liyaroy · 3 months
Want to design the future? UI/UX courses in Kochi are calling
Are you thinking about a career in UI/UX design? Kochi's got you covered! There are a bunch of great institutes offering courses to equip you with the skills to create user-friendly and visually stunning interfaces. From web design to mobile apps, UI/UX design is a field that's booming, and Kochi is a fantastic place to launch your journey
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ui ux course in kochi
Here are some things to consider when choosing a UI/UX course:
Course curriculum: Make sure the course covers all the essential aspects of UI/UX design, like user research, information architecture, interaction design, and visual design.
Faculty: Look for institutes with experienced faculty who are industry professionals and can provide valuable insights.
Project-based learning: Hands-on experience is crucial! Choose a course that offers plenty of opportunities to work on real-world projects.
Placement assistance: Does the institute offer any help with placements after completing the course?
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balteus · 2 years
did 0 progress for exams today BUT i DID figure out how to use opentoonz
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mongoosh · 2 years
UI UX design agency specializing in Web, Mobile, & Digital Branding. From concept to launch we give you quality digital products for business.
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darth-sonny · 4 months
Ooh and maybe Prime Leo 22. (Forced to Watch), I'm not sure if young Leo or Kirby era is better though...
Make sure to vote for the Prime Leo AU | @tmntstorycomp
The planet wasn't very remarkable.
It is called Ulixes, and that was all they knew about it. Baba said that any information about it wasn't too important.
Baba smiled at that. A "surprise", They answered.
Right now, they were just staring. Ulixes looked less like a planet and more like... a mothership. They're familiar with planetary-like ships – the Technodrome was one, too – but something they learned is that planet ships is that they had to be in the same shape as actual planets.
This planet ship, however, was in the shape of an upside-down cone...
"Their mothership is weird," they say. "It's not in the shape of a planet... that could be bad in the long run..."
Baba placed a clawed hand on their head.
Ĝ̵͙̞̲̆͆͘o̵̢͎̥̼̊ő̴̟̹̎̋̚͠ͅd̵̝͂͊ ̴̻̅j̴̨̃͒̾͜o̴̡͌̈́̆̒̈b̴̫̞̥̅̽̃! They say, demonic mask off and smile on.
It was enough to get their to begin to wag.
D̸̞̣͑̆o̶͕̿̓͑̈́̾ ̷̧̪͍̋y̶̝̮̅͝ő̷̤͛ù̵͈͖̖̥͂̿͗̚ ̴̫͖̲̆̔̒̈́w̷̟̱̯̞̐͊͋̓a̸̩̿n̸͙͂́̊̾̌t̷͆̉̍̕͜͝ ̶̬͙͓̻͇̀̆̿ț̴͔̓͊̾ͅo̶̖̗̫̜̥͒̅͌͝ ̶̨̏l̵̥͙͙̿̈́̾͝ĕ̵̦̉̒͘̚à̸̳̈́ȑ̴͇̯̤̆͘ṉ̴̟̰͙́̀̀ ̶̧̙̬̩͒͜͝m̴̱̀ǒ̸̥̉ṛ̶̰̻̥̫̿̈̏̔͠e̸̯̾̌̃̃͠ ̸͙̪̼̠͑â̵̙͚͈͑̄͝b̸̘̟̝̫̑̔̕o̴͇̱̹̓̈́̃ͅù̶̦̖̬̭̂͒͠t̷̛͍͊̋.̵̯̘̋̌.̴̺̫̰̜̈́̈́͝.̸̢͚̄̒ ̸͚̈́t̸��̱͎͔̱ͅh̸͈͕̭́͗é̴̲m̵̨͎̼̳͍͐̏̏͐?
They nodded.
Baba smiled again.
"This is Uixes," Baba begins, Their voice was different now... it happened sometimes, Their voice changing from what it always was to... this.
"This is the planetary mothership of the Triceratons," They continue. "They were the very first beings We came across during Our travels alone."
"Prideful. They had a warrior's mentality. Giant, too. Our throne is the skull of one, you know." A bitter smile grew on Baba's face. "They enslaved Us, saw Us as nothing more than a being to be experimented on, something with no sentience or consciousness... and they were right! If for a bit.
"Back then, We truly were nothing more than just a simple creature, wandering between stars and galaxies, with not a care in sight. Sometimes, We wonder what We would've been like had the Triceratons not found Us..."
Baba scoffed.
"Thinking about it, however, sends Us into a state of... rage, as one would call it. Just a simple creature, with no more consciousness than that of an animal... that would be an injustice of an indescribable magnitude. Our captors had it all, so couldn’t We?
"So for millenia, We watched them. Their ways, their manners, everything that made them who they were.
"There was something that defined them, what drove them to do what they did – it was a phrase, just some words that meant nothing to Us then, but everything to them: strength always prevails."
"What happened to them."
Baba's smile was much more genuine.
And... scary...
"Oh, they're gone now. Just a few left. All of them were too frightened to leave their ship after We... thanked them for their generous hospitality." They sigh. "But, here we are. Truly, if it weren't for them, We wouldn't be who We are. The Triceratons truly were a race of prevailing strength."
They blink in confusion.
Baba smiled one last time, before their mask hid Their face again.
A snap of their fingers, and everything turned red.
They watched, eyes wide, as the mothership quickly began to disintegrate. They felt Baba place a hand at the back of their neck...
Screams erupted from everywhere.
Screams of horror, terror, pain, rage...
They were loud. Too loud. So very, very loud...
"We escaped their enslavement, little one," they heard Baba's voice say. "We made sure to pay our thanks in full and that their slaughter was as quickly as it was merciless."
The screaming got louder and louder...
"When the time comes, We hope that when We give the order, you will commit to it the same way We did..."
Flashes of blood, viscera, bones, and flayed skin filled their head...
They could smell the corpses, the rot, the stench of vomit, and spilled blood...
"But those times are still so far way, and you are still so very young..."
"You're sick. What happened?"
Kirby looks at daddy, brown eyes filled with worry.
"I don't know..." they sniffle out.
Daddy just bites his lip, almost looking like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself.
Instead, he picked Kirby up, held them close, and began to rock back and forth.
"Alright," Leo mumbled as Kirby fell asleep. "Just for now, I'll let it slide."
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louroth · 1 year
this website layout is a thing of beauty, sending my appreciation to the UIX <3
absolutely. @glenthemes is a master artist. I didn't think tumblrs could be this pretty!!
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webbededssystems · 3 months
New Term!
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It's an identity that connects gender, sexuality, and amourosity!
It is characterized by changes all throughout of your identity, with or without connection to neurodiversity, and with or without patterns!
Examples: Being partially a gender, then being a gender excessively the next
Being male, then female, an in-between or a xenogender
Being polyamorous, then monogamous
Only feeling platonic attraction, to only feeling affectionate
Barely feeling any attraction, to feeling it the next
Feeling attraction to a gender, then another, then multiple
People with this identity may find their identity is always changing in multiple ways, and they can never settle down on a specific term
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Tudo (Circumfix ; portuguese for everything)
Nada (Prefix ; portuguese for nothing)
Affl- (Infix ; from the word "afflict")
Uix- (Suffix ; from the term fluidflux)
Alt- (Circumfix ; from the word "alteration")
The flag and meanings
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postsofbabel · 11 months
?x%+Ey9.yQ_U)9—+@+}"Gf3"|qr)uix M3-Z"SEHVBUdWegOaj8/F$C+9{j$>E6kxu~f:./NARJ1zN%Idx
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devoqdesign · 3 days
UI/UX Design Unleashed: How to Create Habit-Forming Mobile Experiences
In the fast-paced world of mobile apps, creating habit-forming experiences is the key to success. User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) design plays a pivotal role in designing apps that users can’t get enough of. In this blog, we’ll uncover the secrets of creating habit-forming mobile experiences that keep users coming back for more.
1. Triggering User Actions:
Habit-forming apps start by triggering user actions. A skilled UI/UX designer strategically places triggers throughout the app to prompt specific user behaviors. These triggers could be notifications, personalized content, or interactive elements that engage users and encourage them to take desired actions.
2. Seamless Onboarding:
The onboarding process is critical in forming habits. A well-designed onboarding experience introduces users to the app’s value proposition and features. It should be seamless, easy to understand, and quickly showcase the app’s core benefits to hook users from the start.
3. Create a Sense of Progress:
A sense of progress keeps users engaged and motivated to continue using the app. Designers can incorporate progress bars, achievements, or completion trackers that show users their advancement within the app. Celebrating milestones and accomplishments encourages users to stick with the app.
4. Personalization and Contextualization:
Personalization creates a more intimate experience for users. A UI/UX designer can leverage user data to provide personalized recommendations, content, or settings. Tailoring the app to individual preferences fosters a sense of ownership, making users feel more invested in the app’s success.
5. Use of Micro-Interactions:
Micro-interactions are small but powerful design elements that add charm to the user experience. A well-placed animation, a delightful sound effect, or a subtle haptic feedback can create a more enjoyable and memorable interaction, encouraging users to return to the app.
6. Gamification Elements:
Gamification elements can transform routine interactions into fun and engaging experiences. A UIX designer can incorporate game-like features such as points, badges, leaderboards, or challenges to drive user engagement and create a habit-forming environment.
7. Push Notifications with Purpose:
Strategic push notifications can remind users to return to the app and take specific actions. However, excessive or irrelevant notifications can have the opposite effect. A thoughtful UI/UX designer sends notifications with purpose, providing value to users and encouraging them to re-engage with the app.
8. Reduce Friction and Simplify Interactions:
A habit-forming app minimizes friction and simplifies interactions. A UI/UX designer identifies potential pain points and streamlines the user journey to ensure that using the app is a smooth and effortless experience.
9. Consistent Visuals and Branding:
Consistency in visuals and branding fosters recognition and reinforces the app’s identity. A UI/UX designer maintains a consistent design language throughout the app, creating a cohesive experience that users can associate with the brand.
10. Analyze User Behavior and Iterate:
Creating habit-forming experiences is an iterative process. A UI/UX designer analyzes user behavior and app usage data to understand user patterns and preferences. Based on these insights, the designer can refine the app’s UIX, making it more conducive to habit formation.
UI/UX design holds the power to create habit-forming mobile experiences that keep users coming back for more. By strategically triggering user actions, crafting seamless onboarding experiences, personalizing interactions, and incorporating engaging elements, a UI/UX designer can design apps that form lasting habits. The continuous analysis of user behavior and iterative design improvements ensure that the app remains relevant and addictive to users in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Embrace the art of habit-forming UI/UX design, and watch your app captivate users and thrive in the competitive mobile app market.
Visit my Upwork profile for — UI/UX design, Mobile Design & Product Designer
Project Catalog for — Mobile App UI UX Design, iOS or Android Mobile APP UX/UI Design & Modern Crypto UIUX Design
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khayalonsebunealfaz · 1 month
Crafting Digital Masterpieces: How UI/UX Design Transforms User Interactions 
The core of developing a digital product is designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The creation of digital masterpieces that capture and engage people is mostly dependent on UI/UX designers in an era where users expect frictionless interactions and aesthetically attractive interfaces. This article explores the transformative potential of UX/UIX design, the opportunities that come with doing an internship in UX/UIX design in Pune, and the benefits of enrolling in a full-fledged UX/UIX design degree. 
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The Art and Science of UI/UX Design  
UI/UX design is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of user psychology, aesthetics, and technology. The goal is to create products that are not only functional but also delightful to use. A well-designed interface can guide users effortlessly through a product, making their experience smooth and enjoyable. This combination of usability and visual appeal is what makes UI/UX design so powerful. 
Why Pune is the Perfect Place for a UI/UX Design Internship  
Pune’s vibrant tech ecosystem makes it an ideal location for a UI UX Design internship. The city offers a unique blend of educational resources and industry opportunities, allowing interns to gain hands-on experience in a dynamic environment. Working alongside experienced designers, interns can develop their skills, build a strong portfolio, and gain insights into the latest trends and tools in UI/UX design. 
The Benefits of Enrolling in a UI/UX Design Course  
A UI UX Design course provides a structured learning path that covers the essentials of design thinking, user research, and interface design. Students learn to create wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs using tools like Figma and Adobe XD. The course also emphasizes real-world applications, with projects that allow students to apply their skills in practical scenarios, preparing them for the demands of the industry. 
The foundation of developing meaningful digital interactions is UI/UX design. You can give yourself the tools necessary to succeed in this fast-paced industry by finishing a specialized degree and pursuing a UI/UX Design internship in Pune. The secret to success in the digital age is understanding UI/UX design, regardless of your goals—creating digital masterpieces or revolutionizing user interactions. 
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ux-jobs · 2 months
#uxjobs | Senior UI/UIX Designer https://www.behance.net/joblist/304619/Senior-UIUIX-Designer?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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edraculation · 5 months
oh klllkkp
v ight uuy
uix ,7
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badromanizationideas · 6 months
1. Russian
/m mʲ n nʲ/ <m ɯ n u> /p pʲ t tʲ k kʲ/ <p d t ʇ k ʞ> /b bʲ d dʲ g gʲ/ <b q δ ƍ g ᵷ> /f fʲ s sʲ ʂ ɕː x xʲ/ <f ɟ c ɔ s ƨ h ɥ> /v vʲ z zʲ ʐ/ <v ʌ ſ ȷ z> /l lʲ r rʲ j/ <l ꞁ r ɹ j>
/á é ó í ú/ <ɐ e ᴉ o ʎ> /a i u/ <a i y>
Aδnɐzδi ɔeʌirnij ʌeʇir i conçi paspoɹili, kto iȷ uᴉx ɔiꞁueji. Kak rɐs v eta vɹeɯa, auᴉ ſaɯeʇiꞁi ſakʎtanava v plɐƨ pʎʇuika, katorij sol pa δaroᵷi, i ɹisᴉꞁi, sto totic uix bʎƍit ƨitɐt ca cɐmim ɔiꞁnim, kamʎ rausi yδɐst ca ſactɐʌiʇ pʎʇuika ɔuɐʇ plɐƨ.
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sprocketblog · 6 months
New #Android #app #update is out!
👑 Made it easier to buy a subscription from settings 🤖 Reduced app file size for our :flag-in::flag-pk::flag-bd: customers 🔑 Fixed the UI for sign in buttons 🔑 Fixed Strava ride history verification UI not having error state 💰 Fixed payment methods row not hiding if empty 💰 Fixed UI bug with contact/payment methods 🔎 Fixed bugs with search UIX
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cebeyon-blog · 6 months
PPGA (product promotion graphic Art) is the term I created post applied to the NFT global gallery , specifying within NFT global , Original product render mint ownerships. Where specifically patent filed original renders valuing ,with open-end investment an or Investor interest 'are converting into Multi performing asset discussion. Fine Art Decorative Art Reserves ! ... NFT'S partial and open contract condition option write in's ; grants ownership rights through the NFT mint protocol whereas the inventor and original owner can produce a dual performance identity and secure an alternative product security instrument to any original product designs and uix an product script /design summaries and dictates .
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Additional Sub contracts or all party term sheets should be applied before confirming tour NFT mint purchase closure ..
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devoqdesign · 4 days
Mobile App Magic: UI/UX Design Secrets for Irresistible Apps
In the competitive world of mobile apps, there’s a special kind of magic that sets certain apps apart, making them truly irresistible to users. The key to this enchanting appeal lies in the art of User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) design. In this blog, we’ll unveil the secrets behind creating irresistible mobile apps that captivate users and leave them spellbound.
1. Delightful Onboarding Experience:
The magic begins right from the moment users open the app for the first time. An enchanting onboarding experience sets the stage for a lasting connection with users. Designers create a delightful and interactive onboarding process that introduces users to the app’s core features, leaving them eager to explore further.
2. Intuitive and Effortless Navigation:
UI/UX designers weave a spell of simplicity and intuitiveness into the app’s navigation. Users should be able to glide through the app effortlessly, with every interaction feeling like second nature. Streamlined navigation ensures that users are never lost or bewildered, guiding them seamlessly through the app’s enchanting world.
3. Visual Charm and Aesthetic Appeal:
Irresistible apps cast a visual spell on users with their charm and aesthetic appeal. UI/UX designers create captivating visuals, using a harmonious color palette, enchanting animations, and visually engaging elements. The app’s interface becomes a canvas of beauty that users can’t help but admire.
4. Micro-Interactions that Enchant:
Tiny enchantments lie in the form of micro-interactions. From playful button animations to subtle sound effects, these magical touches add depth to the user experience. Users are captivated by these charming details, making interactions with the app more enjoyable and memorable.
5. Personalization with a Touch of Magic:
Personalization adds a touch of magic to the app’s allure. UIX designers use data-driven insights to create personalized experiences that feel tailor-made for each user. By anticipating user needs and preferences, the app weaves a sense of intimacy that keeps users under its spell.
6. Seamless and Magical Performance:
Enchanting apps possess a seamless and magical performance. Fast loading times, smooth animations, and responsive interactions transport users into a world of enchantment. Performance hiccups are banished, ensuring an uninterrupted and bewitching user experience.
7. Storytelling through UIX:
UI/UX designers are master storytellers. They weave a narrative throughout the app’s design, creating a coherent and immersive experience. Every screen becomes a page in the enchanting tale that unfolds before users’ eyes, leaving them eager to discover what comes next.
8. Emotionally Engaging Design:
Beyond aesthetics, enchanting apps tap into users’ emotions. UI/UX designers evoke feelings of joy, excitement, and wander through their design choices. Emotional engagement creates a powerful bond with users, making the app a cherished and essential part of their lives.
9. Continuous Enchantment through Iteration:
The enchantment never ends for top UI/UX designers. They continuously refine and improve the app through iterative design. User feedback and data insights are the magical ingredients that guide them in their quest to create a spellbinding user experience.
Creating an irresistible and enchanting mobile app is an art mastered by UI/UX designers. From delightful onboarding experiences to visually captivating design, from personalized touches to emotionally engaging interactions, these designers weave a spell that captivates users and keeps them coming back for more. As they continuously iterate and refine their design, the magic only grows stronger, making the app a beloved and irresistible gem in the vast realm of mobile applications.
Visit my Upwork profile for — UI/UX design, Mobile Design & Product Designer
Project Catalog for — Mobile App UI UX Design, iOS or Android Mobile APP UX/UI Design & Modern Crypto UIUX Design
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grey-space-computing · 9 months
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Experience the magic of sleek UI and seamless UX! ✨💻 Grey Space Computing crafts digital experiences that captivate users and elevate your brand. Ready to transform? 🌐 Website: https://greyspacecomputing.com 📧 Email: [email protected] 📱 Phone: +91-98602 56990 #UIUXDesign #greyspacecomputing #userflow #userexperience #ux #uidesign #uxdesign #design #userexperiencedesign #uxui #designer #uiux #userinterface #ui #uxdesigner #uitrends #userinterfacedesign #illustration #userresearch #uxresearch #usertesting #illustrator #dailyuix #uix #webdesign #wireframe #designtips #productdesign #wireframes #dailyui
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