#ufos in texas
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world-prayers · 1 year ago
UFOs in Texas Sky: Exclusive Look At UFO Surge
Witnesses share their chilling encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena in the heart of West Texas. Is there something strange happening above Brewster County? UFOs in Texas Sky! Humanity has looked up at the stars for centuries, pondering the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Meanwhile, countless stories of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are dismissed as figments of imagination.…
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rhetthammersmithhorror · 1 year ago
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The Lathe of Heaven | 1980
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criscostarr · 9 months ago
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Cowboy, collage, 2024
It's been a second since I polished one of these off. I've used Nez in my collages before, but never as the main subject.
I typed lyrics from his "Tomorrow & Me" with my new Smith Corona typewriter, and used lots of cartoons ripped off of a collection of CB radio QSL cards from the archive I work at. I also made sure the barn interior pic in the background was from TEXAS. I'm really pleased with how this came out.
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theofficialastronomy101 · 7 months ago
More than 30 people in Southern California reported seeing a giant fireball flash across the night sky on July 25, but what caused it is still a mystery. The American Meteor Society received 34 reports of witnesses seeing the fireball over the San Diego area at around 9:20 p.m. The fireball was also reportedly seen by residents of New Mexico, eastern Texas, and across the border in Mexico.
Our camera is facing south and the object flew from west to east,” Woods told NBC 7 News. “I first thought it might be a Starlink launch because this is the exact trajectory I’ve seen in previous launches, but there was nothing scheduled. So what could it have been?
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likeburningcoal · 3 months ago
Sometimes your brain won’t let you sleep until you google the earliest UFO crash on record.
Anyway it’s from 1897 in a spec of a town in Texas.
50 years before Roswell. There were lots of sightings before but that’s the earliest crash I found.
I actually knew about it before but it’s fun to know it’s the first.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 years ago
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I had to buy.
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Has every location on our planet been visited by UFOs? The answer appears to be a resounding: yes! I put out a challenge to anyone interested in this subject: name a town or city anywhere on this planet, and I will find a UFO case there. Hundreds of people have responded, and so far, every place I have investigated has a history of UFOs and extraterrestrials. In Part Three of this series, “UFOs in Your Hometown,” we continue the search for UFOs across planet Earth, covering nine different locations, including Ealing, London (UK,); Frankfort, IN; Warrenton, MO; Santa Clarita, CA; Milwaukee, WI; Roseville, CA; Show Low, AZ; Littleton, MA and Bastrop, TX. These cases include the full range of UFO activity: sighting, landings, humanoids, onboard encounters, even a possible UFO crash.
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fira54funko · 11 months ago
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One Night In The Desert Pt. II Heading To Texas.
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To Be Continued!
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year ago
Caso Cash-Landrum: OVNI provoca QUEIMADURAS graves em idosa e a faz evocar a SEGUNDA VINDA DE CRISTO
Dezembro é o mês em que se completa mais um ano do Incidente Cash-Landrum no Texas, um dos mais conhecidos e documentados da ufologia, emblemático pelas queimaduras e danos colaterais físicos graves causados por um OVNI em forma de diamante que expelia chamas e era escoltado por um enxame de helicópteros militares Chinooks CH-47 de rotor duplo, e que, apesar disso, chegou a ser encarado por uma das testemunhas como sendo a "Segunda Vinda de Cristo à Terra". Você irá tomar parte da reconstituição e revisão atualizadas de todos os detalhes e entender o motivo de seu apelo duradouro e da aura dramática que ainda o reveste.
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✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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ufosightingsfootage · 1 year ago
Multicoloured UFO Was Filmed Today Over Charlotte, NC
2 amazing UFO videos just sent in to us today,the first one just happened a few hours ago over Charlotte NC USA. The second one happened over Houston Texas New Years day. Amazing.
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tourintexas · 2 years ago
A few weeks ago, I was looking through my telescope when I found this object.  I have no idea what it was; but it was interesting the way it seemed to be rotating or spinning and the way it was so bright.  I’m in Northeast Texas, and this was found looking North. 
I always hated having to peer through the eyepiece of the telescope, so I modified a webcam by removing the lens and disconnecting the auto-focus feature it had so I can now plug it into my laptop for real-time viewing.   The webcam fits perfectly into the telescope right where the eyepiece would go. Photography is simple now.   I just click the mouse for either stills or video like this one.  Viewing is even nicer.  I can sit comfortably in a chair, looking at my laptop no matter what position the telescope’s in. 
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skrytch · 27 days ago
Additional context about Marfa
Have no clue what a mop mold is though
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hey. what the fuck does this mean
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artistrichardhfay · 11 days ago
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Speculative poem "Texas Stargazin'" originally published November 2010 in Issue 7 of Abandoned Towers and also published August 2023 in the double-length speculative poetry collection Cosmic Journeys and Gothic Visions: a.co/d/9JzxBin Illustration "Texas Stargazin'" previously unpublished.
Why would a poet who resides in upstate New York write a poem about stargazing in Texas? Because an editor/publisher prodded him into it, that's why! That's the story behind my poem "Texas Stargazin'". An editor prodded me into submitting something for a Texas-themed anthology. However, my poem didn't make the cut for inclusion in said anthology. That's OK, the editor/publisher then published the work in her own zine.
"Texas Stargazin'" is actually a heavy reworking of a more general poem entitled "Stargazing" I once shared on a speculative fiction forum. The illustration accompanying the poem here was meant for the illustrated poetry collection the very same editor/publisher who prodded me into composing "Texas Stargazin'" was planning on publishing. However, when the editor/publisher dropped the project, I decided against publishing an illustrated collection and had to find other uses for the illustrations. In several cases, as here, I've colored the unused illustration and combined them with my poems for sharing online.
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txnmblog · 16 days ago
TXNM Spookiest Places
As the proud owner of TXNM, my travel blog is diving headfirst into the epic 20-part series on the spookiest places in Texas and New Mexico. Over the next 20 weeks, I’ll unveil a unique and horrifying location each week, sharing tales so chilling that they might just haunt your dreams. Who knew a good scare could be as thrilling as a beautiful sunset? I’ll be kicking things off with a real…
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fairlyycertainn · 1 month ago
Seeing a UFO was actually not as insane as I thought it would be. I was a little disappointed after realizing what I just saw, which sucked cause now I know they're so real but like in the most boring way possible
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