#uhoh it continues
mentoos · 9 months
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What exactly the fuck did Louis put in Holding On To Heartache?
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twopoppies · 9 months
Are the any new fics (within the last couple months) that are good? I’m in a reading drought and I feel like I’ve read every Larry fic there is :( I got so desperate I even thought about looking into f/m fics..
I think I’m just going to use your ask to post my year-end favorite fics. Hope you don’t mind.
It’s been a tough year for me, and I haven’t gotten to read a ton, but these are all excellent.
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Secrets, Santa? By @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 19K) disaster gay Harry in all his bumbling, endearing glory still manages to make his incredibly hot boss (Louis) fall for him. This one has snappy dialogue, great internal monologue, and scorching smut. I’d expect nothing less from this author.
your lips in the low light by etherealbliss / @givesuethemoon (E, 21K) It’s been a long time since I read a Larry Uni AU, and this one checked all the boxes. This author managed to really capture the immaturity and obsessive emotions of university age lovers arguing and breaking up, and making each other jealous, and fucking and fighting some more, and ultimately making up. Harry is bratty and sensitive and Louis is dense and long-suffering and they’re perfect for each other.
Scorpions et Madragores by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 23K) Read the tags and author’s note on this one because there are some themes that could be triggering. This is a dark fic and Harry is a pretty creepy vampire, but the story is very well told and there’s a happy ending.
2 a.m. texts by everysingleday / @sun-lt (T, 30K) This was very sweet and very funny and had just enough sexiness (although I wouldn’t have minded more. LOL!) Link is to a download.
The Doppel Effect by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright (T, 6K) the concept for this fic was so original and a really compelling read, I can’t help but hope the author gets inspired to continue this ‘verse.
Danger I Can’t Hide by CelticSky (E, 227K) This one’s got all the tension and drama you’d expect of a World War II story—life and death high stakes, friends and lovers unexpectedly torn apart, battles and heroism, plus the added stakes of classism and homophobia—then add a slow burn, high risk, scorching love affair spanning years. If you want a story that’s complex and fantastically researched, plus lovers to root for, read it. It’s long. But I couldn’t put it down. When I finally did, I picked it right back up and read it twice more. It’s that good.
one conversation by fondleeds (NR, 1K) This really is just a couple of scenes, and the story is open-ended, but, if for no other reason, read it for the beautiful way the sentences flow. My notes on every fic of theirs begin with: “I wish I could write like this.”
Night Shift by banaanipoika (E, 9K) This was incredibly sexy and beautifully written. I loved that there was such a unique setting with so much descriptive language making me feel like I could smell and feel everything in that hospital room.
On The Pull by @homosociallyyours (E, 4K) Short, but really sexy and just the right amount of bittersweet and hopeful. Loved the characterizations and the smooth writing. So few people write canon Larry these days so this was a nice change of pace.
Devil in my brain, whispering my name by @lunarheslwt (E, 9K) i i thought this author struck a great balance between the dirtiness of a demon defiling an angel and the way the angel gave in to his desire to be defiled. Super sexy.
pull you closer (kiss me harder) by @sunshineandthemoonlight (E, 6K) This was absolutely beautiful — just the perfect amount of tension and wistfulness to make me tear up. But then it was sexy and full of hope at the end. I loved how Louis supported Harry and gave him exactly what he needed (and really, H gave Louis what he needed, too).
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hi!! I would like to request Kaz x f!reader
I’m so sorry that this is so long and if this isn’t making any sense I can’t explain things for the life of me😭 If you do write this, thank you so much, ily :)
Anyway picture this, a reader who is quite sneaky decides that it would be very funny if she snuck a little note with something like „I live for the way you smile so brightly” into Kaz’s coat when he’s not looking. She manages and when Kaz doesn’t bring it up at all, she sneaks another note in. This continues bcs the reader just thinks Kaz is ignoring it and automatically throwing out the notes without reading them or smth. Over the time the notes get a little bit more brave like „you looked very pretty today, Brekker” and become genuine copmliments. Now i have two ideas how could the ending go. Kaz just casually mentions in a conversations with reader the sweet notes which reader is completely shocked by Or reader finds themselfs curiosly looking around Kaz’s office and stumbles upon a little box on his table. Thinking it’s gonna be some kind of jewelry she opens it and sees ALL the notes she snuck into his coat. But uhoh Kaz steps into the office and his eyes widen when he sees reader standing over the box. Reader gets flustered trying to explain what the fuck was she even doing there but is greeted by Kaz’s silence. He’s embarrased about her now knowing that he has been keeping the little notes since the very beginning ijsksjdks istg I’m going insane
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Summary: The one where Y/N thinks she's being sneaky. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Warnings: None I think!! Word Count: 2.3K Requested: Yes
A/N: YES YES YES YES I LOVE THIS!!!! I wanted to use the one where he mentions it casually in a conversation but it all led to reader finding out by accident. Tysm nonnie, enjoy, I'm sorry about the huge delay. Tough couple of months, hope u understand and that I did justice to this beautiful prompt, ily2 <3
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It all started as some stupid game. One only Y/N knew about. Everything about it was very silly, the sneaking around, coming up with what the note would say and when to put it inside his coat's pocket. The first time, the girl snuck the neatly folded paper when he excused himself to go to the restroom and left his jacket behind. Easy.
It read 'Your smile lights up the room, Brekker'. Cheesy, untrue and quite simple. She'd bet all her kruge on it, though. That bastard had a wickedly expressive smirk, so his full smile must be as sentimental as his smirk, right? Maybe her note would make him giggle in the confines of his office, maybe Kaz would burn the paper or toss it in the trashcan he so neatly kept under his desk. Truth is, Y/N didn't have an explanation or reason as to why she started all this nonsense.
The prospect of making Kaz angry or laugh even when she wouldn't witness it was probably it. The girl happened to be a sucker for the adrenaline rush of delivering her teasingly sweet notes, too. She got bolder and more creative, even getting the chance to sneak one during a job where she and Kaz had to pair up.
None of the crows knew except for Jesper, and surprisingly, he didn't tease her about it. When he caught her tucking a little pink piece of paper into the inner pocket of his boss' coat, he scoffed with a little smile and downed his whiskey glass.
"What on earth does it say and... why?" Jes smirked as Y/N returned to her seat next to him. "Not relevant, my friend. Don't snitch," "I could never, love." He laughed at his friend's eccentricities and let it slide. Another little secret shared between them wouldn't hurt nobody. Plus, her favorite sharpshooter had plenty to say when he was there to see Kaz discover the notes.
"I'm telling you, he smiled!" "Jesper, I don't care if he did," the girl giggled. She did. She cared a lot. "Kaz Brekker doesn't smile" "He did that weird upside down frown, not quite a smile, but he wasn't exactly displeased." Y/N had to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks by turning around, downing her glass of scotch. Had she really made Kaz smile? Or, somewhat, change that angry expression he seemed to keep, like it was carved carefully and perpetually on the sharp features of his face? There has to be an award to that, she thinks.
That note she remembered; there was a playful banter happening like many times before at the slat between the crows. They were all sitting down at one of the tables after a long day of kicking out pigeons upset because they lost all their money, drinks and giggles shared in a tired, dazed stupor.
"There is no way we could've made it without him. I mean, imagine me trying to carry Nina's dead-weight down two flights of stairs and out of that house." Y/N laughed as they recalled how useful Matthias turned out to be. "He's my favorite" Nina smiled, kissing the Fjerdan's cheek as he smiled proudly with a light red tint on his face (could be from the alcohol but they all knew his girlfriend made him nervous).
"And Inej, dear, I know I'm yours" the grisha teased her friend, pulling her close as the Suli girl smiled, not confirming or denying the allegations. Then Wylan, a bit tipsy and, for some reason defensive, hugged his boyfriend and declared: "Well, Jesper's my favorite," downing his glass. Jesper pulled it aside, pecking his head lovingly. "Inej's mine".
Wylan perked up from his place in Jes' arms with his mouth agape, making everyone break in laughter as the couple argued, their demo-man leaving the table with his boyfriend chasing after him trying not to laugh "Wait, dear I-I'm joking!" "No you were not! Take the couch". After they all calmed down, Matthias finally spoke. "Demjin, tell us, who's your favorite?".
Theatrical silence fell over the group. Kaz's heart sped up a little and Nina could tell, but said nothing. Then, as he scanned the group with a light smirk and his eyes lingered on Y/N for a minute longer, it sped up even more to then recede. "Oh, I know," the heartrender laughed, grabbing her glass to pour more alcohol on it. "You don't, Nina. I don't have favorites. You're all pretty solid assets," he said, voice deep and Y/N wondered how it would sound whispered in her ear.
"That's the closest we're getting to an 'I love you', guys. Hate to break it to you" Inej joked as everyone agreed. After a few more minutes, too tired to keep going, they all went to bed. Kaz woke up the next day to a note on his doorstep that said 'you're my favorite'. It was a bit different from the others he kept in his office. The letter was cursive, written in a rush on a slightly yellow piece of paper. Black ink.
"You plan on ever telling her?" A voice came from his side. Jesper stood, still in his white sleep shirt and trousers. "No one makes you smile. You should tell her, you know, at least." He was greeted by his boss's silence and the sound of his door closing.
Now, of course he knew. In fact, he figured it out after the fourth note or so, but Y/N didn't need to know that. Selfishly, he had been keeping that weird aching in his chest the girl brought all to himself for almost a year and it was getting tiring. Until he figured it out. He just hoped, to anyone who was willing to listen, that the notes weren't some joke for her.
He hoped that all those nights they spent enjoying the silence, the conversations where he'd let the wounded boy talk instead of the bastard of the barrel and she would listen attentively, almost lovingly, meant something to her. And that the notes were her way of saying 'I'm here and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon'.
Y/N knew the game she came up with ended up being a breath of fresh air for all the compressed feelings she had for the boy. She had no problem with it. In the end, she was telling him every single thought that crossed her mind when those icy blue eyes turned into warmth when they were alone and he let his guard down. The things she knew she'd never say to Kaz's face.
Or so she thought.
It was a big coincidence, like a butterfly effect. Y/N came back from one of her many investigations (a trip to the Geldstraat to gather some information) and was walking up the stairs to Kaz's office to tell him what he found out. "Turns out you were right, he has two kids" she began, entering to an empty room. She should've left, see if he was in his room or downstairs watching the tables. Yet she didn't leave. Instead, with a heavy sigh, she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
It gave off more of the energy from a studio rather than an office. He seemed to appreciate neatness, from the bookshelves with books arranged alphabetically to the candles placed in the appropriate places so the room could be lit perfectly at night. So, of course, she was going to notice the rectangular red box sitting messily on top of a stack of papers right in front of her.
Again, would've, could've, should've stayed in the chair. She got up and peeked. A shock ran through her body, suddenly feeling so very cold she almost turned to see if the window was open. There sat all of her notes, some a bit more used, probably from him folding and unfolding them several times. At the top was the one she sneaked just that morning; "I sometimes wonder if you think about me just as much as I do. Probably not. Have a good day, though".
A million questions running through her head. Why was he keeping them? Did he know she sent them? And most importantly, why was she so stupid!? Y/N could've just... not! Just not write those stupid notes like she had some stupid teenage crush on stupid Kaz and keep her stupid feelings to her stupid self. But no. She always had to be too much, huh? Her words and emotions spilled out of her like a river. The thing was so big it showed over her wrist.
The creek of the door. She was so inside her head she didn't hear Kaz's steps. Shit. Shit. Shit. Hoping it was her imagination playing tricks on her, she turned around. Hope died and there stood Kaz Brekker, wide-eyed and pale as a corpse. She felt like she had to say something and saints she tried, but the knot on her throat only let a choked, unintelligible sound.
It could've been hours, really. Both of them just stared at each other. Kaz was so unbelievably embarrassed he wanted to ask Jesper to just shoot him in the head to end his suffering, begging on his knees for someone to come and help him. He was never this careless, not with things like the notes. He left them out, going through them for the fourth time that week, to get a drink downstairs. How did he miss Y/N walking through the door?
"Kaz I was just here t-to uhm tell you what I found out on G-Garson. I promise I didn't mean to snoop around l-like I wasn't looking through your stuff. A-anyway who a-are these from? They're very swe-" "You don't have to pretend, Y/N."
He knew. A new dread consumed her, and she dropped her eyes to the floor as quick as humanely possible. So stupid. So stupid. "So stupid" "What?" said Kaz, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was keeping in "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry, Kaz. I-I don't know why I wrote those". Was she truly apologising to him, her head bowed in shame? For what? He looked forward to discovering one of those sweet little notes every day, wondering what kind of message she had left him this time.
Hope. He remembered the hope. Maybe he was this upset because the notes would stop now that she knew he knew? His eyes widened even more when he realized Y/N was standing right in front of him, waiting for Kaz to step out of the way so she could escape this torture. "You're right. You shouldn't have. Y-you should've just told me"
"Tell you what, Kaz?" the girl asked, taking a step back and looking straight into his eyes like he was doing. Kaz Rietveld spoke before Brekker could. "Tell me I am your favorite, that I'm on your thoughts nonstop every single fucking day, and that you consider I look lovely even with my hair in my face. If it is true, tell me right up front. I don't think I could stomach it being some crazy game, so please tell me it is real." Perplexed, she stared.
Kaz wanted it to be real, and she knew damn well it was. "You know I don't like games, Brekker. I mean it. All of it. Every single word is just me trying to catch my name in a whisper in your reactions... counting on making you smile, or at least, to temporarily jolt your thoughts from the generally dreary state they seem to be in."
He led a leather hand to grab hers, tangling their fingers with his. The boy couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes looked under the candlelight, warm y/e/c welcoming him home. Making him feel at ease in that saint forsaken land, knowing that with her by his side, everything seemed to be just fine.
"Y/N, since you entered my life, I have been acquainted with a new kind of light. Your presence has brought a certain innocence and laughter that I have not known before. Your character is resilient, as if it has been shaped by the hardships of this city. In my eyes, you are the embodiment of light, and I cannot help but find you lovely at all times, too"
It was a love that defied all logic and reasoning, a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. They had each found in the other a place of serenity, a sanctuary where they could be themselves and forget the chaos of the world outside. With every passing day, their bond grew stronger, until a little piece of heaven was crafted, right there in their midst.
It was their own personal heaven, a place where they could bask in the warmth of knowing glances and brief touches, and where the mere presence of the other was enough to soothe their souls. They had found a love that whispered "I'm here" in the moments when it was necessary, a love that made a home for a broken boy and a shelter for a scarred girl who would go to the ends of the earth for him.
And as they stood there, hand in hand, they knew that they had found something special. They had found a love that was strong enough to weather any storm, a love that would see them through the trials and tribulations of life.
Together with time, they had created a world that was perfect in its imperfection, a world that was full of love, laughter, and joy. And as they gazed into each other's eyes, they knew that they had found their own personal piece of heaven on earth.
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Hi! Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed:)
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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It’s so beautiful. Honestly it’s like they’re already married.
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It has been weeks now (if not months) and Doumeki still continues to carry the egg everywhere, as instructed, because who knows when the moment will be. 
But it's gotta be close now there are only so many chapters left.
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butterpony100 · 1 year
Ok ok listen
I love sidlink
But I also love Yona
The solution: Poly.
It’s mentioned that Link and his father visited zoras domain previously when he was younger. The gist of this au is that around that time, Yona was also visiting the domain and meeting sidon for the first time, and the two would be told about how they would get married one day. Well I think the two of them absolutely clashed on their first meeting, with Sidon being reckless and a bit slow witted while Yona being a lot more careful and forward thinking. Then they both individually meet a tiny link in their own circumstances and, like kids do, both declared that they wanted to marry link instead. All of the adults were like “ehhhhh age difference makes this hella weird” so they convince the kids to instead make promises bracelets to signify “friendship”. The lil bracelets are styled like normal zora jewelry with a scale from both sidon and Yona, along with a sapphire to signify link. They keep in touch and get along well over the years until the calamity and Yona and Sidon never actually find out what happened to link. After a while, they both forget his face and name, with only the gem on their bracelets to show that they had another part of them. When link wakes up, Zelda was forward thinking enough to leave the bracelet with his belongings in the shrine of resurrection since ya gurl knew how important it was to him (zelda is aroace fight me on this if you dare) when he wakes up he knows the bracelet is important but just can’t remember what for. He wears it anyway. Eventually he arrived at zoras domain on his quest for the divine beasts. Sidon vaugly recognized him, but didn’t mention anything until his father confirmed it. He was originally excited until learning of links amnesia. Obvi he’s disappointed, but he hopes that links journey across hyrule and meeting with the champions would help restore him memories. He leave link with a kiss on the forehead as a promise and a prayer for the three of them to be together again. After link leaves, Sidon obviously sends for Yona who had about the same reaction. Link continues his journey slowly regaining his memories until ganon is finally defeated. There, meeting with zelda again and the darkness over hyrule finally being cleaned, a lot of his memories return to him. Ofc he spends time helping zelda get adjusted but the moment he has some free time, zelda turns around and is like “look, I know for a fact your dying not go see your boyfriend and girlfriend, I survived in that castle alone for a hundred years, I can last like a week.” (Zelda is the goat). And then link giddyly hops on a horse and heads to the domain where he reunited with Yona and sidon. From there they re-establish their relationship and over the 7ish time skip between BOTW and TOTK, they all get engaged. (And then TOTK happens uhoh) AND THATS ALL I GOT RN SORRY FOR THE ESSAY OF G A Y
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wanderingcas · 11 months
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title: where there is darkness pairing: dean/cas tags: historical au, angst with a happy ending, slow burn, h/c
Chapter 8
Morning comes, optimistic and unaware of what horrors the night has left behind. The storm breaks into sunshine and a clear, blue sky. Birds perch on the railing for rest, singing tunes off-key to one another. 
Inside, Castiel and Dean sit at the table, staring down at their hands. Neither of them speak. The clock on the wall ticks by, punctuated clashes in the silence.
Dean’s head is low, the skin around his eyes pinched. He stayed awake longer than any of them, watching the light, watching the waves for any signs of the lost sailors. It’s like the vitality has been sucked out of him, his skin sallow, his shoulders drooped.
Castiel feels as if he should say something. But he doesn’t know what.
Instead, he stares at a crack in the wood of the table.
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the-nysh · 1 year
Trimax vol1: Longhaired Meryl Appreciation
Both Vash and Meryl grew out their hair in the 2yr timeskip since Fifth Moon (prev vol), that they'll both get haircuts before formally returning to duty. BUT! Since in-universe it's Meryl's birthday (February), and as an experienced (and silly!) ~professional~ she understands the value of taking a well-deserved vacation before she inevitably gets swept into the chaotic typhoon of her job again....so for now, here's her looking radiant with her longer hairstyle:
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Bonus comparison to her typical hair length looks like this:
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Additional chapter character notes of interest below the cut:
When her coworkers start gossiping and making assumptions about how horrible and dangerous her job (supervising Vash) must've been, she gently corrects them--defending Vash's name, saying "it wasn't such a terrible experience; Vash was a very different person than everyone thought he was; he was actually a very caring and honest man." Very good! She's seen much of his genuine kindness and efforts on their travels, that she won't sit idly by when others continue to misjudge him or speak ill of his character.
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(Interestingly in contrast, it seems Meryl has a tolerance towards barbs and criticisms thrown at herself--remaining comparatively silent and/or suppressing it when she's the topic, but she will speak her mind on behalf of others, like Vash's reputation here.)
When her boss calls her to identify recent photos of Vash, she has tears of recognition--it's the first time (and confirmation he's alive) she's seen him after Fifth Moon! She notes his hair color has changed...
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However, this time that's her boss's only use for her, as he's hired another guy in charge to intercept Vash. Meryl tries to help by offering the new guy all her reports on Vash as references, but the guy rudely insults and dismisses her! Saying her reports are uselessly no better to him than tabloids--as if she were writing Vash as another 'legendary mysterious hero'--which ah! If her previous words to her coworkers were any clue, she was probably working just as hard to clear Vash's name thru her insurance reports too. :') Lovely integrity and consistent dedication, Meryl!
She was willing to let the new guy go (while dissing a silly gesture behind his back~ again, she refrained from arguing or speaking up for herself here) and sit this one out, until she learns he's a trained military soldier...uhoh. (*cough* whom Vash also doesn't trust and won't open his door for...until the guy mentions lies he brings word from Meryl--ding!)
Although Meryl was supposed to be on vacation, she personally intervenes upon realizing this in-house 'insurance agent' is a hit-man with an unethical approach to 'risk management'--he's here to kill Vash and she does NOT agree with that! (Her non-lethal stance on dealing with targets actually aligns with Vash's values!)
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The guy berates her as foolish to get so involved, while pointing a gun at her head--so brave, Meryl! She calmly remembers what her coworker said, about how "a woman can't be happy when she's always getting thrown into life-threatening situations" and thinks back to every danger she's encountered--the Nebraskas, BDN and the Bad Lads, Monev the Gale, EG the Mine...Fifth Moon, to finally focusing on...Vash's smile.
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Almost like a grounding effect. 'Do it for him~' Where normally yes, she'd agree, but getting so 'foolishly' involved and thrust into countless dangerous situations becomes necessary and worth it (for Vash's smile...)
Also because, did the guy completely dismiss and underestimate her so bad, thinking she'd carelessly come here all by herself without a plan?! Hah! Cause Milly's on supportive sniper stungun duty to trash into this guy's ego; played 'em well, girls~ With this, Meryl's once again stepped in to take preventative measures against trouble to help save Vash's life, even from afar without him knowing.
Although Milly asks if they can go meet Vash, Meryl insists on keeping professional boundaries at a distance for now--so they can prioritize their self-care enjoying their much-needed vacation, as they'll meet that 'troublemaker' through work and soon get carried away by the typhoon again, all in due time~
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(Back at the office, now who's going to be their most qualified replacement for that guy injured on the job? Ding ding, all along that would be Meryl!)
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oru-tree · 1 month
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It's time...
also everytime these two are in the title card together... well, things happen
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they love her !!
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Omg, hazel has made a million wishes so now she gets a rule free wish
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Good thing she's an overthinker
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knowing this can go so, so wrong
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Oops they immediately lost their magic
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They look so silly wingless and walking around
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They are so cute
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Heres my little boyyy, my special little guy, with a big crown, just like he deserves
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Oh this guy is here too, of course
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Oh you
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His world now
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Just giving things sunglasses... good
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Oh he's having fun
Ok saying this now before the episode keeps going, but I think it would be funny if irep got attached to dev, but realized too late how evil (but not really evil!! but I'm not sure what word to use) dev can be
Wait I just realized he has a mace as a wand omg...
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Ohhh my gosh the statue ahhh
He has his dad's boots at his feet ahhh
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Hadn't paid attention to how different each characters hands are from each other... love it
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Oughhh dev, I understand why people want him to get better and stuff, and a part of me might too, but I feel at this point he's just too far gone! This is how things are now
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crying, he went to the anti-web
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His dad does deserve to suffer though, you are right on this dev
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oh nvm, he doesn't want him to suffer, he just wants to force him to pay attention to him, well I guess it could work
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omg aj
wait omg.. hit img limit, continuing in another post
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rebloggedsunsox · 11 months
Thoughts I'm scrambling together as fast as I can just off the top of my head. Im back from the cinemas, and I first off can't say anything other than wow.
That post I made earlier about waiting a week to talk about it? I lied I'm talking now I can't not talk about it I can't wait the brainrot is far too strong LMAO so heres my ramble.
• The movie actually didn't feel out of place or too mashed together with series and new content at all. Some choices were definitely confusing from a game and lore background knowledge standpoint, but in its own universe and continuity it didn't hinder the overall quality of the movie. Still an extremely enjoyable time that didn't leave me frustrated or unsatisfied! And s big mention also to the fact that I went to see it with 2 friends - one who knew the lore like me, and one who didn't. The latter loved it as much as the former and I, no problems in understanding either! Lots of questions on what we knew afterwards, but no complaints all around!
• I think it's really good that they blatantly established that the animatronics, as kids and not when they were controlled by Afton, were just that: kids. They liked pictures and play and never wanted to hurt their new friend Abby. Golden Freddy is definitely a seperate problem that I'll get into, but they were all so cute together it warmed my heart so much :']]
• Mike was played very well by his actor (except for that one scene with Vanessa and the dry delivered "What are you scared of?" line), and I did grow to enjoy his character in the end. Definitely took me a while to get there though. I don't think his emotional connection with Abby was established very well in the beginning, but I think it was still remedied enough to be satisfying after everything had happened.
• The Balloon Boy bit was hilarious. He absolutely is that goddamn creepy, and they somehow MADE HIM CREEPIER in the film! I'm glad that he didn't end up posing an actual threat and stamping over the terror of the main 5, but I was definitely considering it in the back of my mind.
• Wow. Golden Freddy was intense. All the way through. From the phenomenal work of the child actor who played him throughout most of the movie, to the TERRIFYING animatronic who made its mark without even being in the movie that long? Wow. I'm definitely still confused about where the movie was trying to take the plot point of Golden Freddy's existence since a lot was left out and not really explained, but again, overall didn't make understanding the movie much harder. Just leaves me curious as to why they went with what they did. That scene at the very very end of Golden Freddy closing the door on Afton convulsing in the back room? Chilling. That actor played the part perfectly.
• CAMEOS!!!! Claps and cheers for Cory and the very brief Employees cameo! My theatre erupted into screams so loud that when MatPat was on screen in the diner, I kid you not I have 0 idea what he even said. Gonna have to rewatch it and see for myself. My friend who had no idea who he was got jumpscared by the theatre crowd itself and it was very, very funny.
• THE SONG!!! THE song for the end credits!!!! I broke out into singing so fast man, literally the best feeling and a wonderful way to bring the movie home right back to those who had been waiting for it for so long.
• The animatronics were incredible. Just amazing. All practical effects, fully built they were for most of that, right? Regardless, they really took my breath away in that movie. From their movements to expressions to their funny "haha uhoh robot moment" scenes. So so awesome.
• Vanessa's whole deal was probably where I was left the most confused. My whole crowd audibly gasped when she outright said that William was her father. So, the problem that I came to was,,,, basically all of it. Vanessa was told, by Afton, to make sure that Mike never found out what was happening at the pizzeria and to kill him if he got to close. Why hire him there then? Because he wanted to kill him himself? In order to get him to take Abby there to kill her? But non of that would have been something he was going to make happen if not by chance like how it did! She had no problem with Abby being there and playing with the animatronics one moment, and then made Mike ensure she was never going back the next. And the whole "I wont be much use to you if I go with you" said by Vanessa. I was assuming it was a Vanny mind control type sitch, but literally nothing happened? They argued, she shot him, he strangled her, he stabbed her, basically end of confrontation between them. She didn't do anything to hurt Abby or Mike at all? And her somehow knowing about Mike believing his dreams could change the past. Her connection was to Afton, not really the kids, right? Someone please tell me how they interpreted that whole thing, I really couldn't nail it down. Again, weirdly didn't damage my experience much? I guess I'm just used to some things not being understandable within the fnaf lore, huh. Im also just not hugely invested in Vanny/Vanessa's deal in the games either, so maybe that's why lol.
• Abby handing Bonnie the heart, and then Bonnie showing it to the others was the single sweetest thing oh my god. So adorable.
• It's me on the mirror. Glitching in the training video to show Golden Freddy. Mwah chef's kiss. Don't really know how the Its Me bit ties into this version of the lore but I really don't mind. The callouts made me giggle.
• That whole scene with the men trashing the place and getting murdered was madness. The tension was so thick, I love the atmosphere and how they really nailed it where it mattered in that part of the movie. The girl(Max?) Getting literally chomped in half was so unexpected. Poor Max, I can't believe she got roped into it. Also the???? Auntie said nothing about the disappearance of any of them either??? What???? Im only just realising that???? Why was she at all those court discussions with the lawyer again????
• No Honk Freddy's Nose bit. How dare they.
I'm gonna be thinking about this a lot, but thats all the points I have to make right now! I'll definitely comb over all my thoughts again, maybe post about them some more, we'll see. Really good all round, can't wait to watch it again when I get my hands on a copy of it!!! Id love to hear everyone elses thoughts on it too, and the possibility of a sequel? Thank you for reading!!
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haztobegood · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Thank you @reminiscingintherain @disgruntledkittenface @allwaswell16 @lululawrence for tagging me to share. I got an unexpected spark of inspiration and started drafting a soulmate goose fic on my phone this morning, so here’s a line from that!
It’s barely morning, and the bird has continued its assault right where it had left off not even six hours earlier.
I’ll tag @red-pandaaa @littleobelia @parmahamlarrie @kingsofeverything @louandhazaf @evilovesyou @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @voulezloux @homosociallyyours @littleroverlouis @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @juliusschmidt
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 1 year
10 Fics, 10 Lines, 10 Tags
thank you @disgruntledkittenface for tagging me to open 10 of my fics, go to somewhere in the middle and grab a line, and then tag 10 people. this game is so fun!
I have...7 full fics and a WIP (not counting my 500 word drabble for this) so I'm going to do those and then I'm gonna pick two fics I love and pick lines from there.
Own the Scars
“I didn’t know that!” Niall exclaims as he gingerly leans his guitar against the doorframe. He grabs his washcloth and turns on the faucet, getting it wet. He splashes water on his face and starts washing the mask off. “I knew you two were cuddling and swapping secrets at night while I have to sing myself to sleep all alone.”
You Be Stunning, Baby, I'll Be Stunned
“Femoral artery,” Harry says softly, soothing the sting with his tongue. He switches to Louis’ other thigh and repeats the action. “Femoral vein. Did you know arteries and veins are on different sides of the body?”
There's Such a Lot of World to See
Stepping up through the mist, Harry reaches the top of the staircase, gasping when he sees a royal blue booth sitting in the middle of the cloud, the words “Police Public Call Box” glowing bright in the inky sky.
Let Our Hearts Collide
“This is just like Days of Our Lives,” Olive pipes up, the eager grin on her face contradicting with the scandalized tone of her voice. “Louis, did you steal Harry away from your brother?”
No Bunny But You
“So did you want that drink?” Harry finally asks, still clasping Louis’ hand. “Or was that all just some big ploy to call me Daddy?” 
Mine Would Be You
“Yeah, well, the extra Pao in that Kung Pao chicken made the difference,” Harry jokes, preening under Louis’ appreciative gaze. “Really, it should be renamed Black Eyed Peas chicken ’cause it was Boom Boom Pao.” 
Arise, Fair Sun (pub date TBD!)
“Seriously,” Harry continues. “What good does practicing in water do? Baby needs a running start to do that lift, Louis. You see that when they’re practicing it in the field. You can’t run in water! He’s just deadlifting her and she’s got her hands on his shoulders to help with the momentum. It’s not at all how the lift is supposed to go. How is that a good way to learn?”
just one look (and I fell so hard) by @disgruntledkittenface
“All rise, indeed,” Louis murmurs, a smirk tugging at his lips.
(that line lives in my head RENT FREE.)
Escapade by dolce_piccante
“Harry,” Jack said, extending his hand, a dimpled smile lighting his face. “Harry Styles. It’s so great to meet you, Mrs. Mackey.”
I'm sure most of you have done this already but tagging @kingsofeverything @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @louandhazaf @absoloutenonsense @greenfeelings @allwaswell16 @neondiamond @greeneyesfriedrice @lovingstheantidote @alwaysxlarrie
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macabrecravings · 6 months
Cain starts using Evangeline too???
Yesss… Seeking out traumatized individuals is his favorite hobby…. mansplain manipulate malewife 💞 LMFAO JK.
But yeahh, originally my first impression of them was that he wouldn’t even bother w/ her because bc 1) She’s gross. 2) It’s clear she wouldn’t be … receptive. She doesn’t trust *anyone*, he would be no exception.
But!!! As I’ve continued thinking about her & seen how she reacts in moments of greater lucidity/low trauma… It’s got me thinking :)
TLDR: If they’re friendly, Cain could treat her like a little princess! She’s a little doll he can help and put on a better path <3 She has no faith in God but she believes in him & that makes him crazy! ^_^
In DOL, to complete the whole museum, you have to have access to the Temple. Meaning… Evangeline will eventually have to become an initiate. Aaaah uhoh she’s in Cain’s domain …..!!! Ehehe so, obviously Evangeline has her… type. [Rich older men who treat her like shit.] And, well, Cain isn’t older. But he is a monk. Which means he’s an *authority figure* or whatever ^_^ That + his looks, school status, and general reputation, = Evangeline is so very cautious in his presence. Walks on eggshells, she wants to stay in his good graces.
“Luckily” for her, Cain frequently puts himself in dangerous stations to stop bullying & assaults on the street— both of which she experiences ALL THE TIME. I could imagine that after he saves her a few times, she’d feel… indebted to him. Clearly, he’s a kind soul. Selfless and passionate, if not a bit brutish in the way he protects people. He could protect her. And she’d easily become dependent on him.
Which is absolutely perfect for him! Evangeline could make Cain’s savior complex go WIIILLDD :))
When Cain approaches Seraphina and tells her “You need help. I can help you. Trust in me <3” She’s like “??? No fuck off? I’m fine on my own, I don’t need you or God??” But Evangeline- She’s desperate for help. Usually, her go-to is Harper, but If this big popular guy who’s known for his good deeds and strength— if he wants to help her and give her lifestyle tips…? Man she’s going to listen out of intimidation if nothing else
Also there’s the whole upper-class lifestyle they’re both yearning for. Morgan tells Evangeline that she needs to be “the quintessential socialite” and tells her all about their family history and they’re from a noble house etc etc. Well, Cain’s a former rich kid who is also still striving to be high status like that too. He can tutor her, give her tips, like i’m being so fr he could absolutely shift her life— or at least the both of them think so!!
Okay one last one then I’m going to bed. Funny TV show trope. Cain = absolute top of the school reputation. Evangeline = bottom of the barrel. Rbis could result in them going omg hi!!! in the hallway and his friends being like 😟😟🤨??? is that ur little sister or smth …. (Evangeline cannot have a single relationship without incest allegations srry) /j
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
here i am requesting your much fuller year-end fic list 🤲
And here I am, givin' it to ya! I was gonna link to my earlier top 10, but someone messaged me that one of those fics was stolen, so BOOOOO ON THAT "AUTHOR," behold, a full list of my faves from One Direction land in 2022--minus that one--under the cut!
H&L drabbles series, onlylearsfool, 1k, Please @god, let this series continue!
Hanging Around, @homosociallyyourss, 1.4k, Nesting alpha/alpha 4 life!
makes me wanna try her on, @mercutionotromeo, 1.6k, Sexting!
isn't it delicate, stretchmybones, 1.8k, FISTING, in this economy!
Open for Business, onlylearsfool, 2.5k, Frat house glory hole!
I love it when you do it like that, @likelarryfics, 2.5k, Fuckin' in the KFC parking lot!
Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs, yeah_alright/ @uhoh-but-yeah-alright, 2.6k, Boob squeezing in the kitchen like it's a dancefloor!
Heat of the Moment, anonymous, 2.6k, Trope city, this whole series!
she makes you want her love, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 2.7k, BLs cry over it!
Blinding Lights, @lhhomefics, 2.8k, Angie!!
desperate times, anonymous, 2.8k, Addicted to lactating and stuck in an elevator!
Only Gonna Touch It, @lovingstheantidote, 3k, THE hottest bath in the world!
Feel my breath upon your thighs, cuckootrooke/ @larrydoinglaundry, 3k, This happened in this interview, I just know it!
I Can Be Your Vice and With Just One Look, @littleroverlouis, 3k and 4k
strawberry daiquiri, @justanothershadeofblue, 3.2k, Canon AND watersports AND gender!
brothers? @thedevilinmybrain, 3.4k, Liam's faux pas --> fun roleplay!
as if life were invented for love, daffodilsforlou/ @polaroidlouis, 3.5k, Harry is a MILF and MILFs are tops!
I Like Different Places (Nobody Calls It a Sin), YesIsAWorld/ @louandhazaf, 3.7k, Polyamory comin' out!
see or touch or use, @jishlerfics, 3.7k, Tender BDSM from the best in the biz!
Did You Ever Feel Like a Fire Hydrant (And all your friends are dogs), anonymous, 3.8k, Is as it says!
Patterned with Love, amistillthatgirl, 3.9k, Age play CANON, shout out to Harry Lambert!
honey, that's alright, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 4k, Mommy likes to get high!
in the shallow water, you can swim around me (i won't mind), enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 4.6k, Put two fingers in your pussy, mommy!
seven hours behind, justanothershadeofblue, 4.8k, Phone sex and nostalgia!
Desperate series, anonymous, 4.9k, The kind of filth that reminds me of 2013!
Southern Comfort, @kingsofeverything, 5k, A girl direction GREAT from the wankfest!
complicated freak, @likelarryfics, 5k, Gang bang fantasies DO come true!
Compound O, anonymous, 5.3k, Hormones and humiliation!
Top of the Tree, anonymous, 5.3k, The 2013 polyamory/orgy energy--off the CHARTS!
The Referral, @disgruntledkittenface, 5.4k, Tom Hardy threesome, yeah boiiiiii!
Copy of a…, nonsensedarling/ @absoloutenonsense, 5.5k, Triumphant, SEXY return of the clone a willy!
Santa's Good Boy, wellington28, 5.7k, Is as it says!
Worth the Risk, @lhhomefics, 5.8k, Louis's crush on Lando IS canon!
right where you are, that's where I am, etherealbliss/ @givesuethemoon, 6k, Painfully on point current canon!
Your Skin on Mine (I'm Losing Control), livelaughlovelarry/ @loveislarryislove, 6k, Birthday kinks, activated!
fuck a titan, save the world, rainblou, 6k, Fave crack author alert!
sweat, @bluestgrey, 6k, Old-school PWP, snowballing even!
come my love be one with the sea, cuckootrooke/ @larrydoinglaundry, 6.4k, Mermaid Harry!
Down to Be a Distraction, quickedween/ @becomeawendybird, 6.5k, Always weak for footie!Louis/model!Harry!
with love on the line, @disgruntledkittenface, 7k, Polyamory negotiations!
Almost Easy, crimsontheory/ @ireallysawanangel, 8k, We're strangers meeting for the first time!
some time to borrow, everysingleday/ @sun-lt, 8.8k, The way this feels so real on every single level!
no one's gonna know, jishler/ @jishlerfics, 9k, All tied up!
Every night, I've got you in my arms., @monamourstyles, 9.5k, Should we just keep driving!
I Just Wanna Taste It (aka the Waffle Fic), larry_hiatus/ @larry-hiatus, 10k, Vibe = OT5 filth from 2013!
it's enough (to make a girl blush), @bluestgrey, 10k, Sundresses and public sex!
Larry Omo series, larrsyh0me, 12k, Omorashi, let's gooooo!
cut through the static, bellaritess/ @clumsyclifford, 14k, The sheer BANTER of this!
On Thin Ice, @neondiamond, 16k, Olympic hockey AU!
Medicine series, anonymous, 20k, WHEW, every installment, its own gem, especially no. 7!
thinking about you (little freak, jezebel), abaddxns/ @momrryrights, 21k, We love canon muffing!
You Can Lay Your Hands on Me, abaddxns/ @momrryrights, 37k, Part II, baby BDSM steps!
yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter), @thedevilinmybrain, 40k, Oli runs sex errands, jealously!
Golden Rose series, MushroomMushroom28, 120k, WHEWWWWWWWW, everything in these tags!
Of Mates and Men, @bananaheathen, 630k, Fic of the goddamned YEAR!
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aquaquadrant · 8 months
Act two, oh boy. Ughhguhegjeb ok good to go.
Tango, the jig is up, everyone knows everything is NOT FINE dude
And here we go again, I am the Watchers' number one hater fr
Ooooooo, Helsknight mention, realization, yess
Grian's "that makes so much sense" is so funny for some reason
REN TOO LMAO. It was just another Tuesday on Hermitcraft.
Mmmm, explanation, tasty.
I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin, UGHG.
Maybe if I turn off my computer rn, I can live in ignorant bliss.
Nope, continuing.
Reminder that the Watchers literally watch hels too, and probably knew about Tango, like at least one did. Ugh.
This whole conversation is just, ugh, like, everyone is just horrified. I mean, it's really putting into hindsight just how HORRIBLE it was, like omfg.
This explanation of how the farm works, UGH, Tango being so chill about it, UGGHH
When I first read the accident line of Etho's, I thought he meant the portal switching them was the accident, and not that Tango didn't mean for it to happen lol
Seriously Watchers are on my LAST NERVE
Tango talks so casually, omfg.
Hm, how did you not see that coming Grian? Lol
Ty so much for having all the DL people be on Tango's side, literally couldn't handle this otherwise. Cleo's statement about how could they not tell Tango was dealing with this? Mwah
OOOOOOO, Grian askin' about Hels..
???????? Was that???? Grian's voice/thoughts??? In Jimmy's head???? Hm??????
Oh, is this were the decapitation comes in?
I'm still so worried about Tango going back to Hels. Please, so scared.
Oop, Jimmy speaking back to the Watchers omfg, love it.
Tango trying to justify why he should be a damn farm, uggghhh. This is literally just him coping and stemming from trauma, and it's not even hurtful seeing as death has no consequence.
Sometimes the Watchers can be funny, as a treat, they still need to stfu.
OOP "I don’t care if some random guy thinks you’re just the manifestation of all his evil- frankly, I think that says more about him than it does about you.” YEAAAAHHHHHHHH, GAG BRAVO WHEN HE CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF (he couldn't even if he wanted to)
The l word :) (love <3)
Fade to black and back to the ranch afterwards
"My gloves" awwwwwww, they're Jimmy's gloves now ugghhfew
The DL ppl coming to help ugh, love DL
And Etho takes the comm to explain! Huh, why am I getting deja vu back to a certain Hels player hm
Petition for a oneshot where the DLers explain what happened after this is all over to X, I think that would be great.
Etho a portal expert, do you get deja vu?
LMAO, Patho said he'd need Tango's comm to confirm his theory, and now Etho says he'd need Bravo's comm to confirm his theory, my my how the turn tables have turned. Just sit these two in a room already damnit.
Atlas fr need to move on god damnit. All these issues is because of Atlas, god damn it.
Uhoh, I thought we could be happy and not mention the feather farm again :(
Not the Watchers again 😭 I'll give em a pass, cause they're all moods.
I do wonder how everyone else outside of DL is handling all of them being on lock down. Can they still message, or is everyone just cut off from contacting them? How's X, an admin of a sanctuary world, reacting to this fiasco? How's fWhip, the admin of Empires, doing with a good chunk of his friends stuck in one server with minimal to no context?
Mmmm, please have the decapitation work, pleeaasssee
Jimmy talking back to the Watchers is my favorite Jimmy <3
I was so worried Tango was just gonna BOOKIT through that port 😭
??????? NO?????? NO???????? NO??????????
It's done, it was a roller-coaster, htp can't hurt me (for a while)
Tysm for this incredible fic <3
‘voluntary decapitation’ got a LOT of reactions hagsjdha i didn’t know how else to put it…
one thing about tango is that he is gonna try and insist he’s fine TIL THE BITTER END like asking for help is always the very last resort for him in all facets of life. we stan an emotionally walled-up king.
obligatory ‘the watchers suck’ blanket statement 🫡
i’ve talked abt helsknight before but it was SUCH a handy way to quickly get into the explanation, like that’s the whole reason tango ever even realized he was a doppelgänger. and ofc the other hermits who were there are like ‘OH HEY YEAH wtf was up with that…’ they’re so used to having weird shit happen and then just moving on LOL
“I wanna know more about Hels not having an admin” :3
of COURSE tango had to tell them all about the horrible blaze farm while acting like he’s completely unaffected. no way was i gonna leave out any of those tasty details.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: IMPULSE WAS THE MVP 💪 💪💪 even if he accidentally spooked tango in this case, it’s good to know he would go FERAL to protect his friends.
the rest of the DL gang are p great too, NO WAY they’d buy all the ‘doppelgängers are evil’ bullshit 😤 and i really don’t like mischaracterizing someone just for the sake of added drama/having an antagonist. i can just MAKE a new guy for that (hence bravo and atlas HAH)
WATCHER (kinda) GRIAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE FINALLY 💃 usually he’s more careful about not using his abilities near a listener but the situation had him frazzled.
listen. the scene where jimmy finally confronts tango about the destructive nature of his self-hatred is my FAVE. sometimes love means just being there for someone and supporting them, but other times it means laying down some hard truths. it’s the culmination of jimmy’s arc and i’m SO glad you enjoyed it.
it takes a server to rebuild a ranch 💪
i am an ethogirl first and a person second so u KNO i had to have etho lay it out for us, at the same time allowing me to draw parallels between him and patho.
i’m def not qualified to discuss fwhip or empires in general (i’m a sham, i’ve never watched any of it) but x was for SURE freaking out. this is gonna make one hell of a story (hah) for the rest of the hermits when they get back.
CMONNN i couldn’t have the decapitation work, that’d be too easy ;0
i’m cryin at ur reaction going from “I was so worried Tango was gonna book it through the portal” to “NOOOOO???? NOOOOOOOO” like damn talk about foreshadowing 😂
GLAD U ENJOYED THE RIDE we’ve still got plenty of twists and turns to come 💃 thank u for being absolutely STELLAR w the feedback!!
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moon-blanket · 9 months
Pushing myself out of my slump to listen to the new Balance audio.
Tumblr media
Is this a direct continuation of the previous Aaron/Elliot video ? oh this is Delicious.
Aaron reassuring Elliot that they'll figure this all out, regardless of how Smartass reacts :') ooooh i love them.
Smartass set up cards to play with Elliot, because Aaron told them the good things about their past ? I'm going to lay on the floor and SOB.
He called him "El" rAAAAAH. BROTHERS !!!!!!
SMARTASS KNOWS ABOUT MAGIC ??? THEY'RE INFORMED UNEMPOWERED ???? FROM THEIR EX ???? Oh this is Interesting. Well, that makes things a little easier !! Welcome to the Club i guess, Smartass ! Hooray !
Him explaining the situation :(( "I don't know how to help him, but he's my Brother. I'm not going to let him face this alone. And I couldn't step into all of this without telling You about it." :((( And him giving Smartass the option to Not be dragged into everything, but making sure they know that he HAS to help. They can change their mind at Any time about helping.
Aaron saying that they All care about Sunshine oh my god i'm screaming.
Hearing all of this planning just has me sitting in Awe about how Real it all feels. You get sucked into the world so naturally. It's so cool.
Also, it makes me think that it's been Two Years-ish of CloseKnit Operation as of the Monarchial Summit. I hope Sunshine is still okay. And that Elliot actually did get his foot in the door to open a better investigation.
"You don't have to save the world, Elliot. No one can ask that of you. You are one person. It's okay to not be able to take out a nationwide organization on your own. You just have to save Them, and we're going to do that." YEAAAH AARON. Oh my god. Thank you for the reminder. Just because you have being a Main Character to hide behind for safety, doesn't mean you should do everything on your own !!!!!!
Aaron's worry behind closed doors, still checking in on Smartass about it. I agree, everything else IS so big. Even I have trouble keeping track of every nook and cranny of the magical world we've been told about. It's a VERY big leap into a VERY deep pool these two are jumping into. But they're doing it Together, I suppose that's all that counts.
Uhoh, Smartass not being Officially Informed !! All the more reason to get the paperwork after all is said and done, I guess.
(How are we only Halfway through I'm afraid)
Aaron checking up on Elliot when it all becomes overwhelming :( Him telling Smartass of El's struggles with anxiety and how he tried his best to help. Burying myself alive and crying into the Earth about this. He cares so MUCH about his brother.
And I totally get feeling like a fish-out-of-water with your emotions when you're going through something, like you aren't Feeling what you're supposed to in the moment. Ooo ough and using it to keep going and be strong for Others.
Him almost tearing up about keeping strong and getting things done for Elliot, having to clear his throat and get back to business. He's just like me fr.
And the subtle mention of the Inversion's impact with the lady at the counter. Such a good detail.
SOUTHERN ? SOUTHERN INVESTIGATOR ? Sweetheart who is this. Do you know this man. Is he cool.
Mister Southern Investigator is right :( Unfortunately nothing is ever as easy as we hope it to.
"Our team of Stealths" SWEETHEART ? Hi Sweetheart. You're my hero. I love you.
"I can't lose them, Aaron, I can't." I'M CRYIIING AHHH. Blaming it on him telling them about Magic :(( And reliving their dream and how he couldn't do anything :((
Aaron reassuring him that everything will be Okay :((
Elliot having a death grip on his phone as he tries to fall asleep on the couch HURTS. Hurts dude. And Aaron hurting every time he sees his brother on the brink of breaking down.
Aaron doubting his abilities to be strong for his brother, to be able to reassure him that things will turn out alright. That hug and kiss with Smartass about it. I feel the worry through the screen. :((
Unbelievable acting Mr. Redacted. i'm going to lay on a country dirt road and think about this for the next 3 business years.
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