inxhuman-archive · 7 years
Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
I think a lot of us are guilty of doing this at one point or another? I know I have done this and have talked to others who have, as well. Over time you learn who you can trust and who it’s best not to keep up a partnership/friendship with. If that makes sense? I know I’m a lot more cautious than I was. 
                       ◗ @theonlydis  ▌THE SALTY AF MUNDAY MEME
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Erebor Restored // BotFA AU
Erebor had finally been restored after the desolation of Smaug. The battle of the five armies for which it was titled now, had ended, and everyone had lived. Thorin and his nephews, Fili and Kili had been badly injured, but were healed with the help of Thranduil’s Elven healers. He had fought against Azog, the Defiler, and finally slain him atop the frozen waters of Ravenhill.
He had been  crowned king, while he was nearly healed, in a ceremony which was attended by the company, Dain and his dwarves from Erebor. Gandalf and Bilbo had also been present, their hobbit having stayed there to see the restorations of the mountain.
Now, It had been many months later, and he had received news from Roac, his trusted royal raven. The news was that the dwarves were on the move from Ered Luin, trekking across Middle Earth, so they could arrive back in their rightful home, Erebor, the Lonely Mountain. His sister Dis would be leading the convoy, and truth be told, he was truly happy to see her return home.  The entire mountain was a buzz now, his nephews, were practically buzzing from the thought of seeing their mother again.
Thorin had arranged with Balin to have a celebratory feast in Dis’ honor. Roac had brought more news to the mountain, that DIs’ caravan were close now, on the outskirts of Mirkwood. He was nervous and pleased all at once to finally see his sister again. Things would be wonderful now she was arriving, and their family could be complete once again. He hoped she would like everything she saw in the mountain, with the restorations, and seeing her sons again, and the company.
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{{Why I might take forever replying right now}}
{{I’m actually sitting down and working out all of Fili’s verses that I’ve come up with. It’s wonderful...but writing a small description out and putting all on one page takes time. I’m open to doing threads in any of them, so just let me know if you want to do something!}}
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bxfur-blog · 9 years
"Let go!"
[Halloween/horror/dark sentence starters] 
Under any other circumstance Bofur would have been all too happy to comply - or at the very least find the time to explain himself before being so rough. As it was things had transpired so swiftly that if either were to make it out unharmed they had to act now.
His grip on Dís did not slacken but simply adjusted so that he could place a finger to her lips, begging for silence even as the sound of approaching steps grew louder. If they could stay still and quiet enough within this gap in the rocks there was a chance of going unnoticed: he just prayed that the other understood his intentions enough.
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theotherdurinson · 9 years
❝ I’m here to ask a favor. ❞
“Oh you are, dear sister?” The elder brother grinned devilishly, sitting up straighter in his chair. “And what might that favor be?”
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king-of-erebor · 9 years
“Don’t listen to them.”
Thorin turned away, ignoring his sister while also trying to ignore the mirror he was standing in front of. “You’re only saying that because you’re my sister.”
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archivedtfog · 9 years
Dearest Friend/closed theonlydis
He had missed her. Missed her smile, her humor, and her simple defiance. Never had he met any woman be it dwarf, elf, nor man that struck him the way she did. She was his dearest friend, whom he used to write letters back and forth the only one whom he shared his fears with. And now he was ashamed and grieved that he could not have made things different. In reality deep down he knew he would choose his people first again but he wanted to believe he would have changed his mind when he saw her that infamous day. That he would have rode down to save her. Save her from the misery and avoid the death and sorrow that now clung to them like a cloud.
His heart skipped and he fought to remain calm when he heard word of her arrival. Thranduil did his best to keep his mind off of her the rest of the tiring day full of rebuilding and new treaties. 
Decades have past since the last time he had seen her. Of course he had kept tabs on her where a bouts and how she fared. Always though through messenger since he did not have the courage to actually ask himself. He walked through familiar halls of Erebor. Dust and burn marks everywhere where gold once shown and laughter echoed against. Coming upon a balcony he stopped unknowing that someone else had choose these halls and this spot to roam. 
Her silhouette was that of a strong woman crushed by years and years of old and now new grief. If he thought he could slip away without being noticed he would but he knew the effort to be futile so with all the energy and courage he had left he spoke bowing his head, “My lady,”
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“The whistle makes me their god.”
“I believe it’s ‘master’, really. Though for dogs, a master and a god may be the same.” She observed the dogs with interest, their training obvious from their attention in the princess. 
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“You know you can count how far the storm is by the thunder.”
“How, Mama?”
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This was the key he needed, the final push to drive the dwarf to Erebor. After having a run in with Gandalf, he was told to come to the Shire, which was none too far from Ered Luin, for a meeting with his company to reclaim their home. Most of his men were picked out and messages were sent out to those in the Blue Mountains and Iron Hills to invite those to a specific place in which Gandalf will have marked for them. 
He had wished Dis would join him, so he was here again before he set out the next day to the Shire to inquire if she wanted to join alongside him and her sons, the like of which he had not yet told her that they accepted his invitation. Sighing softly, he came into their home and removed his coat, drenched from the rain. “Dis?” he called softly for her.
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“How could you leave me on my own?”
He had delayed in returning to Ered Luin until his kin were properly buried. When he had set out on this journey, he had neither expected nor wanted the responsibilities of king to fall so heavily upon his shoulders, but with the death of both his uncle and brother, as the last of Durin’s sons, it had been his duty. He knew by now that his mother would have heard what had happened, and silly as it was, he had feared facing her. He felt like such a child. Eventually, however, he left the kingdom under Balin’s watch and returned home.
He lowered his head at her words, feeling nothing but shame and guilt. “I’m sorry.” he managed, lifting his eyes. “For everything.”
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the-lion-of-durin · 10 years
Fili sighed as he felt his mother touch his shoulder, then presumably move her hand down to his back; the heavily scarred skin was unable to feel, the nerves destroyed and the skin covered in marks after the Battle of Five Armies. A small, somewhat self-deprecating smile spread across his lips as his mother paused in changing his bandages. The skirmish with the rogue orc and warg pack had left the Crown Prince with a few new marks on his already mottled back. 
"I got most of those scars from the great battle, Amad. I…I’ve lost all feeling back there. It’s probably why Kili sticks so close to my back when we fight together, since I wouldn’t be able to feel a new wound there until I passed out from blood-loss." His voice was quiet, since he knew his words might upset his mother. "…I’m not ashamed of them, really, but I’m not exactly proud of them, either…"
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agrivs · 10 years
[text] Open the door, I’m here.
Drop these in my inbox for any of my muses.
[TEXT]: Okay.
The brunette jumped up from where he was sitting to his front door. As he unlocked the bolt, pulling the door open. "Hey." Was all he said as he jested for her to come in.
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lostmyway-twice · 10 years
[text] I’ve been hiding under the bed for the past 20 minutes, and now they’re ((Frerin and someone I don't know)) getting into it and it’s a little too late for me to jump out and surprise them. So expect a live sex updates
Texts from Last Night
[text] ...really?
[text]  Exciting as that is, I'd rather you kept it to yourself.
[text] I don't need updates on my little brother's performance.
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