#um anyway i do like the will they wont they and think its better if A and I relationship status is not disclosed
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moliathh · 4 months ago
About Alucard calling Integra Count as an equal, there is a post about that:
Oh thank you for sharing the post!
I personally think whether it was Count or Countess, the meaning does not change. How does changing the gender of a title change the validity. Integra holds "Sir" title (which I think, is a translator thing, she used "卿" not "サー", I don't know Japanese, this was brought up in this post, if someone have something to talk about it please inform me) and she still holds all the authority and validity that comes with the title.
Not to mention, Pip used "Mon cher" with Seras (In the English dub). I do not speak French, but according to Quora, and another friend of mine mentioned to me, "Mon cher" is to address a male acquaintance, while to addressing a female acquaintance, "Ma chère". But it does not change the context of it. Pip does love Seras, not just as a comrade but as a romantic partner. Can't two counts love each other anymore what are we homophobic???
And I want to add a detail because i didnt see much people mentioning this. Firstly, I could not for the life of me find any record not a transcript nor video footage of the interview. But I had been looking through a discussion on Wikipedia (yes it is not a reliable source but what else do we have)
This page had discussions about a statement the author had made about the relationship of Alucard and Integra.
There are two points that I collected from this that would be relevant to the topic.
First point, I will assume it was made by someone who did not ship or like Alucard x Integra, so it is guaranteed that this isnt a biased statement in favour of Alucard x Integra:
Ok, This is Demon Rin here (I was mentioned below) what was said at the Panel was, and I am NOT going with "My" Translation on this, this is also what the Official Translator Said. the Fan Asked what kind of relationship they had, and he said "Master and Servant", that was it, he said no more. the Translator translated it as such. Then, the room went silent. Nobody Said ANYTHING, and then he added as a joke "But I guess Twisted relationships like that can be allowed" to get a laugh out of the audience, and Again, that is EXACTLY what the translator said. NOTHING was aid about love, it was "But I guess Twisted relationships like that can be allowed". It was simply reworded by AxI fans who WANTED it to be love, so they just kinda heard it how they wanted to.
This statement had been argued against by another user, right under it, but before going to it, let's talk about what Hirano had said according to the first user's words. "But I guess Twisted relationships like that can be allowed". We have to look at things in a context, we cannot just nitpick that it is "relationship" not "love" so it isnt romantic aligned? Especially when the ENTIRE sentence was THAT.
Let's remove the "Twisted relationships/love" thing
"I guess it can be allowed".
What does that sound like? If a relationship is purely professional and platonic? Like the relationship between Integra and Seras? Would it ever be put into questions whether it was "allowed" or not? And if we think it is "forbidden" because it was an alliance between a vampire and a hunter, it is clearly not? Integra and Seras's relationship of mutual respect and trust and allyship of the two were never questioned of its validity. The Queen herself did not express opposition against Hellsing's allyship with vampires, and the Knights aren't visibly against it neither. The idea that vampires and hunters cannot be allies is an opinion, not a fact, especially in the setting of Hellsing. So, if not the allyship? Then what? What is the forbidden aspect of their relationship ??? That was never brought to question between them and any other characters??? GUESS
Even if you removed the (presumably) undefined factor that is the exact word Hirano had used to refer to ("relationship" or "love"), the insinuation is STILL THERE. But that is in the context of this discussion as I have not seen the interview myself so this is all based on assumption from the information pieces that I've collected. I could be entirely wrong. I honestly don't know which informations in this discussion is real. Everyone seems to have their own point, as well as I does, but take my opinions with a grain of salt. I am even more unreliable than the users in the discussion as I have not been there nor have i seen the interview.
The second point, which in my opinion isnt as strong as the first point, because one, I haven't heard of this information from anywhere except this discussion, and while I have not seen anyone debunking it yet, I have to repeat again that I DID NOT see the interview, all of what im mentioning here are collected from the discussion alone, which couldve been different from the interview. And two, I said it is not as strong because the user who brought this up seems to be in support of Alucard x Integra. I do not think your shipping preference will always affect your perception, but a pro-Alutegra information from a hater is definitely 100% valid, while a pro-Alutegra info from a shipper MIGHT not hold the same percentage of validity. Again, I am not implying that anyone is lying, but just keep the mindset that a statement might be affected by the speaker's bias, intentionally or not:
Funny enough because that girl who asked was in the BOH forums briefly and told a different story that Hirano had assured her in the signing after that there could be "something going on" between them.
If anyone had more informations on that information, confirmation or debunking it please please share I appreciate it very much and thank you in advance and thank you everyone for coming to my ted yap.
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sakumz · 2 months ago
a/n : istg I didn't think I'd cry so early in the year, there goes my one month streak of not crying hjhj and when i cry IT WONT STOP anyways I wanted to write a new years fic but darn it! inspiration isn't hitting um anyways cw reader cries.
[ l. lighter, a. harumasa, l. seth x gn reader ]
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when lighter decides to open up with you about his past at chesetopia, he wasn't expecting you to cry. was it too chessy? was it too early to tell you this? he thought you were ready since you were his long time lover or friend to lovers, well you were a long time friend of his to lovers.
um either way, he didn't want you beating around the bush about his past. sure idiots come up to him, wanting a fight and they bring up fragments of his past. when he looks back at you, you only tilt your head in confusion. not knowing what the idiot was sprouting.
he shoves the tissue box at your direction, offering to order you a pudding but you shake your head. calming your last tears as you finally look up at him. red teary eyes staring back at him.
" i-im sorry, " he falters at your face. you can't help but chuckle softly.
" no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry over your past. it's just so sad that you lost everyone and- " you feel another wave of tears floating back at the thoughts of him being alone. he quickly walks over to sit next to you, patting your back in an attempt to comfort you.
was this like a sad show to you? he can't help but laugh a little. he didn't cry over his past self nor would he ever expect someone to cry over it for him.
" hey, it's fine really. I'm no longer alone you know, since I've got you and the sons of Calydon. " he smiles at you as you feel your face flush.
" yeah, you're right. I'm glad you're all safe and sound! please keep living happy, " you press a kiss to his cheek as a subtle blush grew but he quickly clears his throat to calm down any racing thoughts.
" I can easily live happy as long as you're around. "
another playful argument with harumasa. who would've thought this one would send the other one crying. you sniffle at your desk beside him, aggressively rubbing at your eyes. you excuse yourself but harumasa grabs your hand, yanking you back to your chair. you glare at him as he can't help but smile at the awkwardness.
" haru- asaba. " you said sternly, yanking your hand away.
" if you need to cry, just do it here. " he says so casually, making you rage. did he not care? it's embarrassing to be crying in an office. no less with the chief and deputy chief around.
" I really hate you! " you slam your hands on the desk, making a run to the toilet as yanagi voice fades in the background.
you've splash water multiple times on your face to cool and calm down. sure he probably didn't mean any words during the playful batter but it did strike your nerves when he called you the weakest fighter in all of H.A.N.D! he's the weakest person alive in H.A.ND!? you've work hard to keep up with everyone at section six, your efforts should be complimented and recognised, not thrown away so simply. wasn't it impressive to use a sniper or wield two swords? there's missions where you got to use your beloved sniper, to shoot the etereals and clear the path for your chief.
with one last huff, you decide to finally exit the washroom. your soft heel clicks come to a stop, when harumasa grabs you. pining you on the wall with both hands caging you.
you look away, a pout on your face as his gaze softens.
" I'm sorry. " he starts.
" you better be, " you step his toes as he winches but he doesn't move.
" you're not the weakest fighter in all of H.A.N.D and its pretty ironic hearing it from the weakest human alive, " he laughs as you glared at him to shut up and he quickly stops.
" I know you've worked hard and! it was really a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean anything I said and I'm really sorry it got to you. you're so talented and beautiful and I love you so much. break up with me if you don't believe a word I said. " he let's go of you and you pretend to think for a moment. it's too easy to let him get away with this. it did upset you heavily and he deserves to learn a lesson.
" alright let's break up, " you walk away, leaving him stunned for a moment before he's dashing behind you.
" protect me miyabi and yanagi! " you ran behind them. as harumasa stops to catch his breathe.
" is this one of your games? " yanagi asks as you shook your head.
" he won't leave me alone! " you whined as miyabi looks at the dishevelled harumasa.
" I say, you both should make up to this. don't come back until you're both okay, " she sholves both of you out of the office. locking the doors behind.
" I really hate you, " you spat as he sighs. thanking the chief for giving him an opportunity. he forcefully drag you to one of the seating areas in H.A.N.D. you seat yourself in one of the sofa, big distance away from him as he laid on one of them.
" have you broken up with asaba, l/n? " a co-worker walked past as he winks at you.
" why, yes I have. " harumasa quickly sits up, upon hearing the flirts and what not.
" no we have not broken up! " he shouts at the co-worker as he pushes him away.
he kneels next to you, hand in yours as you look away. he really doesn't want to let you go.
" y/n l/n. we can't break up! what about the child we have? " you try to pry your hands but it's not working.
" that's your child! " it really did sound like one was having an affair, a really interesting drama that some colleagues can't help but eavesdrop behind the walls.
" asaba, let go of me. "
" no way, " he jumps to hug you as you're just stuck, hoping the sofa swallows you whole. this is so embarrassing.
" I don't want to break up, and I'm really sorry for everything I've said. you mean so much to me and even if you were the weakest or the strongest I would still protect you, " he pleaded with you, voice so soft and fragile it sounded like he's about the cry.
" get off me, " you croaked. a few tears fell but you managed to quickly calm down. he pulls away, shocked slapped to his face.
" I didn't mean to make you cry! "
" I'm not crying! I'm sorry... for being difficult, " he pats your head, fondness in his eyes. he really does and truly loves you.
" you're not the difficult one... "
" I'm glad you've got self awareness. "
to think you'll be bawling your eyes out over a sad romance movie with seth next to you at the cinema, asleep.
the male lead protects the female lead and dies a tragic death protecting her. he didn't get to say he loves her before closing his eyes. seth stirs awake at your hiccups and trembling body.
panics fills him as he turns to you.
" huh! what's wrong? y/n did you hurt yourself?! " his panic voice fills the whole cinema, as everyone turns to the two of you hushing and glaring for ruining the moment. the movie was about the end. you take his hand and excuse yourself out.
maybe watching a sad romance wasn't the best idea for a break.
" I'm fine, the movie was just... too bittersweet that it got me thinking if that was me and you. " the sudden thought was about to bring you to tears but seth quickly pull you into a hug.
he didn't watch much besides the part where both characters were introduced. a security guard meets a cute cafe waitress. you weren't a cute cafe waitress but a pretty pubsec officer like him!
" what happen? " he runs his fingers in your hair. you hum slowly.
" the male lead dies for the female lead. "
" I'd do the same but I'll try to survive in the accident too. " you deadpan how can he survive when it was a killer stabbing the male lead multiple times from the back as he shielded himself for the girl?
you pull away as you wipe your tears.
" the male lead was getting back stabbed... "
" oh! I'll apprehend the killer, you saw me do it before. " he smiles as you pat his head. sure he'll protect you, but he'll definitely stop any tragedies from happening first.
" the movie sucked, didn't it? " you asks as both exits the cinema.
" yeah, what a lame security... "
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mushyposts · 6 months ago
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WOAH! THE CREW???? THE CREW FROM HIT FANFICTION NO THING DEFINES A MAN LIKE LOVE??? WOAH WOAH WOAH??? Anyway yes omg its them!!! This took me so long and im so tired but look at my ANGELS!
UM! Friendly reminder that I myself am not Inuit/Indigenous! I did research + had an Indigenous person helping me w the tattoos, but if theres anything wrong/disrespectful pls do let me know and I will fix it. All the tattoos r on a seperate layer so it'll be an easy fix and one i am more then happy to do. A few of the designs changed between this and my written description, so... Oops?? Especially Morqa. I got carried away ok.... ANYWAY I have some little notes abt their designs here and there so! Kaiqa: He used to have shorter bangs around his face but they annoyed him so he tried to let them grow out but that annoyed him so he would cut them again and then try to let them grow out and now he just has perpetual baby hairs that wont get any longer. Mikla: UM. Not much to say here. Isnt he pretty tho?? Buteq: SOMEHOW ENDED UP THE MOST MAJESTIC MAN EVER. HELLO?? The two beads on the right are for his nieces and the one on the left is for his sister! Neter: One time he got super cocky abt being 7 years older then Nitya which meant he was a better fighter and so Nitya was like "yeah?? ok bet." and then punched him and broke his nose and was like "hm where are those warrior reflexes?" so now Neter has a permanently bent nose. Sorqai: He got the scar thats through his beard in the same raid that cause Nitya and Konait (Kaiqas older brother) to die. Nitya died trying to get Konait and some other kids out of the mess, and Sorqai got injured trying to get to them to help. He's mostly numb on that side of his face due to nerve damage ! Causes him to lisp a bit, especially w the chipped tooth (which he got from tripping) Natai: He wears both his own and Nitya's necklaces their parents made them, and intends to only take of Nitya's and let it go into the ocean where he was buried when the war is over. His own way of keeping Nitya involved in the war effort, something that was really important to him. Kutai: Again, no real notes here but isnt he pretttyyy..... Kovak: Honestly, very likely one of my favourite character designs I've ever made. Im kind of obsessed with him. He doesnt wear his necklace from his parents because he wasnt on good terms with them at all while they were alive. He took it off before they died, and hasnt been able to bring himself to put it back on. he intends to give it to his kid when he gets back. Mori: UM! I dont have a lot of notes here. Mori has two kids ! Hence the three tattoos under their chin, I saw an inuit creator/source say that sometimes people will add lines as they have kids and I thought that was really lovely so yes!! Again im just. I think hes so pretty. Luqait: Im so sorry king I did u dirty posting this after that one chapter. Each one of the beads he wears is dedicated to someone he knew in the tribe who died, theres more not visible on the other side of the braids. I can say for 100% certainty theres one for Kya and Nitya. Saila: Saila was actually a design i struggled a lot with, but I think I got them to a point im happy with!!! They're a good amount intense, androgynous and also have that amber flash in their eyes. The amber comes from having Fire Nation somewhere in their ancestry, something I dont think will really come up in the fic, but a detail I think is good to know! Morqa: I changed Morqa's design the most, especially his hair! But I think he's ended up being a design I am most proud of. The piercings especially!! Eventually u will run out of space (that we can see ig??) king but today is not that day godbless.
OKAY! THERE WE GO... I HOPE EVERYONE LIKES THEM UM PLS BE NICE AND DONT REPOST AND IDK JUST.... I HOPE U LIKE THEM AS MUCH AS I DO i know oc's in fics arent always peoples favourites but the reception of these guys has been like. Beyond mindblowing. Im so fucking excvited and happy everytime people in my comments talk about how much they love the characters i've created. Like.... The fact that people enjoy the OC's and not just for what the give to Zuko, but for what they give to each other and their own individual stories is so incredible to me. I hope u guys like this and I hope it helps u visualise them better!! : D
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morally-earl-gray · 18 days ago
i want to come out to my parents tomorrow
honestly I feel pretty good about it EXCEPT I casually asked my sister about it and she said no. we didn't talk that much about it, and its not like she has any idea what im feeling, but idk. if she says its a bad idea then maybe I should reconsider but honestly I feel like it could go well? I should probably talk to some of my gay friends but I'm not out to any of them yet.
ANYWAYS I'm planning to send this to them tomorrow:
Mom and Dad,
I need to tell you something.  It's probably something that I should be telling you in person, but it's easier for me this way.
I’m aroace.
Aroace is short for aromantic and asexual.  It means that I don’t feel attraction towards anyone.  It's a sexuality, just like straight, gay, or bi, but instead of liking men or women or both, I like neither.
I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember, even though it took a long time to accept it as a part of me.  But in a way I think I’ve always known.  When I said that I’ve never had a crush, I wasn’t lying.
Besides the two of you, only [my sister] knows for now.  While it isn’t strictly a secret, and I want to be able to talk about it openly, I would prefer if this was kept from the rest of the family (both sides).
I’m telling you this because it's important to me, and I want you to know so you can better understand me.  You are two of the most important people in my life, and I hate keeping secrets from you.  I love you so much, and I hope that knowing this doesn’t change your love for me.
its kinda cliche and cringe but idk this is the best I could do
so yeah. we have plans for most of the weekend and wont have too much of an opportunity to talk about it which I think is good, but also if they want to talk about it then that's also good.
so um. yeah. if anyone has any advice that would be great.
IDK IF THIS IS A GOOD IDEA OR NOT I'm freaking out rn but its gotta happen eventually, right?
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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itgomyway · 1 year ago
former limiting beliefs i used to hold and how i let them go ♡
(disclaimer: these are based off of my own experience! share yours on your own blog 🥰)
“the 3d HAS to reflect the 4d just understand you have it in your 4d no matter what.” um there is no separation between the 3d and 4d when you are already 1 being (consciousness). theres no need to live in a separate entity known as imagination when its the same as the “3d” anyways. the concepts of “imagination” “physical world” or “3d” are just false forms of consciousness youve made up and personified it as real. they are not. only you are.
“the more you repeat your affirmations the more likely they will come” theres nothing to “do” or say that will bring me my desires since i am everything i already am my desires. the idea of “doing” anything to “get something” outside of me doesnt make sense when its all in me. affirmations can be used to “bring things to your awareness” but understand the affirmations themselves are STILL not bringing you anyway. just making you aware of things.
“dont check the 3d! you’ll be in a state of lack/showing yourself you dont have it!” PLS GIVE ME A BREAK?? why the fuck are you telling urself you are with someone but afraid to check their socials or for their notifications? either date someone u like or you dont think you have it. because lets be honest. if you really were in a relationship with your desired person the idea of “checking the 3d”- which u already claim IS your 4d- shouldnt be an issue. and if it is then something aint right but i wont judge!
“youre in a state of neutrality if you dont care ab not getting your desires and you dont have them” damn yall strict asf. you cant even be indifferent without it meaning something. you either have it or you dont. if im indifférent its bc i have it why stress? fucking decide already
“neville taught ab non dualism!” here we go. then why tf did you misinterpret his words like that and make it sound obnoxious? i believe he did, just like his teacher, teach non dualism (the power of awareness by him is great) but his teachings are a far cry from the nonsense most of you spew in his name. and dont even get me started on how neville used to refer to the law of assumption as the “law of consciousness” but i digress. if you separate yourself or any aspects of being then it isnt non dualism.*
going into my next point “you HAVE to read source to understand!!” i am so glad most of the law of assumption community is breaking free from this mindset cuz you infact do not HAVE to read anything. if you are the operant (main) power doesnt this mean you are your own source? oh i thought so…
“work on your self concept to manifest your sp if you dont have them your sc is shitty” well it wasnt shitty til you told me i had work to do 💀. once again there is NOTHING you need to do but “be”. working on your sc can help u feel better ab yourself for sure but its not required!
for supposedly limitless beings, a lot of yall are very limited. be careful who you get your advice from because personally i wouldnt take after someone whos too scared to text their sp- oops i mean significant other. (disclaimer: once again not bashing loa just the users who can’t decide that they believe and switch every other day. very common on law of assumption twitter!)
if you realize youve been limiting yourself this whole time and now youre like “what now-“ well as ive stated before, theres STILL nothing you need to do. youre not missing anything. this isnt a blog on why you dont have your desires, i cant tell you the answer im not your creator. (you also are everything so you in fact have your desires)
like non dualism, i hope to share this way of life with you as you’re not getting anything so theres no need for limitations. LIVE YOUR LIFE. if someone is advising you to fear your own power then ignore them cuz wtf! life is suppose to be fun not a rule book!
*disclaimer: i have nothing against neville goddard. i really like some of his teachings. however i would never go to one of his living students for advice, ESPECIALLY on twitter. not only do most parrot the same limiting beliefs he himself didnt hold, but most are obnoxious about the topic of the law of assumption. i don’t even “manifest” but if i were trying to and had them to go to I��d probably cry. if you really wish to read “source”, read The Power Of Awareness by Neville Goddard and Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle 💜 learn from the teachers themselves FIRST <3
© itgomyway
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ijustreallylikepirates · 9 months ago
DCASE12!!! (I almost forgot to watch the episode today guys, how could I 😭)
-“Tommy my boy 🤟” 💀💀💀💀
-Tom you wanna kiss Jake right???
-Grett please listen to Gabby
-“Gabby shut the fuck up nobody was talking to you 🙄✋” IM SORRY THE WAY HE SAID THAT SO FAST MADE ME LAUGH 💀💀💀💀💀
-Yul you fatass get the salad yourself
-I think Gabby’s hallucination Gabby should shut up
-“working hard or hardly working” 🤓☝️
-bruh Connor says the most cringiest things 💀
-“what? 😐🍎”
-Jake and Aiden actually working together what a miracle
-Derek is sad about Trevor not coming out with them??? He wants him there?????? He wants him so bad
-ooh now we have a heroes alliance AND a villains alliance interesting
-if Trevor doesn’t tell Derek his feelings he’s going to go insane
-aw Trevor sticking his tongue out
-Gabby vs Tom was so intimidating
-I love that they kept their friendship alive
-I’m kinda sad to see Tom go tho
-bruh why are the goodbyes getting so sad now ☹️
-no I feel so bad for Trevor ☹️
This episode broke me I’m actually gonna cry right now ☹️
(I’m gonna start working on a new Alenick fanfiction tonight since I’ve been holding off of that for a while but anyways i love yall have a good night or day or whatever)
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ants-personal · 10 months ago
fic scene i have is randy sitting in the corner of benson bead picking st the fraying edges of the blanket while benson lays on the floor cigarette loose in his hand as he lazily smokes it asking randy what he really wants from life
and randy just shrugs cause he doesnt know maybe hed be good at being the manager of bbbs like their manager suggested and benson drags his hands down his face before rolling himself roughly up and onto his knees so he can lean on the edge of the bed looking up at randy.
Look stern as he tells randy he is far better than that shitty place deserves. as randy just picks at the with one hand blanket avoiding benson gave by staring at his knees othe rhand resting in his lap nails digging into his palm
"Cmon rands theres gotta be something even as a kid you wanted to be or do?"
And randy clenches his hand tighter taking a deep breath as he flicks his eyes quickly over bensons face that had soften but still frown apprent
His throat is dry as he tries to swallow
" Do-" Voice cracks " Promise you wont make fun be- because its really stupid okay?"
Benson sits up straight with a serious look as he crosses his finger ove this heart taking the last drag of his cig before putting it out
Randy nods and takes one more slow deep breath
" I, uh once saw on tv i guess. I remember watching this man and his dogs basically, um doing tricks with like the hoops and ramps and stuff. And i thought it was so cool."
Randy looks up from his knees and feels his face flush a soft small smile benson is looking at him with
"Um anyways i even tries training my dog at the time but i was seven and obviously id didnt work........ But i guess animals id like to work with." Randy shrugs shifting himself to try and shake the nerves he really shouldnt have around benson anymore.
Bensons smiles grows as he reaches out to pat randys foot chuckling as he lays his head on his outstretched arm.
" I think thats mighty sweet of you randy. In fact thats what you should do better to help animals than stuck up customers anyways."
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cloudcountry · 2 years ago
i've been asked a lot of questions about these games despite only playing them for a month and i think thats really funny but also really sweet :(( thank you guys for taking an interest in the things i like?? thats so kind???
ANYWAYS here's a faq page!! just in case you have a question!!
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what are the ikemen games?
they're a series of otome games by cybird!! there's ikemen vampire, ikemen prince, ikemen revolution, and ikemen sengoku. those are the ones on the english server at any rate. ikemen villains exists but i don't know anything about it because its only on the jp server right now ^^
these games are rated mature, the mc uses she/her pronouns, and she also has a set appearance. please mind the warnings!!
which game would you recommend for a beginner?
i've changed my mind since writing this and i've decided that ikemen revolution is the better starting game for beginning players. it's not as spicy as the other games, its easier to navigate, and ALSO it doesnt deal with as dark of topics as ikemen prince. it's still dark though don't get me wrong but all of these games are (to an extent ofc.)
i would NOT recommend ikesen as your first game because the colors are very bright and they throw a LOT of things at you at once. it can be overwhelming for a beginner.
IKEVAMP QUESTIONS (i talk about this one the most)
what is ikemen vampire (ikevamp)?
ikemen vampire is a game where historical figures came back from the dead in order to fulfill a desire, something they wished they had or did in their previous life.
what ikevamp routes would you recommend?
isaac's route was beautiful. shakespeares route was AMAZING and so so dramatic. vincents route was insane so if you want something that will throw you for a loop go for him. arthur's route is INCREDIBLY emotional so be prepared if you want to romance him. he's very tragic.
personally i dont think i can give a good range of recommendations since i started playing two months ago, but ive heard good things about arthur, napoleon, comte (his route is good for lore!!), leonardo, and shakespeare (his route is good if you're looking to be introduced to the antagonists!! and if you want drama!!)
mozart's route has been noted as beginner friendly ^^
the routes are split between act one and act two!! act two routes have a bit more lore i think???
act one routes: napoleon, mozart, da vinci, arthur, vincent, theo, isaac, jean, & shakespeare.
act two routes: dazai, comte, sebastian, vlad, faust, & charles.
what do you think of the ikevamp suitors?
napoleon is kind of the face of ikevamp,,,, hes like malleus in a way. hes the obvious pick for your first route (except you should totally be DIFFERENT or not idk do what feels right!!) hes nice C:
mozart is fucking gorgeous but hes such a DICK. he gets better in his route though yk? the prickly but soft kind ^^
leonardo is so dad coded in that hes weird and falls asleep all the time. i dont really know much about him ^^; update he's creepy i don't like him anymore :(((
arthur. arthur arthur arthur. okay i started out not having the highest opinion of arthur but i want to let all of you know that you should one hundred percent give him a chance. he's such a kind, gentle, sweet person. he's tortured by his past but he's such a tender hearted guy. please give him a chance, you wont regret it. his route made me shed a few tears.
I WOULD FIGHT THE UNIVERSE FOR VINCENT VAN GOGH. he is an ANGEL. we do NOT deserve this man and if anyone hurts him i would start a RIOT. if he hugged me all of my problems would be solved and i would never complain again. his route is BATSHIT CRAZY THOUGH. i would highly HIGHLY recommend playing it but i was UGLY SOBBING by the end of it. watch out.
theo calls you dog <3 what a man!! hes pretty gruff and idk much about him either LMAO um update!! he's a very good negotiator. nobody knows the context of why i said that except for me LMAO (if you read will's route you know) hes very protective,,,, ummm dog person!! idk.
DAZAI IS SO WEIRD??? AND I MEAN THAT IN A NICE WAY.,.,,. BUT ALSO A ??????? WAY???? he enters the mansion through windows and his route is super angsty
isaac is my babygirl and the only one that matters. i love him. i wish to hold him tenderly and kiss him every morning and night. im gonna put a ring on that finger just you watch. he's a bumbling fool of a nerd and i adore him. he doesnt know how to emotion </3
after playing the interlude, i do know a little bit about jean and i already really like him. he seems very sweet and protective of mc, albeit a little awkward. but thats part of the charm!! <33 UPDATE HE FUCKING BITES YOU DONT TRUST HIM. the beginning of his route made me SO angry because not only does he not care for her safety, the rest of the residents openly disregard how she feels about anything. if you want to be pissed the FUCK OFF and hate EVERYONE this route is for you!!
SHAKESPEAREE'S ROUTE IS SO GOOD GAH I FEEL LIKE. IM BIASED THOUGH BC IVE BEEN FIXATED ON SHAKESPEARE MY ENTIRE LIFE I HAVE A PROBLEM!!! THE PROSE MAKES ME SWOON!!! (thank u dove for pointing it out LMAO) honestly i would recommend playing his route before vincents. it was vincents route that made me realize i was in love with him LMAO
comte is nice C: hes a sugar daddy??? uhh also hes very lonely apparently. victim of favoritism. i got a few chapters into his route and wow he is. really father figure coded. its kinda uncomfy but i'll try my best to get through it after jean's route. will update you guys.
sebastian is funny bc he ends up getting really attached to the mc and at the end of isaac's route he straight up tries to bribe them to stay WHICH MIGHT NOT MAKE SENSE NOW BUT YK ITLL MAKE SENSE LATER.
vlad has a fox named marshmallow nd likes strawberries nd likes to garden. hes also an antagonist for some reason. HE FUKCING SUCKS AFTER PLAYING WILL'S ROUTE AND THE INTERLUDE I HAVE DECIDED THAT I HATE HIS ASS AND I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE. STAY AWAY FROM WILL YOU ASSHOLE.
faust scares me but yk henry adores him so im sure hes lovely!!
CHARLES IS SO FUCKING CUTE I WANT TO HUG HIM SO BAD. PLEASE. HES LIKE A LITTLE PUPPY DOG. very traumatized though and i heard that what happens after chapter twenty in his route is really sad.
IKEPRI QUESTIONS (i talk about this one ocassionally)
what is ikemen prince?
this game is based on beauty and the beast. you play as "belle," a commoner selected to choose the next king. its the darkest game in this collection and has some pretty heavy themes every route,.,. if you need specifics just ask!! i havent played through all the routes though, do i might not know ^^; i will, however, add trigger warnings beside what i think of them as i go through their routes.)
what do you think of the ikepri suitors?
PLS leon is really nice!!! he's more like an older brother figure to me personally but i think his hugs would cure my depression LMAO
CHEVIE.,,.,.,. HES SO SILLY apparently he's really sweet ocne you get to know him but hes a bit prickly at the beginning (but hey, isnt that the same for half the love interests?)
YVES..,.,.HES SO WET CAT CODED. his route is so sad but sosososo sweet its so adorable. i want to hug him. he's like a bestie to me tbh i would fight anyone that looks at him wrong FR. HE DESERVES THE WORLD AJHSGDAJ his route is really soft and definitely one of the less intense ones if thats your cup of tea!! hes really sweet did i say that already. tsundere type.
okay i'll admit i didn't like nokto at first because he's the flirty type but. he doesn't really give me the creeps anymore? now that i know why he does that./ he's kinda just there for me but i can appreciate how witty and sneaky he is. okay so update, his route has really weird pacing imo. it doesn't show the two of them actually bonding a lot and instead focuses on them butting heads. mcs love confession and then getting together felt very jarring. the romantic ending is cute though!!
LICHT IS SOOOOO RPETTY and hes the reserved type. i am foaming at the mouth. I WANTED TO PLAY HSI ROUTE FIRST but yves was probably the better choice for my frist route since his route os apparently super heavy ^^; UPDATE yes his route is heavy. watch out for themes of mental health issues and self harm/suicide.
CLAVIS IS SO GOOFY his relationship with the mc is honestly so adorable if you pick him as a love interest,.., theyre so teasinga nd wholesome towards each other and if my future relationship doesnt look like tehres I DONT WANT IT. his route adds a LOT of insight into his character. the writers did an excellent job of making him appear as a enigma while offering hints as to know he really is. thank you chevie!!
jin scares me??? like i know hes kind and all but he gives me the creeps. apparently his route punched people in the gut though KASHGD
I ADORE LUKE. ive only played yves's route so far but luke is so kind. hes so sweet. hes so godo at talking peoplee down from anxiety and even though he has a temper himself hes so good at regulating emotions??? i want to hug him so bad. he was so nice to mc in the beginning of yves's route too.
SARIEL'S HAIR BOTHERS ME!!! he has a sprite with a whip and i hate it. umm he's kinda nice sometimes but i dont really have an impression of him yet!!
RIO IS TEH SWEETEST :((( I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. he is so kind to mc and i know the whole obsessed thing isnt for everyone (it put me off at first too LMAO) but really he just loves her unconditionally and wants her to be happy its so cute im gonna die. now, rio's route doesn't have much of the fluffy puppy we all know so well. he's much more serious in his route, and he's kind of a sad character too. tragic? tragic. his route was really good though!!
GILBERT. THIS ASSHOLE. (dies) anyways. may i introduce you to his weird ass gloves and their unexpected appeal. also he has a cane which is silly. his coat is weird. i am picturing that diagram vio made for his outfit ITS RIDICULOUS.
keith's hair looks so soft i want to run my fingers through it in a very bestie way. he gave me a weird vibe when i saw him first but the second he opened his mouth teh weird vibe disappeared. he just seems so sweet and gentle :(( OKAY OKAY so i'm currently playing through hsi route for the second time, and KJJSDFGKJGFSJHDSDGJHGFJH ITS SO FUCKING CUTE. gugguuh youre gonna have to trust me on this one.,.,. i promise you this route had me squealing and screaming and laughing and kicking my feet with a goofy grin so many times. obviously it has its tragic moments, but keith is so sweet through and through. i think hes my favorite now ^^
i do NOT like silvio next.
IKESEN QUESTIONS (i rarely talk about this one)
what is ikemen sengoku?
ikesen (ikemen sengoku) is the one with the japanese warlords. you get sent back in time by a LIGHTNING BOLT and have to rely on a physics student who got sent back with you to lead you to a wormhole>>??? its so weird LMAO OH YEA AND YOU PREVENT AND ASSASSINATION BTW. the plot is confusing but mitsunari is cute.
what do you think of the ikesen suitors?
okay so i'll only be giving the opinions of the routes i have finished!!
mitsunari is a sweetheart. im really glad i started with his route because hes really kind. hes a little oblivious but hes incredibly strong and sweet and smiley and cute and GAH i love he. hes so sweet. ALSO if you want someone who will go like "why is my heart fluttering. what the fuck. i cant concentrate what is going on." GO FOR HIM.
kenshin's route was interesting? it was very sweet in the beginning and i LOVED how mc reacted to him going apeshit (I CANT SPOIL IT BUT OMG SHE WAS SO COOL. I WAS SCREAMING AND JUMPING AND LAUGHING IT WAS SO GOOD) but near the end of his route i got impatient. also theyre horny fair warning.
kennyo's route was one of those routes where i was like "WIAT THATS THE ENDING???" when it ended. its a good route, i liked the pacing!! he is kinda creepy in the beginning but i can see why some people like him. he is very much mature stubborn grumpy older man vibes if thats your cup of tea.
i started sasuke's route and was SHOCKED at how quickly mc came to the realization that she was in love with him. lo and behold theyve known each other for a month and a half when she finds out and its actually not weird. kenshin is jealous, yuki is sweet, shingen is silly, sasuke's route is delightful so far!! i do kinda feel like yuki is going to fall in love w the mc... UPDATE, yuki did indeed fall in lvoe with her but i dont think he realized it? i was a little frustrated with how they didnt communicate that they both kinda wanted to stay to each other. that was annoying. but hsi romantic ending was cute!! it gives the vibes of "he loves you no matter what route you take" even though sasuke doesnt seem to realize that LMAO
started kanetsugu's route, his mc is really funny LMAOOO OKAY UPDATE im basically done with it and although it gets REALLY BORING in the middle his route wsa really cute. teh romantic ending went so hard theyre literally the cute i was actually!!! smiling!!!! usually i read these things with a straight face HELP!!! his character growth is really touching and he really is the consent king. would highly recommend :(( hes so sweet.
yoshimoto's route starts very sweetly. they both bond over art, which is a shared interest of theirs. he treats her like a friend and not an enemy, although he can be a bit ditzy sometimes SJDJSDJ his route was one of the best ones i have ever played, i wasnt bored during it at all and his relationship with the mc is soo heartwrenching. if you like jihyun's route from mysmes i'd highly recommend because they have so many parallels ARGHH
IKEREV QUESTIONS (i rarely talk about this one)
what is ikemen revolution?
this game is based on alice in wonderland!! it got discontinued but the routes they have are still really good ^^ i started playing kyle's recently and its been kinda funny tbh LMAO
what do you think of the ikerev suitors?
first impression of ray: he likes cats. THATS ALL I REMEMBER. HE LIKES CATS. ok. nevermind i hate him., UPDATE i started his route and he calls you useless and a kid and says he doesnt have time for you even though HE made the deal to protect you??? his face went from squishy to punchable in two seconds.
ive seen a lot of people thirsting over sirius and he kinda reminds of a leonardo from ikevamp?>??> hes like a father figure from what ive gathered but apparently hes the type to deflect when you ask him ANYTHING
luka seems so sweet :(( unless youre jonah then he'll MAIM YOU
seth is..,,.,. weird? idk i was always a little put off by him being overly friendly with the mc he just creeps me out.
fenrir seems like a nice guy!! golden retriever vibes??? i havent done a single black army route so i dont know any of them that well oops
lancelot seems like a chevie type idk. i got a bit of background on him in harr's route but i dont know much about him ^^ UUPDATE/ he is very sweet also but he doesnt show it. very much internal battle vibes. hes in a complicated situation that involves mild spoilers i think so yk. but hes nice!! he falls in love with mc very quickly and honestly she falls for him easily too ^^; the route is very soft in a heartbreaking way :((
okay jonah doesnt have the best first impression but please wait for him. hes a really warm, sweet person. once he loves you he'll adore you endlessly. hes going to dote on you and make sure everything is to your taste and PLEASE give him a chance. his route is kinda silly at first because he throws money at you to win you over, but he shows his sweeter side surprisingly quickly too!!
edgar bright is an enigma. his mc is so mecoded its so silly. i will let you know my findings once i discover anything. OK SO UPDATE HIS ROUTE IS ANGSTY AS FUCK AND MADE ME ALMOST CRY LIKE TWICE. ITS A LOT BUT ITS SO WORTH IT. ITS SO GOOD SO DRAMATIC I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
zero is such a sweetiepiecutiepatootiehoneydumplingminniemunchiesnugglewugglepookiepiepotatocrispdippedinhoneywithcinnamonsugarontopwootiepie. hes so kind. he pops up a lot in edgar's route and hes so squishy. hes so hardworking and strong and reliable,,,, my whole heart please <3333 his route made me retain so much emotional damage but he is worth it. hes so soft, so sweet, so loving, he will treat you right. love of my life.
kyle's route is the best beginner route and ive only been here for two months. PLAY HIS FIRST PLEASE./ his route was written so well it made me feel so many THINGS him and alice are so GRAHHHHHHHHH BITING THEM BITING THEM.
harr's route is absolutely your route if youre a sucker for domesticity and found family. its such a sweet wholesome route i loved it. hes so sweet to the mc and OMG IF YOU HAVE A WEAKNESS FOR EASILY FLUSTERED MEN YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE HIM. HE HAS SO MANY MOMENTS WITH ALICE WERE HE CANT EVEN LOOK AT HER BECAUSE HES SO EMBARRASSED ITS SO SILLY PLEASE
i dont have much to say about loki honestly? hes a little silly and his eyes remind me of will's.
blanc never got a route and everyone mourns that to this day.
i will never play oliver's route because its creepy to romance a child. next!
i dont have an opinion of literally any other suitor. i think theres a few other routes??? but they havent stuck out to me so meh!!
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callibones · 5 months ago
this week ive been exceptionally busy. a lot of stuff has been piling up for me with university and work and it didnt really give me a lot of time to look at tumblr OR read the fics! ill get to them! i didnt forget i swear ive just been EXHAUSTED this message is just being pulled out of my ass since i didnt expect to write to you today so i dont have any topics planned to ask you about. i didnt wanna take the time to think of something because i didnt want it to seem like i was ignoring your poast (despite the fact you wouldve never known if i had seen it or not .. but MENTALLY i'd feel bad, you know?) but uh. yeah
i don't know how people talk. um. how are you? has your week been particularly busy? what DO you do outside of tumblogging actually .. im curious
OH AND ALSO i very much appreciate the backstory info you gave me on callibones. i MIGHT take inspiration from it for my fanart? maybee? and uh i will send that to you SOON! very soon. i guess in the meantime id just wanna polish it more before sending it to someone out of like. principle?
i looked through your friends blog.. i like the concept of a blood bag person thing. there were probably better ways of saying that but IDK!! once again though i think it is Extremely Drawable so i have a small request ..
and regarding CALCIFER .. i think i would appreciate a deity to deity chat. or an potential acolyte to deity chat or I Mean Ha Ha. and those pronouns are Pretty Cool if i do say so myself! im worried directly sending in an ask would be strange so since you said you were friends with them can you parrot my question? i rlly wanna know whether drawing fanart of their OC is okay. sorry what else. im going to try and plan my next correspondence out ASAP so ill probably go through the cedardivine post before the post you made with a ton of fics? just because the list is shorter. idk what ill do after that--maybe ill rank them or something and you can tell me how wrong my opinion is or something Haha! just kidding im always right. i create new truths as we speak. as im typing this im overwriting just a little bit more of the world's knowledge. im just cool and awesome like that. theres nothing else i can think of at the moment to ask you.. OH UM when you mentioned callyris i realized "hey wait dont i know a blog called that" and Look Who It Was! so thats neat i also think i found another blog that may be under your posession but i dont think i can ask about it at the front desk.. so when i message you in some other manner ill probably ask you about that! who knows i might even be Completely Wrong
well anyways sorry for the delay. it will probably take a while longer for me to compose my thoughts so the delay will continue but. idk. i hope this message isnt TOO INCOHERENT but again i am not proofreading at all for this one.
also im definitely using gooby forever now. thats great. what a peculiar phrase.
hi hi hi hi! i took a million years to get back to this so NEVER apologize or rush about sending me things. anon asks r a tough way to communicate cause i dont got an online indicator for u so i just gotta guess... and u dont got a notification for me! i hope u see this even tho its been a bit.
ive been busy too cause university's also piling up for ME. i'm gonna respond to this one first, and then i'll take a crack at your mysterious coded message! and then i have to do a million homework because grad school. outside of tumblogging im trying to destroy the world with the infinite power amulet, so i'm majoring in general supervillainy! and also urban planning
for the blood bag: @rigormarcy LOVES fanart. marcy, if u see this, respond with your ref, 'cause you have a super drawable OC! the fans wanna draw u so bad. So Bad.
u found another blog that might b me? omg.... here. how bout this. send me an ask with just the name and i wont publish the response. if youre REALLY curious. but youre probably right, because i invented every blog on tumblr GOOBY
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mekatrio · 2 months ago
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2024 VIDEO GAME WRAP UP!!!! for fun here are my rankings and short reviews for every game i played this year... well not every game but every new game i played and completed that i spent at least 10+ hours on 😚 also no major spoilers yayyy!!! ranking from least fave to fave woohoo
9. aa3
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a waste of my goddamn time... not just the worst game i played this year but also the worst game ive ever played PERIOD.... i spent like a good 3/4 months complaining abt it so i wont do that song and dance again, but to summarize it rq... this game does a whole lot to just essentially say 2 things: which is 1.) "minors are capable of seducing adults and can be held liable for doing such" and 2.) "abuse victims do not deserve ANY grace when considering the actions they take against their abusers". if my words were waterdrops i could turn a desert into an oasis with how much i have to complain abt this piece of shit.. anyways FUCK THIS GAME! AND FUCK SHU TAKUMI! 🖕
8. aa1
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I DONT hate this game in fact w the exception of aa3 i enjoyed all the games ive played, basically low ranking =/= bad game, but aa1 is down here bc well hmmm it was a good game thats for sure (tho some of its game design was frustrating and could stand to be better; a lot of aa1 was revisting locations again and again to find a story trigger), but it wasnt.. super remarkable to me 😗 at least compared to how excellent aa2 and aa4 were. the homosexuality was sooo delicious tho like trust i still hate phoenicolas wright but i love his derangedness too.. i have a very love hate relationship with aa. ANYWAYS!
7. aa2
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i still stand by my opinion that 2-4 is the best case of the first four games like that was a MASTERPIECE in pacing and drama and THEMES AND RAHHHHH I STILL LOVE IT SO MUCH but sadly i cant let one case alone carry my entire opinion on this game, cuz as good as 2-4 is i cannot ignore how weak the other cases were... especially 2-3. i rly dont have to say anything abt big top now do i 😑 but still 2-4 was good enough for me to rank this game above aa3 & aa1.. franziska i love you 4EVER
6. slay the spire
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this game really fucking possessed me at the start of the year wrsjdkbxks and i just checked my total amt of game time i played it this year and my god i played fucking um. 200+ hours..?!#? 😭😭😭 so yeah i Truly enjoyed this game i think its so super duper fun and ADDICTIVE and its just a tried and true roguelike that allows sooo much experimentation, its great!! its quite low on my ranking tho cuz ive fell off quite a bit w how busy ive been but also i guess i played it so much that it started to feel repetitive to me HAHHH but thats also after 200+ hours sooo.. its still a pretty damn good game?! but anyways yeah im looking forward to the sequel very very much <3 <3
5. tales of vesperia
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TALES OF FUCKING VESPERIAAAAA im still not done picking apart this game yet but god what a fucking. game. thing. EXPERIENCE... is it mid yes. definitely. but also like.... not entirely. like idk after playing i was definitely frustrated with several story aspects but as i was playing through the game itself, especially during the beginning and the middle of the game, the writing was sooo fucking strong and engaging and compelling and that does count for something to me. in spite of Everything i still really enjoyed it. also this game was gorgeous. and i loved how unexpectedly funky the music was. and the combat was soooo fun even tho i was complete ass at it. mediocre game and i mean this in the kindest heartwarming way ever with ALL the love in my heart. i hope yuri lowell gets hit by a car
3 & 4. aa4 and 999 zero escape
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i cannot decide which one i like better so fuck it theyre both on the same ranking. ill talk abt aa4 first. although um its a bit hard to talk abt what makes aa4 so awesome without spoilers.. but essentially apollo and trucy >>>>>>>>>> phoenix and maya. in so many ways. i love apollo. and trucy. and their dynamic. also klavier was an extremely compelling prosecutor. godot was a joke and edgeworth was kinda just a tsundere with trauma (franziska is a queen tho), but klavier was veryy rich and interesting in both his actions and his motivations. ok im starting to make myself sad again thinking abt aa4's lost potential WAHHH but yeah its still a gem even if it kinda fell on its face at the finish line. def my fave aa out of the four and also easily my MOST FAVORITE soundtrack too. not just of aa games but of every game i played this year I LOVEEE the music of this game. so much. mwah. also fuck whatever the haters say i loved every case of this game. yes 4-2 and 4-3 were good idgaf
now onto 999 zero escape... another game with absolutely amazing art direction. the music and the backgrounds and the dreary and tense atmosphere is soooooo fucking good. also this is another game thats hard to talk about with spoiling everything. fuck. its ok tho we move. but yeah the [REDACTED] aspect of the gameplay was sooooooo Wowww and WOW and intriguing and there is something sooo so wrong with junpei so it was so fun to play as an absolute weirdo and also the writing was solid enough where i was able to predict a good amt of plot twists which was super satisfying and rewarding like this was a damn good game. its a shame that certain elements were dropped and werent as fleshed out but in spite of this it was still an incredible experience. and yas i cried at the ending that was heartbreaking and GOOD.... great experience. have you heard of the crystallization of glycerin
2. style savvy
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STYLE!!!!! SAVVY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was not expecting to love this game as much as i did but wow it is AMAZING... like first of all the music. gorgeous and chic and fun and popping. and then THE VISUAL AESTHETIC.... this game is incredible. it looks so good and it is so charming and the fashion outfits are great and despite being 10+ years old the models aged sooo well and also i love the skin color diversity too its so fab..!!!! and the gameplay WOWW im in love with how unexpectedly strategic it is like the game wont tell it to u but once you figure out what clothings are from what brands then Thats The Key.... thats how u ace the customers requests on ur first try! and then the limited storage makes buying outfits strategic too and its a balance between having enough to sell but selling enough to buy more later like i loveee love this game so much 🩷🩷🩷🩷
and last of all 1. tales of the abyss
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My Game Of The Fucking Year...... goddd where do i even begin. but seriously this game saved me cuz i was experiencing a dangerous level of brain damage from playing 4 ace attorney games in a row like shu takumi's bullshittery was POISONING me so to play abyss when i did was like Ohhh... Ohhh my god Thank You. but like really wow this game is really.... something very special to me. like i dont think the dungeon design is very great. and the combat was probably very good but this was my first tales game and they dont really tell you anything so i was fumbling through the entire thing. and i also played the 3ds port which has so many framedrops and the audio mixing on cutscene was practically non-existent. but the story and writing was so incredibly amazing that i could bear through all of this games weaknesses so easily. this sounds a bit crazy bc a video game shouldnt only have its strength in one aspect but im exaggerating a bit hereeee cuz like the game used its synopsis and in-game scenes to tell its story very well too and the pacing was amazing and solid throughout the game except a few parts in the middle where it faltered a bit, but it was still very strong!! but imo abyss' strength truly lies in its character writing like Oh my goodness this was really.. REALLY something special. there are so many characters and so many of them are so fleshed out and have so many nuances and compelling motivations and connections to one another and its like.. so crazy cuz they almost feel like. real people??? as in yes the game has its share of anime bullshittery and typical story tropes ofc it does, but yet at the same time so many of their reactions and responses to events both past and present felt very incredibly grounded?! this game is an incredible experience that was not only very heart-breaking but also veryyy very moving. and like honestly for a while i had been feeling worried that maybe i wont ever find a game so perfectly catered to me the way mm and ffix were again cuz like ive tried many many games but none of them were hitting the same way... but finally abyss arrived and its. just wow. i love it very very much 😭
AND YEAH this was a great game for video games!!!! TALES OF THE ABYSS GOTY WOOHOO!!!!
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carmenized-onions · 8 months ago
Yap sheet live and in color pt 2!! Um ily this is so fun im actually having such a good week and the fact that U updated also just makes it even better 🫶🫶🫶 also i think to maybe see if it doesn't make the ask so super long on like feeds imma try this with no spaces between maybe idk
1.) This is literally from the tags i haven't even started reading, but hurt,,, some comfort??? UGH okay off i go
3.) Lowk forgot i was doing this for a sec bc im waiting for water to boil cause im making dinner rn BUT OH BOY DID THIS BRING IT BACK FOR ME
CARMY CALLING RICHIE A DEAD BEAT MAN ILL BEAT UP THAT LITTLE RAT BOY i love him so much it hurts but ill kick his ass fr like just bc ur hurting doesnt mean u make everyone else hurt (even tho thats how he was raised :< anyways thats 1 L for carm major L
4.) YEAHH RICH FUCKING SPEAK ON IT SPEAK ON ITTTT oh uh oh not tony catching strays rip us. Double uh oh coming from carmy. Also carmy thats another L don't do richie like that :<
6.) Yk what this chapter is going to be endless Ls for carm i can already tell but :< the whole oh are you gonna fix him too?? Like I can just feel and see like the hurt radiating off of him thru the screen like he's clearly so affected by all the stuff he saw but :< thats still not an excuse CARMEN
7.)The fact that Tony feels like she needs to prove herself, that she can take it, makes me very :<
8.) Also like I'm intrigued bc it almost feels like more than Tony just not charging them for the services out of like the goodness of her own heart or guilt over not being there for mikey like i originally thought like theres something else going on there i am ✨️confused✨️
9.) Noooo not Tony thinking she did something wrong :<<<
10.) i fear im going to jump off a bridge at this rate bc WAAAAAAA carmy is obviously so upset and he CLEARLY doesnt know how to handle that he IS SO ME
carmy im coming for you count your days that was so uncalled for Carmen what the FUCK onion im coming for u bc I just know I would be sobbing on the floor if carmen said that to me like especially bc Tony very obviously blames herself already :<
12.) Okay my noodles are done so BUT im mildly confused is all this carmy pov happening right after he yelled actually i just glanced back and yes it is and i will say i am glad carmy is at least A LITTLE self aware and that he's completely off the rails anyway
13.) :< i want my comfort neow right neow onion this is making me so sad (im on like point 7) also verbal confirmation that tony is crying like this isnt even a carmy specific L this is just an L
14.) Carmy just major self loathing makes me sad like yes he did this to himself but also like this is just the only way hes ever been shown how to express himself and ugh this better end with him going to therapy (i know it wont)
15.) Um so i read all of tonys thing just now i think uh anyway im gonna kms now tony thinks he hates her :< i really want my comfort now
16.) I know carmy doesnt deserve comfort but also i think he does a little is that too much to ask for
17.) Also the whole heart to heart with Richie makes me so :< i dont have a lot of coherent notes to write except for :< like im very :< right now
18.) Also i LOVE that tony is going to go to the fucking eras tour with richie and eva i LOVE that anyway um ACK ACK ACK
19.) ALSO ALSO ALSO like UGHHHH richie telling tony its not her fault mikey died and them commiserating is so fucking AGH
20.) STOP THE BANTER wait pause
21.) firstly um tony STILL looking out for carmy warms my heart thats fucking cold bc u KILLED ME anyway
22.) Right. UGHHHHH the banter has me just a touch :> bc like syd and tony dogging on richie is so :>. But overall im still :<.
23.) Stop not mikey thinking that tony and carmy would be a good match :< also like i feel like that *kinda* confirms that tony and mikey didnt have a thing bc why tf would he say that if they ever did but anyway
As always i adore you and your writing even if i almost sobbed reading this one there were actual tears in my eyes and i never ever ever cry reading stuff or consuming media so fuck you so hard for that one
🫶🫶🫶 till next time pookie
LETS. GET. INTO ITTT.. Yap Sheet from Just Dropped, I'm excited to hear your thoughts on Something to Do!! Unless you already did-- And I'm just real fuckin slow to churn through my inbox.
THE NO SPACES SEEMED TO HAVE WORKED??? I hope that was easy for you, on your end-- If it's not, simply destroy people's pages it's fine we ball.
I did the.... some comfort because I was like... It does definitely hurt-- Comfort wise, it's definitely there, but you just don't really get it from the person you want it from, yknow?
AND THANK YOU-- I was very happy, when I realized the silly other shoe bit I could do. fun hat trick on my part.
DEAD BEAT BROOOO-- I can't remember if I added that or if it was in the original dialogue. I think I added it? I remember needing a transition line, to get into it-- It was like the Carmen equivalent of Richie's okay donna-- WOOF
I'll just do one point, for the Richie side of the fight, as I the writer don't have much to say about it but yeah it was-- Shit was brutal. It was very interesting to look at the freezer fight again with the perspective of Tony in mind and going,,,, huh,,,, they could both be talking to her, in this. The You're Nothing really also-- I wonder if Carmen will ever actually say that to someone, in canon. I don't think he could. But also they might just be saving it for the biggest explosion.
Writing Carmen's dialogue for this was very tough and interesting, for me-- Because like-- With the information he had, I kinda got it. Like yes 100% self-destructive tendencies but also I think I could sympathize with like, essentially him thinking he was basically some sort of manic pixie to be fixed by Tony. He was wrong, but like-- I get the concern. He shoulda voiced it better but I get him.
YEAAHHHH, YEAAHHHH Tony before this chapter for the most part I think only displayed the good/quirky parts about being the anxious helpful hero type, and this chapter and onward I think really got into the genuinely self-destructive behaviours of her thinking she needs to be able to take shit.
There was in fact, something going on there. With the invoice. LMAO. Tony's nice but she understands the power of a dollar
The repeated 'did i do something wrong' across multiple chapters-- Fuckin, in anything 'did i do something wrong' will always fucking get my ass. Like it's just so. It's. I'm, I'm fuckin sweatin just thinking about it. It always hurts.
It's funny that while writing that line, I had always planned for that line to be like, the spinebreaker but I was worried, when I had actually put it to paper, that readers were somehow not gonna think it was that bad. I'm glad everyone thought it was horrifically bad. He fucked up there.
I won't comment much on Carmen's POV because there's some surprises I have in stock, for you, with that-- But I do agree. I think Carmen is typically slow to realize he fucked it-- But when it's something like that and everyone has a volatile reaction-- He's gonna know immediately that it's over.
Here's the thing, I can't show you any lines from the next chapter, because literally every single line is a spoiler for what the chapter is. but I've realized actually I can show you an old draft-- This was from the original list of the seven things.
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I took this out, inevitably, but I did really like the idea of like... Realizing that this moment isn't just a now fuck up, it's a forever fuck up.
14. both of those fuckers went right on the self-loathing train. What could we expect from them? Choo choo, mf.
16. I hate to tell you this. He's gonna have a terrible time. I'm not letting that motherfucker catch a break. You'll see what I mean, in time.
17. WHY'S THE HEART TO HEART MAKE YOU FROWN--- I mean I get it but like BITTERSWEET RIGHT? RIGHT? ANYONE?? IS THIS THING ON?? Do you think the writers knew when they wrote season 2 and Richie getting Swift tickets they knew those things were gonna be like 3000 dollars a pop. I feel like they didn't. I like to go back and read this bit, from time to time. I just really like Richie and Chip. Am I a Rich/Chip believer? Honestly. A little bit I think. I have a wandering eye. I think.
21. Tony will always look out for Carm. It's so lame. get UP girl be PETTY-- HAUNT HIS ASS!!! DO A HAUNT!!!!
23. I love that you say kinda. I love that know one trusts me with a slight confirmation. I have poisoned the water mistrust and I love that.
I'M HONOURED TO GET YA MISTY-- MEANS A LOT, I hope you enjoy/enjoyed the next one. Love you fuck you sorry not sorry at all my bad your fault hugs and kisses THANK YOU BYYYYEE
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toestalucia · 8 months ago
OKAY quick event talk<3 (it was not quick)
bitter no1 thought, narmaya feeling constantly sidelined forced smile. naru getting hurt protecting thalassa & going 'dont worry im fine:]' is fine on its own, but in the bigger picture of the event...grrrrrrr cygames u need one more person on event checking still
anyway i thought naru keeping the danchou-chan, meaning she ended up saying danchou-chan-zeki while seofon dropped the -chan and jsut went danchou-zeki was a nice detail:') icarus is nice, i like him. tweyens constant 'seofon looks like hes having fun' made me a bit emotional pien. great to see kyuta again. tefnut go girl give us nothing(positive). the part where she was eating but it was raziel who had made the chanko,,,raziels constant 'did u call:DDD' 'no' + her introduction oh u r soooooo endearing LOL liked the lil abramelin part, thought of how ofc grans gonna be a bit sad thinking about it. having thalassa constantly in her mermaid form was great, although we r circling back to bitter no1 thought. i thought the flashbacks to weapon skills (like rage, phalanx) was sooo cuteT_T + seeing the different job outfits was fun. um. idk what to say about the new art KBJBJKADBJKDBJKAD....????????????????????? did not expect that
i probably wont go indepth with it tonite, but when seofon & tweyen first said they were going to see raiden & the whole 'we have to see if its a danger to the sky or not' aspect.......gran who Gets it, but also as someone who Was seen as an enemy of the sky i think they immediately feels very defensive about it....? on a personal level...? when its someone they hung out with before...? they wont discredit the suspicion seeing the circumstances + its the eternals, but.... did like wilnas telling raiden than him dying wouldnt solve anything, cuz tameemon would just possess his body or whatever instead.
also liked this wilnas line
Wilnas: Those who defy the laws of these skies are best suited to protect it.
scrolling down my notes doc, did like seofon & narmaya noticing ppl were approaching:') i like when they point those things out. + the lil bit about how they always treat captain. do want them to appear in an event together again, i think its neat seeing them both, would lov to see them interact/fight together
Seofon: Might've teased her a bit too strongly. I'll have to dial it back a bit next time. Vyrn: Better quit while you're ahead.
vyrn saying this when he constantly has to go 'captain was joking',,,,LOL
Bennu: Although I may still have the higher victory count, it's clear that your skills have surpassed mine, Singularity. Henceforth I shall address you by name out of respect, Captain.
liked this part too cuz i always end up talking about how much gran dislikes being called singularity LOLL regardless if its actually Real or not, gran is counting it as real
Captain recalls the various techniques and strategies learned from fighting alongside allies. Before long, all of that knowledge begins to flow through Captain like water, becoming the captain's strength.
back to this part but i trulyyy do lov grans skillsets & fighting style becoming a mishmash of the ppl they spar with/see fighting often/etcT_T.....monk quests whole 'captain is very good at copying images cuz thats how they have trained'.....its very thrown together, lacking parts etc since they nvr had a teacher, so having ppl around who Actually knows how to fight...........gahhh
speaking of monk i spent most of the event imaging gran forgetting theyre supposed to keep to sumo and easing into the closecombat moves theyre more used to -> immediately having to apologize with their entire might
ok thats all in my doc
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susiehunsecker-remade · 9 months ago
i had a paul newman dream again. i was this heiress and/or wife of a rich important guy and we lived in this mansion that was part victorian haunted house and part HGTV beige nightmare. it didn't seem to end and everyone lived in rooms as close as possible to the main wing because people were scared of getting lost.
since i was a wealthy faildaughterwife with nothing better to do i'd just spend all day going through the house and at some point i find this quaint little bedroom in the scary victorian part of the house. i'm looking through it and there's some clothes and a nice looking radio but nothing special. then paul newman comes in and is like what the hell are you doing here? and i go oh my god i'm sorry i didn't think people actually lived here and he goes well i do. i cant remember if he was mad at me. i ask him what he does in the house and he's like i clean the pool, maam. the indoor pool
i go wtf do you mean the indoor pool where is that and he takes his radio and then walks me through this underground tunnel that leads into a garden and im like well this isnt a pool and hes like oh my god lady can't you just wait. and i'm offended but it doesn't last long because he starts leading me through this part of the garden i've never seen before and into this hotel lobby looking place with a couple of sofas and a fridge and a big glass door on the opposite side of the room. i go what's this place for? and he's like..? it's just a room lady, why do you keep asking me all these questions don't you know all the rooms in this house already and im like. um. no... and he looks at me like i'm an idiot.
then paul takes me past the big glass door and i see this gorgeous crystal clear glimmering pool and on the sides theres a bunch of beautiful ferns growing and theres glass ceiling that diffused the sunlight in a really pretty way. then i ask wow!!! can i swim here its so pretty and paul goes Are you stupid? you live here and also it's my job. but i think he starts feeling bad abt constantly being mean to me and goes out to find something I can wear to swim. when he comes back i change and fuck around in the pool for an hour while he listens to his radio, which he's had on him since we left his room. i tell him that he should swim too since he's already here, he goes your dad or husband wont approve of that and im like nahh hes not here most days anyway no harm. he looks at me weird but i convince him to go under the conditions that i take care of his radio for him. he's really obsessed with this radio. It mostly plays static noise which should have been suspicious to me in the dream but I was fucking stupid i guess and didn't realize it was a walkie talkie kind of radio until i hear the voice of my dad or husband talking on it. For the next hour I just sat there nervous while paul newman used our pool. I think he knew something was off bc at some point he just started staring at me which was terrifying bc his eyes are blue as fuck. Anyways the coherent part of the dream ended there, i woke up really sweaty and scared. I also fell asleep in the middle of making this post but I had no dreams there.
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cliveowenluvr · 2 years ago
hi, super odd question but i saw that you had greendale in your bio and im choosing between colleges right now and you seem cool so i think your opinion might be valuable! anyway here are my options
city college; im kinda leaning towards this one because they have a higher average gpa and high ratings, but they're prices are also higher so im not totally sure.
greendale community college; they're alot chaper and would fit into my budget a lot better, but they have really odd classes?? like its weird, there was one that was just called ladders. nothing else, just ladders. but they do have a lot of dances and i LOVE going to dances.
and before you judge on going to community college my mom & dad cut me off bc i went to rehab - its a long story - and im paying for everything on my own so
anywaysss um thanks for reading i guess?
ANNIE??????????????????????? ID SAY GIRL GO TO GREENDALE BUT U ALR DID???????? why are u annie? annie annie pls tell me this is u also im so sorry for responding so fucking late oh my god also can you ask abed if he’s mad at me my texts wont send to him do u think he blocked me how is he???? also how are u bae 🙏🙏🙏🙏missing apt 303 every day i promise :(
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thevalleyoftriumph · 1 year ago
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Since I reblogged it from you, here’s what I’m curious abt for your OC’s!!
MY ENTIRE EXPLANATION FOR 11 JUST GOT DESTROYED IM GOING TO KILL TUMBLR. anyways since last ask had an 11 im choosing a different ocverse for this one
hi. um. roblox ocs :3 their lore takes forever to explain so im just gonna explain the characters instead of the plot.
basically theres 3 of them ok.
cody, a noob who loves playing fighting games and helping people get their footing in them. very silly, very kind, and has a bestie thats a guest named horns [horns is my friends oc :3]. cody ALSO has a bit of a slow moving "curse" that is the result of their arm being Fucking Cut Off. its a corruption in their code that is slowly spreading across their body, which will end up with their entire set of code and body being Basically unraveled from the inside out in a way thats Worse than death ! :D they spend most of their time trying to figure out a way to undo that while still being the same happy person. they see blade [other oc] as a brother figure once the two meet!
blade is a bounty hunter of sorts, who goes after exploiters to make the world safer for people, thanks to his own experiences as a kid with exploiters. he is VERY good at his job, having been training since he was a younger teen, and has been doing his job for anywhere from 15-20 years [havent decided.] his current target is inkcap, his childhood friend and previous crush. its a whole thing. also, hes the one who saved cody from being COMPLETELY killed during their exploiter encounter!
inkcap is . well. the exploiter mentioned previously. instead of their encounter with exploiters driving it to better itself and help others, its trauma [and also blade leaving it when they were both 15 to go on his first mission, and then just. never coming back] had led it to lean into its trauma, and learn the same exploits that hurt it, and more. it decides that if it couldnt be happy anymore, if it lost everything and everyone it loved, then no one else should be able to have these things - because no one tried helping it when it needed it. its the one who attacked cody, and the one blade is currently hunting down - but inkcap is sneaky, and good at its own "job," being the most infamous exploiter - and for good reason.
the whole story with these three is the different ways people deal with trauma, mostly the.. unhealthy ways, and their very, VERY slow path to healing and getting better. it has a happy ending! it just takes a long time to get there. they all have a Lot of stuff to work through.
12] pick a fav
theyre all equally loved as a whole because i adore them, but in terms of different catagories, THEN theres favs, so just. choose whichever one you think is most valid.
for drawing, i LOVE cody. theyre so simple and cute to draw i have little doodles of them in Every notebook and sketchbook. i like drawing them with my friends oc. :3
for actual design, i LOOOVE inkcap. inkcap is my beloved their design is sooo <333 pretty
for LORE.... i love blade the most SORRYYY his whole deal makes me sick in the head
19] describe the sillies you think about that dont go in the story
I HAVE OTHER ROBLOX OCS FOR UMM. A THEORETICAL GAME. theyre not related to those threes^ story at all so they count for this question lol
theyre another noob/guest duo, agon and unnamed/default [both are interchangeable]. since i do one day wanna make their game a reality i wont go Too into detail but they live in a mountain town and are besties who have Something going on and theyre super sweet to each other and are bestest friends Ever ever but then default goes MISSING one day and NEVER COMES BACK and agon has to DEAL with it and gets all SAD and um. yeah :]
20] how have they horribly mangled your message/theme
they would either villainise inkcap to hell into an irredeemable villain, OR turn blade into a budget cop. i hate it so bad but thats just what would happen.
THAT or theyd completely IGNORE the message of the story being about healing from trauma and how some coping mechanisms are unhealthy and turn it into like. a classic "everyone just gets over it" thing and turn the whole trilogy into a shitty action film and ignore the characters trauma and their paths towards healing and it would be so bad and oh god oh god . puts my head in my hands.
theyd also probably turn inkcap into a girl and cody into a boy so like. not a story mishap but a general fuckup theyd do because of how inkcap is an it/they w a romance plot w blade [and also their character model has the "girl torso" from the blocky character pack on roblox] and cody is a they/them with a masc name.
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