#um as you can see I've got far too much free time
samarajethwa · 1 year
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Carcinisation of crown
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ddejavvu · 11 months
Helloooo omggg I love your blog sm I have a request that’s terrible so don’t feel pressured to do it lmao
I’m afraid of escalators- everytime ya girl tries to get on one since I got a foot injury I fall :(( but I was just at the airport and had to go on a bunch SO- Aaron Hotchner holding hands everytime we have to go on an escalator-
Working to hunt and apprehend the country's most dangerous criminals should mean that you're not scared of much. You can handle flying, you take the jet constantly. Being mugged is something you know you'll likely withstand, even if you're injured, because you can fight back. You have no unique fears, like birds or butterflies or cats- well, that is, excluding escalators.
They're just not your forte. Each time you ride one you fear falling, the constant, steady movement something that you need to spend far more than three seconds analyzing before hopping on. Unfortunately, as you're currently tracking down information from the third floor of a major airport, escalators are a must.
Aaron boards before you, and you thank the heavens that it means he doesn't see you linger. You set your hand on the railing, gut sinking as you feel it relentlessly move beneath your fingertips. Turning, sucking, pulling you in, pulling you down, pulling you under. You're so busy watching the belt turn that you miss the way Hotch has asked you a question, then turned to wonder after your response, and found you unmoving at the base of the escalator.
"Y/L/N," He calls, and your white-hot face snaps up to meet his gaze, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah." You nod, lifting your foot to board. But it won't lower itself onto the stairs in front of you. You briefly remember that it won't move on its own, that you'll need to control it, but you can't manage that, either.
Hotch scrutinizes you with a furrowed brow. When he has the evidence he needs, in your nervous glances and stiff limbs, he quickly descends the escalator, having moved even further away from you while speaking. He jogs down the stairs, moving himself faster than it's moving him, and nudges you out of the way to disembark.
"Come on," He urges, seeking out your hand in his own, "Grab the railing."
You lower your hand onto it with a shaky breath, and he squeezes your hand in encouragement. Your grip is loose enough for it to pass beneath you, but present, and he tugs you an inch forwards towards the escalator.
"I've got you," He pledges, holding your hand steadily, so that it grounds you, "Let's go."
He steps backwards onto the escalator, pulling you with him, and all of a sudden you're on it. He gives you no time to think, just pulls your hand so that your feet move too, and then you're doing it. Your legs feel locked, tight, and in danger of toppling you right over, and you fear you may be cutting off the circulation to Hotch's hand when you squeeze it, but if you are, he says nothing. He just stands there, glancing briefly backwards to ensure that he doesn't stumble while disembarking at the top.
"Good," He murmurs, a mere five seconds from the last stair, "Now, hold my hand, there you go, and- there."
He steps off, pulls you with him, then you're done. Then it's over, and you're standing fifteen feet higher than you had been before, feeling solid, unmoving ground below your feet.
"Hotch," You try, your voice painfully weak, "Um, I- I'm not-"
"It's alright." He brings his free hand to the one of yours that he's holding, sealing your hand between both of his and squeezing it warmly, "You don't have to tell me why, and you don't need to be embarrassed. Everyone's got something."
"Alright," You nod once, thankful for the out, but still in disbelief that you'd not only ridden an escalator, but that your boss had held your hand for the trip, and told you not to be ashamed, "Uh- thank you."
"Anytime." He nods, dropping only one of his hands. Anytime becomes right now, when he glances a few feet away at the next set of escalators, and that sinking feeling sets right back into your stomach.
"You can have a minute," Hotch uses your intertwined hands to lead you to a wall that you lean up against. To draw your mind away from the daunting mechanical hum of the escalators, you study Hotch's tie instead, not brave enough yet to look at his face.
After a moment, you speak: "Hotch?"
"You said everyone has something."
"I did," He nods, anticipating your next question.
"What's yours?"
He takes a sharp breath in, then admits, "Mice."
Before you can react, though you'll gawp at him later for the answer, he drags you towards the next escalator.
"Ready?" He asks, and infers a yes when really you might have said no, stepping back onto the stairs.
It's a grueling ride, one that has you rife with nerves, but when you're finally standing on the third floor, you manage, "Mice?"
"Not important," He drops your hand to take your back instead, pushing you towards the help desk with vigor you don't typically see from your usually stoic boss, "Let's focus on our work, Agent."
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seawardboundsammy · 4 months
after many months of work, I reveal my magnum opus. The Sidestep Battlejacket.
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pov: ortega seeing sidestep whole for the last time
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Holy shit! It's finished!!!
This was my final for my costume design class and it took. so long. Weighing in around 800 pounds in faux leather and spikes, this is by far the most polished and focused battle jacket I've ever made. also noting that typically i wear big glasses! i just had to show off sidestep's eyebags (my hair is always teal though! ult fave color). The prop gun is a nerf gun covered in so much paint.
This design is based off my sidestep Arbor's suit combined with the dog themes sidestep has (eg: bite the hand). More thoughts and wips under the cut!
So this jacket has actually existed in some form since 2020. I bought this leather jacket with the intention of covering it in studs and spikes and then i petered out half way through. Then, after sitting in my closet for 4 years, i finally started back up on it.
These images were my gospel through the project. The design on the left was made a while before and then you can see in real time how i developed my ideas. I had the idea of the front side being "sidestep" and then the back side with the teeth being "retribution/vsona". like a mullet of trauma. the gun was made to match the organic flowing designs of the jacket, to fit the arboreal theme.
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the painting of the teeth was a painstaking process filled with much masking tape and clean up. the arm stripes were free handed in a mad dash to the finish. I used Angelus Leather Paints (which i bought WAY too much of, a little goes miles also its so good not sponsored its just good paint) and every section got two coats of white and two coats of teal. The only exception was the orange which is much more transparent which took more coats and hand cramping with those letters. (which btw! no stencil! just moving my brush around all silly style).
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i really wanted a prop to make the jacket into something that actually feel like a cosplay, so i hunted down the most sci-blaster nerf gun i could find on amazon and threw gallons of paint at it. the experienced among you may note that nothing wants to stick to that smooth of plastic, but with a solid sanding and angelus acrylic hardener i made it work. originally there were more stripes but it looked busy. there were also going to be two charms for charge and anathema but i um. forgor.
unsanded vs sanded (and some acetone to remove paint) vs final
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the hood! good god that hood. that was ripped off an old hoodie and then i found a shirt at a thrift store that just happened to match the color perfectly. its. attached. if you know anything about sewing, please look away from this evil seam. the purple is just to keep it from fraying btw, the actual connection to the jacket it with a much thinner thread in big stitches as to not weaken the faux leather too much. also you can see where i was testing the paint lol.
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if you read to here, thank you!! im so proud of this thing and i cant wait to wear it everywhere (when the weather allows.) have a sleepy steppy as a treat for sticking around
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Shun the Light - Ch 20 - It'll Grow Back
Author's Notes: I can't believe I'm 20 chapters into this thing?! How did this happen!? ilu all for indulging whatever this is <3
More Matteo POV for now but Dante will get a chance soon
Content Warnings: vampire whump, beaten, bruises, broken ribs, mouth/tooth whump (very brief), blood, werewolf whump, illness, stomach pain, exhaustion, hunger, thirst, angst, emotional whump, mutual caretaking
"Are you real?"
Dante tugs at Matteo's sleeve like he's checking to be sure. Matteo sits cross legged beside him.
"Oh, man, how hard did they hit you? Yeah, I'm real."
He touches Dante's hand, intending to hold it, but Dante pulls it away with a hitched breath and holds his face.
Matteo watches in horror as Dante takes one of his fangs between his fingers, wiggles it a few times, and then pulls it free. He turns his head and spits blood into the grass.
"What the fuck?" Matteo whispers.
"It'll grow back," Dante mumbles. He tucks the tooth into his pocket and leans his head back against the wall of the building.
"What were you doing here, anyway?"
Dante shrugs. "Just...decided to take a walk. What about you? I thought you left town."
"Oh, um. No, not yet. I've just been hanging around I guess."
Dante won't look at him. Most of his injuries are hidden by his clothes, but if the bruising on his face and arms is any indication the rest of it must be pretty bad too. When he tries to sit up more he winces and curls an arm around his ribs. Matteo reaches out to help, but thinks better of it and pulls his hands inside his hoodie sleeves.
"Will you be able to get home?"
"Why do you care?"
The bitterness in Dante's voice catches Matteo off guard. Already fragile after everything he has endured, it hurts like someone pressing on a bruise. Hot tears begin to spill down his cheeks. Matteo hangs his head and tries to keep himself together.
"I care," he insists quietly. He knows Dante has no reason to believe it; he's the one who left, unprompted. "I just do."
Dante is silent. Then his hand comes to rest on Matteo's arm, firm but gentle. Matteo peers up through his wet lashes. Dante is finally looking at him.
"I'm sorry," Dante says, his voice and expression considerably softer.
Matteo creeps one hand out from inside its sleeve and hesitantly touches Dante's. When he doesn't pull away, Matteo loosely laces their fingers together.
"I'm glad I got to see you again," Dante says after a moment.
Matteo wipes his face on his sleeve and takes a deep breath. "Me too. I was actually, um. On my way to your place."
Dante's eyes widen as much as they can with one partially swollen shut.
"Yeah. I wanted to ask you - "
Just then the front door to the bar opens and a noisy group walks out, laughing and rowdy as they make their way to the car. Both Dante and Matteo turn from their headlights and wait for them to pull away.
"It's not safe here," Matteo decides. He stands without letting to of Dante's hand, giving it a gentle tug. "Let me help you get home."
"...okay," Dante cautiously agrees.
Matteo helps him to his feet. Dante groans and holds his ribs again, almost collapsing, but Matteo keeps him upright.
"There we go...I got you..."
He puts his arm around Dante's waist and pulls Dante's arm over his shoulders. Minutes ago Matteo could barely support his own weight and was about to give in and find somewhere to rest for the night. Now he finds the strength somewhere within himself to stand up straight, carry his backpack and support Dante - which is easier than he expected, likely because Dante looks like he hasn't been eating much either.
The walk itself is far from easy. Matteo is weak and malnourished. If he moves too quickly he gets dizzy, and still gets shooting pain in his stomach out of nowhere.
But he refuses to complain. He blames his labored breathing on being tired, his tense muscles on the recent transformation. When he stumbles he blames a root or a rock.
Dante is struggling too. He might try to suppress the sounds of pain, but Matteo can feel him tremble and wince. He wants to say something encouraging, or make a joke to lighten the mood, but needs all his energy to stay focused on taking one step at a time.
Soon the woods around them become familiar. Matteo even catches a glimpse of a faded and frayed strand of yarn around a tree trunk.
"We're getting close," he pants. "Just...hang on..."
His vision spins. Before he can fall, Matteo grasps a branch and closes his eyes, swaying on his feet. He grasps Dante's shirt tightly and just manages to remain standing.
Dante presses close to his side, now supporting him.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm fine." Matteo takes a series of deep, tremulous breaths. "Just tired. Had a rough moon."
Dante hesitates. "You...could have come back for it. If you needed somewhere to be. Someone to - " he trails off, and Matteo's mind fills in the blanks with longing. Someone to take care of you.
"I couldn't do that to you," Matteo says quietly. He leans his forehead against the branch he's holding onto. "I don't want to be a burden."
Dante doesn't respond right away. Matteo kicks himself for saying anything. This isn't the time for his self pity, they both feel like shit and Dante needs to be home before sunrise...
"Matteo...you were never a burden."
The words don't sink in right away. He has to let them echo in his head until they settle and take root. Only then can he lift his head and look at Dante, whose tired face is so sincere, his gaze unwavering.
How could he even begin to explain what it means to hear that? Words fail him. His throat is dry and tears brim in his eyes but his face breaks into a smile.
Dante responds by tightening his arm around Matteo's shoulders.
"Come on," he encourages. "We're almost there."
Matteo straightens and takes a determined breath. He once again bears as much of Dante's weight as he can and continues walking, eyes fixed ahead. The sky has gone from all deep blue to a hazy gray glow on the horizon and he is determined to not let a drop of sunlight touch Dante.
What awaits Matteo at the house, whether he'll be able to stay or not, whether they can salvage what they had started to build or will have to start from scratch, he doesn't know. He's nervous but cautiously hopeful.
And maybe it's okay to hope. Just a little.
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feerz · 5 months
Ranking all the Jesuses from every version I've watched/listened to so far
without further ado let's get into it 🙌
Ian Gillan - 1970 Original concept album
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The True Doer that you cannot outdo. The og who made this role what it is today. And since the og album was were I got my start and obsession with jcs, I have a huge fondness for him. There's just something so- so... about him. His vocals? Insane, fantastic, the golden standard. His Gethsemane is Everything. He raised the bar so high (literally lol) and made this role harder for everyone that came after him and I respect that. I also love his characterisation. He is a rockstar and he knows it. Adore this whiny ass messiah and his dramatics. 9/10
Ted Neeley - 1973 movie
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Sad little mouse man. He's like some small rodent to me. His gethsemane is iconic, but beyond it I don't care to much about his Jesus. He's perfectly inoffensive, but I find him a bit boring. Poor guy also had the disadvantage of performing against Carl Anderson, who's too powerful and who commanded every scene he was in, outshining Jesus. Tedsus is not for me personally, but he's definitely not bad. 6/10
Camilo Sesto - Madrid 1975 album
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I like him! He reminds me of Ian's Jesus but sadder (love to see it). Really good vocals. That 'POR QUE' ate. And his Gethsemane in general too. I don't have that much to say besides that, but Señor Sesto is really good in this role. 8/10
James Whitson - San Jose Civic Light Opera's 1990 production
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Uhhhhhhh. Watched this in a discord watch party and for half of it we were thought this was Ted. It wasn't. Don't really know what to say, there wasn't anything really memorable or notable about him. Also has the disadvantage of being pared up with Carl Anderson, except it's even worse here. If Carl was anywhere near him, no chance I was paying attention to Jesus. Um... he chased Santa out of the Temple! That's something! 3/10
Steve Balsamo - 1996 London revival album
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Steve Balsamo Jesus, my dearly beloved. How can you not love him. Just rewatch his Gethsemane for the 1000th time. His vocals are out of this world, man has organ pipes in place of vocal chords. Props to him for actually crying in gethsemane and still killing it. Absolutely fantastic. And his beautiful hair and those brown eyes really add to it. He's such a sad pathetic man, it's great. No complaints 10/10
Glenn Carter - 2000 movie
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I'm shaking, please buy him brown contacts. I am a glensus hater, although I have to admit that during my second viewing I didn't dislike him as much. Easily my least favourite gethsemane (lmm excluded), except his delivery of "what you started, I didn't start it", that was surprisingly good. Again, I'm a hater but bonus points for the entertainment factor. 4/10
Paul Nolan - 2012 Broadway revival
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BORING! Sorry your trouple doesn't save you from being so incredibly bland. It's like looking at a white wall that has just been painted over and you're watching it dry. Gethsemane is solid vocally, I like his interactions with others. But Jesus himself? No thanks. The staging of the crucifixion was so great, but then there he is with his mouth agape like a baby bird being fed and unconvincing "suffering". Also, no blood? 3/10
Ben Forster - 2012 UK Arena tour
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THIS IS THE ONE. My roman empire. My most dear blorbo. He's been living in my head rent free for months. I love him so much. He's just so incredibly stressed out and angsty and pathetic and constantly on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. His gethsemane is my favourite. Just pretty much everything I could want from a performance of it. The way he curls up on the floor? The little moments when his voice breaks a bit from emotion?? The knee thing??? Great, fantastic, stunning, no notes. Also I adore his costuming, finally Jesus is given something more interesting. 11/10
John Legend - 2018 NBC
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Hot take, but he's not nearly as bad as people make him out to be. He's just fine. I do enjoy his voice, Poor Jerusalem is especially good. Although I don't love his acting in the second act, but I really liked him in the first one. This Jesus just seems really nice and friendly and I love that. Gethsemane is solid vocally, even without the G5. Anyways he's not bad at all! 6/10
Andrew Latobesi - 2018 Villanova College
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This was another wildcard from the watch party. Jesus didn't stand out much because we were all a bit distracted by Judi. And Mary. He was bland and the acting was not fantastic, but this is a high school prod, and for what it's worth he's not bad. Gethsemane was solid enough considering everything. The crucifixion surprisingly hit, good crying there. ??/10 since I don't think it would be fair to rank him against all those adult professional performers.
Jack Hopewell - 50th Anniversary North America tour
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The only Jesus that made me cry while watching. He suffers real good (and looks very pretty while doing so). He's just so- so... I just wanted to wrap him up in a soft blanket and give him a kiss on the forehead and feed him soup. Tbh I think he's one of the best vocally too. His high note is my fav. Gethsemane in general is just great too. Love how much he's just some silly guy who then has to face the Horrors. He's just very cute :] 10/10
Jeangu Macrooy - 2024 Netherlands national tour
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The most poor little meow meow Jesus ever. He's so pathetic it's great. Him smiling and being happy was also so cute. Really good vocals too, man killed those high notes. His gethsemane too... Jeangu Macrooy absolutely steels the show and it's fantastic and incredibly heartbreaking. Want to see his performance again so so badly. In the meantime everyone should check out a snippet of his performance 10/10
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mkcannothelpyou · 1 year
NG (Kirara-Utage)
AK/Kinktober 2023, Day 6: “Harness”
"Kirara, I'm gonna be honest? This is insane, like, in a good way. This rules coming from you. You go, girl, get it." Utage pats her on the shoulder.
"You're okay with all of that stuff? Like, all of it is stuff we can do? Because I know some of it is kind of extreme especially towards the back end and if it's going to be hard to manage in a logistical or whatever sense we can…"
"Kirara, girl, deep breath." DEEP breath. Okay, Kirara, try that again.
"So this is good?"
Utage lazily scans Kirara's semi-stream-of-consciousness three-bullet-point itinerary again. "The bed, I can dial up Closure and she'll let us play for free for, basically? Like, as long as you want."
"Uh-huh, uh-huh." Kirara's not even gonna question how Utage gets Closure to do stuff for free in the first place. Riajuu powers.
"'Rope under clothes', yeah, we can do that. You wanna go rough or smooth? I've got some spare guest rope and some kinda, like, hempy stuff too?"
"Can—can I see?"
"Right now? Sure~." Huh? She just keeps that stuff in her closet? Wait, how exactly does Utage's closet even work, Kirara's seeing a lot of depth in there that doesn't look like it should fit and there's some suspicious shapes way in the back and "Catch."
"GYAGH! Sorry, you just surprised me, that was really fast, thank you." Kirara lets Utage sling some coils of plastic rope over one arm and… wow, this is like real deal straw-type stuff on the other.
"I gotcha, girl. Just lemme know what you think. Anyway, the suitcase thing too, totally. I've even got this kind of special one, I can show you after."
"That's…" Kirara is clenching her fists and screwing her eyes shut as hard as possible to resist the temptation to grab her phone back and type on that because as long as she's pushing herself out of her comfort zone tonight she may as well really hammer out her communication too. "That's amazing, Utage, I actually love you—"
"Love you too, babe. Sorry, no takesie-backsies in my room." …Kirara didn't even get the time to regret blurting that confession out. She knew actually hooking up with Utage would be going in deep, but this is deep. Honestly, forget a fear of all the steps, she was way less prepared for there to be basically no steps at all. "Sooo, which rope are you thinking?"
"Uh, probably the smooth one to start? I don't really know, I was kind of trying to tie myself on my own with, um… with power cords." Does Utage hate her yet? Oh my god, she's still smirking.
Utage takes the rougher coils and casually slings them backwards blind into the closet, which as far as Kirara can hear was a complete success. "You got, like, power cords long enough for shibari?"
"Not really, I guess I was just curious if I could tie myself to stuff and…"
Somehow the twinkle in Utage's eyes makes Kirara feel as if she's divulged a little too much information. "Want me to treat you?"
"Huh?" Wait, the rope's. Wait. Kirara looks down. It's. Huh? "How did you…"
"I know that's over your clothes, but you gotta test this kinda stuff first, right? Tell me if that's too tight, like, especially the armpits and stuff."
"It…'s not." At least she doesn't think so, it feels perfect. Kirara twists around a little as she stares over her sudden transformation—alternating sparingly in diamonds from her shoulders down her torso, then a gratifyingly tight figure-eight that runs through each hip groove, loops behind and back down, and crosses straight beneath oh my god, she was this close to touching me. Every piece of clothing she's wearing is bound so tightly against her skin that it's kind of giving her a taste for a sensation she didn't even know she had, meanwhile. She's… wow, Kirara is kind of majorly distracted drinking in the fact she actually has a harness on. The… the way it feels on her is so cool, oh my god, she's actually in this. Her desire to squirm is tied by her desire to just admire Utage's handiwork.
Speaking of. "I didn't even see how you…"
"Aha~! Literally, don't even worry. You like it?"
Kirara fiercely nods. She would not believe.
"Wanna get tied to something?"
Kirara keeps fiercely nodding.
Kirara is not prepared for Utage to lift up her shirt in response.
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lykaios2 · 1 year
Here's a request:
Platonic or romantic, your choice, Leo showing off some skateboard moves.
omg when I say I got so into writing this
I stayed up until 6am writing this yesterday. I am not kidding. I just really wanted to finish it so I could post it asap
anyway I hope you like it, this is the longest fic I've written so far
Sweet Tricks and Sweeter Feelings
leonardo x reader, friends to lovers
cw: literally nothing
word count: 3838
One evening, you started on a walk, or rather a ride, to a new skate park you had just recently discovered. While doing some business over on that side of town, you had a bit of free time to yourself, and decided to explore since you didn't go to that side of town much. You eventually stumbled upon an abandoned building, and your curiosity got the better of you. After looking around for an entrance, you somehow found an unlocked door that led inside. After making your way around to what seemed to be the main area, you found yourself looking at what seemed to be a well maintained skatepark.
“Woah, what is this? I've never seen this before…must not have been taken down when this place was closed. Someone's certainly been working hard to keep this place nice.”
Now, returning here, it was certainly a different vibe at night. Walking around to the unlocked door, you heard noises coming from inside, as if someone was also using the skatepark. As you made your way inside, you looked around for the source of the noise. You could barely make out a dark figure skating around the park. As you sat and watched in awe at all of their amazing tricks, they came a little too close and noticed you standing there.
“Oh! Hello there, you-”
“Augh! I'm sorry, I-I'll leave-”
“Wait, no, you're fine! I just didn't expect to see anyone else here.”
“You could say the same here. Those were some sweet tricks you were hitting, uh… what's your name? Don't think you mentioned it.”
“Oh, my apologies, you can call me Leonardo, or Leo for short. How about yourself, mysterious friend?”
“I'm y/n.”
“Well, y/n, since you're here, would you like to join me for some late night skating?”
“Yeah! Let's do this!”
After a couple hours, Leonardo announced that it was time for him to return home. It was pretty late, so you decided to head home yourself.
“When are you planning on being here again?”
“Oh, my brothers don't like me being out this late too much, so really only once a week.”
“You have brothers? How many?”
“Just 3.”
“Do they ever come out here?”
“Not that I know. I haven't told anyone about this place.”
“Not even your brothers?”
“Nope. I love them to death, don't get me wrong, but when I'm with them all day every day, a little time away can be nice.”
“I understand that. Well then, I'll see you next week, same place, same time?”
“Only if you show up.”
“It's a deal!”
Next week, you entered through the doors of the abandoned building and sure enough Leonardo was there, skating just as before.
“Yo!” you called out.
“There you are, I was getting a bit worried that you had bailed on me.”
“Sorry, I live on the other side of town. Yeah, no, I would have felt terrible. I wouldn't have even had a way to tell you, which would have made it all the worse.”
“You want my number? Easiest way to contact me.”
“Oh, sure.” You and Leonardo exchanged numbers, but while he was typing his number into your phone, you noticed some red marks on his face through his mask he was wearing.
“Is that…blood?”
“On your face there.”
“Oh, um…no…”
“Then what is it, if it's not blood?”
“It's, um…I'll show you next week. But you have to show up.”
“Aw, what? Fine. Is it like a personal thing?”
“Kind of. A lot of people are often surprised when they see what it really is.”
“It can't be that bad. C'mon, lemme see!”
“Next week! If you show up.” You begrudgingly agreed as Leonardo started skating again. Realizing you hadn't yet even touched your skateboard, you followed suit.
After another long night of skating, Leonardo headed home, and so did you. On the way home, you texted Leonardo, thanking him for his time and reminding him of his promise.
-you better show me what's under that mask next week
-chill bro, all you gotta do is show up. I'll have you know I'm not one to break my promises.
-we'll see about that
-we will, won't we?
You smiled as you looked up from your phone. The curiosity was killing you, but you trusted that he would show you.
The next week passed slower than usual. If you weren't doing something, your mind would eventually drift to Leonardo. What was hiding that he couldn't show you immediately? You theorized about many different possible options, but you couldn't truly know until you met up with him again.
But slow as it was, the week finally passed and it was time to see what Leonardo had been hiding. You walked through the new familiar doors and looked around for Leonardo.
“Augh! You- stupid- whatever.”
“C'mon, just a little joke. You aren't mad, are you?”
“No, I can't really get mad at you for that. I just get easily spooked.”
“I can tell.”
“Oh, shut up about it. Now how about we see what's under that mask?”
“Right. Now, before I do this, I should warn you. Whenever I show this to someone, they usually don't want to associate with me anymore. I've heard it all, so whatever you say probably won't hurt me. And whatever you think it is, I can guarantee it's not that. Do you still want to see?”
You paused and thought for a second before saying yes. He made you close your eyes while he took the mask off. When he said he was ready, you opened your eyes to see…
“A…stripe? Wait, you're a…turtle?!”
“Yep. What do you think? Be honest.”
“That's, like…awesome! I can't really think of a better way to put it.”
“So…you like it?”
“Totally! What would I not like about a walking, talking, skateboarding turtle?”
“Well, most people see me and think I'm sort of a rejected lab creation, and while they're not wrong they usually carry a negative connotation with it.”
“It's probably just because they don't get to know you. You're awesome!”
“Aw, thanks.”
“Wait, does that mean your brothers-”
“Are turtles too? Yep.”
“Woah. Can I meet them?”
“Uh, maybe next week? I don't think they would exactly be fond of me bringing home a human unannounced.”
“Do they even know about me? Have you told them?”
“Well I've mentioned you once or twice, but they don't even know anything about you. They don't even know that you know I'm not human.”
“Oof. Well, you better tell them because I totally want to meet them now.”
“Haha, I think I can work something out. But for now, I wanna see your cool tricks! We keep getting distracted.”
During your late night skate session, you had to stop for a second because you were hungry. Leonardo stopped as well and walked over to where you were standing, slouched over.
“Hey, you good? Looking a little weak there.”
“Yeah I’m okay, I just forgot to eat before I came here.”
“Woah, that’s not good. Hm…oh! I know this good Asian place down the road from here, it should still be open.”
“Oh, I love Asian food, and I totally would, but I don’t have any money on me.”
“Eh, I can cover you.”
“What? You don’t have to do that.”
“Please, allow me. I would feel bad if you were to faint from hunger under my watch.”
“Well, if you insist, I’m not going to refuse.”
“Come on, then. Follow me, I’ll take you there. You need some help?” You nodded as Leonardo grabbed your hand and started leading you out of the building. He slowly led you out of the building and down the streets.
“You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine-” You were silenced by the sound of your stomach growling from hunger.
“Maybe not. Here, stand back.”
You stepped back as Leonardo pulled out what seemed to be a sword. He started moving it in a circle until a portal appeared in front of you.
“You can make portals too?!”
“It’s a long story. Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but for now we need to get you food. Come on, this should lead us straight there.”
You cautiously followed Leonardo through the portal, and stepped out on the other side right next to the restaurant.
“Wow, that was impressive. Can your brothers do that?”
“No, but they have their own special abilities. And anyway, how are you not focused on your hunger? You’re nearly starving.”
Leonardo led you inside, and the lady behind the counter greeted the two of you.
“Hello, you two! Out on a little late night date, are we?”
You just chuckled at the comment, but Leonardo was quick on his feet.
“A date? I mean, one could call it that. Only if you want.” He looked at you as he said that.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” Leonardo ordered for the both of you, and you sat down at a table to wait for your food.
“You should ask your brothers if I can meet them. I’m really curious about them.”
“Man, you are quite insistent on meeting my brothers, huh?”
“Well, it’s not every day that you learned that you’re actually friends with a mutant turtle, let alone that he has brothers who are also mutant turtles! And you’re super awesome and nice, so I bet they are too! Why would I not want to meet them?”
“Well since you have to be so nice about it, I guess I can ask them. I have no clue if any of them will be up this late, though, so I can’t promise a fast result.”
“That’s okay. Oh, but when am I going to meet them? Or where? I have no clue where you guys live.”
“Well, we’re pretty free, so whenever you have time during the day probably works for us. As for where…”
“What about your place? I think it would probably be a good idea to meet them in their natural environment, y’know, so they don’t have to feel stressed or anything like that.”
“That’s not a bad idea. Although, nothing about our home would be considered normal.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, for starters it’s pretty big. And it’s underground. We’ve got a lot of cool stuff as well. We have an arcade room, a humongous garage, a skate ramp…”
“You have a skate ramp inside your home?! No wonder you’re so good at skating.”
“Oh, stop it.”
The waiter came over with the food, and made another comment about the two of you.
“Here’s your food, nice and hot. Don’t stay here just talking too long now.” Leonardo took this opportunity to show you how sharp his wits truly were.
“Nice and hot, huh? The food’s not the only nice and hot thing here.”
“Are you…talking about me?”
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll never know.”
“Oh, you’re so stupid. I’m eating, you have fun doing whatever you’re doing over there.”
You and Leonardo finished up your food, and finalized your plans to meet up with his brothers. Much to Leonardo’s surprise, all of his brothers responded before you finished eating, and all of his brothers had agreed to meet you in their home.
“Thank you so much for everything tonight. Definitely one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.”
“It was my pleasure, only the best for my best skateboarding friend.”
“You’re too kind. I’m excited to meet your brothers.” You and Leonardo started walking out after saying good night to the employees.
“I’m sure they’ll love you. Have a good night!”
“You too, Leonardo!”
A few days later, Leonardo texted you to help you get to his home to meet his brothers.-now turn left and you should see an alleyway down the street. once you get there, just wait a couple of minutes and I’ll be there to lead you the rest of the way.
-I better not be getting kidnapped
-wow, I buy you food and this is how you treat me? you’re lucky I even let you in at all.
-okay, okay, I trust you. happy now?
-I guess
-how about dinner on me next time?
-wow, making moves huh? you’re slick
-...I don’t even know what to say anymore.
During the texting, Leonardo had snuck up behind you. He scared you when he spoke up.
“How about you come say hello to my brothers?”
“Damn it Leo- would you stop scaring me?”
“It’s so cute the way you react when you get scared though. And I don’t mean any harm, I hope you know that. Now, come on, you’ve been waiting a while for this, haven’t you?”
“I sure have. Where are we headed?”
“Look down.” Confused, you looked down to see a manhole at your feet. You looked back at Leonardo, and he gestured you to move out of the way as he lifted the manhole cover.
“It’s not as bad as you think.”
“Well, I’ve gone this far.”
As you climbed down into the manhole, Leonardo started to lead you through the sewers. He seemed to know these dreary hallways like the back of his hand. After several minutes of walking through the sewers, you eventually saw a light coming from somewhere up ahead. You followed Leonardo down the hall, until eventually reaching the end, where he began something of a grand introduction.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Hey guys, they’re here!” As he presumably called to his brothers, you stood in awe as you took in everything that was in front of you. It was bigger than you could have ever imagined. There were so many rooms, so much graffiti all over the walls, string lights everywhere. Leonardo grabbed your hand and pulled you along to somewhere else though.
“C’mon, it’s time!” Your excitement could hardly be contained as Leonardo led you to the bottom layer of the area. Leonardo stopped in front of what you assumed were his brothers.
“y/n, meet my brothers. This is Raphael.”
“You can just call me Raph. Leo’s mentioned you a few times, but it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“This is Michelangelo.”
“Hello! I’ve been super excited to meet you! Leo says you’re really good at skateboarding. You’ll have to show me your moves later!”
“And this is Donatello.”
“Hello, nice to meet you. I do have a nickname, but I reserve it for people who are close to me. I mean no offense with this, as I’m sure you’re a kind individual, but I just don’t know you very well. With time you should be able to call me by my nickname.”
“Well, hello, everyone. My name is y/n. I’ve haven’t really heard much about any of you, but assuming you’re anything like Leo, then we’ll probably get along.”
“Well, how about we show you around? I’m sure you’ll get to know them along the way.” Leonardo and his brothers proceeded to show you around the very large area in which they lived. Along the way, you managed to pick up a few tidbits of information about each of his brothers. Raph was the oldest and seemed to be the leader of the group, but he also had a very soft heart. Mikey was the youngest of the four and was definitely the creative one. Donatello was the smart one, and was often very direct about everything.
“So how did you meet Leo, anyway?”
“Well, one of my hobbies happens to be skating, and one night when I went out to skate, he was the only one at the skatepark I went to. Then we kinda made plans to meet up there every week.”
“So that’s what you’ve been doing! Leo sometimes comes home late at night with a big smile on his face and just a little happier than usual, but he never mentioned you when he did that. Now I’m starting to put some dots together.”
“Well, that can happen when you hang around such an amazing skater such as myself.”
“How about you live up to that claim, huh? Show us some moves.” Leonardo finally spoke up. You took it as a challenge, and everyone headed over to the skate ramp.
After showing everyone what you could do on a skateboard, and a couple more hours of just hanging out with the turtles, you eventually had to head home. After saying your goodbyes, Leonardo showed you the way out.
“See you soon!”
“Yeah! If you ever want to come back over, just text me!”
“Will do!”
However, you would remain oblivious to the conversation that was about to follow.After walking you out, Leonardo started walking back to his room, but little did he know that Michelangelo was following him.
“Ah, man, that was nice. Now time to lay back and-”
“Oh, Leo~”
“Mikey? Did you need something?”
“Mmmm, not exactly.”
“Then what’s up?”
“I should be asking you that. Seems you and y/n have a little something going on.”
“Yeah, we hang out quite a bit. It’s been pretty nice.”
“Leo, I’m going to get straight to the point. I think it’s pretty obvious you like them.”
“Woah, that’s quite an assumption. Care to run me through your thought process here?”
“Well first off, you regularly went to hang out with them, a human. That doesn’t happen very often. Next, you revealed the fact that you’re a mutant turtle. You don’t exactly do that for everyone. And they told me about your little “date” you went on. Listen, Leo, you know I’m the expert on these things, you can’t hide them from me.”
“…Fine, I’ll admit it. They’re just so…I don’t know how to describe it. Something about them just draws me to them.”
“I think it’s because you guys are so similar. You bounce off of each other. I’d give it a bit more time, but you should tell them how you feel.”
“Ahh, I don’t know. It’s hard. I think they just see it like a normal friendship.”
“You never know until you try. Like I said, give it some time and we’ll see where it goes. I’ll be your wingman, give you tips and tricks. And I’ll keep on the down low, but I can’t promise that Donnie and Raph won’t find out. That’s out of my control.”
“Heh, thanks.”
A few weeks passed, and you hung out with Leonardo and his brothers more and more. You learned more about each of them, but you noticed Mikey being particularly weird whenever you and Leo were hanging out.
“Raph, have you noticed anything weird going on between Leonardo and Michelangelo?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t been able to figure out what they’re up to. I think it might have something to do with you, though.”
“Well I can’t be sure, but I feel like I often overhear your name in their conversations.”
“Oh, that makes me all the more nervous about what they’re doing.”
“Eh, knowing them, it can’t be anything bad. I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“If you say so. I’ll trust your judgment on this one.”
A few months had passed now, and you were a lot more comfortable with your turtle friends. You were allowed in their home at any time, and Donatello had even come to know you well enough for him to let you call him Donnie. Leonardo made his classic one liners. Raph and Michelangelo often cheered you on whenever you showed off your moves on the ramp in their home. But nothing ever came of Leonardo and Michelangelo’s scheming, and over time you forgot about it. However, it never stopped and you would soon come to learn what it was all about.
One night, Leo had texted you, asking you to meet up at the entrance to their home.
-make sure to bring your skateboard, I’ve got a little surprise for you
-it’s pretty late leonardo, you better have something good
-I think you’ll like it
You arrived at the meeting spot, with Leonardo already waiting for you.
“Hop on your board, we’ve got a long ways to go.”
Leo started, leading you through all the secret alleyways and tunnels. You managed to keep up, but your legs were starting to get tired from the distance you were riding.
“Are we there yet?”
“Almost, just another minute or two.”
By this point, you were on the outskirts of town. Leonardo was headed further and further away from the city. You were becoming more and more curious as to where he was taking you. Eventually you stopped at the bottom of a hill.
“I won’t make you ride up this. Follow me.”
Again he pulled out his sword and made another portal. You trusted it would take you to the top of the hill, and it certainly did. What you didn’t expect was a little area hidden in the brush which had a perfect view of the city.
“Woah, Leo, this is insane. How did you find this?”
“Spots like these are my specialty. Come, sit.”
He invited you to sit next to him and watch the city, which looked very different at night.
“Is there a reason you brought me out here?”
“Uhm, yes, actually. I’ve been reserving this spot for a special occasion. Y’know, we’ve been hanging out a lot these past few months, and we’ve come to know each other pretty well. But there’s something about myself I haven’t told you, and I think it’s pretty important that you know.”
“Okay, go ahead. I’m listening.”
“I-I really like you. You’re just a cool person, and when we hang out or go skating together, I don’t know, something about you just seems that much cooler. And the fact that you’re even willing to hang out with me in the first place is already amazing. I understand if you don’t return the feelings, I just-”
“Wait, so all of those stupid pick up lines were actual attempts at trying to get with me?”
“Kind of? Most of them were jokes, but they did actually mean I liked you.”
“Well, funnily enough, those pick up lines kind of worked…”
“What do you mean?”
“Well when we first met, I did just see you as a good friend. But I think your sense of humor accidentally made me like you too. I didn’t say anything because I thought that was just you being you, and I didn’t think those stupid little pick up lines meant anything. So I just left those feelings alone, destined to be banished to the recesses of my mind for the rest of eternity.”
Leonardo paused for a moment, before wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You returned the gesture.
“So, are we like, together now?”
“Only if you want.” Leonardo smiled.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” You smiled back at him before turning your head back to look at the city. This was certainly a surprise you liked.
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thessalian · 1 year
Astrid vs the Nautiloid Vessel
First, meet Astrid:
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Bard extraordinaire, and the closest I've ever been able to come to the original Astrid when I was playing WoD lo these many years ago. Astrid was my way of exploring the WoD's dark grittiness on very different terms than the usual; most people lean into the dark broodingness of it all, so I made the most cheerful and optimistic person alive, partly to see how much she could take. I did not expect the response I got to her - nearly everybody absolutely adored her, and got a little bit surprised by how subtly nasty she could get to actual threats. She's the one who had the time-delayed rote that would have any vampire who tasted her blood feel like their blood was on fire ... and would feel like their blood was on fire when they tasted any blood for three months. Her take on it: "I warned them..."
Anyway. On with the liveblog.
Scene: a burning Nautiloid ship:
Astrid: Um ... no thank you?
Mind-Sharing Thing: *happens*
Lae'zel: It is ... abominably cheerful, in your head. And what is that?!?
Astrid: You ... know what they are. I mean, technically an intellect devourer, but I helped them, so they're nice to me. Then again, that might have something to do with having treated the haematoma that had them too swollen for the skull they were in, and since I couldn't fix the whole ... being an intellect devourer now thing, I settled for a little bit of medical treatment. I think I might have made them a little more docile during the procedure but I didn't mean to...
Lae'zel: Please. Stop.
Astrid: Oh. Sorry. Anyway, this is Us. Us, meet ... Lae'zel? Am I pronouncing that right?
Lae'zel: *glares*
Astrid: Manners are a thing!
Lae'zel: Ugh. No matter how ... insufferably nice you are, you might at least be of some use to get to the helm. I don't need to run faster than the abominations; I just need to run faster than you. Now help me deal with the imps.
Astrid: ...Okay. *turns to imps; voice goes Vicious Mockery resonance* A PLAGUE RAT FUCKED YOUR MOM!
Imp: *straight up dies*
Lae'zel: ......................
Astrid: This is why I'm nice to people. If I'm not ... that can sometimes happen.
Lae'zel: ...noted.
Lae'zel: Why are you rooting around this place like some kind of deranged pack rat?
Astrid: I don't know how it works where you're from, but most of the places we're probably going to escape to tend to want money for important things like ... you know, food. Anyway, there's that one lady banging on the pod over there and I want to find a rune that fits that machine...
Lae'zel: What did I tell you about touching things?!?
Astrid: She's trapped! You saw what happened to the last one! This one's at least responding! ...Plus she has an awful lot of really great curse words I'm looking forward to fitting into my repertoire...
Lae'zel: We have no time for this, you--
Astrid: ...and if you let me finish, look at her armour! Her circlet! She is a cleric! Tell me that a cleric wouldn't come in handy right now!
Lae'zel: ...Ugh, fine.
Astrid: *finds rune; frees Shadowheart*
Shadowheart: You keep dangerous company.
Astrid: *raises eyebrows, gestures at the absolute carnage all over the place*
Shadowheart: Fair point. We stand a better chance together.
Lae'zel: You will follow my orders!
Astrid; Shadowheart: How about no?
Lae'zel: ...Hate you both.
Later still, at the helm
Lae'zel: Get to the helm! I'll hold these creatures!
Shadowheart: How about we listen to the suicidal warrior-gith, hmm?
Imp: *straight-up dies like the last one*
Shadowheart: ........Or you can keep yelling insults until everything around us is dead. That works too.
Several dead imps later
Lae'zel: I won't reach that in time; it's too far!
Astrid: Nyoom! *dashes over and connects a thing*
Lae'zel: ...what the--?
Astrid: That one imp's father was a plague-rat; mine was a wood elf. Now let's-- Oop.
Dragon: *breathes fire at basically everything*
Astrid: Oh nuts... Okay, maybe it works like lute strings... *twangs single connected bit of tentacle weird*
Nautiloid Vessel: *blinks into existence over some beachy area or other, dropping parasite infectees like confetti*
Astrid: Oh nuts-- *is hit on head with rock and knocked out of ship* shouldvelearnedfeatherfallshouldvelearnedfeatherfall yeeeeek!
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akehoshimystar · 28 days
A New Friendship
Part 1
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Ito: (Reports really reveal the personality of the person who wrote them...)
As I was sorting the submitted data into folders by month…. There was a knocking sound.
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Mao: Good work. I bought some cookies, so feel free to have some.
Ito: Really? Thank you.
Then, I will... Ah, but I think I'll read the report first. All that's left is those from Simulation Dept.
Mao: Sure. I'll go brew some coffee. You want some, Ito?
Ito: Um, well...
I hesitated, thinking it would be rude to ask him to go that far, but Mao-san continued as if it was nothing.
Mao: Since I’m going to get mine done anyway, don’t worry about it.
Ito: Then, I'll take you up on that offer.
Mao: That's too much of an exaggeration.
Mao-san smiled at me before I saw him off and get back to looking at the report.
Ito: (Ah, it’s a request for Mao-san. The client is... I think I've seen this name before...?)
(Ah, I knew it. She's Mao-san’s regular.)
The request this time was, "I have an appointment with an important friend, and I would like him to accompany me to check out a cafe I'm interested in. Please coordinate the day."
Ito: (I heard about this cafe from Mika-san before, "It seems to be popular recently, so let's go and inspect our competitor", he said.)
(Oh, there's also a boutique nearby. Considering its location, it does pique my interest.)
Mao: .….Sorry to keep you waiting. It's still hot, so be careful.
Ito: Thank you. Oh, I was just reading your report.
Mao: Was the information enough?
Ito: As far as I see, I spotted no flaw at all.
The information provided but Mao-san’s report is really precise, I think I learned a few things from you.
Mao: Buttering me up won’t get you anywhere…… Or so I thought.
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Mao-san suddenly remembered something and searched his pocket, before placing something that resembles ticket on the table.
Ito: This logo... is it from the boutique that was in the report?
Mao: They're holding a pre-sale soon, and I got an invitation. If you're interested, do you want to come with me?
Ito: Really? If you’re fine with me, I’d love to.
Actually, I have been interested in it when I saw this shop in the report.
Mao: That would be perfect. But... since this is not about work, let’s go on our day off.
Ito: That’s totally fine.
Mao: ...Then let's make plans right away
Ito: (Mao-san seems to be curious about something...)
(But I guess it’s nothing I should be concerned about.)
Part 2
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The following week, Mao-san and I went to the boutique with the invitation in hands.
Mao: I think Ito would look great in this dress. Wearing it casually could work as well. Highly recommend.
This one... With this material, you probably can wear it for one season. If you’re fine with that, I'd suggest putting it on the list. You can wear it alone without adding anything and it will still complement you.
Ito: (In the blink of an eye, the number of the try-on list is growing...!)
Now that we’re here I'd like to try on some clothes with a different style than usual…. Not only did Mao-san respond to my whimsical remark, but he also continued to pick out items for me, and giving me advice while imagining how I would wear them.
Ito: (It's no wonder he has such a high rate of repeat customers with this perfect escort.)
Mao: I think we’ve browsed through the whole store now. How about trying them on in order?
Ito: Sure. First off...
(Hmm, was this one here earlier?)
Mao: What's wrong?
Ah, that sheer shirt. Not too shabby, I like the design too.
Ito: I think it really suits you, Mao-san.
Mao: And I think it would look good on you, Ito. It would go well with the skirt you saw in a magazine before.
Ito: ...You really watched me closely.
(Mao-san got a good memory, observation skills, and fashion sense.)
(They say nobody is perfect and we all have our own shortcomings…. But didn’t God grant him too many talents?)
Mao: I just remembered it because I thought it would make a great topic of conversation.
Ito: (Ah, he was also given communication skills...)
Mao: So, should I put this shirt on the list?
Ito: Oh, no. I've had plenty enough. Instead, I'd like to put this in Mao-san’s basket.
Mao: Really? Then I'll try it on. Let’s see what bottoms go well with this...
Mao-san looked around the store happily.
Ito: (I’m glad.)
I felt a little relieved seeing that I wasn’t the only one enjoying this.
Part 3
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Mao: We really bought a lot.
Ito: Yeah. But it’s the weight of happiness.
Since then, we'd been to a few shops, and the number of our stuff got so big that we had to hold them in both hands.
Ito: By the way, there’s a cosmetics shop near the cafe. Shall we stop by there on the way home?
Mao: Let’s save that for another time. It would be bad to drag you along with that number of shopping bags.
Ito: I'll be fine. Shinkai-san and others have trained me. I've gained some strength as a result.
Mao: I know, Soyogu even praised you for having good muscles. Although I cut the conversation with him short because I thought it would be quite troublesome.
Ito: What do you mean...?
Mao: I had a bad feeling that he’s going to ask, “Mao-san, how about joining us?”
Well, I know he means well.
Ito: ……..
Mao: What's wrong?
Ito: Ah, sorry for being quiet all of a sudden.
I think I understand why people want to request Mao-san again.
Mao: Does that have something to do with what I said earlier?
Mao-san shrugged his shoulders and reached for the teacup.
Ito: I just feel like you’re really observant of people, and I've learned a lot from that.
Mao-san looked a little surprised by what I said.
Mao: ……..
Ito: Mao-san?
Mao: Oh, yeah.
I was having a good time today just like any other day, so I was a bit surprised to hear that.
Nevertheless, I'm glad Ito had fun too.
Ito: Yes, I really have a great time today.
Mao: I guess it was worth it to ask you to make some time for me on your day off.
Mao-san's cool expression was painted with a smile that seemed somewhat amused.
Ito: (Make some time on my day off, huh.....)
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Mao: since this is not about work, let’s go on our day off.
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Ito: (I see. So he was worried about the fact that it was a day off.)
I actually love the idea of spending my day off with you like this.
Mao: In that case, Ito-san, I shall look forward to your request of me once again.
Mao-san raised his teacup as if toasting. I also picked up mine and shook it gently in response.
Ito: Yes. I’ll be in your care.
0 notes
marthfador · 4 months
Reminder that if you can't get the energy or mindset together to do literally anything but one single thing during the day, make that thing cleaning your teeth. One way or another. Even if it's just a swish with mouthwash or a quick dry brush. Take care of your dang teeth.
Broke? Imagine how much more broke you'll be when one of your teeth snaps in half and you have to have some emergency dental work! Imagine living with teeth rotting so badly that it hurts to eat anything- do you think you can get the nutrition you need plus being able to afford being picky about what you eat? If you're too tired to brush your teeth, do you think you'll suddenly develop the energy to cook everything you ever eat down into mush you'll be able to gum down to avoid dental pain?
Not to even mention the emotional toll of just having bad teeth. If you've ever looked in a mirror and thought "um my teeth look a little yellow :/" or w/e, now imagine them rotting out of your head and looking in the mirror. Then just the emotional toll of being in constant pain, being unable to eat things and fully enjoy them, etc etc. Then of course let's not forget the perception of others. We don't want to think about how people judge on appearance, but they do! If you're applying for a job you really need, will you feel confident with rotten teeth? Do you think that will have an effect on how the hiring manager may see you? Something else to consider!
I know that upkeep of anything at all can be taxing. If you're already struggling to keep alive, it feels like such a chore to do anything else at all, but believe me that it's something that'll be better for you in the long run! Dental issues are perhaps one of the most expensive issues to have! A lot of work places offer some sort of health insurance these days, but not all include dental! Just the fact dental insurance is separate on its own should be a clue!!
Again- do what you can. Ideally? Brushing, flossing, mouthwash. Don't feel like you can manage the effort? Try at least swishing a couple times with mouthwash. Hate brushing in general for texture? I've heard others recommend a washcloth! I used to have 'travel toothbrushes' that were basically toothpasted-up sponges on a stick that were actually pretty pleasant to chew on lol. Hate the taste of toothpaste? There's plenty of other flavors out there, plus even tooth powder for those that hate the texture! (There's actually kids toothpastes with just as much fluoride and whatnot as adult toothpastes and taste much nicer! I use Mio and so far have tried their orange mint and sakura flower flavors and they help my tooth sensitivity!!) While I haven't had as much luck with adult mouthwashes that don't taste gnarly, the kids mouthwashes are just as well! Remember going for alcohol-free to reduce burn! Hate flossing? Try another way! I personally find the picks easier to use, but even then I'm not fond of flossing so I got myself a water pik. It gets gunk out from between my teeth plus massages my gums! (Actually what made me think of this post- my gums are sensitive since I've not pik'd in a while and bled some when I tried again tonight! Oop! It really is SO EASY to fall behind!)
All in all- don't skimp out on taking care of your teeth! They don't come back!! If you can, talk to your dentist about any and all reservations you may have and they'll help you try to find ways to keep your teeth healthy. If you can't, talk to friends and find forums online to see if anyone else has found solutions to similar issues! Literally, if you do only one single thing in a day, make it taking care of your teeth!!!
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 1 year
Sugar Punch - Chapter 24
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*Warning Adult Content* SUGAR🥊 🥊PUNCH
Seeing Theo with a new haircut and wearing clothes that looked more like him, I couldn't help but think how good he looked now.
Hell, even when he wore those crap t-shirts with his bed hair, I thought he still looked good but now, I could clearly see his face and every single beauty mark and freckle I didn't notice before today.
All he needed was that hair cut to see that Theo was a good-looking guy, shy, timid and not always present in the moment but either way, he looked more confident to me, with his head held high.
I really wanted to kiss him, if not for the people surrounding us.
"Is this really, okay?" Theo whispers as I look down to see what he was talking about.
We were in a sports shop and after persuading him to join 'No Limits' again, I thought it was time he had his own gym clothes, instead of lending the hand me down gym clothes I gave him, that were a size too big for his skinny body.
"Yeah, don't worry about it." I couldn't help but laugh. "How do they feel?"
No outfit was complete without the perfect trainers and Theo had picked out a pair of Nike white and red trainers that were similar to the ones I wore at the gym, he was currently standing up to walk around in them.
"Um, they're good, I think?" he mumbled, a blush on his cheeks.
We've only been out together for an hour and so far, he's said the same thing to everything he's tried on 'they're good, I think' I was sure if he said those words again, I'd lose my mind on him.
"We'll take them," I tell the staff worker, a girl the same age as Theo.
She nods her head shyly as Theo takes them off and hands them to the girl, then starts to put his beat-up trainers on that he brought with him from his house.
"Maddox, isn't this too much?" Theo asks, as I shrug, Theo following behind me as I walk to pay for everything we bought.
What I've spent on Theo in the past two hours was nothing compared to what I spent on clothes, if anything at all, from all the sponsors I have giving me free clothes, shoes and gifts, with the money I had, it didn't even make a scratch in my bank account.
Since I persuaded Theo to join the gym again, I made a note to buy things he would need for training when I'm not there, all these things will come in handy when he works out, which I know it's something he's invested in.
"Are you hungry?" I ask, using my card to pay for the young girl behind the counter, whilst noticing the time on my smartwatch.
"I have thirty minutes before I need to drop you off, we can grab a bite on the way to Chris'."
Theo stood timidly and despite being uncomfortable with me in public, especially when people stopped me to shake my hand and ask for a selfie, he kept his composure and silently watched, instead of walking away embarrassed.
Even now, Theo was holding it in but I knew what he really fought from the look on his face, as much as he tried to hide it.
I never thought I'd find it amusing after seeing how jealous a guy can get, definitely over me, I hated when girls got clingy and jealous from the times I used to mess around before I got professional, I always ignored it then.
Theo was the jealous type too, that much was obvious from the young girls' stares and using every given opportunity to touch me, I let it happen just to see his little nostrils flare as he glared at the poor girl.
Look at me, almost thirty and I love a guy getting clingy over me.
I was glad I asked him out this morning, I felt like after last night I needed to calm down before I did something I would regret, like find out where this Eric lived and beat the shit out of him in front of his family.
Man, last night I had never been more ready to knock a kid on his ass and after spending time with Theo alone, I couldn't see why this Eric would target Theo in the first place, just because he was too much of a coward to admit his feelings.
I'm not Eric, although I don't know what I want with Theo, I wouldn't hurt him, just looking at him all happy and carefree makes me feel like a decent human being and spending time with him set my mind at ease, unlike the days before I got involved with him.
Walking with Theo out the store to where I parked my car in the carpark, I really didn't want to go train, for the first time in my life I just wanted to go home and do nothing, spend time with someone.
Unlocking the car, I put his stuff in the back, then I get into the driver's seat and close the door, as does Theo as he sits next to me.
"Seatbelt," I tell him as he nods his head.
How would this even work, if I started dating this guy?
I've not been in a relationship since Pixie, not to mention I'm well known in the sport, coming out gay would cause waves I wasn't sure I was ready to ride, not because I was afraid but because I didn't know if I was gay or if Theo was either and whatever we felt for each other was just a fling of sorts.
It didn't feel that way and I was sure I wasn't gay, only Theo got me hard, thinking of doing it with another guy felt disgusting to me, like being forced to drink cheap wine, it just didn't do anything for me.
Fuck, I like him, something about him made me happy and it annoyed me that I couldn't make up my damn mind.
I like having sex with him and spending time together but as soon as we label this shit, then it's real and that's when I can't protect him from what will come.
The press, the fans, fuck I don't even want to get started on strangers coming up to him with harassment, I've seen it happen more than once, gay, straight, shit, it didn't matter.
Was he ready for that?
"Are you sure you'll be alright at Chris'?" I asked him, glancing at him as we hit a red light.
He turns from the window to look at me.
"Yeah, If you say it's fine... I'm sure I won't be there for l-ong, once I find my own place..."
I tap my finger against the steering wheel, the question right there, poking at me, screaming to come out and just ask him but the light went green and I had no choice but to focus on the road.
Maddox, you damn pussy.
"When is your fight?" Theo asks, as I see him from the corner of my eye looking out the window.
"In two weeks," I spoke. "It'll be in Vegas so starting today I'll be training every day instead of four days a week, so just a heads up, it might be hard to get hold of me but if you need me just throw me a text."
Theo went quiet in his seat and once I pulled into a drive through for subway, I felt this scratching feeling inside of me that wouldn't go away.
"What do you want on your sandwich?" I asked him, pulling up to the order window.
He looked at me with a frown, before his nervous eyes went to the menu in front of us, clear panic on his face as I stared in amusement as he tried to find and pick something.
"Um, I don't really..." he stutters, before looking at me.
"I'll get you my usual," I said, before ordering for us, not missing the way Theo sighed out and relaxed in his seat, almost like he tried to make himself sink into the seat as he turned his bright cheeks away from me.
After ordering the food and collecting the sandwiches, I drove over to Chris's apartment in the city to drop Theo off before I drive down to the gym to train, the scratching feeling only getting worse the closer we got to Chris's apartment.
Fuck it, I'm going to ask him, what's the worst that will happen?
I'm not a teenager anymore.
Once I parked the car in the underground apartment parking and both Theo and I are on the elevator, I turn to him and take a deep breath out.
Theo turns and looks at me, holding his bags in his hands and looking tired from shopping.
"Yeah?" he asks, his shy eyes meeting mine.
"Let's date," I come out and say it, hating the feeling of my heart race rising and my hands suddenly sweating.
I don't get nervous, I don't get scared, so what the fuck am I so worried about?
He likes me, I was sure of it, so why... it wasn't like he'll reject me.
Fuck... now I wish I never asked.
Theo had been frozen in the same spot all the way to Chris' floor, with his eyes widened on mine, almost like I broke the guy.
His facial expressions changed rapidly, from what I could tell was from surprise, to confusion, to realization.
We reach Chris' apartment and I input the lock code for the door, once it was open, I held the door for Theo, who robotically walked past me and into the apartment.
I felt like my eyeballs were sweating but I knew if I blinked, I would miss something, I had to see if I wasn't the only one wanting this... relationship, this connection... I had to see for myself how he took it.
"Like..." his quiet voice spoke out in front of me as I closed the door behind me. "Like... boyfriends?" he asks, turning around to face me, giving me a clear view of just how red he is right now on his face.
Like boyfriends... Theo, you're making it very hard for me not to laugh at you right now.
"Yeah, but not just 'like boyfriends' but boyfriends," I say, stepping closer to him.
"I won't see anyone else is what I'm saying Theo, we don't have to throw a label on it right now but if you say yes and you want this, we'll go at your pace."
I wish I knew what Theo was thinking right now because to me it looked like he was ready to cry but I had to let him do this himself, I wasn't going to force or baby him into giving me a response, hell, if he didn't want this I would take it with a grain of salt and call it a day, no hard feelings.
Was I wrong to ask?
Am I being selfish right now?
Theo was a good person, he didn't know anything about me and as much as I've tried to stay away from him, to avoid him seeing the real me or learning too much that could cause him to never want to see me again, yet... I couldn't turn away from him.
I really was a bastard, what am I even doing?
I should just go and forget all about this.
"Sorry," I say, swallowing the dry lump in my throat. "I don't know what I'm..."
"I'm not saying no…. but the way I am right now, I can never stand beside you as your equal… I'm a nobody."
His voice was breaking, as his hands were wrapping around me tightly as I raised my arms and wrapped them around him, sighing out when I hear him start to cry softly in my chest.
It's... not a rejection but then why can't I feel happy about it either?
It felt like he was saying he wasn't good enough to be with me, which I knew was bullshit, I saw him as an equal, he didn't need to prove anything to me.
"Theo, why are you saying this?" I ask, stroking his back as I closed my eyes to calm myself down.
Theo didn't say anything else, other than hug me tighter, making me chuckle out as my watch starts beeping, a reminder that I should be making my way to the gym to train.
I pulled back from Theo and made him look at me by lifting his chin, I saw how his once pretty face was now wet with tears and his eyes were red from crying, he looked like a child who just got told off.
"You don't need to prove anything to me Theo, I wouldn't be here if I didn't see you as my equal, you don't have to be somebody you're not to please me, so never say that shit to me again," I tell him, as his bottom lip shakes.
Honestly, this guy.
I lean down and press my lips to his damp ones and wrap my hands under his ass to lift him up against me, making him put his arms on my shoulder for support as I deepen the kiss as I press his back up against a nearby wall.
I never thought he'd ever get me so frustrated before but after hearing what he thinks, it can only upset me to realize he thought like this the entire time, that he saw himself in such a dim lit light when he was next to me.
I saw his potential, his greatness the moment I laid eyes on him, that skinny, dorky kid who still can't hold eye contact with me, now if only Theo saw that in himself...
Ignoring the buzzing on my smartwatch, I groan out in frustration as I try and not grind myself against Theo, already reaching my limit just from a simple kiss from his lips.
I really am weak, what the hell is this guy even doing to me?
"I need to go," I say putting him down slowly, my lips still near his as I look at him.
"This isn't over, Theo," I say, moving slowly away from him, as I saw the flicker in his eye and the small smile on his lips.
I really don't want to go but I don't have a choice, this is the best I will get for now, which is more than I deserved.
"I'll call you."
"Okay," he says quietly, as I opened the front door, smiling at him, all flustered and shy.
"Happy Birthday, Theo," I tightly say, before I closed the door behind me.
Suddenly, the door flung open and almost knocked me by the force of it as Theo comes rushing out as he reaches out and grabs my jacket as his wild eyes focus on me, holding me in his gaze.
"Yes," he says confidently, despite how nervous he looked. "I won't see anyone else either, just you."
A smirk escaped my lips as I nodded my head, a new warm feeling washing over me as I stare at Theo, taking the leap with me instead of staying on the side-lines and wondering.
Fuck it all, we were both in it now and there was just no way going back, Theo was a weakness and I was all for it because I knew that there would be no running away from me, not again and not with Theo.
If only he knew how much I was falling for him too, maybe next time I'll get a chance to tell him...
Next time, I'm not going to hold back. 
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im playing zelda as much as i possibly can today since for once i have a bit of free time
ooooh this is mine cart land!! the thing with the three goron brothers...ugh my besties
they only wanted me to get 5 or more but i got 11! seems like a weird number, were there some i missed?
there's a similar minigame to this in mario sunshine which is 10000x harder. speaks to the value and smoothness of the gyro controls
they give me arrows before i play but like. um. i actually buy arrows at every single store. so. i have 590 of them....................
aww kabetta's striking out on his own to do a course up on death mountain!! im literally keeping my eye out!!!!
YOOOO when i wear my ruta helm yunobo wears it too!!! wtf!!!!
whoa, i found a secret room with yunobo's diary...little surprises like this are so nice especially since i know every single thing about the story and ending from here on out already
YOOOOO its zelda...hold on drop EVERYTHING im gonna go farming. rip babygirl
you know, i take back everything i said about them having fucked dragon farming. sitting on a dragons back for 10m and looking at how beautiful the world is actually fucking rules. i wish i had the patience to do it for more than 2 cycles, but in a way it's better that i don't bc seeing them is more exciting! i was so so so so so skeptical, but it actually feels a lot more real and enjoyable than just mindless camping and shooting over and over, even though it's less predictable...
hyrule castle looks so fuckin spooky from here. i could just glide right over. don't wanna not gonna
oh my god oh my god oh no we're getting. bestie. babygirl. WE ARE GETTING SO CLOSE TO A FLAME GLEEOK U DON'T HAVE TO WORRY BUT I DO...........
maybe we're so far under it that it won't notice me 😭 i didn't realize they just fly around sometimes!!!
danger passed, got my second item, back 2 death mountain
actually no wait i need to refill my control sticks first. im down to like 5 or 6
ok, in doing that i realized there's a ton of sky shrines i activated but haven't done....
but let me not get distracted from death mountain lol. i'm so close
came across a freak korok seed. im sure i have the correct solution but the little bastard wont show itself...
i finally hit 999 brightbloom seeds again lol. this game..........
okay i have OFFICIALLY cleared out death mountain! aside from sidequests and that one freak korok seed. i've just got kakariko and that little nowhere-corner of the typhlo ruins to go on this side of the map 😤 aaaaaaaaaaa
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romanoffsbish · 3 years
Loved You Sooner…
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Natasha's POV
18 months ago to this day I had a choice to make... Y/N had asked me to go out with her on a date and Fury "asked" me to join the Avengers Initiative....
"Hey, Natty are you free tonight? I'd love to take you out, you know, maybe wine and dine you." Y/N asked playfully.
"Um. Y/N, I have to go into a meeting with Fury real quickly. Can I get back to you?" I brush her off, but not without seeing the twinge of hurt in her eyes.
"Yeah. Of course." She says and swiftly walks away
"Agent Romanoff! I've decided to enlist you along with Agent Barton to join the Avengers Initiative. I need your help in enlisting some of the others—Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. It's about time we have a group of protectors, prepared to defend Earth from whatever's out there." Fury tells me instead of asking.
"Thank you sir... I won't let you down! When do we get started?" I ask excited for such an opportunity.
"Tomorrow morning. I want you packed and ready to go. We'll take off at 6:00AM. Then we'll head to NY to get started on Stark."
"Of course sir. Thank you!" I reply gratefully, but now it's hitting me that I'm leaving. It's good that my bestfriend is coming, but Y/N was not...
In retrospect, I could've worked something out. Found a way to have had both. She's a fellow shield agent, and Fury could've helped me to make it a reality. I was far too excited about this opportunity to clear my ledger that I realize now that I let the best thing to ever happen to me go.
*Knock Knock*
"Come in!" I shout towards the closed door behind me as I pack my bag.
"Hey Natty, it's lat—.. Oh. You got a mission?" Y/N asks sounding disappointed.
"Y/N. Come here, we should talk."
I told her all about this great opportunity I was just handed.
"I finally have a purpose Y/N. I can clear my ledger!" I boast while she stares back at me with such complex eyes. They're full of hurt, but she's desperately trying to cover it with her unwavering love and support.
"I'm so happy for you Natty. This is all you've ever wanted, to be able to prove to yourself that you're more than what they tried to make you out to be. I already know you are, go be great! Stay safe, and keep in touch." She dropped her hands off of my shoulders as her pep talk, or I guess her goodbye came to an end.
She looked up to me with a big smile, which was a contradiction to her eyes that were on the verge of crying. She grabbed my hands, and gave them a squeeze, then she kissed my cheek and waltzed out of my room.
She left without giving me a chance to say goodbye, and watching her leave broke my heart. My need to do right by the world outweighed the need to run after her ...
The first six months was "easy", simply because I was too busy to feel the absence. I was undercover as Tony's assistant. I kept in touch, but it was superficial "hey's" and "how are you's" on my end. She'd send me updates on her life and it was actually the highlight of my week. If she had a mission, she'd tell me—as per my orders. I liked to keep tabs on her.
If Fury did something stupid she'd tell me. It made me feel comforted.
Slowly though as time went on she stopped giving me the updates. The absence of her little updates is when it really hit me how much I actually missed her.
It was an off day back at shield, and Barton had gone home having an extended few days off. I'd planned to just relax in my room, reading my books and sipping on some wine. Y/N however had other plans for us...
"Natty!" Y/N shouts as she barges through my door and jumps on top of me, landing on my stomach.
Had it been anyone else they would've been dead.
"Y/N. Ever heard of knocking? I could've been naked."
"I'm failing to see a problem there." She giggles, and rolls away before I could slap her arm
"I came here to save you Nat... You've resorted to reading a book, when you could be out in the world with me ... having fun."
"I quite enjoy reading a good book Y/N/N. I was spending my day off relaxing..."
She gave me her best pout, and within seconds I found myself saying "Finee" and there I was outside of Y/N's car.
"Y/N/N... Where are we going?" I whined
"You'll see.." She giggles back, sending me a wink and taking off.
About thirty minutes later, and Y/N had pulled us into a parking lot. She then came around pulling my door open for me.
"M'lady" She says, while bowing for me
"Why thank you madame."
She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a building .. 
"Ta-da" She says while doing jazz hands.
I look up to find she brought me out of my bed to play some laser tag.
"You brought me out of my comfy bed to shoot lasers at each other?" I ask in faux annoyance
"I thought it could be fun." She pouts
I then turn my faux frown upside down into a smirk.
"Oh, it will be fun when I beat you." I boast while heading towards the entrance.
"It's on Romanoff!" She says while chasing after me.
"You only won cause you cheated!" Y/N shouts while heading out the door.
"Aww... Let me make it up to you, and I'll pay for dinner." I laugh out.
"Fine... You're still a cheater." She mumbles under her breath and I just laugh and get in the car.
As the months went by I got concerned, at some point the only message I got from her was "Mission #, 2 weeks long." It's like something happened, and all my comfort was gone. I soon found out the reason around the 12 months mark since I had made the wrong choice. It was during the events of the attack of NY where I finally got to see Y/N again. Fury arranged for us to meet on a helicarrier, and that said one was full of SHIELD agents at the ready to help.
"Fury, I got word on a potential location for Loki." Y/N's familiar voice rang through my head
"Thank you Agent Y/L/N. Would you be willing to assist this group of misfits when the time comes? They could use all the help they could get!"
"Of course sir! Whatever you need."
"Good! Avengers, I would like to introduce you to one of my top agents."
She turned around to face us, and then we locked eyes. I had sent her a smile and she nodded in response. I couldn't tell if she was trying to remain professional, or cold.
After the introductions I couldn't wait any longer and I made my way over to her.
"Why hello there stranger." I husk out while giving her my signature smirk, and then pulling her into a hug. She tensed up initially, but then she enveloped me back and held on tight.
"I missed you Y/N/N." I whispered into her ear
"I missed you too Natty..." she whispered back
"Y/N! Baby? Are you in here?" I heard someone shout, and Y/N pulled back, looking for the source.
"Oh. Hello Agent Romanoff, long time no see." Agent Lynn snarks out and sends me a tight smile.
"Agent Lynn." I lazily reply
"Baby, are we still on for tonight?" She asks Y/N while grabbing her hands.
"No, I'm sorry. Fury has tasked me with helping the Avengers against Loki."
"Why can't someone else help?" She whines
I can see Y/N's uncomfortable, and just wants out of this conversation. How'd she even end up with Agent Lynn? She's always been a lower level agent, never moving up due to her lack of interest and effort.
"She's the best! Fury's words, and I agree with the sentiment." I interrupt.
"Well, I definitely wasn't asking you. Baby, please can you have him find someone else? It's our six months today..."
Six months? That's nothing.. Even if it felt like an eternity for me not hearing from her..
I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
It actually looks like Y/N's considering it.
"Agent Lynn, this is highly unprofessional!"
"Nat, I can handle this situation perfectly fine. Baby, I'm not going to be able to enjoy a meal with you knowing my friends and civilians are in trouble and I could be helping them. Plus, whatever Loki's planning will probably keep dinner at bay." She tiredly responded.
It was incredibly obvious to me why she'd stopped talking to me. I put her on the back burner, always expecting her to be there waiting. She couldn't just wait on me to show her how much I loved her for forever.
It was like I had lost her.
Clint, Y/N and I were holding off aliens while Cap had been handling something.
"Just like Budapesht, all over again." I said while shooting at the aliens.
"You and I remember Budapesht very differently." Clint remarks while shooting his arrows at the aliens
"Budapest." Y/N corrected us while simultaneously shooting an alien between the eyes.
As we all regrouped to get a plan together I walked to Y/N.
"I'm ordering you to stay alive, understood agent?"
She smiled at me, and nodded her head in agreement.
"Good! You dying isn't something I ever want to have to go through." I say while locking eyes with her.
"Of course Natty! I'm not really in the dying mood anyways." She giggled out trying to lighten the mood while we were surrounded by devastation.
"As a top SHIELD agent I am ordering you to do the same."
With that I swiftly kissed her forehead, and then proceeded to get to higher ground. She stayed with Cap and Thor on the ground.
As the battle was over we all decided on dinner at this Shawarma joint Tony recommended us to try.
"So, you and Agent Lynn?" I decided to question, breaking the silence.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. She'd been asking me out for over a year now. I'd been too focused elsewhere, but sometime six months ago I gave her a chance. It's been nice."
She seems somewhat defeated, but like she's trying to just be happy with what she has.
"Oh. That makes sense." I reply
"What does?"
"Um.. You kinda stopped texting me about your life around six months ago..." I sadly reply
"Yeah. She seemed uncomfortable with the idea of me sharing my life with you. I'm sorry, I never meant to get distant."
"Wait?! She decided that for you? That doesn't sound very healthy." I angrily reply
"She's just being cautious. She knew how I felt."
"What do you mean how you felt?" I stupidly ask, I just want to hear her say it
"Natasha, don't play dumb!"
Ouch... She had used my full name.
"You know damn well I was head over heels for you. You kept me around for comfort and I stuck around clinging to the hope that we were more than what I dreamed up in my mind. I finally realized that you and I were just a fantasy, so I decided moving on was best. That meant I couldn't share every piece of me with you anymore. I'll forever love you, and I'll always be here to help. I'm just moving on... Agent Lynn's been good to me and my sitting here eating with all of you is hurting her. I'm going to go and try to fix our six months anniversary. I'm sorry Nat... Sorry that I was never enough." She walked out, but this time I ran after her.
"Y/N! Wait ! Where do you get off thinking you weren't good enough? You are good enough! More than good enough actually. I'm sorry for being so selfish with you. I just let you give me everything, and I gave you crumbs in return."
"Nat, you gave me more than crumbs..." She tried to reassure me.
"Please don't, I don't deserve any reassurance. I left you behind and expected you to just wait around for something I never gave you a confirmation for. I danced around you, I'm so sorry. I'd give anything to go back and say yes to that date. To have been able to have had you by my side through it all. I'm sure we could've made it all work. I was just so distracted by my need to right my wrongs, I didn't see the full picture. Living without you has been one of the hardest thing I've had to go through. The six months of silence broke my heart, and I know that's my fault, but still.."
"Nat... Why? Why now? This isn't fair. The phone worked both ways!" She cries out
"I never thought in a million years I'd have actually lost you. I mean I should've known, you're a freaking catch, of course someone would swoop you up. I'm not ready to lose you, I'm ready to fight for you Y/N/N. I'm sorry it took me so long. There is no taking anything back, but please... I love you!"
"Nat.." She whispers, while looking to the ground.
I approached her slowly and put my hands on her shoulders.
"Please." I plead while locking eyes with her.
She pulled me in, smashing our lips together in a bruising kiss. I grabbed her waist and pulled her flush against me, just trying to keep her incredibly close. As our lungs become desperate for air we pull apart. My hands remain on her waist, and our foreheads are pressed together.
"Nat, I'm not... I'm not a cheater. What am I doing?" She whimpers
"I didn't want to make you a cheater... I just want you to know that it wasn't a fantasy. This, us, we could be everything."
"I need to think, I need time. I'm sorry."
"Shh.. I'll wait forever." I whisper as I hold her in a tight hug, not wanting to let her go.
She pulls away, staring at me sadly.
"Stay safe. Keep in touch." I say with a squeeze of her hands a kiss to her cheek.
The attack was six months ago, she continued to send me her missions to ease my mind. I've been at Clint's farm since we separated until the next need for avenging. Two months ago she said she was ready to talk, but before we could she got sent on a two week mission. Something happened, and the mission apparently got extended. I've been worried sick ever since.
"Fury, what's up?"
"Vacation time is over, you and Barton need to report back to SHIELD immediately."
"What happened?"
"Agent Y/L/N's been compromised."
Time stopped in that moment.
Part 2
2,548 Words
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drspencerreid80 · 2 years
Nevermore (Part 1/??)
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Paring: Spencer x Fem! Reader
Summary: Two friends going through everything together and loving each other in secret. Is it too late or just the right time?
Content warnings: Fluff, angst, mention of death (Maeve), general grieving sadness, ambiguous ending? series, mutual pinning, reader and spencer are very dumb
Part (1/??)
Part 2
Word count: 1143
A/N: please please please be nice to me I'm fragile and this is the first chapter of something I've been working on for a long time.
You remembered your first day at the FBI, freshly 21 and nervous as all hell. You’d gotten your job by recommendation, one of your mother's friends working at the bureau having put in a good word for you. Starting as the assistant to the librarian wasn’t something you’d ever expected nor was meeting a cute profiler on your first day.
He was tall. That was the first thing you'd noticed about him that, and his thin, awkward frame. Lanky and strange dressed in a massive dark red sweater, khakis, and a pair of smart-looking shoes. He’d been carrying a stack of files when he entered the library, and you couldn’t help but stare at him. Nobody seemed to notice him, but you had. His chestnut hair was a bit of a mess around his face like he’d been rushing around and judging by the stack of files he was hauling you assumed he was someone’s assistant. He looked to be about your age, maybe even younger, and very determined. You were stacking returned books on a cart to put back when he approached you.
“Um hi- hello" he stuttered out attempting to get ahold of the stack he was carrying. His voice was soft much like his features and now that he was up close you could see his eyes were a beautiful golden brown almost matching his hair.
You waited until he situated himself and his files before you responded “hello, how may I help you?” you attempted your best cheery smile even though being this close with a cute boy and talking had never been your strong suit.
He fully looked at you then, his eyes blown wide as he took in your appearance. You were suddenly very aware of your frumpy outfit. You with your oversized glasses taking up most of your face, your smock dress sitting unflatteringly atop a turtleneck and some black stockings that definitely needed to be replaced, boot socks, and the clunky doc martins that made you seem taller than you were.
He managed a very polite smile “I’m looking for law books if you’ve got any...well of course you have books on laws because this is a federal building and this is a library IN a federal building” he’s flustered and starts babbling about libraries and law. Watching him speak was so fascinating, the way he moved his free hand when he spoke while moving a bit uncomfortably back and forth on his feet attempting to steady the files in his arms. You even noticed he had perfect teeth under his beautifully plush lips. You blushed and came back to earth noticing he’d stopped talking a while ago.
“Of course, we have what you’re looking for” you pointed to the far right back of the library “over there are books on everything one may need to know about law and the like” doing your best to not stare at him for too long again you attempted to busy yourself with the returns.
“T-thank you very much” he hardly gave you another glance before hurriedly shuffling off to the back corner with his massive file stack. You stole a few glances at him walking away before you went back to work. He’d left the section with 10 volumes on laws dating back to the early 50s “These are due in 2 weeks although if you don’t have them all read by then you can always renew just come in and ask whoever is at the front desk.” smiling at him you took his badge to swipe it his information popping up on your computer you had to double-take when you read 'Dr. Spencer Reid BAU'. Your first thought was 'Dr.?...at his age?' and your second thought was 'BAU?....like Jason Gideon and David Rossi?...he was a profiler?'
You pondered all those thoughts then noticed he still had his files. “Would you like assistance carrying all these? I’m more than willing to help” he hesitated looking from you to the files in his arms then to the books “I’m sorry I didn’t think before I grabbed so many..I can always come back for them” he gets ready to walk off when you’re coming around the corner grabbing the books off the counter.
“No please it’s no trouble really” you heft the volumes into your arms and start walking towards the door and after a small moment, he follows after you quickly, gesturing to the left when you reach the doors indicating where he needed to go. You walk in silence down the big hallway not minding it because you’re not sure what to say to him, nervous you may make a fool of yourself in front of someone new like you usually do. After a long while he’s the one to speak first “I’m Spencer Reid” he hesitates a moment before adding “Dr. Spencer Reid” before you can reply with your own name he continues “I figured I might as well introduce myself since you’ll be seeing a lot of me from now on. I read a lot and in fact, I’ll probably be able to get these back to you tomorrow sometime given that I can read 20,000 words per minute”
You can’t help but smirk a bit at his confession, impressed “Hello Dr. Reid I’m (Y/N Y/LN) I’d shake your hand but the books and well your files” breaking off into a slight blush you look sideways at him. “Oh, that’s quite alright I don’t shake anyway, germs are very dangerous”
You nod vigorously “Yes actually did you know nearly 80 percent of illness-causing germs are spread via your hands and that just one germ can multiply into more than 8 million germs in one day-” you cut yourself off before you further your germ ramble. You glance over to see if you’ve completely terrified him but he’s grinning from ear to ear and it’s the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen.
“I haven’t met a lot of people who know as many germs' facts as I do” he’s still grinning as he launches into a full-blown rant on germs, the pair of you sharing facts and hums of agreement even the people on the elevator seem grossed out but at this point, you couldn’t care less having found someone so interesting to connect with was more than you could have ever hoped for when accepting this job. After dropping his things off in what you assume is the BAUs office you turn to leave, and he stops you “Y/N?” turning back to see him fiddling with his badge you smile and wait for him to continue.
“Thank you for your help with the books and I really enjoyed our germ conversation” you can see a pink blush littering his sharp cheekbones and it almost matches his lips.
“Of course, Dr. Reid, anytime. You know where to find me.” you wave shyly as you retreat to the library feeling your heart flutter remembering how he smiled at you.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Total Drama Villains x Reader || Drabble Set
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Plot: You forget to take a towel to the shower and only realise after the shower, so you open the window to stick your head out and ask whoever's out there (Hoping someone is out there) to grab you one but to your chagrin- there's just a villain.
Includes: Chris, Heather, Mal and Scott.
Warnings: Mmmm, I dont think so. Swearing? A kiss?
You slowly look around the room, very very aware of the fact that you're naked and cold in a room that does not have a great lock on it. "Ohhhhhh no." The words come out low and steady... but are just brimming with panic.
No. Towel.
No towel!!
Finally you gasp, covering the bottom half of your face with your hands and looking at the benches and the sinks in dread. You accidentally came in here without a towel!!
The sudden sound of footsteps out the back of the cabin rips a gasp from your throat and you lunge at the window, unlatching the lock and opening it to see who it is. Before you even stick your head out, you're calling for whoever it to stop. Please. Hold on! I need your help!
Chris McLean:
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*You are an adult camper.
When you actually see who's standing out there, you groan. Chris McLean stands outside on the grass, hands in his pockets and an intrigued look in his eyes. He know's he's about to be amused, or he's going to amuse himself depending on what kind of trouble you're in- or what kind of help you apparently need.
"What's up?~"
"Oh no no no! Come on, you can confide in Uncle Chris, cant you?"
A whine tumbles out of you. Uncle Chris?? Grooooooooss. He see's and acknowledges your disgusted reaction to him calling himself that, but just giggles. He doesn't leave, to your utter annoyance.
What other choice do you have?? Rolling your eyes, you look down at your feet instead of meeting his beady eyes and wiggle your toes. And mutter suuuuper quietly, half hoping he doesn't hear you. "I forgot to bring a towel... and I really need one... " And, this part you say especially quietly. For seriously asking Chris fucking McLean for a hand would be akin to letting your dignity pack its bags and fly the coop. "... and would you please get one for me... "
"... Sorry, I didn't catch that. What didja say?"
Oh god. A little louder, you say shortly. "... I forgot a towel... "
Chris smirks at that, rolling back on the feels of his feet. "And? What would you like from me, Y/N?"
Finally too frustrated to keep playing this stupid game with the show's host, you snap your eyes up to his and cross your arms. "Fine! Damnit. Get me a towel, please."
Immediately, a cat like grin slowly spreads across Chris' face. Its the most evil thing you have ever seen.
"Now why would I do that when I could get Chef here to send in a buncha rabid bats with you and flush you out?" Christ teases - no, threatens. But then again, does he know the difference in the first place? - , that famous, alabaster white, terror instilling grin on his face as usual. "Now that's, good TV!"
You groan, head falling back on your neck, in frustration. "Chrr-ris!!"
"Ha ha! Well? What do you expect?" You cant argue with that, but you cans till groan again. "Okay, fine. I'll get you a towel! But what will you do for me, heh? Nothing comes for free."
"Oh, don't I know it. I've been on this show for 3 seasons now." For some reason.
"Heh heh."
"Fine, I'll... " Ugh, something for Chris... You blow air out of your cheeks slowly, in thought. What would Chris like? Well, he'd sure get kick out of you getting one of your friends hurt but that's sure as hell not happening. Finally, after a few moments, you get an idea. And scowl. "I'll be sure to drum up some drama for you. Good TV, right?"
"For sure! Promise?~"
Sighing, you lean tiredly on the window sill. "Oh, I cross my heart and hope to die." You promise him like he's a child, which he basically is. Chris McLean has got the maturity level and the intelligence package of a 7 year old on crack.
"Wicked! Heh heh, this'll be good. Okay, hang tight. I'll be back."
You smirk at his retreating back.
When he finally gets back and hands you a towel - a much nicer towel then what you and the other campers have been using. Which is nice? But also, you cant help but worry about what kind of strings might be attached to it, - through a crack in the door, you carefully wrap it around your body and tightly tuck it in.
"I'll want that towel back" He snaps, cranky. Why?? He could've just gone and gotten you your towel! "I imported that from Fiji!"
Of course he did.
Now you take a deeeeeeep breath, gathering all your courage, and killing the butterflies reeking havoc in your stomach. Then open the door again and grab hold of the front of Chris' signature teal shirt and wrench him close before he can walk too far off.
And you smash your lips together and slam your eyes tightly closed.
When you pull back from the kiss - a horrible, unpleasant, bad kiss, - you immediately wipe your mouth with your arm and let him go. But when you reveal your mouth again, you're for damn sure smirking at the stunned man. "Is that dramatic enough for you, Chris? A camper and the host? Scandalous- I bet we'll be front page news."
Then quickly you lock yourself inside the bathroom again, not really caring for his reaction- which only comes, finally, minutes later when you're half way dressed.
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"Hm." Heather crosses her arms, an evil smirk on her lips- opportunity has knocked on her door. Or, the inside of the shower cabin. "You need something from me. Well! What will you do for me return? Hm?"
As expected. "I will vote for whoever you want me to at 2 different instances of your choice going forward. Except for myself, I wont vote myself out."
She thinks for a moment, but definitely looks pleased. "Three, different instances of my choice."
Fucks sake- "Fine! Just- please! I'm getting cold and one of the boys could come in here at any time and see me butt ass naked!!"
Uncrossing her arms and setting her hands on her hips instead, Heather laughs. "Oh- one of these boys? Shower? Haha. Have you smelled them??"
You blush darkly at her joking with you; At your worry but not your expense, before shaking your head of silly feelings and usher the pretty girl Heather, forward. "Go! Go! Get my towel already."
"Be right back." She rolls her eyes, heading off.
When she gets back, she reaches up to the window with the towel and you gratefully take it, beginning to dry off any drips from your body and get dressed as quickly as possible. "Thank you Heather!!"
"Mhm, yeah. Sure."
A few minutes later when you leave the door, Heather's waiting for you on the porch and you basically have a small stroke- jesus christ, why is she there!? STILL!?
"Oh, relax. I'm just cashing in some of your part of the bargain." She sneers, walking closer to you and pressing a sharp fingernail into your chest. "Dont forget, you owe me now."
"I remember Heather, we did this like 10 minutes ago."
"Good." She smiles, a tint of evil to it still. Pleasantly surprised that you're being so obedient. She leans back. "Okay, so Gwen's got to go. You got that? She's out. Vote for her and you're third done with your debt to me."
"Yes ma'am." You smirk, brushing by her and stalking off back to your cabin to put away your things.
Heather watches, hands on her hips and her own smirk on her lips. You might just be useful out of this bunch of losers. Not quite a diamond in the rough, but... better, at least. For sure. "Hm."
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"Oh- Mike!" You exclaim excitedly as soon as you see the lanky, dark haired boy. What luck!!
But then he slowly turns around; A dark, sinister grin on his face and hair over one eye. And your heart immediately drops.
This is not Mike. Neither is it Chester, Svetlana, Vito or Manitoba- any of which would have been just fine alternatives for this moment.
This has to be fucking Mal. You've met him before, and absolutely nevermind on the luck front.
"Nope." Yep- the grizzly, deep voice that responds to you can belong to no one other then Mike's chaotic evil alter. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. You continue to chant curses in your head as he turns around fully and comes forward, looking up with evil glinting in his eyes at you like a twisted Flynn Rider to your Rapunzel.
The kind that makes you rather stay inside your tower- its safer here then out there with him. You don't go out to meet the rabid pit bull!!
"Ummm, nevermind! Go about your business, I'm fine here. See ya!"
"Oh no. What'd you want from little Mikey?" He asks, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side, cruelly inquisitive. You chew on your bottom lip. Damn it; You've peaked his interest. Fuck.
"Um... " The sound comes out quiet and insure as you look down at the grass before his feet instead of his face. You're so nervous. "Well, I... I forgot my towel before I took my shower, and uh... I was just gonna ask him if he could go get me one."
For a moment, he's silent. Your gaze flickers up to his face to see an utterly wolfish look on his face, eyes gleaming with mischief before averting your eyes again to the grass.
Then a loud puff of hard, unpleasant laughter escapes him. He doubles over, holding his stomach as he guffaws at your embarrassing situation. You roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"Oh shut up," You snap, bravely- making him cut off his laughter immediately and look at you. You dare to fucking talk to him like that? "Come on, go get me a towel, please!! I'll owe you one."
After a moment, he stands up straight again and crosses his arms. Yes, he could do something horrible to you right now to teach you not to talk back to him; but it looks like you're going to struggle without his help. All he has to do is watch! "Hmm, nope!"
"Come on!"
"Not gonna happen."
"Ugh." You groan, leaving the window and Mal and plopping down on a bench. Fucking bastard.
This is so awkward. Especially since you know he's still out there!! And he could send someone in at any time.
... Minutes later, and you're still dripping wet but now freezing fricken cold, a towel is flung in through the still open window and lands on the wet floor near your feet. Your eyebrows fly up your forehead, as you look from it in surprise and to the window.
Mal's voice calls through it. "There! Its no fun if you just sit and bear your punishment." Huff. You can just imagine the cute boy - the look works for Mike, but is just very odd on Mal, - crossing his arms and setting his jaw, or even pouting. His voice just sound sooo frustrated. "I'll get you another time, anyway. Everyone will go down, eventually."
"Oh... mhm, oh sure." I mean, I can at least listen to his evil babble since he got me a towel, you think as you start drying yourself down and getting dressed.
A moment after you've got your shirt on, the door is kicked open and Mal stands on the threshold, making you jump. "Jesus christ!- "
"Kiss thank you?"
"Get outta here!" Absolutely not!
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Peering out from the window, you nearly miss the boy leant up against the cabin beneath you, in fact you would have- if it weren't for his bright orange hair. You gasp, unintentionally getting his attention and smiling brightly when he looks up to find you. "Scott!"
A confused, yet somehow still evil expression paints his face. "Y/N?? What are you doing?"
"Well farm-boy, how do you feel about giving a lady a hand??"
Scott snorts, getting off the wall and stepping back to see you properly. "Lady? I don't see any lady here."
Oh- Bastard. You look back into the bathroom before disappearing from the window for a moment before returning, and promptly clobbering him with an empty shampoo bottle. "You see her now!?"
"Ugh... yeah." He grumbles more malleably now, much more open to suggestion as he rubs his forehead. "Sure, now I see her... ow."
Now you feel a little bad. He looks so pitiful when he's in pain... and yes he's a rat but... its still not okay to hurt someone. You aren't Chris. And also you're getting colder and colder as the water drips unimpeded down your skin and maybe its making you soft. "Ohh... okay, I'm sorry."
He glances up at you, surprised at your apology. "Ahh, no problem, I guess... " Did someone just apologise for whacking him on this show? He crosses his arms, raising a curious look to your disembodied head. "Uhh, what'd you need a hand, with?"
"I... kinda... forgot a towel... could you please go get one for me??"
For a moment you watch his eyes narrow and a wicked grin flicker at the corners of his mouth and get anxious that he's going to ask for something in return- before he rolls his eyes and just shrugs, turning and heading off to the cabin. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Be right back- try not to gather too much attention, haha."
As he walks off, you duck under the window again, sighing in so much relief. "Thanks, Scott!"
When he returns, you're waiting at the door and crack it open just enough to get the towel from him immediately- which you quickly wrap around yourself comfortably and sigh. "Thank you so much!"
"Hm. No problem." He huffs, wondering why the hell he did this for you anyway and crossing his arms again.
From inside, you carefully ask: "Are you gonna get weird if I hug you now?"
Immediately Scott's ears go bright red and he quickly loses every little bit of cool-guy vibe from a moment ago. "I-In your towel?? N-No!! I mean- yes!" He rubs the back of his neck, looking away from the door like its you, or he'll accidentally spontaneously develop x-ray vision and damnit, he's a gentleman. "I mean... " Or at least he tries to be.
Grinning, because Scott's unexpectedly cute now that you've flustered him, you quickly open the door, hug him quick, then close the door again and shout 'BYE'.
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youngbloodlisk · 3 years
Personal Lives // Lee Sangyeon
- divorced father sangyeon
- fem reader, sangyeon's daughter's teacher
- mention of a cheating bf
- soft dom sangyeon (omg lisa doing something SOFT dom?)
- fingering
- vaginal penetration
- no contraceptive, just pull out (be smarter than a fanfiction, it's fiction for a reason, plz practice SAFE sex)
- sorry for the hiatus and how long it took for this to get finished
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"Here, let me help you with that."
"Oh, th-" I turn to see the familiar man in a nice suit, bowtie perfect and white shirt crisp. Strange attire for the 4th grade holiday party. I try to look away from him as I feel my cheeks heat up. "...Thank you, Mr. Lee, but that's okay. You're here with your daughter, right?"
"It's no trouble. She's having a slumber party with a few of her friends, so I'm free of dad-duty for a night." He chuckles. "I'll take those for you." He picks up the stack of dirty paper plates I had been forming, as well as a few dirty paper cups off the table, carrying them to the huge trash bins across the room.
"Thank you!" I call out.
That marks the end of our interactions for a while, both of us just cleaning up on opposite sides of the classroom along with my assistant teacher. Once the room is back in order and the assistant teacher has already left, I'm putting some finishing touches on my desk when I feel a tap on my shoulder and hear that voice behind me again.
"I'm about to head home. Did you drive here?"
I turn to face him, my heart stopping for a moment at the sight of his undone bowtie hanging around his neck.
"No, uh- my car wouldn't start this morning. I took the bus, so I'll be taking the bus back."
"The bus? This late at night? By yourself?"
I nod lightly.
He sighs and shakes his head.
"Would you want a ride home?"
"I've got a car and an empty passenger seat... and I don't want you to take the bus by yourself so late. There are some creeps out there."
"Um... Mr. Lee, I don't know if I should-"
"It's just a ride. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, I'll drop you off at the nearest bus stop. Besides, I'm saving you the cost of bus fare. What do you say?"
"Well... I'm still gonna be a few minutes."
"That's okay! I've got all the time in the world. I can wait."
His left hand rests firmly on the steering wheel, his right hand sitting on the middle console.
We've been riding in silence for a few agonizingly awkward minutes, so I decide to try to spark conversation.
"I know I mentioned it when we came out to the car, but it's really nice. How long have you had it?"
"Three years or so. Well, technically we both had it for a year, but then I got it in the divorce a couple years ago. She got the flat screen television and the king size bed, I got the car."
"Oh- I'm sorry if I-"
"No, no, don't be sorry. It's alright. It's in the past. I'm at peace with it."
"It must be hard to raise a little girl alone."
"It can be, but honestly it's not much different from when I was married."
"She never was very hands on. She's a doctor, and she took her job very seriously. She just... didn't have the time for a family."
"Other women are doctors and still make time for their family."
"Yeah, that's true... She just... didn't."
"I'm sorry, I'm probably getting far too into your personal life. It's truly none of my business-"
"Hey, no apologizing. I'd rather talk about my failed marriage than have boring small talk about weather and stuff." He smiles warmly, taking his eyes off the road for just a moment to show me the reassurance in his eyes. "But, I think that gives me a pass to pry a bit. What about you? Past relationships? Boyfriends? Girlfriends? Dogs?"
I chuckle.
"No dogs, my apartment won't allow it. Then again, if that's the rule, they shouldn't have let my last boyfriend in the doors either."
Sangyeon can't hold back his deep laugh.
"Not a great guy?"
"That's an understatement. He was nice and all, a pretty decent boyfriend for a year and a half... until I found out he was cheating on me."
"Cheat on you?! Asshole..."
"No kidding. But, at least that explained why-... Nevermind."
"Explained what? You got me curious now."
"No, it might be a bit inappropriate to discuss with my student's parent."
"Hey, no judgement here. What happens in the car stays in the car. You clearly wanna get something off your mind." He states before honking the car horn and scoffing at someone who just cut him off. He mumbles a "watch what you're doing, asshole" under his breath.
"It's just that... there never was a proper spark or connection, you know... in bed."
He exhales dramatically.
"I definitely understand that. You're not alone."
"You and your wife?"
"Like two strangers who had no chemistry. That was part of why we split. Neither of us could stand it anymore."
"Yeah, eventually it started getting to the point that I was planning to talk to him about it but then... yeah. Then it all made sense. His connection was with the other girl, not me."
"I'm sorry, that's really shitty of him."
"Yeah, it's okay. At least I'm not dealing with it anymore."
"Have you found the connection since then?"
"Hm? Oh, um..."
"That may be too far, sorry. You don't have to-"
"No, no, it's okay! Um... no. I haven't. I've had a few hookups since then but everything's been lackluster at best... What about you?"
"Same here. Bringing home girls from bars every once in a while or getting a Tinder date, but nothing special at all. All of that happens only when my daughter is at a friend's house, of course."
"That's very considerate of you. I'm sure many people wouldn't bother to wait until their kid is out of the house before bringing home dates."
"She's already been through a lot at such a young age, with her parents splitting and only having me. I'd never wanna do something that I know would only make things worse for her."
Every word he says seems to make him more and more attractive. A loving, single father with the decency enough to be considerate to his daughter and her life and well-being...
Extremely attractive.
At that moment, we pull into my neighborhood (thanks to the directions his car's built-in GPS gave him) to see a bunch of flashing red and blue lights up ahead... in front of my neighbor's house. And blocking my door.
"Well, that doesn't look good. I wonder what happened..." I mumble.
"Looks like you aren't getting home anytime soon... hmm..." Sangyeon is clearly in thought, wondering what to do.
"Don't worry about it, you can drop me off. Maybe I can get them to let me by."
"No way, I'm not letting you out here alone." Sangyeon turns the car around and starts to drive out of the neighborhood. "We have no idea what the situation is. It could be dangerous for you. I don't know if you would be comfortable with it, but you could stay the night at my house."
"Oh- I- Um-"
"I would sleep on the downstairs couch, of course. You could take my room."
"I'm not sure if that would be..."
"I understand, I understand. But I'm not letting you go home tonight. Like I said, you don't know how dangerous this situation could be... How about I get you a hotel room? Drop you off, let you spend the night there, and then I'll pick you up in the morning?"
"No! No, no. I couldn't let you spend your money on me like that."
"Will you let me do anything for you? Please?"
"Mr. Lee, I don't know what I've done to earn your kindness."
"You should hear the way my daughter talks about you. You're an amazing teacher, you're making a real impact on her life. I couldn't ever be kind enough to repay you for that. So, where am I heading? Home or the Hilton?"
An hour and a half later, I'm not sure how I got where I am.
Well, I know how I got to his house. The car. But that isn't what I mean...
Maybe it's desperation, maybe it's attraction, maybe it's both. Either way, it's coming from both of us equally, and it's taking physical manifestation with Sangyeon hovering above me on his bed.
His lips mold against mine like gears in motion.
His hands caress my bare torso, until one hand travels down to the waistband of my pants. Sangyeon pushes under the fabric, tracing his fingers along my slit.
He groans against my lips upon feeling me get more and more wet for him.
The touch of his fingers causes me to squirm, resulting in him placing more of his weight onto my body to keep me still.
"You like that? You like my fingers?"
"Y-Yes-" I manage to get out as he slips one finger inside of me.
His lips work on my neck, and his hand works on thrusting his finger in and out until he eventually adds a second one. Pumping rhythmically and curling just enough.
"Sangyeon... Sangyeon, please, I..."
"What? Go ahead, baby."
"I need... I need you... Please."
I can feel his lustful energy grow.
"What's wrong, hm? My fingers aren't enough for you? Tell me what you want, I need to hear it from you."
"I need your-" Slight embarrassment stops me, but the moment he pulls his fingers out of me and places them in his mouth with no hesitation... suddenly I'm feeling more confident. "I need your cock in me, please, Sangyeon."
"Well... what the teacher says goes, right?" He teases with a smile, causing me to smile with him.
The large-framed man stands up next to the bed, unbuckling his belt. Just his presence is enough to make me feel like I'm practically shrinking.
He pushes his pants down, hooking his fingers under his underwear to take them along with the pants.
I felt a bit disrespectful staring at his cock so intensely once it was revealed, but I couldn't bring myself to look away. My mouth was watering, my whole body reacting to the mere thought of touching it. Much less having it in me.
Sangyeon got back on the bed, placing himself on his knees and bringing my legs to either side of his torso.
"Tell me how it feels, okay?" He softly caresses my thigh as he speaks, the action seeming involuntary. "If you want me to stop, just say it. Just say "stop". Got it?"
"Okay, got it."
He nods and runs his tip through to line up, and once he's found the perfect spot, he pushes in slowly.
My breath catches in my throat, causing my moans to break into pieces. He groans and exhales heavily, his eyes falling closed in bliss.
Sangyeon leans over once he feels he's reached maximum capacity inside me, hovering over me again.
"How do you feel?" He asks.
"Feels so good.... full..."
"Am I okay to move?"
I nod rapidly, hoping he would get with it.
"No, I need to hear you say it."
I respond verbally, slightly annoyed at the hold-up, but very appreciative of his concern to have my full verbal consent.
Sangyeon begins to rock his hips back and forth, back and forth. My hands reach up to hold onto his back.
He keeps a steady moderate pace, not very fast but not too slow. And very deep.
Our moans are only silenced when he attached his lips to mine again. There's a certain passion in his kiss, and his approach to sex, that's more... yeah, that's it, just more than anyone else I've ever been with.
Maybe it's the maturity, maybe it's the fact that he used to be married, maybe it's just natural for him...
Who knows.
I'm just glad I get the privilege of experiencing it.
After a bit, Sangyeon stops kissing me and looks in my eyes.
"Where do you want me to cum? Cause I'm getting close."
"Stomach, if that's okay with you?"
He nods, thankfully, cause our breathy strained conversation was a little pathetic to listen to.
"Sangyeon, I'm close."
He reaches one hand down to stimulate my clit as he keeps his steady pace to the best of his ability, knowing that I have to cum before he can. By the way his movement is changing, he's very close to his orgasm, and desperate for it.
The way the pads of his fingers rub delicately, and his thrusts hit in just the right way, I'm feeling the mildly familiar wave of pleasure come and go before I can hardly realize.
Once my body goes lax and I've ridden out the high, Sangyeon pulls out and only has to jerk himself a couple time before his own orgasm is dotting my stomach and chest.
Exhausted, he lays down next to me.
"One second to catch my breath, then I'm gonna get a towel for you, I promise."
"I understand, I don't have as much energy as I used to anymore."
A couple minutes later, he's helping me clean up. I carefully consider if I should actually say what I wanna say next, but decide I have nothing much to lose.
"What was that?"
"... What do you mean?" He sounds genuinely confused, understandably, at my vague question.
"I mean, what did that mean to you? Was it just sex? Was it something more? I don't mind what the answer is, I just need to know."
"That's kind of a heavy question-"
"I know. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be putting pressure on you-"
"Hey, you didn't let me finish. I was gonna say... that's a kind of a heavy question for most people. But I know my answer. I know I've admired you since the day I brought my daughter to her first day in your class. I know my admiration has only grown since then, as I've discovered your personality and your story. I know I love the way you make my daughter feel confident and free to be who she is. I also know that... this thing was primarily an endeavor of neediness and desperation. But that doesn't change how I feel. In fact, I felt it. I felt the spark. The connection we were talking about in the car. But, if we were to become something, I'd wanna take it much slower than having sex before the first date." He chuckles at his own wording.
"But, you do want us to be something?"
He finishes cleaning my stomach off in silence, before tossing the towel to the side and hovering over me, this time being much more wholesome than the last.
"I know we don't know everything about each other. A teacher and her student's parent, there isn't much opportunity to get to know each other fully. So, I won't say anything official yet. No pressure. Just, would you give me a shot?" He kisses me lightly on the lips before uttering my teacher title of Miss and my last name.
I can't help but giggle.
"I'd love to give you a shot, Mr. Lee."
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