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seasononesam · 7 months ago
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So, what, are you gonna just cut it out? Hey, good idea.
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negativespace06 · 1 year ago
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are we in the circus or something???
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artismonkeys · 3 months ago
woke up and i cant figure out how to be normal
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pretty-idol-hell · 1 year ago
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A little while back, it was revealed that March 2024's birthday promise will be added after the Idol Land maintenance on 3/13 and will feature Nino and Kanon.
There is a preview of Kanon's coords included in the announcement, and they are exactly what you'd expect. No preview for Nino except for her t-shirt coord so she should be getting something new, also as you would hopefully expect!
And as for Hibiki and Falulu...
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Hibiki and Falulu's respective birthday gatchas will take place from 3/18/24 12:00 JST to 4/1/24 11:59 JST.
Honestly, I am not surprised. Sorry guys!
I'd like to note at this point, neither Hibiki nor Falulu's SCRs have been released in Idol Land yet... SO...
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crownlessam · 4 years ago
i’m sure this has been discussed in far more articulate ways but. sam’s specific brand of anger in i know what you did last summer’s flashbacks is so. it’s so. god it’s the epitome of it has to be my fault she said so i can fix it. even though it’s dean who made the deal, he sealed his fate, there was nothing sam could do to save him. but he fails to kill lilith the first time and THAT’S the driving force. NOW he has something to blame. not just himself, but a demon, another monster. in a way he becomes john winchester… 2! on his one man revenge quest. he’s full of grief and wrath and guilt and he pushes everyone away, even bobby, and that’s what makes it so easy for ruby to become the snake in the garden promising him if he eats the demon blood apple everything will be okay. he can start to absolve himself if he just says yes to the her.
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wardencommanderrodimiss · 7 years ago
tfw you can’t draw your own OC
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unkillability · 7 years ago
bloodwork liverz gutz enzymes sandglass hourtime guts guts guts you LOSE in whitelights hospitals you LOSE off your feet you DROP bellybelow and burn gas at half/hourz paypergallon you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose you are afraid of the brown notebook of the mildewcide and dropoff loops you LOSE the stars in stitches ripped staples dont clot you lose and cant run pull strings you dont put your hand thru the wall or make anything better you LOSE the chance no do-overs no golden gates no rewriting vomit up the stairs you dont have means to make it better you understand some things dont get better you LOSE and LOVE thru doom-tinted glasses you accept some things dontgetbetter good days baseline somethingsdontgetbetter soaking up the floor stroking in evening sunglow doesnt mean you cant be happy doesnt mean you cant stitchtogether doesnt mean you cant find free-peace doesnt mean hurt wont happen doesnt mean it gets better doesnt mean you beat the rot off doesnt mean you have much time doesnt mean its FAIR you roll up seal yourself to the bathroom carpet epoxy brained epoxy heatrash you feel nothing. you feel nothing. you feel nothing. you feel nothing. you feel nothing. you kiss lithium batteries and overheat your fingertips burn blindspots into your retinas you run and feel ok with the crickets and cicada-mosquitoes you find nothing you cling to and you ripthe band-aids all off your chest you rip the band-aids all off your chest and regret every word somehow coughing up a continuum and pretend you get better you dont know what that is you want the stars. you want the stars. you want the stars. you want selfless power. you want to be a shield. you hope the bad ending doesnt hit this time. you hope you sound different. you dont know what you want just what you want for loved ones. you want stars. dizzy fair different stars.
 you are and get guts. 
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slavicgirlfriend · 7 years ago
honestly..... im not surprised so many people are afraid of ralph idk whats wrong with him but i think we gotta take him to a behaviorist or something
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ashdoesfandomarchieved · 4 years ago
I will legitimately add to this when my brain starts working again, but honestly the reason they work is as you said: THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. Like when you see them both onscreen it's so so obvious that they genuinely enjoy being around each other and seeing each other's stupid faces and Idk the chemistry is just off the chart.
But yes to everything you said and I will reblog this again later with actual coherent thoughts.
why is marinler actually the best ship of all time
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aethernoise · 6 years ago
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Cane of the White Griffin! Had a great party and won his first game at Seal Rock (after waiting almost 30min in the queue uggghghg) to get exactly the amount of Wolf Marks I needed. The boy’s glamour goals are achieved for the time being, now onto... Content(tm) 
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dimplesandcurlsss · 7 years ago
Henlo, I just finished your most recent update of hearts don’t break around here, first of all I wanted to tell you that your writing is lovely and currently sits on my favourites list. Secondly, I wanted to let you know that ao3 doesn’t like you advertising things like Patreon or other payment sites on your fics and I believe they can even be taken down in some cases, I just wanted to let you know in case you didn’t -🐬
Aww thank you lovely! I’m so glad you like it!!!And yes...I have been told 🙈 I keep forgetting to delete it uggghghg but I will, thanks for the heads up :)
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psychotic-psypport · 8 years ago
I keep looking into people's eyes in school and I see Them and I don't know who to trust. I have to pace laps around the halls and around my tables to keep everyone safe from Them, but I can't be sure who to keep safe? And it's not like I panic from these urges I feel like I'm faking uggghghg
You’re not faking, first and foremost. With not trusting others, just keep yourself safe, ok? Take care of you and everyone else can protect yourself. You’re the only one They seem to be bothering, so it’s time to looks after yourself first. It’s very kind of you to care for them, but you’d feel better if you keep yourself safe first. As for not trusting them, just try and keep conversations light if you don’t feel ok. No one will blame you, and nothing would hurt you in front of everybody.
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scarlethallow160 · 6 years ago
uggghghg my group n i were gonna wait to binge s3 together but i got spoiled over something n was annoyed and then someone just said they started watching already so like if i had done the same i wouldnt have gotten spoiled
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princely-knightt · 6 years ago
hdjghgoddammit allison go fukcing eheiehi uggghghg,,, you keep messing hsit up
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severalbakuras · 7 years ago
s6 liveblog episodes 1-4 (late edit: skipped 3) here we fucking gooooooo
if this seems super lotor/keith/generals focused it’s bc it is, i literally don’t care about anyone besides lotor and keith and the generals and have multiple aus to vanish off into if any of them die this season lel. (late edit: looks like a good choice me!!)
oh hey it’s diyak (idk if that’s how it’s spelt)
lotor are you setting hunk up for pain (late edit: HE WAS) so diyak totally did this to lotor too huh.
that’s what vrepit sah means? kinda lame.
sendak’s fop organization is going well i see
and shireplica has no reaction to sendak at all again
tf was that face lotor
ooooooo haggar what you doing
IS THIS IT IS HAGGAR GONNA FIGHT THE WHITE LION (late edit: doesn’t look like it :////////////)
netflix please include a ‘skip transformation’ button the same as you do for the intro if they don’t have the decency to change it.
mmkay skipping ahead i’m bored ooh allura can bring back the dead, dark vld give me necromancer princess allura.
oh shit it’s honerva. please still be just as evil please PLEASE
episode two:
‘you drop a bomb like this and tell me you’ll explain later?’ - vld fandom.txt
space babble space babble time travel??
random note but has allura always had those purple earrings?
uh allura were you expecting a kiss there lelelel (and she does the same leap she did with the keith catch back in s2)
‘you sure you don’t need a third wheel for help’ ugghgghgghghgh is this what lance gets to do this season beyond fighting? pine after allura who’s gaga for lotor? i don’t ship it but if allurance is getting content this season deserves better then what i think is gonna happen (bc lbr even if lotor doesn’t have the creepy shit from the original there’s way too much bad blood from the original 80s voltron for them to think making lotura canon at ALL is a good idea).
(also related i am v concerned for lotor if this is the plot line allura and lance are getting)
didn’t mention it before but once again the background artists knock it out of the fucking park. massive kudos.
guys they only started getting along like... five days ago like holy shit. why is this show so bad at pacing.
lmao his first thought was that krolia was after glory
aww keithdad ;A;
omg so keith’s hoverbike is made from parts from krolia’s ship i think!!
who is this adorable comet wolf?
ok this doesn’t answer how keithdad died though.
they’ve been timey-wiming for TWO YEARS????????????????????????????????????????? i...
nah that’s pretty fucking dumb lol like it’s great that keith and krolia got to hang out for two years but like that’s a long fucking time to be stuck with one person on a space whale. and it totally feels like they wanted to deal with all keith and krolia’s emotional reconnecting and healing and stuff offscreen too.
uggghghg this is seriously how the allurance arc is gonna go.
first we don’t know keithdad’s name and i bet they won’t tell us the warp wolf’s name either.
is THAT romelle??
episode three:
mmmmmmmmmyeah skip. if i were to rewatch the series from start to finish i’d be more open to watching this much like the coran show but it’s like when a stevenbomb is 80% townie, sure it’s important but i don’t care i’m bored where is the plot. 
episode four:
so this is technically the second visit of lotor’s to this place (given it’s confirmed honerva was pregnant af when she entered it) wonder if it feels familiar?
uggggh i have Foreboding Feelings about this.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeppp. time to swing lotor back around to holding the villain ball i guess.
fjsdkgjdksagjadlfhgjfd i’m sure something tragic is going to happen to romelle’s little brother but his fucking voice i literally just choked on my drink when i heard it. it’s fucking newt pippington british hooves from friendship is witchcraft oh my gOD.
(like this is shitty. i won’t argue against that, at all. but i’ve also stanned characters who’ve objectively done even worse. so i’m not unstanning lel. canon lotor moves from the slightly problematic box with wrathion/my skyrim main/zodd to the pretty problematic box with jasper/garrosh/yami bakura/sylvanas. not quite in the what-the-fuck-problematic box with the monster deer from ‘the ritual’/my ‘hello naughty everyone it’s murder time’ skyrim alt/slan but he’s definitely changed stan tiers)
(plus like it’s functionally identical to my warcraft main’s arcane torrent racial ability so like i can’t be too mad at lotor for doing something i do against almost all spellcasting enemy mobs and players)
(like also i’ve had my own mental lotor running around in a dozen aus for months now who’s been ignoring canon for the most part since almost... yeah since like s4. and i also have shipped (and continue to ship) keitor since s301 despite us having literally no content at all. canon has never mattered to me with this ship and it never will.)
hey @scrawlers isn’t this eerily like that horror thing lmao (only it’s not shiros and they’re not dead)
like if this is meant to be part of lotor’s ~grey morality~ did someone take lessons from the warcraft writers lol this is exactly the same shit they’re pulling with sylvanas right now.
DON’T DO THIS TO HER YOU BASTARDS. (late edit: they did.)
i’d like to quote myself from a few episodes ago: “guys they only started getting along like... five days ago like holy shit. why is this show so bad at pacing.”
allura’s super strength makes a long awaited return, lotor you deserved that lol.
BLACK PALADIN KEITH IS BACK BABY (god i wish it were under better circumstances though.
ugh even with black paladin keith back, do i want to keep watching? not right now and definitely not for the reasons the writers probably would want me to. i mean i probably will finish it tomorrow for completionism’s sake but like. i won’t be watching for the story i’ll be watching for aj locascio’s and steve yeun’s vocal performances and the background art and the animation.
which is a damn shame but it is what it is.
just fyi if you (this is a general you) read this and think i shouldn’t think this writing is bad, regardless of your stance on lotor (anti/stan/neutral etc)? i don’t give a shit, keep it to yourself because i’m not interested and you won’t be getting a response lel.
you’re allowed to think it’s good, i’m allowed to think it’s bad.
(also if you’re thinking ‘if you think the writing is bad why do you still stan canon lotor and why are you going to keep watching the series?’ my answer is i do what i want.)
i’m dumping my self-imposed spoiler embargo, i’ve ceased all the fucks i have to give about what potential this show had and have fully shifted into ‘i’m gonna watch this trainwreck pull into the station’ mode.
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unmutedlark-blog · 7 years ago
ugh ok less help than i was hoping for there but at least we’re on a lower dose and hopefully she’ll get back to me soon about getting on new meds i just have to weather this out but it’ll be a little less extreme on the 75s uggghghg
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