#ulani belor
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sparkyblizz · 2 years
I haven't ds9 posted in yonks but I need you to know I appreciate Ulani Belor and Gilora Rejal
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ulani Belor/Kira Nerys Characters: Kira Nerys, Ulani Belor Additional Tags: Episode Related, Episode: s03e15 Destiny (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Cardassian Flirting (Star Trek), Missing Scene, Femslash, POV Kira Nerys Summary:
Kira Nerys shares a moment with Ulani Belor after the prophecy about the Cardassian scientists - 'three vipers' - comes true.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 13 days
i'm not your hero (but that doesn't mean i wasn't brave)
https://ift.tt/D4KG2HU by tornyourdress Kira Nerys shares a moment with Ulani Belor after the prophecy about the Cardassian scientists - 'three vipers' - comes true. Words: 1113, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Kira Nerys, Ulani Belor Relationships: Ulani Belor/Kira Nerys Additional Tags: Episode Related, Episode: s03e15 Destiny (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Cardassian Flirting (Star Trek), Missing Scene, Femslash, POV Kira Nerys
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dilfsisko · 4 years
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trillscienceofficer · 4 years
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Star Trek: DS9 3x15 “Destiny”
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spockvarietyhour · 7 years
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Wendy Robie (Nadine Hurley in Twin Peaks) and Tracy Scoggins (Elizabeth Lochley in Babylon 5)
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fictionalred · 5 years
I wanted to see Night At the Museum cause tumblr seems to like it (and that often means I will too), but I’ve heard it’s a parody of The Mummy so now I’m watching that first. All Americanisms aside, I’m enjoying it so far.
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quarksmommyissues · 2 years
Cardassian Beauty Standards and Aesthetics
apologies in advance for any problems with its language, English is not my home language but I think this is okay :)))
Something that I’ve noticed when watching ds9 is the vastly different looks of Cardassians and the different and inconsistent standards of beauty for them. This got me thinking about cardassian beauty standards because surely they like us must have different kinds of attractiveness. I want to explore the ideas of cardassian beauty standards and preferred aesthetics through the characters we know and love and use them as examples of what I believe aspects of cardassian beauty are and how they are viewed. Of course here’s my ususal disclaimer, this is not canon but simply an exercise in starting to explore my interpretation of what we are presented with.
Something that I believe was once very important and is still prominent today in cardassian beauty standards are the ideas of class, where certain traits are associated with people from different classes, making them more or less appealing, much like in human societies. However I also want to explore how this may have changed since the militarisation of cardassia and since the cardassians old spiritual beliefs were largely lost.
I think historically and up until modern times, someone like Dukat would be the aristocratic idea of beauty and thus the ideal that was for a significant period strived towards by cardassians of all classes in an effort to seem more noble and of better lineage. When one looks at Dukat, he is tall and lithe, and exudes an almost serpentine energy through his elongated limbs and neck. This seems like a frame that would be suited to nobility as it does not seem to lend itself to heavy labour. I believe that historically Dukat would have been the model of beauty due to his long and slender limbs, and sharp features. However, he also lacked a certain bulk that was present in cardassians like Damar, Mila and Garak. His body also has a inverted triangle and his shoulders and by extension ridges were large and prominent. This would indicate a beauty standard of wide and prominent shoulders being considered attractive being carried forward as can be seen in the aesthetically driven choices of military armour. Military armour in cardassians, while somewhat functional also expose a large portion of their shoulders while following a tapered and inverted triangular silhouette, perhaps to mimic the standard of beauty present in individuals like Dukat and to allow the body of the wearer to seem closer to this shape. I believe that while the standards on cardassia are changing to favor more bulky and solid shapes suited to a soldier, many cardassians still hold in equal regard this standard of beauty as it represents a good lineage and with this comes power.
Additionally, this standard is more prevalent also in men than in women with women being considered attractive (for marriage) when they have a frame more suited to childbearing, with wider hips and a more solid frame. This lends itself to the family oriented ideals followed by most cardassians. However the lither frame is still prized among cardassian women as it is considered a sign of grace and elegance as well as one of higher intellect as historically higher class women would have been more educated than their lower class counterparts. Cardassian beauty standards for women vary more than that of their male counterparts with urban women being considered attractive with a slimmer frame and those who are from more rural areas being considered attractive with a solid frame with examples of these two standards being Natima Lang and Ulani Belor.
Contrasting to this historical beauty standard, one can safely assume that Damar is the perfect example of changing beauty standards on cardassia, as he follows the newer standard of solidity and bulk that became synonymous with the soldiers of the cardassian military (and the lower classes that often served as active officers rather than beurocracts..?) It would not be unreasonable to assume that with the militarisation of cardassia and the glorification of duty and servitude to state, a frame associated with those who were historically in duty to the state rather than rulers of it would gain popularity and been seen as desirable. Additionally, Damar who stands as an exemplar of this standard is the only male cardassian described as attractive at any point during DS9. Damar’s frame; unlike Dukat’s; is much more solid, his neck is thicker and shorter, his entire frame contains a bulkier appearance and seems more heavyset. Damar also seems to have less prominent and yet still bulkier ridges on his face and neck. Damar’s build seems the sort that would lend itself to hard labour as he seems more solid and grounded in his build than someone like Dukat. This newer beauty standard prioritises the idea of a soldier and a servant of the state as attractive. However I do think that this idea is still rejected by the families of higher class and status and they continue to prize a “Dukat frame” while looking down on those with a “soldiers build” as imposters in the upper echelons of cardassian society and seeing them as less refined, thus treating them to some extent as outsiders within the higher military and governmental ranks.
Both ideals interestingly share height as an attractive characteristic among men and this suggests that someone like Garak who falls much shorter than both Damar and Dukat. Garak, seems to me to be an example of unconventional beauty. Garak’s frame falls into neither ideal, rather verging on the border of both while simultaneously being shorter than ideal. Facially Garak also takes on a softer and more feminine shape which falls into mind that of ulani belor, rather than the sharp and angular features possessed by individuals like Dukat and the broader and thicker features possessed by those like Damar, Rusot, Mila, and many of the Cardassians seen in the military. Garak as a model of unconventional attractiveness also fits with his characterization as someone who has never quite fit into the expected as is illustrated in ‘A Sitch in Time’.
In terms of cosmetics, it would not be far-fetched to assume the blue seen on the “spoons” of most female Cardassians was a form of cosmetic enhancement, the purpose of which remains unknown to us but which due to not being seen on all Cardassian women and no Cardassian men can be presumed to not be naturally occurring. It is interesting to note that this form of cosmetics is placed the same on all who wear it, suggesting perhaps a deeper cultural or historical reasoning behind the marking of the ‘spoon’ and ridge. However, it may play a role in mating and could detonate societal standing, marital status, age, occupation, or even simply exist as a form of enticement.
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apolesen · 5 years
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Some examples of Cardassian civilian clothing from the It’s A Wrap! auction archive. I decided to only include the costumes of one-off characters and extras that it can be hard to find good pictures of. Although these photos are quite bright, they capture the cuts and fabrics fairly well. I have included the lot numbers to make it possible to look up the corresponding entries on the website. 
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ladyvean · 4 years
Top 5 lizards, go!
1) DAMAR 2) Garak 3) Seska 4) Makbar 5) Tain
I’m only including Cardassians that are part of the main canon, and not the novels, etc, but HOW DARE YOU make me try and choose!  One and two are firm, but for the other three I could have easily included: Mila, Tekeny Ghemor, Natima Lang, Gul Ocett, Gilora Rejal, Ulani Belor, Ziyal, Gul Madred, Dukat (yes, even him)...  The only Cardassian I can think of off the top of my head that I truly dislike is Corbin Entak.
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Official DS9 Character Bracket
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/13 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Alexander Rozhenko vs. Keiko O’Brien: poll here
Mora Pol vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Vedek Bareil vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Sirella vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Gilora Rejal and Ulani Belor: poll here
Curzon Dax vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Ishka: poll here
Brunt vs. Maihar’du: poll here
Kai Winn vs. Chief Miles O’Brien: poll here
Rom vs. Mila: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Joran Dax: poll here
The Klingon Chef vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Jennifer Sisko: poll here
Goran’Agar vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Shakaar: poll here
Sarah Sisko vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Female Changeling: poll here
Solok vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Natima Lang vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Grand Nagus Zek vs. Keevan: poll here
Sarina Douglas vs. Gul Dukat: poll here
Admiral William Ross vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Pel: poll here
Nog vs. Morn: poll here
Michael Eddington vs. Tora Ziyal: poll here
Jack, Patrick and Lauren vs. Constable odo: poll here
Tekeny Ghemor vs. Lenara Kahn: poll here
Dr. Elizabeth Lense vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Luther Sloan vs. Counselor Ezri Dax: poll here
Major Kira Nerys vs. Kor, Kang and Koloth: poll here
Mirror! Worf vs. Grilka: poll here
Baby Changeling vs. Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Keiko O’Brien vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Brunt: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Rom: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Legate Damar vs. Grand Nagus Zek: poll here
Gul Dukat vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Nog: poll here
Tora Ziyal vs. Constable Odo: poll here
Lenara Kahn vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Ezri Dax vs. Kira Nerys: poll here
Grilka vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Three:
Left Side:
Lwaxana Troi vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Quark vs. Martok: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Lt. Commander Worf vs. Nog: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Kira Nerys vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Left Side:
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Quark: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Lt. Cmdr. Worf: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
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vortahoney · 3 years
Ulani Belor / Melora Pazlad
I am considering 👀
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crowtoed · 5 years
I love the idea that Bashir and Garak exchange/discuss literature that- sure- are considered part of their various canons, but otherwise didn’t age well/actually aren’t that great. Just imagine Bashir talking someone like Ulani Belor and finding out that essentially Garak’s been putting him through a high school reading list.
”Iloja of Prim? I suppose if you like a walk through an archaic mire...” As revenge he makes Garak read ‘War and Peace’ or ‘The Tale of Genji’ but those backfire spectacularly because the man loves a doorstop. Then he catches on and- oh man, the next time he’s riled, it’s ‘Catcher in the Rye’ time.
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ao3feed-ds9 · 2 months
Vidi aquam
https://ift.tt/qADSe3j by fandom Star Trek Universe 2024 (StarTrek_Universe) Совместные миссии Федерации и Доминиона всё-таки возможны. Words: 39692, Chapters: 15/15, Language: Русский Series: Part 2 of fandom Star Trek Universe 2024: макси и иллюстрации Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Ezri Dax (Star Trek), Weyoun (Star Trek), Omet’iklan (Star Trek), Original Characters, Benjamin Sisko, Natima Lang, Gilora Rejal, Ulani Belor Relationships: Ezri Dax & Weyoun, Omet’iklan & Weyoun, Ezri Dax/Weyoun, OC/OC Additional Tags: Don’t copy to another site, Drama, Post-Canon, Vorta/Jem'Hadar Dynamics, Post-Dominion War (Star Trek), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Star Trek Online References, Star Trek: Enterprise references, Minor Canonical Character(s), Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death, background pairings - Freeform, unicorn dog, Fandom Kombat 2024, Xeno, Science Fiction
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Sam, from LOTR. Because you're nice and you're in that fandom. You guys have similar personalities.
Kirk from the animated series specifically. Because of the puppy dog energy and the vibe of the animated series.
Ulani Belor from the episode destiny. Just from the vibe and general kindness and pleasant demeanor.
I just associate you with nice people, okay?
man if i were half the blond himbo nice milf you view me as-
also hehehe you think im nice :))))
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