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It's been such a hot few days, and summer. I don't have either bikini body or confidence to enjoy the beach next to my place. So I am going to enjoy through drawings. 이번 여름, 너무 힘들다! 바닷가 옆에 살아도 즐기지 못하는 여유따위 없는 마음. . . . #summerdrawings #바다일러스트 #oceanillustrations #파도일러스트 #자연일러스트 #illustrationofig #여름그림 #힐링일러스트 #힐링아트 #끄적끄적그램 #pasteldrawings #minimalartwork #pastelcolorpainting #미니멀일러스트 https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3d_ABBM-C/?igshid=2wj74i5hbjwu
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My new tablet👍🏻💕#wacomintous #verygood #좋아욤#감사#thankyou #illustration #끄적끄적그램
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The past few weeks have been dark, confusing and frustrating :-( I had a really hard time finding inspiration ... And I still don't have any. So I decided to draw my idea of being safe and relaxed ·ᴗ· 내 배 위의 냥이랑 맘 편히 쿨쿨 자고 싶어! . . . #나만의힐링타임 #힐링이필요해🌿 🌿 #mentalrelaxation #catillustration #naptimewithcats #파스텔컬러 #pastelcolordrawing #끄적끄적그램 #minimaldrawings #맘편히쉬고싶다 #aestheticpaintings #carddesigns #doodlesart #엽서디자인 #그림스타그램🖼 🖼 #일러스트그램🎨 #mentalhealthillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CBU5OnEBOo8/?igshid=n7erj1c54mdx
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The past few weeks have been dark, confusing and frustrating :-( I had a really hard time finding inspiration ... And I still don't have any. So I decided to draw my idea of being safe and relaxed ·ᴗ· 내 배 위의 냥이랑 맘 편히 쿨쿨 자고 싶어! . . . #나만의힐링타임 #힐링이필요해🌿 #mentalrelaxation #catillustration #naptimewithcats #파스텔컬러 #pastelcolordrawing #끄적끄적그램 #minimaldrawings #맘편히쉬고싶다 #aestheticpaintings #carddesigns #doodlesart #엽서디자인 #그림스타그램🖼 #일러스트그램🎨 #mentalhealthillustration https://www.instagram.com/p/CBU3a5Hhk6i/?igshid=38oj0a3orlz4
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I love you to the moon and back ❤ I tried to copy the typography drawing I saw on Pinterest years ago! I believe it was done by @lapantigatiga . . . #typographyartists #캘리그라피그램 #typographydrawing #pendrawing #iloveyoutothemoonandback🌙 #감성글귀 #감성그림스타그램 #끄적끄적그램 #minimaldrawings #aestheticdrawing #영어글귀그램 #caligraphydrawing #artistwannabe #blackandwhitedrawings https://www.instagram.com/p/B_bWaADJpUP/?igshid=18b5q68qz4n2n
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내가 생각했던 2020년의 봄은 이거였지만.. 내년도 내후년도 있으니까, 좀만 더 힘내자 ~꒰・◡・๑꒱♫ 벚꽃사진은 2년전 이맘 때 쯤의 서울! . . . #stayhomeart #벚꽃일러스트 #벚꽃사진🌸 #럽스타그램하고싶다 #cherryblossomart #색연필드로잉 #색연필아트 #aestheticart #minimaldrawings #끄적끄적그램 #사회적거리두기실천 #봄꽃놀이🌸 #さくら🌸 #집에서벚꽃구경 #illustrationofig #pastelcolordrawing #coupleartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/B-_DN3Khicf/?igshid=1wqtvh76tqswi
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잘 못 그린 해바라기들🌻 이지만 그래도 뿌듯해서 내 침대 위에 붙여놓으려고 했는데 엄마가 가져감 :) . . . #sunflowerdrawing #해바라기그림 #watercolordrawings #끄적끄적그램 #watercolorpainting🎨 #flowerpaintings #quarantineartchallenge #수채화그림 #꽃그림일러스트 #해바라기꽃 #돈들어오는그림 #그림잘그리고싶다 #일러스타그램 #힐링그림 #sunflowerpaintings #naturepaintings #pastelcolorpainting #aestheticpaintings #wallpaintings #minimalpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sFqw8hdbw/?igshid=1wjwm16w7nf0r
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Imagine all the places we will visit. Imagine all the stories that will be engraved, after this. 모든게 괜찮아지면 난 여행하느라 바쁠래. 부끄러워말고 카메라 앞에서 잔뜩 웃어야지. 예쁘진 않지만 예뻐해줘 (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) .. + 이 모래들은 앤탤로프 밸리&홀슈밴드에서 온 모래들입니당. 가져오려던게 아니였지만 빨래할 때 한가득 나오더라구요. This post is made with the sand from Antelope Valley & Horseshoe bend.. I found so much after I washed my clothes! . . . #journeyiswaiting #journeyawaits #antelopevalleyphotographer #여행기념품수집 #horseshoebendarizona #여행가자그램 #aestheticart #손글씨카드 #모래아트 #handwritingcard #영어글귀그램 #minimaldrawings #���국서부여행🇺🇸 #travelersdiary #travelphotography📷 #selfquarantineart #끄적끄적그램 #감성일기장 #motivationquotesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/B-X9bdTBnfl/?igshid=1szjlo26ny344
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Imagine all the places we will visit. Imagine all the stories that will be engraved, after this. 모든게 괜찮아지면 난 여행하느라 바쁠래. 부끄러워말고 카메라 앞에서 잔뜩 웃어야지. 예쁘진 않지만 예뻐해줘 (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) .. 이 모래들은 앤탤로프 밸리&홀슈밴드에서 온 모래들입니당. 가져오려던게 아니였지만 빨래할 때 한가득 나오더라구요. This post is made with the sand from Antelope Valley & Horseshoe bend.. I found so much after I washed my clothes! . . . #journeyiswaiting #journeyawaits #antelopevalleyphotographer #여행기념품수집 #horseshoebendarizona #여행가자그램 #aestheticart #손글씨카드 #모래아트 #handwritingcard #영어글귀그램 #minimaldrawings #미국서부여행🇺🇸 #travelersdiary #travelphotography📷 #selfquarantineart #끄적끄적그램 #감성일기장 #motivationquotesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/B-X9J3TB69e/?igshid=1qcll0zz7wxcz
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The answer is "No, but I will be soon, hopefully." & How I wish I had a cat :( These are the pics of some of the kittens I used to foster ❤ . . . #areuokay #iwishihadacat #minimalartwork #minimaldrawings #pastelcolordrawing #selfquarantineart #자가격리중 #catarts #고양이그림그리기 #드로잉일기 #끄적끄적그램 #괜찮지않아도괜찮아 #fosterkittensofig #cutekittenpics #catsofinstagram🐱 #catillust #고양이일러스트 #aestheticdrawing #나만없어진짜사람들고양이다있고나만없어 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UxeqMhdAK/?igshid=ri1c4w4qq78s
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No, No one actually said that. I don't get jealous when I see random pretty faces, but it hits me hard if they are those who I never wanted to put faces on.. I know it is my insecurity talking during this tough time, so I should learn to focus on myself more o̴̶̷᷄_o̴̶̷̥᷅ But damn! Who take those stunning pictures of you? 알아 나두, 지금은 내가 날 더 사랑해줘야 할 때라는거. 그치만 부러워. 너희를 몰랐다면 좋았을걸. 예쁘고 어리고 사진 잘 찍어주는 사람도 있어서 정말 좋겠다 너희는. 내가 너무 갖고 싶었지만 가질 수 없는걸 갖고 있는 너희는 좋겠다. 이제 난 괜찮아. 이제 가질 수 없는 것은 그만 내려놓고 내가 할 수 있는 것들을 보고 노력해야지. . . . #youaresopretty #iwishicouldbepretty #insecurityquotes #ifeeluglynow #instainsecurity #예뻐서좋겠다 #똥손그림 #끄적끄적그램 #그림일기장 #감성일기장 #emotionaldrawings #minimaldrawings #aestheticdrawing #pastelcolordrawing #uglygirlproblems #드로잉일기 #내려놓자 #innerbeautyismoreimportant https://www.instagram.com/p/B-MDO_EBxi6/?igshid=1u04byd54seyp
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#20200202❤️ #specialjustlikeyou #손글씨낙서 #끄적끄적그램 #handwritinggoals #hellofebruary2020 #일기그램 #영어손글씨 #글씨잘쓰고싶다 #bujo2020 #다이어리꾸미기그램 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FzthQBwct/?igshid=116eu0mfd58xe
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예쁜 손글씨 아니구 막 써버렸지만, 정말 상쾌하고 안타깝고 즐거운 노래 ♪₍๐•ᴗ•๐₎ 그래, 한번은 찌질해줘야 사람다운 이별이지! This drama makes me sad and motivated for love at the same time!! SO GOOD 👍 . . . #bemelodramatic #장범준 #기타커버 #멜로가체질 #드라마ost #노래가사캘리 #흔들리는꽃들속에서네샴푸향이느껴진거야 #kpoplyrics #감성글귀 #이별노래 #minimaldesign #pensketch #calligraphydaily #blackandwhitewriting #koreandramaost #흔들리는꽃들속에서네샴푸향이느껴진거야기타커버 #끄적끄적그램 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2htCJkBqQ8/?igshid=dedglzxb26uc
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When you cry alone in your room. 혼자 소리안내고 우는 과정. 울고나서의 그 공허함. . . . #cryalone #cryquietly #cryingface #혼자울기 #울어도돼 #whenyoufeelalone #depressedposts #cryingemoji #penart #cuteemoticons #stickerdesigns #mondaymoods #carddesigns #minimaldesign #드로잉 #illustrationofig #그림일기 #끄적끄적그램 #기분꿀꿀🐷 #우울한 #blackandwhiteart #memedesign https://www.instagram.com/p/B2K_tx_BJ5o/?igshid=1wl26jkf0jns9
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Welp, September sucks for me so far. But I wish for the happy rest of the month *_* 남은 9월은 좀 더 행복하길! . . . #september #sketches #pendrawing #끄적끄적그램 #9월 #flowerdrawing #penart #calligraphyart #손글씨카드 #영어손글씨 #stationerydesign #minimaldrawing #스케치북 #aestheticdrawing #꽃그림일러스트 #illustrationofig #bujodrawing #penwork✒ #drawingmood https://www.instagram.com/p/B19akGFAC5u/?igshid=1xczabvnt83s3
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After watching so many giant movies (?) this year, suddenly I started missing the movie #coco. When I watched this in theater I wasn't able to feel much because my emotion back then was just.. blocked. Now I can't watch this movie without crying my eyes out! Such a beautiful beautiful film with beautiful music ♬ .. And I need to practice guitar. #rememberme . . #calligraphydaily #손글씨연습 #예쁜손글씨 #knowthatimwithyoutheonlywaythaticanbe #penart #노래가사캘리 #리멤버미 #코코 #기타연습 #remembermecover #studygram #bujodaily #lyricsart #캘리그라피 #minimalart #영어가사 #힐링글귀 #끄적끄적그램 #handwritingchallenge #disneymovie #diarygram #일기그램 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1JwDGHhhZs/?igshid=y6hdnh4ppe0d
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