#uhh what would the other ship name be
deusluxuria · 10 months
per my last email..........
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(image descriptions: first is pesci and doppio badly edited onto a stock photo of two men getting married. second is a different stock photo of two wedding men with prosciutto and diavolo edited onto them)
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lugartl · 4 months
ive never seen anyone ship scratch & snowman before.. im interested
some art for you, curious soul. get ready for a ramble under cut btw :op
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OKOK, so the ship first started out cause of me and boyfriend joking around with shipping people with scratch, Hussie, self shipping, and then we got around to snowman and we were like "wait.. this is kinda awesome??" and the ship was made for us. in our opinions, we think that snowman is very jokingly yet very lovingly affectionate with him, and doc scratch is constantly like "I HAVE WORK TO DO... STOP!!!!" and is overall very flustered and unamused with her affections. (in secret though we feel that he does enjoy her affections, he just wishes she'd save it for when he wasnt actively working or around people.) but yeah, it started as a crack ship but made its way into my heart. (i dont think mu boyfriend ever ironically shipped it, he was always genuine with it.)
but yeah, me and my bf love polyfelt and polycrew. we are lovers, your honor!! we love love!!
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zz-chikorita · 2 years
Concept: Guzma tells Leon he use to have a septum piercing, but hasn't worn it in many years; however, you can still see the hole. When Leon leans up to look closer, Guzma kisses him 😈😘😲
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
Callsign: Omega
post-s3 finale head cannons (spoilers, duh)
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Omega, she’s become one of the most famous pilots for the rebellion.
She names her x-wing “Havoc 5” for her brothers
Of course it has their ct numbers written across the back, right behind the cockpit, for they’re always watching her six. She can't see them when she's flying, and frankly doesn't look at the worn numbers there every day, but they're there always.
The belly of her x-wing is covered in tally marks. The blue ones are for each clone she’s helped free, an ohmage to a clone her brother Echo told her about, ARC-5555. The black ones are for every other being she's helped free. And the red ones, those are for the lives that have passed on and become one with the Force.
On part of her landing gear is a blue pawprint.
On her helmet she only has five things painted, a knife, a crosshair, a tooka doll, a handprint, and a pair of goggles.
On the shoulder of her flight suit, she adds another CF 99 patch, just like the one on her jacket.
She goes by callsign “Omega” for she is the last. The end. The final thing her enemies will see, the last thing the Empire will feel as it falls. She is the being that brings an end to the suffering that so many clones have faced as wards of the Empire when she shows up to liberate them. Omega.
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Bonus: The first time she returns to Pabu, Hunter immediately notices the nose art she's chosen to paint on her shuttle, the one built from the Marauder's salvage. It's a stark replica of the nose art that once adorned the original ship, back in the Clone Wars. His stomach plummets and he can't even find the words. As his daughter strolls down the ramp, she immediately bursts into laughter at the look on his face.
Her brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker stroll into the courtyard, the larger of the two asking loudly, "What's so funny, 'Meg?"
"I think that is what's so funny." The lankier one replies, gesturing to the nose of the shuttle with his left hand. He's forgone his prosthetic today. Some days he wears it, others he chooses to wear his cap with pride.
Wrecker scratches his beard and both his eyes widen, "WAIT- IS THAT?"
"So, it would seem." Crosshair says, placing a toothpick between his lips. "Breathe, Hunter." He says pointedly at his brother, who still looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-uhh. It's good to have you home, Omega." He finally stutters out.
He wraps his arms around her tightly as always, but his eyes are still glued to the hull of her shuttle. "Done some decorating, I see?"
"Yeah." She replies simply, giving Wrecker and Crosshair their own due hugs. "You like it?"
"It certainly is... something." Hunter gets out, stumbling over his words yet again.
"I found the image in some old Republic files we recovered, it reminded me of something I saw as a kid, but I don't remember where." She says, coming to stand beside Hunter again.
"Ehhh... Omega." Her father groans, running a hand through his greying hair. "Do you... Do you remember what the Marauder looked like when we first met?"
She turns to him. "No, why do you ask?"
Hunter finally peels his eyes away from the shuttle to face his daughter. "That picture you found... That was... That was the Marauder, that's where you know it from. You only saw it once. We scrubbed it off as soon as we decided to come back to Kamino for you."
"Really? I had no recollection." Omega tries to stop the grin from spreading across her face, but she can't help it, and Hunter, still perceptive as always scoffs at her.
"Why you little..." He growls at her, stifling his own laughter.
"I think she knows..." Crosshair chimes in, running his hand through his silver locks.
Wrecker's jaw drops, "Wait, you know where that's from?"
Omega shakes her head at her brothers. "Of course I know, I never forgot how awkward you all were when I asked about it. It didn't click exactly why until I found that old picture. Thought I'd bring it back for old time's sake, eh Hunter?"
Hunter's eyes widen as words escape him once again.
"Kidding," Omega teases. "I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."
Crosshair steps closer to the shuttle to examine the paint job. "Though this has been wildly entertaining, it might be best for you to scrub it, 'Mega."
Omega crosses her arms. "Why? You did it first little brother."
His eyes narrow at his sister, he's the only one she ever pulls that with and though he secretly loves it, she can't know that. "I mean it." He says sternly, pointing his toothpick at her. "Otherwise, Hunter is going to have an aneurysm every time you come home."
Omega looks to the clone beside her, just barely an inch shorter than her now. She places a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll scrub it. Echo thought the idea was hilarious. Plus, it gave me an opening to show you this."
She gently reaches into her bag and brings out a holoframe, turning it so Hunter can see. It looks just like any other quick photo taken in a Republic shipyard. Troopers are milling around in the back, by the looks of the landscape it might've been Ryloth. The focus of the photo, however, is a black Omicron-class attack shuttle and five clone commandos posed in front of it in red and black armor.
Their helmets are off, their faces young and confident, proud of their most recent mission. Though, the sniper has a rifle held in his right hand, and the one crouched in front doesn't have his goggles on. But it's clear who it is, all five of them. And on the nose of the attack shuttle behind them, is the striking portrait of the last senator of Naboo.
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drawlody · 5 months
My list of Adam ships♡ n my opinion bout them (also fics rec :D)
Adam x Luicfer (Adamsapple/Duitarduck) 10/10
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Need i say more:)))??!?! started out as a "haha funny slip-up ship" to "hey they got really good angst potential". The friends/lovers to enemies to lovers is STRONG with this one n i am eating up everything i could found on ao3. Smth bout this macho-ass man finally getting to stay back n not take charge for once feel nice, also princess Adam supermacy wooooo. Whoever came up with the ship name i applaud u cause that's like a 3 layers name(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
It's not an Adamsapple fic without Adam having at least 1 mental breakdown n Lucifer have his guilt eating him alive:)))
Very fucked up torture but i swear it worth the pain:D The dove is so dead it start to rot so plz read the tags properly (plz check out the AngeliaDark other works too they got good shit)
This one have a splits so check out both the fics (beware the author have a skrewed sense of what is considered wholesome:))))
I didnt think a smut scene could be this sad
Adam x Lute (Guitarspear/Guardrock) 10/10
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Litteraly my first Hazbin ship, assholes in love is an underrated dynamic we desperately need more off:))) That with a dash of evil dude x loyal subordinate (which i havent seen since the Deathglare days) n opposite attract (look they have one main thing in common is that their extreme bloodthirst, other than that she's stricter than ur mom n he's lazier than the Sloth ring itself but that the beauty of it no? He convince her to chill tf out n not to burst a blood vessel, she keep him on track n make sure Sera dont come on their asses)
They're just being silly enabling each other terrible behaviour n i love that for them (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Litteral besties i tell ya
Heavy non-con shit involving Val but Lute will revenge our boi i promised u that
Cool idea n they r just made for each other damn
First hazbin fic i read which is a really cool smut:D
Adam x Micheal (we need a ship name people ) (update: it's Songbird/Guitarhero) 10/10
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I like how we dont even got a proper comfirmation of Micheal design/personality yet the ship is here already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( im using the Nakariiale's design as a base here love their design)
Hit me with that rebound love x "u look like my ex so im using u as a replacement but ill fall for the real u eventually" x co-workers in heaven. I'm thinking smth along the line of "after Lucifer fucked off with Lilith, Micheal became Adam guardian angel n they just hang out" ya feel me here? (✿◕‿◕✿)
Shout out to Bloog_b for dragging me into this ship:DDD also im on the Adam x the archangels ship as a "gotcha" to Lucifer of sort. Like bitch u stole my wives imma steal your brotherS
Look it's Adamsapple endgame but trust me u will be feed well on this ( u know how good u gotta be for people to ditch the main ship?)
I'm giving yall 4 fics here cause i can only found 4 rn(._. )
this one is uhh non-con so beware
Micheal is indeed Adam guardian angel in this one:D
Adam x Eve (Flowertunes) 8/10
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I dont care what yall said they love each other throughout Eden n Earth , might have a falling out in heaven but that doesnt change the fact that they were once IN LOVE. Honestly why cant we just have a couple that have the same bright-eyed innocence like one another.I refuse to believe Eve like willingly cheat on Adam with malicious intent n all, simply she was indeed ''tricked'' or just not fully understand the sistuation, n Adam love her way too much to think that she would do that to him like Lilith. Hell the dude was heartbroken after L left , starting the abandonment issues, so he would have cling to Eve, doing everything so that he aint alone again, even if that mean leaving Eden
Honestly it pisses me off that the Adam/Eve tag on ao3 most of the time is just 1 dialouge between them back when Eve bit the apple n thats it no elaboration on the couple whatsoever >:(((
Lots of switcharoos
sinner eve woooo
look its hard trynna find a fic focusing on them ok?
Adam x St. Peter (Guitargreeter (bet ya didnt see that coming:))) 7/10
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Base on this fanfic alone Joe my dude u r on the path of becoming THE Adam crack-ship writer n i am here for this:)))) just so u wait this dude gonna whip out a AdamxNifty , AdamxHusk fic later on ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
From within the fic itself the ship its 2 bros in love with homophobia standing in the way >:( also when did we have a name?!?!?!?
I just like Adam x anyone in heaven alright:D like bro famous n he got that ancient rizz, u telling mr he cant bag a hottie or 2-100+ hmm?
Adam x Alastor (Angelicradio) 8/10
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I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ABOUT THEM THAT I SHIP I JUST DO φ(゜▽゜*)♪ i blame YOU honestly rn this ship is either Adam found Al after the fight n they make a deal or they're in heaven n they chillin this ship is confusing:D
They're angels on heaven
Adam gone back into eden n do shit differently
This is both Adam/Eve n Adam/Alastor kinda
Adam x Alastor x Lucifer (Angelicradioapple/ Charlie's dads (only me call them that lol)) 9/10
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''Hey Charlie u know how u r sad that your mother left? Wellllllll i got you 2 new dads suprise:DDDD''
Look 3 miserable men who hate each other + hell's greatest dad + my love for Dadam = Messy ass old men yaoi :DDDD n it work perfectly with Alastor Asexuality too!!! Like Adam n Lucifer could fuck each other brains out before Al joining in for the cuddles lol
Chaos ensue
Not exactly a love triangle but a love corner but hey we barely got food here :D
I cant believe how hot this shit is lol
Adam x Eve x Lilith x Lucifer (Eden poly/ applecore?) 8/10
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They could have been all married to each other(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ But as much as i go "OooOooo Poly yay'' i just cant vibe with EvexLucifer, like the cheating vibes is wayyyyyyyyy too much i just cant man . I mean with the interpetation that Lucifer came to Eden to hang out with the humans they all know eachother, they're a throuple yes but BUT when Eve came into the picture it was only with Adam n him only so the other 2 is ehhhh. Im fine with EvexLilith cause im seeing it happening later, not hidden from Adam while LuciferxEve got that deception going on .So uhhh in this ship they're more like bestie than lovers to me¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also AdamxLilith is an underrated pairing like everytime i saw this applecore thing going on these 2 r at most tolerate each other like cmonnnnn we already twist this to hell n back, why cant we make it so their arguement was a petty non-malicious one n they still cares for each other hmm???
They're one happy family
IDK what to tell u bittersweet reunion n loving family is the only typa fic u get with this ship
Not that im complaining i need this wholesomeness
Adam x Mammon (Adammon/Madam/Greedyguitar/ 1st chirstmas.... hasnt had an offical name yet) 10/10
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They r litteraly same person different font idk what to tell u. More insults thrown around than Guitarspear but they're pretty similar. Adam is just " sinners suck ass but this dude is the worst in the best way". Also they're both big bois (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ , they love towering over others
I'm sorry but there r barely BARELY
any fics of them :(
The art side is more plentiful tho :D
Adam x Angel Dust (Holydust/guitardust) 5/10
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THEY ARE BESTIES YOUR HONOUR n that the exact reason why i cant see them be together as a couple 100%, like the shit-talking bff vibes r wayyyy too strong XD Angel finally got someone who have the same vulgar humour as him n if Adam got married in hell Angel would 100% be his best bitch of honour (≧∀≦)ゞq(≧▽≦q)
They're best friends who have casual no-string attached sex that is ACTUALLY no-string attached:)))
I came to ship them due to those "What if they're co-workers under Val' scenarios ive been seeing on Tumblr
I got like 1 fic on ao3 i mean if u r looking for just platonic friendship between them then rest asure most Adam's redemption fics have that
I got 1 fic on tumblr
Adam x Charlie (Charadam/Guitarprincess) 5/10
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U know this ship give me a pretty bad first impression since a good chunk of the fics r either heavy non-con shit or lean wayyyyy to much into the daddy kink, ya know how Charlie got suppose daddy issues n all that jazz?:))) yeah that... that
But after seeing the art side of this ship im chillin with them now, since the art r pretty wholesome, usually having them decked out in punk-rock clothings hanging out. It's a big "Fuck you" to Lucifer n i live for these mf argueing ╰(*°▽°*)╯
So uhhh stay away from the fics if ya want an actual functional couple instead of wtv messed up shit we got there:))) But here's a fic anyway, the only one where it feel bearable n actual trynna go into said messed up relationship i already warn you
We got cracks like Guitarmaid (AdamxNifty), Valadam (AdamxVal) which i dont have enough materials to decied, Classicalrock (AdamxSera) sound interesting but also havent found anything , Guitarhalo (AdamxEmily) is an unexpected find, find i deem them to be more familial than romantic so we'll see if there's a fic good enough to convince me
Edit:i forgot to add Blitzo like Mammon already there why did i forgot
Adam x Blitzo (i dont think anyone even ship this but me:)) 7/10
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I cant find a single fic where they has anything more than a 1 nightstand n 1 interaction where they hit it off , i live off imagination alone (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) but like fr fr they would match so well, like their bloodlust n general jerkiness would make them the 3rd asshole x asshole ship on this list :DDDD
Tho as much as i wanna see them go further i feel like an on-n-off relationship/friends with benefits fit em more ya know ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰) If ya have any fic but the 2 here that have them interact lemme know cause a bitch need food :)
This is a lot of tag(._. )
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Okay. So like... uh, I made an au.
Basically, Grian is a prince, and Scar is a pirate captain. Scar kidnaps Grian!! and instead of ransoming him, he keeps the prince. As a treasure of sorts :3
Writing below :3
Grian grunted as he was lifted from the ground by the back of his robes, forced to walk in front of a crew member. He stumbled slightly as he was led out of the brig, his body aching from the past few hours. His wrists were bound, the rope tying them behind his back being quite obviously too tight.
He swallowed when the cold breeze hit him as he was forced to walk on deck. The wind whipped around him, messing up his dirty blond locks. And then he was met with the sight of countless crew members, and then a taller man who stood away from the rest. The man was scarred, and his eyes were a vibrant green, almost emerald. His brunet hair looked unkempt, but still clean. He had a hat on his head, and a button-up shirt that was definitely buttoned wrong. 'Strange.' Grian thought.
The prince let out a shaky sigh through his nose, and nearly yelped as he was forced onto his knees in front of the tall brunet, whom he assumed was the ship's captain. He focused his gaze solely on the wooden deck of the ship, not wanting to acknowledge the mocking crew behind him and the taller man in front of him.
Too bad for him, Grian's chin was gripped between two calloused fingers and tilted up. The captain's grip was surprisingly gentle, and yet his gaze said otherwise; Grian felt like there was hidden emotions behind those vibrant eyes, but it's not like he had the guts to even speak at the moment.
"Would you look what we have here; a prince of a once-wealthy kingdom."
The captain snickered softly, and Grian could hear a few of the man's crew snicker as well.
"I've been thinking, little prince. You'd be worth quite a lot to your parents, and we could ransom you. Or, we could keep ya! Maybe lock ya in the brig for the rest of yer life, yeah?"
The prince swallowed, forcing himself to keep his onyx eyes locked onto the emerald ones above him.
The taller man glanced up and behind Grian at his crew, shooting them a look.
"Get back to work or go to bed, ya jackasses. This isn't a show."
Grian nearly let out a sigh of relief as he heard the crew members scurry off either to their cabins or some place else. He then felt the captain release his chin, then he heard him speak up, in a much softer tone.
"Stand up. Come on, I'd prefer to talk to you in private, angel."
Grian almost instantly stood, his legs wobbly but still somewhat steady. He followed the man below deck, into what seemed to be his quarters. Odd.
"Alright, uhh.." The captain sighed, "Sit down on the bed. Go on."
Grian sat down, and watched as the man kneeled in front of him. The prince's wrists were aching, his once fair skin now covered in scrapes and bruises. The scarred man seemed to notice, but didn't speak of it.. yet.
"Okay. Well, er, I'm terribly sorry about my behavior-"
"-you know.. gotta keep up my tough, barbe- barbaric cap'n facade around my crew."
The captain chuckled softly, "Why don't we get to know each other? What's your name, sweetheart? Another sorry from me, I haven't done my research."
Grian's eyebrows furrowed and he shifted slightly. This man, with his bright eyes and tanned skin, was very confusing to Grian. He glanced away, then met the man's eyes once more.
"Grian.." He answered, not bothering to add a last name. "You..?"
He didn't know if he was going to get an answer from the captain, but it was worth asking.
"My name? Oh, t'is Scar Goodtimes, darling. You can call me Scar, but try to call me 'Sir' or 'Captain' around m'crew, 'kay?"
Scar? What kind of name was Scar-? And Goodtimes?? Again, confusing. Grian huffed slightly, then spoke in a slightly mocking tone.
"Okay.. 'Scar'.."
Scar rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he tutted.
"Now now, don't start that, sunshine."
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twee-too · 2 years
A Strawhat Sleepover Zoro x Sanji x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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word count: 7k
small summary: Luffy, Usopp, and chopper had a great idea. They decided to throw a crew sleepover, but when alcohol and party games get introduced, the peaceful night gets a lot more interesting.
CW: Threesome, face fucking, oral (M&F), Drunk sex, slight neck grabbing
A/N: just wanted to point out that this is my first time writing a fanfic(Audible gasp) so it might or might not suck ass 💀 imma apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes/ incorrect sentences or smthing 😭 But hope yall enjoy it!
Also gonna colour code the names teehee
(some ppl share a colour cuz theres only so many 😒)
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin
since they say shii in this they get colours (sorry franky and brook)
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You and the strawhats just finished the dinner your cook Sanji had prepared. Your captain had looked like he was about to pop, his belly gotten so round from all the food he just consumed. You'd tried to contain the smile that was about to form from how Luffy looked like an overstuffed Turkey, but having your fellow cremates Usopp and Chopper laughing hysterically in your ear wasn't helping. You eventually broke out laughing after Luffy had tried to get up but falling in the process making a cartoon "boing" sound effect.
It was getting late and the crew had slowly started to do their nightly routine. You had just put on your pajamas when all of a sudden you hear Luffy yell " EVERYONE COME TO THE DECKKKKK!!!! " you obviously hear your loud captain and rush to the deck.
Everyone had arrived eager to know what they were called for. An emergency? a marine Ship spotted? another Pirate Ship that had threaten to attack the Sunny and steal all our-
"Guys! Usopp, chopper, and I had a great idea!! We should all have a sleepover on the deck since chopper has never been to a sleepove-" Before he could finshes Nami and Sanji started beating poor Luffy and Usopp up, forgetting Chopper had also been a part of this.
Nami scolded the both of them hard, You stood there rubbing your head in relief/annoyance. On one hand yay! nothing is wrong. On the other hand. Dumbasses.
Through luffys beaten up faces, he mustered up a muffled apologized
All of this was too much, especially for it being night time, but a sleepover doesn't sound too bad, The wind had been stale for the whole day and the ship had barely made it anywhere, so spending more time with your fellow crewmates couldn't be so bad right? You along with chopper had never been to a sleepover so this idea sparked the inner child in you. After all the fuss had worn off, the others had given their thoughts on the idea.
"I think the idea isn't too bad"
you were honestly a little surprised that Robin was willing to do it, actually thinking about it... it would be nice to hear her read a bedtime story for everyone, the way she reads storys never fails to soothe you.
"Me too! as long as we get to do sleepover stuff...like...uhh..."
The crew looked at you waiting to hear an example.
. . .
"To be honest I have no clue" You shrugged giving an embarrassed smile.
"ahh y/n, there's a ton of stuff to do during a sleepover! Like pillow fights, storytelling, playing tricks on people-"
Usopp was suddenly cut off at the burst of thought Nami had
"Yea! and we can also tell spoooky storys!"
Nami gave an evil stare at Usopp, knowing how much of a scaredy-cat he is.
" Ya know what? I think a sleepover is a great idea as well!"
" I think this sounds stupid, I want my sleep"
"Zoro... You take naps every day, I think you'll be fine"
"tsk" Zoro gave an annoyed look
"Fine, if it'll stop all your whining"
of course, Sanji said yes, if thats what it takes to spend more time with the ladies he'll put up with the other's shenanigans.
Everyone had agreed, and now comes the sleepover prepping! Since there were no sleeping bags on board they loaded up in blankets and pillows! Luffy was telling Sanji the snacks, food, and drinks he wanted him to prepare. Usopp, Chopper, and Franky had all started to come up with stuff to do in case they start to get bored. Robin, Nami, and brook were collecting some stories to read, Nami and brook were getting the scariest ones, and you were setting up the sleeping area with Zoro.
You and Zoro we on good terms, you would sometimes ask him to help you train and would study him a lot. You were never really a love-crazy person, but something about the way Zoro carries himself made your heart beat a little faster, It got especially worse when you started hanging around him more often. Obviously you would never want to admit this, even if you do sometimes let your mind wander off thinking about him, or would sometimes catch yourself staring at him too hard while he trained. You don't want to admit you have a slight crush on him, because if you did you'd only have your heart broken. You respected Zoro, but you also acknowledge how empty-headed he can be, you know that someone like Zoro doesn't do love, the only thing on his mind was swords, sake, and sleep. You'd sometimes daydream about what he'd be like as a boyfriend, but you knew it would never work between you two. Although you knew all of this... you still had those nights when you'd crave his touch, fantasizing what it would feel like to have his big thick hands caress the hot inners of your thighs, feel the warmth of his body against yours, the idea of having him manhandle you all night long just excited you.
"Oi, you should pick whichever blanket and pillow you want before the others get back"
With that you snapped back from being lost in thought, all this Zoro nonsense was starting to get to your head. You didn't want to like him, but your heart said "hmm yes, sword-man"
it was first come first serve when it came to the blankets/pillows, some were better than others so you took the chance to take the best ones. Zoro on the other hand took whichever one he picked up first.
You didn't know where to lay your stuff, so you just picked the middle of the deck. Zoro just plopped his stuff across from yours. Your feelings regarding him just kept coming back to your head, but after hearing Sanji and Luffy come out of the kitchen and the others start returning to the deck, you felt more at ease.
Sanji and Luffy were carrying some snacks that the chef had prepared, dead eyeing Luffy to make sure he didn't even eat a crumb of it, alas, we know how Luffy is.
A few kicks in the hip later and everyone had finally settled down into their sleeping area, Sanji though was handing out special desserts he had made for the ladies. You know how Sanji is.
When you first joined the crew you had a pretty big crush on Sanji, he had stolen your heart with his kindness, respect, and obviously his gentlemanliness. You knew if you wanted to be in a relationship with him, you could. However as time went on, your thoughts started flying everywhere, you'd wonder if he'd be a committed boyfriend, and you'd soon come to your conclusion that he just didn't seem like the loyal type, though you didn't have any proof of this well other then the fact he acts like a dog in heat around other women, thoughts just kept building up to the point where you started to distance yourself from him a little. Not by too much, just ignoring his flirtatious comments/compliments, never being in a room alone with him, and always being one of the first people to leave the kitchen after they're done eating. However, even with all your efforts to get this man outta your heart, you still can't look him in the eyes for too long without blushing, the way he gazes at you so softly always makes your heart melt.
"Y/n! I made you this pastry, I put all my heart into it! I hope it tastes as good as you look~"
His stupid heart-eyed expression always annoyed you, he'd do that to any girl he sees in a 1-mile radius. You thanked him and took his pastry, adverting eye contact.
You hated how pathetic you felt, both Zoro and Sanji had no clue how they made you feel, and that alone made you feel so small, and it's not like you'd do anything to change that. You just needed to grow up.
As the night went on the straw hat pirates did a list of activities to do. They built a blanket fort, made s'mores (Sanji did all the work, although Luffy did try to make a fire that almost ended in setting the ship on fire merry pt2) Had a pillow fight (which resulted in a few people flying off the ship) Played hide and seek, told scary storys, and finally ending in Robin reading everyone a bedtime story. You almost forgot this was a sleepover and not a party from how much fun you were having, but good things have to come to an end. Everyone was falling asleep, and you were even finding yourself..dozing...off....into.......sleep..............
You jolted up awake looking around confused, then look down to see what just hit you...
You piece the puzzle together, luffy had somehow turned upside down in his sleep and kicked you in the face by accident.
You wanted to hit him back but decided not to, you knew it'd wake up the others in the process.
You looked around to see everyone dead asleep with snores echoing to the area. you guessed it has been a few hours since everyone had fallen asleep. You get up and stretched your back, rubbing your eyes and making your way to the kitchen to grab a drink. You tried to not wake anyone up but it was hard considering it was like a maze to get out of with everyone sleeping on the floor and all. You'd soon happen to walk right above Sanji without even realizing, he grunted softly and adjusted his legs a little but that was enough movement to stop you right in your tracks. You could hear nothing but your heartbeat, it was a nerve-wracking feeling. You stared at him for a while, letting a deep sigh out. You were standing right above his face, with each foot on each side of his shoulder, if he were to wake up to this sight of you... you'd die of embarrassment, never being able to look at him the same. The more you stood there, the more your mind spun with late-night thoughts,
"what if I just sat on his face"
As soon as you thought that you turned bright red, and finally continued your way to the kitchen.
Finally, you made it to the kitchen, after what felt like years. You grab a cup and start filling it up with water until you hear someone walking outside the kitchen, your heart almost skipping a beat. You thought everyone had been off in dreamland at this time of night, but someone was awake aside from you.
You where just about to go see who it is until you hear a loud thud, then some arguing. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was.
You walked over to check the deck and alas, Zoro had "accidentally" stepped on Sanji's foot, causing Sanji to wake up. They were about to start a commotion until you grabbed their attention and Motion them to shush.
You were thinking how this can get any worse? They end up coming to the kitchen to see what you're up to. At this point, you're panicking a little bit, you alone with the two of them? that thought alone gets your mind racing. You assure yourself that nothing is going to happen.
"Whatcha doing awake at this time of hour?"
"Luffy kicked me awake, I was just grabbing a glass of water."
"Are you ok?? does it still hurt??"
Sanji walked over to you to get a better look at your face, his face closer than it has ever been to yours, his eyes...you felt your heart doing break dances in the sudden excitement but also felt embarrassed. You dodged the eye contact and nervously faked laughed
"Ya! im fine, don't worry it wasn't too hard"
you walked off to take a seat at the table, cup in hand.
"Zoro, what'ya up for?"
"I heard some movement and noise... came to check who it was, ended up waking this guy up to"
Sanji shot an annoyed stare at Zoro, and Zoro shot one back. The tension between them was getting out of hand, you just wanted to drink your water in peace. You decided to cut the water short and go back to sleep, you were about to get up but Zoro gave an idea.
"Well, since we'll all awake, how about we do something while we have a drink"
"That's just your dumb excuse to drink sake you stupid celery stick."
"and what about it? you curly fry!"
What did he wanna do? Zoro went to grab the sake, Sanji looked like steam was about to come out his ears.
He'd had gotten 2 sake bottles and 1 empty one.
"I knew you were an idiot but come on? I hope you know thats an empty bottle"
"of course I know you dumbass"
Zoro was gritting his teeth in anger. You couldn't help but wonder what the empty bottle was for... Zoro placed the three bottles down, he had brought 2 cups for the sake and gave one to you, he didn't care enough to bring one for Sanji. He sat back down and poured himself a cup, he put the second bottle closer to you. You looked at Sanji, but he was too busy giving Zoro a dirty look.
"Whatever! I didn't wanna drink anyways"
You knew you couldn't handle sake, it was too strong for your taste. 2 or 3 cups full would probably get you pretty drunk. You decided to fill the cup up and down it. You never really liked the taste of sake, you didn't understand how Zoro can drink this stuff all the time.
"Time to play truth or dare"
Zoro smirked as he looked at both you and Sanji. Your eyes widen a little.
"you're on"
Zoro placed the bottle down ready to spin, it's not really how you play truth or dare, at least not the way you played it. there was never a bottle involved?.
He spins the bottle, sending it spinning around the table. You were sitting at the end table while Zoro was sitting on the left and Sanji on the right. The bottle stopped closer to the left side.
"Your up Zoro, truth or dare"
Zoro didn't even hesitate, caught you a little off guard, but that didn't stop you from coming up with something.
" Yell out the first word that comes to your head "
You shook a bit when he yelled that. You didn't expect him to do it so fast without hesitation. He drank more of his sake and spun the bottle again. You were a little scared, but you felt excited. But that excitement soon turned to dread when you saw the bottle slowly stop on you.
"Y/n! Truth or dare?"
You had thought that truth would've been better than dare, you were in the heat of the moment, and it's usually common knowledge that dare is worse than truth, but for a split second, you had forgotten what situation you were in. You had forgotten who you were with.
there was a moment of silence between the three of you. The tension was ripping you apart. You drank another cup of your sake. You were trying to make a mental note to not drink too much, but all you could focus on was the words that were going to come out of one of their mouths. They both looked at each other, then at you, then back at each other. You felt your palms begin to sweat a little, you were cupping them in between your legs playing with your thumbs.
"What is your biggest fantasy?"
Sanji was staring at you like you were about to tell them where the one piece was. The sudden attention on you had you suddenly blush. You couldn't look them in the eye, you couldn't even think of a fake answer. The first thing that came to your mind was having your way with both of them. Your face grew red and knew that you couldn't just say nothing. You started to feel the sake, you started to crack a smile. You couldn't hide it now, they were staring at you wondering what you were thinking.
"M-my fantasy..."
Your eyes looking down the whole time, you weren't brave enough to bring them up. your imagination was running wild, and before you realized it, you were spacing out again
"Is-- too--... be with..."
You realized what you were about to say and blinked away the dumbness. You quickly looked up to see them, but that only sent more butterflies to attack your tummy. You caught both of their eyes and felt yourself burning up.
"be with? what do you like someone?"
When Zoro said that Sanji looked like his soul had flown out of his body. You had no idea what to say, you had dug your own grave.
"ah n- uh well... uhm..."
With the sake and the level of embarrassment, you were feeling right now you couldn't form a clear sentence. You thought maybe you should drink more sake, to loosen up, but then who knows what'll you'll say next
"y/n— do you really like someone??"
Sanji was in disbelief, To be honest, it was a more genuine reaction than what you would have thought.
"That isn't... the question... I don't have to answer that"
Even without saying it both of them knew You had someone in your heart. Little did they know it was the two of them! You knew your cover was busted. They just couldn't find out it was them.
"alright fine, let's change the question, who do you like y/n?"
Zoro had an evil grin on his face, it annoyed you to the core. It also annoyed you that they were pressing you about a whole new question!
"That wasn't the original q-question! That's... not fair!"
"Well, you didn't answer the other question in time, so time for a new one."
You were beyond annoyed but also nervous as hell. How has this situation gotten worse? You cursed Zoro for being such a dick! You hated that you liked him. Plus Sanji is over there eager to know your answer, giving you all his undivided attention.
"I like...some guy...you don't know him"
Sanji looked so defeated, While Zoro over there just stared at you, you weren't even able to keep eye contact for a second without feeling your face warm up. You dont understand what they expected, or what you should've said??
The night goes on and after a while, the truths started to become worse than the dares. There was a rule where you could only pick the same thing 3 times in a row or else on your 4th time the other players get to pick for you. There were some incidents where you forgot the rule and it ended in an embarrassing mess. You'd had taken your last cup of sake for the night making it at 4 cups and at that point your inner self was on do not disturb and your embarrassment had flown out the window, the men in front of you took notice of this. Now, The bottle is on Sanji, you are thinking of a truth question but you just end up blurting out the first thing you think of.
"hehehe.... What ... turns you on the most? sannnji~"
Your question caught both Zoro and Sanji completely off guard. You went from not being able to make eye contact to this? You stayed giggly and kept looking at the stunned blonde. Sanji was Speechless, his face blushed with a little bit of pink. None of them have ever seen this side of you. It was a turn-on in itself!
"haa...uhh..probably would be..."
He already knew the answer, but could never say it was you, but of course he wants to say you. He's loved you ever since you joined the crew. He loves you so much it hurts to not be around you, but he doesn't want to force anything or make things uncomfortable for you. He didn't want to say anything to you because he couldn't read you sometimes, one day you'll be kind to him and the next you'd be giving him the cold shoulder. He didn't want to make the wrong move so he just went your flow, but by doing so it sorta created a distance between the two of you. He always tells himself it's what you want, but it still breaks him. He'd think about you every night before he slept, hoping one day you love him as much as he loves you. He doesn't like to think of himself as a pervert, but every now and then when he's taking care of "Business" he'd always Dream of you, how you'd look completely exposed under him while he plants a kiss over your soft face, then on your neck, then your perked up breast, thinking of that alone can get him stone hard.
He looked at you, you looked so adorable, like nothing in the world mattered.
"as long as its the person I love, anything they do can get me going"
He didn't break eye contact, but gave a soft smile to you, it was like he was trying to tell you with his eyes. You on the other hand were too drunk to get the memo. Sanji grabbed the bottle and gave it a hard spin. It eventually stopped on Zoro, he had only been doing dares when given the chance, so now it's his turn to do truth. You gave him this Big cheeky smile alongside a giggle. After that question Sanji got, Zoro wasn't too excited about whatever you were about to spit out.
"....How many ...people have you slept with?"
He knew he shouldn't be surprised but damn. Your expression plus the way you said that was so....he felt his heart skipping and doing a little dance. You looked so vulnerable in his eyes, made him just wanna carry you to somewhere private and have his way with you. He didn't even realize he had feelings for you, not until a few weeks ago. He was Training like usual but it felt more empty like Something was missing. when he was done, he saw you talking to Luffy. He knew nothing was going on between you two but something about how happy you looked bugged the hell outta him. He wanted to just walk over and sweep you away, he wanted you to only ever be that happy when you're with him. That's when he realized, what was he thinking? he thought he might've been tired so he took a nap but even in his dreams he saw you, but you were so out of reach. It drove him crazy, to the point he couldn't even look at you without feeling a pain in his chest. He knew at that point it was love, it had to be.
"Hmm, 3"
Zoro had been with a few people way before he had met Luffy, but this news absolutely blew you away, you couldn't even hide how visibly surprised you were. This meant that Zoro actually cared about his love life?? well at least his sex life, but you were jumping to conclusions. This all hit you at once, like a big sign that said "YOU HAVE A CHANCE" you didn't even know what to say, but before you could muster up anything he had already gone and spun the bottle. You were still processing all the thoughts in your head, not even noticing the bottle barely on your side.
"y/n Truth or dare"
now that you know Zoro could potentially develop feelings, you go in for the kill. At this point, you had all the confidence in the world.
"I p-pick truth!!"
you were riding the little bit of hope you had, you fully believed in yourself. You were ready for whatever they were about to say! However You took a look at Zoro, he was giving this devilish smirk and looked like he was trying to contain a laugh. He looked up to meet your eyes.
"Who would you rather want to sleep with, Me, or Curlybrows?"
You looked at Zoro, a little puzzled, even Sanji let out a small gasp, he didn't think Zoro would ask such a straightforward question. Zoro knew if worse came to worse he could blame it on the booze.
You knew that too.
"I-I'd rather sleep with both of you"
You saying that felt like a 10-ton hammer had been lifted off of you. You felt so free now that you have nothing to hide anymore. Other than your feelings. Maybe they got the hint? you looked back at them, both flushed with a red tint down to their neck, Sanji grabbing a tissue to block the blood from coming out his nose while Zoro froze up. The room went silent for a moment until it was broken by the sound of Zoro's chair backing up. You looked up at Zoro wondering what he was doing? Maybe you weirded him out and he was leaving, you never stopped looking at him until he had walked right up to you.
"It's a damn shame you didn't say just me, but hey, better than nothing"
Quickly he spun your chair to face him and leaned forward to grab your chair armrest.
"You idiot marimo! Whattya-"
Sanji quickly got up to back Zoro away from you.
"Shut it you shitty chef... listen for a second"
He never broke eye contact with you. Him leaning above you gripping your arm rests for some reason turned you on? the roughness was extremely hot.
"I know your drunk.... but tell me where you being serious"
You were confused why Zoro took it so personally. In response to his question, you shook your head yes. He moved his face closer to your ear, you could feel his body warmth from how close he was.
" would you wanna do it now? "
His words lingered in your ear, his deep whispery voice made you clinch your thighs together. Took a second for you nod yes, you haden't fully realized your actions before Zoro picked you up and plopped you on his shoulder your ass towards his face while you stared dumbfounded at Sanji.
"You heard her Curlybrows, she wants us to fuck her"
You've never seen Sanji so flabbergasted, it was honestly kinda cute, but that was the last thing on your mind right now. They were gonna what you? you looked at Sanji to see him following Zoro, bring more tissues. You cover your face, you didn't know if he was joking or not, but here you are at The aquarium bar. No one was gonna hear anything, was he being serious??
He sat you down on the long sofa, giving you a peck on the forehead. Sanji then followed by sitting next to you. He looked eager to touch you, his eyes scanning your body, but he took your hand and kissed all around it, kissing your palm, your fingers, your knuckles, then finally looking at you, the light from the aquarium tank made him look so Beautiful.
"Are you sure you want this darling?"
Your heart almost exploded in your chest, this is what you've been waiting for, this moment right now. To give them all your love. You felt Zoro take your other hand and kiss your wrist slowly trailing up, stopping on your skin and looking at you, waiting for your answer.
You could feel Zoros smirk on your skin, he snuck a few more kisses in and got up on his feet.
Zoro balled his hand in a fist, initiating a game of rock paper scissors. Without questioning, Sanji did the same.
"Rock, paper Scissors"
Sanji had won.
Zoro gave a defeated look, while even tho Sanji had no clue why they were doing this, he was still smug because he had won.
Zoro took your hand and tugged you in front of him, your back directly on his chest. You could feel his erection on your ass, and knowing how turned on he was made you even hornier.
"I got top, you got bottom"
Sanji was already happy he beat Zoro, but now he gets to eat you out too? he couldn't be more excited. He got on his knees and slowly started taking off your shorts, letting them drop to your ankles. He couldn't believe the sight he was seeing, taking it all in and staring without making a move, the way he eyed your wet panties made you needier.
You jolted a little when you felt a wet kiss on the crease of your underwear, he licked the brim, and he kissed all around your panties just before spreading your thighs more to get a better angle of your covered pussy. He started to lick your clit through your panties, he could already tell how wet you were before he even started. He suckled and pushed his saliva through your underwear making you lean into his mouth, even with your panties on he still somehow managed to devour you.
While Sanji was getting busy feasting on your honeypot, Zoro had already crawled his way under your shirt into your bra. He had mange to sleep with women before, but that doesn't mean he knows how to take off a bra, after all, he's still a dumbass. you could tell he was struggling a little, which made you internally giggle and crack a half smile until he had enough and literally ripped that shit in half. The shock shoved you deeper into Sanji's face causing you to slightly moan, you saw your ripped bra fall to the floor and a pair of Big calloused hands Touch you up. Your soft skin, your scent, and your little gasps at every touch were driving Zoro mad. He was a hungry beast and you were the only cure for his Hunger. He dug his face into your neck while he messaged your breasts, sucking your shoulder, then moving to the side of your neck, from the side moving to the back. You could feel him taking in your Pleasant aroma, it gave you Goosebumps.
You were getting needier, you wanted more. It felt as if they were just testing the waters, you bit the inside of your bottom lip slightly staring at Sanji's head. He kissed all around your thigh, lifting his head and now making eye contact with you.
"Can I take this off, sweetheart?"
He tugged slightly at your panties, his eyes were as soft as his touch. You nodded your head yes and felt him slowly take them off. You felt the cold air meet your wet cunt, you could also feel how wet your panties were when he took them off. Your legs flinched a little at the new cold atmosphere. Your bottoms have completely been taken off and were fully exposed. you could just feel Sanji's extreme gaze on you, he rubbed his hand up and down your thigh as he pecked kisses all around the front of your pussy.
His tongue taking lead and slowly made a sloppy trail to meet your slit. You twitch your legs slightly closer and a small airy "ah" moans out your mouth. You could feel Sanji's mouth touch your sweet clit, he groaned into your cunt making your legs shake. Zoro was getting busy full-on needing your tits, He brushed against your now erected nipples, toying with them. He made sure to not fully play with them just to tease you a little.
You whisper bringing your hand to touch your breasts, but before you could Zoro pinned your hands behind your back and pushed his boner into your ass, slamming your pussy all in Sanji's face. you let out a desperate moan as you felt Sanji's groan vibrate throughout your body, he didn't stop his feast and continued to eat you out. His tongue flicked your clit at a rapid pace, sucking and licking like that was the last meal he'll ever eat. You jolted at the sudden bite Zoro had marked on the side of your neck. He was still holding your hands tight, he won't allow you to help him. With his free hand he grabbed your face by the cheeks to pull you into a wet kiss. He groaned into your mouth and could feel how hard he was breathing, he slide his tongue in pushing your faces closer together like he wanted to merge.
You both pulled out of your intense kiss, gasping for air. Sanji wasn't letting up, his tongue was like a gift from god. He went from fast licking and suckles, to slow tongue glides across your sensitive spot. You felt Zoros mouth right over your ear, He bit it softly and sucked on the area he had bit. You let out a louder moan, goosebumps ran through your body as you felt Zoros wet tongue enter your ear. The feeling was so new, your body squirmed at the feeling, but that only made you rub against Sanji's tongue more. His wet tongue moved its way along the inside of your ear, you could hear his groans Crystal clear. You felt yourself coming to a climax, Your back arched and you locked Sanji's face in between your thighs.
"I-I'm— ahh!"
You couldn't form a sentence, the pleasure was too immense. They understood that you were about to cum, you felt Sanji pick the pace up a little, and Zoro with played with your nipples. You let out a finishing moan and leaned forward into Sanji's face, feeling your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your legs shook profusely as you felt overwhelmed, you were on your tippy toes at this point. Drool ran down your face as you felt you're high come down, your legs became weak as Sanji pulled away. Zoro had bear-hugged you for support just in case, you were breathing so heavily it sounded like you were whimpering.
Sanji kissed your thigh, his soft wet lips against the inside of your Shakin thigh made you Twitch. Zoro still hugging you, lifted you and sat you back down on the sofa. You looked at them both, Zoro was as red as a tomato, and Sanji cleaned his face with his thumb, your juices glistened on his finger, his face was bloodshot red and looked like he was about to blow up. You then noticed the tent that laid on his pants, you looked at Zoro, just to see the same.
Sanji is still on his knees, laying his head on your lap. You motioned him to sit on the sofa, which he quickly did.
Your heart was still beating heavily, you wanted to make them feel as good as they made you. You turn to Zoro and whisper in his ear
"You'll be in back"
As you drew your head away from him, You could see the not-so-slick smirk that had crept onto his flustered face, Zoro didn't even try and hide his satisfaction. Sanji had wondered what you told him, but before he could ask you had gotten on all fours and faced Sanji, you pecked a kitten kiss onto his still-wet lips. As you went further down, your back arched more upwards, lifting your ass for Zoros view. They had both got the memo, Sanji protested cupping your face in his hands.
"Wait-! Y/n, I don't want to get your Beautiful face dirty... you don't have to do this"
His cute puppy-eyed face made you wanna do it even more.
"I want to do this...I...I've been waiting to..."
Sanji bit his lip and groaned at the way you stroked his hardness slowly up and down. You didn't even give him a chance to protest, he was already melting from your touch. You could feel Zoro message your ass slowly, like he was waiting for something. He rubbed his erection onto your exposed cunt, You held in your moan, you craved him more than ever. You slid off Sanji's pants and pulled his dick out, you looked at it wondering if you could really take him all in your mouth. However, before you got to test that thought you felt Zoro smack your ass, you yelped in shock. He bent forward a little and pulled your face up towards him, he whispered deeply in your ear
"you didn't tell me what you wanted."
His voice was so rich and gruff in your ear, you let out a small Exhale as he dug his crotch into your ass, rubbing it slowly.
"I— want you"
"You want me what?"
"to..f-fuck me.."
He hummed hearing you say that "Now put it all together" he teased
"I-I want you to fuck me Zoro!"
"That's my girl"
He set you back to doggy style and grabbed your ass, sanji kissed your forehead before giving Zoro an ugly look. Not for too long tho, when he felt your tongue meet the tip of his dick. He couldn't even remember what he was mad about. He jolted and let out not so concealed groan.
You sucked the tip feeling it twitch in your mouth. The warmth filled you as you took more of him, licking around his Veins, You got off to seeing how much pleasure that was spread onto Sanji's face. That thought was cut sort becuase of a sudden pressure you felt in your backside. You almost choked when you felt the tip of Zoros dick press into your entrance. You didn't expect him to be so thick, you felt a moan bubble up and couldn't hold it in, letting out a muffled moan onto Sanji's member. Which he surely enjoyed.
Your walls wrapped around him like a Christmas present, the grip was real he felt like he could cum just like that but he knew that wouldve been embrassing He gripped your ass and let out a broken grunt. Your toes curled with each inch he went deeper, you could feel his dick pulsing in you. He spread your cheeks apart with his thumbs, to get a better look at how his dick just fills you up. He suddenly pulled out slowly, you let out a little whine of confusion. You wanted to look back at him and see what he was doing, but as he was tip-deep he thrusted hard into you. Your legs jolt together, you feel Sanji's dick hit the back of your throat, you couldn't help but let out a choked gag.
Zoro's thrusts were slow but hit hard, he'd try to go slow, but his patients was running low, he couldn't help it when his hips started to pick up the pace.You bobbed your head up and down feeling Sanji's tip hit the back of your throat. Slurping his dick out your mouth you look up at him as you let your tongue roll out, all the juices that's been building in your mouth leak from your tongue to the head of his member.
Sanji really couldn't hold back how much he wanted to just devour you, his face went apple red as he bit his lip and tried to keep eye contact. His chest grew and shrank as his breath increased, you put him back into your mouth while stroking him. You loved seeing him this Squamish, you loved his soft moans and groans, any noise that came out his mouth made you want to have the sloppiest make-out session. You loved the Control you had over him and his pleasure, you felt your clit pulsing, you went to go play with it but Zoro grabbed your arm and folded it behind you. He went for your other arm and crossed it behind your back. He gripped your hands tight as his hips slammed against your ass, he was going all in now, his thrusts sounded like gun shots, he wanted to go as deep as he could. Loud moans and groans filled the air along with slapping sounds, Your head was getting fuzzy and your eyes where clouded.
The hard thrusts and motions from Zoro did all the work for you when giving head to Sanji, The sensation made your teary eyes roll back, you felt your stomach knot, and your moans became more loud and desperate. You felt yourself reach your limit as Zoro hit your cervix. Your legs shook and tightened up as you felt yourself cramp up, warm tears ran down your stuffed face. You moaned onto Sanji's dick when you felt him bring his hands to your face, his thumbs rubbing away your tears from your puffed-up flustered cheeks.
Sanji's hands tensed up, he was reaching his climax feeling his dick hit the back of your throat, hearing the gurgling noises you made with each thrust Drilled into his ear. He was drunk on lust, he didn't even realize he was gripping your face slightly and moving his hands along with each thrust Zoro did. He let out one last groan as he filled your mouth with his seed. Zoro wasn't too far off from his own release. He held your hands with one hand and your neck with the other, slapping against you again and again. Edging closer to his pleasure like an animal in heat. His breath was out of sync with his movement and his grunts started becoming more rough. He quickly pulled out and painted your ass white, he held his twitchy cock on your ass stroking it vigorously until nothing came out.
As everyone came down from their high, both Zoro and Sanji realized how messy things had got. Your face is covered in a mix of cum and saliva, and your ass is graffitied with Zoros jizz. Sanji had taken a minute to question what happened to all the stuff in your mouth? He dragged his thumb to your bottom lip and slowly pressed into your mouth, to see everything had been gone. A part of him was extremely turned on
"did you swallow it darling??"
Sanji was both concerned and extremely flustered, but before he got to overreact you felt your legs go weak, you couldn't hold yourself up anymore and collapsed.
You woke up on deck, Your face tucked in zoros neck. Your body still felt sore but it was bearable, you were all cleaned up from what the three of you had done. Having zoro hold you with such security and softness made you feel at ease. You heard the others from the kitchen, it was only you and Zoro who hadn't gone to breakfast. You felt bad for Sanji since he couldn't sleep in with you. You looked at Zoros's resting face, you examined him how handsome he was.
"Go back to sleep"
He mumbled, adjusted his pose, and pulled you closer to him. You gave him a little peck on the neck before you felt your tiredness creep up on you, it was not long before you and him Fell back to sleep with the morning wind brushing against your warm faces~ꨄ
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purplekoop · 9 months
The rise of both Mechamechanic and Dvattra in the OW shipping scene is funny because, while I haven't seen anything remotely resembling ship wars (probably because people don't feel like being an ass about liking a really recent crack ship a lot), it's funny to imagine them existing together as a much funnier than average love triangle.
Local depressed gamer tgirl and mech pilot has to choose between two lovers: one is a buff swedish girl who likes writing poetry, her cat, and working on her suit of power armor, and the other is the spiteful leader of the robot revolution. who also thinks ants are neat.
Normally I would bring up the opportunity of not making her choose, but honestly I don't know how well Brig and Ram would get along... maybe better than I'd think at first. Actually yeah no this is the start of my campaign for... god what the hell do you call this three-way ship, can't just slap the existing names together because that doesn't work, uhh... yeah someone else can figure that out.
regardless I hope everyone sees my vision I just came up with on the spot, you're welcome.
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writingfandomfeels · 10 months
Anakin Skywalker - Drunken Doppelganger Discovery
Summary: You're drunkenly rambling to a stranger that you don't realize is THEE Anakin Skywalker, and he makes sure you get home safely. Timeline is roughly Clone Wars ish.
Word count: 965
Content Warnings: Drinking, briefly one creepy guy
The heavy beat of the music in the club pulsed through your body as you danced. Lights of every color flashed in time to the rhythm, accentuating the movements of the other dancers around you. Their silhouettes swirled in your vision, no face ever clear enough to see, just a blur of dark then colorfully bright then dark again.
Realizing that your glass was now empty, you turned to make your way back to the bar. Your destination in sight, it took all of your focus to concentrate on successfully walking toward it. Your body swayed as if on a ship at sea, but you simply leaned into it, letting the feeling make you giggle in amusement.
You plunked yourself down on a stool, waiting for the bartender, who looked like a walking booger. He seemed to be too occupied filling the multiple orders of others to notice you, so you decided to get comfortable and get to know the person seated next to you. You turned to your left to look at him and were immediately struck by his luscious long curls and chiseled jaw.
“Holy shit, you’re hot.” You say, not entirely sure if it was out loud or in your head as you had intended it.
The blond man turned to look at you, clearly taken aback at your comment. The slight curve of a smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth as he considered if you really just said that to him.
You looked him over, taking in his leather outfit now too. “Hey you know who you look like? Oh what’s his name- that, that jedi… uhh… Anakin Skywalker!” You said, pointing to him, thinking how uncanny the resemblance was. You then turned back to locate the bartender. “Hottest jedi in the galaxy.” Finding that the bartender was now pouring a long line of shots, you turned your attention back to your neighbor. “You know I always thought the jedi were just born old. You know? Like it just feels like they’re always just a bunch of old men. Old religious men I suppose. Yeah, not normally my cup of tea but that Skywalker?” You laughed, “Pretty sure anybody would take a cup of that.” You began waving at the bartender, trying to get his attention, but nevertheless continuing your drunken rambling. “You know I heard they can’t get laid. The jedi.” You clarified. “But if you ask me, I think that’s just because a bunch of old men were pissed that a hottie like Anakin fucking Skywalker could just come along and not only steal their thunder with being better than them at their woo woo force shit and their voom voom lightsabers,” you said, gesturing with your hands for emphasis “but he also literally could get anybody he wanted.”
By now that slight smirk had turned into a hardly contained grin of amusement. You didn’t notice though as you finally locked eyes with the booger bartender and he made his way over to you.
“Finally.” You complained.
Anakin’s gaze darted from you to the bartender and back.
As he arrived, you started your order, “I’ll get a-”
“You just want water.” Anakin cut you off, waving his hand.
“I just want water.” You said to the bartender, who obliged.
You drank from the glass, thirstier than you’d thought. The ice tingled your lips and cooled you as you swallowed. You blinked a moment, staring into the glass and wondering how you ended up with water instead of the cocktail you’d craved earlier.
“You’re going to go home now.” The voice to your left said.
You thought of your home and how comfy your bed would be right about now. “I’m going to go home now.” You said, imagining your soft pillows, feeling like there was nothing in the world you wanted more right now. You stood, approaching the exit.
“I’ll come too,” a nearby Devaronian growled, eyeing you in a predatory way as he went to follow you.
Anakin jumped from his seat, stepping in front of the Devaronian. “No, you’re not.” He stared threateningly, flashing the hilt of his lightsaber.
The Devaronian grumbled and walked off.
Deciding he needed to ensure your safety now, Anakin exited the club to find you. Luckily, you hadn’t made it too far as he found you sitting slumped on the curb, pouting.
“I thought you were going home?” He asked.
“I can’t.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because my shoe is broke.” You held up the broken heel to him. “Now I can’t walk anywhere.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “I guess I’ll just have to stay here forever. I live here now. This is my home.”
A moment passed as you stared sadly at your broken shoe, and Anakin stared at you. Seeing no other alternative, he scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you down the street. 
“Where do you live?” He asked. 
You smiled, pleasantly surprised to be held in such muscular arms, you almost forgot to answer his question. 
“Oh, just past the mini mart.” 
He gave a nod, confirming he knew where that was.
You stared a moment longer at your hero’s face. “I like you.” You said, playfully poking his nose with your index finger. “You saved me from shoes. Maybe you don’t save the galaxy like your look-alike but you’re still nice.” You let your head lean back against him and closed your eyes, beginning to feel very sleepy. “And pretty. Very pretty.” You added.
His chest moved against you as he softly chuckled. 
“Mmmm,” you hummed, trying so hard to fight off the oncoming sleep, “what’d you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.”
As the sleep began to take hold of you, you hardly heard the last thing he said. 
“It’s Anakin.” 
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carionto · 4 months
Give them fetch quests
Humans love to be active. Or perhaps a better way to put it - their brains demand stimulation. Hence all of the thing they keep doing in the galaxy - unending exploration, setting up businesses for everything, inventing new (and deadly) leisure activities, and they just can't sit idle (yes each of those is a different little story).
Their ingenuity knows no bounds, though we wish it did at times. Like when they figured out how to kidnap moons. And apparently they've lost track of some of them! The sheer level of frustration is- unmentionable. *ahem*
Their seemingly hard-wired need to problem solve mixed with tenacity and disregard for established methods does provide a unique resource to the rest of the galaxy.
It is unwise to request other governing bodies of their respective species to act for our own interest, as the incurred debt may be quite steep, and official channels sometimes provide quite mundane and well-and-tested solutions.
However, there is nothing against coaxing or simply openly suggesting in a casual way that individual Humans do something for them, and no sane body would take full responsibility for the actions of a singular 'rogue' actor. This opens up the opportunity to give these Humans little activities they can do alongside whatever nonsense they were going to do anyway.
Bartholomew Reginaldo Hvarjarhstehd is on a mission from God to save a planet! [aka a gelatinous blob of an alien named '''Hl''k't'''' (and no, I have no idea how you're supposed to pronounce all those apostrophes, our vocal cords aren't made for that) was tasked by its local government to get a Human scientist to help with their pest problem (which unbeknownst to them was caused by another Human accidentally spacing their trash in the wrong spot) and Barthlolomew, high as a kite on space drugs, heeded the call]
Upon arrival, Balthrolomeow quickly activated his magic wand [grill lighter] and summoned the wraths of Hell [fired up the grill]. Disturbed by the sudden source of intense heat, but thankful it was contained, the local aliens decided to hunker down in their homes and watch with terrified curiosity at what this Human was going to do.
Thinking very, very.... slowly. And. uhh, not, actually. He just thinks he's thinking. But Bratholmowow was acting. With mighty leaps and thundering falls, the courageous Bathbormbalow was still managing to catch one mutated snake-wasp after another, tying their bodies in a knot, and throwing them on the grill!
It was a long and traumatizing night for the local aliens. For hours, Bambilorthabow chewed the charred husks of his failed grilling skills, cursing and spitting inedible chunks around the makeshift hunting grounds, the enzymes and organic fluids of the horrid pests that endured the cooking process further tampering with his addled mind.
Soon, the sun rose upon Bradfildermows snoring body, as he lay in the moss. He was taken back to his ship, and the kind autopilot AI informed them that the lighter fluid contains a chemical that is instantly poisonous to said pests and that they could synthesize a safe variant for their own use with minimal tweaking.
At the end of his adventure, Bamboreithrow had eradicated 0.04% of the pest population by his own means and gained a six week visit to the hospital for detoxification and radiation sickness as he forgot to wear his space suit on a planet with a notably higher solar exposure level than Humans can tolerate.
But on that planet, Brithmalkoniwi will forever be remembered as that weird Human who almost burned down a forest, ate a lot of snake-wasps, and almost died on the front law of the towns expert masseuse.
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licorice-tea · 6 months
Would you ever so kindly write 10.Kaku + O. Kabedon? Have it so bad for this giraffe man <3 uhh,, he's so old fashioned and precious. Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you vibes, for real
Let Me Prove Myself
Pairing: Kaku x reader
Content: kaku is just a little suspicious, and a little intimidating kind of? but in a hot way. kaku calls the reader pretty and lovely, gender nuetral pronouns for reader, strawhat reader, kabedon ofc!
Word Count: 1k
A/N: quite literally wrote this between 4 and 5 am, so i apologize for anything that doesn’t make sense or sounds off😓but anyway i am such a kaku lover omg that’s literally my man (one of them), ty for the request <3
Some of your crew mates went to find someone who could fix your ship, the Going Merry, while others were off exploring the city. You had opted to venture off on your own, wanting to enjoy the scenery and culture of this grand island with fewer distractions that usual.
Navigating through the streets with no destination in mind, you end up in a sort of alleyway. It leads you out closer to the shoreline, and provides you with a picturesque view of some of the lower levels of the city accompanied by slow rolling ocean waves.
“So pretty,” you mumble to nobody in particular.
“Sure is.”
Your head nearly whips around to find the source of the voice. Were you being followed this entire time? Though you’d been under the impression that the people of Water 7 took kindly to most pirates, that didn’t mean there weren’t other sinister forces within the city… Perhaps should’ve been more careful, or stayed on the boat with Zoro.
Alas, you don’t see anyone in the direction from which you came, so you turn back slowly. Maybe you were imagining things.
You gasp and step back when you’re met face to face with a man who definitely hadn’t been there before. He’s tall, and has an unusually long and squarish nose. “It fits him, though.” you think. In fact, he’s a really attractive guy. But you can’t allow that to overpower your common sense, nor let your guard down. You make a mental note to not, under any circumstances, let your attraction get the better of you.
He takes your silence as an opportunity to explain himself. “I don’t mean to frighten you,” he steps closer as you take another step back, “you're not from around here, are you?”
“No… I’m not.” You raise your chin and cross your arms over your chest. “Were you following me?”
He laughs. “Well, when you put it like that it makes me sound like a bad guy.”
“Well I wouldn’t know what kind of guy you are, stranger.” Go
“Kaku,” he extends his hand, “and what’s your name if you don’t mind my asking?”
Ever so cautiously, you take his hand and shake it once. “Y/n.”
“Y/n. That’s lovely.”
“Um… thanks.”
Taking notice of your squared shoulders and general uncomfortable energy, Kaku takes another step toward you. Naturally you take another step backward, but you don’t realize you’re standing right in front of one of the walls of the alleyway you’d come out of until it hits your back. You inhale sharply.
“I have no ill intentions, y/n, I can assure you. I just…” he looks you up and down, not trying to hide his wandering eyes in the slightest. “Well, I’d never seen you around before and found myself eager to meet you. You’re awful pretty, y’know.”
The feeling seems to be mutual, but you intend to bury your own even deeper. “I- um-“
“So, are you by chance a pirate?”
Your eyes grow wider and you silently shake your head “no.”
Kaku chuckles and nonchalantly places a hand on the wall behind you. The other goes to his hip as he leans over you. You’re unsure if he’s trying to block off one of your two escape routes to either side, or is this is his attempt at charming you. “You don’t have to lie, y/n, I’m no bounty hunter. Nor a pirate hunter like your crew mate, Zoro.”
“You know Zoro?”
“Sure do. I inspected you all’s ship just a few minutes ago while he was there keeping watch. He was wary of me at first, and rightfully so considering we’d never met, but he seems like a swell guy.”
A relieved exhale visibly leaves your chest as your shoulders drop slightly. The fact that he knows one of your crew, and hasn’t talked ill of him, brings you some comfort.
“But that’s not important right now. I’m here to talk about you.”
“What about me?”
“Whatever you’re willing to tell me. I want to get to know you. I’m very interested, if I’m not making it obvious enough.”
You nearly giggle, but contain your laughter behind a smile. “No, you are.”
Feeling emboldened by your shy smile, Kaku removed his other hand from his hip and places it on the wall behind you. You glance to your side at it, and he walks forward into the half step that remains between your two bodies, bending his arms so that his forearms are entirely against the wall instead of his hands alone. Kabedon.
And when you turn forward again, you’re barely an inch away from his face. Or his nose, rather.
He speaks softly, but in the same old fashioned and all too-proper tone. “Have you ever been with a shipwright, y/n?”
You shake your head “no” again.
“Would you like to be?”
“Oh, well… my- my crew is probably only going to be here a few days, so…”
“Ah… so if the circumstances were different?”
“I might say yes.”
“Mhm… You see, I don’t mind these circumstances one bit. Are they a deal breaker for you?”
“I guess not.” You bite your lip with nervous excitement.
“Good.” He flashes you a bright smile and steps back a respectable distance.
Though you don’t mean to, your disappointment shows in your features.
Kaku notices- he seems to notice a lot about you- and chuckles. “Were you expecting something more just then?”
Truthfully, you were. If he had kissed you, you would have welcomed it with open arms (and lips.) You don’t say any of that though, just laugh awkwardly as your face heats up.
“I’m a gentleman, y/n. It’d be sleazy to try anything with you when we’ve only just met.”
“Oh,” you nod, finding his constitution respectable despite wishing he had been sleazy enough to try something, “right…”
“How about you let me take you out to an early dinner? I’d like to prove myself first.”
“What do you need to prove yourself to be worthy of?”
You smile as Kaku offers you his arm, and your initial resolution to not let your guard down around him is almost entirely forgotten as you take it.
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kipsels · 11 months
Dan Heng x Stelle
ft. Dan Feng
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There is a great level of expertise required to safely navigate the galaxy. There were things like wormholes and neutron stars and black holes that skewed charted courses, plus a bunch of other things Stelle didn’t really understand.
But what she did know was that when Himeko and Mr Yang started talking about the nuances of the Astral Express’s flight through space, her brain started to go all fuzzy like it had been filled with the static sound of white noise.
She regretted not listening to them more, sure. But even if she had she doubted it could have explained this.
A man who looked suspiciously like Dan Heng was standing in her bedroom, casually perusing his surroundings like he belonged there. Except Stelle was pretty sure he wasn’t Dan Heng, and he definitely did not belong there.
“Who are you?” She blurted out, unable to comprehend the fact that there was a strange Vidyadhara man staring back at her.
“I see someone has decided to redecorate The Express,” He said in lieu of an answer.
“Uh? Wha-?” She intelligently replied, her jaw lost somewhere on the floor from the shock.
Some small part in the back of her mind that wasn’t paralysed by the strange situation politely pointed out that his regal clothing looked like that of a high elder. Except he also wasn’t Bailu.
At least, she didn’t think that was Bailu.
She watched as he combed the lengths of his black hair behind one pointed ear, a small smile lighting up his handsome features.
“You must be a new member of The Nameless,” He said as he approached, picking up her limp hand from where it hung by her side. “My name is Dan Feng, I'm the High Elder of the Xianzhou Luofu. And… Baiheng’s friend.”
Dan Feng… High Elder of the Xianzhou Luofu….
Stelle gaped at him as he bowed low before her, his lips brushing against the back of her knuckles. She’d barely recovered when he straightened, his bright aquamarine eyes idly perusing her from head to toe.
What in the ever living space-time continuum was happening right now?
“And what is your name, my fair lady?”
“Uhh… Dan Heng?” Stelle called out loudly.
Dan Feng blinked at her, his eyebrows raising in surprise, “Your… name is Dan Heng?”
“N-no my name is Stelle– Wait, no! What am I doing? DAN HENG!?”
“Stelle,” He mused, unfazed by her flustered cries, “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I am disappointed Baiheng has not seen fit to introduce us beforehand.”
Stelle stumbled backwards, Dan Feng’s grip on her hand the only thing keeping her upright. Her mind raced as it tried to reconcile the fact that Dan Heng’s predecessor was standing before her, very real and very alive.
And very forward.
“Your scent, it’s rather beguiling… I’d like to get better acquainted with it,” He purred, and a squeak escaped Stelle’s mouth.
“Dan Heeennng!?”
“It’s Dan Feng, my dear.” He pulled her closer, Stelle’s hands coming up to press up against his firm chest to keep him away.
“Stelle? Is everything okay? I thought I heard you calling my n–”
Dan Heng appeared in the doorway of her bedroom, his eyes bulging out of his head in shock.
“You did not tell me there was another Vidyadhara male aboard this ship,” Den Feng spoke tersely, his arm wrapping around her waist.
“Save me,” Stelle mouthed silently to Dan Heng, who looked like his sleep paralysis demons had come to life before him.
The analogy was probably not all that far off.
Dan Heng shook himself out of his stupor, his hands raised as he cautiously approached. “How is this even possible? How are you even here?”
“I am here at the invitation of The Nameless, while you are…”
Dan Feng seemed to pause, his eyes running over Dan Heng in consideration. Time seemed to slow as he registered the mirror image reflecting back at him, the youth in Dan Heng’s features unable to hide the truth.
“A temporal paradox…” Stelle heard the two of them mutter in unison.
“I did not think I would ever be presented with the opportunity to look my own reincarnation in the eye, but such blessed opportunities should not be overlooked,” Dan Feng continued, his head tilting to the side in curiosity.
“Tell me, boy. Did I find a solution to the Vidyadhara’s plight in my time?”
Dan Heng’s eyes hardened, barely biting back a scowl. Stelle's heart panged with sympathy, unable to stop herself from reaching out to him for comfort, only to be tugged back into place by her High Elder captor.
“It could cause irreparable damage to tell you the future, you know that,” He growled.
Dan Feng’s eyebrow quirked, “So I failed.”
Dan Heng screwed his mouth shut, opting to simply glare at Dan Feng in silence.
Stelle remained frozen in place by the bizarre reality of the situation while wishing she’d taken more time to learn about the laws of physics.
“And you? Have you continued my endeavour?”
“I am not the High Elder. It’s not my problem.” Dan Heng bit back.
Stelle flushed as she felt Dan Feng’s chest press against her back, his hands stroking down the length of her forearms before threading his fingers through her own. Her stomach fluttered as he nosed at her hairline, breathing in her scent like a fine perfume.
“Then, if you are not willing to fulfil your duty to the Vidyadhara and seek the longevity of the draconic bloodline, I shall do it for you.”
Stelle squeaked.
Dan Heng gasped.
And Dan Feng pressed a lingering kiss to her temple, faint laughter brushing against her skin.
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starhvney · 5 months
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𝐂𝐖: none? very wholesome today.
𝐀/𝐍: um.. so this chapter originally was supposed to be cool moms and a dinner... but now it's just cool moms because i realized i was nearing 7k works and the dinner hadn't even started lmao. anyways enjoy this chapter it's super cute
𝐖𝐂: 6,400 +
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ivy didn’t even glance your way as you walked into homeroom the next day, her hair covering her bruised cheek and head turned sharply away from you. a few people mentioned the slight splotch of purple against her porcelain skin, but it seemed everyone was under the impression that she had just fallen and injured herself. 
you’re surprised that she didn’t try to frame you for her injury, especially since you came to school the next day with not even a red mark against your skin. you suppose she really wanted garroth to be under the impression she was a sweet girl who would never get in a fight.
oh, please. 
it’s not like she had to try extra hard to do so, with how trusting and kind the school’s “prince charming” was. 
to add on to your suspicions, ivy proceeded to not bother you for the rest of the week. it was something that was both relieving and incredibly anxiety-inducing. was she really done messing with you? or was she planning something else?
your thoughts are interrupted as you nearly collide with a meif’wa girl who was stationed around the corner and peeking from behind some lockers at the display in front of her. aphmau and a familiar-looking boy argued in the hall, just outside of the werewolf classroom.
the meif’wa girl turns to you, her round eyes holding a brilliant shade of gold and pale cheeks colored a lovely shade of pink. a pink that similarly matched her straight hair that framed her round cheeks and curled at the ends of her shoulders. with her perfectly groomed black tail and ears and the cute bows she used to accessorize, she looked like an adorable porcelain doll. 
“excuse me!” she muffles an apology behind the hand she raised to her mouth, her voice mousey and soft.
“oh, that’s okay! i was sidetracked,” you glance back at your friend and the boy who towered over her. “um… what are you doing?”
“well, i always end up passing by those two after my classes are over, and i’m starting to think maybe they like each other without realizing.” she blinks up at you, her smile particularly cheeky and feline. “i want to see if my ship sets sail.”
“your…ship?” you trail questionably, frowning at aphmau’s peeved expression and the guy's deep frown on his scratched and bandaged face.
was this the rude classmate from werewolf studies that aphmau had mentioned before? 
“yeah, wouldn’t the enemies to lovers be cute?! and he’s the new “bad boy” junior. i love playing cupid in the school,” she giggles from behind her hand. 
you blink, watching as the rather scary-looking boy rolls his eyes, looking totally fed up as aphmau holds her hands on her hips.
“uhh… yeah. nice to meet you by the way,” you give her your name, politely waiting for her to respond as you slowly make your way towards the two.
“oh! it’s… nana.”
“i’ll catch you around sometime,” you wave, before quickly shuffling right up to the tense duo.
man, he is tall. his skin was a tanned olive color, with cuts and bandages littered across his face. ink-black hair hung messily in front of his equally dark eyes and thick brows.
“you ready to go home, aph?” you ask, though you kept your eyes trained directly on deep brown ones.
you recall why you thought he was familiar now, he was the one who unintentionally photobombed your first-day selfie with aphmau and bumped into her without apologizing. 
she lets out an irritated huff of air, muttering a “yes” before marching down the hall before you.
you stare at the boy a second longer, before turning away and stretching out your stride to catch up to aphmau. the two of you make your way out of the doors, walking down the street in silence.
“…so?” you start, raising an eyebrow and carefully lacing your hands behind your back. 
“i confronted him on why he teases me and is rude to me for no reason and he just said “i was annoying”,” she uses air quotes as she mocks his choice of words. “so i got mad and said he was a jerk and no one would want to be friends with him if he acts like that to people who are just trying to be nice.”
you roll your eyes.
“good. if you act like that all your life you’ll end up sad and alone.”
“that’s what i said!”
when you make it home, your mom is once again eagerly awaiting to tell you something, still in her work clothes as she lingers near the entryway.
“so! we happened to move closer to some other family friends that were also friends with the salomes, and we’re going to meet them all at the park tomorrow afternoon.” she announces to you as you enter the kitchen, clasping her hands together excitedly. “there’s three boys around your age, too!”
“uh, what? why am i just now finding this out?”
“oh don’t worry so much, i’m gonna be there and they’re sweet kids. at least they should be.”
you huff, “alright then.”
you and your mom enter the park from a different side than when you came last time, the trees are less dense, and there’s lots of open space to run around. nearby is a pretty and intricate fountain, with a sculpture of the matron on top. you glance away from it, eyes immediately landing on aphmau and then sylvanna.
sylvanna smiles warmly, approaching mom and giving her a hug. “it’s good to see you again, girl!”
“i know! it’s so good to see you!”
aphmau and you glance at each other a bit awkwardly, crossing your arms as your mothers once again hit it off.
“and oh, mija! you look so cute today, que linda!” her mom’s warm brown eyes land on you.
“thank you-“
“yes, of course! well, why don’t you two talk while we catch up and wait for zianna? when we older ladies go jogging together you two can play with her kids!”
before you can say anything else, the two walk a short distance away, already chatting up a storm with wide eyes and…seriously intense expressions.
“uh, whose kids? what?” aphmau exasperatedly asks to no reply.
you look over to aph as she holds her hands out in annoyed confusion. her hair is held back by a red headband that matches her outfit: red sneakers along with a red square-neck tank top that was loosely tucked into a denim skirt.
you shrug at the girl, used to not being told what was happening until the last possible moment.
“uh… good to see you, i like your outfit?” you start awkwardly.
“…thank you.” she says, looking down at her attire as if she had forgotten what she wore today.
you walk over to a bench that rests under a large and twisted tree. the afternoon sun beats down on the pavement and reflects onto your faces despite taking refuge under the leaves, causing the two of you to squint at each other. the heat from the summer had finally begun to leave, thankfully, and a warm breeze rustled some of the trees, sending some more leaves onto the ground's growing collection.
aphmau sighs, leaning back as she gazes around at the park.
“ugh, at least i’m with you,” she mutters. “are we gonna have to babysit some five-year-old brats?”
“oh, no actually i don’t think-“
“hey, girlfriends!” a bright and cheery voice interrupts your conversation.
you turn to see a beautiful woman with warm green eyes and black hair tied back into a styled ponytail. she was definitely a grown woman, but her blue—and slightly revealing—jogger set and trendy gold jewelry told a different story.
“ah! wassup girl!” sylvanna calls out from behind you, both her and mom jogging up to the woman who you now assume is the third mother in this get-together.
“oh you two, it’s been too long,” the black-haired woman greets. “and you both are still lookin’ fine!”
“zianna, it’s so good to see you!”
“what’s with the slang?” you lean over and mutter to aphmau, who rolls her eyes.
“that must be where my mom learned it from, it’s been nonstop with her, too.”
suddenly the cheery voice is closer.
“oh! and look at you two! you two became so beautiful, like little dolls! lookin’ just like your pretty mamas! you all are going to have so much fun together!”
“oh, um thank you, it’s nice to meet you-“ you start.
“it’s nice to meet you! wait… you ‘all’? great. so we’re babysitting multiple brats.”
you turn to glance at aphmau warily. now why would you say that…
“well, i wouldn’t exactly call us brats.” a familiar deep and smooth voice causes you to jump as you spin back around towards the source.
garroth stands tall as usual, today wearing a dark teal carhartt jacket over a white tee and some loose tan cargo pants and white sneakers to pair. his fluffy hair is tucked under a baseball hat with the pdh emblem and a small captain embroidered along the side. behind him were two slightly shorter boys, their faces filled with a tad more youth based on the baby fat that still clung to their cheeks.
one had a lovely shade of chocolatey brown hair and shared the same warm green eyes as their mother. he had a kind, friendly face, one of childish friendliness and openness that hadn’t been squandered by teenage years. 
the other was… starkly different from the others. straight, dark black hair covered the right side of his face, hiding the rest of the rather cute freckles that splayed across his cheeks and nose. his strikingly icy blue eyes and pale—almost nearly translucent looking—skin contrasted against the rest of his dark outfit and features. he looked the least athletic out of the other two, his loose hoodie swallowing and hiding what looked like a thin and gangly frame underneath. 
“wha- i- garroth?” aphmau stutters out, her jaw dropping in complete shock. “what are you doing here?”
“huh. so you’re the other kids. that’s funny.” i smile. “who would’ve thought our moms were friends?”
“i… oh…” aphmau finally catches on, her thin eyebrows raising in surprise.
an annoyed sigh comes from the black-haired kid, who you can now safely assume is garroth’s brother. “so, these are the brats we have to babysit?”
you wrinkle your nose and narrow your eyes at his complaint. well, aren’t you just a ball of sunshine? 
“babysit?” you echo.
he doesn't seem older than you. in fact it would be safe to assume he was younger considering the higher, nasally, middle-schooler voice he had.
“hey, not-alone buddy!” the other brother cheeses in aphmau’s direction, baby cheeks squishing against his smile and crinkling his eyes.
“mom, are you kidding me? these guys also go to my school!” aphmau looks back at her mother.
“oh, how did we not talk about that?” your mom giggles, the other ladies laughing along with her.
“i had no idea your boys went to the same school as my daughter!”
“oh, samesies! that’s so adorable!” zianna cheers. as she smiles i can see where that brown-haired boy got his energetic grin from.
“i guess that means we have a lot to catch up on. ready for our jog?”
“yep! ok, kids, have fun together!” zianna turns to the emo brother. “remember, zuzu, i want you to try at least one sport with your brothers and new friends while you’re here at the park! we need to toughen you up, but not so much that you aren’t so tough for mommy kisses!”
under the black hair, you can see his pale skin turn to a bright red in embarrassment. 
“mom! stop embarrassing me!” he complains. his voice has a slight whine to it.
“i love you too, zuzu! you kids play nice!” she airily smiles and waves, already beginning to walk backward from us, to which your and aphmau’s moms follow.
“be good! text me if there’s an emergency!” your mom waves to you, seemingly excited about the meetup despite being much more mellow than the other two women.
you smile and wave to her before holding a thumbs up. “kay!”
“do you still listen to beyoncé, zianna?”
“are you kidding me? i brought this portable speaker so we could listen to her while we run! it’s gonna be the bomb dot com!”
“word, yo!”
and they’re gone.
“oh wow.” the youngest boy sighs.
“can mom get any more embarrassing?”
“hm. so that’s where my mom learned to talk like that. i see.” aphmau says, raising her eyebrows and narrowing her eyes in accusation.
“uhh, i’m pretty sure your mom rubbed off on our mom.” garroth pipes in.
“more than likely they both rubbed off on each other and it just started escalating.”
“hey, garroth!” you finally greet, gathering your bearings and waving to the tall boy.
his eyebrows raise and his eyes soften to the look of an adorable puppy dog. he gives a small smile, back waving at you and chirping your name in greeting. you turn to look at garroth’s brothers.
“ah, i haven’t met you two yet,” you introduce yourself. “it’s nice to meet you two.”
“yeah, whatever. now we’re stuck in this stupid park in the stupid sun.” the dark-haired boy slinks away from you with his hands shoved in his pockets.
you have to stop your jaw from dropping in bewilderment. is this boy really garroth’s little brother? there’s no way they share an ounce of dna. 
“hey baby brother, where are you going?” garroth questions, his lips dropping into a disappointed frown as he follows the scrawny boy.
“i’m going to sit under a tree. on my phone. and as isolated from you four as possible.”
you glance at the other brother, who offers a sheepish smile.
“i’m vylad, it’s nice to meet you too… sorry about zane.”
you shrug your shoulders awkwardly.
“um… it’s no problem. nice to meet you, vylad-“
“nope! come on now, you heard mom. we need to get you into a sport.”
“i’m not doing it.”
garroth and—as vylad kindly introduced for you—zane have begun to talk a bit more heatedly from the tree zane decided to stubbornly plop himself under. 
“yes, you are.”
“why should i?”
garroth looks down in contemplation, before looking up at zane with an almost mischievous expression.
“because if you don’t, i’ll hug you in front of the entire school every chance i get. for the rest of the year.”
you three spectators snicker in amusement as zane looks down in annoyance.
“…i hate you, garroth.”
“aww, zane! you should just tell your brother you love him.” aphmau laughs, a bit nervously at that.
“shut up you girl-woman-thing!”
“girl-woman-thing?” you deadpan, raising an unimpressed eyebrow.
“uhh… so, vylad! pick a sport.” aphmau quickly recovers.
“easy! soccer!”
garroth has walked back to us. he’s smiling, but the corners of his mouth turn into something that looks more dejected.
“are you sure? i was thinking base-“
“oh my gosh! i love soccer, vylad!” aphmau gasps.
“really? you should’ve said something when you were talking about it with laurance. you should try out for the team,” garroth starts tugging off his jacket, tossing it onto the nearby bench.
“i played a lot of soccer as a kid, so i wanted to try something new. like track, maybe. i still really love soccer, though!” she looks back to where the parking lot is. “i actually have a soccer ball in my mom’s car, i’ll go get it.”
“okay, i know a perfect spot in the park to play on!” vylad agrees, excitedly beginning to walk down the sidewalk. “it’s further down this way.”
you nod, glancing over at aphmau. she waves you on along with the brothers, already walking off to the parked cars.
“alright! you guys go, and i’ll meet you there, okay?”
you split off from her, following the boys down the pavement before remembering garroth’s teal carhartt still on the bench.
you spin back around jogging and retrieving the jacket before catching up to garroth. it’s heavier than expected, and you jokingly pretend to use it as a dumbbell before handing it off to him.
“i threw a baseball in my pocket and my phone is in there, so thanks,” he sheepishly accepts it, tucking it over the crook of his elbow.
“while aphmau and your brothers play soccer—“
zane sighs in annoyance from behind you.
“—do you want to play catch? i’ll probably drop it more than i actually catch it, but…”
garroth chuckles, reaching up to softly facepalm in amusement.
“sure, i’ll throw softly.”
you clap your hands quietly, turning to the younger boy that you had finally caught up to.
“so, vylad, right? are you in aphmau’s class or something?” you inquire, wondering where the edge lord behind you fits into the equation.
“yep! i transferred from o’khasis prep cause the commute was too far, and i got to move up a grade cause i had pretty good grades.”
“oh! that’s cool,” you glance back at garroth. “i thought i heard that o’khasis accent.”
garroth’s eyes widen for a split moment as the tips of his ears begin to redden. vylad giggles a bit, finally stopping in front of a pretty field with freshly trimmed and thick grass. conveniently, it also has two goals set up on either side for community use.
“yeah, zane and i actually got homeschooled for a bit and didn’t catch on to the accent, so garroth is mainly the one who still kinda has it from when we lived there.”
you hum in understanding, glancing back at the boy who was readjusting his hat and scratching the nape of his neck.
“i didn’t know i still had one.”
“it’s nice.”
you’d almost forgotten that the emo kid was there until he sighed again, looking around for a shady spot to retreat to. before he could walk away, garroth yanks him back by the hoodie, pulling him into a forced side hug. zane makes a noise of discomfort, a sound mixed with annoyance and disgust.
“no, you’re gonna play with vylad and aphmau.”
zane glares over at the brown-haired brother who has wandered a little off into the field. he holds out a thumbs up, smiling as he squints through the sun's rays.
“why don’t you actually say something nice to her?” garroth pinches zane’s shoulder.
shockingly light blue eyes glare at you through straight, dark lashes, narrowing at you in pure annoyance.
“hi,” he tensely greets, jaw immediately clenching.
“hi…” you awkwardly return, before pointing towards your cheeks. “um, i like your freckles…?”
the boy’s nose wrinkles, seemingly not liking the cute undertones your compliment implied. despite the look of refusal and defiance that he gives you, his whole face begins to grow pink.
“okay?” he snarkily responds, looking at you like you had just said the sky was green.
“go with vylad,” garroth groans, releasing him and lightly pushing him forward, causing him to stumble out into the grassy field.
he catches his footing, shooting a sharp glare back to garroth and flashing him with his middle finger, black rings and nails contrasting against the pale skin. garroth shrugs at him, completely unphased.
“i’m sorry about him, he’s uh… going through,” he gestures at the boy in black now skulking over to vylad who was jumping around like a goofball. “uh, whatever that is.”
you shake your head with a dry laugh, shrugging your shoulders.
“it’s fine, it’s not your fault.”
he sighs, frowning at his younger brothers.
“yeah well…” he begins, trailing off before shaking his head. “never mind.”
“i got it!” you hear aphmau announce, her small footsteps bounding up to you and stomping to a stop right next to you, soccer ball in her hands. “you playing?”
“we’re not that good at soccer, so we were gonna let you and vylad teach zane while we play catch over here,” garroth pulls out the baseball from his pocket… and then reaches into the hidden inner lining of his jacket and pulls out two baseball gloves.
how did he hide those in there?
aphmau blinks, before shrugging and excitedly running off into the field with a chirpy, “okay then!”
garroth smiles at you before looking down at the two gloves, handing you the slightly smaller and much more worn one.
“this one was from when i was younger. it’ll fit you better and it's worn in already, so it’ll be easier to catch.”
“oh, thanks.”
he nods, tossing up the ball in his hand and catching it as he paces a little distance away from you. he lightly spins the baseball between his fingers before nodding at you to get ready. you lift the glove up, feeling a bit nervous as the broad-shouldered baseball captain stands in front of you.
“what position do you play, garroth?”
he throws the ball your way. it’s still dauntingly fast, and your whole face unwillingly flinches as the ball smacks against the glove. you can tell he barely put any force into it, too, which makes you feel bad for anyone who has to bat up against him.
“i can tell,” you meekly respond, holding the ball between your first two fingers and your thumb.
“sorry…i thought i threw that soft,” garroth smiles, a small entertained laugh leaving his lips.
you shake your head sheepishly, throwing the ball back and watching as it satisfyingly lands in garroth’s glove.
“not bad,” he throws the ball back, a bit slower this time. “how do you like phoenix drop so far?”
“uhhh—“ you think of your recent detention and put a little more force into your throw. “it’s okay.”
“just okay?”
“well, it’s school. and i guess there’s a few good people who have made it better so far.”
you deadpan back at him when he doesn’t throw back the ball, instead humming and readjusting his cap while looking at you expectantly
“yes, you’re one of them.”
he grins cheekily, tossing the ball back in satisfaction.
“i can run.” you hear zane protest, and you turn to look at the group. aphmau is slowly backing up, arms crossed as she watches him glare at his polar opposite brother.
“away from you.”
you glance back at garroth before both of you silently agree to walk closer. you both pause near aphmau, who is picking at her nails.
“sorry… i knew you were excited to play soccer,” garroth apologizes for his brother’s behavior once again, glaring over at the boy’s attitude.
“it’s,” she sighs. “fine. at least he’s giving it a chance? he always seems so lonely in class.”
garroth shrugs, looking on at his brothers with a complex of emotions on his face. 
“yeah, but he likes to be alone, so i try to respect it. he’s my little brother, so it’s not like i can parent him out of being that way, even if i try.”
you watch his side profile as he stares at his younger brothers. he looked so fond of them… but strangely distant. 
“no! i don’t want to play with you vylad!”
“fine…” vylad sighs, his tone dejected. “then garroth can kick to you.”
“hell no!”
“what’s going on?” garroth walks forward, aphmau and i trailing behind.
“zane being emo,” vylad shoots a glare at his peeved brother. “he doesn’t want me or you to kick the ball to him.”
“it’s stupid.”
“you just don’t want garroth or i to show you up.”
“shut up.”
“i’ll kick with you, zane,” aphmau pipes up, nervously stepping forward.
zane looks at her for a moment before bursting out in laughter.
“you? you couldn’t kick the ball to me from where you are right now with those twinkle-toe-looking short-ass kid legs.”
you hate that the corner of your mouth twitches in amusement. 
“zane,” garroth says, his tone threateningly even and deep as he shoots an irritated glare at the boy. “that’s rude.”
aphmau walks forward, grabbing the ball from vylad. she sets out on the ground before kicking the ball right by zane’s shoulders and into the goal’s net. 
“you're supposed to block it, by the way.”
“that was just a practice run.”
vylad walks towards you and garroth, though his eyes are trained on his older brother’s, his excitement from before now turned into a disappointed frown. garroth’s hand claps onto vylad’s shoulder, patting the younger boy assuredly with a sigh.
your attention is suddenly pulled back to the mood-killer of the day, only to find him crumpled on the ground with his hand to his face. garroth, who saw the whole thing, doubles over in silent laughter and uses vylad to keep him upright. 
“damn,” vylad says, before joining garroth in his giggles.
“oh… my… i’m so sorry!” aphmau apologizes frantically, her hand slapping over her mouth.
you sigh, jogging towards zane as a strange feeling of pity fills your stomach. he sits himself up, hands still on his head when you reach your hand out for him to take. he flinches when he realizes you’ve walked up to him, his lip curling and hands winding back like he was getting ready to slap it away. 
“just take the hand, dude.”
a second passes before his bony hand slaps onto yours, digging uncomfortably into your skin as you help him get back on his feet.
“you good?”
he glares off at his brothers, eyes pricked with tears no doubt from getting hit square in the face. his pale skin was irritated and splotched red, his only exposed eye beginning to swell.
“yeah, it just stings,” he trudges ahead of you and off the field, sitting on a nearby bench.
“i have to say, i wasn’t expecting you to catch the ball with your face!” garroth laughs at the younger boy.
“shut up, garroth!”
aphmau catches up, stopping in front of zane with a petrified look on her face.
“oh my gosh, zane, i am so so so so sorry!” she rambles, hands coming up to cover her mouth.
“you did that on purpose.”
“no, i swear i didn’t! i’m just not good at aiming!”
“you could’ve told me that before you fully sent the ball hurling towards my head.”
“i’m so sorry. are you okay?”
“i’m fine.”
“yeah, his other eye got messed up from—“ vylad starts, before getting cut off by a warning look from zane.
you happen to glance over at garroth, who has a deep frown on his face. he notices your stare, and immediately his expression shifts back to his normal passiveness.
“well, this definitely calls for a break. i’m glad you at least tried it out, zane.”
zane rolls his eyes, only to make a small groaning sound and hold his head.
you look around, noticing a bathroom building that had a vending machine outside of it. without saying anything you jog off towards it, leaving behind your group. reaching in your pocket, you snag some cash you had taken with you, sliding it into the machine and pressing down on the water button.
quickly, you grab the water and jog back, seeing that the moms have returned from their run.
“oh, he’ll be fine, he has two brothers, and zane’s been through much worse.”
you wave to your mom, before holding the water bottle out near the boy’s face.
“here. it’ll help with the swelling.”
“well, aren’t you just a sweetheart! you should take notes from her, zuzu.” zianna gushes, coming up to you and cupping one of your cheeks adorably in her hand.
zane sighs, holding the water bottle up to the side of his face, letting the cold condensation soothe the sensitive skin.
“thanks,” he grumbles and you nod in response, waving off the gesture like it was nothing.
“oh-em-gee, this is totes deja vu! remember that time that aphmau did this exact same thing to zane when the kids were playing dodgeball in the old neighborhood?”
“that’s totes right!”
“yes, i remember! they were all the cutest little kids back then!”
you glance back at aphmau and the three boys, who look just as confused as you feel. as you lock eyes with aphmau, something clicks, and you remember the childhood photograph on her wall.
slowly, your jaw drops, eyes widening in realization.
“huh?” she questions, looking concerned by your sudden expression.
“the picture!”
she blinks, before her head whips back to garroth and then to the other two.
“the picture!”
“what picture? we just met you guys?” vylad looks between you two and the women giggling behind you, amused by the whole situation. “what are you talking about, mom?”
she breaks out into more giggles.
“oh, don’t tell me you don’t remember each other?”
sylvanna catches her breath from her own amusement, placing a hand on her chest.
“we lived in the same neighborhood when you guys were all so tiny. you played with each other every week!”
“oh, girl. i was so devastated when the two of you moved away!” zianna frowns at the memory.
the five of you teenagers gawk at the information, jaws hanging open in shock.
“you know, i actually do vaguely remember. aphmau wore that red dress all the time,” garroth glances at you. “and i remember playing t-ball with you.”
you furrow your eyebrows, trying to recall the memory and getting a few glimpses of your childhood.
“oh yeah…”
“well, they were pretty little, so it’s no wonder they don’t really remember,” your mom laughs, glancing at you. “you were such a worried and cautious kid even when you were little. you cried more when the boys or aphmau did when they got hurt, trying to make sure they were okay.”
“yes, i remember that! she’d come running back to the house asking for bandaids that weren’t even for her all the time, the little medic. seems like that hasn’t changed.”
“this is so cute! i had no idea you guys didn’t remember each other! we should have dinner over at my place tonight so we can all catch up!” zianna squeals, grabbing onto sylvanna and your mom in excitement. 
“that sounds wonderful! we’ll head home to wash up and i’ll bring a dish or something.”
“same here, we’ll be there!” your mom smiles.
“ooh, please bring those quesadillas, sylvanna,” zianna butchers the pronunciation, before turning to your mom. “and you should totes bring that yummy guac you used to make!”
“it’s que-sa-di-yas, zianna,” sylvanna playfully rolls her eyes.
“it’s delicious to me!” she claps her hands with a laugh.
“alright, we’ll see you later this evening then.”
“bye, girlfriends! let’s go boys, you’ve got some cleaning to do.”
you turn and wave to your—freshly reunited?—childhood friends, who seem equally as bewildered.
“uh, i guess we’ll talk later,” garroth waves back, robotically turning to walk with his energetic mother as the cogs still turn in his brain.
“see ya…?”
you and aphmau trail behind your moms, who are excitedly planning to drive together to the ro’meave home later.
“this is crazy. we became friends with them again without even knowing.”
“yeah…small world i guess.”
“do i have to wear a dress?”
“yes, it’s a small dinner party and we need to look presentable,” your mom answers, turning to make sure your dad also kept his word on dressing decently. “plus, the ro’meaves are super rich…”
“what was that?”
“nothing! besides, it’s not like it’s a super fancy dress, you look so cute! do you have the guac bowl?”
she nods, ushering you and your dad out of the house and speed walking down the sidewalk. you both deadpan at each other, your dad scratching through his beard with a sigh.
“alright, if it makes your mom happy.”
you shrug, “and me.”
“that’s good enough for me, i guess.”
aphmau’s house smells good, the scent of chicken and beef quesadillas wafting through the air.
“oh mija, aphmau and one of her little friends from school are out back picking some hot peppers for the salsa, why don’t you go join them!” sylvanna points towards the back door, before leaning towards you. “and make sure there’s no flirting or funny business.”
you nod with a knowing smile, holding back a laugh at her insistent stare.
“okay, i’ll give you an update when i return, captain.”
you slip out of the sliding glass doors as the adults start to talk, looking around before spotting a garden to your left. you step off the deck, following a pretty mosaic stone trail to the intricate, fenced-in veggies and flowers. after stepping into the gate, you admire all the terra-cotta and talavera pots, as well as a lime and orange tree in the mix. everything seemed almost overgrown, but so carefully groomed and placed that you could tell it was well cared for. 
“hey guys,” you greet, spotting aphmau in a cute red dress and headband, as well as that white-haired kid from your first day. “oh, and hey travis! good to see you again.”
his eyes widen, before he shoots a brace-filled smile your way, earnestly greeting you with a call of your name.
“good to see you too! so you’re going to vylad’s house, huh? that’s crazy.”
“i know, right? none of us remembered each other at all.”
“yeah, super weird,” aphmau shakes her head analyzing the jalapeños she picked in her hand.
“i think it’s super cool! you have a little connection to someone you didn’t even know was there.”
you smile at him. “yeah, that’s a nice way of putting it.”
“yeah, garroth is almost unrecognizable from the childhood photos,” aphmau trails. 
“stop drooling,” travis deadpans at the girl, laughing as she flusteredly panics in response.
“i’m not!”
“you totally were. but hey, i don’t blame you! lots of girls have a crush on him.”
“no kidding,” you monotone, an image of ivy’s twisted face popping into your mind.
“i do not have a crush on him,” she defends, though the red on her cheeks betray her.
“uh-huh, sure,” travis drawls out sarcastically, turning to laugh with you when aphmau hisses at him to stop again.
he puts his hands up in defense, backing up when he’s threatened with a jalapeño to the face. the two of you let your giggles fiddle out, before travis seemingly remembered something important, his lips flattening into a serious line.
“hey, i heard you two were with gene and his gang a while ago… is that true?”
“oh, i mean we did “meet them”, i guess. but we didn’t really talk to them.”
“oh, okay. good. i was kinda worried.”
“where did you hear that?” aphmau stutters, dusting off her clothes as she stands back up, seemingly satisfied with her selection of peppers.
“dante told me. he said gene mentioned it or something. he didn’t say anything bad, but he was talking about you two,” he reaches up to fiddle with a strand of his hair by his ear, lost in his thoughts for a moment. “i just… know they’re not the best influences, so i wanted to check on you guys. dante really looks up to gene, but i don’t think he knows the kind of stuff he gets up to.”
“thanks, travis. that’s really nice of you.”
he nervously laughs, shrugging his shoulders.
“i mean yeah. i haven’t gotten to know you that well but aphmau’s my not-alone-buddy, so if you guys are good friends i’d like to look out for you, too.”
your chest feels warm as you smile at him. 
“thanks. i’ll look out for you, too.”
“oh! that reminds me travis, how’s theatre club?”
“ooh, you joined?”
“yeah, i did!” travis stutters, eyes lighting up. “it’s going really great. hey, you know the girl with blue hair that hit me in the face on the first day?”
“uh, yeah! she stops by and visits the club sometimes…” his cheeks grow to a warm shade of red.
“sounds like you have a crush, travis.”
“wha—no, i mean—!” he sputters, scratching the back of his neck. “i mean she is really cute… but she has a boyfriend already.”
you blink. katelyn has a boyfriend?
“really? who?”
“his name is jeffory. goldwyn is his last name, i think. he’s a really good-looking senior so i don’t even have a chance.” he sighs.
you hum in pity and understanding for the boy, recalling the tall, smiley, and handsome upperclassman who had stopped by volleyball practice a few times. he had pretty eyes and brown hair, and he seemed super friendly and charming from the few times you said hello. now that you think about it, he did really only hang around katelyn when he did come by the gym.
“so i’m not even gonna try anything. she is really pretty, though.”
“maybe one day,” you halfheartedly encourage with a shrug of your shoulders. “uh… not wishing on her to break up with him or anything—“
travis laughs, face brightening again from the small dejected pout that had begun to form on his lips.
“hey!” sylvanna calls from the porch, her projected voice startling the three of you. “what’s taking you three so long?! we have to get going soon! dios mío…”
“coming, mom!” aphmau calls giving you two a look before shuffling out of the garden with her peppers in hand. “guess we lost track of time.”
“yeah, better not make your mom mad,” travis mutters, quickly falling behind the girl before leaning over to whisper to you. “she kinda scares me.”
you laugh at him, stepping through the sliding doors into the house. dad quickly scopes out the boy, making himself known by very firmly grasping his shoulder and reaching out to shake his hand. you watch as travis’s soul nearly leaves his body, face paling at the gruff-looking man in front of him.
“how’re you doin’ kid? what’s your name?”
“uh—hello sir,” travis stutters, quickly shaking his hand. “it’s travis.”
your dad pauses, squinting down at him uncertainly.
“what’s your last name?”
“va—valkrum… sir?”
“huh. you terry’s boy?”
“you know my dad?”
“yeah. we were old buddies a while back when you were just about to here in height,” dad gestures to his knees with his hand. “i thought you looked familiar.”
you glance over at sylvanna and mom, who are staring at each other with shocked looks on their faces.
“well, nice to meet you, son. you need a ride home?”
travis freezes with his mouth open, trying to muster up words.
“if it’s not out of your way, that would be nice.”
he nods, before leaving the poor boy be—as he was almost quaking in place. when your dad is out of earshot he leans over to you again, face still pale.
“your dad scares me more.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own
tag list: @orinlin @pain-in-the-ashe @youmake1mistake @thenyxsky
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beaulesbian · 6 months
I was only today years old when I realized that Trafalgar Law's names are probably references to two battles that led in our real life history to a certain emperor (Napoleon)'s defeat.
*arrives 10 years late with a meta post because of a realization*
uhh Dressrosa spoilers, I guess.
Trafalgar and Waterloo... Water Law.
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In One Piece world that emperor being Doflamingo, who suffered two major loses thanks to Law's existence:
First being cca 13 years ago from the main storyline - at the Minion Island where Corazon managed to get the Op-op devil fruit for Law and saving his life from Doflamingo. On that island, Doflamingo lost both Corazon and the devil fruit he wanted to much to get his hands on, as well as Law, someone who he wanted to use as the sacrifice to get the immortality via the devil fruit's powers.
Tbh I haven't really heard about the Trafalgar battle before today. When I first heard about Trafalgar Law as character while I started to read One Piece only cca 5 months ago, I only thought "huh, isn't that a square in England, I was there on a trip once" but didn't look more into it now.
So I just skimmed throught the wiki pages of those battles, I don't know all the details, I don't want to compare it too much, but some maybe similarities/parallels that piqued my interest:
The Battle of Trafalgar were the spanish-france forces against english navy, and Donquixote/Dressrosa arc including all those spanish themes, as well as Law being from the North Blue (where Sanji and Mont Blanc Noland are/were also from) being a bit influenced by France, plays interesting role when this happened in North Blue as a prelude to what would 13 years later happen in Dressrosa (the birdcage, Doflamingo's rule, the puppets, etc).
This part of the Trafalgar battle describing the british was at first outnumbered, that the spanish had more ships along with one of their biggest one:
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reminded me of how Corazon himself faced with the whole Donquixote family, including Doflamingo:
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and some more interesting similarities how the "hero" of the battle died even before it ended:
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but thanks to his informations, the Navy later arrived, and Law got away.
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(even on the wiki of the Trafalgar battle there were mentions of some false informations, previous pursuits of the ships and admirals etc, so that vibe kind of fits.)
I haven't read much about the Waterloo battle, except how known it is for being the final defeat of Napoleon, by Coalition armies - which would nicely parallel to Law and Luffy starting their own Alliance during Dressrosa, and thanks to that it caused for Luffy to be there to beat Doflamingo once and for all.
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Some other small details I noticed:
The Don Quixote book was apparently first published in two parts, one in 1605 and the other in 1615.
The battle of Trafalgar happened in 1805, and the battle of Waterloo in 1815.
I found one person even connecting the date when was published the chapter of Doflamingo's deafeat in Dressrosa - 18th of June, 2015, which is the same date only 200 years later after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.
I love that in some sense both battles have in common water, and for the One Piece world that is connected with pirates and ships - with the historical aspects the battle of Trafalgar being a naval battle, and Waterloo for the Water in Trafalgar D. Water Law - he concealed his full name from Doflamingo for all those years, his secret name as well as the will of the Ds. - for our world a possible reference if one looks more that he really was meant to be Doflamingo's downfall.
There's just something beautiful about Law's whole existence to be a sort of a foretelling of the fall of one of the emperors of the sea, just by having these names. And it's not just the names of his, but the parallels to the situations and results of the incidents taking place at those locations.
It's literally a middle finger to Doflamingo:
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So over the past few weeks, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of the OG series from Annabeth’s perspective.
I’m interested in doing this because though I loved the PJO when I was a child, as I grow older, I find myself craving more nuance from the stories and the characters than what’s already there on the page. I thought hopefully the show would fulfill me, but uhh….amazing character depth is not one of the things I’d call the show’s biggest strong suits, at least not for Annabeth.
Now, I’m aware of the “Daughter of Wisdom” series on AO3, a fanfic series that does the exact same thing. I read that fic years ago and enjoyed it; I thought at the time that the fic was well done. However, I have a lot of ideas for scenes and details that I don’t think really showed up in that fic series, and so I find myself craving to create the POV for Annabeth and certain aspects of CHB that I’ve always wanted to see. I also wanted to spend more time emphasizing emotions and growth for Annabeth in a fic like this, and actually have her challenge and address her pride, sort of like a “I’m overcoming my biggest flaw” journey. I want to write this series from a sympathetic yet honest perspective about Annabeth’s life and her traits…including the traits that are not so pretty.
And so I want input from y’all on what you think would be worth including in a fic like this, and if there’s anything from the OG books that I should change, twist, replace, remove, deepen, or add something new. Here’s a list I already have going:
- emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Chiron and how it develops
- more emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Grover and how they get along when Percy isn’t there. Do they talk about Percy? And what do they think of each other? Does Grover feel intimidated by Annabeth, or feel like maybe she’s not proud of him because he let her down with the Cyclops incident and Thalia getting killed? Maybe at the end of the quest in TLT, before Percy gets back from Olympus, Annabeth reassures Grover that he’s a great protector and that she doesn’t resent him at all.
- Annabeth’s view of Luke and how/why it becomes complicated; how Annabeth reconciles the objectively bad things Luke has done with her desire for his redemption
- an emphasis on Annabeth and Thalia’s relationship after Thalia returns. How has it changed, Thalia remarking on Annabeth’s growth and teasing her about her crush on Percy, Annabeth helping Thalia cope with the loss of Luke to the “dark side” and also helping Thalia cope with how much the world has changed in 5 years and how Thalia now feels so out of place, Thalia helping Annabeth cope with continuous family struggles
- an emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with other Athena children. Do they like each other? Hate each other? Are they competitive, all vying for their mom’s attention? Do they share some of Annabeth’s struggles; were their mortal parents also unimpressed about receiving a child they didn’t plan for?
- Annabeth’s relationship with other kids at camp: namely Clarisse, Silena, Beckendorf, and the Stoll Brothers (no, I don’t ship Connabeth, btw). But I also want to flesh out Katie Gardner and Pollux/Castor too.
- a proper resolution to Annabeth’s family drama that yes, recognizes how Frederick had a baby sprung on him that he didnt consent to, and how Mrs. Chase had no idea how to take care of a kid with special needs, but a resolution that also validates Annabeth’s feelings and highlights the ways in which Mr. and Mrs. Chase messed up and failed her with their poor choices.
- a new interpretation of Luke’s “did you love me”question
- An on-page apology from Annabeth to Rachel
- Annabeth’s relationship with her little brothers and how they might still try to love each other in context of their family drama, and not repeat the sins of their parents (breaking generational curses!)
- more emphasis on Annabeth and Athena’s relationship, and how Annabeth evolves from thinking her mother is this image of perfection, to realizing that Athena is just as faulty as the other gods and goddesses, and that Annabeth has a strength over Athena in that Annabeth has a bigger sense of humanity, and can change and adapt when she’s not doing something well. Annabeth can evolve in ways Athena cannot.
Anything else?
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nishnormp · 5 months
cheavy ramblings
Been thinking about the stinky BLU classic heavy from the comics lately. He's basically the villain of the final issues, and was practically built to be unlikeable from the start so his defeat could be more satisfying; buut since its been years since an update came out and I am slowly going insane, I think it would be funky to explore him more (bonus cmedic feature)
Few disclaimers: I'm not excusing his actions (I myself think hes a bitch) and I do NOT ship him with tf2 medic (also I dont think tf2 medic is unmasked cmedic bc 1)why would he sabotage himself in the issues by acting like That 2)uhh reasons later 3)this panel) also some of my takes aren't original, but I've expanded on em a bit
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P1: Medic hater activities
As we all know, cheavy's greatest sin was dunking on + killing tf2 medic
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Somehow he and tfc demo got sidetracked by medic's question, but the most hostile he gets towards tf2 medic here is jeering at the fact that they're going to hunt down his old team; which tf2 medic doesn't seem bothered by.
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( @number1yisuchongfan actually brought this up before me) This panel pretty much sums up why cheavy is pissed: medic was implied to have a record of being weird with parts (he lost his license bc he stole a man's skeleton), he blew ALL of his budget meant for healing on exotic parts (that he put in cheavy's teammates), AND he revived the enemy (said enemy slips away a few panels later just as cheavy gets informed that three of his mercs died).
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(also, the weird p3do tfc scout and soldier arent included in the 'three good men', since they died much later) Speaking of the 'good men' comment-
P2: Good leader at some point?? Not anymore tho
Hes gruff and an ass, but cheavy has a soft spot for his team; the tf2 mercs call each other strictly by their classes, but the tfc ones know each other names (also see cheavy's way of describing his dead teammates and his immediate reaction to go over there rather than curse/assume their incompetence)
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He gets curious about australium, and from here on out he gets fixated on it- enough to be more unreasonable than usual. Cheavy is pretty amicable with Bea, and the way he acts with her is probably more in-character for what he was like back in his prime rather than the hot-tempered man that the later panels show.
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I mean . He and his team were highly recommended and even took out ALL of the admin's elite teams, leaving the tf2 team for last. He may be a drill sergeant, but I don't think he was a genuine tyrant for most of his career; they aren't purely business-basis with each other (some of them formed close bonds, like fred and virgil), plus- any elite team would be able to capitalize on an overly prideful and control freaky leader (+a constantly demoralized team) sooner.
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With three of his mercs dead and his plans failing against a team that he saw as rejects, the mental strain is showing badly. Tfc mercs don't have much personality in their games (or their own comic about them during their prime) but one of the few dynamics mentioned is between the Heavy and the Engineer+Medic. Tfc engie is the one who stepped up to ask about cheavy's plans, and he also gets the brunt of his anger. Earlier, cheavy answered bea's question and encouraged her, but now he's yelling and mocking the capabilities of one of the men he coordinates with the most.
Tfc scout's line may just be him not understanding/underestimating australium (esp since apparently cheavy had to ask grey mann what it even did), but it also reads as him seeing cheavy having officially gone off his rocker; his shaky grasp over leadership might kill the team before being deprived of yellow rocks does. Both scout and engie are thrown off by his attitude, implying that cheavy isn't usually like this (I can't imagine them being coordinated if they all shrimp away like that).
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His line of thinking for both of these situations are pretty questionable. For the first one, he knows that the bots extract australium from the body, but he also knows that the mercs likely have nothing in them anyways (note the emphasis on his dead mercs, this is him taking revenge but also he is NAWT going to get any australium for those extra immortality machines which is still a pressing issue for his engie). In the second one, he first tells medic that they'll try figuring out how to stitch the machine on him, which leads to medic stabbing him and cheavy retaliating. Cheavy then goes all the way with attempting to kill him, stating that he'll just gets his answers from the administrator. Its soon revealed that he wants to fight tf2 heavy, but even that is ??? Like cheavy knows that he and his team are old as hell, but he's going to try having a fair fight with a guy in his prime anyways? He didn't even know that he could just slap on the machine at the time, and the unnecessary risk for what seems to be a quest to satisfy his ego is antithetical to his supposed goal of getting the rocks and making his team immortal. At this point, his hatred of medic has completely overridden his rationality; there were many ways for him to have killed both of them, yet he didn't take em.
P3: Cmedic
I saw some posts abt how cheavy is likely coded as homophobic due to how he treats medic (a presumably gay-coded character) bc of the "stay in the kitchen"-esque dialogue, and the way cheavy undermines him in verbal + physical ways. I do not have a very solid defense for this . aside from everything I listed before.
Just to clarify, I think its cheavy's fault for alienating medic from the start: loss of medical license aside, medic's inventions DO work splendidly for healing. Would it have been more concerning since medic is . meant to heal? Maybe. But mercs are literal murderers for hire, personality quirks should be the last of their priorities. The guy is passionate about showing off his stuff, and he was even enthusiastic about getting on the battlefield and healing cheavy. I'm not saying medic was going to be 100% loyal, but he's willing to do his job for the classics as long as he wasn't disrespected so damn much.
The tfc mercs with personalities are ones that oppose their tf2 counterpart; tfc sniper is a sadist rather than a swift professional, tfc pyro is...also a sadist rather than having tf2 pyro's misguided bubbliness, and cheavy does not respect his team's (current) medic. This in conjunction with the complete and utter lack of not just presence but also mention of tfc medic leads to the popular belief that the guy just up and left because of the disrespect.
(Writing inconsistencies be damned I like to cope) so what if it wasn't the case?
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These are one of the few lines in tfc that describe a cooperative nature between certain classes. Like I mentioned earlier, tfc has less media compared to tf2 so its easy to slot personalities onto them as villains (tfc sniper's gun blowing people into giblets kinda helps), but I don't think these can be ignored. Fred was the one who represented the rest of the team's opinions to cheavy, and the phrasing in the second pic is even stronger; the heavymedic duo was always a thing, even in tfc.
Sort of. Gameplay-wise, cmedic is more like a roided out scout armed with a medkit that can give enemies and disguised spies tuberculosis, grenades that can send him across the map, and a gun that can destroy sentries (situational). He doesn't need to cling to his more offensive teammates as much as tf2 medic, and while his kit can instantly heal a teammate to full no matter the percentage + give overheal- its strictly melee ranged and has no ubercharge. In a narrative sense, cmedic would most likely oppose tf2 medic as a more 'grounded' healer. He prevents damage to his team by erasing enemies himself, doesn't go too overboard with his biochemical arsenal (his brew is potent but hes stuck with the melee-ranged kit and no crazy mechanic like uber), and can typically run off by himself (provided he isn't jumped by two soldiers or smth). Its a matter of game design, but can translate to the comics in an interesting way.
Medic is the only one who speaks of cmedic, and while the mention itself has no violent reaction- no one else speaks of him. I can't imagine him being easily forgotten since the heavymedic duo is just too iconic, so what if smth exceptionally horrible just happened to him? If cmedic was close to cheavy than everyone else, his loss/disappearance could explain cheavy's immediate dislike for tf2 med; not only replacing his own med, but with the complete opposite in terms of personality as well.
(I could expand on cmedic more, but this post is already long enough as is so I'll probably just make a separate one gah)
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