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amazonproductsrevews10 · 11 months ago
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panimoonchild · 10 months ago
Caring about animals is an emotional outlet for Ukrainians
Ukrainian military provides shelter to any animal. A soldier of the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade rescued two baby boars in the forests of Kharkiv region. Their mother and three other cubs were killed by shelling. The rescued animals were named Tisha and Tosha. The boars turned out to be very affectionate. They even learned to obey commands.
- Tosha - in the trench!
- They are digging a trench, looking for miners.
A fighter with the call sign "Sladkiy" took in a Red Book peregrine fox. The animal received the call sign "Soledar". The soldier jokes that his pet also wears a pixel. The kid turned out to be very active and playful. In times of danger, Soledar hides in his rescuer's pouch. The rest of the time he explores the trenches.
A soldier with the call sign "Bob-Ukrop" brought a raccoon to his unit. The soldiers named their new comrade Slavko. Slavik loves tasty treats. He jokingly calls the four-legged friend a raccoon assault dog. The mischievous fellow keeps things in order in the dugouts. In his free time, Slavik washes his favorite toy.
Ukrainian military often feeds wild animals. They even rescue them from traps. Four-legged animals easily make contact with the military. After all, animals always feel good hands.
🎥: New Voice
Some hopeful and kind video meanwhile I'm sitting without electricity. Sweet and safe night everyone, except Russia and Russian supporters (China, Iran, and North Korea).
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ukroplol · 11 months ago
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Hi! I'm a Ukrop! :Ь I draw all sorts of thing
Actually, I started a tumblr just to post this hehe. This is a fan character on the Ramshackle, her name is Krome (I myself do not know where the stress falls in this name). I also drew it on several screenshots from Ramshackle, It was fun :D
@zeddyzi hope ya see this!
(sorry, bad eng, I used a translator to write this lmao)
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banderart · 10 months ago
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дизайн для мого утау войсбанку Укроп https://utau.fandom.com/wiki/Ukrop
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nasze-zd · 15 days ago
Tarawera Trail
to 15-kilometrowy szlak przez busz, prowadzący południowym skrajem Jeziora Tarawera. Zaczyna się przy Zasypanej Wiosce Te Wairoa (patrz poprzedni wpis) i podprowadza nas niemal pod samo podnóże groźnej Mount Tarawera, na przesmyk między Lake Tarawera a Lake Rotomahana — w pobliże miejsca, w którym XIX-wieczni podróżnicy odwiedzający Pink and White Terraces zmieniali łodzie.
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Ryolitowa kopuła Mount Tarawera
Mieliśmy wielką ochotę wejść na sam wulkan, Mount Tarawera, zamiast oglądać go z daleka. Niestety leży on na ziemi plemiennej, a dla lokalnego szczepu Maori jest to tapu, świętość. "Świętość" nie oznacza bynajmniej "nie na sprzedaż" — za jej zbrukanie należy uiścić opłatę w wysokości 220 NZD od osoby za czterogodzinną wycieczkę. Odpuściliśmy. Nie dość, że spore pieniądze się z tego robią na kilka osób, to jeszcze płacenie za poruszanie się po naturze wydaje mi się z gruntu niegodziwe. Przyzwyczajony, że w Europie od zasady: "gdzie stoi las, tam może stać twoja noga" nie ma prawie wyjątków, ciężko znoszę tutejsze ograniczenia.
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Młody busz z dominującą kanuka (Kunzea ericoides)
Tarawera trail prowadzi nas przez świat odradzającego się buszu. Odrastanie pierwotnego lasu trwa dopiero od wielkiego wybuchu Mount Tarawera w 1886 roku, o którym była mowa w relacji o zasypanej wiosce. W tym czasie zdążyły się tu już zadomowić drzewiaste paprocie i niewysokie drzewa kanuka, brak natomiast wysokich, wynoszących się ponad zwarty baldachim lasu podokarpów i araukariowatych, jak rimu, tōtara, czy kauri — nie zdążyły jeszcze podrosnąć.
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Spomiędzy gałęzi co jakiś czas przeziera tafla Lake Tarawera, ujawniając drugi obejmujący naś świat: rozległych, spłaszczonych ryolitowych kopuł dawnych wulkanów. Magma ryolitowa tutaj historycznie wydostająca się na powierzchnię ma dużą zawartość krzemionki i jest przez to bardzo lepka. Stawia tym samym duży opór wypierającym je ku górze siłom, prowadząc do wytwarzania się potężnych ciśnień i gwałtownych erupcji, gdy w końcu zostanie uwolniona. Wyrzucany jest wtedy przede wszystkim lotny materiał, a relatywnie niewiele samej lawy — ta zaś, jako gęsta, nie płynie prawie wcale, lecz tworzy szerokie pokrywy, strome na brzegach, płaskie na środku. Widzimy je dzisiaj w krajobrazie jako platformy, płaskowyże.
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Zanim doszliśmy do końca, przyszło nam się kilkukrotnie wspiąć na owe ryolitowe wzniesienia, same w sobie niewysokie, ale ich liczba spowolniła nieco tempo marszu. Musieliśmy przyspieszyć i odwołać przerwy. Nie wspomniałem jeszcze, że o 15:00 na końcu trasy czekał nas odbiór wcześniej zamówioną motorówką, zwaną popularnie water taxi. Szlak wchodzi głęboko w zupełnie bezdrożne tereny, nie ma z niego innego powrotu jak tylko tą samą drogą, lub właśnie wynajętym transportem, przez jezioro.
W jakim zatem celu wałęsać się godzinami po buszu, tylko po to, by na końcu znaleźć się na brzegu jeziora i jeszcze cały dzień śpieszyć się na transport? Kto by chciał chodzić szlakiem bez szczytu do zdobycia, kończącym się nigdzie? Po co go było wytyczać?
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Dla kąpieli w gorącej wodzie. Niewielka plaża, do której docieramy nosi nazwę Hot Water Beach i znajduje się przy skale, spod której wylewa się przez liczne pęknięcia, a także wysącza spod piasku, woda o temperaturze ponad 80°C. W ów dość ciepły, letni dzień nie była to może wielce pożądana atrakcja, jednak sam widok naturalnie podgrzanej wody, do której można wejść zupełnie za darmo i na publicznym terenie był dla nas czymś nowym i ciekawym.
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Skoro mowa o wchodzeniu w taki ukrop, oczywiście byłoby to niemożliwe, gdyby nie to, że wypływy źródeł znajdują się bezpośrednio przy na brzegu jeziora, które samo w sobie ma temperaturę normalną. Lake Tarawera schładza te niewielkie ilości wrzątku dość szybko, tak że jakieś 15 metrów od brzegu woda jest już zupełnie chłodna.
Pragnąc własnego komfortu oczekiwalibyśmy, że jest gdzieś jednorodnie nagrzane miejsce, w którym można zatrzymać się i rozkoszować ciepełkiem. Takowe niestety nie istnieje, woda uparcie zachowuje się zgodnie z fizyką: gorąca jest lżejsza od zimnej i przez to rozlewa się szeroko po powierzchni, nie wnikając w głąb. Dodatkowo, gorący przesięk istnieje też pod piaskiem dna. Choć nie jest tak intensywny, jak wypływy powierzchniowe, to nie da się zatrzymać w jednym miejscu na dłużej — stopy zaczynają parzyć i trzeba je raz po raz nieco podnosić i schładzać w zimnej wodzie między dnem a cienką gorącą warstwą wierzchnią. Stojąc zatem blisko źródeł jest nam gorąco w stopy, zimno w kolana i znowu gorąco w... no, dokąd się kto zanurzy.
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Mały kemping DOC przy Hot Water Beach jest bardzo popularny, choć nie można się tu dostać inaczej, niż na piechotę lub z wody, a jego jedynym udogodnieniem jest latryna. Nie przeszkadza to krajanom, którzy przecież powszechnie dysponują motorówkami i przyczepami — po prostu wodują się na drugim końcu jeziora i cały sprzęt, wodę pitną i zapasy przywożą tędy.
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michaelcosio · 2 months ago
How Azov Infantry Intercepted a Rus Recon Team: Occupiers' Confessions and GoPro Footage [+ENG subs]
Dec 15, 2024
"Called fire upon ourselves". Elite Russian reconnaissance troops captured by Azov fighters.
Infantrymen from the 2nd Battalion of the 12th Azov Brigade captured five occupiers during a combat mission in the Toretsk sector.
These Russians were far from being ordinary "mobiks"[forcibly mobilized] or prisoners. Decorated and experienced reconnaissance group resisted Azov fighters for several days. Ultimately, the group's commander was eliminated, and his subordinates chose life and surrendered.
While in captivity, the Russians revealed details about their "achievements" in the war, as well as constant orders from their command to execute both prisoners of war and civilians.
How did Azov fighters capture the enemy reconnaissance group, and what happened next? Watch now.
00:00-01:08 Intro 01:09-05:50 Reconnaissance Went Off Plan 05:51-08:49 "I'd Rather Surrender Than End Up 'Cargo 200'" 08:50-11:31 "They Treat Us Decently" 11:32-12:09 "They Called Me a 'Local Ukrop'" 12:10-15:13 About Orders and Medals 15:14-16:06 Epilogue
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probably-shey · 5 months ago
stream of conciousness post, ukrops south western style salad has no business being as good as it is
Yeah i bastarized it by modifying with my own italian dressing, tarnishing the south westernness but it's such a good combination my world was ended and it began simultaneously
help. ukrops block me. I can't stop on my own. I am weak and I can't stop loving you
go ahead and imagine the hellfire song in hunchback of notre dame because that's what is happening to me with this fucking salad. Fuck
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latribune · 6 months ago
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nadwislanskiswit · 7 months ago
Wreszcie wakacje. Austria, Słowenia, Chorwacja.
Mi. liczy przekraczane granice i rozpoznaje rejestracje samochodowe. Skoczył ze skały do rwącej rzeki, szok.
Ga. gra w analogową przygodówkę Rycerze. Uwielbia spływać rzeką z prądem, woda cieszy go w każdej postaci.
Gu. udaje w morzu bezokiego Baby Dragon. A poza tym daje nam strasznie do wiwatu.
Był wspólny rafting na Soczy.
Jest ukrop.
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prussianmemes · 1 year ago
dipping pryaniki in coffee with milk is the same kind of super chemical reaction for flavor like butter on toasted bread.
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yatgb · 11 months ago
I am officially second guessing the room temperature ukrops chicken salad
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findingwisteria · 1 year ago
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Finished a 3-month long tt-rpg campaign!!! Heavily referenced from the god of dreams by Ukrop's Art
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footyware · 1 year ago
Top Indoor Soccer Players Worldwide Playing in the US
The legends of indoor soccer - explore the stories and skills of the sports' biggest stars. From lightning-quick strikers to acrobatic goalkeepers, we profile 12 all-time greats who have mastered the nuances of arena soccer. Learn about prolific scorers like the legendary Steve Zungul, creative wizards like Erik Rasmussen, and hometown heroes like Rob Ukrop who brought glory to their cities. Get the inside scoop on these clutch performers who live for the fast-paced indoor game. Find out who has racked up the most MVPs and championships on their resumes. Read now to discover the trailblazers that established indoor soccer in the U.S. and around the globe.
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sdelaysam-svoimirukami · 2 years ago
Как заморозить укроп, петрушку и другую зелень: основные правила
Замороженный укроп – незаменимая ингредиент в зимнее время при приготовлении соуса тар-тар, первых и вторых блюд, начинки для пирожков с картофельной начинкой, салатов, закусок, запеканок. Замороженная петрушка также подходит для большинства перечисленных выше блюд. Поэтому хозяйки стремятся сохранить свежесть, вкус и аромат этой зелени при помощи вместительных современных морозильных камер.
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runningbacks · 2 years ago
the ukrops rainbow cookies r like if you took the feeling of summer and put it into a single food
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Russia’s Justice Ministry made an unlikely addition to its “foreign agents” list last week: former lawmaker Magomed Gadzhiyev, who once represented the ruling United Russia party in the State Duma. Besides being one of the deputies who voted for the original “foreign agents” law in 2012, Gadzhiyev has supported a number of the Kremlin’s other initiatives, including the annexation of Crimea and the “Yarovaya Package” (legislation that requires telecoms to store six months of clients’ calling and texting records and Internet history — and to share the data with police, no questions asked). Gadzhiyev served a total of three terms in Russia’s federal parliament. After Moscow launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, Gadzhiyev expressed support for the war and sent humanitarian aid convoys to the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics.” Meduza special correspondent Andrey Pertsev explains how such a loyal figure became a “foreign agent.”
‘First the tickets, then the movie’
“They brought down the hammer on him so that others wouldn’t even think about it,” a source close to the leadership of the United Russia party told Meduza, referring to former State Duma deputy Magomed Gadzhiyev’s appearance on the Justice Ministry’s “foreign agents” list. Gadzhiyev was ousted from the party almost immediately following the designation, and Dagestan Governor Sergey Melikov called him a “coward and a traitor.”
A source close to the Kremlin told Meduza that the decision to add Gadzhiyev to the list was made by the Putin administration’s political bloc and Russia’s intelligence services in response to videos showing Gadzhiyev’s phone conversations that leaked on Telegram in April. The clips show the former deputy offering to divulge secrets about the Russian authorities to a person who appears to be linked to Western intelligence agencies in exchange for a European passport. “I know a lot, but I don’t want to say it. When I have a passport, then we can discuss a lot. First the tickets, then the movie — you can’t watch the movie until you have the ticket,” the voice in the video explained.
In the video, the former deputy also admits that he’s currently located in the U.S. and assures the person on the other end of the line that he supports Ukraine, claiming he was involved in organizing a meeting between President Zelensky’s chief of staff Andriy Yermak and the crown prince of Dubai (Meduza was unable to find public information about this meeting). He also claims to “support” Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov.
In one of the videos, Gadzhiyev allegedly said he was ready to denounce his Russian citizenship, and in another, he emphasized that he’s “not Russian.” “We fought against Russia for 25 years; we’re Dagestanis. Over these 25 years, they captured us,” he said, adding that he was referring to tsarist Russia. Finally, when asked, “You don’t like Islam?” Gadzhiyev, who ran for the State Duma in 2003 under the slogan “With love to the Motherland and faith in Allah,” responds that he doesn’t.
In 2022, Gadzhiyev received a certificate of appreciation from “DNR” head Denis Pushilin for his “comprehensive support and participation in the fate of the Donbas.” Around the same time, Dagestani media aired a segment about the humanitarian aid Gadzhiyev sent to the occupied region. The trucks carrying it featured a portrait of the former deputy with his political slogan on the side. “I want to send a huge ‘Salam’ to Magomed Gadzhiyev! We heard that you’re selling your yacht in Turkey in order to help us. We’re ready to blow up those ukrops in any situation,” a Russian soldier wearing a mask said in the video.
“A criminal case [against Gadzhiyev] will follow, and then, most likely, his property in Russia will be confiscated,” a source close to the Kremlin told Meduza.
‘He clearly didn’t have the resources’
Magomed Gadzhiyev was first elected to the State Duma as a United Russia member in 2003, after holding leadership positions in the local and then regional tax inspectorates for several years. Ukrainian and Dagestani media outlets have referred to him as a “crime boss,” but Meduza was unable to find any proof that Gadzhiyev has a criminal past.
A source close to United Russia’s leadership told Meduza that it’s fairly common for local officials to become parliamentary deputies in the North Caucasus. “A municipal official could move to a federal agency. A federal agency employee could become a Duma deputy. It all depended — and depends — on arrangements between clans, on the negotiations of a specific person or his backer with regional authorities or with the presidential administration,” he explained.
Two sources close to the Putin administration and a source close to United Russia’s leadership told Meduza that Dagestani Senator Suleyman Kerimov served as a “backer” to Gadzhiyev in the early 2000s.
In 2010, Magomed Gadzhiyev’s brother Akhmed became the general director of the Makhachkala Commercial Sea Port on the western coast of the Caspian Sea. Journalists reported then that Senator Kerimov was exercising control over the port through the Gadzhiyevs, although the port legally belongs to the government. In 2013, politician Ramazan Abdulatipov became Dagestan’s governor, and Gadzhiyev’s influence in the republic grew. He was acquainted with Abdulatipov’s son-in-law, Magomed Musayev, having been raised in the same district of Dagestan. Under Abdulatipov, three natives of that district, including Akhmed Gadzhiyev, became deputies in the republic’s parliament.
Kerimov and Abdulatipov’s relationship was initially full of conflict, but Magomed Gadzhiyev managed to smooth things over. This helped resolve a dispute surrounding the Makhachkala port. In 2016, the port terminated its contract with Akhmed Gadzhiyev. News reports at the time linked the cancellation to the fact that the Magomedov brothers, powerful businessmen who were close to then-Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, sought control of the harbor.
In response to the termination, workers declared a strike and threatened to boycott the upcoming State Duma elections. They spoke out in defense of Akhmed Gadzhiyev and accused the port’s newly appointed director, Andrey Gormakh, of incompetence. Akhmed Gadzhiyev ultimately asked them to end the strike. Abdulatipov said control of the port should be transferred from the federal authorities to the regional ones. This didn’t occur, but, according to the Dagestani media, Kerimov maintained control of the port.
One source close to the State Duma’s leadership and another close to United Russia told Meduza that Gadzhiyev was a “completely unremarkable deputy.” “There are a lot of people like that who get elected from the national republics and go on to serve on minor committees. [Gadzhiyev was a member of the State Duma’s Religious Organizations Committee.] A seat [in the Duma] is necessary for status in the region — and for legal immunity. They always provide the votes [that the Kremlin needs],” said the source close to the parliament’s leadership.
In 2014, Gadzhiyev voted for Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and in 2018, he voted for the “Yarovaya Package” (legislation that requires telecoms to store six months of clients’ calling and texting records and Internet history — and to share the data with police, no questions asked). In early 2020, Suleiman Kerimov and Magomed Gadzhiyev had a falling out, according to a source close to United Russia’s leadership (though the source could not explain why): “So, in 2021, Gadzhiyev didn’t make it to the Duma. While he did come in second place in the [United Russia] primaries, his name wasn’t included on the list. There was nobody to help him, and he clearly didn’t have enough resources on his own.”
The source added that Gadzhiyev also had trouble “forging a special relationship” with Sergey Melikov, a former official in the North Caucasian Federal District who became the head of Dagestan in October 2021. This was confirmed by a source close to the Putin administration who said Magomed Gadzhiyev fled Russia in 2021 out of fear of criminal prosecution, among other things. “There are anti-corruption purges going on in the republic right now. A former deputy with a dark past without parliamentary immunity is a good target. And [Senator] Kerimov may have remembered the conflict,” he said.
Meduza was unable to reach Magomed Gadzhiyev for comment.
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