thievingxnori-blog · 8 years
Nori and Mun around
Hey everyone. 
So I’ve kind of hit a wall, a very big, hard and painful wall. Life, kind of tackled me down. I’m facing down some hard times at work, health wise I’m not doing great either. And right now, coming back for me to rp is hard. There’s a lot in my life going on, and unfortunately I feel like I can’t deliver the quality I want too. But I am willing to give it a go again. I want to try and roll back into it, but I am going to be making some changes. Cut down a lot of rp’s, to give myself some piece of mind as well. With some people, who I love, and who are wonderful and amazing both mun and muse, I have loads of RP’s, but I can’t keep up with all of them. 
Over the course of the next days to week, I will reach out to people that I had threads going with, if they are still interested in threading on, and if they would like to discuss which one we keep. I want to try with the people that want to thread with me still (and with my portrayal of Nori) keep one RP going. For now, it’s I think the best I can do. Next to work, I really want to focus on my art as well, and unfortunately I feel like I can’t keep up RP, everyday life, work, socializing and art. I’m very bad at doing a lot of stuff at once.  I hope some of you still remember me, cause I did disappear for a bit, if in the mean time you want to reach out to me, to let me know you no longer wish to rp, or want to keep going, or discuss with me which threads to keep, feel free to message me! You are also allowed to ask for contacts outside of tumblr. 
For now, Thank you to all who read this, Nori gives you all his regards as do I and we both hope all of you are doing well. You’ll hear from me soon once more. 
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Nori is delayed on Travels. Mun has had some health issues and will travel soon.
Hello dearies, 
this is a small update post on the fact Nori has gone on travels, leaving only a note that he will return. When is inconclusive unfortunately but I hope he will be back soon. The mun wanted to share this news sooner but has unfortunately had quite a few health issues. Mostly I´ve had the problem of having many migraine attacks which incapacitate me completely. Then I was hit with several infections that lead too pneumonia. I´m on the healing path, hopefully more permanently for now, so wish me luck on that. 
But I want to make a big shout out to my followers, my lovely friends, role play partners and others. I am so sorry for disappearing like that I´m not gone forever, just on a small break because of the health issues and the absence of Nori but I will pick up soon again on the whole replying.   I will be travelling soon though, and hopefully keep most of you all updated as I will be going to the hobbit convention in bonn. Feel free to talk with me if you are going as well. Most followers have seen pictures of me, I´ll be wearing hobbit shirts, of my most favorite dwarf and of the others, I´m the weird one with glasses, who will have her camera permanently glued to her hand. Hope to meet some of you. 
Love and hugs to you all. feel free to always love me messages. 
This goes for everyone. :D 
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Send a symbol for a Soulmate AU or send 'Soulmate' for a randomly generated one.
♔ : Everyone’s world is black and white until you meet your soulmate, who brings color with them ♕: The first words your soulmate will say to you are tattoo’d on your body ♖: Soulmates can feel each other’s emotions ♗: Everyone has a timer on their wrist that counts down to the moment of meeting your soulmate ♘: Soulmates have matching birthmarks ♙: Everyone has their soulmates names tattoo’d on their wrist ♚: Soulmates have birthmarks that signify where their soulmate will first touch them ♛: Reincarnated Soulmates who remember their past lives the first time they touch
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Want a random starter?
Send me a symbol…
🎬 for me to use a line from the last movie I watched as a starter 📹 for me to use a line from my favorite movie as a starter 📚 for me to grab the book nearest to me, flip to a random page, and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter 🎧 for me to shuffle my playlist and use the first line of the next song as a starter 🎶 for me to use my favorite line of the last song I listened to as a starter 📺 for me to use a line from the last TV show I watched as a starter 💻 for me to use a line from my favorite TV show as a starter 🎵for me to shuffle my playlist and use my favorite line of the next song as a starter 😊 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in your wanted plots tag 😉 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in my wanted plots tag 💋 for a shippy starter 😡 for an angsty starter 👊 for an argument/fight starter 🌈 for a random encounter starter 🏩 for a nsfw starter 📫 for a text message starter 💀 for a dark starter 🍬 for a fluffy starter
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
“Are you dead?”
--- [T]he sudden warmth of the sun that had been shining down upon his face was gone as he could sense by the change of light beyond his closed eyelids was gone. Someone was blocking his sunlight. The very sunlight he had been allowing himself to get warm in. Cracking one eye open to the one blocking his view he hoped his face showed both annoyance as well as humor. “Well considering my chest is still rising and I’m talking to you now, I am not. But I am starting to feel cold.”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
--- [A] warm laugh fell of his lips as the young ones asked so many questions. Starting with how many pathways there were? And if it was endless and if it went everywhere. “It’s not endless of course, as this mountain is not endless. But there are many pathways, and you only know a few of them.” He saw that the younger one gave up on asking so many questions and he ruffled his hair in response. “All in due time you will know all these paths as well.”
[L] eading the way he gave a little smile as Brand realized he didn’t know this route. “that’s because I haven’t shown it to you before.” he told the young child and then continued to guie him. “This is indeed a super, super secret path, so this one is just known by you and me now. Let’s keep it that way shall we?” Giving a wink over his shoulder he paused as he turned to the other. “If you ever take this path without me, always remember, you go right. Okay. Not left.”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
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So I made an RP meme…
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Nori and Mun RP Wishlist
Hear, hear for Nori and Mun RP Wishlist is here!
No just a small thing to add to my wishlist as there are a few things that I would really love to roleplay! Perhaps someone is interesting in trying them out with me or someone knows someone that would be interested in this? I have a lot of images and versions for Nori as I play him in my head. So to get things in order first. I LOVE general hobbit setting (before the journey, during the journey, after the journey, post botfa, you name it and I’ll love it cause I love middle earth. Even in another time space in middle earth is fine by me) but I also love alternative universe, so below a few of my greatest wishes: M U S E S ♠ Other Muses: I welcome everyone really to roleplay with, but I am on the look out for specific muses. I really would love more Dwarves to roleplay with? Thorin, Dwalin, Bofur, Oin, Ori in particular and a Bilbo would be nice too. (Really any hobbit/lotr is welcome) ♠ But from other universes I’m also looking for: A Ollie/Green arrow (comic version) A Spike from buffy the vampire slayer Remy Le’Beau (comic/cartoon version) to roleplay with. A Marco from One piece (anime)
S E T T I N G S ♠ I would love a crossover of any kind (and with any kind of muse) in Hogwarts setting. Any time period really I just want to roleplay Nori as a wizard. I have so far two versions of him. Student Nori (wizard collage perhaps?) and Teacher Nori. Any kind of idea in this would be nice. I’m even thinking of perhaps if people are open to it, a Dark wizard rp? If you feel up for it or have ideas or want to plot, ask box is totally open!  ♠ I have an awesome Demon Nori waiting for a chance to roleplay really. Any kind of setting is welcome, it can be supernatural (preferred but really just ancient times, past times, modern times completely supernatural related is welcome as well) Just a Crossroad demon wanting to make deals and a demon can make deals wherever there are willing victims, customers. ♠ Perhaps a supernatural rp with hunter Nori who’s also really wanting some action, saving people, hunting things, just you know staying alive. Any kind of setting is again possible with this.  ♠ Modern cat burglar/thief Nori. Perhaps in a anti hero/villain setting where Nori takes his business in a new city, not knowing there’s a crime fighter about or perhaps another villain rather intrigued about someone new on their turf!? Please hit me up for questions or ideas as well :3 open for anything with this.  ♠ Nori in a one piece setting, pirate yohohoho. :D  ♠ Nori as a demon of sin (The sin of greed that would be) as he’s a major demon. could be perhaps dealing with a fellow major sin demon or perhaps a knight of virtue.  ♠ Nori is a stripper in a club with a side business of finding out all about his customer and also if they are worthy to steal from or not.  ♠ A blast from the past rp, set in the 20′s  or 30′s or perhaps a steampunk alternative universe where Female!nori (Or male Nori in drag) is a salloon/bar singer with the most smokey voice in town able to hypnotize. 
So these are my wishes roughly, I will probably thicken them out a bit more but I’m hoping there is some animo out there! Don’t leave Nori in the cold. Mun over and out~ 
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Where the flatest country XD how can we be moria, there´s no mountains for us to have caves or cave cities!
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
Send me ‘Feeling’ and I’ll generate a random number between 1-100 and write a starter in which my muse is feeling…(You can also send me ‘Feeling ⇆’, and my muse will find yours feeling…)
--- [H]e couldn’t help but feel confused, he couldn’t remember how he had ended up here. Just the world going dark, and now he was in this forest. He recognized it instantly once more. This was a one of a kind forest, the forest that was a nightmare. A literal nightmare. Had he perhaps never woken up or something, gone to sleep without realizing and now, only waking up to find that he had never left the forest. No. It couldn’t be, he wore the band, that told all other dwarves he was a lord now. At least there were no spiderwebs. Seeing the path before him he remembered Gandalfs words. “Follow the path.” The confusing feeling he was feeling trailed on into his words as he spoke them. 
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
--- [N]ori tried not to snicker at the thought of the elves and what kind of things they could possibly imagine when it came to having ‘intercourse’ or ‘sex’ with a dwarf. He wondered what elves thought of dwarves. Well he wondered what the elves of Rivendell especially thought. “Well interest in other cultures is not wrong I’d say. I’ve learned many a thing of other cultures.”
--- [H]e couldn’t help but feel that he and Elrond had a pretty good understanding with one another. They seemed to be ble to interact well and while from different races, perhaps held many same believes. There were bound to be differences but each held a good enough respect to the other to not ‘attack’ the other person for that.
--- [L]ooking to the elf when he was offered help once more he nodded before handing over the knot, his hair being long enough to actually do that, to the other with a small smile. “IT would be most appreciated thank you.”
“Ah, indeed, I think I see who you mean.” And he may be having a word with them later. “The novels I mentioned are all about dwarves. And elves. I think… I suppose after enduring for thousands of years, and imagining all sorts of things, elves of Rivendell have finally started to… well, take an interest in ‘exotic’ cultures.
“In any case, I certainly agree with you - I certainly regret what I did not do, and each and every encounter has its own worth. Sometimes that worth is in realising that a certain person or activity is not for you; learning something about oneself is always valuable.”
Elrond noticed that Nori was having trouble with a knot. “Do you need my assistance? I can find you a comb, or pick that apart myself. I am quite nimble at that sort of thing.”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
--- [H]e had been to busy thinking about the lives lost. The princes, his king. Or his king to be perhaps would be a better way to put it. His heart felt heavy, his steps even more so. And there was a burning in his eyes that made him want to spill tears, but he refrained from doing so. That was however till he felt a force shove him up against a wall hard enough to temporarily knock the air out of his lungs. 
--- [H]e only needed a moment to focus on the hand holding his clothing before his eyes shot up to rest on the face of the one holding him. As blames were thrown in his direction. He was about to snarl, bite back, pick a fight with this elf cause it was easier then dealing with the pain he felt but when the other sunk to his knees he didn’t. “Yeah, you shouldn’t have, we’ve lost just as much as you have... Your elf kind didn’t need to come, but your king made the decision to come!” Albeit not his entire bite was out of the words that spilled from his lips and he realized what he had said. “I... we all lost... no one won. Call it greed, or call it a wish for a home... we all lost.” Nori straightened out his tunic. 
※ (why not give it a go!)
Send ※ for my muse to push yours against the wall, Send ⁂ for my muse to react to yours shoving them against a wall.
Meludir didn’t know what had come over him. The battle was over, it had been won. They were all tired and exhausted. But the dwarves. This was their fault. If they had never gone to that stupid mountain and awoken the dragon, his friends wouldn’t be dead.
Meludir let his emotions take control of his actions, and he shoved the first dwarf he saw against the wall. “They are dead. Because of you. You should have heeded my King’s advice. He was right. Your greed has bought the deaths of many. Some of those soldiers were barely more than children,” Meludir cried, his anger quickly being replaced with grief. He let go of the dwarf, his expression softening and sunk to his knees.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
— [H] e wasn’t going to lie and say that the blurted out answer did not amuse him. It amused him to great lengths and also made him feel a bit more relaxed. Silly, becoming nervous about asking the other out. Really, one would think he’d do this for a first time. But somehow this was different, or felt different. The other’s eyes seemed to gleam, before they somehow changed to realization. He then covered his mouth lightly with his hand as the other cleared his throat before speaking once more. 
--- [A] ll of a sudden the other tried to seem more ‘prince’ like; if you will, in answering his earlier question about going on a dinner date with him and he smirked. “Good, then I’ll pick you up tonight at dusk; Leave the polite attitude though, we’re going out to dinner to one of ‘my’ favorite places.” he winked to the other. Back on his game as the tiny bit of anxiety he had felt was already melted away. That was the power the other had over him. 
₪ = asking them out for dinner
“Yes!” Kili blurted out before he even had a moment to fully process what Nori had asked him. However, his excitement was short lived as he very quickly realized just how pathetically eager he had probably sounded to the spymaster. As his face reddened he fiddled with the edges of his tunic before he cleared his throat and began to speak once more.
“That is to say, I would very much like to accompany you to dinner.” For once in his life Kili found himself actually grateful for the etiquette lessons that Balin had forced upon him as a child.
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
" Friends forever, right? Isn't that what you said?" - Angst Starter Memes
--- [C] lutching his hand a bit tighter around the little bag that he had over his shoulder he looked up to the elf maiden and sighed nodding his head to her question. “Yes I did say that, and you know I don’t want to leave but I have too. My family needs me. The pixies are in danger and they need my strength.” He looked down, feeling his chest contracting like he was a big disappointment. Like he was breaking a vow. “But even if I leave we can still be friends right!?”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
--- [H] e snorted as she seemed to accept his answer, not without a fight though as she snatched the hat and turned up her chin to him and told him she’d have one of her lads do it. “Good, I’m sure they’ll be lining up to help you out.” he smiled at her and then rested his head on his hand with a small smirk as she bit her lip and then he shook his head. Was she trying to make him jealous by talking about this loser? “Yeah you’ll have to make do it seems, I’m sure the other ladies will be just as happy with him as their santa.” He snickered, and met her smirk with one of his own. 
--- [A] s she told him she’d catch up with him later he nodded. “Yeah wouldn’t want to miss you in your cute outfit, but I can enjoy that from the side lines.” As she closed the door he sighed. “Honestly as if I’d get into some ridiculous red costume like that!” Still seeing her in her elf costume would be both cute and adorable. 
"No, ye'er dressin' up as Santa this year fer the kids" moria said as she plopped the Santa hat in his hands, "so say goodbye t' yer perfectly coiffed hair, 'cause Dori did it last year" she says with a mischievous smile if her own.
There was a look of utter disgust on his face as he looked at the ugly red head that had been pushed into his hand. “No I’m not.” was his only response. “I never agreed to this, when I said I’d help gather gifts, you were already stretching yer luck.” He mentions to her putting the hat down onto the table and crossing his arms. “I’m not doing it, Being a climbing chair fer little kids to climb ona ll day and to puke and pee on.” Nori refused this, he wouldn’t be bullied into this. Just cause Dori had done it last year. “Get one of your admirers to do it, you snap yer fingers and they’ll do it!” he patted his hair. “This time your not ruining my hair with one of your crazy plans!”
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
It seemed that perhaps distance had not done either of them good, or well. Nori felt himself hot and bothered in ways he had never felt before. Like his clothing would incinerate from his body. When the other opened his legs to him, he lightly teased the opening, it was tight, and Nori knew this was going to take time to open the other up. “Don’t think I’m just here to spoil you...” He purred out, allowing his lips, and teeth to nip and bite at the other his skin. “I’m rather strained myself.” He purred out, indicating his own hard on and placing the other his hand on it, making him feel just how hard he was making him. 
You don't belong here (( closed rp))
Frerin tilted his head to kiss the other His mind and body was racing with so much that was happening to him. He couldn’t believe that he was finally about to lose his innocent with the dwarf that he has chosen as his one. Frerin suddenly got up from the other and ran to bathroom. He knew he had it in there somewhere ….a vital of oil that was kept for some muscles but it had other purposes. He pushed aside the products until he saw it hidden behind a bottle of shampoo. He took in his hand and couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face. He walked back into the room , “Sorry I had to get something .” He held up the vital oil up and it made no mistake what he wanted from his lover.
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thievingxnori-blog · 9 years
🍒 -happiest childwood memory
🍒 -happiest childhood memory--- [N]ori his happiest childhood memory is a hard one. He actually has two that mean a lot to him and that when thinking back to them, leave him with a happy or content feeling. The first is the one where his mom and Dori, surprised him for his birthday when he was still a young lad. It was when his mom was pregnant with Ori. In a way it’s the only birthday he ever had with the ‘four’ of them. That day his mother took him to the market where he got to pick out his ‘first coming of age bead’, baked him a cake and Dori gave him his first knife set. --- [H]is second happiest childhood memory is one of him and his brothers. Where they are together for Ori’s birthday celebration. It was one of those days where there was no fighting, just the three of them happy together. And at the end of the evening when Ori was long in bed, Dori had taken him aside, and told him despite everything that had been and would be; they would always be brothers. It’s something that he carries along with him to this day, which is why he’ll always make sure to leave his brothers out of his troubles and dealings as much as possible. 
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