#uhh yeah!! animal
pigswithwings · 11 months
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kate-bot · 6 months
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a few more little pizza animations!!! they're a little rough around the edges but they were a lot of fun to make!!
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pepsimanan · 4 months
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#5 gumi
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werethropy · 4 months
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I love stuff like this actually
you acquired your therianthropy via soul walk-in? mines came free with my autism. get better next time.
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chickenndogg · 18 days
I can’t believe in the year 2024 we got a ‘Snap out of it!’ conclusion from Chee, I thought we were over this bad cliche guys… 😭
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kidbutcher · 3 months
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WAAAAAH..... Little boy Ryan knowing deep down he can't save both Homelander and Butcher, he's eventually gonna have to chose between them for the last time, because when he makes that final decision something horrible is gonna happen to the other </333 he knows how they're at each others throats, he knows how often they try killing each other (bro I will pay for their couples counselling JSKJFKJ) This boy is only 12 and he already knows he can't save everyone, no matter how hard he tries!!! he couldnt save his mom, and now he feels like he cant save butcher!! He spent most of his life in a very sheltered fairytale where he knew nothing but love and kindness!!! Till he met these men, and whether or not they meant to, they just ruined his life T.T He should be having fun and playing, but instead he's just forced to chose over and over again and know that anything can happen, and he's helpless to stop it
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justthelocalweirdo · 14 days
the sillies :P
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ignore the quality lmfao
Original :
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quirkle2 · 9 months
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anybody else rly rly ill about the amount of grief in his eyes in this scene
[original screencap under the cut]
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mewkwota · 11 months
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“Under the light of the moon...” “We shall...” “Destroy you!!”
Call me crazy, but RoB's opening gives me the same beat as Sailor Moon's-- it’s probably the key and end note. Well that's 90's anime for you (as is our darling little 90′s anime vampire hunters)... This is the same vampire-hunting anime we're talking about, right?
. . . Because I'm not talking about Knock Turn, I don't like that thing.
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Normally I screen my followers as they come in so I can block bots, terfs, and creeps. Republicans and vegans are on thin ice (basically if you're loud about it you already got the block, otherwise I probably didn't notice but you're also not gonna like my content). Freaks and weirdos are welcome/encouraged.
I've lost track of it all lately, so here are some selections from my tags to tell you what I'm about. If you don't like it, get lost. If you do, hi hello!
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gif-fany · 4 months
aww, How sugary kawaii neko is that 🥰😍 T/W GORE
Definitely an old one but urrmm I have too many things in mind to actually finish something rn... I have a dsaf comic in progress, a good omens animation that I still have to finish AND the mayonnaise meme that i have A LOT of ideas on.... so uhh... yeah.............
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watchin-mah-stories · 5 months
Now that the shows done, Mafuyu’s dog can shift back to GivenVerse
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(left: a sign of affection) (right: given)
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clownprince · 1 year
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also joker having kind of nice interactions with kids my beloved <3 <3
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orbmanson7 · 2 years
I'm bored at work so I decided to screenshot and list all the random crap you can see in Herbert's room in Re-Animator, for anyone curious.
(heads up, the third screenshot contains a dead animal)
On our first glance, we can see the following:
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-An obligatory poster with multiple diagrams of the human brain with extensive information relating to each part
-A mini-fridge containing multiple chemical solutions, Herbert's reagent, multiple petri dishes with some kind of sample growths inside them (some of the jars may also contain samples), and a dead Rufus
-Atop the fridge, we see a binder filled with a documentation log, a thick reference book, another smaller textbook, a metallic bowl with some sanitized cloth under it, an additional sanitized cloth under Dan's hand there, a small tube with a screw-on cap that could contain just about anything, and a wrapped power cord with an old-style plug that may or may not be connected to the small lamp sitting above it
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-In the wideshot, we can see a nightstand of sorts (it's more like a coffee table that runs alongside Herbert's bed) that holds a small old-style lamp, more reference books and papers, a few more sanitized cloths, a closed but not sealed cardboard box, at least six miscellaneous bottles that appear to be liquid and/or tablet-form medications, a larger bottle of chemical solution, a cup or mug with a stirring implement sticking out of it, and what appears to be an infrared thermometer but I don't know that those even existed in 1985 so it could be a large inhaler or other medical device instead
Next, when we revisit the room in the Integral Cut, we can see there's a few new items added, especially the contents around Herbert's bed.
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-There is a typewriter that was there in the earlier scene, but we can see it more clearly now, with paper inside and half a page already filled
-There's a desk lamp switched on to illuminate the typewriter and multiple books stacked on the desk next to the typewriter, as well
-A human skull has been added to the pile of contents atop the fridge, along with several more reference books and papers (and the brain poster has now been moved behind it, blocking the window shade, for some reason)
-On Herbert's bed is a suitcase with an exact copy of his current wardrobe of a white, long-sleeved button-down shirt and a black tie (and probably pants, too)
-Next to his bed, on that long table, we can see a new cardboard box that's open and contains large bottles of what are likely more tablet-form medications as well as what looks like a can of something (likely a chemical)
-Next to the box is the same closed box from earlier, but the cloths have all been used up save for one. On the other side, there's what is either a well-used magazine or a workbook sitting under a thermos among a large bottle of chemical solution, six more bottles of tablet-form medications (two still inside boxes), two boxes that seem to either be bandages and/or nylon bands (both used for injections), and that same old-style lamp from before
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(I don't think it's worth mentioning the large white board on the bed that is likely there for white balance in the shot rather than an actual prop, especially since it's not there in the immediate next shot)
-On the bed behind them appears to possibly be a swiss airline luggage tag (those big ones you can use to make it easier to locate your luggage at baggage claim), likely still connected to Herbert's suitcase
-On the other side of the bed, there's far more innocuous items, such as an open can of diet 7-Up in front of a small biohazard sign, an overturned open book, a large canister for water (likely used for tea or coffee), another reference book, and memo pad papers scattered back there, too. There's also some kind of large implement of some sort (maybe just the weirdest paperweight to exist), if it was upside-down then it could closely resemble what someone may use to polish shoes? It could also just be a bizarre lamp that's not plugged in, I don't know
-Also interesting to note that Herbert kept the window next to his bed slightly open, his bed is always messily made, and he never has anything on the floor despite the mess of clutter he stacks everywhere else in his room
Anyway, that's it! I always find it interesting what gets chosen by set design when cluttering a lived-in space (especially in 80s movies) for these kinds of shots, even if it's haphazardly done on a cheap budget. They can say a lot about a character, and I think there's certainly some unique notions to made about Herbert based on what can be seen here.
Do what you will with this information.
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crypt1cs-cr33psh0w · 10 months
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hey reanimator fans!
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5-htreuptakeinhibitor · 2 months
.........im just gonna be real i do not see kabu misu. like period...... like dont get me wrong theyhave a good dynamic but it was NOT mithrun in the middle of his conspiracy board
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