#ugh i don't know. it could have actually been so much better. i understand the budget wasn't great but a girl can dream
dredshirtroberts · 5 months
it is not slacking off to write or create it is not slacking off to do things that are fun i am not slacking off or procrastinating right now i'm allowed to do things i enjoy doing for fun including playing games and writing and such
#if i say it enough i will remember it's true#can you guess which aspect of capitalism i'm struggling with today?#it does not help my bones are somehow WORSE than yesterday even after all of the rest i took so that's Super Fun:tm:#so i've got that on in the back of my head#ugh#i... am putting off calling my grandma - i meant to do it last week but i got too in my head about it#and uno reversed myself into forgetting to do it at all until the Worst Times Possible#(generally around Normal Fuckin Meal Times)#i want to call to wish her a belated mother's day and check in re: grandpa but also...#also i don't want to have to do a phone call i don't want to talk to them about anything at all#they stress me out to talk to and it makes me super uncomfortable to be on the phone in general let alone with a Heavy Topic over our heads#like.... i'm comfortable with where i'm at acceptance-wise with Grandpa's whole situation#and i know i am late for a better relationship with the pair of them in general#like i'm not going to repair a relationship that wasn't built to collapse down to this point this is as far as it got built up to#i'm not building more relationship between me and someone who i know is passing soon when they didn't take the opportunity either#like they had just as much chance as me to improve our relationship after i became an adult and they chose to use my mother as#an intermediary which has stunted their connection to me and that's not my fault#i admittedly did not reach out but i was not taught i could safely do that to anyone#because my parents badmouth literally any person they know for one reason or another#i regularly fuck up in conversations with my grandparents because i'll say somethign that is a holdover from my understanding of them#through my parents and it's like. kind of really insulting! and i've been doing it my whole life and i know as soon as i get their reaction#and i can't recover because i don't actually know them at all#so i can't be like ''oh my god i know that's inaccurate i have no idea why i said that'' because i *don't* know until after i've done it#every goddamn time it happened the last time i got a call from them too#like... my bio fam/family of origin is just not good at keeping in touch and i know i'm a product of that#and i know theoretically how to adjust for it but it does require work on the other end of the line too#and unfortunately i know my bio family too well and know they won't do their part#i grew up in the group project everyone hates#and i'm on my way to deciding they can show up to the presentation day without me#i've started a new family project over here with blackjack and hookers
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watched rwrb finally and i already knew they cut out my favorite storyline and character before i watched it but damn they really did :(
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pupyuj · 4 months
→ “ruin our friendship.” || kim gaeul x reader fic.
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— for years, gaeul has trusted your heart and tried to find whatever good you saw in your douchebag of a boyfriend, but she has had enough. and now she wants to show you that you deserve so much better...
word count: 6.9k.
dynamic: dom!kim gaeul x sub!taken!reader.
warnings: bffs-to-lovers, cheating, oral, fingering, cunnilingus, facesitting, faceriding, overstimulation, masturbation, praise kink.
requested ? : nope.
a/n: i don't even know how long this has been rotting in my drafts but SHE IS FINALLY FREE! and we have our first gaeul fic AND I HAVE OFFICIALLY WRITTEN A FIC FOR EVERY IVE MEMBER EYAYYYY 🥰💖 now i don't have to worry about possibly looking like i favor one member more than the others omg guys i can assure you i have thoughts about ive unnies all the time, the ones for yujin are just loud as FUCK. much like herself. ANYWAYS, HEHE I HAD A LOT OF FUN WRITING THIS and i hope you all love it 💕
p.s. as usual this is not proofread thoroughly so apologies in advance for any mistakes! 😭💞
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ever since entering college, you and your best friend gaeul have had to match your schedules perfectly in order to hang out and even talk regularly. those assignments couldn’t finish themselves after all, as much as you hoped they did. years before, you and her would have the time of your lives shopping and visiting the many different restaurants your vast city offered, but now, everything was different. and in gaeul’s most humble opinion, your busy lives as college students wasn’t the only problem. she could name a few actually! there was her part-time job at her mechanic father’s service shop where she spends most of her time sitting on a chair and listening to middle-aged men try to woo her as they wait for their car to get fixed, and there was your side gig as some small-time coordinator in a pretty popular live house in the downtown part of the city.
but gaeul can’t exactly be angry at your jobs for pulling the two of you away from each other! what she can be angry about was you were always distracted whenever you did go out together. here’s a clear picture: you would be sitting with her in a cute coffee shop after two weeks of not being able to see each other and there gaeul is, talking about the shenanigans that happens in her classes, her dad’s shop, and her life in general. then, she’d find you spacing out, or staring at your phone—just completely ignoring her. for the first few times it happened, gaeul just thought that perhaps you were just worried about your schoolwork!
it made sense after all. you were some kind of academic overachiever that always used to nag at gaeul to finish her geometry homework during your high school days. gaeul was going to be fine with it all; she even thought about things she could tell you to soothe your head but one little peek at your phone screen ruined it all. every ounce of patience in gaeul just disappeared into thin air once she saw that you were distressed because of your stupid boyfriend’s messages.
ugh. your boyfriend.
now, gaeul wasn’t one to shit on her best friend’s lovers just because, okay? ninety-three percent of the time she has a valid reason! here’s the breakdown: your boyfriend is manipulative, abusive, possessive, and ugly. one would say that maybe he wasn’t always that way, or that maybe he’s struggling with things! well, gaeul can confirm that he has always been horrible to you and that whatever the fuck he’s dealing with doesn’t give him the excuse to be such an asshole to someone that genuinely cares for him. gaeul can’t even count how many times you’ve showed up at her doorstep in tears because of him. 
she really can’t understand why you’re still dating him. it’s been about five years since the two of you got together and really, the only good thing you got from that relationship is a ride to the campus and if you’re lucky and he actually feels like being a decent boyfriend for once, some fancy clothes. clothes that he picks out for you, and he can’t even get that shit right! he doesn’t know your style, the kind of clothes you want to wear, the brands you’ve always wanted to get clothes from, and in general, you. gaeul knows people like him all too well. people that only want you to fill a very specific void in their miserable life.
gaeul can’t stand him. you deserve so much better, you can do so much better.
and gaeul is better.
just like that, an idea pops up in gaeul’s head as she sits in a booth in her favorite diner, but she didn’t have time to think about it because she looks out the window and there you were in a pretty, pink sundress with your hair arranged in a cute braid adorned with little butterfly clips. gaeul lets out a chuckle—rei, your roommate, must’ve helped you with that. gaeul also notices that you were wearing the sneakers that the two of you bought together so you could match, which warmed her heart. even more so when she remembers that she was wearing her own pair of those sneakers too!
gaeul watched patiently as you entered the diner and greeted the waitress behind the counter like you always do. a bright smile spreads across your face once you find gaeul in your usual booth, and gaeul feels herself flashing her very own grin as you start walking faster towards her.
“hey! sorry, i’m late. i had to change my entire outfit. i didn’t think it would be so warm today.” you said, pulling gaeul into a quick hug before sitting across from her. gosh, you looked beautiful! the baby hairs that stuck to your forehead and the sides of your face only made you look even cuter, gaeul almost wanted to reach out and pinch your cheeks.
“careful. look any prettier and someone might mistake you as my girlfriend.” gaeul quipped. she finds herself grinning proudly as you laugh.
“you look dashing yourself! they probably already think you’re my boyfriend, but you’re not neglecting me for ‘a night with the boys’ so we would get found out quickly.” you sighed. you were clearly disappointed, but you covered it up with another laugh before sipping on the glass of water gaeul kindly ordered for you.
“then today is a date. he probably hasn’t taken you in one for ages, anyway.” gaeul doesn’t know if you’ll actually buy it. she wasn’t even joking! as far as she knows, his version of dates is taking you on a boring ass car ride and spoiling you with useless shit. she knows what you want on dates. she knows what you want in general. let this work.
you giggled, “true. it’s a date then.” and she doesn’t miss the shy smile on your face afterwards.
well! it looks like this was going to be easier than gaeul predicted.
as the two of you ate your lunch, you talked about school and how life has been treating you both. you were thriving for the most part! you were up to date with your coursework, your job hasn’t been too demanding or taxing, and you were able to have enough breathing space in your life to actually meet up with gaeul, like right now! it seems like the only problem in your life was your boyfriend. he hasn’t been spending too much time with you, and one would think it might be because he’s gotten busier but nope, he’s as shitty as gaeul describes him to be. he only wants to hang out with his team and his stupid friends, and he barely talks to you even in text! that asshole.
gaeul didn’t let you dwell on it all though. she absolutely detests seeing you upset. especially over that useless fucker. she distracts you with a few funny shenanigans from working in her dad’s shop, and how she has actually been doing quite well in her classes! it was clearly your influence. hell, if it weren’t for you, gaeul wouldn’t even be in college at all! you gave her direction, and now you were giving her all the motivation she needs to make it through one school day at a time.
fuck, your boyfriend was so lucky. gaeul has to let you see that he wasn’t worth anything you’re giving him. she has to pull you away and make you see that a pretty girl like you needs to feel good!
in more ways than one.
“so, boyfriend, where are we going?” you joked as you settled yourself in the passenger seat of her car. while gaeul started the engine, that was when she put her little scheme in motion.
“bowling. or rather, sending the balls to the gutter for two hours straight.” she said. bowling happens to be your favorite stress reliever, it always has been! gaeul always liked watching you as you played. even when you didn’t hit any of the pins, you still had fun. gaeul was willing to bet that your pathetic boyfriend rarely ever takes you bowling.
“god you’re the best.”
“mhm, i know.”
from then on, gaeul knew it was going to be a breeze. especially when she did get on the road and you just allowed her to put her hand on your thigh. you didn’t even notice at first, occupied with fixing your charming but unruly hair. but then gaeul lightly squeezed your thigh, caressing slowly just to test the waters, and finally, you noticed her. she was afraid that your attitude would change, but it seemed like… you liked what she was doing. and so gaeul’s hand stays in place. she took note of how you squeezed your legs together every time she caresses your skin gently, or how you would sometimes put your hand on top of hers.
the drive to the bowling alley was quiet, save for the music you’ve put on, of course. silence was a rarity between the two of you since there was always something to catch up on, things to complain and whine about, people to talk shit about, and casual conversations that have become needed just to have some sense of normality in your chaotic lives. gaeul was afraid she had made you uncomfortable because come on, she was quite literally trying to take over your boyfriend’s place! joke or not, this was bound to make you just the least bit weirded out!
imagine gaeul’s surprise when she briefly glanced over to your direction and find you looking relaxed. not even the constant buzzing of your phone was able to break your focus on the road. just like that, gaeul doesn’t stop a smile from forming on her face. forget about him.
and it seems like as soon as gaeul parked her car near the bowling alley—you did! you took gaeul’s arm and started gingerly dragging her through the doors, giggling as you did so. it was easy to secure a spot for the two of you, the place wasn’t too busy yet after all.
“two hours of this? you ready to lose, kim?” you said with a mocking smile as you approached the lane. gaeul sat back on the couches behind you, smirking as she very shamelessly checked your backside out unbeknownst to you. there was a small table in the middle of the u-shaped couch that gaeul sat on where you laid down your phone. as you busied yourself making your cute little bowling profile on the monitor near the lane, gaeul glances down at your phone that kept lighting up at it vibrated. your boyfriend was calling you, and he has sent you a dozen or more messages that you still haven’t bothered to look at.
gaeul sneers at the picture of your boyfriend on the screen. he really didn’t deserve you! luckily for him, she will happily take you off his hands. gaeul takes your phone and declines the call, smiling happily when she leaned back on the couch and continued on staring at your beautiful form. you hooked a medium-sized ball with your hand and prepared yourself—sure, you were never the best at the sport but you were to have fun and have fun only! and so you delivered the ball and hit exactly seven pins. gaeul tilts her head a bit to see the look of pure joy on your face and finds herself grinning along with you.
for once, it was not at all a bad start for you! you grabbed the smaller ball and prepared to take down the last three pins at the other end of the lane. upon staring at your near flawless little pose that especially accentuated your ass, gaeul whistles. the sound catches you off-guard and you end up messing up your throw, sending the ball into the gutter in a fit of laughter.
“you little devil.” you said, playfully glaring at your best friend who has stood up and started stretching all of her limbs.
“this is where your short-lived lucky streak ends,” gaeul pats your butt as she approaches the lane. and of course, she didn’t lie. gaeul delivers a ball and hits her first (and certainly not last!) strike. she winked at you while you stared at her, mouth agape at how she didn’t even hesitate to not go easy on you. “cat got your tongue, baby?” your best friend teased.
you don’t even notice the nickname, what with your competitive spirit alive and well. “oh, it is so on, kim gaeul!”
and for the next two hours, you and gaeul had the best time of your life in that bowling alley. the longer the two of you were together and the more you got drunk from pure joy of being with each other, gaeul got bolder. she was touching your waist, your back, and sometimes even rested her hand on your ass for more than a few seconds! you didn’t care—in fact, you were just as bad! grabbing her and pulling her close to whisper things in her ear (partly because the music would have drowned your voice, mostly because you wanted gaeul nearer), allowing her to not-so-discreetly touch you in places a best friend should definitely not, and finally, sitting on her lap, playing with the collar of her shirt and telling her to take you to her home.
exactly zero innocent intent at all, and gaeul was seemingly more than happy to comply!
on the way to gaeul’s apartment, it was noticeably… warm. both of your hearts were beating fast and loud from anticipation. gaeul yearned to feel your skin without the hindrance of your clothes getting in the way. her fingertips itched to feel goosebumps run along your arm, shoulders, and back as she touched you in ways she always dreamed of doing. her lips longed to taste yours since she knew that peach-flavored chapstick you two liked to share would taste so much sweeter if you were the direct source. gaeul wanted you, and she was going to have you—boyfriend be fucking damned.
when gaeul flipped the lock on her door, the two of you were all over each other. bags and jackets thrown to some random corners, shoes messily removed and left all over the living room area. gaeul barely twisted open the doorknob of her bedroom door, being so focused on exploring every crevice of your mouth with her tongue until she tugs you inside her room. her lips stayed locked with yours as she sat on her bed and pulled you to her lap, hiking your dress up and squeezing your ass. your moans were much, much sweeter than she imagined. she shivers at the feeling of your fingers playing with the back of her neck, her own whimpers only encouraging you to busy your hands with unbuttoning her shirt.
when you’ve successfully taken her shirt off, your dress was next. and gaeul made sure to take her sweet time with that! her hands caressed your thighs, gently squeezed your hips and even moved you so you could grind on her thigh (the cute whine she earned from that was very much appreciated!), and then her hands stayed wrapped around your waist as she placed soft kisses along your collarbone. you could feel her smile against your skin when you squeezed at her arms, knowing damn well what you wanted but refusing to give it to you because… well, if this happens to be the only time she fucks you then she might as well make it last!
finally, when gaeul was satisfied with the little marks she had left on your collarbone, she started pulling the ribbon on your back and loosened up your dress. “you made sure to look pretty for me, huh?” she asked as she watched you undress yourself. she took note of the bright blush on your cheeks under her dark stare, and it made her think that perhaps she wasn’t the only one who was thinking of fucking her best friend for the longest time. meanwhile, in your defense, it’s been quite a while since you had to dress yourself up and what better occasion to do that than hanging out with your best friend?
plus, if it got you to get fucked by the friend in question then you’d say that the two-hour preparation was worth it!
when gaeul laid you down on the bed, she noticed how you suddenly became quite tense, looking as though your boyfriend was about to come breaking down gaeul’s doors to drag you back with him. gaeul made sure to relieve you by kissing your forehead, taking your hands with hers and then putting your knuckles to her lips. “you’re safe with me, (y/n).” she whispered, pecking your knuckles gently and smiling at you. sure, it works… but the fear that bubbled up in your stomach did not go away.
“if he finds out about this…” you pull your best friend close, letting her embrace you while you wrap your arms around her neck.
gaeul scoffed arrogantly, “he won’t—”
“—if he does, i don’t know what i’ll do,” you never told gaeul that your boyfriend has been watching out for her for the longest time. he was always suspicious of gaeul, saying that he was so sure that she wanted to fuck you and make you hers. because of his suspicions (that now proved to be true), he always made sure to be annoying and text you and call you an absurd amount of times whenever you were hanging out with gaeul. he never does that when you’re out with your other friends. no. that behavior was reserved for the one person he was threatened by. “i don’t want him to hurt you.” you said. you can’t even imagine what he would do to you, let alone the girl he absolutely detests.
“he’s as dumb as a brick. i could fuck you in his own bathroom and he’d have no idea.” gaeul makes a mental note to reserve that exact scenario in the future.
you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, “you know he can very much send you to the hospital, right? he’s like, three heads taller than you!”
“three heads yet he’s still stupid enough to treat you horribly and practically give you away to me,” gaeul sneaks her hands behind you, unclasps your bra and pulls it off of you in one swift motion. your heart beats louder every second gaeul’s eyes travel downward, soaking in more and more of your naked beauty that she longed to set her eyes on forever. “i’ll teach him a thing or two about giving a pretty girl the pleasure she deserves.”
every doubt and fear you had evaporates into nothing as soon as gaeul puts her lips against your skin once again. sucking, biting, licking—anything she can do to leave marks and make you remember this night akin to a skilled painter perfecting their masterpiece with every stroke. you feel gaeul’s hand trail down your stomach and palm your soaked panties, and you had an almost automatic reaction to grind against her, blushing wildly upon hearing her chuckle at your enthusiasm. gaeul wraps her warm mouth around your nipple, your back arching at the feeling. an embarrassingly loud moan escapes your mouth when she flicks the hardened bud and presses her palm flat against your clit at the same time.
you were losing further control of your actions. grinding restlessly on gaeul’s hand for further pleasure, taking her free hand to play with your other breast, and even pushing her head impossibly closer to your chest. she was skilled with her tongue—you shuddered at the mere thought of what else she could do to you should this night go on for longer. you feel gaeul slide her hand inside your panties, only to feel your pussy with her fingers rather than fucking you immediately.
it was adorable how impatient you were. you needed and wanted to be pleasured. it must have been quite a while since you’ve gotten some action—gaeul isn’t surprised that even in sex your boyfriend can’t deliver. every flick of your nipple, every pinch to the other one, every parting of your pussy lips, and every brush against your clit, you were mewling. you would be embarrassed if you actually heard yourself but instead, all you could focus on was the little pleasure gaeul was giving you right now.
“that feel good, hon?” gaeul asks as she presses her lower palm against your clit harder than ever. she found your little nods endearing and your inability to find the words to answer her only inflates her ego, but as much as she would love to tease you all day long, she was just as desperate for you as you are for her.
“how long has it been since he’s made you cum?” she asked, slowly pulling your panties off and letting it drop to the floor. gaeul keeps her eyes fixed on you, looking for discomfort or doubt or any sign that tells her how you could be feeling about all of this. while gaeul knows that the two of you have already crossed a point of no return, she knows that if you gave yourself the time to think about all of this, you would come to your senses. in other words, you would get the fuck out of her house and never talk to her again. it would be disheartening, yes, but gaeul unfortunately knows you well enough to know that it would be possible.
to her surprise though, you seemed to have stopped caring now. you didn’t even bother to glance at your phone that was on the floor, vibrating wildly due to the amount of times you were being called by your boyfriend. you only silently beckoned for gaeul to touch you, to taste you, to claim you. and gaeul doesn’t need to be asked twice to oblige!
“he… he has never made me cum.” you admitted, looking away from the embarrassment.
“are you serious?” gaeul laughs, but then her jovial expression is replaced with an incredulous one. “you guys do have sex, right?”
“of course we do! just… h-he’s horrible at it… every time we’re done, i have to get myself off because he never can!” you covered your face in frustration, now just wondering how you actually survived years without being able to cum with your partner during the act.
“fuck, he really is worth nothing at all, huh?” gaeul cackles. ah, poor you… but you didn’t have to worry about not cumming tonight, because gaeul just now made a silent promise that she’ll make you cum as many times as you want. she lowers herself so she could be facing your pussy, all wet and ready just for her. just as gaeul was about to bury her face in between your legs, you take a hold of one of her hands and intertwine it with yours, making her heart swell with affection. she doesn’t look back up at you, knowing that the blush on her cheeks would be too noticeable. gaeul starts off giving your cunt gentle kisses and little licks—hearing you softly whimper and seeing you jolt every time the tip of her tongue so much as brush slightly around your clit gets her adrenaline going, and eventually, gaeul commits herself to eating you out.
within mere minutes of practically making out with your pussy, gael feels you put your free hand behind gaeul’s head and pushes her closer. “more…” you could barely say, too caught up with the euphoric feeling gaeul has instilled in you using her tongue alone. it takes everything in gaeul to let go of your hand to part your lips to have better access to your clit, and when you grabbed a fistful of her hair and let out a beautiful moan, gaeul knew she was doing something right.
something adorable gaeul notices is that you were extremely sensitive when it comes to your clit, more than any woman gaeul has ever been intimate with and even herself. she licks a stripe up your cunt, relishing in your taste and the way you whine her name, before sucking on your clit. it’s almost as if you’ve never had your pussy eaten out this good before! and truthfully, you really haven’t. gaeul’s own satisfied moans created a buzz in your head, letting you know just how much she loved and savored your taste with each lick. she brings a new kind of pleasure when she makes out with your clit at a gentle, slow pace. the kind of pleasure you would never find your boyfriend (or anyone else for that matter) to be giving you.
it almost makes you wonder what gaeul’s true intentions were. of course, you weren’t expecting her to be completely in love with you. if she was, the first thing she would do to show it was not making you cheat on your boyfriend with her. was she just looking for a quick hook-up? but if that was the case, she could have just grabbed some random girl instead of putting your friendship in an awkward spot like this. perhaps you were just another box in a list that she wants to check off, but that would be cruel and completely unlike the gaeul you have known since the two of you were young. with the way she was cautious with how she fucked you, touched you, and even handled you during all of this, you wanted to believe that she has some sort of undiscovered feelings towards you.
but why were you even thinking about that? did you even have feelings for her? that was a dangerous territory you never wanted to explore, not when you cherished your friendship too much. but the ‘idea’ of dating your own best friend was never really just an idea with you. not when gaeul had ten times the charm that makes your boyfriend look like some hopeless wimp. not when gaeul will forever be the person that knows you the best. not when every time she does something as simple as tell you you’re pretty, or open a door for you, or laugh at your jokes, or smile at you so handsomely, the tiniest of butterflies flutter around in your stomach.
it was a scary feeling, one that you always hoped to go away one day but these days, and especially today, it has been hard. maybe when this is over… you don’t have to run away from it anymore, because when you look at gaeul’s eyes that pierced right through yours even as she was eating you out, you can see something beyond the hunger, the lust, and the desperation.
whatever it was, you found yourself more willing to uncover it, even if it might ruin everything.
“you’re so perfect, (y/n)...” gaeul snaps you out of your trance and immediately after, she dips her tongue inside you. “you’re better off with someone else… someone who knows you better, inside and out… mmhn... don’t you agree, princess?”
you whine shamelessly, “y-yes..! ahh… with you…” now you didn’t even mean to let that slip past your lips, but gaeul seems beyond satisfied that you did. completely addicted to your taste, gaeul pulls you closer and further down the bed by your waist, your back arching with how well she was using her mouth. the pleasure gaeul brought was enough to make your thighs twitch, your legs slightly rise in the air, and your eyes to roll to the back of your head.
“you cumming soon, baby…?” gaeul asks, briefly lifting her head slightly from in between your legs. a sly smirk graced her features, knowing that the cause of your incoherence was her. it gives her the confidence to do a lot more to you, to do everything she has been wanting to do for years. you seem to notice how she had paused to stare at you, and you shoved her face back down to your core, earning a chuckle from her. gaeul pushes your thigh back, almost lifting your leg up, for better access and eats you out better than before as if that was even possible.
at this point both of your hands were on her head. you would be worried about the tight grip you had on her hair but you were way too busy on that tight knot in your stomach. you think you hear gaeul encouraging you to cum, and you can vaguely feel her palm resting on your stomach and it does help you relax a bit. enough for you to have the strength to look down at your best friend, whose eyes have always been on you this entire time. god, she was pretty… and she looked like she belonged right where she was. she didn’t give you any more time to admire her though, as a flick of her tongue on your clit sends you to a blissful orgasm.
your body softly falls backwards your bed as you throw your head back with only gaeul’s name filling the air. gaeul spends a good few seconds staring at your face—her doing. you were simply bewitching in her eyes. she made sure to take her time cleaning you up while you came down from your high, waiting patiently until you’ve caught your breath and calmed down. she sees you breathing normally and smiles before rising up, attacking your face with a barrage of kisses while you laugh and take her in your arms.
“don’t get comfortable. this is all we’re doing until morning.” gaeul, more than ready to please you all day and night long, places a wet kiss on your collarbone before sliding her hand in between your legs. she was well on her way down your core until her phone blares loudly—someone was calling her. she ignores the sound, opting to kiss down your neck while her fingers start ghosting over your clit. and just then, you turned your head and got a glimpse of the caller id on the gaeul’s screen. but gaeul sees it first and she swipes her phone away with a dark chuckle.
“w-who is it…?” you asked quietly, not wanting to alert whoever was on the other end. gaeul’s smile grows wider as she puts the caller on speaker. your heart drops to your stomach as soon as you hear the other person’s voice. 
a man. your man. your fucking boyfriend!
“are you there, kim?”
sheer panic courses within you. you tried grabbing gaeul’s hand, but she moves away, pressing a single finger against your lip. and then her mouth moves, but she doesn’t make a sound. trust me, she says silently. you kept still, trusting your best friend to not do anything stupid. of course she wouldn’t put you in any danger just to have fun, but you did worry that she would set your boyfriend off enough for him to do something to her. your heart beats loudly in your chest and goosebumps appear all over your skin. you were terrified beyond comprehension, but gaeul’s soft caresses and reassuring eyes comfort you, even just a little bit.
“what do you want?” gaeul asked, annoyed that he just had to interrupt the two of you. her hand once again travels downwards your body until she reaches your cunt. she traces your lips before inserting the smallest length of her two fingers, making you bite back a moan.
“where’s (y/n)? why isn’t she answering her phone?”
gaeul grins and plunges her fingers deep inside you, she couldn’t hold back a quiet laugh as she watched you choke out a moan. you immediately covered your mouth, pitifully glaring at your best friend but not being completely mad at her. her fingers felt too good inside you—staying perfectly still just to get you to get used to the feeling until she starts moving, slow and steady as if she herself was savoring the feeling of your cunt clench around her digits.
“what was that? is that her? are you fucking my girlfriend?!”
gaeul cackles, “you wouldn’t know what (y/n) sounds like when being fucked even if you’re the one fucking her.” she increases her pace, even nodding towards you to get you to relax and just keep trusting her because she could feel your fear. it made her angry. no one should claim to be your partner if they made you feel so afraid of them. you shouldn’t have to beg for them for their time and love either. if gaeul had known that this was what everything from back then would lead up to, then she would’ve intervened when you and your boyfriend were still just acquaintances. but there was no point in dwelling on that because she has the opportunity to make this all right.
and the correct ending to all of this was her freeing you from him, him ending up all alone, and the two of you figuring out what to do with each other.
“you bitch! i swear to god if that’s (y/n)—”
“—i’m not fucking my best friend, shithead. you should start worrying more about the fact that she’s refusing to call your lacking ass back.” gaeul watches you intently as you slowly lose most of yourself to her. moving your hips accordingly, meeting her little thrusts with eagerness that only got gaeul herself drenched. you tugged on gaeul’s top, silently asking her to get off the call already and just fuck you. and that you didn’t have to ask her twice, of course. while your boyfriend kept yelling at her, gaeul ends the call before blissfully dropping her phone to the ground.
you don’t know what came over you, but all of a sudden you wanted to see your best friend under you. tugging her down harder, catching her lips with yours in a searing kiss… feeling sick satisfaction in you when she stiffened at your sudden surge of passion, and using her shock to flip your positions over. gaeul pulls her fingers out, putting them on your hips instead and trying to keep up with the way you kissed her feverishly.
“you’re cute…” gaeul whispers, thoroughly entertained by you. ugh, those eyes. that nose, her perfect moles, her smile, that mouth… fuck. you have to feel her lips on your pussy again but this time… you wanted to be in control. you smile at your best friend as you swipe your thumb across her lips before getting in position.
“holy shit, (y/n)—”
“—shut up, man.” you cut her off with your face so warm you think you might explode. she didn’t look like she was turned off by the idea. in fact, gaeul places her hands on your thighs, looking more excited than she has ever been this entire time. “t-tell me if i’m hurting you… or anything.” you said. gaeul merely nods, eyes focused on your core. you were going to say a few more words, maybe tell her that you haven’t sat on anyone’s face in a while so you might be bad at this but gaeul couldn’t wait another second. she pulls you down, and the sound that escapes your lips when her nose bumps against your clit was simply criminal.
“ffuck…! oh, g-god…!” with one hand tightly gripping the headboard and the other holding onto a random pillow, you start riding gaeul’s face. and again, she was moaning. as if a better flavor has never graced her tongue until she got to taste you. gosh, the way you threw your head back and let every lewd sound fill the air as you rode her got gaeul clenching, but she couldn’t keep her hands off of you either. she squeezed your thighs, almost as if she was encouraging you to go faster and just use her.
“mmhgn… so good… more, please..” letting go of the pillow and the headboard, you put your hands on gaeul’s head. you ride her faster, focused on pleasing yourself and chasing another orgasm while gaeul does her work with her tongue. it was getting harder and harder to hold herself back from touching her own pussy; she was too drenched and you were simply too delicious. at this rate, she might just cum untouched! the idea of it was humiliating almost, but gaeul figured that if she made you cum hard enough then you wouldn’t even realize what had happened to her. but then again… why would she go through all that trouble?
with one hand, gaeul reaches down and unzips her jeans, sliding further down and massaging her clit through her panties. of course, you don’t see this. you don’t even hear gaeul over the sound of your whimpering and moaning—all you wanted was to use her mouth to get yourself off. you managed to open your eyes slightly, however, and looked down at gaeul. her eyes were shut off, eyebrows furrowed deeply as she diligently ate out and fingered herself at the same time. 
you heart swells as you allow yourself to etch every single facial feature of hers in your mind. you didn’t think you’d find a more fitting place for your best friend. it turns out she looked good underneath you, too! when you got distracted by admiring gaeul’s face, you felt a sting on your ass. you gasped loudly, and although it caught you off guard, you liked it. you moved your hips enthusiastically as gaeul squeezed your ass, now glaring at you to intimidate you to keep going. and it works! well, it’s not like you were going to stop just like that.
“p-pretty… you belong right here…” you said, gripping her hair tighter. gaeul moans at your words and she feels herself only clenching tighter around her own fingers. she didn’t expect to get so turned on by merely fucking you and hearing you talk to her in such a different way than usual. she pushes her tongue inside your cunt, making you scream in pleasure. gaeul’s ears ring at the sound of your voice—she was sure now that you wouldn’t dare go back to that pathetic boyfriend of yours.
you were hers now. and she has always been yours.
“gaeul… babe, i’m cumming—god…!” with one last thrust on your best friend’s face, you came. moaning blissfully in the air as gaeul allowed you to ride your orgasm out, and while she laps up your cum as best as she could, she hits a satisfying climax which grants you the perfect chance to hear a cute squeak from her. gaeul removes her hand from her panties and holds you down on her face, not entirely satisfied to let you go even though she can see that you can barely keep yourself sitting. that wasn’t going to be a problem anymore though as gaeul once again flipped your positions so you would be sitting on the bed and she would still be in between your legs.
“mmh… stop, i’m tired… please.” you shake your head weakly, gently tapping gaeul’s hand. fortunately enough, your best friend respected your wishes and stopped, opting to scoop you up in her arms instead and hug you. you laughed at how much of a mess you made on your best friend’s face, wiping all of it clean with your hands before giving her a quick kiss. gaeul doesn’t forget to get rid of her pants before staying completely still in bed with you, staring at nothing but your pretty face for minutes on end.
you think you fell asleep a couple of times, and you ended up always opening your eyes to gaeul smiling dumbly at you like a lovesick puppy. if you had known gaeul allowed herself to see you in such a different light, then you wouldn’t have wasted time trying to fall in love with a boy who did nothing good for you. but no matter, you were going to leave him, and finally, you and your best friend can work towards a more fulfilling relationship for the two of you.
“i always knew it’d be you in the end.” gaeul whispers as she leaves the tiniest and sweetest kisses on your knuckles.
the tiniest bits of fear settled in the pit of your stomach—you didn’t want your boyfriend to find out about this at all. you wanted to protect gaeul and dump his ass with as much as peace as you can manage, but you know he was going to bring her up somehow. at the end of the day, the blame should be put on you since you were the one who allowed gaeul to make those advances towards you anyway… but you knew all too well that that wouldn’t stop your boyfriend from coming up with an excuse to try and confront your best friend.
but every time you dwelled on those thoughts, gaeul somehow notices it and keeps your eyes on her. she knew she would be able to pull your attention to something else and that she does rather effortlessly. and you knew that you would be safe, as long as you were with her.
you laugh at her words, “i’m glad that you didn’t fuck me just because i’m hot and you hate my boyfriend.” you joked, earning a playful slap on the shoulder.
“no, stupid,” gaeul pulls you closer by your waist, kissing your nose. “i love you.”
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tpwk-formula1 · 3 months
They Grow Up So Fast - OP81
Oscar Piastri X Plus size swimsuit model! Norris Reader
Summary: Lando finally brings his sister around the paddock. How will Oscar and the rest of the grid handle the new regular.
Warnings: some hate towards both the reader and oscar.
Face claim - Pearl Maria Froud
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Liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo, and 2,904,001 others
Y/Nnorris Growing up I remember I could never understand why I was built the way that I was. Now I'm thankful for the ass I was given. Lando if you see this post just don't swipe.
User1 OMG I'm seriously in love with you
User2 I just know Lando didn't read the caption😂😂
-> landonorris For once I actually did read the caption first
landonorris As your older brother it is my duty to tell you, you've always been beautiful... annoying as fuck as well.
-> User3 When you thought Lando would say something sweet about Y/N but then makes sure to show that they are in fact siblings
-> Mclaren Lando we've talked about this... you have to be nice to our guests.
user5 LMAO I'm not over Mclaren admin telling Lando he needs to be nicer to his sister
user6 I want your ass!
carlossainz Why do you never visit me!
-> Y/Nnorris as Charles has stated before... you never invite me over!
--> Landonorris @/carlossainz you better leave my sister alone!! She is far to young for you!
---> Y/Nnorris But Lando you know I like them older!
user7 I'll never understand why Y/N gets so much hype?! Like she's not even that pretty! Lando is def the better Norris sibling
User8 I literally love Y/N she's so fucking gorgeous
sabrinacarpenter Please marry me
-> Y/Nnorris let's go to the court house!🏃🏻‍♀️
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Liked by oscarpiastri, y/nnorris, and 3,798,236 others
Mclaren Swimsuit model Y/N Norris has made her paddock debut today here in Japan
user9 UGH why does F1 keep letting random women into the paddock like this
user10 Oh how I love Y/N!
landonorris Now why does my sister get her own post like this😒
user11 LMAOOOO not Lando being his sister's biggest opp
user12 I love how Mclaren calls her "swimsuit model" as if she isn't there because Lando is her brother.
Y/Nnorris Thank you so much for the invite! We both know Lando would never invite me.
-> landonorris You're the biggest liar ever! You literally tell me you're tired of watching me drive in circles
-> Mclaren We're so happy to have you! You were lovely and we hope to see you at more races to come.
charleslecerc She wasn't even in Ferrari yet she was the sweet person I met on the paddock
-> Mclaren I'd offer to share but she's all ours
user13 How long do we think it'll be before rumors of her dating a driver start?
-> user14 I doubt anyone will be shipping Y/N with a driver... she's not their type
Instagram Stories
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landonorris WHO IS IT?!?!
-> Y/Nnorris I literally have no idea what you're talking about
-> Y/Nnorris Stop worrying your pretty little head
user15 I'm stunned!!! No way you moved that quickly
sabrinacarpenter OMG is it the cutie you were telling me about?!
-> y/nnorris YES! He's literally the sweetest!
-> sabrinacarpenter I can't wait for you to tell me all about him!
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Three Months Later
Instagram stories
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landonorris I hope you know you made him late for the meeting today!
-> Y/Nnorris And how tf was that my fault! I had no idea he was gonna come visit me.
user20 I just know this is Oscar!
user21 Who is it! I need to know
sabrinacarpenter Thank you so much for finally letting me meet him! He really is so sweet and the way he looks at you!!!!
-> Y/Nnorris I'm so glad you like him! I really like him!
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Y/Nnorris I wasn't mad... Just disappointed!
-> oscarpiastri I'm sorry I ate the last cookie you made for me!
-> Y/Nnorris I can taste the sarcasm! But I forgive cause youre so cute and I love you!
-> oscarpiastri I love you too
charleslecerc You better treat her good!
-> oscarpiastri Why do I feel like you're gonna be more protective of her than her brother?!
--> charleslecerc She's too sweet to be hurt!
landonorris I tried to warn you about her!
-> oscarpiastri She didn't need to come with a warning label!
user22 Now what did you do to make our girl mad?!
user23 You finally pull a girl and now you're out here making her mad! You men are literally so fucking useless! You do not deserve her
Texts between Oscar and You
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Liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren and 3,329,826 others
Y/Nnorris Oh how I love Silverstone and my photographer boyfriend (can you guess which picture he took)
user24 I feel like it was pic #2 and he was genuinely trying to get a candid
-> Y/Nnorris Haha yes! The sun was too bright so when I went to turn around I ended up giving him a stank face and this was the nicest one I could find😂😂
yourbff I can't wait to watch the hot men drive in circles all weekend long 😀
-> Y/Nnorris Don't act like you're not excited to watch my brother 😒
--> yourbff Why do you always have to call me out... but on a real note @/landonorris I want a paddock pass please 🥹
---> landonorris Y/N has a fresh pass with your name written all over it already... I feel used
user25 Do we still think Oscar is the man she is soft-launching?
Carlossainz You'd look so good in Ferrari red
-> landonorris no
-> oscarpiastri no
-> Mclaren no
-> Y/Nnorris They want me to say no as well but 💳 (that is me slamming my card down for you to sneak it to my apartment)
user26 So gorgeous!
oscarpiastri Can't wait to see you around this weekend!
-> user27 Now Oscar why do you act like you aren't being soft launched all over her IG
user28 I would like to stop seeing this fatty on my feed
-> oscarpiastri Maybe start with unfollowing her?😒😒😒
--> user29 LMAOOOO oscar is having none of it! We love when he stands up for his girl
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Instagram Stories
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Y/Nnorris I feel like this is all the confirmation they will need
-> Oscarpiastri I think they already knew Sweatheart
-> Y/Nnorris True but I like keeping it a little secret
user35 Still not over you taking my girl like that
user36 I'll never unstained why you picked the fat girl!
user37 Y'all are such a cute couple!!!
user38 You do not deserve Y/N! I hope when you told Lando about the relationship he didn't support cause you're not good enough for her!
user39 Such a beautiful couple!
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Liked by mclaren, landonorris, and 3,209,893 others
Y/Nnorris @/logansargeant said something about being thankful? Idk what you American's do on a random Thursday in November but I hard launch my Aussie boyfriend.
On a real note Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! I'm thankful for all of you guys!
tagged Oscarpiastri
Oscarpiastri I finally get a post dedicated to me and @/logansargeant gets mentioned
-> logansargeant Toughen up
Oscarpiastri I love you! I'm forever and always thankful for her!
user46 I was not mentally prepared for a hard launch today!
user47 the scream I scrumpt! HOLY SHIT ITS FINALLY HAPPENING!
user48 I can't believe he actually picked the fat girl! Charity work frfr
sabrinacarpenter Almost burned the house down! I can't believe we finally got the hard launch!
yourbff Well I'm thankful that I no longer have to keep my mouth shut about knowing the cutest couple on the grid!
-> Y/Nnorris I'm surprised you did keep your mouth shut
--> yourbff why do I feel like this is a dig?
---> Oscarpiastri That's cause it was... you're the biggest yapper I have ever met
Comment liked by Y/Nnorris
One year later
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Liked by Oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 3,980,324 others
Y/Nnorris I said yes
User49 I can't believe it is so full circle that they're getting married
sabrinacarpenter they grow up so fast 🤧🤧🤧
landonorris I wish you could have seen the nerves Osc had all week😂😂😂
-> oscarpiastri Why must you expose me?!
Oscarpiastri I love you so much and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you!
user50 I just know this wedding is gonna be so beautiful
mclaren Can we have a papaya themed wedding?
-> Y/Nnorris I'm gonna hold your hand while I tell you this
--> user51 Y/N Norris is one of the funniest humans I have ever seen
user52 I can't wait to see this wedding
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jealousmartini · 1 month
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💌 She's an overachiever. "Pressure"? What pressure? ⋆₊˚⊹🔖
«───────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────»
My second year of college is coming in hot guys. And I'm talking the 3rd of September, in TWO WEEKS TIME HOT.
But you already know your girl has BEEN locked in with her subliminals for the next term, cus I've had a whole thing going on since my first term to my second yk. so come a little closer so I can show yall what my game is on
p.s.a!! I am an animation and games art student, so most to all of my work is research and art based. And when I say most of my work is research based, I mean there is an ungodly amount of writing that is expected from the students and it's not even just the amount it's WHAT you write about that gets you the grade and how well your art conveys your ideas.
Also "Ex." = Example
╰┈➤ " My average college day experience as an art student/loass babe " click here!
«───────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────»
"What? Like it's hard?" At the top of her class, always ontop of her work, never slacking off, always locking in.
   ── .✦  ┆  𖤐  ┆  ␥ 
|| Perfect focus, super attentive, always pays attention and makes notes. I am never afraid to ask for help or advice and I always receive the answers I need to understand the work; no room for confusion here.
|| Very strong, clear memory, perfect photographic memory.
|| Studies so much, it's my hobby, never underestimates myself or downplays my work, has always prioritised my work and has always understood the importance of doing work at home. Studying has never been a struggle for me because I don't struggle with discipline. I actually find so much fun and enjoyment doing homework. I always feel so productive and proud of myself whilst managing my time and looking at the amount I have done afterwards. Especially with the amount of validation and points I earn from teachers. It is always so satisfying seeing my high grades after a complete project. It's like a treat.
|| Creative genius, always brainstorms with words or loose sketches; not a single idea goes to waste. Research enthusiast, I could never shy away from making a thorough, detailed, and well planned out analysis, moodboard or mindmap. And multiple of them at that. I always know EXACTLY what to write and never wastes precious time and space yapping.
|| The life of an art student is exciting, fulfilling, flourishing, inspiring and strict. In the healthy way of course. My parents and teachers are always understanding of my burnouts and art block which are very rare thank god; and it's a good thing I have my closest friends to comfort me through my work. They are always so supportive, encouraging and honest with me as I am with them. We always travel together to the college (when I don't feel like being alone) and we always travel back home together. I mean we are our own personal friend circle so of course we buy snacks for each other and meet up for lunch; it's not even like we need to worry about price since we have more than enough on us. College is 100 times better when my best friends are with me, everything feels so comfortable with them
|| Perfect, cunty, and ideal artstyles. Always chooses the ones most appropriate for a certain design, and never forgets how to convey a certain look. I know, understand and draw human, animal, vehicle, clothing anatomy and terminology, enviromental composition, colour theory and terminology, the 12 principles of animation, the 7 fundamentals of art (Line, pattern, colour, texture, tone, shape and form), and the fundamentals of character design like the back of my hand
|| I know how to layout a design page appropriately, I always know how to theme and colour co-ordinate. Written placement and art placement are always perfect to the T and nothing looks off. All together, I show off my own unique style of work and impress my teachers of classmates
Ex. Subliminals in my art student playlist
"Over achiever", "Desired art skills", "Desired (college) life"
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«───────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────»
"Ugh she is always doing the most with her work😒-" And she always looks good doing it. She's got the looks and the discipline; she's got it all
   ── .✦  ┆  𖤐  ┆  ␥ 
|| Gorgeous, curly, and ideal (3B to 3C) hair. My hair never gets greasy, dry, breakage, damage, frizz, dandruff, or split ends. My curls are always moisturised, soft, bouncy, and defined. I never experience a bad hair day, and my hair is super easy to manage. Detangling my hair is a breeze, and styling my hair is even easier; every style looks exactly the way I want it and never loses the volume or shape throughout the day.
|| Ideal, fit, slim thick pear. Short shoulders, small ribcage, medium-sized chest, 20 inch waist, wide hips and slight dip, long legs, fat ass but not too fat, chubby but fit thighs, slimmer defined calves and small feet. The perfect pear. And every outfit looks exactly the way I want; I never look awkward but I always look put together and stylish.
|| Craziest face card. Ms. Face economy infact. I have a round heart shaped face with dark brown bambi eyes and long fluttery lashes, a medium straight nose bridge, plump pink "keyhole" lips, and the clearest, softest brown skin ever... Yet I still put make up on- yes I do because it's fun and I like it, so it's always awesome knowing I can do my make up flawlessly and nail my looks perfectly
Ex. Subliminals in my ideal appearance playlist
"3C hair type", "Pear body", "Desired face", "brown caramel skin"
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∘₊ ✧───────────────────✧₊∘
I'll probably add smore later :3 k bye
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Oh, I got an idea! Drayton x Reader and Lacey x Crispin, the reader and Crispin want to get their crushes to finally confess to them but they're taking too damn long! They team up and pretend to be dating to get both of them jealous >:) (And Drayton in the end loses his cool! Le gasp!) (Could u also get Crispin and Reader to almost kiss? THX U)
LMAO this one was so fun to write! Drayton is definitely more jealous while Lacey is calmer and mature.
Drayton x Reader and Crispin x Lacey
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You and Crispin have been besties for years now, so of course you two talked about your crushes!
Crispin sighed and said he couldn't get himself to confess, so he was hoping Lacey could do it first to save him the trouble-- but she hasn't, even after all this time, despite showing interest in him! And he's never had to courage to go up and talk to her properly about his feelings. Poor guy...
Meanwhile, Drayton was always conveniently avoiding the subject, making jokes to change the subject. One time, he even just dozed off for no reason in the middle of you talking! Goddamnit toothpaste boy!!
You and Crispin devised a plan: pretend you're dating each other to get the two of them jealous! What could go wrong?? :D
It started with you leaning on Crispin's shoulder and holding his hand in the halls. No one was really surprised by this sudden display of "affection", since you two were already long-time friends. It was the perfect excuse.
Drayton and Lacey didn't say anything at first, but they definitely raised an eyebrow at you two-- so you decided to turn it up a notch.
One day in the clubroom, you loudly proclaimed that you loved Crispin sooo much, you just wanted to smooch him right now! As you leaned in for the "kiss", Drayton quite literally put his hand between your mouths to stop you.
"Uh, guys. No kissing in the clubroom." Drayton said, crossing his arms. His tone was surprisingly calm, but you knew better than to be fooled by that. He was about to lose his cool.
Crispin grinned at you knowingly and pushed further. "Whaaat, is someone jealous?"
Drayton's smile dropped. The entire room went silent as everyone noticed his demeanor. "Haha, what if I am?" He asked, tilting his head. "..What if I think you're trying to play me for a fool?" His icy tone sent shivers down your spine, despite not being directed at you.
"GAH! You saw through our plan?!" Crispin blurted, putting his head in his hands. "Ugh, Y/N! I thought we had him!"
The tension seemed to lift slightly. Drayton smiled again, though his smile looked... strained. "Ah, so you did plan this?"
Lacey walked over too, much to Crispin's dismay. "Crispin! You shouldn't play with people's hearts like that, it's just not right!"
Lacey looked at Drayton, and they both nodded. "Crispin, we'll decide a suitable punishment for you later." Drayton said.
Crispin nearly fell out of his seat. "W-Wait, WHAT?! But this wasn't all my idea, Y/N was in on it too--"
Drayton put a hand on your shoulder as he glared at Crispin. "Believe me, I know." Somehow, Drayton's touch felt oddly warm. Lacey had to drag Crispin out of the room to have a talk with him, leaving you and Drayton alone at the table.
"Drayton, I really am sorry about all of that... I don't actually like Crispin that way." You said quietly. "I understand if you're upset."
Drayton just sighed. "Apology accepted, as long as you don't do it again." He said, sitting next to you.
Suddenly, a realization dawned on you. "Wait... you agreed with Crispin earlier when he asked if you got jealous.. does that mean-?"
"Bingo!" Drayton replied. "Though I never imagined the confession would happen like THIS."
He laughed and leaned closer to you. "But... from now on, you're my treasure. No one's gonna get in the way of that."
His tone seemed sincere this time. It flustered you, seeing him so serious.
Seems like Crispin got his happy ending too, because he came back to the clubroom with a kiss mark on his cheek and a big smile on his face. You both celebrated by yelling "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!" before Lacey ran in to tell you two to lower your voices.
Turns out, Lacey had given Crispin a pretty stern talking to, but she got a bit frustrated and had to sit down for a moment to collect her thoughts. Crispin sat beside her and they had a talk for awhile about their families and futures, at which point Lacey finally admitted she had feelings for Crispin.
Drayton may or may not have challenged Crispin to a battle later, and Crispin may or may not have lost horribly after Drayton unleashed the fury of his Pokemon. Oops.
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creative-kny-fics · 2 months
can you make Lee Muichiro and ler inosuke? Thank you bro there no Fics of them
The “We Are Not Girls” duo
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Ler: Inosuke Hashibira
Lee: Muichiro Tokito
'Why do you look like a woman...?'
'Why are you screaming like one?', ugh, bad start.
Well my dear readers, here we are again with the adventures of little fog, a.k.a Muichiro, let's see what is planned for today...
'Tokito-San, I am so happy that you have started to improve with your memory problems and now you act like a child according to your age'
'Thank you very much Shinobu-San, but I notice you are worried, why?'
'Well, I understand that you're a pillar and you have responsibilities and so on, but I'm worried that you don't have friends or talk to kids your age. Living with other people is not bad, try to have friends. Maybe Tanjiro's friends are a good choice, they're kind of funny and you'll never get bored with them around!'
Well, with the beginning we already know who was the first one he decided to go with, and if not, it was with Zenitsu.
Although he didn't really want to talk to him, he wanted to talk to Nezuko since she was more his age and he had already talked to her a little after she recovered, plus she was Tanjiro's sister and Muichiro adored Tanjiro.
'This thing about making friends is difficult, why isn't everyone like Tanjiro? I think Shinobu-San was wrong, I don't find their adventures funny. First of all, how does Tanjiro put up with them? That blonde boy acts like a baby and is very loud, poor ears...', oh well, there are still more options little fog! Keep trying!
He was finally able to talk to Nezuko, although she only referred to Muichiro as "Inosuke", he didn't care, he believed it was because that was the name Nezuko heard the most.
'Nezuko, do you have friends?'
'In-Inosuke! Zeni-Zenitsu! Gi-Girls! Kot-Kotes-Kotetsu! Senju-Senjuro! Ka-Kanao! Ai-Aoi! Muic-Muichiro! Ge-Genya!' 'Woah, you really have talent when it comes to making friends... How do you do it? The people I know look at me with a bad face...', maybe it's the other way around, Mui...
Well, he remembered Senjuro, but he couldn't say that he was his friend or anything similar because they only spent time together and he couldn't consider it your friend, or is he?
And with Nezuko, well, he didn't know, he wasn't able to define who was his friend and who was just his "playmate." 'NATZEKO! LET'S FIGHT!'
'Inosuke!' 'Oh, so you're Inosuke? Wow, Tanjiro really has loud and weird friends...'
Another bad start, although it seemed that Inosuke would connect better with Muichiro than he thought, or maybe not.
We all have a different way of making friends and Inosuke's was to challenge people to fight to prove their strength and so on, so...
'HOW DID YOU BEAT ME?!' 'You let your guard down too many times, it wasn't difficult to find your moment of weakness. Do me a favor and train more because then you won't go far', oh man, here we go again...
Although here is a small detail, a detail that she wears a kimono, a bow on her head and recently conquered the sun, besides that is a demon, or a human, or whatever you like to believe.
Nezuko approached to scold Muichiro, but she didn't do it with words, she put her hands on his ribs and gave a light squeeze. Before that, Muichiro stuck his arms to her ribs and pushed the little girl away from him.
'What did you do?! I want to do it too!' 'Come closer and you will see that I turn you into pork slices...'
Muichiro sighed, put away his katana and walked away, this was definitely not his thing, maybe his only friends could only be people older than him or maybe he just couldn't or wasn't meant to have real friends.
How deep he must have been in his thoughts that he didn't notice when Inosuke ran up to do a pig attack and knocked him down while laughing and telling him to admit defeat.
'Mwahahahaha! Surrender before the great god of the mountain! You have no chance to escape!'
'Actually I have it. I'm not even going to bother with you, because I think you have a nut on the brain. I don't think it's a good idea for you... Eeeeh!', again he forgot that little detail...
Nezuko had stood next to him and started using her finger while saying "tsun-tsun" and poking his cheeks, that reminds you to someone?
Inosuke did the same but on his sides, although Muichiro did not allow him to do it, he got angry and did it harder and it hurt. 'Hey hey! That hurts you stupid boar!'
'WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!' 'Stupid wild boar'
I WON'T EVEN SAY IT, anyway, Inosuke crooked his fingers and applied what Tanjiro had taught him, he didn't use as much force this time and not only used one finger, but several to start raising and lowering them like spiders from his hips to his armpits, but he stayed there because, out of defense, Muichiro stuck his arms to his ribs and hugged himself, trapping Inosuke's fingers.
'HEY! 'LET GO OF MY FINGERS!!', Muichiro denied while smiling, he couldn't resist it any longer, but if he raised his arms, would it be worse or not?
Inosuke frowned and dug harder than before, laughing when Muichiro arched his back and started laughing in earnest.
Worst? Nezuko was laughing with him and kept repeating "cute!", making Muichiro cover his blushing face as he rolled over. 'Stohohohop!! I'm too fluhuhusterehehed for thihihis!!'
'Mwahahaha! I have beaten you! Admit it! The great king of the mountain has once again won!'
'Yohohou ha-havehehehen't won! I-it wahahahas just luhuhuhuck!'
Inosuke gasped, how dare he?! But how could I make him admit defeat?!
Well, his only option was to continue until he admitted it, he couldn't think of any other way.
'Come on! Accept defeat! Isn't that a lot for you?!' 'It fehehehels gohohohod! I-It dohohehesn't bother me thahahahat ahahahaha muhuhuhuch!'
'Damn! That doesn't make sense! I guess I'll let you this time... But next time I'll ask Kentaro for help to make you beg for mercy before my greatness!', and he finally stopped.
Muichiro wasn't really upset and sat down when Inosuke got off of him and sat on the side crossing his arms.
It seemed like Shinobu was right about something, you never got bored with them.
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bluestrawberrybunny · 27 days
Haha! @briandraws I tricked you! >:3
I wasn’t innocent! I was plotting something all along! Hahahahahaha!
Hypno Marware one-shot fic for you :3
Forgive Me (Hypno Marware AU)
Don't deal with the devil. Those are some famous words to live by.
Mr. Puzzles, however, does not.
But hey, he got some cool new powers from this little deal! So... that was something!
He currently sat in his office at his house, tapping a pen furiously against the desk as he attempted to think of something, anything, to make his next show about. He had taken control over the one who had been the largest thorn in his side, the one that he swore to one day get revenge upon:
Mario Mario.
Thanks to that deal with Vox, he had managed to bend the plumber to his will. It was going great! He would have him do the dirty work for him too. Like a personal assistant! All stars have one of those, so of course he deserved one! And who better than Mario? The revenge was beautiful, in a way.
He looked over at the Italian as he stood there, swirls in his eyes from the mind control. He had made him change into a suit. Much better than those drab dirty overalls that have probably never been washed since 1987.
He sighed, motioning him over.
Mario obeyed, as he always did after he'd first hypnotized him.
The cyborg looked at the plumber. He wasn't able to respond to him, but... he could at least vent this all out to someone! Besides, if Mario was even listening he would be too dumb to understand. Right?
He'd been the audience to most of his frustrations throughout the past... month? Mr. Puzzles lost track of time. Hell, he hadn't even been sleeping. He just worked the day away with Mario running and grabbing things for him, or standing there and hearing him vent out his frustrations.
He sighed. "Why can't I think of anything?" He asked, looking towards the plumber again as his blank eyes stared at him.
Oh... those blue eyes... even when devoid of expression, they were quite beautiful. He could actually appreciate Mario's appearance, now that he's forced him to clean up a bit and after he stopped being so obnoxious.
And he... cared... even if it was fake...
"I don't understand. I have been drawing a blank with ideas for the past week! I don't... where's the inspiration? I can't create the best TV show without any ideas! What am I missing?" Mr. Puzzles gave a glitched huff. "No matter how hard I try, nothing comes to mind! Nothing! I was able to come up with amazing show ideas! Why can't I think of anything?"
The cyborg stared at the blank page in front of him. He had started writing several scripts, getting one sentence in before his creative flow stopped and he threw the paper away.
He sighed, putting his head in his hands. "Why? I... I can't just stop... then... then no one will..." He looked over to Mario, who continued to stare at him. "No one would care about me. No one will care for me if I don't keep making things... if I quit now, no one will care for me... I... I need to come up with something! Anything! Nothing comes to mind! Why am I out of ideas?"
Mr. Puzzles looked back at the page once more before crumpling up the page and throwing it in the trashcan with the other abandoned scripts.
He stood up angrily, walking towards the door and slamming it open. Mario followed close behind him, watching his every move and awaiting his next orders.
Mr. Puzzles walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and searching for something to reignite that creative spark. Anything with caffeine.
Or alcohol...
Either would work, really.
"I just need that one great idea to hit!" He exclaimed. "Then everyone will know and adore me! I'll finally be popular!"
He grabbed a wine bottle, pouring it out and into a glass. "I just don't get why I can't come up with any good ideas!"
Mario continued to stare at him blankly, not moving as he stood in the kitchen's doorway.
"I'll never be famous like this! Ugh... but I can't give up! There has to be something where I can get an idea or... or... UGH!" He leaned his head against a cabinet. "I... why? Why am I unable to think of anything?"
He looked back at the plumber and patted his head. "Thank you for listening, Mario," he said, sad smile on his screen. "Even if you're just a measly puppet right now."
His expression changed to a solemn one, walking past him as he walked back to his office, wine glass in hand. Why did he feel... bad for this? Mario was the thorn in his side. Mario was the one that ruined everything. He'd sworn revenge on him after the Meme Factory, even!
So... why was guilt beginning to eat him up inside? Was he... really feeling bad about this? About controlling the fat Italian like a doll to bend to his will?
He looked back at Mario as he followed behind him.
It was... nice to have someone nearby. He'd been alone for so long...
No. He had to focus on writing this script so that he can rise to the top.
That was all that mattered.
But he didn't understand. He hadn't been bothered by the SMG4 crew since he brainwashed Mario, so... why was he drawing a blank on ideas? He'd been so annoyed at them ruining his work, but when they were gone he... had nothing.
Was it just an excuse?
He sighed. How was he going to get any ideas?
That night, Mario stood in the living room, blinking awake. He looked around the fancy-looking area around him. It was monochrome black and white, but... it looked very well-kept. He looked down at the suit he was wearing before stepping forward.
He walked over to the couch, looking at Mr. Puzzles as the cyborg sat with his TV head in his hands.
"Still nothing," he sighed, leaning back.
"TV Man?" Mario asked, walking over to him. "You ok?"
Mr. Puzzles jumped, turning around in his chair to stare at Mario. "I... wha...?"
"Mario asked if you're-a ok."
Mr. Puzzles stared at him. "You... you're..." He jumped up from his chair, pointing at him. "Oh, god! You're not brainwashed anymore!"
Mario tilted his head. "Yes?"
Mr. Puzzles screen changed to his crying face, looking away. Oh no.
"Wait..." he said as he looked back at the Italian. "Why... why are you asking if I'm ok? I... I thought you would have escaped, or beaten me up, or... something."
"Mario wants-a to know that you're-a ok," he said. "Mario... heard you talking."
Mr. Puzzles screen went blank as he realized the implications.
Mario had been conscious the entire time... he had heard everything. He remembered everything.
Suddenly that guilt he felt came back with a vengeance. Mr. Puzzles shook his head, crying face on his screen again. "Oh... oh no... I... I'm so sorry, Mario..."
He got down on his knees, gripping Mario's shoulders as the Italian looked him over in confusion.
"I... I'm so so sorry," he said again. "I... I'm so... how could you ever forgive me for what I did?"
Mario looked away. "Um..."
"I... I used you as a puppet and... and you were aware the entire time..." Mr. Puzzles looked at him. "I am so sorry, Mario... just... just leave. Go back to your friends... I… at least when I brainwashed you all for Puzzlevision, you weren’t aware but… being stuck like that and… and being conscious… oh god…"
The Italian remained silent, watching him with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Mario… please, go,” Puzzles said.
He remained still, watching him as his singular brain cell burst to life to form a coherent thought.
“Dammit, Mario, leave! Or at least… do or say something! Anything!” Puzzles sobbed. “I… I can’t take the silence… it’s… it’s deafening…”
Mario shook his head. "No. M... Mario forgives you. You can-a get better. You... you need-a friends..."
Mr. Puzzles watched him, curious as to where he was going with that, even if he was still convinced that Mario should just leave him be.
"Mario knows what it's-a like to be in the spotlight," he continued. "Mario... wants-a to help you. If-a you are so set on being a star, Mario can... Mario can help keep you from going coo-coo crazy."
Mr. Puzzles shook his head, standing up and taking a step back. "No... I... I'm not... sure how that would work..."
"Mario wants to help you get better," Mario insisted. "Mario knows too much about you. You can-a change for the better."
Mr. Puzzles turned away, about to speak before the door was kicked in, the SMG4 crew rushing inside.
"Let Mario go, Mr. Puzzles!" Meggy exclaimed, standing in front of Mario with her splattershot pointed at his face.
"Wait, Leggy-" Puzzles began to say before SMG4 cut him off by punching him in the face.
"We're taking our friend back!" 4 snapped.
"Yeah!" Tari agreed, peaking her head through the doorframe before pulling it back out again.
SMG3 looked back at her and shook his head.
“Wait,” Puzzles said with a glitching voice before the crew proceeded to begin beating him up
Mario looked at them in shock before stepping in front of the cyborg. “Wait!”
“Mario,” 4 said, grabbing his friend and pulling him aside, “I know that you’re mind controlled right now, but we need to-”
“Mario is not mind controlled!” Mario snapped. “Mario is normal again! But let Mario speak! Please!”
The crew stopped, looking back at him from the mangled body of Mr. Puzzles.
“Mario is ok,” Mario said. “Let… let him be. Mario thinks he can-a do better. We should give him a chance.”
“Are you serious?” Meggy snapped, looking at him. “You are obviously still brainwashed!”
Mario shook his head. “I’m-a serious! He’s not-a so bad…”
“Are you hearing yourself?” SMG4 asked harshly. “In what world would Mr. Puzzles of all people…”
SMG3 watched the three of them argue about Mario’s newfound opinion of the cyborg before looking down at him.
Mr. Puzzles was picking himself up off the ground, putting a hand to his broken screen. “Ugh…” He looked over at the purple SMG as he looked him up and down. “Oh… um…”
SMG3 looked back over at Mario. He too had had a change of heart years ago and changed his ways to become their f- teammate or… something. He didn’t like hanging out with these losers. It was just better than nothing.
Mario sighed. “Fine! Then let’s-a go home and leave him alone?”
Meggy and SMG4 both looked at Mr. Puzzles, who was looking at the ground. He wasn’t even fighting them?
“Yeah,” 3 agreed. “Let’s… let’s go. Leave him here to think about things.”
The two watched as SMG3 left, Mario following close behind. 4 and Meggy both then turned their gaze to Mr. Puzzles, who was already making his way back to his office in order to fix his broken screen.
SMG4 looked over at Meggy, who shook her head and followed behind them.
“If you even think about following us-” 4 started to say before Mr. Puzzles shooed him off.
“I won’t,” he said. “I… I’m not in the mood.”
SMG4 tilted his head in confusion before reluctantly leaving behind the others.
“Can we get-a some spaghetti?” Mario asked excitedly as they walked back.
“Sure…” SMG4 said quietly.
Mario looked back at the house as they left. Mr. Puzzles really didn’t seem so bad, once he heard all of his troubles… he smiled. Maybe he could change Mr. Puzzles ways and then they wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore!
Meanwhile, Mr. Puzzles sat at his desk, reapplying a new screen. He sighed. Mario really stood up for him? After all that he did? Even after using him as a puppet while he was aware… he forgave him?
He smiled to himself, heartbeat monitor line across his screen.
Mario didn’t seem so bad either…
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
your sammy content has me screaming, blushing, giggling and kicking my legs!!! idk if you write for this stuff, but would you mind writing what yandere sammy, gun and goo would be like? have a wonderful day <3 - 🌺anon
Fanon Sammy has me reacting exactly the same tbh! TYSM for reading and the ask 🌺🌺🌺🌺❤️
Oof. Toxic, abusive relationships? (And this is also a trigger warning). I haven't made this as dark as it could be but here we go...
Lookism Yanderes: Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo
A snippet into their toxicity
Gun Park
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"How was school?"
You land on the sofa with a crash next to Gun.
Ugh. School was... school. Albeit a little better this week than it has been. The worst of your project work is over and that idiot in your class hasn't been around.
"Is that classmate still giving you trouble?"
"Huh? Oh. I haven't seen him this week."
"Hmm. Interesting."
Something about the way Gun says that draws your attention.
Why is he smiling? Is he happy that you're happy or-
Come to think of it. You haven't seen him since you last mentioned him bullying you to Gun.
... Everyone who causes you trouble has a habit of going 'missing'.
There was the group of girls who harassed you. Some drunken idiot who catcalled. This classmate who started picking on you. And actually, that boy you made friends with a few months back and Gun had disapproved when you told him.
The dots start to connect.
You startle back to the present and notice Gun staring intently at you. He knows that you know.
"Don't be scared, Y/N. I'm only doing this to protect you."
You know your boyfriend is violent, but you never thought-
"Are they..." you can't bring yourself to say the word 'dead'. The idea that Gun killed these people terrifies you.
"Not dead. They just aren't here anymore." Gun notices the shock written all over your face. He continues, "Y/N, haven't I made your life so much easier?"
And that is true. To an extent. But-
"You understand I would never hurt you?"
Wouldn't he? You suppose he has never laid a hand on you. You nod.
"You trust me?"
That, you do. He has never given you reason to doubt him. You nod again.
"Say the words."
"I trust you..."
"It's for my own good." you say, even as the insidious grip of fear starts to wind its way around your neck.
Goo Kim
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The bell to the cafe jingles, signalling a new patron. You put on your peppiest customer service smile.
Oh. Your face falls when you see who it is.
"You're here again?"
Goo just grins, taking his usual spot right by the counter. Right by you. "Yes my little sweetpea. Just visiting my love at work!"
It started as a nice gesture, Goo occasionally popping in. And if he wasn't here then he would be constantly texting you.
(He sulked for a week straight when you told him you weren't allowed your phone when you're working. Somehow you felt personally responsible for this despite it being a work policy.)
His quick coffee breaks turned into a few hours of lingering then eventually staying during your entire work schedule.
It is too much. Far too much.
"Goo... You know I got told off last time when you stayed for my whole shift."
"Is your manager still giving you a hard time!" Your boyfriend looks at you with the saddest puppy eyes and a pout. Goddamn it. Why are you the one feeling guilty.
You press on with what you want to say anyhow, "... Don't you think you being here all the time is a little inappropriate?"
Not just a little - a lot, you think. And not inappropriate - completely suffocating. But you are careful with your words.
"No! How could you think that..." The sulk intensifies and Goo looks genuinely upset. Ah shit. You're about to apologise- "Besides, I think your new boss would be fine with this."
In a blink of an eye, the mood changes. Goo looks happy. Manic, almost.
You narrow your eyes at him. What is he up to. "How do you know?"
"Let's just say I know him very personally."
"Who is it?"
"Your beloved - me! I bought this little cafe! Now I can see you all day every day!"
Seriously? This is ridiculous.
Your eyes quickly dart towards the other customers and your coworkers. You can't make a scene and frankly, you don't have the energy for this fight.
Nor do you want to put up with a week straight of tantrums until you inevitably suck it up and apologise.
Instead, you attempt your customer service smile again.
You hope it works.
Samuel Seo
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Entering the living room, you are immediately greeted by Samuel glaring at you.
"Where have you been?"
"Didn't you see my text?" You are sure you texted him before you left, telling him not to wait for you for dinner.
"I must have missed it." His expression doesn't change. "Where did you go?"
It was nothing special. You just had a catch up with a few classmates over a meal. Your eyes glance at the clock. It's not even 8pm.
"Who were you with?"
You explain (and you did mention if he had just checked his phone), but Samuel makes you list out every person.
"There were guys there?"
You frown at him. Well, yes but it's not like it wasn't a group-
"Am I not enough for you?"
The question surprises you but you read between the lines. You know Samuel has his insecurity issues, and you have been trying to work through them with him. Surely, this should have been fine.
"Of course you are," You try to defuse the situation, yet the doubt creeps in that you could have been more considerate.
"I would be more comfortable if you asked first." Samuel approaches you, angry and disappointed. "How am I supposed to concentrate on work if I don't know where you are?"
"But I did text-"
"Do you want me to lose my job?"
You shake your head.
"Everything I've worked for?" Samuel looms over you, looking furious.
You shake your head again.
"Then why is it too much to ask you to ask me first before you wander off?"
Your eyes start to well up with tears.
"Don't be like that." Immediately the anger is gone, replaced by concern, "I'm only worried about you."
His hand reaches out to stroke your cheek, and you lean into it - does this mean that the worst of the storm seems to be over?
"You know I love you, right?"
Of course. It's obvious that Samuel loves you. And you love him too. He's only doing this for your sake.
"I know. Sorry for making you worry."
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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So Yoh falls in love at first sight with Segasaki, gets mocked by his friends for being a loner and sent on errands and then rescued from that by Segasaki but also how their communication has always been Segasaki pushing Yoh until he gets an answer and Yoh hesitating to communicate anything because he's always been mocked and teased and has no confidence in himself.
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No wonder Yoh doesn't trust or believe in anything that's happening with them. He still sees Segasaki as someone so far out of his reach and range that he cannot handle it at all.
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Yoh's insecurities are never ending and his fear of losing Segaski breaks my heart but we can also see how little Yoh trusts his actions.
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Yoh literally cannot come up with any words that describe Segaski's feelings. None. He sits and he stares and he cannot come up with anything because to him Segaski feels nothing and so he has to label or words for what he might be feeling.
And Segaski communicates his feelings in so many actions and in so many choices but never directly and so Yoh can always find a way to deny that those feelings are real, again and again, that Segaski could not feel anything for him.
Because it's safer to imagine he feels nothing, it's safer to protect himself from pain and unrequited love by pretending that this is all one-sided, by holding onto his constant discomfort and denial because it simply cannot be true otherwise.
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And this is a different insecurity. This is what Yoh and Segaski's struggles to communicate have become. They've turned into an argument that isn't an argument and hurt feelings and broken hearts on both sides. On two people both speaking at a crossroads and unable to ask for clarification or to speak clearly because they're both afraid of what they might hear.
Yoh doesn't dare ask Segaski for details about who he's talking about because he cannot actually imagine that he would be jealous of his friend's husband teasing him (Yoh was smiling so big and wide with him, so silly and having so much fun, no wonder Segaski was jealous) but Segasaki might ask for an explanation but would also take those at face value after all the struggles they've had.
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Because Segasaki says 'I won't accept it' and Yoh thinks it's about him drawing yaoi manga while Segasaki is talking about him being playful with his friend and so when Yoh explains the appeal of the fictional version of Segasaki.... well, you get pain.
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This time, you get to watch Segasaki's heart break as he listens to Yoh because he has been trying so hard to do that for him, to be better than the person who made Yoh drink and cry. But Yoh just told him (he thinks) that he isn't doing that. That he has not shown him any more sincerity or kindness, that his efforts to take better care of Yoh have amounted to nothing.
While Yoh just means that he's making the fictional Segaski softer.
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Yoh cannot imagine Segasaki being jealous over him. He cannot believe that might happen and so it never occurs to him that Segasaki might think he was cheating or with someone else. He simply cannot believe or imagine that the perfect, handsome, beautiful and (in his opinion) haughty Segasaki would truly be upset over something he did.
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Ugh. My heart. These boys are so in love it's painful but they're just struggling so much to put anything into words, to speak to each other without the other person finding a way to misinterpret what they're saying.
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And then we get more of the past and we can see how Segasaki fell in love and how Yoh used to be braver, how they came together and how that love that is so evident between them is also so, so insecure. Yoh stepped in and pulled Segasaki away and comforted him.
Something happened between university and coming back together as adults that broke this connection that they've never recovered from and neither of them knows that they never recovered.
(Yoh is so, so deeply insecure and I don't think Segasaki understands that level of insecurity and has never faced someone so desperate to deny that he is loved.)
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freakenomenon · 16 days
Hi friend :] I want to understand Ellen as a character better and you seem to have a good grasp on her, so could I ask about your ideas for her? No pressure though either !
OKAY to start off. the biggest thing i noticed about her in particular that is pointed out better in the manual than it is displayed in the game is the fact she would rather run away or ignore a problem than actually deal with it and heal. and if you combine this with the fact she usually reacts to ( and CONFUSES ) her own fear with anger. or hostility.
stating herself that she hates crying because she knows she doesnt feel "sad" ,, she just wants to kicks someones ass. which is probably a trauma response. considering she grew up in a rather unsafe neighborhood, which resulted in the death of her brother and cousin. IM JUST RESTATING CANON HERE BUT MY POINT IS.
i feel like if in the game they reeled in the part of her character that is very clearly avoidant, distant and even frequently disassociative. they'd have. a character.
alongside the fact that it's implied she very clearly cannot grasp the concept of not being able to handle something. she's overcome almost everything in her life, but the moment she can't understand another humans feelings. or why another human would treat her the way. most of the people in her life have.
she's more familiar with algorithms than people after all. not to mention that nimdok ( ugh. ) says that ellen is honest to the point of being offensive. first of all fucking. Jesus autistic much. secondly this could also be due to her isolating herself and feeling more at home with her work and electronics than she is with people. a computer is easily fixable if she ends up fucking something up.
its not like you can remove a rom chip on a person and reprogram it to not feel insulted if you tell them they look like they have a dirty microwave. that is probably an oversimplification of my thoughts on that part, but you get the point.
now. to. just. get this part of her character out of the way. just. warning for mentions of rape , miscarriages and other nasty things ahead.
i am not saying that in the situation where someone were to rewrite the game. you have to completely remove the aspect of her being a victim of rape. i simply just think it could've been approached in a better way. as I've stated many times. personally i don't even know where to start with rewriting this aspect of her character??? the most i have is replacing the maintenance man with someone she might have known. just to add more to what I have. maybe a boss or coworker she was close with who exploited their position above her both in the workplace and within the more obvious racial bias of society at the time. using it against her as an excuse to break her boundaries, break down her defenses, and eventually take advantage of her. something like that. just so it has more of an impact on her as a whole, and make her relationship with intimacy and relationships with humans , platonic or not. more strained. having to scratch and fight with the core of her being that wants. and deserves proper intimacy and general care. to keep herself safe. to prevent herself from being violated like that again. her vulnerability is what caused her to end up in that spot. she cant let that happen again. she cant be a hopeless victim again. not again.
yknow because thats how trauma works. it actually effects the victims life in ways other than just ending up with fucked up trigger and a fucked up phobia. wow.
now to the other part of this. I'm. going to be so honest. I would just scrap the miscarriage stuff and the existence of eddie as a whole.
it's so meaningless and minuscule in her character that i bet my pinky toe that half the fandom would look at you like you just said something TED levels of crazy if you brought it up without further grueling context.
.. that's. actually all I've got for now if you trim off me just asking to further establish aspects of her character that i think are interesting. if you've got any questions ill be more than happy to answer! <3
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Tell me, what did you think of ML when you first discovered it? I thought Chloe's arc in season 2 was decent for this type of show, even if it could have been better. I also never took Marinette's obsessive behavior over Adrien that seriously until it started getting really grating.
My first interaction with ML consisted of me looking for kids shows to watch in Spanish, finding Miraculous on Netflix, watching maybe three minutes of The Bubbler, and then turning the show off because it didn't seem very good. That's the episode that starts with Marinette freaking out about giving Adrien a birthday present and it gave me the impression that Miraculous was doing the classic female-protagonist-pines-for-the-male-protagonist-who-barely-even-knows-her-name trope, which is not a trope that I'm into. I'm way too ace for that shit. This is the scene in question as I looked it up to make sure I was remembering it correctly:
Marinette: Ah! (she stops right in front of Adrien.) Um, he-- Hey! (she gets nervous as she holds her gift behind her back.) Adrien:(surprised, shyly) Hey. Chloé:(as she watches what's happening outside) Wait! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Don't tell me it's Adrien's birthday?! Sabrina:(checks her tablet, gets surprised, and makes excusing noises while smiling sheepishly.) Chloé:(facepalms) Ugh, do I have to do everything myself? Seriously, what are you good for? (walks toward Adrien.) Marinette:(nervously) I, uh, I wanted to, umm, gift you a make-– I mean, gift you a give I made-- I mean... Chloé:(yawns while Marinette is talking and then shoves her away) Out of the way. (she acts sweet.) Happy birthday, Adrien! (throws herself onto him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.) Mwah! Adrien:(surprised) Yeah, thanks Chlo.
This backs up my vague memory that my initial assumption was that Adrien and Chloé were friends while Adrien didn't know who Marinette was because he was clearly much more comfortable with Chloé. Same goes for Nino who was talking to Adrien earlier in this scene.
I'm not sure when this first watch occurred, but I know it was at least a year before I revisited the show. I made a friend in another fandom and that friend was transitioning out of Miraculous, but they had a lot of really good Miraculous fanart and even some fanfic which got me curious as I couldn't understand why anyone would be into the show given my dismal initial impression.
On this friend's recommendation, my SO and I started watching Miraculous an episode or two at a time. I was pretty unimpressed with the actual show, but I started reading early fandom fanfic between our watching sessions and that kept me interested enough to keep watching. My initial impression of the show didn't really change until we watched Origins. That's the episode that really made me fall in love with the canon characters as it took everything about the show and elevated it. The crushes had depth! The Chloé/Adrien thing wasn't just the bitchy rich girl going after the popular boy! Gabriel was confirmed to be the big bad! Things were suddenly going places and that honestly wasn't surprising.
It's incredibly common for kids shows to have lackluster first seasons where they don't really commit to anything major re plot because they're just testing the waters to see if they'll be green lit for more seasons. Because of this, I was under the impression that Origins must have been when they got green lit and season two was going to do the standard kids show thing where they really get to dive into the plot and characters in a big way now that they're making money. This assumption was backed up by the addition of the new heroes to the show's intro.
For the first half of season two, I was invested as it seemed like we were finally getting seasonal arcs. Chloé seemed to be getting set up for some sort of character arc, which I was all for as I enjoy a good mean girl arc. We also had some tension brewing between our heroes with Fu favoring Marinette, a dynamic that felt more accidental than planned since it only happened because Marinette found the grimoire at the end of season one. I thought all of that was going to come to a head with Chloé's Queen Bee debut as things had seemingly been set up for Chloé to be Adrien's pick for a Miraculous.
Then Queen Bee actually happened and my excitement quickly faded. I still cannot think of a less interesting way for Chloé to get and use the bee. No one gives it to her and she outs herself on national television right away? Talk about wasting an idea. Clearly this had just been a one-off thing done so that the show could drive up hype for season two based on promo images of Chloé as a hero.
But it wasn't a one off thing. For some reason, they kept bringing Queen Bee back and that's when I knew we were in for a bad time because that should have never happened. It especially shouldn't have happened when Marinette was giving out the miraculous. I could maybe see a setup where Adrien gives Chloé a second chance, but Marinette trusting Chloé made no sense:
Marinette: I must choose someone who's not impressed by people in power. Who can help me trap Malediktator. Huh?! Of course! That's it. (reaches for the Miraculous of the Bee) Wait, what am I thinking? (facepalms)
Yeah, what are you thinking? Alya was your first choice for the bee, she isn't impressed by people in power, and she wasn't hit by Malediktator, so go grab her! Why would you pick Chloé?
Long story short, I kept watching because the show wasn't terrible, my SO enjoyed hearing me dunk on it as we watched it, and I was really enjoying the fan content, but I didn't have much faith in canon after the midpoint of season two and I continually lost faith as the seasons progressed. I never pictured it getting as bad as seasons five, but I only had hopes for Miraculous to be truly good for about 2 weeks as that's how long it took us to get from Origins to the Queen Bee mess. I was also disappointed by Alya and Nino's hero journeys. I expected them to be chosen for grander reasons. As is, it felt like they only got recruited because their loved ones were in danger.
Since you brought up Marinette's crush, I'll end by saying that I have never been a fan of that style of crush-based humor (once again, way too ace for that shit), but it didn't bother me in a serious way because it was very obviously meant to be humorous. I just suffered through the jokes when they happened and then moved on as there was no reason to dwell on them. It probably helped that I was reading a lot of fanfic and even the people who love the show generally agree that Marinette's crush should be played down in more serious stories.
The only time Marinette's crush bothered me was Derision as that episode straight up destroyed her character. It also made the writers look awful because they made Kim the bad guy for laughing at Marinette's behavior, but we'd just spent over four seasons being told Marinette's behavior was a joke, so what is the lesson here? Are we all supposed to feel guilty for laughing at a trauma response we didn't know was a trauma response? Are the writers saying that trauma is funny? How can you be so tone deaf?
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armins-main-hoe · 9 months
Coukd u do an aizawa arrange marriage fic?
Sure! But i don't think i can create a whole fic with chapters so this will just be like a really post with my head cannons about it.
I know you sent this request like literally ages ago and I'm so sorry for only now getting to post it. I was not trying to deliberately ignore you're request I just had not opened tumblr to write in a very long time.
But I'm back now and I'm going to keep up with all the requests I get.
(A person who loves the moon)
You both got married in your early twenties, by now quirk marriages were not as common and were often frowned upon, yet your life had been sealed with Shota Aizawa since you got your quirk.
His quirk, the ability to remove another's quirk with his eyes and your quirk, the ability to control another's health, to either make it better or worse, by your touch.
What your families hoped to achieve was a quirk where one could control another's health with their sight. Since you can always see further than you can touch, the two family heads believed that a quirk like this could lead to a lot of success and, of course, money.
Neither families were at the top of the upper class of society but that did not stop them.
When you first met Shota, you could tell he was a man of few words, he did not like small talk. His eyes sullen and drooping with lack of sleep. You struggled a lot to keep the conversation going with him.
During your engagement, you hardly met him, he was busy with starting his career as a pro hero and you were still doing your apprenticeship under the top nurse of Japan's most famous school, UA.
When you got married and had arrived at your honeymoon, you were sweating buckets. While you weren't all that close to your newly wedded husband, you could never deny that he defiantly had the body of a pro hero, in other words, he was hot as fuck sometimes.
All the exhaustion from the wedding had suddenly disappeared as you began to wonder if he too was expecting anything from tonight.
He didn't. He went straight to sleep. Ugh, men.
The rest of your honeymoon was just as awkward, well at least from your side it was, Shouta did not seem to care all that much, he just appreciated the actual time for sleep he was getting.
Months passed and your relationship with your husband did not get any tighter, you both took turns with chores and cooking, working around each other's schedules.
By now Aizawa's pro hero career was kicking off and you had finished your apprenticeship and had begun working with Recovery girl.
You soon began to think your life was not all that bad, you enjoyed your job and it paid extremely well, you had developed some sort of mutual understanding with your husband, though there was no romance nor friendship, there were no arguments or squabbles either.
Not wanting to admit it so soon, you had actually begun to feel fond of Shota. Sure no strong romantic feelings yet but you could tell he was a genuine guy. A workaholic but to be fair, so were you.
After a year went by, however, you both soon began to get pressure from your families to start trying for a child. They wanted their perfect quirk and they wanted it now, claiming that they had given you both plenty of time to settle in.
Shota would then tell you that he was perfectly fine with waiting, since all anyone can do was talk and shout. No one could physically force you to conceive a child. He also believed now was not the time for a child for you both, since the two of you were so busy with your own work lives.
While you agreed with him you began to wonder if he actually ever wanted to have children. Just like you he was forced into this marriage, neither of you had a choice. But now that you are married, no one can force you to have children like they forced you to get married. So in a way, you both have a choice now.
You didn't ask him about it.
One day you got a call from Shouta, it was late in the evening and you had came home after work. He had told you before hand that he was going to go out and have dinner with a friend of his.
You pick up the call and immediately realised the person on the other end was NOT your husband.
"Yo Mrs Aizawa, your *hic* HUBBY bubby is on the floor, passed out *hic*"
ah, Hizashi Yamada, also known as President Mic. You had never met him but you knew he was a really close friend of your husband's. You then made your way over in your car and picked the two drunk men up. After some difficulty, you managed to get the loud blonde to his place and then got yourself and your husband back to your place.
You helped him walk up the stairs and back to your shared bedroom.
"Okay, stay sitting on the bed, i'm gonna get you something esle to wear okay?" You tell him softly.
"Y/nnnnn?" Shota called out even though you were in the same room.
"I'm here." you say while opening his wardrobe.
"You're my wife, you know that?" He drunkly babbles.
You smile at his antics. "I know shota." You walk towards him with a pair of more loose clothes.
"My pretty wife."
You know he's drunk but it still made you blush.
"My pretty cute wife." He then grabs your face, squishing your cheeks.
"Why are you like that?" He asked, letting you go and throwing himself back on the bed.
"Like what?"
"Like, like... like awkward around me. I'm your husband!" He threw his arms up for effect.
"Come on, change your clothes." You pull him up so he is sitting again.
Thats when he pulls you onto his lap.
"Y/n!" he whined.
He then hugged your waist, nuzzling into your neck. You're entire body flushed, you did not know what to do. You couldn't move even if you wanted.
"You're like the sun y/n.." He then mumbles, yet you couldn't quite understand what he was saying as all you could focus on was his lips brushing against your neck.
"So pretty and happy and... well.. hot. But no matter what I can't get close to you."
"i'd say you're pretty close to me right n-now..."
"But i'm drunk." He then looks up at you.
"Oh so you're aware?"
he nods. "I don't think I have the balls to hug you sober."
You let out a soft laugh, your mind and heart still racing, you had never been so close to him ever since you shared a kiss on your wedding day.
"Why's that?" you asked him, somehow feeling your heart calm down.
"I'm scared." Your eyes widened at his words. You never thought he could be scared of initiating a deeper relationship with you, you always thought that he just did not want one. The conversation ended there that night since he ended up falling asleep straight after.
Shota woke up to one of the worst hang overs he has had his entire lige the next day. Suppose it was not all that bad since his wife took the day off to help him get better.
He did not quite understand why she would take the whole day off, he already had the day off which is why he even agreed to drinking. He thought that she didn't have to skip work just fro him, though he was grateful that she did.
He also noticed that something about her has changed, she became more... close? He isn't quite sure. But he likes it.
With a new step forward in your relationship, the two of you found each other becoming much closer to each other, you would sit and talk for much longer during dinners, tell each other more about your personal interests and on those off days where your both manage to get a day off on the same day, you both would spend the day together, almost as you would on a date.
Then there was a day where Shota had another long shift at his agency, he came back home with a few new cuts and bruises.
You were just getting ready for bed when you saw him go in the bathroom, you noticed the blood dripping down his arm.
"Shota?" You knocked on the bathroom door.
"Yeah?" You heard him say followed by a soft groan.
"What happened?" You ask. "Can I come in?"
"It's fine don't worry, go back to bed."
"Shota.... I can help. You know how my quirk works."
After some convincing, he let you in. His cheek had a dark pink bruise forming, his hero suit ripped. Though he mostly wore black, up close you could see darker patches of black where it clearly was soaked in his blood. The worst of it was his arm, his sleave completely missing and he had burn marks around a massive cut that started at his bicep to his elbow.
"Fuck." You breathed out at the sight of it.
"That bad huh?" He chuckled.
"Why didn't you get patched up at ur agency?" You looked up at him
"The medical staff are out on strike."
You nodded, you heard of some medical staff in some agencies leaving because of how little they got paid.
"Take your top off" You softly say. You can't imagine the type of pain he must be in and yet he's standing and smiling at you like it's nothing.
His top was off and you saw many other little cuts adn bruises filling his skin. You frown at the sight.
"I'm okay Y/N." He whispers.
"No you're not. Stop acting so tough. No one would be okay in a condition like this." You softly scold him while you take his injured arm in your hands and start using your quirk to heal him.
"I'm okay because I have you remember. Look, it's as if it wasn't even there." He looks down at his arm, any sign of injury completely gone. You shake your head at him and then start to work on his torso.
There you both stood, under the single light of the bathroom, your hands on his bare chest while he looked down at you. You then looked up at him. your hand coming up to gently trace the bruise on his cheek while you watch it slowly disappear as you used your quirk. You're eyes met his.
There was something in the way he looked at you. Something that made you feel warm. Something that made you feel safe. Perhaps it was the atmosphere, or maybe the way he looked at you but you found yourself leaning towards his lips.
One of his hands held you by your waist, another now on the back of your head as he leaned in too.
At first it was just a simple peck. But that small kiss ignited something more. As if burning down the doors that help all your pent up emotions towards him. He pulled you back in, kissing you much more passionately this time, his lips moving against yours as if he needed to devour you. He walked you backwards while kissing you till your back hit the door.
Breaking off for air you looked up at him. "Finally grew those balls huh?" You teased him, referring back to when he was drunk.
He rolled his eyes before picking you up so your legs crossed around his waist, carrying you to the bedroom and laying you down on the bed while he hovered on top of you.
"You.. ready?" He asked, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"For what?" You ask. He wiggled his eyebrows at you while smirking. You let out a laugh while playfully smacking his chest.
"So?" He laughs with you, littering your face with his kisses.
"Yeah, I'm ready." You smile while you felt his lips kiss you all over.
He stopped and took time to admire you, his wife. His pretty wife.
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Today I have done a lot of thinking about fictional charachters because...well my day has beeen horrible and its been better than thinking about that.
I saw a clip of shameless S1 where Mickey is dirty and unclean and I remember how a lot of people have said maybe he didn't really care until Ian came along or started to try for Ian. And sure, that may be part of it, but in my experience, there are so many other reasons people are unclean for, and I think a few would apply to Mickey.
1. I think part of the reasons he is reguarly covered in dirt is that being dirty tends to hide or blend in bruises. It is not going to work completely but enough to make people wonder if that is dirt or a bruise, or if they are seeing it properly. I imagine Terry wasn't light handed in beatings, and the kids were expected to cover for it. While teenage Mickey could say he was in a fight younger Mickey would have easily used that just some days old dirt excuse.
2. Lack of hot water or just water in his house. I don't think paying the bills on time was high on Terry's list either, and we know the house was basically a dump. It wouldnt surprise me if they reguarly had no hot water or if they did it run out quickly with the old water heater and you did not want to be the one causing Terry to have a cold shower. Or he saved the hot water for Mandy because he knows she actually really cares about her appearance and being clean
3. As a reason not to have to be with girls. In his first episode, Karen mentions that maybe Mickey is coming to find her to ask her out again and then says basically says along the lines of "I wouldn't because he smells like shit.' Being unclean and dirty means girls are less likely to want to go out with him, so he can ask the girls who he knows will say no then have it be that they are a b***ch who said no, or she don't know what she missing. He comes out of looking like her really doesn't care he got turned down but still leaves the impression his into girls. It is like a protective layer
4. I think caring about your appearance and the way you're dressed is something Mickey's dad would find pansy. Which Ugh, Terry is the worst.
5. I don't think some people really understand how vulnerable being naked in a place you dont feel safe in is. I feel like if Terry is mad, drunk, or just desires it, he would be more than happy to come for you. Being naked and unprepared is not a fun thought. So Mickey saves his showers for when he is sure his alone becauze like hell he is trusting that flimsy lock on the door (if there even is one cause Svetlana just walks in with a hammer on Ian)
Sure maybe once Ian comes along that is more incentive to be clean and presentable but I think he really starts to be clean is season 4 onwards where he knows and admits how much Ian means to him and that he loves him, no longer has go pretend to be into girls (his out or he has the excuse of his married) but also when his dad is in jail and maybe the bills are getting paid, maybe he feels safer in the house.
I just hate the common thinking of, that person is unclean because they don't care. That is rarely the real reason in my experience.
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joelswritingmistress · 9 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 24
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
“He asked me to move in with him.” I couldn't keep the word vomit from leaving my mouth as I settled into a little booth across from Tori with a coffee between my hands.
Her eyebrows seemed to raise about three inches and she didn't say anything at first.
“It's crazy, I know.” I shook my head.
“How long have you been with him?”
“A month.” I made a face.
“Does he, like, ejaculate gold coins or something?” Tori asked, laughing as she spoke.
I laughed with her and shook my head, looking down. “I don't know. I've never been like this. He's just got this way about him.”
“What's his house like?”
A small smile crept onto my face and she cut in before I could answer.
“He's rich, isn't he?”
“He lives in this, like, mini castle.”
“A castle?”
“Well, that's what it looks like. It's really cool.”
“Okay, so my suspicions are correct.”
I swallowed hard, eager to hear her theories. “What suspicions?”
“He ejacs gold coins.”
I laughed again, actually pleased she hadn't said something serious. I wasn't in the mood for sinister scenarios that would only heighten my internal anxiety over the situation.
“I don't even care about the house or whatever. I just.. I'm falling way too fast for this guy.” My eyes met here across the table. “Do you think I'm crazy?”
Tori gave a half smile and a shrug. “A little.” She smiled fully and sipped her coffee. “It is a little fast.”
“It's very fast.”
“Okay, it's very fast,” she agreed. “But, it's your call. What's your gut telling you? I'd ask what your heart’s telling you but I'm pretty sure I already know that. And the heart can be misleading.” Tori motioned to me with her drink as she emphasized the last part.
“Yeah.” I sighed and reached into a small paper bag for the muffin I’d ordered with my coffee.
“Well, how about this?” Tori went on when I broke off a piece of the muffin top. “If things work out with Mr. “Joel Gold Coins”,” she used her fingers to do the air quotes and I snickered, “Then I better be the maid of honor. And if it ends up not being what you thought, then there's always a room for you at 355 Ellie Drive.”
I looked toward my friend and let out another exhale through my nose. She was so understanding and not judgmental. I had disappeared off the face of the earth for a month since meeting Dr. Miller and she never questioned a thing.
“I'm sorry if I've been a bad friend,” I started but she reached for my hand and wagged a finger.
“You haven't been a bad friend,” she disagreed. “We’re at pivotal points in our lives. And I guess the lucky part is that we've kind of both found the same thing in the same time frame.” Tori shrugged, “It happens. We’re.. growing up.”
I smiled, “Adulting?”
“Ugh, you know I hate that word.”
I laughed and then sighed again with a more serious expression. “Thank you, Tori.”
“You're welcome.”
“I mean it. Thank you.” I sipped my coffee again. “Now, I'm done making this all about me. Tell me about Derek.”
My friend bit her bottom lip and spilled all the recent tea about her beau. I knew Derek. I liked him. The fact that he would be there with her full time took away some of the guilt I was experiencing. Tori appeared excited and happy and light as air. Getting a chance to sit and talk was rejuvenating. As much as I enjoyed the intensity of my time with Dr. Miller, I appreciated the lighthearted feeling I had being in Tori’s company.
“Once a week,” my friend pointed at me as we finally left the little coffee shop, “And that's nonnegotiable.”
“Once a week. And I'll be back soon to get my clothes and stuff.” I nodded and we exchanged a hug. “I'm going to head into LL Bean,” I said motioning to the store a few doors down on the little street.
“I have to go to work or I'd gladly spend a good hundred bucks in there with you.”
“Okay, be safe. I miss you.”
Tori blew a kiss. “See you soon.”
I waved goodbye and headed into the store, mostly in search of a good pair of winter boots.
If I happen to walk out with a sweater or two, so be it, I thought internally with a smile. Or maybe a hat for our ski wedding weekend.
An older man greeted me with a friendly, “Hello,” from behind a cash register off to the left. I smiled and waved before making the trek up a flight of stairs to the second floor where I knew the women's shoe section was.
A rack of on-sale sweaters and shirts conveniently greeted me near the top of the stairs and I gave it a lengthy browse. A knee length blue and white sweater dress caught my eye and I draped it over my arm before moving on toward the shoes.
“(Y/N)?” A female voiced my name quietly and I turned my attention away from the wall of boots in front of me.
When I glanced over my left shoulder I froze. Christine, Dr. Miller’s ex-wife, had just exited the dressing room. She was dressed more casually than our first meeting, sporting jeans and a sweater with a winter hat.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly.
“How are you doing?” She asked, as if we were friends or acquaintances that hadn't seen one another for awhile.
“I'm fine.” I forced a smile. “How are you?”
“Good.” Christine smiled back and bluntly asked, “Are you still seeing Joel?”
I gave a little nod, hoping that would be the end of that. Of course it wasn't.
“Look, woman to woman,” she said, beginning to pace in my direction. “I don't want to see you get hurt the way I did. Just.. be careful. Joel has this charisma that can really be..” She took a few seconds as she searched for the correct word, “Blinding.”
“I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by that.” I didn't want to have this conversation. People broke up all the time and could easily list off the reasons why their former partner was terrible. It didn't mean those two people couldn't move on and find someone more compatible for them. Everyone has flaws.
“I fell for him,” Christine nodded and stared at me, “Fast. Hard.” She shook her head and maintained eye contact, “He has secrets, (Y/N).”
“Don't we all?” I tried to sound casual and glanced down at the sweater on my arm.
“Not these kind of secrets.”
“Well, what are these kind of secrets?” I asked.
Christine sighed, looking around as she did before finding my eyes again. “That's something I'll take to my grave.. but also something I couldn't live with.”
I wasn't typically one to speak up, but I couldn't help myself now. “So, woman to woman you came here to warn me, but you can't tell me about what? You just want me to be careful because of Joel's secrets but you won't tell me what those secrets are?” I shook my head, “If you were actually looking out for me, you'd tell me.” I wandered away from the boots section back toward the staircase.
“It's the least I can do,” Christine called out.
I took the stairs back to the bottom floor. All the life that Tori had breathed into me, Christine had sucked out. I was so taken aback that I almost walked out with the sweater without paying for it. Hell, I hadn't even tried it on.
I stopped myself before closing in on the door and made a hard right toward the register.
“Find everything you were looking for?” The old man asked with a friendly grin.
I wanted to match his cheeriness but I just couldn't. Still, I managed a smile. “Yes, thank you.” He scanned the tag, I swiped my card and then headed back out onto the street.
I was going to tell Dr. Miller about bumping into Christine. I wasn't about to accuse him of anything but I needed to at least ask what she was referring to. Of course he had secrets - or at least some unknowns he promised to tell in due time. As much as I needed to know, I wasn't going to bombard him simply because his ex-wife bombarded me.
She hated me, Dr. Miller had claimed. I was sure at least part of her approaching me had something to do with sabotaging him.
I shook my head and hurried across the street to an ATM. Having a little cash on me at all times was something my parents had always advised me to do, and it was a habit I'd carried into adulthood.
I looked around the immediate area and then back to the doors of LL Bean to see if Christine had come out. I wanted to get out of the area as soon as possible and cozy up by a warm fire, as Dr. Miller had promised.
As I slipped my card into the machine, I envisioned it for a moment, trying to push away the negative thoughts that had been bestowed upon me. It worked - sort of.
I punched in my four digit code and selected to remove sixty dollars. Again, I looked over my shoulder as the ATM worked its magic. When the screen instructed me to remove my card, I did just that and then tucked it away back into my purse.
The money dispensed and upon collecting it, I looked at the screen again. If it had been a cartoon I swear my eyes would have popped right out of my head.
This has to be a mistake. I looked at the balance. It was all wrong.
“What the hell?”
The receipt shot out next as the screen switched to a simple, THANK YOU, in bold letters. I ripped the receipt from its place and studied the numbers. The balance on the thin piece of white paper matched that of the balance on the screen.
This has to be a mistake.
As I stood in disbelief, staring at the fifty-seven thousand dollars that was now said to be in my account, my eyes glanced up and I saw Christine staring at me from across the street. I felt like she knew exactly what I was staring at on that money slip.
When she shook her head, I crumpled the paper and forced it into my coat pocket before rushing to my car and driving away from that quaint, little street in the center of town.
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @jiminstinypinky @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @acciowolfstar1
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misty--nights · 3 months
And finally, episode 8. This rewatch has been fun. It really forced me to pay attention to the details and I’ve found so many interesting thing I’d missed before. I think by now it’s more than safe to say that this has become one of my absolute favorite shows, and I can’t wait for my brain to insist I should watch it yet again.
Edwin's reaction feels so fair to me. I also did a double take the first time I saw Crystal swallow the memories. Love that Charles is trying to be supportive and stuff, but I agree with Edwin on this one. Those things are so big, how is your first instinct to swallow then whole?
Charles' face when Crystal is explaining her name is kind of similar to the one he has in episode 3 and 5 when Niko is doing something amusing. It's a mixture of endeared and a little baffled that I find so charming
Can Esther understand Monty in crow form or is she just pretending to have conversations with him like how you do with pets? Honestly, I'm not sure which one would be better. Both options have a lot of potential
Someone please give Crystal a hug. Or two. The way her voice breaks when she's talking to her parents, how her eyes get dimmer and dimmer the more she realizes that they suck and didn't miss her, how she sounds when she tells the boys about it, ugh. It breaks my heart
Back to another intro detail, but doesn't the surface of the mirror the skelletons go through kind of look like the mirror Charles sees himself in in episode 7. Like the frame is different, but the surface with the grid lines reminds me of the one in hell
I love the rooftop scene so much. Edwin and Niko have such a precious friendship and I wish we had even more of them interacting. Now I know I've seen people mention how Edwin is so comfortable with Niko's touch and how ge lets her cuddle up to him in that scene. But also, up until this point we haven't seen him truly iniciate touch with others (besides Charles) but he bumps Niko's shoulder when he's joking about Monty and offers her his hand to take. I just think that's neat
Crystal looks tiny next to Niko when they're talking to Jenny
"The whole thing was such a mystery" and "no rest for the wicked". The tone the officer uses for these lines? Chilling. I'm telling you, there's something weird about the people in town at times and the Port Townsend police are walking a line btween purposefully useless and downright sinister
There's something to be said about Crystal offering to wipe Jenny's memories, if she wants. We've followed her the whole season trying to get her own memories back, so it's huge that she's willing to take someone else's if that could help. Because she cares about Jenny, in that same, quiet way that Jenny cares about her and Niko. Also the way she emphasizes that she can take the memories only if Jenny wants that is actually so important to me
For some reason I always assume the girls are going to hold hands in that scene where they're looking for the Cat King and Crystal gives Niko her cleaver back. Even though this is the third time I watch it, I always expect it, and I'm always a little disappointed when all Crystal does is change what hand is holding her own cleaver
Not to question old dark magic or anything, but I am so curious as to how Esther's snake works. Did she already have the snake? Did she find it and make a pact with it? How does it transform little girls into youth for Esther? Also, the Cat King calls it Esther's snake, but then later on Esther says "I never thought I'd be eating kids to stay young and beautiful" so I don't know. Many questions about this
Tragic Mick makes a point of saying the bear figure is a gift and is on him, but the girls very much leave the store without paying for the salt so... Two gifts?
Niko keeps insisting she's not brave, but she was ready to charge into Esther's house after hearing Edwin's scream
Litty and Kingham's coats in the igloo have a dandelion decoration on the chest
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