianakko week, the prompt was Crossover/AU, and I wrote, what I affectionately call, my generic fantasy au? No? Well, Ahahahaha.
Welcome to my generic fantasy au! (This’ll be the only full “chapter” I post here, I cannot format this for tumblr every single chapter)
Summary: For the past decade, the country of Luna Nova has been under siege by the Umbra, a centuries-old threat that was once sealed by the hero Chariot and her legendary blade, the Claiomh Solais, which now lay dormant in the port city of Brook-Haven awaiting its next wielder.   Drawn by tales she’s read in legends since she was little, Akko travels to the country of Luna Nova to set off on her very own adventure. She is about to get far more than she bargained for.
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Chapter 1
Thunderous roars exploded across the canyon as two forces collided. With each clash, boulders crashed down onto the ground from the surrounding mountainous walls. With every strike, plumes of dust and gravel erupted into the air. 
Shockwave after shockwave echoed through the mountains as the battle between these two titans continued. With each passing second, the very walls surrounding them crumbled, and the deafening sounds of their struggle somehow grew louder, more powerful, seemingly without end. 
Until finally, they stopped. 
As the dust began to settle, the two figures could be seen in the distance, separated by a tiny stream.
On the right, there was a being covered in shadow, the area beneath their feet covered in an inky darkness. 
On the left, there was a being down on one knee. They were obscured by an almost blinding light, and their only discernible features were fiery red hair and a sword, adorned with green gems, in their right hand. 
In this moment of silence, nothing dared to move. Nothing dared to risk drawing either being’s attention. 
The earth, the air, even time itself seemed to freeze in place. 
And then, a bellowing laugh burst from the shadowed figure, and the world once again began to move. 
Suddenly, the mountain walls once again began to collapse. Gusts of wind filled the canyon. The skies darkened. Bolts of lightning streaked through the clouds before striking down on the earth. 
And in this moment, the one covered in light looked down to the ground beneath them. As the world around them continued to fall apart, a small bead of water fell from their face...
And an ear-splitting scream erupted from their throat. 
The air crackled as the being’s light began to grow, began to intensify. The gems on their sword shined with their own dazzling green rays, and their hair burst into flames. 
In an instant, it seemed as if this light would threaten to consume everything. 
However, as quickly as the light had grown, it vanished, leaving nothing in its place.
The shadowed figure suddenly started scrambling around the mountainside, frantically searching for any sign of their rival, but it was all for naught. 
Without warning, a red streak of light bolted across the battlefield and struck them, and a blinding pillar of light burst up from the ground, overwhelming the world with its brilliance.
“Atsuko,” a soft voice called out. “Atsuko, wake up. The darkness. It’s stirring.”
Unfortunately, it was left unanswered. 
Undeterred, the voice continued its call. However, the light that had engulfed the world began to dim to darkness, and as the light continued to disappear, so too did the voice.
“Atsuko… Atsuko, wake up,” the voice repeated, now barely managing a whisper. 
Despite its efforts, it was, once again, met with silence.
“Please Atsuko, wake up. It’s almost time,” the whisper pleaded.  
“Mmmmm. I-I’ll wake… up in a li… little bit,” a groggy voice finally replied. Its owner, “Atsuko”, shifted her head on her table and blocked her ears with her hands. 
“Atsuko, you must wake up,” the voice once again repeated, and continued to repeat, determined to wake the girl from her slumber.
“Atsuko… wake up”
“Just… five more minutes…” Atsuko groaned, pressing her hands more firmly against her ears.
“Wha- Five minutes… oh deities. ATSUKO WAKE UP!!” a voice screamed, and Atsuko’s chair was kicked down from beneath her.
“Ow!” Atsuko yelped as she crashed onto the floor. She whipped her head up and was met with purple eyes glaring down at her. “What was that for, Avery?!”
“What do you mean ‘what was that for’? You were supposed to take your shift on the pier half an hour ago! And where do I find you instead? In the watchtower, taking a nap!”
“It’s not my fault!” Atsuko whined. “It’s not like anything even happens until five.” Atsuko lifted herself up from the ground and winced as she moved to wipe the dust off her pants. She then made her way to the holster and broadsword hanging from the wall. “Besides, you’ve been here a while, right? If it was so important, why didn’t you make sure I got up earlier?”
“Earlier?” Avery raised a brow. “I just got here right now. Like a minute ago.”
“Huh?” Atsuko stopped and turned back towards Avery. “Wait, you weren’t the one whispering at me to wake up?”
“What? Whispering? I yelled the second I-” Avery stopped and shook her head. “-you know what, doesn’t matter.” She immediately pointed to the door. “Head out now, Atsuko. Before I have you written up again.”
Instantly, Atsuko’s eyes bulged, and she quickly fell to her knees.
“Wait, not again!” Atsuko cried. “I can’t take another hour of Finnelan yelling at me! It’d be the fourth time this week! Pleeeease don’t tell her!”
“Then go! Now.”
“I’m going, I’m going!” Atsuko sputtered out as she struggled to fasten the holster around her waist. The moment she finished, she swiped a lamp and a book from the table and rushed out of the room. 
However, before heading down the stairs, she slowly peeked her head through the door. “Oh, and uh… you know you can just call me Akko, right…?” Atsuko—or Akko, as she preferred—asked.
“Bye!” Akko yelped as she fled from the door, dashing her way down the watchtower towards her station at the pier.
Please Continue Reading Chapter 1 on AO3
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ask-umbra-au · 18 days
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Running it back with the memes again just to have some sillies about the au
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soft-leons-art · 22 days
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WHOOOOOOOO SAMS Au based off a detail I noticed and thought was neat and I never see people talk about it-- "In a total lunar eclipse, the entire Moon falls within the darkest part of Earth's shadow, called the umbra. When the Moon is within the umbra, it will turn a reddish hue. Lunar eclipses are sometimes called “Blood Moons” because of this phenomenon."
Welcome to the Triplets AU!
in this universe, instead of Eclipse making the Bloodmoon twins and Lunar separately, they were accidentally created as triplets in one body, Lunar being the more "emotional and rational" of the three, his code not really feeling the high blood drive the other two felt. When Eclipse needed to continue his plans on getting Moon out of the picture, he separated Lunar's code from the the other two, Eclipse isolating and storing away any memory the three had of each other to avoid complicating the plans further. The drawings shown above is how Lunar looked mentally/would have looked up if they had been split up before getting his code taken away from them. Things continue as normal in canon, but things feel off. Lunar, after getting separated from Moon, feels awkward without someone in his head with him. He can't pinpoint why and just takes it as having a normal feeling of loneliness, leading into his quick attachments with Moon, Sun, and others. throughout his time with them, he starts finding out his high tolerance for seeing blood, which he also had no explanation for. The times Lunar and the Bloodmoon "Twins" run into each other, it's a bit more awkward with the heavy feeling of familiarity between them, though with no memories, things where tense and the Bloodmoon "twins" continued their tasks, ignoring how wrong it seemed to hurt Lunar. One way or other later on, Lunar and the "twins" find the truth and confront Eclipse, who at first is reluctant to explain the truth, both out of spite for Lunar betraying him and also fearing Bloodmoon murking him, but it didn't take him long to fold. After some explanation, returning their memories, A promise of an attempted redemption for Eclipse, and some nanomachines, the triplets were properly reunited, though they are currently still struggling to re-regulate themselves with different experiences they've gone through while separated (But they missed each other dearly, so they're making it work!) If you have questions or silly scenarios in mine, please feel free to ask/share ^^ I'd love to hear
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moth--knight · 6 months
no but seriously tho lol I'm curious about the processing fic, eulogy for roses, and blessed art amongst women?? VERY CURIOUS I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THESE ARE!!!
Also super excited for all of these!! YOU GOT THIS MY FRIEND!!
processing is my forever in progress t4t bayojeanne fic, set post B1 <3 <3 here is a small snippet:
For the first time in years, she wakes up feeling thrilled to start the day. The world has taken on new color with Jeanne in her life.  She wrinkles her nose at her own nauseating sentimentality, and adds a plump grapefruit to her cart. It is nice to get in season produce, and she thinks Jeanne might appreciate the bitter taste. The woman had the oddest preferences. Tart and bitter anything were her go-to, with a disdain for sweetness. Bayonetta will never forget the dramatic scoff Jeanne had let out upon seeing the impressive selection of fruity tea housed within her cabinets. What an odd duck - a witch without a sweet tooth? Nonsensical, if you ask her. Umbra thrive on magical candy, for goodness sake. She gets clementines for herself, a perfectly reasonable choice. 
eulogy for the roses is a sequel to fleurs funéraires, my post B3 hanahaki AU fic!! this fic is from viola's POV. (I had completely forgotten about it until now lol). here is a small snippet:
“Again, kitty.” Viola spits the mud out of her mouth, face crinkling in disgust. Everything aches - this is the fifth (sixth?) time she’s been thrown across the clearing, skidding painfully across the damp earth face first. From within the sword, Cheshire growls in a register akin to laughter. At least someone is having fun. “Asshole,” she mutters, pushing herself up on unsteady arms. Her forearms burn with the exertion, and she flops back to the ground unceremoniously, groaning pitifully in the back of her throat. She can hear Jeanne’s disappointed sigh from all the way across the clearing. Fucking great.
blessed art thou amongst women is actually a Barbara/Melissa fic for Abbott Elementary, and a sorta sequel to my fic sunday best. here is a small snippet of that as well:
It’s getting late. Not that Melissa has obsessively been watching the clock, or anything. She most certainly has not been lying here for the past hour and half in a state of dread and disappointment and self flagellation for said dread and disappointment as the minutes ticked by.  She doesn’t know if Barbara even realizes, curled up against her chest, eyes trained on whatever Lifetime movie she’d put on. Every so often she’ll speak, voice heavy as molasses, and make some witty remark or scathing commentary about the absurdity of the whole film while Melissa strokes an idle thumb against her neck, her shoulder, her ear, humming in agreement.  She seems content, in Melissa’s arms. Wonders will never cease. It would be easy to fall asleep, just like this. Barbara warm and weighty against her frame, the softness of her worn-in couch, the low volume of the TV serving as the perfect white noise. She could close her eyes and drift off, right here. But.
I need to complete some of these WIPs......help. HELP! Thank you for the vote of confidence my friend o7 I hope you enjoyed the small snippets :D
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sh4dowcrysta1 · 2 months
Darkrose AU - Pt 2 - The Shadow Realm & the Umbra Empire
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[Image above depicting the old Umbra empire flag]
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The shadow realm
The shadow realm is accessible by ice diving, the practice of going deep beneath the ice. Ice diving isn't the safest option, since when you break the barrier between the current realm and shadow realm you'll instantly be falling through the sky. The best or most efficient way to travel in the shadow realm is with alicorn magic or protective magic.
The shadow realm carries the blizzardous conditions of the Arctic permanently. Once every 5-7 years, a lunar eclipse prevents a blizzard for about 30 minutes during totality, before the snow begins to pick up again.
The constant blizzardous conditions sometimes create Snownadoes, snow-iccanes, and even snow lightning storms. it's quite bizarre for newcomers, but it makes conditions dangerous for pegasi to fly around in, and particularly heinous to earth ponies without the endurance to such conditions.
The shadow realm also has an extremely powerful magic presence, causing dark clouds and many cracks in the ice of the Arctic above, some say it influenced the size of Mount ever-hoof.
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The Umbra Empire
Originally, the occupants of the shadow realm were horrifying abstract faces, originally just called the umbra. one day, one of these abstract figures trailed out of the shadow realm, and turned to stone in fear of the light. This abstract shape gained wings in their statue.
written in Umbrian history books alone, the story goes that a pure-hearted unicorn took the scared statue from its place in the cold Arctic, and took it back home with her. The statue couldn't hold its form, so the unicorn cast a strong spell to give this umbra a pegasus form. The two eventually fell in love, and by miracle, both had a queen umbra, which took the shape of a powerful alicorn.
The child was named Crimson, later to be known as Queen Crimson. Queen Crimson is known for giving the realm's citizens their shape and giving the realm such a strong magic presence that it changes the ponies who enter.
Queen Crimson grew tired of the crystal ponies living above them in the light, and when the crystal ponies did not let them share the light, not only was the crystal heart created, but a war sparked between the two species. The crystal ponies came out victorious, and sealed Queen Crimson away inside a red crystal, but not before she could plant the seeds for the Umbra's new leader, who would later be known as King Sombra.
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ivyprism · 11 months
The Truce (Outcode Story)
Warnings: Fighting, Dust! Sans, Killer! Sans, Nightmare! Sans, many of things, blood, etc.
Spiro was tossed by Ink with little time to respond. To keep himself from falling further, he stuck his knife into the earth. He could hear the ground reacting this his knife. As Rune approached to assault Tusche, he smirked a bit. Rune was not someone to mess with. Tusche created an ink wall to block Rune's strike, but Morte sprang from the shadows and flung Tusche. Acrylic snatched his brother's scarf as he riveted his gaze on the group. Spiro could hear Bliss and Dusk squabbling as well as Bliss's drabble about how they needed to make amends.
"Get up." Dagger huffed as Spiro smiled and nodded. Acrylic rapidly prepared his paints. Dagger, as usual, appeared to have not slept. As a little swirl of power formed around Dagger, he prepared his next attack. Acrylic glared at him as some sort of magic encircled him. However, there was a sense of magic surrounding them. There were exclamation points beneath them.
"MOVE!" Rune yelled as he dove for Dagger's collar, and Morte followed as Comet yanked Acrylic back. Lightning strikes the floor, causing it to fracture under the pressure. With a glare, Rune stood up. But everyone seemed to be frozen in confusion. Spiro brandished a knife at the opposite party.
"What was that?!" As the opposition group flared a little at the threat, Spiro urged.
"That had absolutely nothing to do with us!" Acrylic protested and Lenovo yanked on his strings. Acrylic assailed him, putting an end to his brief respite. As he charged the other skeleton, one of his paints produced a big blue bone as he charged the opposite skeleton. The battle had resumed. Spiro and Dagger were attempting to tag team Comet. Comet kept up as he fought back. The struggle raged on, becoming bloodier and more vicious by the minute. However, as the AU began to break and blasters were poised to collide…
They halted as they watched someone they'd never seen before redirecting the attack away from them into the air. After the light faded, there was a woman bursting with magic and wearing a mask that resembled a skull staring back at them. Lenovo tensed as he saw her morph into a skeleton with a face that looked just like the mask-like visage. She turned to face the group.
"It appears that my first deterrent had no effect." Her silky, almost icy voice made the audience quiver. Her purple eyes darted around the room, looking at the skeletons.
"Who exactly are you?" As the skeleton's gaze returned to him, Dusk demanded. As he stared at her, her purple eyes blazed.
"The one who is stopping this... exhausting and needless war." The woman responded as she looked around and under her gaze, many felt nervous. "But if you need a name, my name is Senna." Senna coolly stated.
"Needless? They will not listen!" Tusche objected and opened his mouth again as Senna extended a hand to him. Her appearance transforms into that of a human woman wearing a mask similar to her skull and sporting long white hair. Her form would be easy to call… unstable.
"You didn't even try," Senna retorted, making the guardian tighten and back off a little. "I've been following this… mess for a long time."
"How come we have never seen you before?" Acrylic stared at her, perplexed. Senna groaned slightly as she adjusted her gloves. A piece of paper appears as she snaps.
"Enough with the foolish questions." Senna took a peek around the room. "You all have to talk about it and sign this," Senna said almost like a command. The others gazed at her, puzzled, as she held it. "It's a treaty… A truce agreement. Whatever you want to name it." Senna's steely eyes locked with the rest of the gang. There was immediate backlash… until.
"I think it's a good idea," Umbra spoke up, drawing everyone's attention to him. "I mean, there has to be a balance between destroying and creating." Umbra gave a nod. Comet, Lucien, and Morte all nodded in accord. They eventually persuaded the remainder of the group to sign the document. When the woman vanished, they couldn't recall her name… However, they were forced to clean up.
Hehehehoo, lore.
Dreamtale is by Jokublog
Error is by CrayonQueen
Dusttale and Killer Sans escape me rn.
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Day 6 of No One Except @mr-orion Asked November (NoOneExOriAskNov). I’m really coming to appreciate the ‘auto’ edit button on Apple devices.
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Five and a half of the Hermit Civilizations in my Horizon au, because I’m tired as hell. From top to bottom, there is Bdubs’ Land of Livingstone, Cub’s Climbing Spires, Doc’s Maw, False’s Umbra, Gem’s Evergreen, and unfinished Scar’s Technicolor City.
I kinda just chose random sections of each hermit’s aesthetics and building styles to make these civs.
I’m gonna draw these places a lot more for landscape and building practice, of which I have almost none.
In-depth descriptions below the cut. They’re what I based these sketches on.
There are two great hills, steep and rocky, that surround the vale at the center of the Land of Livingstone. Straddled by two great bridges of white rock and creeping vines, their arches swirl with carvings and gradients. Similar odd shapes dot the valley, anchored into the sides of the hills: rusted buildings of metal and brick, adorned with half-crumbled chimneys and long shut doors. Nature has reclaimed this place, as the flower forest grows closer every year, and even the great bridges look as if they are about to buckle. But the ancient buildings persist, unwilling to yield to the land. Some still halfheartedly belch smoke, spooking the birds into flight.
The sun is hot and inescapable in the southern realm of Climbing Spires, its beams blanketing the red sand and enormous rock formations that give this kingdom its name. Adorning these spires are buildings, spindly and delicate yet sturdy enough to cling to the colorful rock. Perilous staircases and thin walkways of metal and wood are contrasted by robust columns and arches of sandstone and brick. What little fresh water can be found here is carefully shuttled about through pipes and waterfalls, adding a sense of movement to the otherwise eerily still architecture.
Whether the Maw got its name from the great spines of ice on its surface or the toothlike rocks of its underground is unclear, but wherever it came from, this land has a fitting name. Icy and inhospitable, the surface is deceptively barren of buildings aside from a few circular boreholes reinforced with iron. But these are no mere pits; they are the entrance to the subterranean complex below the snow-covered landscape above. Practical and brutalist, the underground buildings of this land are home to many strange machines that farm food without light and produce material in seconds, making this underground world one of the Land of the Sunrise’s best kept secrets.
The simple name for the land of Umbra is fitting; forested and shady, the thick canopy of trees hide the incredibly advanced yet eerily dark civilization whose inhabitants are almost never seen. Smooth buildings of dark stone and tinted glass manage to be imposing in their small size, draped with strange foliage that glows unnatural colors of red and blue. Towers that mimic trees and doorways like metal cave mouths are obscured beneath years, if not decades, of underbrush. This realm is closed to most outsiders, and not even traders may come any closer than the upper canopy.
True to its name, the queendom of Evergreen is completely forested in pine, spruce, and fir trees. The deep green canopy is broken by tall castles, their pale tiled spires and dark wood halls evoking a sense of regality and wonder. Thin, arcing bridges connect stone tower to stone tower, allowing their inhabitants the ability to cross rivers and valleys without ever touching the earth. Below these great structures is a dark, fertile ground from which mushrooms and sweet berries readily grow, a thick layer of undergrowth that houses foxes and wolves alike.
Too big to be called a city, yet too small to be an empire of its own, Technicolor City seems to have been plucked straight out of a painting. Every building is unique and colorful, yet they all perfectly meld into a skyline that seems to be made of jewels, aided by perfectly swooping hills covered in flowers and trees. Wide boulevards share space with quaint streets and footpaths, each and every one lit day and night. Every inch of the city seems to reach out in welcome to all comers.
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