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hismisses2012-blog · 6 years ago
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Free Gift option 1! ‼️Ultimate Body Wrap‼️ $25 value! #free #gifts #value #ultimatebodyapplicator #wrap #itworks #itsmybirthday #dirty30 #imgonnabe30 #30 #birthday #july #summernights #tighten #tone #firm #momboss #boymom #allmyfavoritethings #letstalkaboutit #yes #FREE https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WhxN8lyET/?igshid=tscy6l9876a
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niiicole94 · 7 years ago
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Who’s ready to wrap with meeeee? Ask me any questions, order online🌞
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wrapeffects-blog · 8 years ago
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Let us help you get the results that you want today! Don't talk about it, be about it. Visit buff.ly/2iBSwWI for more info! #thisisreal #results #itworks #lifestyle #gethealthy #ultimatebodyapplicator #wrap_effects (at Lyndhurst, Ohio)
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Multitasking....watching BB19 and wrapping #BB19 #itworks #crazywrapthings #ultimatebodyapplicator #brendasmith16.myitworks
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pinkspen · 8 years ago
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Just sold another #wrap to a potential Loyal Customer. Love this woman. Such an amazing mother!!! Thanks @neetaboo22 can't wait to see your results!!! 💚💚💚💚💚 #itworksadventure #itworks #wrapeneur #wrapstar #wraps #ultimatebodyapplicator #itworksglobal #itworksgirl #independentdistributor #tightenandtone #flattummy #flatterbelly #toning #botantical #allnatural (at East Ohio Street)
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waitingformyeternity · 8 years ago
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Guys... It really does work!!! 😮 😮 😮 Text me to try yours at 40% off today! :) 📲801•706•7468📲 #itreallyworks #wrap #ultimatebodyapplicator
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redclovermama · 8 years ago
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Wrapping and napping on this rainy day...The scent of the lotion is so relaxing, I just can't help it. Who wants to see my wrap results later today? #wrap #wrapit #tightenandtoneitin45minutes #tightenandtone #reducecellulite #thatcrazywrapthing #botanicallybased #relaxing #ultimatebodyapplicator
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taylorrenae2017-blog · 8 years ago
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Don't forget today is the 2nd day for the BOGO deal for the Ultimate Body Applicator! Not only do you get this deal but you get 40% off everything once you become a distributor or loyal customer! #ultimatebodyapplicator #bogo #itworks
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silentlyxplicit · 8 years ago
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Text WRAPS to 832.326.9934 or DM me if you want to try a wrap. I have some on hand. #crazywrapthing #ultimatebodyapplicator #tightenandtone #fitlife #summertimefine
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wrapanestia15 · 8 years ago
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Looking to target that bothersome middle that just won't shrink down how you'd like? 😡 Check out our #TargetTrio! 🎯 This new #FitPack was put together specifically to target your middle area. Working your belly from the inside out AND the outside in! 😱💚😊 I want to help you get rid of the stubborn bulge, message me to put your order in. I have 🔷5 spots open for this 90 Day Challenge that starts in February, get your order in now to get started on time and to secure your 40% off discount!! #ItWorks #CommitDontQuit #Cleanse #WhitePantsApproved #Fatfighters #BlockFat #BlockCarbs #CutCravings #UltimateBodyApplicator #Tighten #Tone #Firm #NinetyFour #SlimThatBelly
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Una delle azioni principali del Wrap è drenare i liquidi trattenuti nella pelle! I risultati saranno visibili già dalla prima applicazione! 😱 BYE BYE CELLULITE 👋🏻 #wrap #ultimatebodyapplicator #trattamenticorpo #curadelcorpo #curadellapelle #benessere #estetica #risultati #fitness #bellezza #estate #cosmetici #cellulite #pelle #corpo #snellire #drenare #provacostume #gambe
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jodybunting · 7 years ago
👯 #ItWorks #BodyWrap thanks to @melissacharlesworth_ @itworksadventureintl @itworksadventure #UltimateBodyApplicator #ItWorksInternational (at Hatton, Derbyshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm1Bh1CFs1N/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5st1rdim8nj
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ecyril69-blog · 7 years ago
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redclovermama · 8 years ago
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Did you know you can tighten and firm your skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite anywhere from the neck down? Tonight I'm going to be wrapping my tummy and getting my body ready for summer. Where would you choose to wrap? #ultimatebodyapplicator #thatcrazywrapthing #tightenandtoneitin45minutes #reducecellulite #summerbod #wrapit #wrapgirl #bogowraps
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taylorrenae2017-blog · 8 years ago
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BOGO! Buy one Ultimate Body Applicator and get the second free for loyal customers and distributors! April 2nd-5th only! This: Tightens, tones, & firms the skin; Redefines the appearance of your body’s contoursImproves skin texture & tightness; Mess-free and simple to use; Results in as little as 45 minutes; Fast and lasting results with continued use; Contains botanical extracts. #bogo #ultimatebodyapplicator #itworks #loyalcustomer
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