akihika · 5 years
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To celebrate the end of the anime I wanted to put together a set with a scene from each arc (or in chimera ant arc’s case a few since it’s so long). The anime was as good of an adaptation as anyone could ever ask for, it was a blessing that Madhouse was the one to do it. I’ve never seen such a high quality long-running shonen anime and it was amazing seeing how they translated the manga into animation.
It’s sad to see it end but don’t forget the manga is still ongoing! When it’s not on hiatus, anyway.
And I just wanna say thanks for all the support over the past almost two years, it’s been a lot of fun being in the HxH fandom and I appreciate all the kind words and enjoyment of my art so much! I still love HxH as much as the day I finished the manga and I’m nowhere near done drawing for it, I hope others will continue to love it and stick with it and that it’ll continue getting the appreciation it deserves!
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akihika · 5 years
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The way Killua looks at Gon ~(*´▽`*)
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akihika · 5 years
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The way Killua looks at Gon ~(*´▽`*)
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akihika · 5 years
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Yes. Hello. Excuse me. But can I bother you for a moment to show you what is not only (an excerpt from) one of my favorite matches in Hikaru no Go but also a perfect example of why the manga is so gosh darn good? (Note: Read right to left.)
Look at all of the panels with Hikaru. Speed lines everywhere, sound effects in big, jagged bubbles, motion lines showing his hand leaving the stone, and aside from the first move shown here, each additional one only takes up one panel. He is playing speed Go, a fact that would be made painfully obvious even without the translation due to the layout and drawings.
Now look at his opponent’s panels. The shots include more details, the angle is generally from above instead of the side, he takes multiple panels to make his moves, we see his hand still on the stone with a calm “pa-chi” bubble, and he takes time to talk while Hikaru stays silent, even responding to the bystander yelling at them. He is playing at a normal pace, a slower pace. There is no urgency in it, and we can tell simply by how it’s drawn.
This is not the most important match in the series, nor is it the most suspenseful, but what it does it does with such perfection that I can’t help but adore it. This is only a portion - as the match goes on, something happens: the opponent, and subsequently the art, falls into Hikaru’s pace. He doesn’t want to, but as he gets caught up in it, we see his panels start to look more like Hikaru’s - less detailed, more sense of movement - and that’s what truly makes this match so great. See, because of how it’s written, laid out, and drawn, it ends up being not just the opponent that gets caught in Hikaru’s pace, but the reader as well. Hikaru’s energy is contagious, and it’s hard not to speed through the pages as fast as Hikaru is playing.
There’s no intense soundtrack, no excitable voice acting, the images aren’t animated, and yet with the drawings and layout alone, the differing paces can be felt through the pages. And this is just one throwaway game in the midst of many, many others of far more importance.
The writing of the series alone is fantastic. Pairing it with this level of art and composition makes the whole package about as near perfect as one could hope for.
Now. Yes. Thank you for listening to an old lady gush about her favorite manga of all time. Please read it (even if the official Viz release is garbage).
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akihika · 6 years
WELCOME BACK! For those who logged off, this is what you missed.
1. @staff made a post pretty much saying “Your stuff isn’t getting deleted, just hidden from everyone but you” and “Yeah we know you hate the term “female presenting nipples” but we ain’t gonna stop saying it” 2. If a blog has a pixelated icon that means they got hit by the ban, you cannot view that blog outside the sidebar. You cannot even view their archive. Allegedly if you follow the advice in this post it’ll be fixed but only if it was an accidental flag (aka a real sfw blog) 3. The post Staff made including examples of what was ok to post. It got flagged. 4. Yes, the bots are still here. Yes they are still stealing posts and putting porn links on them. Yes there are still ads with stuff more sexual than they allow in posts. Yes innocent things are still getting flagged. 5. So yes, the site is still here and staff are still morons.
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akihika · 6 years
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Hey @staff you fucking idiots. Your tech is shit and you have no idea what you’re doing. Look at all this explicit nudity and sex happening in these fucking creature design illustrations. Some of these are even in a Scholastic children’s book.
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akihika · 7 years
Dream Drop Intimacy
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I recently finished Kingdom Hearts 3D for the second time.
And it is hard to think that this game was not especially intended for us, Soriku fans. I mean, this game exudes Soriku intimacy and tenderness from its beginning to its end.
The game, itself, is much fun to play – though I’ll admit some skepticism about the dream eater breeding thing. It was a pleasure to wander in the new worlds, and particularly Fantasia. The concept of the parallel actions of Riku and Sora, interfering in each other’s worlds, was a nice idea, and it would have been perfect if this “distant interaction” between the two of them had been as perfectly done in each world as it is in the first (Traverse Town) and last one (ah, and more metaphorically, in Fantasia). Which is not the case in the first three worlds following Traverse Town, where Riku and Sora only act, independently, as supporting characters for the world’s main plot.
(And it is especially painful in Tron Legacy, where all the characters are just as awfully uninteresting as they are in the movie.)
But what was really refreshing, in this game, was probably the total absence of Kairi (which is much better than her artificial and cliché involvement in KH2), and of any implied romantic feelings between Sora and Kairi. Sora, actually, doesn’t think about her even once, not even during the ending scene – while his relationship with Riku has literally become entwined, with Riku diving in Sora’s heart.
Let’s make things clear here : we do not criticize Kairi because she’s a girl and because we only like promoting homosexual couples. We criticize Kairi since until now her character remains terribly bland. And it was also the case for Sora and Riku at the beginning (KH1), but both of them benefited from interesting character development (which was fine for Sora, and exceptional for Riku), while Kairi, who originally had no part in the plot of KH2, suddenly became… the girl to rescue. And the intimacy and complicity that Sora begins to share with Riku at the end of KH2 and all through KH3D is shown as much stronger and deeper than everything we could witness between him and Kairi. Under these circumstances, there is no reason for us to promote a Sora / Kairi couple, since we firstly base our “couple” notion on what both people really, deeply share with each other.
And KH3D gives us plenty of occasions to appreciate the strength, the tenderness, and the passion of the bond between Riku and Sora. So many occasions, actually, that it is difficult to decide which is the cutest of them.
Is it in Traverse Town when Riku is disappointed as he realizes he can’t touch Sora through his hologram ? (photo)
Is it when Sora confidently says that he’s connected to Riku with his heart ?
Is it when Sora hears Riku’s voice in The World That Never Was ?
Is it when Sora only thinks about Riku when his strength is abandoning him ?
Is it when Riku dives in Sora’s heart and must collect 30 bodies of Sora ? (…)
Is it when Riku has to answer three questions related to his devotion to Sora ?
It is when Sora majorly hugs Riku while they exchange tender looks ?
Or it is, maybe, when we think about the subtext regarding Riku being Sora’s dream eater ?
(We would be curious to know how Sora breeds him, and where he pets him…)
Knowing what the next opus will make of this intimacy is however a true question. First, we can be pretty sure that the Soriku couple will not be made official. Remember ? Homosexuality is fine, as long as it doesn’t concern main characters. Second, we know that Kairi will probably play an important role in it. That could be the chance to develop her character in an original way. But we really hope that this won’t just be a poor excuse to place the Sora / Kairi couple at the center of the game in order to make up for the disappointment of those who can’t stand the idea of a Sora / Riku couple and who had to go through KH3D all the same.
And this point can be summed up as follows : can we expect a non-consensual ending in a game in which Disney is directly implied ?
Now that we have seen Wreck It Ralph, we shall not say that it is impossible. But it might be reasonable to say to we can’t expect it to be completely iconoclast.
So we’ll consider ourselves satisfied if no couple is made official – since that would obviously not be Soriku.
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akihika · 7 years
Do you think Killua's feelings for Gon have weakened since the CA Arc? Like, he explicitly said "you're second place" or something along those lines. Do you think he's de-prioritized Gon in his mind?
Hi anon, we’re sorry your ask remained in our askbox for such a long time.
That’s a tough question, actually. But I wouldn’t use only this line as a basis to answer, because there’s a bias here considering he’s referring to his sister as being number one, and it’s difficult to compare the affection Killua has for the only family member he cares for and for his bestfriend.
Yet, this sentence has a particular resonance given the context. During all the CA arc, we’ve seen Killua thinking all about Gon, to the point of willing to die with him (the Shinjuu thing, I think everyone on Tumblr knows about it by now). And now that things have been settled, Killua says “you’re second place”, and he says it casually, devoid of all the feelings that used to overflow in him pretty much each time he was thinking of Gon in the CA arc. Does he play a sketch because Alluka is around, and because he won’t be willing to admit anything to Gon ? In our mind, that’s still a possibility, but we need more material regarding how they will interact in the future to be assertive about anything.
Yet, let’s be honest, the fact that Killua was able to play it casual like he did seems to say that he’s not as passionate about him as he was before. Whether that means his feelings have weakened or just become more rational is up to everyone, but we admit we lean towards the former. Which is not illogical considering what happened between them : their interaction at this point feels a bit awkward and unnatural, but Killua probably never told Gon how much he was hurt, and Gon probably didn’t fully realize it either. Plus, it’s very likely that Killua’s pain isn’t only due to Gon’s harsh sentence, it was also probably due to the fact he witnessed Gon’s cruel, selfish, vengeful attitude the whole time he was facing Pitou.
Given the context, they both need time to go back to their former closeness, and if Killua ever meets again the cheerful and straightforward Gon he once admired, we have little doubt he’d be head over heels for him in less than a day.
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akihika · 8 years
Hi both, I read your post "About this blog" and since you mentioned you don't support a large part of what you wrote/how you wrote it, I wanted to ask in which ways your opinions have changed? And has your vision of the "main" fandoms you have analyzed here (HnG, HxH, KH and No.6) changed somehow?
Tough question here. :-)
Actually, it’s not really that our opinions have evolved that much, it’s rather our understanding of a certain number of things has shifted significantly. To pick an example, we now clearly know how mistaken it is, as men, to be giving lessons on feminism as we did a few times when we opened this blog. To pick another example, when we read a few conceptual posts we wrote (about No. 6 particularly) without being able to understand our own sentences anymore, we certainly forgot that writing on a blog means speaking to other people. And to pick a last example, it took us some time to realize how meaningless it was to rant on every single manga/anime containing sexism/racism/homophobia (including their “humoristic” incarnations) when it can be summed up in a few words, such as “anime/manga industry, compartimentalization, and codes”.
On all these matters, our opinion may have changed (or not), but it would be more relevant to say that writing such posts just seems like a complete nonsense to us now, because either it misses the point, or we aren’t the ones who should write on it.
That being said, we don’t reject everything we have posted. We are still satisfied with a good deal of our Hikaru no Go and HxH analyses (and a few KH posts too), and if we had to end the hiatus on our blog, we would probably try to write more posts like these.
Regarding the fandoms, well… We’re probably a bit too far now from the actual fandoms to have an opinion on it. We are less aware of the trends, theories, etc. than we were at the beginning of this blog. The only thing we know for sure is that the Hikaru no Go fandom is now reduced to a tiny group of people (which is an indirect way to remind us of the numerous years that have passed since we discovered this anime, and still more indirectly of our not-so-young age…).
But to be frank, if a part of our hiatus indeed lies in the fact that our blog has lost some of its meaning to us, another part of the problem is related to Tumblr. It is difficult to describe why precisely, but we don’t feel like what we write belongs to such a social network. Politically speaking, we’re completely off the dominant liberal color of Tumblr, and even when it comes to manga/anime (our main interest here), we are generally very reluctant to the general hype we have on our dashboard about slashy shows, especially since that hype often makes little difference between a pure queer-baiting scene in a full hetero show (Tanaka-kun, if you’re around here) and a serious gay subtext in a show where you know the gay couple cannot be canon because of external reasons.
So, well, we don’t really know if we answered your questions, but feel free to ask if you want us to develop more specific aspects.
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akihika · 8 years
Hello , can you gave me blogs that have hxh meta ?
First, we don’t know for how long this ask has been sitting in our inbox, but for some reason we didn’t receive a notice for this one…
Next, unfortunately we don’t follow many blogs at all due to lack of time, and while we’ve read really interesting meta here and there, we unfortunately don’t remember the blog names, so we can’t give you a satisfactory answer.
We’d say first to look at the ‘hxh’ tag on our blog and have a look at all the people we’ve interacted with. And we’d also say to have a particular look at @hunterxhell, who has an impressive collection of in-depth metas if you go back in time a bit.
If anyone still around here wishes to recommend blogs, you’re welcome ! We’ll edit this post to add the recs if we get some.
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akihika · 8 years
Thanks for the addition ! It’s so nice to remember all these details.
Soriku in KH3D may not be canon, but it was strong enough to make the usual hetboys writhe in pain and complain fiercely about it when the game was released...
Dream Drop Intimacy
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I recently finished Kingdom Hearts 3D for the second time.
And it is hard to think that this game was not especially intended for us, Soriku fans. I mean, this game exudes Soriku intimacy and tenderness from its beginning to its end.
The game, itself, is much fun to play – though I’ll admit some skepticism about the dream eater breeding thing. It was a pleasure to wander in the new worlds, and particularly Fantasia. The concept of the parallel actions of Riku and Sora, interfering in each other’s worlds, was a nice idea, and it would have been perfect if this “distant interaction” between the two of them had been as perfectly done in each world as it is in the first (Traverse Town) and last one (ah, and more metaphorically, in Fantasia). Which is not the case in the first three worlds following Traverse Town, where Riku and Sora only act, independently, as supporting characters for the world’s main plot.
(And it is especially painful in Tron Legacy, where all the characters are just as awfully uninteresting as they are in the movie.)
But what was really refreshing, in this game, was probably the total absence of Kairi (which is much better than her artificial and cliché involvement in KH2), and of any implied romantic feelings between Sora and Kairi. Sora, actually, doesn’t think about her even once, not even during the ending scene – while his relationship with Riku has literally become entwined, with Riku diving in Sora’s heart.
Let’s make things clear here : we do not criticize Kairi because she’s a girl and because we only like promoting homosexual couples. We criticize Kairi since until now her character remains terribly bland. And it was also the case for Sora and Riku at the beginning (KH1), but both of them benefited from interesting character development (which was fine for Sora, and exceptional for Riku), while Kairi, who originally had no part in the plot of KH2, suddenly became… the girl to rescue. And the intimacy and complicity that Sora begins to share with Riku at the end of KH2 and all through KH3D is shown as much stronger and deeper than everything we could witness between him and Kairi. Under these circumstances, there is no reason for us to promote a Sora / Kairi couple, since we firstly base our “couple” notion on what both people really, deeply share with each other.
And KH3D gives us plenty of occasions to appreciate the strength, the tenderness, and the passion of the bond between Riku and Sora. So many occasions, actually, that it is difficult to decide which is the cutest of them.
Is it in Traverse Town when Riku is disappointed as he realizes he can’t touch Sora through his hologram ? (photo)
Is it when Sora confidently says that he’s connected to Riku with his heart ?
Is it when Sora hears Riku’s voice in The World That Never Was ?
Is it when Sora only thinks about Riku when his strength is abandoning him ?
Is it when Riku dives in Sora’s heart and must collect 30 bodies of Sora ? (…)
Is it when Riku has to answer three questions related to his devotion to Sora ?
It is when Sora majorly hugs Riku while they exchange tender looks ?
Or it is, maybe, when we think about the subtext regarding Riku being Sora’s dream eater ?
(We would be curious to know how Sora breeds him, and where he pets him…)
Knowing what the next opus will make of this intimacy is however a true question. First, we can be pretty sure that the Soriku couple will not be made official. Remember ? Homosexuality is fine, as long as it doesn’t concern main characters. Second, we know that Kairi will probably play an important role in it. That could be the chance to develop her character in an original way. But we really hope that this won’t just be a poor excuse to place the Sora / Kairi couple at the center of the game in order to make up for the disappointment of those who can’t stand the idea of a Sora / Riku couple and who had to go through KH3D all the same.
And this point can be summed up as follows : can we expect a non-consensual ending in a game in which Disney is directly implied ?
Now that we have seen Wreck It Ralph, we shall not say that it is impossible. But it might be reasonable to say to we can’t expect it to be completely iconoclast.
So we’ll consider ourselves satisfied if no couple is made official – since that would obviously not be Soriku.
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akihika · 8 years
About This Blog
You may have noticed : we’ve become pretty much inactive for some time. To be frank, it is not likely to get much better as time passes.
There are a few reasons for that, besides the usual lack of time. Let’s say that, as time passes and opinions evolve, it sometimes gets difficult to look back at the past, because all you can see is how many mistakes you’ve made, and how much greater meta than yours you’ve read elsewhere. We first thought of just getting rid of the worst posts we’ve written, such as the one about FMA, but if we go that way, we would probably delete many more posts than planned at first.
Though, it is difficult to keep going as it is, since there is a large part of what we wrote that we don’t support anymore, at least not the way we had phrased it. Hence, we’re not too sure what to do with this blog. We don’t plan on shutting it down at the present time, but we no more intend on writing analyses as we did before (maybe apart from exceptional works such as Kaguya Hime). It may evolve with time. We may one day come back here for more meta, or we may just disappear once and for all.
At any rate, for now, we’ll still answer your asks, so feel free to send us questions, if our opinion can be of any interest.
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akihika · 8 years
During Dream Drop Distance, I noticed that when Sora wasn't around or couldn't hear hi, Riku had no trouble expressing a lot of fondness and tenderness for Sora, but as soon as Sora was actually with him, he turns back into quite a stoic character. I mean look at how he reacted when Sora hugged him after he woke up and saved him. Riku woke up and reflexively yelled "Sora!", but when Sora hugged him he didn't hug back. Is he scared of showing his feelings to Sora?
There are probably two types of answers here.
The shipper one, which is basically “yes”. There’s so much subtext everywhere in this game, so much fondness and tenderness from Riku, as you say (and let’s remember the ending on the beach from KH2 !), that the sudden change can indeed be explained by the festive mood around him. With everyone in the room focused on him, he probably isn’t in the best state of mind to enjoy the moment. Can’t say it wasn’t a disappointment, though (heck, he was just diving in Sora’s heart and collecting his bodies !)
The non-shipper one, obviously, will basically tell you that the subtext in the game is just from our imagination, and that this hug confirms that the relationship between Sora and Riku is nothing more than “brolove (strong no homo)”.
Actually, we wouldn’t care in the least about the non-shipper one if the series was to end with that very game, but our pessimistic eyes fear the worst in KH3. In video games, just like in animes/mangas, you can wait a looooooooooooong time before you see reknown titles with gay main characters. It’s not even about the authors/creators, it’s about the industry. The best we can hope for in KH3 is more unofficial Soriku without any official hetero pairing involving Sora or Riku.
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akihika · 9 years
Still, you can trust the fandom to deny the relevance of this major detail. When we raised that point about 2 years ago (one of our first posts on this Tumblr, way before the Crunchyroll subtitles were out), those who didn’t want canon gay Killua to happen displayed a very wild imagination to put the Shinjuu out of the way as some farfetched interpretation that does not suit Killua at all. There were plenty of complaints about “Romeo and Juliet Killugon is so out of place”, barely hiding their scorn towards these damned shippers who understand nothing to the characters.
So, well, despite the scene where Ikalgo pretty much confirms the interpretation of Killua’s very romantic thought of dying with Gon, expect to read that there’s no gay canon Killua at all because hey, Shinjuu can also be used without this strong subtext so no homo ok ? ;-)
(After all, there are still people claiming that the relationship between Shion and Nezumi in No.6 is merely brolove and not gay at all...)
Killugon meta: 「心中だな」 “A lovers’ suicide, I guess”
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Hey everyone, welcome to yet another addition of HXH translation meta with your old pal hunterxhell. This time, I’m taking a look at what I think is, hands-down, one of if not the most important scenes in HXH for understanding Killua and his feelings for Gon. In fact, I’m going to make the case that this scene proves that those feelings are romantic in nature. Unfortunately, the translation for this scene was absolutely butchered (it’s by far the worst translation in the series), so all of the meaning was lost, including the wonderful Killugon subtext.
Keep reading
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akihika · 9 years
If you’re a HxH fan, there are two things you must do at once :
1) Read that post
2) Follow @hunterxhell
Killugon meta: 「心中だな」 “A lovers’ suicide, I guess”
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Hey everyone, welcome to yet another addition of HXH translation meta with your old pal hunterxhell. This time, I’m taking a look at what I think is, hands-down, one of if not the most important scenes in HXH for understanding Killua and his feelings for Gon. In fact, I’m going to make the case that this scene proves that those feelings are romantic in nature. Unfortunately, the translation for this scene was absolutely butchered (it’s by far the worst translation in the series), so all of the meaning was lost, including the wonderful Killugon subtext.
Keep reading
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akihika · 9 years
Some time ago we had posted a few things on our blog regarding these translation points, but we had faced a lot of circumspection, even hostility, in a part of the HxH community, who accused us of saying nonsense and biasing the understanding of our readers, for various reasons (e.g. willingly not displaying the original Japanese extract of the manga (which we just couldn’t scan), not being familiar enough with Killua to know he’s definitely not a fatalist and wouldn’t go die with Gon of his own will, etc.).
So your contribution here will be MUCH appreciated. Can’t wait to read your meta !
(Congrats for your blog, by the way.)
hi in your killugon followup meta post you said something about killua saying something to meleoron that was mistranslated sorry but what was it ?
this is actually a scene i’m planning to discuss in depth very soon. i think a large portion of the fandom on tumblr is probably aware of it already, but every post i’ve seen about it has had some misinformation so i’m planning to clear all of that up. additionally, i haven’t seen a translation that conveys the correct meaning (in scanlations or viz’s official manga release), and it was COMPLETELY butchered by crunchyroll to the point where what killua is saying is totally incomprehensible imo
again, i wanna make a real post going into detail about it, but just compare these translations (note that i’m paraphrasing both of them)
crunchyroll’s version:
killua: once i’m charged, i’m gonna go find gon. you go find knuckle, review the situation and retreat if you need to.meleoron: what about you two?killua: gon won’t budge in the state he’s in. at worst, he’ll trade his life for pitou’s.
what is actually being said is more like:
killua: once i’m charged, i’m gonna go find gon. you go find knuckle, review the situation and retreat if you need to.meleoron: what about you two?killua: gon won’t budge in the state he’s in. at worst, gon and i will die together*, i guess
*the word killua uses implies that they will die as lovers, you can also translate the line as “at worst, a lovers’ suicide will happen, i guess”.
that’s why, right after, meleoron is looking at killua all seriously and killua is like “it’s a joke, we’ll be fine!!”
doesn’t that make a LOT more sense than killua making a “joke” about gon dying by killing pitou???
and then what’s great is, right after, meleoron (internally) is like “killua… are you REALLY joking…?”
bottom line is, kILLUA IS REFERRING TO HIMSELF AND GON HERE. i have no idea how crunchyroll fucked this up so bad.
ANYWAY sorry like i’ll said i’m planning to write a proper post soon – that’s actually going to be a main part of the killugon meta i mentioned a day ago!!!
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akihika · 9 years
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Surviving a Christmas wasted spent with the family is an achievement we miraculously unlock each year. Due to exhaustion though, this is also the only moment in the year when we watch TV. It happened that Frozen was aired. We were all “Great, a Disney movie which has received excellent reactions, that’s a nice occasion to watch it !”
And this is where it becomes difficult. It’s embarrassing, because the thing is not that we were a bit disappointed by the movie. The thing is that we found the movie incredibly dull and empty, with only the splendid ice visuals to make up for the nonexistent plot, the boring or annoying characters, and... well pretty much everything else. Even the music : we didn’t expect a Disney movie to feature revolutionary themes, but we certainly expected better than using these damned four magic chords for the chorus of the central song of the movie (Let it go).
As for the political content, we prefer not to write too much about it. Let’s just say that we obviously recognize the presence of progressive elements, but not only, and not to the point of seeing in this movie any kind of true revolution on that matter.
So, well, we won’t write any in-depth review for that movie, since we don’t like writing too much about works we don’t like, especially when it’s also about works most of you enjoy. These were merely a few useless words expressing our stupefaction at how the movie we saw entirely differed from the movie most people loved.
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