midfragger · 1 year
Fantasizing someone I barely know
There's a person that notices everything and I am very curious of her.
I wonder if she notices how I admire her intelligence or how I am a recusant of her beauty.
A beautiful smile. Big eyes. A creature who acts from overthinking and moments of calmness.
I would send the shell of my soul into a shattering subversion that would render me helpless against my will if I could do anything for her.
To walk beside
To run with
To speak and share thoughts
To ululate with excitement
To recognize a wildly, alluring mind
To know I don't deserve to witness such artistry at work
I will do anything to let her know that I just wanted to say "Hello."
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shotbyshe · 2 years
Words of the Day
ululate: howl or wail as an expression of strong emotion, typically grief.
lauded:  highly praised or admired.
perfunctory : (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
elusive:  difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
intrinsically:  in an essential or natural way.
wayward:  difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior.
Ululate is what Zena used to do right?
These are the words that stuck out to me the most while watching The Best Man: The Final Chapters. Which I loved BTW.
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rowanisawriter · 1 month
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rakiah · 5 months
Lintukoto Campaign
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🌿 Lintukoto Campaign 🌿
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not-freyja · 4 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms, Linked Universe - Fandom, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Twilight & Wild (Linked Universe) Characters: Twilight (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Lolia (Legend of Zelda), Hylia (Legend of Zelda), Wolfie (Linked Universe) Additional Tags: Character Turned Into a Ghost, Canon Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Love as a choice, Platonic Soulmates, deep time, the passage of time as existential horror, on the mcd: twi is dead and a ghost the whole time, wild dies and gets better, Pre-Game: Tears of the Kingdom (Legend of Zelda), Tags May Change Series: Part 2 of Concatenation Summary:
The thing about death, is that it happens fast. One moment Twilight was alive the next... not so much. That wouldn't be so bad, really. The problem about being dead, is that it lasts a long time.
A long, long time.
It is said, in hushed whispers across the fallen kingdom, that those unfortunate enough to be caught on the road at night best pray to the Hero of Twilight.
Let the Adjuration Epilogue posting begin.
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inkblotdemon · 9 months
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loved this redditor's analysis of Inflammatory Writ
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asta-daily · 1 month
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Into the mouth of the FishGod
Preparatory art for the cover of "Escales Septentrionales" of the "Promenade aux galères" trilogy from the incredible @mediefictions. A strong Cthulhu vibe for the fish god. I tried to upscale the creepiness, but ended being too classical. I prefer, and I'm happy, how the final work turned out.
PS : The campaign for the trilogy is still on, check it out! https://fr.ulule.com/promenades-aux-galeres-t3/
/* Pencil on A5 sketchbook - Porte-mine sur carnet A5 */
Esquisse préparatoire pour le T3 "Escales Septentrionales" de la trilogie "Promenade aux galères" de l'incroyable @mediefictions. Une bonne ambiance cthulhuesque pour un Dieu Poisson peu affable. J'ai essayé de le rendre aussi terrifiant que possible, mais je trouve le rendu trop chargé. Je réfère de loin mon rendu final !
Pssst : La campagne est toujours en cours ! https://fr.ulule.com/promenades-aux-galeres-t3/
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cajal · 8 months
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A young heir is forced to leave their realm... RUINAM is a 160x130cm throw blanket counting this unfortunate tell The crowfunding is live and you can preorder it to decorate your lovely living room, bedroom and even your attic! Get your own here
100% FUNDED ! ! ! ! thank you so much ! ! ! !
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keteath · 5 months
Si vous aimez l'idée d'une douce romance finlandaise servi par d'adorables dessins je vous recommande chaudement le financement participatif des merveilleuses @rakiah et Gunpy !
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mediefictions · 2 months
Contribution avec citation
Un énorme merci aux personnes qui me feront l'honneur de débourser 100€ pour mes romans. Vous serez remerciés sur la page dédiée qui sera insérée dans le tome 4 : "Par le glaive de Desmetor".
En plus, vous pourrez marquer votre page avec une illustration de couverture A5!
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paulrenaud · 8 months
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"Photonik : Le Règne de la Lumière" est une reprise de la série des années 80 dans un contexte moderne. C'est un nouveau point de départ pour tous les lecteurs, de 12 à 112 ans :)
Vous pouvez retrouver ici le lien vers la campagne Ulule pour le financement de la saga en 3 tomes (envoi des albums au fur et à mesure des publications -tome 1 en octobre 2024).
Ne ratez pas tous les bonus exclusifs à la campagne !
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precognitor · 7 months
if you're nice two will let you pet lancer
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sweetfirebird · 2 months
this fact from imdb
The hieroglyphs on Ardeth Bey's forehead are supposed to spell Imhotep. They are, however, incorrect, and are translated as Imhotper, rather than Imhotep.
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mslanna · 5 months
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rakiah · 4 months
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✨✨💫 ✨✨AND IT'S FUNDED!! ✨✨💫✨✨
Thank you everyone!! ❤️ Now the funniest part begins: Unlocking the goals! GO GO GO o(≧▽≦)o
🌿 Lintukoto campaign 🌿
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not-freyja · 3 months
His paws hit the ground, balanced delicately atop of crumpling mortar and cracked stone. It shifts slightly under his weight, so he lowers, spreading his legs to the sides and evening out his weight distribution. The space around him is dark: a near pitch-black lack of light broken only by a faint orange glow in the distance. Twilight doubts that Hylian eyes would be able to make out nothing but that glow. Lucky for him, he has lupine sight, and a sharp nose. Picking his way out of the dusty post-blast ambience won’t be difficult, not for him. He creeps forward on his belly as the smoke starts to clear, as the dust starts to settle. It’s like the blast just happened, like no time at all did pass. The light back there must be his brothers—Time and Wild, and Wind as well—must be the three of them there, a safe distance back. Unlike he is, unlike he was. Unlike the thing he doesn’t want to think about, the cloying iron reek mixed into the air, the Hylian-blood smell spread out around him, the vague singed aroma of burnt flesh.
Chapter two, let's go! A retelling of a previous event (Adjuration ch 83), but now what's going on actually makes linear sense, so that's fun.
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