quictwolf · 8 years
soooo if i were to try and revive this blog or my margaery would anyone be interested?
(school is keeping me busy though so i can’t promise anything)
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quictwolf · 9 years
am i the only sean bean stan on the internet?
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quictwolf · 9 years
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i will forever cherish this picture
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quictwolf · 9 years
ayyyy 1 away from 400. how does this happen i seriously haven’t rped in here in i don’t even know how many months. i of course want to change that but... yeah idk i’m busy as heck
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quictwolf · 9 years
rewatching s5 and the sam and gilly sex scene and i just remember shae saying “you should have known she was a whore. a girl who was almost raped doesn’t invite a man into her bed two hours later.” well, apparently gilly does.
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quictwolf · 9 years
au: your favorite character being happy for once
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quictwolf · 9 years
Reblog if your muse loves physical affection like cuddles, massages, head scratches and handholding
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quictwolf · 9 years
I finally, finally, finished A Game of Thrones. Took me a bit over a year but I did it.
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quictwolf · 9 years
as if i wasn’t feeling bad enough already...
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quictwolf · 9 years
ok i’m not feeling my young ned fc which is chris hemsworth (who is absolutely yummy but looks nothing like ned) and i was wondering, what do you guys think about alexander vlahos as young ned?? too lazy to search for a picture of him but if you’ve watched bbc merlin he plays mordred
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quictwolf · 9 years
i’ve never done crack before but i just got this idea of ghost ned haunting ramsay bolton (or any of the lannisters etc. (basically anyone who wants to hurt his babies) and i think it’s hilarious and i need it in my life
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quictwolf · 9 years
Starter for ereborsrose
For months now Ned had lived on the Wall and still he missed Winterfell, and most of all, Catelyn and their children. Spending time with Jon made things easier of course, he made Ned’s time bearable. The life on the Wall wasn’t horrible. Ned was a northener through and through and so he was used to the cold, though it had been a long time since it had been as cold in Winterfell as it was everyday in the Wall. His duties were in many ways similar to his duties as the Lord of Winterfell but without all the pressure and expectations. The men of the Night’s Watch gave him a hard time but that didn’t bother him. They all saw him as a traitor and a liar and most of them had treated him like scum when he had first arrived. A few young boys had still treated him like a noble lord. Now that they had grown used to Ned, their attitude toward him was slightly less hostile. But none of that mattered to Ned. What made his life nearly unbearable was the fact that she would never see her family again. What worried him even more, was that there was still no sign of Benjen, though he and Jon had been looking for him tirelessly.
Today Ned was on patrol with three other men. For hours now, they had been alone with no sign of wildlings. Yet suddenly, a group of them came running through the woods with swords in their hands. Half a dozen arrows flew threw the air and one of the men, a boy no more than fifteen years old, was immediately killed. One of the men tried to run but he was shot down as well. As the wildlings reached Ned and his companion, they engaged in combat though the fight did not last for long. The other man was slain by a fierce looking woman and Ned only was left, facing four wildlings. He stood his ground, his sword raised, ready to fight until the death. All of their horses were dead, he knew that by foot he would not make it back to the Wall.
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quictwolf · 9 years
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“I am not the King, I cannot change the law.”
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quictwolf · 9 years
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Team Dragonstone + fake news sites (insp)
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quictwolf · 9 years
Personally, I'm super grossed out by blood and I get nauseous even when family members show me like, minor scrapes and stuff, but my period blood has. no effect on me. It's much more of an 'ugh, not this shit again', than 'EWEWEW' that I get around other blood. It only grosses me out once it's been festering in the trash can for a while and I have to empty the trash after my period. I have no problem cleaning up when I leak all over and changing tampons/etc #tmi but u asked
haha it’s fine :D i’ve personally always been fine with blood but i guess it’s the same as me with needles. i used to be super scared of them and hate them but now i’m just used to them (i have blood tests taken every 2-4 months pretty much) (also it’s not tmi i’m a girl i talk about period all the time igi)also, i find it funny that my sister isn’t grossed out by period blood and if one of her daughters gets a cut she stays calm but if she sees even a drop of her own blood that isn’t her period blood she panics.
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quictwolf · 9 years
I decided to do the myers-briggs personality test for all my muses. I don’t really trust the test since I tend to get different results for myself (Usually INTJ, sometimes ISTJ or INFP or something else) but I think Ned’s was pretty accurate.
For Ned, I got ISFJ, described on the site as “the Defender”. The ISFJ personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though possessing the Feeling (F) trait, ISFJs have excellent analytical abilities; though Introverted (I), they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are a Judging (J) type, ISFJs are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the ISFJ personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.
I think that describes Ned really well (and I think it describes me quite well too though I think INTJ is the best for me)
Famous ISFJs include Queen Mary I, Queen Elisabeth II, Dr. Watson, and my personal favourite, Samwise Gamgee.
(Source: 16personalities.com)
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quictwolf · 9 years
i will never understand how women and girls who are triggered by blood even survive bleeding for a week every month
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