#ueueue. i miss
chinchillion · 5 days
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mblue-art · 21 days
I want to see more your selfship arts 🥹
🥺 hey, u, anon. thank u, i appreciate u and this ask lots very much <3
here's crumbs of me and red ft. that ok-lala meme/trend 🥺
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extra under the cut <3
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"It is so silly, I can't believe- hey, are you still listening?" "yeah,"
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srasdoesthings · 1 month
**✿❀Day 5: Exes❀✿**
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Was struggling to pick a couple for this day when when a fellow femstars discord member (@meltypinksugar) suggested EiHiyo and honestly. I fell in love with it ajdbnahd. I've also written up a little accompaniment blurb under the cut^^ She also helped a lot in beta-ing this piece, so big BIG thanks to him. Thank you Aurie ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*. Enjoy~
“You know, I really dislike you, Ei-chan.”
The blonde doesn't react more than a simple hum. Her face remains placid, the image of calm and serenity. But Hiyori sees it --the slightest twinkle of mischief hidden behind a curtain of long pale lashes and it lights the irritation burning in her brighter.
They were in the gazebo of some party their parents urged them to attend, eager to get away from two-faced banter, drunkards, and sycophants. Eichi leaned over the railings, the smooth slope of her back curved prettily, framed by draped fabric. Hiyori stands behind her, eyes flicking between the deep red rose shrubs decorating the structure and her.
How irritating, she can't help but keep looking at her. Honestly, this whole night was all bad Hiyori.
They arrived nearly at the same time. Eichi sauntered into the entrance just as Hiyori was about to enter the main venue. Now, Hiyori knew Eichi would be there and has done exceptionally well in tolerating her as of late --maybe even enjoying her presence, but seeing her this early into the event put her into bad Hiyori.
Hiyori wanted to leave and ignore her then. Just another annoying Ei-chan thing. As she turned to leave, though, something caught her eye. That color, their accessories, the ungodly amount of pearl detailing… Their outfits were quite similar, weren't they?
She eyes Eichi the whole party, glaring at her across the ballroom, studying her form. The more she stared, the more similarities she saw between them.
A cream gown, decorated in roses and pearls, ruffled sleeves. Well whatever, their gowns had different accent colors! The silhouette was all different too, so it didn't matter.
They also had their hair styled similarly, front locks twisted into loose braids pinned to the side to compliment their similar rosette headdresses, everything pinned and decorated by a crown of pearls. Still, Hiyori had more rosettes than her, and, again, they were of different colors, so it wasn't the same!
The only thing she could not explain away though, what got to her most, were their nails.
A day ago, she and the rest of the Pretty 5 went out to get their manicures done together as a bonding activity. Knowing this ball was coming up, Hiyori opted for a simple pale pastel pink set. She thought it would be cute, even if her dress was a much darker red.
And here comes Eichi, her cream gown accented by pale pastel pink details and roses --her nails painted in dark red polish.
It made it look like they were matching. Like back then…
Hiyori stares at Eichi again. Under the intense warm light in the gazebo, she drinks in the sight of Eichi in her gown.
She was as beautiful as ever. The fabric of her gown hugged her body, accentuating Eichi's slender frame. The long span of fabric draped over her shoulders and to the ruffles on her wrists were flowy, billowing as she moved, graceful and elegant.
She was out of this world. So heavenly that it irked Hiyori. She can't look away from her.
“You're staring,” Eichi hums. She turns to Hiyori, who, in a trance, walks up to where the blonde stood. Cream skirt meets cream skirt. They slotted together. Hiyori's ball gown pressed against Eichi’s mermaid dress. The blonde let out a soft chuckle. “Did you miss me that much, Hiyori? How cute.”
“Not at all.” Yet Hiyori’s arm still moves to embrace her, hands exploring the free expanse of her back, feeling up the slope of her shoulders, how they twitched and shivered under her touch. Her nails left faint, red marks down to the small of Eichi's back before finally she finally settled on playing with the thin strap of her gown. “You really annoy me~”
They lean close to each other, forehead to forehead. Purple meets blue. Hiyori's free hand snakes up the front of Eichi's gown, trailing up from her waist to her sides, her bicep, before wrapping long fingers around her neck.
Eichi meets her head on, intense eyes staring right back at her. She feels Eichi's hand hover over her hips, unsure but clearly wanting.
She hates her. Her lips look so kissable.
“I really dislike you lots, Ei-chan.” Hiyori leans in and captures Eichi's lips in her own.
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baerryjj · 2 years
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Finlenia sketch of the day bc I miss them. UEUEUE they're so soft <33🌸
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teriiblog · 8 months
finn is absolutely the kinda guy who fantasizes abt his own wedding and raising a family like the whole shabam of it all. That guys got the planner and pinterest boards ready.
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kroosluvr · 10 months
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recent kofi member headshot requests!!! i still have a few slots open for this tier (softserve) and berry tier is always open :3 feel free to check it out here.....
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brotome · 1 month
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ryuga dooble for a rainy day
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garoujo · 1 year
hiii ʕ ⸝⸝⸝⁰⃚⃙̴ ༝ ⁰⃚⃙̴ ʔ me & nagi are back ♡
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stellabyystarlight · 1 year
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happy valentine's day (once again !) for valentine's day 2021 and 2022 i drew fem adeuce so this year i drew fem epel w/ them :3c dresses are based on some designs i found on pinterest with some details i added on my own! ^_^
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kiilttis-art · 1 year
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aikai1609 · 2 years
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milfhandholder · 1 year
Grelliam hcs bcs I bully Will too much LMAO:
Grell "fell first" Sutcliff and William "FELL HARDER" T. Spears
I may be an OVA liker BUT to me, young Grell was so stubborn that her crush didn't exist, she bullied William for the first few years after their exams
Will didn't give a shit frankly but sometimes he'd reply with a deadpan joke and that made Grell go >:(
Older reapers and reapers their age will tell you that Grell is the scary one and Will's the nice one
Junior reapers (ESPECIALLY RON bcs although he loves both of them, he is very Grell-biased in the same way Anya is Loid's girl) will tell you the exact opposite
Young William was essentially young Grell's morality compass
Grell: I could skin him alive if I so please
William: that's horrible, please do not
It took a very long time for William to actually defrost the ice queen. She has ego issues, please be gentle 💔
And it took even longer for them to mutually admit that they like each other
He also gave her the red coat she wore in the German arc bcs ooooooh someone's jealous
Grell is the first girl he ever had a crush on
He is such a mess because he has ZERO (0) RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE
Grell's a little nervous in pursuing him because he's the first man she likes after a train of horrible men
Grelliam are The Power Couple of Dispatch. William is a natural at managing everything and everyone with utter ease, and everyone KNOWS Grell would kill God with her eyes closed if a case demanded it. I call them: The Prince and The Crimson Knight
Sometimes Grell is the big spoon because that's what she's used to and William is internally just going "holy FUCK"
Present day / post-'divorce' William literary has no idea how strong Grell is because (canonically) she loses in every fight against him because she likes him so much
William just thinks she's losing her touch but really it's just.....
Grell: I bestow you the highest honor I can give *loses in every fight against you so your ego gets boosted*
If he were to find out just how strong she is, he'd get turned on actually
William likes his women strong and capable
In a way, they're like each other's bi (re)awakening because William genuinely thought he couldn't be into girls (his type is women who could kill him) and Grell thought she was over men (her SUPERIOR type is men who she could kill)
William HATES pda (he's autistic like me so true) and genuinely feels bad that he can't give Grell what she wants but honestly, Grell's just happy READ MY FIC
So after reading all that, you're going to call me insane for this but they never dated (in my opinion).... stay with me here
They were basically "will they, won't they" to everyone else in Dispatch but to each other, I guess they were in a weird situationship?? Neither of them were in a hurry to make it official but they do enjoy each other's presence
Then came Grell going off with Madame and things got REALLY MESSY
Basically, Will found out and got PISSED because it was supposed to be the two of them against the world, as the paragons, but Grell had to throw that away for some girl
He didn't rat her out immediately because he still loves her and doesn't want her to get in trouble before something serious could be used as evidence
Also he basically helped lessened her sentence because he's soft for her, even if he wants to deny that
William is one of the few people who has seen her cry, other than Othello of course
He knows she has always put on a tough persona for everyone else because she doesn't like anyone knowing they got under her skin. It annoys him a bit because he's thinking "why can't you be honest with yourself? To me?"
And Grell absolutely hates how he knows a little too much about her. She doesn't show it or tell him, but it is something she internalizes a lot
William knows how much Grell likes and adores playing with children. He even called her out once when she told him she doesn't "do kids"
If they met each other in their human life, I believe they either would've gotten married secretly eventually or hate each other and thought nothing more of it
Grell's thumb is literally more artistic than Will could ever be so he looks up to her (secretly) in that regard
I think a younger Grell had told William some bits of her life, especially her ex wife (that I mentioned once or twice before) and the first man she ever liked. I imagine William not being insecure about it because he's like "he's your first love, I intend to be your last"
Young William was, however, EASILY JEALOUS by her random hookups as a freshly dead person. He's sitting there, seething, thinking shit like "SHE DESERVES BETTER THAN YOU, PONYTAIL"
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salsflore · 5 months
iiii remembered i used to run like two rp blogs with my buddy (who had two of her own) and oh em gee how i miss her...
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scriptistired · 1 year
Happy birthday to the man that taught me english, made me realise I had ADHD and convinced me to work on my own stupid ambitious projects, all of that never knowing my name.
I wanna draw something proper soon, but for now have this thing i made back when i found out
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wintersera · 4 months
anons i miss yall :(
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willows-rambles · 1 year
I was talking with @glowstiix over on my RP blog and I just need to write down some thoughts re: Metal and Proto
okay so I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that i do ship MetalBlues BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT HERE THAT'S JUST EXTRA FUN
obv this is all dependent on the interpretation but to me metal and blues are 1000000% foils bc it's just. clenches fist.
1) i think they're mortal enemies 100%. i mean, like, hello?? the eldest of their respective "families"/factions. there's a lot of seniority and status involved in that
2) they're. probably both weak as fuck to each other, just due to them both being immensely powerful and also immensely vulnerable. it's always a cold war between the two of them, almost daring each other to make the first wrong move
3) depending on how ppl interpret them this varies but like. to me, there's an immense dislike between them not just because of point 1. in my hc, Blues does keep a fairly close eye on the Lightbots and has tasked himself with ensuring that Rock survives and learns to be independent. obviously, Metal is against that. his entire purpose is to kill Rock.
4) on the flipside of that, Metal, while he doesn't see Blues as a traitor as much as some of the Thirds still do, still holds an immense grudge towards him for his betrayal as Break Man. while he didn't ever trust Blues, that move was, in his opinion, all the more reason for him to outwardly dislike the prototype. not to mention Metal is fiercely loyal to Wily. I'm.. sure he recognizes to some extent that what Wily did to Blues was horrible, but he also sees it as Wily giving Blues a second chance he didn't deserve. he should be grateful.
5) and on top of all that, there's this... mutual understanding that neither are very keen to acknowledge. Not just each other's strength, but the burden the other carries. It's the same. The burden of a leader, of the head of the family. of being, in some way or another, flawed. of an almost inherent loneliness, welcome or not.
I think the two of them, in theory, try to avoid each other as much as possible, because to meet otherwise almost certainly means a face-off neither can win.
But truthfully, Blues is older, and the combination of his shield and buster means he's stronger so long as he does not get hit, and he taunts Metal with this. Metal also recognizes that removing Blues from the hierarchy gives him an advantage against Rock.
In the end, they're doomed to walk a very narrow, tense line.
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