#ulfric stormcloak’s a BITCH
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aadroiit · 5 months ago
ulfric stormcloak be like
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yorkshirereaper · 2 years ago
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I’m so normal about him
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cybershock24601 · 5 days ago
Funniest Dragon Age Protagonist Swaps
To preface this list, I'm just keeping this to Bethesda/Bethesda-esque games because otherwise the answer would just be the Rogue Trader four times because an iconoclast Rogue Trader would be a nightmare but I cannot overstate how fucked Thedas would be if they had to deal with a Dogmatic or Heretical Rogue Trader
Dragon Age Origins: The Dragonborn. This bitch exists in a constant state of No Thoughts; Head Empty, loves joining groups, and would absolutely drink a mysterious liquid that comes with long term consequences without a second thought. All Duncan would have to do is ask her if she wants to join the Grey Wardens and she'd be throwing back the joining chalice like it was a flagon of mead. On top of that Skyrim is the least rp heavy of all elder scrolls games so imagining the Dragonborn trying to navigate the complexity of Origins would be really funny. The Dragonborn is not built for Orzammar politics but she'd handle the deep roads like a champ, she loves clearing dungeons! Also, she'd absolutely shout Loghain apart at the landsmeet like Ulfric Stormcloak did High King Torygg
Dragon Age 2: You can't replace Hawke so please imagine instead the Hero of Kvatch/Champion of Cyrodil post mantling Sheogorath dropping in on Kirkwall for a vacation and terrorizing Hawke, their friends, as well as the rest of Kirkwall with their Q/Batmite style madgod shenanigans.
Dragon Age Inquisition: You should all know the answer by now as I have a whole au about it but Courier Six from Fallout New Vegas. The serious tone of Inquisition mixed with whatever the hell the Courier has going on is a recipe for disaster and I am all for it.
Dragon Age Veilguard: The Nerevarine is over 200 years old and eternally locked at whatever age they were when they contracted Corpus, which in the case of my Nerevarine is like 20 and has the energy of that quiet, mysterious grandparent that will randomly drop the most fucked up lore on you with no warning. Varric found them in a ditch on the side of the road somewhere, liked the cut of their jib and said welcome aboard. The Nerevarine meanwhile is just taking a drag of their cigarette and going, "If I had a septim for every elf larping as a god that I've had to take down, I'd have three septims, which isn't a lot but weird that this has happened to me three times" and then once the Evanuris get out, that number is going up to 5
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wispstalk · 10 months ago
the Stormcloaks and money
ulfric stormcloak is savvy, he's probably got a hoard of Cyrodiilic gold to use for certain purposes, but being a RETVRN guy he would push to revert to pre-imperial modes of trade. actual vikings did use bullion currency, so i say windhelm has a mint. and because i love a little touch of irony, it's just like, re-punching the empire's coins that come through the city. with talos imagery. Therefore by 4E 201 there is still a good bit of business being conducted with the Empire's currency, but if you go flashing around coins that have THEIR shit stamped on it instead of OUR shit, you are going to experience previously-unknown levels of stinkeye. despite the fact that the city is reliant on it.
with all this in mind Markarth, and therefore unfettered access to its silver mines, would be a pretty big get for Ulfric. so Jarl Igmund is the biggest obstacle to uprooting the empire's economic control, which is already a bitch of a task. despite the diminished state of the empire, it still enjoys a solid grip on trade. i would also assume the empire put embargoes on stormcloak territories. ulfric has three ports (because winterhold has one in my mind-palace) but they're not as well-positioned for importing and exporting. long, expensive, risky voyages required to reach the nations willing to let his trading ships in. Windhelm's markets would be in dire shape if not for the Khajiit caravans and Dunmer merchants in the grey quarter. so Ulfric knows damn well he cannot achieve his ethnonationalist wet dreams until Markarth is in his hands, and the Empire knows damn well they'd better hold onto it. Markarth is, of course, Ulfric's first demand during the negotiations at High Hrothgar. he could never really be a player until the Dragonborn entered the game. even if he bitches at you for being biased in the negotiations i bet he skips with glee all the way down the 7,000 steps. i'm still thinking through the possible consequences but i imagine the ripple effects would be significant.
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moodcrab · 2 years ago
Fixing Skyrim's Main Quest
Part One, Setting
Obviously it's set in Skyrim, but let's tweak it a bit.
First of all, if there's one thing we can all agree on from Skyrim and Fallout 4 it's that Bethesda doesn't know how long 200 years is.
It's a very long time.
For reference, two hundred years back from the time of writing this Mad King George was king of England, it wasn't even the Victorian Era yet. The American Civil War was decades away from starting. The entire industrial AND technological revolutions as well as BOTH World Wars and the collapse of the British AND Ottoman Empires happened in that time, with plenty of room to spare.
It's a VERY long time!
Placing a two hundred year gap between Oblivion and Skyrim was a bad decision considering how very little actually happened. Tamriel should be drastically different, like they should have cars by now.
The major events that did happen, the Rise of the Medes, the Rise of the Thalmor, The Red Year, The Infernal City, The Void Nights, The Great War and White Gold Concordat could easily happen within one lifetime, so we're going to say the events of Skyrim take place in 4E64.
From a writing point of view, this small change makes it a lot easier to keep track of things that were a bit of a mess in vanilla, like the life of Ulfric, or the backstory of Gaius, Karliah and Mercer, which were all over the place if you were actually paying attention. It also means you can talk to people who actually remember these things happening, who were children during the Oblivion Crisis. You could even change Esbern's name to one of the younger Blades members you meet in Oblivion seeing as Esbern has the role of lore depository.
Religion and Culture
The next setting change is to remember this is Skyrim, not Cyrodiil. The Nords don't worship the Nine/Eight. In fact, the only reason the Nine/Eight exists as a pantheon at all because of the Nords stubbornness around the worship of foreign gods.
The Temple of Kynareth is now The Temple of Kyn, and Gildergleam Sanctuary is the home of Kyn's Holy Order. The College of Winterhold is no longer Hogwarts but the Chantry of Jhunal (a 'college' is a place of study, research and academia, not just a school). You might meet The Vigilant of Stuhn on the road, who don't live in a hut but a temple. Instead of a priest of Arkay in the Halls of the Dead we have priests of Orkey. Tsun, a god we actually meet in vanilla but has no shrines or altars, will replace Zenithar. And, most interesting to our story, a cult of both Alduin and Herma Mora - our two villains - gods to be placated rather than worshipped.
This said, the Imperial Cult will definitely have a strong presence in Skyrim and Talos, being an Ysmir, is particularly venerated (as is Ysgramor and Wulfharth). Yes, over the centuries the Imperial Cult and will obviously have spread into Skyrim, we can lean into this with the Civil War, putting a much bigger emphasis on the more "Imperialised" Holds siding with the Empire and the old school Atmoran Holds siding with the Stormcloaks. It never made much sense to me that the "true Nords" were more upset than the Imperials over the whole Talos situation, this change makes it so that while both sides are pissed off, one reacts with frustrating diplomacy and patience while the over reacts with stubborn honour and impulse, a more cultural divide rather than a pro/anti Talos one.
The Imperial position would be to play along with the Thalmor in the open, but to secretly fund and organise cults to other men-turned-gods and Imperial/Nordic hero gods such as Pelinal, Wulfharth, Ysgramor, Reman, Alessia and Martin, as well as the concept of Ysmir (which would actually include Tiber Septim and The Last Dragonborn). They would not openly support nor allow any arrests or persecutions of these cults by Justiciars. The Stormcloak position will remain "Fuck that bitch this is Skyrim."
This might sound crazy, but Skyrim was too hot.
No I'm kidding, I'm not so in love with the lore that I think a game of endless snow would be anything but boring. But there are some things that were cut out of the land that left Skyrim wanting. For instance there are hardly any settlements. Amber Guard, Granitehall, Nimalten City, Reich Corigate, Lainalten, Oakwood, Pargran Village, Laintar Dale, Dunpar Wall, Dragon Wood, and North Keep are all Skyrim cities that are missing from the game. Like not even abandoned ruins, they're just not there.
I totally understand there are size limitations but this is meant to be a country. It has five town sized cities and three village sized cities. And some villages. And they mostly look like Riverwood. Seriously, what exactly is the difference between Karthwasten, Falkreath, Shor's Stone, Winterhold and Riverwood, all towns from different Holds? It's like if shopping malls were made of wood.
The other thing about the vanilla settlements I didn't like was Bethesda seems to be stuck in Fallout style post apocalyptic design. Solitude has been there for thousands of years but no one has ever thought to shift these boulders from out of the middle of the street? There are ruins in better shape than Windhelm and Markarth? You can sum it up with Whiterun's Western Watchtower, which looks exactly the same after a dragon destroys it. Surely the ravages of civil war and the dragon crisis would have a bigger impact if things weren't already destroyed.
In fact, let's address the Imperial Fort situation. At the start of the game only 3 forts were occupied by actual soldiers, two of which were destroyed in the early game (Helgan and the Western Watchtower). Literally ALL other forts are in ruins and occupied by bandits or other undesirables. Consider that Skyrim is a country that recently took part in the Great War, but is currently dealing with a Civil War. Forts are not easy to build, and are insanely useful for medieval warfare. It truly beggars belief that practically none of them are maintained and fortified until the Player Character decides to get involved. To strain credulity further, many of the war camps you encounter in the wilds are literally in the shadows of major fortifications that have been left to rot. There is even a side quest to reclaim a Nord's fort from bandits, which is also a ruin. Is the implication that the man lives in a ruin? Or is it that in the short time the bandits have been there they've done a century or two of damage? Why would they do that?
Skyrim has a lot of dungeons, and a lot of quests that are basically "clear dungeon", we can't sacrifice some of this boring content for some more towns or forts, with characters, and things to do?
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matri4rch · 2 years ago
Miralkron/Atmora concept bc I can't decide which of the 20~ versions would go well w Ulfric. + I just wanted to draw more women hehehe
Concept: Ulfric likes giant feral witches.
Based on:
Ahhh get your f*cking dog bitch
It don't bite
Yes it do
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Created at 3 in the morning and expanded into a feral witch with @omnitrash , this 6'5 beast was a dragon priestess and the second unnamed wife of Ysgramor, known only by a few Windhelm historians as the Death Jarl or the Daughter of Dragons.
Babygirl was brought back to life by imperial aligned necromancers and used as a weapon to capture Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak.
After a minor disagreement that ended up with Tullius gaining a new horrible face scar and Atmora in multiple chains and a muzzle, she decides that Ulfric and his Stormcloaks might have a better living situation.
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the-drunken-huntsman · 11 months ago
Hello my beloved friend :3 u should answer all the Skyrim asks for an OC of your choice :3
Stars thank you for this because as soon as I started answering it my flight got ungrounded lmao I was supposed to be home 7hrs ago
Ivarstead - How do you feel about the Greybeards and Paarthurnax?
I like Paarthurnax, I get what they were trying to do with his whole "redeemed warlord" character even though it isn't really written very well. The whole game isn't written well and the way I fill in the gaps makes me think he's pretty chill. He reminds me of the Air Nomads from atla :) the Greybeards are pretty cool. I mostly like Arngeir because he's voiced by Christopher Plumber and also because of his Lorax line hehe
Solitude - Who's your favorite Jarl? Who's your least favorite? Why these?
Idgrod Ravencrone, duh. She's the goat. Elisif is a very close second because I am very gay.
Riften - What's your favorite guild? How do you feel about their questline?
I'll be honest, I don't really like any of the guilds. The dbh is long and tedious. The thieves guild takes all the fun out of it by almost all of it just being stealing from the poor to benefit the rich. The College is so poorly written it's not even funny anymore. The Civil War is stupid on its own but it's not helped by the fact that the questline is the most buggy shit I've experienced in this whole game. The Companions are racist af and don't even have the guts to just say it point blank like the stormcloaks. The Bards College is a fucking scam. However, despite all of this, I do still have fun playing most of these questlines. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the Dawnguard because even though it's the longest of all of these, I have the most fun playing it and it's the most well written. Sorry this turned into a wall of text of me just bitching lol
Throat of the World - How do you feel about "Season Unending"?
I don't hate it as much as other people seem to but because I love just siding with tullius for everything and pissing ulfric off lmao
Skuldafn - How do you feel about dragon priests?
┐(゚~゚)┌ I don't get the hype for them
Sovngarde - How would your Last Dragonborn celebrate after the battle with Alduin, or would they celebrate at all?
Ooh boy, Aneis has to be literally carried down off the Throat of the World by Teldryn and Murza, the battle did such a number on her. They rent out the Vilymir Inn for a week and she just sleeps the entire time, Tel, Murza, and Endurys taking turns watching over her. When she finally wakes up she has a bit of a breakdown over fulfilling the prophecy and having achieved her destiny and not knowing what to do now. But she finally decides on pursuing her one dream she thought she could never fulfill, settling down and starting a family. So team dragonborn goes off and builds Lakeview Manor :)
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galadrieljones · 2 years ago
Royal! Twilight! Rocking chair!!
Thank you for the prompt ❤️ The thing I felt most like writing about for this prompt was my Skyrim oc, Osk Frostborn. This is a ship I have not written before but have wanted to write for a long time.
Skyrim | Dragonborn x Ulfric Stormcloak | Mature
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Winter in the Marrow: I
Have you ever opened up a book and seen words, but not known what to do with them?
Osk sat in a hard wooden chair, staring past the fire in the Nightgate Inn. Outside, the snow had been like spikes, in her eyes and in her hair. 
The bard here was loquacious.
"Those is heavy weapons," said the bard with her hands folded around her lute. "Ebony weapons? You must be rich then."
"I'm a good smith," said Osk. 
"Well, it's your hair then. Your hair gives you away." The bard had a slight lisp. She had an accent straight from the lowlands of the Rift. She wore bright red make-up on her cheeks, a rouge made from snowberries, which felt on trend to Osk, considering what she’d seen the women wearing in Solitude in those days. She had round hips, but she couldn't have been much older. Maybe in her late twenties. "Plus you had to learn smithing somewhere," the bard went on. "From someone, right? Ebony. That's expensive juice."
"What are you talking about?" said Osk.
"I mean, your hair," said the bard. She sat down in the rocking chair beside the fire, right next to Osk. "It's long and very blond. Like, white. Looks like you were born from fear."
Osk laughed at this. "That's an old wive's tale."
"Well, maybe," said the Bard. Her hair was very red. "But you were born in the Pale, weren't you?"
Osk did not answer.
"Maybe Winterhold, I suppose. Nords up in Winterhold look nigh on as elves, I'd say. They're so old in the marrow. Lots of them come ‘round here. They farm winter crops, or they're mages. But you are not a mage I reckon. I've never seen you before."
Osk took a drink from her flagon. It was punishing and strong. Some sort of mulled wine. Or maybe not. She'd already forgotten what the innkeeper had offered. "I haven't lived in Skyrim since I was a baby."
"Where'd you go?"
"Somewhere else."
"I'm just trying to make conversation."
"A lot of bards have said the same exact thing, but they don't work for themselves."
"You aren't being too kind," said the bard. She seemed sad now. She looked down at her freckled hands. "I ain't no spy. I know the bad rap we got, us bards. But I ain't no spy. I swear. I'm from Falkreath. Helgen."
"Helgen?" said Osk. She had been wrong, and she felt bad. "Do you know what happened to your town?"
The bard nodded sadly, looking down at her lute. "Mother sent home about it. She's in a bad way now, I believe. Moved to Whiterun where she lives in the inn."
"I'm sorry," said Osk. "I really am." She wasn’t trying to be a bitch. She took a deep breath instead. "I don't tell people where I'm from, okay? It's not personal. It's just like...operational security."
"What's operational security?" said the bard. "Never learned nothing like that from Talos."
"It just means, I don't know you, so no matter what you say, I can't trust you. No offense."
"Guess you must be important then, eh?" This seemed to perk her up immediately. "You like, royalty?"
Osk had come across girls like her before. Rural kinds. They took on the very disposition of their crop. Hers would have been radishes. She seemed nice.
"Not really," said Osk.
"You ain't here with the Imperial Legion, are you?"
"No," said Osk. The bard recoiled. Perhaps she'd said it more forcefully than she meant. "Sorry. Just, no."
"You a Stormcloak then?"
Osk didn't answer.
"I said, are you a Stormcloak then?" said the bard, louder. She seemed to think that Osk couldn't hear properly. She glanced around, like it was a secret. But there weren't too many others at the inn that night. Some old man orc, down in the cellar. Liked her music. The innkeeper himself had dozed off behind the counter, and there were just a handful of off-duty guards from Dawnstar, piss drunk, trading bad jokes on the other side of the room. "If you are a Stormcloak," the bard continued, "that would make sense, being in the Pale and all, so close to Eastmarch. You look real tired, ma'am. You look real beat."
They both heard a loud noise then and looked toward the door. A big man had entered, bringing with him the cold, purple bite of the twilight air. Everybody got quiet, including the drunken guards. One of them dropped his flagon, and it spilled all over the floor.
The man in the doorway shook the snow out of his enormous, expensive furs. It was Ulfric Stormcloak. He wore a heavy fur cap, the face carved right off a bear.
"By Talos," said the Bard.
Osk looked away and closed her eyes against the heat from the fire. She was embarrassed. She squeezed her hands tightly into fists as a habit. She took off her heavy leather gloves, which she had not even realized she was still wearing, until now. She didn't know what to do, or how he'd managed to track her. She had been very careful.
"Osk," he said. The relief, how he regarded her. It was confusing, like the loud clanking of his chainmail against the quiet crackling of the fire. "Osk. Thank Talos."
The whole room was staring at her, including the bard. She looked at Osk with huge eyes. She’d guessed royalty. She could not have guessed this. In any case, she got up right away to ask him if he needed something, what he would like to drink. He ordered a mead and one whole apple pie with a kindly voice that Osk had rarely heard him use with his own servants, in his Palace of the Kings. 
He came and sat in the rocking chair where the sweet bard and her radish disposition had been sitting just moments before. It was strange to consider him in a rocking chair. Seemed a place for a grandmother, or a curious bard. And yet, he came to possess it. He leaned forward, with his elbows on his knees. He said it again, more forcefully now: "Osk."
It was almost pathetic, she thought. The way he spoke to her. So she looked at him. His pale hair was matted down where his hat had been. He had the saddest eyes of any man she'd ever met, frozen solid with grief. "Hello, Ulfric," she said. "How did you find me?"
"Your horse is very recognizable," said Ulfric. "Bred by the Black-Briars. You should sully her coat if you'd like to remain hidden, Osk. Especially in the Pale."
"How do you know the Black-Briars?"
He smiled.
Osk finished her mead. It made her feel dizzy. His smell and presence were all-encompassing, and they filled up the whole room, all around her. He had this habit in the mornings, of dabbing his wrists with this kind of apple essence, made for him by an alchemist in Solstheim. It smelled of bark, and tart juices. Apples were a relic from her childhood, where she had lived, hidden with her mother on a botanical berry farm near the Gold Coast of eastern Cyrodill. He liked apples. It was one of the first things they'd shared. 
"You shouldn't be seen in the Pale," she said.
"Neither should you."
"Why are you here?"
"You said not to follow," said Ulfric, removing his gloves, as he intended to stay a while. The bard stood by with his mead and his apple pie, set it down on the table between them. Ulfric thanked her and picked up his fork and knife.
"So why didn't you listen?" said Osk.
"I never listen," he said, tucking in. “I assumed you’d know this by now, Dragonborn.”
(to be continued)
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whiterunguard · 1 year ago
happy breaking 1k notes to my Magnum Opus
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quicksilverdrabbles · 2 years ago
Isadora: *An Imperial princess, granddaughter of Emperor Titus Mede II, sitting atop a cream horse in Helgen* ... Remind me why we have to watch this execution. It's so.. depressing.
Ramarra: *A High Elven knight, sworn to guard Isadora, seated next to her on a large Clydesdale* Because, princess, your grandfather allowed you to come here on the condition you would carry out his duties here.
Isadora: *sighs* Because he has no time for them himself. He won't even visit for his cousin's wedding.
Ramarra: I must remind you that this is better than the alternative.
Isadora: Ugh. Please don't remind me. I think at this point I would actually rather die than marry that scoundrel.
Ramarra: Point proven. Instead of you dying, you get to watch other people die in order to keep your freedom. Be glad for this opportunity.
Isadora: *watches as Lokir breaks away from the prisoners in an attempt to escape, getting shot in the back and falling to the ground* ... I'm practically ecstatic.
Ramarra: Sarcasm is not a good look on you, my lady.
Isadora: Be glad it's not my only look.
Ramarra: For that, indeed, I am elated.
Isadora: Would it kill you to ever smile to prove it?
Ramarra: It is in poor taste to smile during an execution, princess... Something Lady Elenwen clearly has not taken note of.
Isadora: Hmph. Stuck up bitch.
Ramarra: Language, my lady.
Isadora: She didn't even come to greet me when we crossed the border to Cyrodiil, and I don't think she knows we're even here. *stops, blinking in surprise* Did you just tell me to watch my language?
Ramarra: We are in the company of several Imperial generals and captains. By all means, this is a formal affair.
Isadora: *huffs, watching a captain shove a Stormcloak Soldier's head onto the chopping block* Oh yes, so formal. I love watching people be brutally murdered for the crime of defending their country.
Ramarra: Mm. Half of these people don't even know what they're really fighting for.
Isadora: That's even worse, isn't it?
*a faint roar sounds in the distance, echoing through the town square*
Ramarra: ... That sound again. *looks around, unsettled by how easily the townspeople brush it off. She raises a hand and places it on her sword hilt readily*
Isadora: What do you think it is? Doesn't sound like a regular animal.
Ramarra: I'm not too sure. *her eyes flick towards the sky instinctively* ... It isn't anything good, though. Keep on guard.
Isadora: I thought that was your job.
Ramarra: I can hardly hold your hand through every tragedy, princess.
Isadora: Hmph. And why couldn't the Penitus Oculatus accompany us? They are supposed to safeguard the royal family.
Ramarra: They are supposed to safeguard the Emperor. They could care less about you.
Isadora: Rude. *Frowns, watching as the captain escorts Ulfric to the block* That's him, huh?
Ramarra: Yes. Ulfric Stormcloak. The cause of all this. *glances at Isadora* You can thank him for such a depressing event.
Isadora: What was his motive for killing the High King, again?
Ramarra: He claims the White-Gold Concordat was unfair. I think it was a power claim.
Isadora: Hardly anything in politics is 'fair'. Just goes to show how much he actually knows.
Ramarra: Yes, well.. this is another valuable lesson for you, if you are to overtake your grandfather one day.
Isadora: Bitches get stitches?
Ramarra: Arrogant power-hungry bastards get beheaded, more like.
Isadora: Now look who has language.
Ramarra: I am not a princess.
Isadora: You would be if you'd agreed to marry me so I could avoid engagement.
Ramarra: I think I would rather die, thank you.
Isadora: Honestly you are such a-
Ramarra: Wait. *watches as the headsman raises its axe, about to behead Ulfric. A large black creature flies out from behind the mountain, swooping among the clouds before landing on the watchtower* Oh no.
Isadora: Ramarra?? What is that thing?
Stormcloak Soldier: Dragon!
Ramarra: Shit. Isadora-!
Dragon: YOL- *balls of fire rain from the sky at the dragon's cry, knocking the headsman off his feet and startling the Imperial soliders*
Isadora: AH! *her horse rears, knocking her to the ground and bolting off*
Ramarra: Isadora! *her horse stays calm, whinnying nervously at the sight of the winged lizard. She dismounts*
Isadora: Oh no, oh gods- *the dragon lands in front of her, smoke billowing from its maw dangerously* Ra-Ramarra-
Ramarra: Leave her alone! *draws her sword and swings at the dragon, ripping a gash in its wing*
Dragon: *roars, turning and snapping at Ramarra before taking flight to avoid her sword, dipping and flying erratically with its now injured wing*
Ramarra: Gods. *turns and starts walking towards the princess* Get up. We need to get out of here.
Ulfric: Not so fast. *grabs Isadora, his binds and gag gone, holding the headsman's axe to her throat* You take another step and your little princess will meet the same fate my brothers did.
Isadora: N-No, wait please!
Ramarra: You bastard- *points her sword at the Nord* Unhand her!
Ulfric: I don't think I will. *scoops up Isadora and tosses her over his shoulder, turning and running through and opening in the wall followed by several Stormcloak Soldiers*
Isadora: RAMARRA!
Ramarra: No! *tries to follow but is blocked by the wall collapsing* Dammit! Where's another way out??
Hadvar: Hey, High Elf! That dragon's burning this whole place down, we need to get to the keep!
Ramarra: Don't you fucking- *the dragon swoops down, missing her and instead making a grab for an Imperial Soldier nearby, hauling him into the air with a scream* ... Do not order me around, Imperial. I need to look for my princess.
Hadvar: As far as you know, Ulfric killed your princess the second he left Helgen! We need to either find a way out or wait out the hellfire until the dragon leaves, and then you can go on a manhunt for him.
Ramarra: ... Fine. Get inside the keep, then.
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There should be I skyrim mod where you can stick up 'Ulfric Stormcloak is a thalmor bitch' posters
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cogbreath · 1 year ago
also with ulfric something that always rlly bothered me was just the way he presented himself. like okay i KNOW this is the default jarl sitting animation/pose but it really just adds to his demeanor.
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the whole time hes talking to you it feels like he just cant really be bothered to make a case for his actions and his goals. the whole time ur hearing from the stormcloaks how hes so great and such a hero and u meet the guy and he talks to you from his little bitch throne the same way ur shitty uncle talks to you from his recliner. he talks to u like hes mansplaining almost. if that makes sense. like the way they act annoyed at having to explain all this to someone like you but will also at the same time drone on and on and on never really givinng anyrhing useful just talking to hear themselves talk.
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3xm-draconic · 2 years ago
DOVAHJOJO: a bizarre adventure.
I See Fire
Jotti is finally in skyrim but a bizarre turn of events will set him on a new and exciting adventure.
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“Hey you, finally awake?” the voice of a young nord man drew Jotti’s attention “you were trying to cross the border right?, walked right into that imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there”. Jotti looked over to his right and saw two men, a horsethief covered in dirt and a man he had hoped to see again if under better circumstances.
“Hello Ulfric it’s good to see you” Jotti smiled, Ulfric nodded and gave Jotti a thumbs up. “W-wait you two know each other?” the young nord soldier gawked, “we fought in the great war together” Jotti said with a grin.
The wagon soon made its way into Helgen and Jotti sucked in a sharp breath when he saw a familiar cruel-looking Altmer woman in Thalmor robes, “Elenwen…that bitch is here” he snarled. Jotti turned to Ulfric and saw his old friend looked just as enraged as he was at her presence.
“OUT OF THE CART, ONE AT A TIME!” snarled an imperial captain, “tch, empire loves their damn lists” the young nord rolled his eyes and grumbled.
“Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm”, “it has been an honor Jarl Ulfric”, “Ralof of Riverwood”, the young nord soldier walked away and stood in line to the headsman's block.
“Lokir of Rorikstead”, “No I'm not a rebel this is a mistake!” he panicked and took off running “you're not gonna kill me!” The poor man died with those as his last words as an arrow caught him in the back.
“That should be everyone…w-wait you there step forward” the young imperial soldier said to Jotti the towering 7’2 elven warrior “who are you?”
“I am Jotunn Jostjarna” Jotti replied to the young man, the soldier looked over his list “captain I don’t see his name what should we do?”
“Forget the list he goes to the block”, “but captain he-”, “don’t disobey my orders Hadvar” she hissed at him, “...b-by your orders captain” he turned to Jotti “I’am sorry, I’ll make sure your remains are taken to Falkreath for proper burial”.
“Ulfric Stormcloak some here in Helgen may call you a hero but a hero doesn't murder his king and usurp his throne” Tulius growled at Ulfric “you started this war, plunged skyrim into chaos and now the empire is going to put you down and restore the peace!” he sneered.
 Then a strange sound rang out across the mountains, it sounded like a roar.
Jotti witnessed the senseless execution of a stormcloak soldier, “may he be as fearless in death as he was in life” Ralof prayed, “next the high elf!” the captain called out.
Once more the strange sound came again, louder this time.
“What was that?” Hadvar shivered, “it’s nothing, carry on” Tullius barked, “next prisoner!” The captain yelled.
Jotti came forward and was brought to the chopping block, his neack was laid out to be cut…but that's when he saw a rather bizarre sight.
Somesort of creature came flying down the mountain, it was as big as an Inn and black as night with thorny spines all over its body, it…it looked like a…
The dragon landed on the keep and road so loud it made Jotti’s ears ring. 
The concussive force sent Jotti to the ground in pain “hey get up, come on, the gods won't give us another chance!” Ralof helped Jotti get up and brought him into the tower where he, the other Stormcloaks and Ulfric were taking shelter from the chaos.
“I-is that really a dragon, could t-the legends be true!?” one of the soldiers shuttered, “legends don’t burn down villages” Ulfric assured his men.
“Jojo, you still know how to fight?” Ulfric said as Ralof cut the elf’s bindings, “of course I do” Jotti grinned as he cracked his neack from side to side, “here, we need to move now!” Ulfric commanded as he tossed the huge elf a sword, “up through the tower!” Ralof said as he and Jotti charged up the steps. 
“We just need to move some of these rocks and-” the man was blasted away as the head of the massive black dragon smashed its way into the tower and blew fire everywhere.
Jotti’s back got burned as he shielded Ralof, “GODS! A-are you ok?” Ralof screamed as he saw Jotti’s charred back, “pain doesn't bother me much” Jotti grunted as he used a healing spell to fix the wounds.
They looked out the gaping hole in the tower, Jotti saw the collapsed roof of the inn on the other side. “What do we do now?” Ralof huffed, “we jump” Jotti said as he leapt from the tower and into the inn through the hole in the roof.
“Well come on then, jump to the other side!” Ralof told the others.
As Jotti, Ralof, Ulfric and the others reached the Keep, Jotti heard a desperate cry for help. He looked around the burning inferno and saw the young imperial soldier, Hadvar, stuck under the fallen beam of a house.
Jotti rushed forward and lifted the beam with one arm and grabbed Hadvar with the other. 
He bolted himself and Hadvar into the keep just as the dragon began to swoop at them like a hawk.
Episode 2: Escaping the Keep.
Once Jotti and Hadvar had entered the Keep, Ulfric slammed the door closed on the dragon’s fiery breath.
“Jojo you alright?” Ulfric turned to his comrade, “I’am fine” Jotti nodded back “Hadvar are you alright?” Jotti asked the young imperial soldier but he did not respond, he only whimpered and shivered.
“Hadvar take deep breaths, try to calm yourself and talk to me, are you hurt?” Jotti said to Hadvar as he placed a massive hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Hadvar swallowed hard “my leg, it-it hurts, it’s broken”.
Jotti looked at Hadvar’s leg, it was not broken but it was burned and most likely fractured “it’s not broken and it will heal faster if we find potions” Jotti reassured him. “Here Jotunn, we found some spare armor for you” Ralof said as he handed him a stormcloak cuirass and boots.
Just as Jotti had put on his new armor the group heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming their way “COME ON SOLDIERS KEEP MOVING!” the voice of the captain that had nearly sent Jotti to his death called out.
“Take cover,” Ralof said to everyone as they hid, “I’ll talk to them, maybe they can help us,” Hadvar said to Jotti.
The captain entered the chamber with two other soldiers and as soon as she saw Hadvar with Jotti she drew her sword. “Fraternizing with the enemy?” she hissed “Hadvar I thought you loyal to the empire”, “no y-you don’t understand, he saved me from the dragon” Hadvar tried to explain but the captain lunged at him.
Jotti unsheathed his sword and blocked her strike, the rest of the stormcloaks came out of hiding and easily overpowered them, 6 vs 3, the fight was over in seconds, bloody and swift. 
“She…she tried to kill me simply because I was with you?” Hadvar shuttered, “they wanted to execute me because I was wearing blue armor and I am unaffiliated with Ulfric’s rebellion although I do know of it and I do know him” Jotti sighed “the Empire has been soured by Thalmor influence it seems”.
“That’s why you were captured?” Ulfric gawked, Jotti nodded “ridiculous isn't it?”
The group traveled together through the keep, they came upon a store room and Jotti gave Hadvar a healing potion but the poor man still walked with a limp. “Why did you help me back there? Why save me from the dragon?”, “you called out for help, I saw no one else trying to lift that beam or dig you out of it so I acted” Jotti replied, Hadvar nodded “thank you”.
Past the store room were the dungeons and after rescuing two of their comrades from the torturer and his assistant the group stopped to take a breather. Jotti unlocked a cage with a dead mage in it , poor sod had died of starvation by the look of him, Jotti said a prayer for the mage and then took the spell tome of sparks beside him.
Finally after fighting their way through more imperial soldiers, frost spiders and a huge cave bear they made it out of Helgen alive.
“My sister Gurder who runs the mill in Riverwood, we should go see her, she’ll help us out” Ralof said to Jotti, “maybe my uncle Alvor can help us too” Hadvar added.
“We're heading over the mountain to Riften to resupply and head back to Windhelm, thank you for the assistance my friend and it was good to see you Jojo, may Talos guide you” Ulfric patted Jotti’s shoulder before leaving.
Episode 3: Respite at Riverwood.
“So you really fought with Ulfric in the great war…what was that like?”, “I had the same question on my mind as well” Ralof and Hadvar both turned to Jotti.
“It was brutal and bloody but my kinship with Ulfric kept my spirits up. Even when I was captured by the Thalmor, tortured and nearly killed I kept my shield-brothers and sisters in mind, I would get back to them and I would protect them” Jotti said.
As the trio walked to Riverwood Ralof and Hadvar asked Jotti more questions. 
“So why have you come to Skyrim?” Ralof asked as he watched a fox chase a bunny through the underbrush, “Skyrim is the homeland of my father, I’am only half-elf, I came here insearch of my father’s clan the Jostjarnas, I hope to reconnect with them”.
“How old were you when you fought in the war?” Hadvar turned to Jotti after watching the elf pick some blue mountain flowers, “I was 16 when I joined and I don’t regret my service, I still hold the empire close to my heart even though it now bends it’s knee to the Thalmor” he sighed.
“Bleak Falls Barrow, it’s the ruin up there on the mountain, uhg it gives me the creeps, when I was a boy at night I had nightmares of draugr coming down the mountain to get me in my sleep” Hadvar shuttered as he pointed to the great ruin on the mountain side.
They stopped at three ancient stones to take a break from walking and to check on Hadvar’s leg, “these are the guardian stones, 3 of the 13 ancient stones that dot the landscape, you should choose one” Ralof pointed them out to Jotti.
Thief. Mage. Warrior.
“I followed in the footsteps of my mentor, an old spellsword, I know enough of physical might but sadly very little of magical intellectual might, I’ll choose mage” Jotti said as he touched the stone with the picture of a powerful wizard on it.
“Mage eh?...well to each their own” Ralof and Hadvar shrugged
Riverwood was a scenic and serene place, they dropped Hadvar off at his Uncle’s as Jotti and Ralof headed over to talk to Gurder.
“You don’t mean a real, live…?” Gurder shuttered, “I can hardly believe it and I was there!” Ralof sighed, “the Jarl needs to know of this, he needs to send guards to Riverwood we are defenseless”, “I’ll go” Jotti chipped in “I’ll make sure he sends whatever troops he can”.
“Thank you but before you go you should have a meal and get some rest, the sleeping giant inn has food and warm beds” Gurder said as she handed Jotti 50 septums “and thank you again for saving my brother”.
Jotti walked over to the inn, it was getting late and his body was sore from the day’s events. “Got anything good to eat?” he asked Orgnar the bartender, “sadly friend you missed the diner rush but you can have this” he said as he handed him a plate. A hunk of cheese, a slice of garlic bread, a grilled chicken breast and a tomato sat on it, “thank you” Jotti said as he paid the man 3 gold for the meal.
Jotti sat down and used his iron dagger to cut up the cheese, chicken and tomato, the tomato was a little strange. It was oddly purplish red in color “hmm…a very odd tomato” Jotti pondered. He took a bite and found it tasted exactly like…a tomato. Jotti layered the cheese, chicken and tomato slices onto the slice of garlic bread and ate it. It was not a great meal but it was a good one.
 Jotti paid for a room and went to sleep but that night he had a strange dream. In the dream he saw a chrysalis and emerging from it was not one but two butterflies. One was golden like the sun and the other a stormy-sea blue.
When Jotti awoke he did not know what to make of his dream but he felt like something was new about him, something…bizarre.
 Episode 4: Giant battle on the Road to Whiterun.
Jotti shifted in his bed and awoke to find something was next to him, a gleaming semi-translucent blue and gold being. It looked like some sort of argonian/dragon/ethereal warrior, “what in Oblivion are you?” Jotti said as he reached for his sword, “Oorah” was all being said in response ,its voice low and garbled, but somehow Jotti understood what it meant. That it was his spiritual protector, his stand.
“Stand hu?...well what do you do?”, “Oorah” (I am your ability…I don’t know what I do because you don’t either…perhaps we will see), “well you better disappear or something so you don’t scare people, we are off to Whiterun”, “Oo-Rah” (yes master).
As Jotti left the Inn an Orc in strange armor approached him “you there, the dawnguard is looking for anyone willing to fight back against the growing vampire menace, what do ya say friend wanna join?”, Jotti thought for a moment, back to the time when he had been the unfortunate thrall of a vampire during the war for about a year “killing vampires? Where do I sign up!” he grinned. “Ha Isran is going to like you, head over to fort dawnguard it’s south-east of Riften, he’ll see if your dawnguard material”.
Jotti was given supplies for his journey by Gurder and Alvor, he also stopped by the riverwood trader to see if they had any lock picks and learned of the break-in “I’ll retrieve your claw” he assured Lucan and Camilla.
The road to Whiterun was beautiful, the tundra stretched out for miles in large flowery meadows, the scent of tundra cotton and lavender in bloom was strong on the wind.
As Jotti walked he got an uneasy feeling…like he was being followed…hunted.
From out of nowhere a Dunmer in scaled armor came at him, his mace raised high to strike. Jotti felt time around him slow but he himself moved unaffected “Oo-Oorah!” (h-hurry master I c-cannot hold back the flow of time f-for m-much longer!) his stand cried. “Oh…so that’s what I can do…neet” Jotti laughed as he drew his sword and slashed at his assailant. 
The Dunmer went flying into a tree from the slash and died on impact “well that's over” Jotti huffed “and now that I know what you can do you should have a name”, “oooorah?” (what shall you call me master?), “hmmm how about…Time Warp.”
His stand excitedly nodded at the name.
“Welp off we go!” Jotti said as he sheathed his sword and returned to his journey.
He passed the roaring river full of jumping salmon, a meadery that smelled divinely of honey and a few farms.
But then the ground shook.
Up ahead Jotti saw a fascinating sight to behold, a group of warriors fighting a Giant!
“Oorah-rah!” (we should go help them master they look like they might be in need of assistance), “I think you are right Warp” Jotti cracked his neack from side to side and rolled his shoulders back “let’s go kill a giant!”
Jotti Rushed forward and saw that the other warriors had stands as well, the red haired woman’s was a giant wolf with a flaming skull for a head and the large man wielding a greatsword had heavy steel/iron armor on that could shoot explosive bolts out at the giant through his chest and palms.
“Farkas try to flank him with Ironman while I distract him with Moon-fang” the red haired woman commanded but was knocked aside by the giant’s club, “Aela!” Farkas cried.
Jotti rushed the giant’s exposed back and slashed the back of his knees, the giant buckled but managed to whip around and swipe at him, “Time Warp slow it down”, “OOOORAH!”(YES MASTER!), both user and stand dealt heavy blows to the giant, no doubt dealing him a painful thrashing.
“Farkas his flank is exposed, hit him now!” Aela called, Farkas shot out a bolt of energy and that did the giant in.
“You are pretty strong, you should come to Jorrvaskr and be a Companion” Farkas said to Jotti as he helped him up “a companion?”, “we are a group of warriors who honorably protect skyrim” Aela said “and it’s nice to see another stand user too. I was beginning to think Vilkus was the only other one besides us”.
“Could I join you?” Jotti handed Aela a heading potion, “it’s not for me to say, speak to Kodlak White-mane, the old man just has a sense about people”.
Jotti thought about it, his father had told him a few stories about the companions, when Jotti was done informing the Jarl perhaps he’ll join.
Episode 5: Meeting the Jarl.
Passing by the sables Jotti heard a strange conversation, “by Ysmir it’s true, a jester funny suit and all, the fool had a coffin in a cart with a broken wheel, I’d like to see him laugh his way out of that one! Hahahaha”.
Jotti would remind himself to go and help that jester, poor fellow must be having a rough time in skyrim, there hasn't been a merryman here in over 100 years.
A guard approached Jotti with his sword drawn “city’s closed with the dragons about, official business only”, “I was at Helgen and Riverwood seeks aid”, “Riverwood is in danger too? Come on in then but we’ll be keeping an eye on you”.
The city of Whiterun was bustling and very open, the way the city flowed and was constructed felt like the grassy plains outside the walls, breezy open and free.
It went from sunny to rainy and Jotti hurriedly looked for Dragonsreach.
“Do you get to the cloud district very often, oh what am I saying of course you don’t” a rather snooty man scoffed at Jotti as he asked around for directions, “oh shut the fuck up Nazeem and go back home so you can dissatisfy your wife again” said an old woman sitting out in the rain. Nazeem walked away flabbergasted.
“Excuse me ma'am but why are you out in the rain, aren't you cold?” Jotti asked her, “I like the rain, it’s good for old bones and if you're looking for Dragonsreach, kid it’s up the hill” she shrugged “and the name’s Mad Magpie or Maggy for short, you need any information about places or thing just talk to me”.
Jotti nodded and gave Maggy a septum as thanks.
Inside dragonsreach Jotti saw hanging above the Jarl’s throne was the skull of a massive dragon, as he approached the Jarl a dunmer woman took out her swords and threatened him. “What is the meaning of this interruption?”, “I’am a survivor of Helgen and I have come from Riverwood, they seek the Jarl’s aid, they are defenseless against a dragon, “your a survivor? Well that explains how you got in, come on then the Jarl will want to speak to you personally”.
Jotti spoke with Jarl Balgruf and the man was horrified by Jotti’s story and he immediately sent out a troop of soldiers to riverwood, “but there is a more personal matter I could use your help with, come let’s meet Farengar my court wizard, he’s been looking into these accounts of dragon sightings”.
Farengar looked Jotti up and down “yes you could help me, I need someone to go into Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieve the dragonstone”, Jotti tilted his head “dragonstone?”, “yes the dragonstone, now off with you!” Farengar huffed.
Jotti decided he would need a little help on getting that stone and gaining the help of the companions sounded great.
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argisthebulwark · 3 years ago
i've used mods to skip the intro for so many years now i kinda forgot that ulfric is in helgen with you.
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theofficialpeanutgallery · 4 years ago
*speedruns the Civil War questline so I don’t have to do that stupid peace treaty again*
I already beat the Battle for Whiterun but apparently that doesn’t make the Jarl feel safe enough from Ulfric so it’s time to kill a man I guess. Only I gotta deal with a whole lot of bullcrap first
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zeldaspeaks · 4 years ago
Ulfric: We demand one of your best territories in exchange for a truce!
Elegal: Then you'll have to give up one of your best territories in order to keep things even.
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