lightxswan · 8 years
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There was something about the woman that caught Emmas attention. She seemed lonely. But more than that, heartbroken. Maybe it reminded her of herself, how she lay there on the sofa of her house, mourning her true love Killian, whom she killed herself. And now he would be the one losing her. But first, first she had a job to do. 
Emma approached the woman with a blanket. She held it out for her. “Here. I don’t know if we can find enough room for everyone from your land to sleep in a room for themselves or with loved ones, but at least you’ll have a blanket and food. What’s your name?”
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So, you come here often ?
Fili, looked to his right, his eyes landing on the curious, beautiful woman next to him. He grinned a bit, turning to face her, one hand supporting his chin, the other holding a drink. “Often enough I would say, when I have a chance to get away from my office.” He held his empty hand out, grin turning into more of a smirk. “Fili Bergskung...and you are?”
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queenthorinoferebor · 9 years
Starter Call: @ereborsrose
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“Oh. Hello Thinya. It feels so long since I’ve last spoken with you.”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
"My dear friend, I miss you so much !"
[[ Not all that modern verse, but modern enough for phone. I miss you so much too! like literally, Nori and Mun miss Thinya and her Mun! ]]Smiling to himself as he held the ‘horn’ of the phone to his hear and heard the all to familiar sweet voice of his dear friend Thinya on the other end. Literally. This telephone was a genius thing really. “I miss you too, but you’ve got to admit, I bet it’s nice not getting into trouble because of me anymore.” He teased a little bit, as he stepped forward so that he could get the feeling back into his foot as it had fallen asleep. “I miss everyone back home, but that’s just for you to know, don’t tell the others.”
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ofposiitivity-blog · 9 years
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This is a shoutout for @ereborsrose who is an amazing person and a complete sweetheart. Dwarrowdams are almost non-existent in Tolkien's world and to see a dwarrowdam oc so beautifully crafted and full of life and sensitivity, as well as the caring mun who writes her, would make even Tolkien proud.
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stalliicnarchive · 9 years
rhaego / thinya
Send me a ship
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell
( bless them our precious children omg)
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{{Why I might take forever replying right now}}
{{I’m actually sitting down and working out all of Fili’s verses that I’ve come up with. It’s wonderful...but writing a small description out and putting all on one page takes time. I’m open to doing threads in any of them, so just let me know if you want to do something!}}
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lordofelves · 8 years
starter for @ereborsrose
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             “I was told you chose to venture out into the woods ALONE.               Why did you not take your brother with you?”
Every father worried constantly about his children’s welfare. Thranduil was no different, except when it came to how he showed such worry and concern. Turning from the small pile of scrolls on the mahogany table, he raised his eyebrows a notch, waiting for her to EXPLAIN herself.
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enxredis · 9 years
ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
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Compliment: Thinya and Pearl are the sweetest and most adorable beings on Earth! If you are not following them, then do it now because they are precious! In every way!! 10/10 would recommend! Keep up the great work, bae! :D
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quictwolf · 9 years
Starter for ereborsrose
For months now Ned had lived on the Wall and still he missed Winterfell, and most of all, Catelyn and their children. Spending time with Jon made things easier of course, he made Ned’s time bearable. The life on the Wall wasn’t horrible. Ned was a northener through and through and so he was used to the cold, though it had been a long time since it had been as cold in Winterfell as it was everyday in the Wall. His duties were in many ways similar to his duties as the Lord of Winterfell but without all the pressure and expectations. The men of the Night’s Watch gave him a hard time but that didn’t bother him. They all saw him as a traitor and a liar and most of them had treated him like scum when he had first arrived. A few young boys had still treated him like a noble lord. Now that they had grown used to Ned, their attitude toward him was slightly less hostile. But none of that mattered to Ned. What made his life nearly unbearable was the fact that she would never see her family again. What worried him even more, was that there was still no sign of Benjen, though he and Jon had been looking for him tirelessly.
Today Ned was on patrol with three other men. For hours now, they had been alone with no sign of wildlings. Yet suddenly, a group of them came running through the woods with swords in their hands. Half a dozen arrows flew threw the air and one of the men, a boy no more than fifteen years old, was immediately killed. One of the men tried to run but he was shot down as well. As the wildlings reached Ned and his companion, they engaged in combat though the fight did not last for long. The other man was slain by a fierce looking woman and Ned only was left, facing four wildlings. He stood his ground, his sword raised, ready to fight until the death. All of their horses were dead, he knew that by foot he would not make it back to the Wall.
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Fili didn’t go to the market as often as he’d have liked, but whenever he did, he always enjoyed it. The craftsmen selling their wares almost always had their best work on display and they were a sight to see. When he was a child, he would get excited over the toy stalls. Now that he was older, he favored the weapons and jewels, particularly the weapons.
 He moved away from a stall, where he had been inspecting a knife that had caught his eye, and moved to another nearby, pausing to look at the jewelry on display there. He picked up a necklace to inspect it. The craftsmanship was impressive and he liked the way it glinted in the sun. He carefully put it back and looked over the other pieces.
“These are marvelous,” he said, looking up at the seller. “Did you make all of them yourself?”
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