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i am too feral to watch cr or listen to taz or write so i think you all should ask me about my d&d characters
#choose from:#tov (dragonborn shadow sorc)#craving (tief rogue)#ebbie (chicken monk)#ester (gnome ranger)#ezra (human paladin)#gildy (dwarf forge cleric)#udoora (half orc half drow paladin)#currently playing the first 3#rest are from oneshots/dead campaigns/backups
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#i made udoora less than 6 hours ago and i'd already kill every person on earth for her to smile#her backstory isn't even tragic i just love her
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main takeaway: my next d&d character has to lean hard punk to even the scales
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3, 12, 21 for as MANY ocs as you want to talk about! It's ask meme monday, it's a national holiday. go a little wild. treat yourself
it’s not ask meme monday again for 2 more hours so this isnt late.
As a general rule, I’m picking mostly OCs who I haven’t developed as much just for funsies!
3. Scars/Painful spots:
Gent: I think I’ve said once before he has a jagged sort of circle-y scar on one of his shoulders from the time he and his crewmates got drunk and tried to play wine bottle swords. I also think he’s got a healed over stab wound in his thigh from sexy pirate dagger battles. His hands and shoulders used to be a lot sorer, when he was working as a boatswain/general deck hand, but now that’s he’s graduated to navigator, he doesn’t get as much physical exertion and he doesn’t hurt as much.
Udoora: Taking a page out of Fjord Criticalrole’s book, I think she has some pain around her tusks. While for Fjord it’s because he physically files them down, for Doora, it’s more natural. Elf jaws are shaped even worse than human jaws to have hugeo tusks in them, and given that she’s half drow, there’s a lot of tooth in not a lot of space in there. It’s not like, excruciating pain or anything, but they can get irritated, like when your wisdom teeth first start coming in and pushing on your other teeth.
Gildy: She has arthritis! Mostly in her knees at the moment, which makes it hard for her to move around (especially in heavy armor). Thankfully it hasn’t gotten into her hands yet, so she can still smith easily. If it does start creeping in, she is a cool cleric now and can probably provide herself with fairly good pain relief so she doesn’t have to give up her hobby!
12. Grudges & Vendettas:
So like, Craving and Stella and Ezra all have super huge grudges that are the basis of their entire backstory so we’re gonna skip them. Don’t beat a dead horse and all that.
Roona: She is so unbelievably petty, she has SO many grudges. She has gotten slightly better over the years, and Vinny’s been an especially good influence on her, but she still is kind of the opinion that people who don’t enjoy her brand of sponteneity and doing shit for the sake of doing it are just stuck up lame-os who need to get out of their own heads, even if Roona’s way of living is like. Actively disruptive to them. Still not her problem. The grudges come in whenever someone confronts her about this difference in lifestyle rather than just rolling their eyes and moving on. Name just about any town she’s been to (on the normal material plane) and she can give you the name of at LEAST one person there who sucks major ass spoon.
Hed’ja: Their religious poetry is objectively terrible. But if you say anything of the like to their face, you’re on the shit list. Now, they’re very good in general at not letting their grudges show from day to day. But you know, maybe your family’s offering will go missing in transit to the shrine when praying for a rich harvest. Or maybe the villian who gets gruesomely be-headed and de-boweled in their next 42 stanza ballad will happen to share your name, which is fine, cause you won’t ever read it, ‘cause you think its sucks.
Udoora: She’s an absolute sweet as sugar, bleeding heart, forgive and forget, everyone has their hardships and it’s best not to judge since you can’t know what they all are type of girl. She’s a lawful good paladin. She lays on hands with cheek kisses. She doesn’t hold any grudges! She actively tries to love harder the more she’s hated. Fight fire with water type of thing.
Except there’s this one fucking miner from her hometown who bullied her relentlessly as a child and she’s cordial and pleasant to her as much as the next person she meets, but also if her patron was like “I’m gonna close my eyes for one hour and whatever you do, I will not see it, go fucking apeshit”. Doora knows where she’s going.
Nissy: I will simply say that this man walks through the world with an attitude of grudge-worthy until proven innocent.
21. Turning points in their lives:
Ok for this one I’m picking out one turning point explicitly NOT related to their main backstory conflict.
Craving: I’ve talked about this once before, but Tiefling Homeschool because that was baby’s first crush on a girl.
Tov: I’m thinking about a Gladeroth scene for another proseboy sent by Morgan so fuck it! I’ll say it! Meeting Glade for one night in the woods where someone looked at him and decided he could possibly be a good dude.
Stella: Owning her first pet! She grew up in the woods like Around animals but had never had a pet before, and once she had her own regular job and could pay to take care of an animal and didn’t have to move around too much to have one, it was a marker for her mental health and self confidence to be able to look at this little thing and go! That’s mine! I made that stay alive!
Hedja: Losing their eye.
Gildy: The first moment she was told she was going to be a Grandma.
Ezra: When he was eight or so, and one of the Clerics in the temple found him crying in the library because it was taking him so long to read his book of prayers, and getting gently pushed towards the training hall for the bigger boys, blowing his nose into the cleric’s sleeve, and entering this huge empty space smelling like sawdust and old sweat, and being asked to swing his tiny little eight year old fists at this huge punching bag, and doing it, and doing it, and doing it, until he realized he wasn’t crying anymore, and keeping doing it until he was exhausted, and teetering over to the bench and sitting down with the cleric and being told there’s more than one way to show piety, if words in mouths aren’t working, courage and hands might be another way.
Udoora: The first time she met a drow other than her dad.
Nissy: Getting sat down at his third decade or so and getting told about the beacon, and consecration, and really having den politics explained to him, and becoming brutally aware for the first time in his life how long all these expectations were going to be borne on his shoulders.
Ebbie: When his brother and husband got married and adpoted their first kid, and suddenly Ebbie wasn’t the baby of the family any more.
Roona: Realizing they literally just. Didn’t have to go to school if they didn’t want to. Goodbye.
Gent: When his moms got married! He was about 7 when they met, and 10 when they officially tied the knot. Going from a one parent to a two, super queer, parent household was really formative for him!
#GOD the whiplash in proseness on that last ask#i just got lost in the ezra and stella sauce#craving#tov#stella#hedja#gildy#ezra#udoora#nissy#ebbie#roona#gent
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i'm on a rampage...... d10 option, two per question if you wanna (though some of these are geared for characters you've actually played). for the 100 warm up questions: 34 (roll or pick, i guess?), 48, 50 (roll/pick), 73, 100!
i finally answer this ask after two days of thinking about it and not writing out anything asmr ...................
34. What does your character admire and dislike most about the player sitting to your left?
Ezra: Since we’ve only played on discord I rolled for it and got Pointy :3
He admires her courage - she never hesitates to run into melee and maybe it’s a doesn’t think things through kind of running, but she’s done it enough times after getting hurt pretty bad that he has to assume that there’s some sense of “I can help, so I’m going to” in there, and that’s something that speaks to his core as a sign of a good person. Not necessarily and admiration thing but that is also New Baby Sister.
What he dislikes ... it’s kind of too early to tell since we haven’t had Much time to really just like. get to know each other??? Like there’s nothing she’s done that he’s :/ about.
Craving: I’m using our old suite sitting arrangement bc doing this with Judhas is so so sexy
She admires how confident he is. All her confidence is a front, but everything Judhas has shown to her so far seems like he got shit on his whole life like she did, but he came out the other side thinking that he’s powerful and smart and right and has a future (even if it is in Hell) and she wants so badly to be able to feel the same about herself.
She dislikes. pretty much everything else. #1 shitty thing is his rancid vibes towards manic. #2 shitty thing is sending innocent souls to hell. #3 shitty thing is his mind talking. He uses its way too much and its kinda creepy and he always does it to people he doesn’t know and it freaks them out. #4 shitty thing is that he doesn’t like playing uno. #5 shitty thing is that he fucked up at the druid house and blew their cover and craving’s still mad about it #6 shitty th
48. What aspect of your character’s future are they most curious about?
Stella: She wants to know ... if anyone is ever going to revive her clan. She knows theres other survivors out there, she’s met a couple. Just after the fire no one really wanted to go back because of painful memories, and she gets that, but she gets a little sad thinking that absolutely everything is gonna be lost. She’s hoping they can maybe get a group to go back and even if they don’t go back to living there full time like they used to, you know, maybe they can have Something again. She’d like to go back to something that’s not a skeleton in the closet.
Roona: I mean like, she wants to know what the fuck Sepia Thanos is trying with these amulets. She’d like to know if she’ll get out of black and white hell. But beyond that, she actively doesn’t want to know what’s coming for her. She likes surprises. What’s the point of knowing what’s ahead of you, then you’ll just get lost thinking about it instead of what’s happening right now.
50. Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, under dire circumstances?
Ebbie: Like, Mia, cause that’s an entire baby. If anyone in the party other than him is going to die it probably shouldn’t be the 11 year old.
Tov: Hm. This one’s tough. There’s no one in the party that he’s attached at the hip to and would rescue in a “I can’t live without you” kind of way, nor is there anyone in the party that he feels like has a special reason to need rescuing (such as. Is a child.) or that he worries won’t be able to fend for themself. Probably Rowan? Both because Rowan can do healing magic and also because Rowan seems like the least likely to get defensive about getting saved. (Also like, Savra’s not part of the party but she hangs around them a fair amount so I do need to say like 110% he’s saving savra’s life if it comes down to it)
73. If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
Gildy: Really wouldn’t change much at all. Finish up some smithing projects she’s had in the works. Spend time with her kids and grandkids (Isaac included). She’s old, she’s accepted that time isn’t on her side, and she doesn’t have anything in her life that she feels like is a huge hole that needs to get filled. She’d be at peace with it.
Hedja: I mean, if this is in an instance in which their god is still super fucking evil they’d spend the rest of that month fervently trying to un-corrupt him, because they’re afraid that if they die then Avachel slips permanantly into shadow. If this is in an instance in which he’s not corrupted yet or post-corruption. Idk. Plan a cool miracle to go out on. Give the people a show to remember them by.
100. What, currently, is your character the most curious about?
Udoora: They haven’t done very much travelling, so just, she wants to see other cities and civilizations. She may not be a people person, but she’s very curious About other people, and she wants to see like. what they doing.
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1. 2, 18, 29 for anyone who won’t make you So Sad? also for gent, tov, and/or craving specifically: 19?
thank u morgan!!!!! i’m actually vibin i was right, the asks did help!!
1. Do they seek out love or let it find them? Are they even interested in romance?
Well I’m a sappy romantic fucker so pretty much all my characters end up being people who seek out love (be it romantic or platonic) even if I don’t intend them that way. I will say, I never intended romance as an gameplay option for Hed’ja or Roona (Hed’ja’s aro, Roona I just didn’t want to get invested in a short campaign). I’m on the fence with Ezra because he would in theory date someone but yall want it to be cyanwrath which :///////
(rolling for these next 4)
2. When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
Nissy: He’s a very blatant flirter. He’ll straight up just say to someone’s face “You know, you’re very attractive, any interest?” He’s only been like, deep enough to feel embarassed about it a few times (Mavy included), and then when he usually expresses his interest through gifts and things like that. Like a sugar daddy, but he does it even more when he hasn’t initiated a relationship yet.
18. Do they have a type?
Udoora: She likes the little, cutesy, softboi/softgirl aesthetic.
29. How do they express love to their partner?
Ezra: He doesn’t have a partner right now, but his love language is 100% acts of service. Doing the chores he knows they hate, waking up early to have breakfast ready for the both of them, pre-ordering their favorite fantasy takeout if he knows they’ve been having a shitty day, learning how to sew so he can fix their favorite shirt that ripped in the wash. Stuff like that.
19. What was their first impression about the person they’re courting?
Gent: Well, besides OH FUCK PEOPLE DON’T BELONG IN THE AIR, his first impression of Zephyr went something like “Oh, baby, you do Not belong on this boat”, and then once Zephyr started talking and being wizardly and also cool and also Very Much Into Pretty Things, it became “Ok, no, actually. You would do Great on this boat”
Tov: I think she might be too good for me. (Taken in the literal morality sense of the word good, because ofc they first met when Tov was looking at guilds to join around the city and Order of the Gauntlet was like We Are Righteous In Here and he was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but i suck a little tho)
Craving: She looks way too clean to have been brought in for drunkenness or public indecency, she probably has a reason to want out of this cell too.
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It’s math week!! So. Start at 80 and go down by ten for each character until you run out of characters to talk about
thank you for sending one in, and especially for making it math based. as i discussed, i will be answering according to modulo arithmetic to get one for each character.
80. How do they spend a rainy day?
Craving: Not fucking going outside, she’s in a full face of makeup and several layers of Heavy skirt fabric probably. She hates not moving though, so there’s a lot of pacing and making Manic play Uno with her, and throwing her dagger at the inn wall and the covering it up with furniture so they don’t have to pay for it.
Ebbie: Tinkering inside for HOURS on end. Hyperfixation boy. No one can make him go outside and garden or do monk practice so its weird contraption hours. 70. When it comes to clothing, what’s their style?
Tov: Tov is such a funny choice for this ask because he cares So little about his apperance. He’s that guy who has 50 variations on T-shirt and jeans because its comfy and simple and he doesn’t have to Think About It. In D&D world, he’s like. muted tones, tunic and traveler’s pants. Something breathable and easy to move in. Now, in like 10 years when he’s gotten out of his depression hole and Savra’s cleaned him up a bit, I think he’s like a sweater dad. Still comfy at its base, but a little bit of personality shows through in picking sweater colors/patterns. He’ll match them to the weather outside (He has sunny day sweaters and rainy day sweaters and windy fall day sweaters and SO many snow sweaters). Also fuck you a sweater is the opposite of a sexy cropped flannel.
60. Have they ever committed a crime, or something they felt was wrong? What was it?
Stella: She was literally a hired assassin for several years. So. She does feel wrong about the fact that she ever was, though, so there’s that! (It was a ‘make yourself useful or get disappeared by the criminal underworld’ sort of situation so she said hey I’ve got like. Really good aim.’)
Gent: NooooOOooooOOoooo of Cooooouuuuurse notttttttttttttttttttttttttt the Bladed Wench Is A Very Respectable Legal Merchant Vessel Thank You Very Much. Piracy, theft, and smuggling are things Gent has NEVER!!!!! done.
50. What’s their earliest memory?
Hed’ja: Getting sung to by their parents! They grew up a show biz kid of people devoted to a bard god, pretty much every free moment as a child was full of song and music.
40. Do people expect a lot from your character or look up to them? Why or why not?
Gildy: She’s a mother of 6 and grandmother of 13 + isaac, so like, those people think she’s pretty cool, ‘cause she was/is a good parent. But she’s not like, famous or anything, nor is she famed for her smithing or anything. She might be once she gets back from her adventures, but for now she has a slight reputation as the oldest lady in the forge, but that’s about it.
30. Does your character have a family? If so, do they get along with them?
Ezra: He was very close with his sister, but she died (?) 5 or so years ago. His parents are still alive, and he knows them, they’re like. Personable. But they gave him up when he was a toddler and his sister just born because they couldn’t afford to be parents, and he was raised in a church. He doesn’t hold it against them or anything, but he didn’t really grow up with them as present in his life as most people so their relationship is a little weird.
20. How would your character define love?
Udoora: She is SUCH a lover! Romantic, platonic, you name it, her heart is full. She likes to think that love is our default state. Love is inherent in every person, and compels all our actions towards each other, unless something is actively suppressing it.
10. Your character has discovered that they only have a week left to live. What do they do with that time? (god this one missed ebbie by one and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh literally JUST went through that bro).
Nissy: He would change absolutely nothing about his life. He’d maybe make sure to tell his sister and friends he loved them but other than that he’d do whatever the Fuck he wanted.
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so!!!! you have 4(?) characters on this blog who you haven't played or haven't played for more than like a oneshot. these questions are for Them: 62, 84 (feel free to double up or not). for the others: 20, 36, 59, 80, roll or choose!
Thank you so much morgan, and buckle in for a long boy of an ask!!!! 62. What’s something that really repulses them? Gent: I can’t remember if I’ve already said this, but he’s one of those people where if he sees someone throw up, he also throws up.
Stella: Not a lot can get to her after years in the criminal underground working as an assassin. But she fucking HATES when you bite into food and it’s the wrong texture. Like something is mushier than you’re expecting, or there’s a crunch when there’s not supposed to be.
(Were these supposed to be answered with like “murder”? Probably. But I gave you their worst sensory inputs instead).
84. What would they do if they had a really bad nightmare?
Hedja: Dream journal it away baybe!!! They have like. A bajillion notebooks, they LOVE to write stuff down, and they’ve found that writing down dreams is a really good way to process and move on from them, because you have to recount and face in physical words on a paper how nonsensical the things happening are.
Udoora: Back home, she’d smell flowers from her garden to calm down. On the road, if she doesn’t have any flowers on hand (i thought she got a plant creation spell as part of her paladin subclass smh she doesnt, she likes fresh air and singing to herself, and it makes her feel like bed time when she was really little.
Gent again cause he’s sexy: He would go onto the deck of the ship and stand at the bow and look out at the water and watch the stars reflected in them and count them as they bounced in the waves until his heart came back down from his throat and the ocean breeze had dried up the cold sweat and he remembered all the beauty in the universe that outweighs the terror.
20. How would your character define love? SO many people asked this one, I already did Craving and Roona and it’s also in Rebekah’s ask which I haven’t done yet. I’m just rolling for it tho. Ezra: I’ve talked about this in campaign a little bit, but for Ezra, love is something cultured, and developed, and worked hard at, through acts of service and comfort and intentional joy-bringing. Love is doing things on purpose for people to improve their existence. Love is constant work that you choose to do for others.
36. Tattoos. Do they want any? Do they have any? I don’t have any tattoos myself, so I often leave them off when designing characters so most of them don’t. Gent: does, but I’m not telling you what bc there’s some Backstory Secrets in there. Stella: probably does, I think that over time she’s covered herself in a lot of different forest life that has different significances to her (animals with a symbolic meaning, plants she grew up around and knows well, etc). Gildy: I think also has culturally significant tattoos, because I want to HC that it’s a dwarvish Thing to like get tattoos to a) showcase art and craftsmanship of the tattoo artist (like picking which artist you get your tat from is a Big Deal) and b) show off how much pain you can stand, by getting bigger and more detailed ones. I think Gildy’s got a full back covering of a mountain goddess. Craving: You’d think she would have them, but she doesn’t! Something about “someone is going to come at my vulnerable body with a sharp object and i am not supposed to move away” freaks her the FUCK out.
59. Have they ever had an encounter with anyone that changed their whole life? Well, it’s D&D, so there’s a lot of “changed in a moment” tragic backstory things going on. I will simply list the people for whom that applies, and then not talk about them in detail, bc I don’t want this ask to be an emo fest. Craving, that day in the shop. Tov, with Rax. Stella, getting caught on the job by Geran. Hed’ja, the revelation with Avachel. Ezra, the day Cate died. Udoora, getting chosen as the next Official Paladin. Ebbie, the library fight. Roona, getting sent to purgatory by Sepia Thanos.
Those not mentioned are Gildy, Nissy, and Gent. For them, I can certainly come up with cutesy “the day they met [insert romantic interest]” moments or something similar, but I don’t think any of them have had moments that are like well, i have to change my entire worldview now thanks. Those changes were much more gradual with these three.
80. How do they spend a rainy day? Nissy: Bitching And Whining!!!!!! It Is Gross And He Is Wearing VELVET! For real though, while he was in Rosohna, he was constantly studying and practicing, so a rainy day was no excuse to take time off. Since leaving the city, he’s found a VERY self-indulgent pleasure in declaring do-nothing days and so I think he really likes rainy days, where he can stay in his kushy inn and/or definitely enchanted tent and lie around. He also likes the cloudiness that comes with them! Good for his drow complexion. He won’t go out when it’s raining but after it’s passed he likes to just stand outside for a few minutes and look at stuff and not be having to squint the whole time.
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8, 14, 25, 27, 37! d10 option, but do 2 per question if you wanna answer w all your characters!
finally i have time on my laptop to type this out ........ thank you morgan for my life ................ (i had to roll this d10 so many times cause it refused to pick anything but 5, and while i have a lot of thoughts about gildy, other characters need love) 8. If they were given 1000 acres of land with no strings attached, what would they do with it? Gildy: obvious answer here is build her own forge from the ground up. like hello. how sexy of her to do this. but like, she misses the bustle of being around people all the time so it’d be open to the public for demos/lessons. are teaching forges a thing? they are in my world and she runs it and its full of tiny little dwarven babies who probably shouldn’t be allowed access to burning hot metal but like she’s a cleric so its fiiiiiiine Ezra: this is a toughie for him but the dice are forcing me to think. My first thought for him would honestly be give it away to some farmers or something, since he’s never really been the kind of guy to have personal possessions or things entirely his own. like. he grew up in a temple and then spent the next large chunk of his life doing 24/7 hospice care for someone, he’s never owned a house, or had things just for him. his whole life has been about community and sharing, he’d feel bad using it for any of his own desires.
however, for the sake of the question, if he has to take it and do something with it himself. big fat library. (where will he get the books from? don’t worry about it.) he only has 8 int but he thoroughly understands the value of knowledge, and you know, little selfish bonus. a huge collection of books like that is his best shot at finding something out about cate
14. What’s a personality trait they wish they had?
Ebbie: Confidence. Not necessarily in the sense that he doubts himself, though he does a fair amount, but mainly what he wants is the ability to make other people believe him when he Does think he can do something. He doesn’t want to be “trying to make something of himself” in everyone’s eyes forever. He’s already made something.
Nissy: Absolutely nothing he’s perfect how he is how DARE you insinuate that he could need ANYTHING added to his finely manufactured personali- (Patience. He has so, so many years to go ahead of him and he doesn’t know how to make things last. He’s worried that if he keeps letting people and interests slip through his fingers like sand he’ll have nothing left to hold before he even reaches his final lifetime.)
25. If there was a day held in their honor, what would people have to do on that day? Craving: ooooooooooooooooooooooohohohohohohoho. Oh boy this is ,.... this is tasty. I’m thinking a sort of mardigras crossed with the purge but less murder in which the vibe is “fucking anything goes, you’re the tits so damn well act like it”. extravagancy, over-dressing for the occassion, blatant gluttony, open container alcohol, if you think it’s pretty its yours kinda attitude. tons of costume jewelry on your body and trinkets in your pocket with the expectation that you’ll swipe some and others will swipe yours, and you’ll come home with a new selection of “finery”. the nice things stay locked at home. restaurants offer free food and stores have huge sales, card games and county fair style side shows in the middle of the street. an excuse to indulge recklessly. Udoora: so like, there’s Kind of already a day in their honor cause the whole town has their yearly festival where they pray to the goddess and go yo whats up lady is your champion stepping down or are we re-blessing the one we already have!! but that’s not specific to doora. one Just for her... country town festival. think bilbo’s 111th birthday minus the magic fireworks. whole city comes out to party, tons of food, music and dancing, the streets lined with wildflower garlands. stories and laughing around a bonfire as the sun leaves the sky, reverence for the people around you and the place you call home.
27. What makes a person beautiful to them?
Stella: Gentleness. Now you may read this and go how the FUCK did she end up with craving, and the answer to that is: this question said “beautiful” not “extremely sexy”. she got together with craving because she was horny and THEN she fell in love with craving’s soft side. (Her favorite physical aspect of craving is her hair. she loves to run her fingers through it, because it’s always inexplicably soft, in comparison to the horns and the barbs)
Stella grew up in the woods though, learning to tread light so as not to scare an animal or disrupt a nest. Her favorite place to be as a kid was calf-deep in the slowest part of the river. She knows the soft kiss of the sun on shoulders and the cushion of moss under toes. She was raised in the gentleness of nature, and she longs to see that gentleness reflected in humanity.
Hedja: Now this is an interesting one bc I’d explicitly decided against romance if I ever play them (not that if they don’t pursue romance they’re incapable of seeing beauty but it’s not something i’d thought much at all about). I’d say humor, levity, optimism. The ability to find any speck of brightness you can and kindle it. They don’t care much for physical looks or appearances, but that belief in happiness around every corner is what makes them continue to serve their god, because they find it to be the most beautiful part of life.
37. What do they think is a conspiracy? Tov: so. a conspiracy that he believes is true is that rowan and sloan are fucking to make him and moos jealous. we know this. but a truth that he believes is conspiracy ... you know i’m gonna say that there’s several warlock patrons who are definitely real in d&d canon but he refuses to believe that they exist because he had such shit luck trying to contact them with rax. (don’t ask me which ones i don’t know enough d&d lore for this) Roona: my god. she’s the perfect one for this holy shit ... she’s about 30% convinced that every thing that’s been said to her for her entire life is fake and she’s part of a really fucked up social experiment, so there’s that. she’s also a strong believer in the “we’re all in a simulation” theory, as well as “i’m the only one who’s alive and everyone else is a simulation” theory. she waffles on and off as to whether all the gods are actually just one guy. there’s one town she passed through where she’s sure the king has been dead for years and is being puppeted around by a necromancer group running a shadow government. there’s no fucking way math is real, everyone’s bullshitting numbers bigger than 100. not really a conspiracy but since getting the ass spoon she doesn’t believe in the societal value of forks cause she’s been doing just fucking fine with her spoon and her hands only thank you VERY much.
#thank you again doing this fucked supremely#craving#tov#stella#gildy#ezra#ebbie#nissy#hedja#roona#udoora
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sorry I’m on mobile. interiors and contact for roona and whoever else is tasty
Interiors: Describe your OC(s) bedroom / home / a place they consider theirs. What’s in it? Do certain items have a significance to your character?
Roona: So like, any d&d character doesn’t have much of a bedroom bc they’re wandering around camping and killing shit, but roona especially doesn’t, because she’d be wandering even if she wasn’t an adventurer.
That said, she definitely has some quirks and things she does in any inn room to feel more at home. She has a special layout of all her instruments + swords that she keeps at the foot of her bed when she’s not performing, she has a few stolen candlesticks that always go on the night table, and she’s got a blanket that a kind stranger gave her that she sleeps under most nights. I think its a grandma quilt cause why the fuck not.
Ebbie: At the monastery, and even worse at home, Ebbie’s room was just. Stuffed to the brim with shit. Broken machines, scrap metal, half-finished projects, crumpled up paper of plans that he didn’t like but couldn’t bring himself to put away, tools that he was in the middle of using before he realized he was running late and left in the middle of working on something. Trip hazard to anyone involved. For better or for worse, that is now all packed as tightly as humanly possible into his jingly backpack.
Nissy: Before he left Rosohna, he had a stupid fucking rich kid room, with art on the walls that he didn’t appreciate and a bed more lavish than he’d ever need, an on suite bathroom with full amenities, a walk in closet, all oak furniture, you know. Rich Bitch Stuff. One cute thing I have is that he and Leth have rooms next door and have found a spot in the wall where the insulation’s run thin enough that they can hear each other if they talk into it, marked by some school certificates they both have hung there.
Tov: Does have a room to himself, actually, because his party was gifted ownership of a tavern with living quarters above it early on in the campaign. His room is almost embarassingly bare, since he lived in the woods before this and didn’t have a lot of excess possessions. I’m including him purely because, at this exact moment in-game, everything he owns is shoved in the closet because he loaned his room to Savra for the night but didn’t want her to get weirded out by him asking her to stay in his room after the first date so he pretended it was a guest room and then slept on the floor in rowan and moos’s room, and I think that’s funny as hell.
Stella: Including her mostly to be emo about stellis :3
Now that she’s no longer a wanted assassin, she has like, a little apartment and everything where she lives when she’s not on hunting jobs. The place is more functional than personal at this point, cause she hasn’t been there long and doesn’t have a lot of spare cash. She keeps a lot of plants though, growing in various pots all over the place. She doesn’t have a pet of her own, since she leaves for long periods of time, but she puts out food for strays when she’s around and has a good rapport with several birds, a few cats, a dog, and a bitch of a squirrel.
She also keeps in her bedroom, on her desk: her letter writing supplies, a gold ring that she definitely did not buy for herself, a nearly empty perfume bottle for a scent she doesn’t wear, and a dragonchess set which is all white pieces save one black one with a rose carved in the bottom. (Craving has the opposite, all black w/ one white and a star) (they use them to seal their coded letters).
Contact: How does your OC feel about physical contact? Are they affectionate? If so, how do they display affection towards others? Roona: VERY cuddly. As she did in session tonight, she likes leg hugs because that’s usually about where she can get to on other people. Sitting in laps, piggy back hugs, and of course her fanny pack rides are also all commonplace with her. She kinda .... crawls all over you like weevils but in a loving way.
I’m gonna try and keep it short for the rest of them bc this is already super long but ... Craving: very touchy w/ her hands with anyone she thinks isn’t like. destestable, but it’s rare that she’ll let anyone get more than that. hugs are a rarity but she does like getting them from people she really trusts. Tov: not super cuddly, but he likes sharing space. sitting next to someone and your shoulders or legs bump and you don’t move away.
Stella: Aggressive hugger. If you’ll remember, post killing Mystra she bull-rushed craving the lobby of motherfuckers unlimited and picked her up despite being two feet shorter than her. She grew up in a very tactile environment and it’s stuck with her
Hed’ja: doesn’t mind touch but rarely initiates it
Gildy: hugs? good. patting/pinching cheeks? good. holding hands? good. carrying people? good. she like it
Ezra: If someone else needs a hug he won’t like. run away. but he’s not really a physically affectionate guy. even more so now that he’s wearing heavy armor pretty much any time he’s not asleep. he does like to carry people, but he will NOT be asking anyone anytime soon because that feels Way too intimate (even though pointy’s like. already falling asleep on nyxi after getting her hair braided but w/e)
Udoora: INCREDIBLY TOUCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVES HER FRIENDS NEEDS THEM TO FEEL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t think I ever got to lay on hands anyone in the oneshot I played with her, but if I had, it would have been cheek kisses every time.
Nissy: ew no
Ebbie: More often than not it makes him tense, but he’s not like. Appalled by it. He’s also had to get used to a fair amount of touch cause he’s like a monk, but that’s not really physical affection
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character memes i made to put off my 12 page research essay (full image IDs under the cut bc theres So Many)
Image Descriptions: A series of 9 character memes for my OCs.
Meme 1: A super buff doge next to a regular shiba inu. The buff one is labeled “level 14 barbsorc tov” and the shibe is labeled “regular tov”.
Meme 2: The four part Gru at a planning board meme. Gru is labeled “craving in the amber temple”. The first board says “there’s fucked up sarcophagi offering us gifts with consequences”. The second board says “when have I ever cared about consequences”. The third board says “this is basically the same as my pact with glasya”. The fourth panel has the same text but Gru has turned to look at it, distressed.
Meme 3: A couple taking wedding photos, labeled “leth and her mystery spouse”. In the background of the photo, a person is falling wildly through the air, labeled “nissy getting back from eiselcross”.
Meme 4: A bus driving across a train tracks with an approaching train. In the next panel, the train has smashed the front of the bus. The bus is labeled “ebbie” and the train is labeled “ebbie’s shadow”.
Meme 5: Someone is leaning out a window, labeled “Stella”. They’re kissing another person, labeled “craving”, who is sitting on the shoulders of a third person, flashing a peace sign at the camera, labeled “manic”.
Meme 6: The bus and train meme again. This time, the bus is “yussah, thinking he’s finally free of blue nicodrani tieflings with sending” and the train is labeled “gent and zephyr sharing spell lists”
Meme 7: A 3X3 alignment grid. Bold of you to assume I have dignity: tov How dare you assume I have dignity: stella Please assume I have dignity: craving Bold of you to assume I’m straight: gildy How dare you assume I’m straight: gent Please assume I’m straight: ezra Bold of you to believe I’ve reached my peak of dumbass: hedja, billie How dare you believe I’ve reached my peak of dumbass: roona please believe I’ve reached my peak of dumbass: udoora, nissy
Meme 8: A 3x3 alignment grid feral/hates the irish: hedja, udoora feral/fucks to survive: gent, gildy feral/evades taxes: roona, billie homophobic/hates the irish: ebbie homophobic/fucks to survive: nissy homophobic/evades taxes: ezra war criminal/hates the irish: craving war criminal/fucks to survive: tov war criminal/evades taxes: stella Meme 9: Various responses to the text “i want a baby” “Oh. just to hang out with?”: stella, ezra, ebbie “give me a week. what color?”: gildy, billie “mine?” “yeah, who elses?” “aquaman’s”: tov, gent “I promise after you graduate hygiene school I will give you a baby. I will give you as many babies as you want. I can’t wait to get you pregnant. I can’t even imagine the amount of pure happines that will overwhelm me. You’re the woman of my dreams and you’re going to be the best mother to our babies. I love you so much babygirl.”: udoora, tov (in 5 years), nissy (but he does NOT mean it) “no” “oh okay” “wait but don’t ask another guy i’ll do it”: craving “im baby”: hedja “um. [sends beer pong game]”: roona, nissy (3 seconds after the first one).
#craving#tov#stella#gildy#ezra#hedja#udoora#ebbie#nissy#roona#billie#gent#i need you all to know that ezra is NOT straight he's in that square bc he's sick of hearing abt cyanwrath
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height comparison chart for everyone!!! they have their profile pics from my characters page attached but in order it is: roona < stella < gildy < ebbie < craving < gent/hedja < nissy <ezra < tov < doora below the cut bc tumblr shitty at resizing images but look at the height diff between stella and craving jsdkfjsalkdfjaslkdf
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15 words..... 12 character. here’s what I think: roll for ask. roll for character. smush their faces together. until you run out of words, characters, or until you get bored! godspeed!
am i answering 2-3 week old asks? YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this was from the nonverbal meme so! Indifference - Hed’ja: It’s incredibly hard to pick up with them, whether they’re actually indifferent or just masking, because as I’ve mentioned a lot before, years of being somewhere between bishop and saint means they’ve had to get very good at maintaining their emotional composure to the point where everything they do is slightly too slow and even to seem like. Normal.
That said, if you’re watching really closely, you’ll be able to tell that their smile is a little flatter, and their movements a bit quicker, since they sort of just want to move on to something more important or interesting. Their shoulders will relax a bit, and they won’t have as much energy in their hands. All of it is, very subtle though.
Anxiety - Tov Might have done this one for him already but it’s been long enough that i don’t remember so!!!!!!!!!!!! picking at scales, messing with things in his pocket or his staff. He huffs through his snout a lot, to the point where he sometimes gets a little baby cold breath and it stings like when your drink goes up your nose pipe a little. His tail doesn’t thrash per se, but it’s stiffer and twitches more than usual. He makes eye contact even less than usual.
Frustration - Gent Blatant scowl, eye rolling, crossed arms and sitting in his hip. Loud huffing, as long as he doesn’t care that people know he’s frustrated. He’ll pace if he can, or tap his foot. I also like to think that if he’s trying to hold it in, he’ll grab his horns and kind of shake/squeeze them (like when people pull on their hair, but Tiefling Version)
Excitement - Ebbie Head forward, wide eyes, reaching for things before he can even tell what they are. He is a Look Boy and a See Boy so he’ll mostly just be up in the business of whatever’s making him excited.
Impatience - Gildy Being a grandma means she rarely gets impatient anymore, bc she’s had 19 young ones she’s watched over the years to get her used to long winded stories and explanations that go nowhere. When it happens though, she’s very much a *unsubtle cough* kind of woman. She’ll grumble and huff and stare make it obvious that if you’ve run out her patience, you’ve been going for FAR too long. She’ll also go for the intimidation tactic of messing with her hammer to get people to hurry up if she thinks she can get away with it.
Boredom - Roona They’re such a little dipshit about it. Holy Fuck. They get handsy with other people, poking and patting and if they’re Vinnie height, climbing just to have SOMETHING to do. They tend to lie in weird positions and groan to make it obvious that they’re just contorting their body because nothing else in the world brings them Any Sensation. If they know they’ve got a chunk of time, they’ll probably start messing around with old sword tricks they know like the back of their hand.
Sorrow - Gent (again i rolled an 11 3 times in a row) Actively does not want to get touched. He’ll shrink into himself and hide inside his arms and tail like a shell. He bites his lip to keep it from trembling. He’s not much of a crier, so he expresses a lot of grief with his mouth instead. Screaming, either full volume or silent, mumbling denials over and over, gasping breaths that aren’t quite sobs.
Confusion - Craving She’s a master of the quizzical eyebrow. She cocks her head and stares from afar. (She doesn’t like to get close to things she doesn’t understand). She also touches her chin/mouth a lot in that “I was about to say something but frankly. What could I possibly say?” sort of way.
Lust - Tov (again) I’ll be real with y’all Tov is shyyyyyyyyyyy he’s a shy boy he keeps his horny to himself!!!! He’s not a big flirt!!!!!!!! His one tell is the hands, because a dyke made him. Prolonged touch/hand contact is the point at which you should go 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Disgust - Ezra He stands up taller in his armor, like he’s trying to get his face away from you. He’ll press his lips together and tighten his grip on whatever he’s holding. He’ll probably grit his teeth and refuse eye contact. He has a very curated style of “I’m going to let you know that I fucking hate you, but in just a subtle enough manner that I still look noble/well controlled”.
Exhaustion - Nissy He can certainly put on a show of tripping over his dragging feet, with a hand to the forehead and a swoon to boot, but as a well-trained knight who walks around with a longsword in heavy armor just on the reg, he rarely gets like. Actually Exhausted. When he is, you can tell with the slumped shoulders, limper arms, and the way he tugs his cloak up to get as much dark as possible.
Panic - Udoora She runs around wildly, and she keeps coming back to places because she didn’t stay there long enough to process them the first time. She pulls at her hair and her clothes and her face, or or your hair or your clothes, or your face. If she has nothing to grab her hands will be shaking in the air.
Fright - Stella Hand on her weapon at all times, perpetually glancing over her shoulder, back to the wall if at all possible, the instinct of creeping on tiptoe coming back. Her gnome ears will perk up to search for sounds. She actually has a pretty good stony face when she’s afraid, though. It’s much more body language than facial expression with her.
Enthusiam - Hed’ja (again) flappy hands stim elf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mischief - Gent (for the third time! these dice are thirsty!) wink boy! cheeky tail poke/slap boy! He has a Very shit-eating grin also. I don’t know how to describe it well in words but he has this like, hip wiggle kinda thing (think minimalist flossing without the arms) he does to work off energy when he’s just Done something mischievous and is waiting for results.
#this is the only one for tonight i almost fell asleep writing it#craving#tov#stella#hedja#gildy#ezra#udoora#nissy#ebbie#roona#gent#asks
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Indifference, boredom, excitement and anxiety roll for it baybe!!!!
Hed’ja: The thing about hedja is that they’re seriously dedicated to putting on the “welcoming and loving representative of god” persona, so if they’re indifferent to a situation, they’ll still meet it with that slight smile and very calm movement quality that (they think) portrays un-threatening interest.
Tov: He’s a pretty patient guy, so it takes a fair amount to get Tov bored. When he does, though, he’ll do tactile stims, like tossing his staff between his hands, or tapping on scales with his claws cause it feels kinda weird. Sometimes he’ll start up his Cold Breath, without fulling blowing just to feel that freezing tickle in the back of his throat.
Udoora: She’s an excited hugger! If anyone’s with her, she’ll be latched onto them somehow within a second of getting excited. She also does like little “eep!” noises, hand waving, and clapping.
Gent: I already did panic in Sam’s ask, but anxiety is more subdued. He’s pretty good at keeping anxiety under control, but some of his tells are stiffer/more jittery tail movement, nervous laughing, scratching his head/face, and squeezing his thumbs inside his fists. He usually copes with anxiety by doing repetitive hand motions, like somatic components for spells he knows, or tying knots if he has rope available (sometimes in the ties on his shirt).
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none of you bitches have ANY idea how badly i want to just talk for hours about my dnd characters on here but the campaigns are Ongoing or whatever the fuck and the other player pcs do some dumb shit like follow me so i can’t :(
#Someday#i'll be able to tell yall about tov and craving and ester and ezra and ebbie and gildy#i can talk abt udoora at least cuz i made her for a oneshot#but her backstory is the least thought out cuz i only had a day to make her
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