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araelle · 5 years ago
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No, No one actually said that. I don't get jealous when I see random pretty faces, but it hits me hard if they are those who I never wanted to put faces on.. I know it is my insecurity talking during this tough time, so I should learn to focus on myself more o̴̶̷᷄_o̴̶̷̥᷅ But damn! Who take those stunning pictures of you? 알아 나두, 지금은 내가 날 더 사랑해줘야 할 때라는거. 그치만 부러워. 너희를 몰랐다면 좋았을걸. 예쁘고 어리고 사진 잘 찍어주는 사람도 있어서 정말 좋겠다 너희는. 내가 너무 갖고 싶었지만 가질 수 없는걸 갖고 있는 너희는 좋겠다. 이제 ��� 괜찮아. 이제 가질 수 없는 것은 그만 내려놓고 내가 할 수 있는 것들�� 보고 노력해야지. . . . #youaresopretty #iwishicouldbepretty #insecurityquotes #ifeeluglynow #instainsecurity #예뻐서좋겠다 #똥손그림 #끄적끄적그램 #그림일기장 #감성일기장 #emotionaldrawings #minimaldrawings #aestheticdrawing #pastelcolordrawing #uglygirlproblems #드로잉일기 #내려놓자 #innerbeautyismoreimportant https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MDO_EBxi6/?igshid=1u04byd54seyp
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Here’s a montage of me trying to take selfies in my room and be cute, but I’m I’m bad at selfies and it took me 20 minutes to make my makeup look decent 🙃 #uglygirlproblems #Saturdays
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buckyrevolution · 7 years ago
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Biiiiiihhhhhhhhhh😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #rihanna #riri #bbhmm💰#rihnavy #deadaf #imweakaf #workworkwork #icannoticannot #uglybitchesbelike #thestruggleistooreal #lemon #lmfao #rotfl #awkwardmoment #aintnowaybihh #nochillforrihanna #uglygirlproblems #wefoundlove #bishwat
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willforeverbemine · 7 years ago
do you have an about me page? cant find one
I actually don’t anon but idk maybe I should, I always thought I was fairly open on here (apart from pics because you know #uglygirlproblems) but yeah maybe I’ll think about doing one anon so watch this space
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allyflower · 9 years ago
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When your cat is infinitely prettier than you 😻😭💚 #ragdollsofinstagram #ragdoll #kitten #catsofinstagram #cat #buffy #uglygirlproblems
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marshmallowdramatic · 9 years ago
Convo I just had with my friend
Me: I just want someone to tell me I'm pretty.
Them: So you want to be lied to?
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leemonog-blog · 10 years ago
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My self confidence has been withering away even more... I want to be favored... I wanna get the compliments on my face... Or my hair. Or something physical... Not just " you're funny" I'm funny... Ok but I'll never be beautiful. I'm just a bro with tits. I hate friendships with beauties... Makes me not want to do anything.... Ugh... Fuck standards.
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marshmallowdramatic · 9 years ago
It's freaky how quickly I go from not wanting anyone to being desperate, and like it's not like I have a chance anyway (looking the way I look) but still I look around and feel rather lonesome. And then, the next day, I want none of it. All I really know is that my appearance and attitude have got to change.
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xxlexinicolexx19 · 10 years ago
The moment when someone tells you someone thinks your good looking but you know they are lying cause you aint good lookin at all :/
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patriciashanae · 10 years ago
the pattern.
i have this pattern of getting attached to someone. quickly and painfully. 
i do everything for them. my life is based around them. they have priority over everything else. they control my decision making.  i shut everyone else out and i think to myself it’ll all be worth it. that person is worth it. 
and then it gets bad. i get more desperate. they  get more comfortable. and my heart breaks over and over again. day by day. night by night. I blame them for the hurt that I feel. but I can’t. not this time. not for the thousandth time.
i just don’t understand. 
i just don’t understand how my mind keeps doing this. what about these people deserve all of my attention and what about me makes them want nothing to do with me. they wont touch me. they wont appreciate me. they wont realize that i give them my world and if they do, they don’t care.
this pattern is ruining my life.
this pattern is going to keep my from having kids and a husband. 
i just want to be myself and be loved for it. not tortured.
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tokenthirdwheel · 10 years ago
Last night me and my friend slept over at our friends flat. I HAVE NEVER FELT SO ALONE! Literally I was treated like shit you scrape off a shoe!! We went out to a nightclub. We meet some guys(my friends do,no one like an ugly girl do they? Because our personality must be ugly too!) They get loads of numbers,drinks brought for them,men literally kiss their asses! They got asked for a dance and abandon me without warning,the poor guy stuck with me gives me an awkward look then pisses off and leaves me alone. So I'm by myself,every guy I ask for a dance TOTALLY REJECTS ME AND HUMILIATES ME WITH A DIRTY LOOK! I get hit on by 50 year old bald men and my friend can see I feel uncomfortable but don't help BECAUSE BUT NO THEY ARE ALL PRACTICALLY MAKING OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR WITH THE GUYS OF MY DREAMS!! So i buy myself a shot because the guy i was with fucked off and don't get served for 40 mins. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THERE TO SERVE AND THE STAFF JUST SERVE THE PRETTY GIRLS THAT HAVE WAITED ABOUT 2 SECONDS!!I actually called my mum in tears to pick me up and I went home early and cried in her arm for about 2 hours!
Stop treating us less attractive girls like dirt,its not fair.
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marshmallowdramatic · 10 years ago
tfw your crush comes to you for advice about their crush on someone else
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dinosaurkitty23 · 10 years ago
I was going to put up a new pic of my hair but my face won't cooperate :/#uglygirlproblems
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