#ube bones
0poolesketch · 7 months
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Any Funkheads?
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masked-alien-lesbian · 7 months
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😭 "earn the right to stay" 😭 trauma thought gut punch. Feeling like you have to "be enough" to belong somewhere 😭
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Celesteela: don't break someone's heart. they only have one
Buzzwole: break their bones instead! they have 206 of those!
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snailgirlpancreas · 2 years
Boss Fight - Horde of Dancing Skeletons
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star-shooters · 2 years
Old Art of Star Shooters
I recently cleaned my DeviantArt, GoldStarProduction, of all of my art since 2013 and found a lot of good art. I haven't gotten around to making new art that I am confident in sharing yet. So, I will post the digital art of some of the characters within Star Shooters.
I constantly altered between a cute simplified design to a more detailed and realistic one. I am still working on what style to draw these characters in, and some characters don't have a design yet. So far, all the art I have is old designs of the characters and do not reflect who they are in the current version of my story.
Apologies for any watermarks shown below. The old tablet that I used to draw with doesn't support the art app I once used.
Left: Gold Gemitaurus and Silver Kentaurus-Sirius | Right: A more recent drawing of Gold Gemitaurus
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I originally had the idea that their cores, souls, would float above their heads. Now their cores are inside their bodies. Gold had an antenna instead of a horn and Silver was always sad.
Compared to the rest of the crew, I found myself constantly drawing Gold. This was also my attempt to make a drawn model of Gold when I was messing around with Blender. I haven't gotten around to fixing my old laptop, it was misplaced sometime before the break.
Gold Gemitaurus and Copper Cephei:
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I didn't know what I was doing when outlining these characters. There was just a black outline with inside lines being darker than the color inside. I also had a thing for black belts or rings/bands on characters too.
Left: Ube Cephei-Sirius | Right: An older version of Ube Cephei-Sirius with Lumens, late-spirits of young Stars or Stellars
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I had trouble choosing colors for Ube, either having a vibrant purple or a dull purple. So far, I had stuck with the more vibrant shade of purple.
Bone Aratumi:
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I don't think I ever got around to digitally drawing Bone Aratumi. This is the most recent drawing I have made. He is similar enough to Gold's brother, Bone Gemitaurus. Bone Gemitaurus is the same type of Star, just with different tattoos and other physical differences.
Left: Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus | Right: A more recent sketch of Ube Cephei-Sirius and Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
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Yellow was very hard to draw in other poses, her hair was something that changed a lot before I got the hang of it. I did have a different type of hairstyle for her but I can't find the sketches. Perhaps at a later time.
Left: Lapis Asclepius | Right: Ube Cephei-Sirius and Lapis Asclepius
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Lapis was the least character I drew, along with Bone Aratumi. I do plan to majorly redesign her along with everyone else.
Lavender Pink Veloctan:
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Excuse the misspell, I was too interested in drawing and designing. But this was the only drawing I had of Lavender Pink, originally named Lavender Magenta. They'll have a major redesign as well, I am not happy with their hair and body proportions.
I never designed Sky Microscopium, despite describing its appearance in my senior thesis creative writing piece. Sky will be designed as well; I'll have to force my Chromebook to work with me.
I will have sketches of all the characters when I get the chance. I am open to any feedback so please tell me any suggestions, questions, or anything else.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
ASGZ come back from a mission and find the the tower has turned into a Spirit Halloween.
Zack, picking a costume off the shelf: This is so freaky. They even have an inclusive redhead Santa Claus costume.
Angeal, with fake vampire fangs: I ont kow hy dey ould choosh duh towar ach a bob-ub locashin hoe.
Zack: What?
Genesis: He said you're a hoe.
Zack: Damn.
*Sephiroth walks up to an animatronic*
Chadley: While the allure of flesh and bone might seem appealing, the inevitable rot and decay awaiting you at life's end pales in comparison to the pristine, unblemished existence of a machine!
Sephiroth: Shinra's greed knows no bounds. They’ve even crafted a disturbing child animatronic to mirror my younger self that repeats the thoughts that kept me up at night as a child. Who would want to purchase this?
*Chadley walks away*
Sephiroth: !!??!!??!!??
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ladylooch · 5 months
Afterthoughts and Alcohol- Liv X Luca
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A/N: Part 1 of Liv & Luca's LONG teased angst....
Word Count:3.5k
Stop here & here before continuing on.
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
The timezone difference between the West coast and East coast has Livia Meier banging her head against the wall of her bathroom stall. Well, metaphorically. 
Luca and the Minnesota Wild have been on a long, road trip. Although Liv doesn’t live with Luca in Minnesota, his road trips still feel like a burden on their relationship. They talk less. He is out with the boys more. Then add in the three hour time difference and they both feel like two ships passing in the night. Liv fights the frustrated tears growing in her eyes as she fixes a smudge of her freshly applied, mauve pink lip stain. 
Heading for my nap. Text you when I’m up 😘
Liv sighs as she slowly walks out of the women’s bathroom inside UBS Arena. She looks down at the message, wanting to tell Luca how much she misses him and how distant things feel with them right now. But it is not the time. Not right before a game and when she is out with her friends for a fun night.
Instead, she sends back: ❤️💋😘
Camilla and Harper, her good friends from freshman year and now floor mates, await outside the bathroom for Liv.
“Ready?” Harper asks, sliding her arm through Liv’s. They begin to walk to the left.
“I think we missed warm ups. Will he care?” Camilla wonders. She nervously bites her lip as the girls weave arm in arm through the busy concourse to the Isles family seats. 
“No. I don’t think Ryder Hughes noticed we missed warm ups on a rivalry hockey night.” Liv laughs at the mere thought. He has the same focus and intensity as his dad, Jack. His ability to block out the rest of the world has always been admirable to Liv. 
Tonight is Girl’s Night Out sponsored by Ryder Hughes. He has been begging Liv to come watch a game to show her some “real East coast hockey” for the past several months. But class and flying to Minnesota and Devils & Rangers games, have taken up most of Liv’s time. She figured it was time to throw Ryder a bone. He has been so helpful and supportive as Liv has begun the process of starting her second book. He is constantly checking in to make sure she has eaten or has enough coffee or has taken a shower in the last three days. Only a year and a half has passed since Liv’s first book was published, but she had forgotten how difficult and stressful it can be to meet her publisher’s demanding deadlines. 
Enter Ryder Hughes as Superman.
And Luca, of course. His role is shaped more by distance than Ryder’s, but Liv tries to shelter those details from her boyfriend. She doesn’t want to make Luca feel bad for missing out on “Librarian Livy”- his nickname for her because of the blue light blocking glasses she wears while she writes.
“Where is Luca tonight?” Harper asks as they sit down in their seats. Liv can feel eyes of the WAGS on her- the Devils and Rangers and Wild and now Islanders girl? The puck bunny label practically writes it’s self across Liv’s forehead. 
“Um, he is in Seattle.” Liv clears her throat of the awkward phlegm setting in from the stares.
“Ugh, I love Seattle! It’s all moody and dreamy.” Camilla murmurs. “Do you ever visit him on the road?”
“No, the road is sacred.” Liv rolls her eyes. “It is where all the bonding and real focus on hockey happens. You know without the distraction of their loved ones.”
“I wanna be a WAG so bad!” Harper whines. “Livy, how do I get Ryder to notice me?”
“I think you need to be European….” Camilla teases, eyeing Liv from the side. 
“Stop.” Liv shakes her head. These two are good friends and always tease Liv about the “hot, hockey men” entranced by her aura.
“Livy, will you sponsor me for Swiss citizenship?”
“It doesn’t work like that.” Liv laughs, bringing her mixed drink to her lips for two quick sips.
“Maybe Lio will marry me.” Harper jokes.
“He is a mess. Stay away from him.” Liv mutters. She likes Harper too much to allow her to enter Lio’s puck bunny trap. Camilla and Harper share a look, shamelessly bonding over their admiration of the oldest Meier child. 
The Islanders win the game against the Buffalo Sabres 2-1 in regulation. The girls want the experience of waiting for an NHLer and no amount of whining from Liv can get them to move along. So they wait, and wait, and wait for Ryder to poke his head out from the tunnel. He gives a wave and big grin, then climbs the stairs by twos.
“Great game!” Harper blurts immediately.
“Thanks for the tickets, Ry!” Camilla cheers as he enters the row.
“Hey ladies, thanks for coming.” He goes in for a quick hug with each one of them, ending with a longer one for Liv. “Good hockey, eh?”
“Looked similar to what I have seen.” Liv pokes his side, shrugging like she is unimpressed. He actually played well tonight. 
“Better colors though.”
“Mmm, I like green. Brings out my eyes.” She narrows them at him when he rolls his back at her. 
“Trust me, you look better in blue.” He points to her plain blue shirt with no representation of his team. “What are you up to after this?” He seems to address the group, but his attention stays on Liv. 
“I don’t know that we have decided.” Liv murmurs.
“Well, we have a green light tonight, so a bunch of the guys are heading out. You wanna tag along?”
Both girls chime in for Liv. She sighs, tilting her head back towards the arena roof to consider. She really didn’t write enough this week. She should go home and try to get a couple thousand more words done to feel good going into the weekend. Luca is coming into town next week and she wants to spend all her time with him, not worrying about her next check point.
“Livy, your deadline will still be there tomorrow.” Ryder winks, knowing her inner turmoil. He very dramatically juts his bottom lip out at her, then looks up towards the rafters as he bats his eyes. He looks cute and boyish, earning a smirk from her.
“Wow.” Liv snorts. “Fine, but you’re buying my drinks all night. I’m not paying.”
“Beautiful girls never pay with me.” Liv ignores the way Harper and Camilla giggle as they head down the stairs to leave in Ryder’s swanky, black Porsche. 
- - -
Inside the VIP area of some bumping club Liv has never heard of, she lays her head back on the booth and belts out the lyrics to Party in the U.S.A. Ryder is next to her, nursing his second whiskey neat as the rest of his teammates scatter through the upper area of the club. Camilla and Harper are long gone, mingling with the single members of the Islanders while Liv was sitting by herself. Ryder just came and plopped himself down after doing a lap around the level. 
“Are you glad you came?” Ryder smirks as the song finishes.
“Mhm. Thanks.” Liv says genuinely.
“I knew you would feel better if you came out. You’ve been working hard. You deserve to have fun too.”
“I do have fun.”
“Yeah, but I mean have fun here, in New York, not only when you’re jet setting off to Minnesota. You live in one of the best cities in the world and you never do anything the city has to offer.”
“Life for me here is temporary.” Liv shrugs. It is. Once she is done with school, she is going to Minnesota. She wants to build a life with Luca. 
“You’re gonna throw away a whole life here for someone else’s dream?” Ryder asks. “Kinda shitty of him to ask.”
“He didn’t ask.” Liv shrugs her shoulder slightly, feeling defensive. 
“But he also didn’t tell you to stay in the best city in the world for your career.” Liv pauses.
No, Luca didn’t tell her that.
“Maybe Mr. Perfect isn’t so perfect.” Ryder suggests.
“If I wanted to stay, he would support that.”
“Come on, Livy. You think he loves being hundreds of miles away from you for most of the year?”
“What is he supposed to do, Ry? He can’t control where he plays. You know that.”
“Sure, but I hope you know you deserve more than to only be someone’s girlfriend in some shitty, fly over state. I can’t imagine that’s what your parents want for you either.”
“That’s harsh.”
“Maybe, but at least someone here wants what is best for you.”
“So does he.” Liv finishes with a whisper. They both look away from each other, taking drinks to cool off some of the tension. Liv avoids the pull of Ryder’s gaze a few minutes later, wondering if she should head back to her apartment instead of continuing the night.
“Hey.” Ryder murmurs softly. He reaches out for her hand, giving it a squeeze. He watches his thumb brush over her fingers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so upset.” He forces a smile. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.” 
But are you happy? An internal voice asks Liv. Are you happy with how many more months of long distance? Or the fact that you and Luca have only talked once on this five day road trip? Or how short the conversation was and the way he goes hours without responding to a text? Will this be how it is in Minnesota? Is Ryder right? Will you only be Luca’s girlfriend, a WAG, and not a published author with a bachelor’s degree and working towards a master’s?
Liv swallows down her nerves, squeezing Ryder’s hand back while pulling in a steady breath.
“It’s okay. I’m okay. I’m fine. Great even.” She finishes, groping for her glass on the table and slamming the rest in one huge swallow.
But the rest of the night, Liv is swimming in and out of reality. She has a hard time being present with the group. The amount of alcohol she consumes doesn’t help. She gets upset when realizing Luca never texted her before he headed to the arena. She was in the bathroom, scrolling through Instagram when she saw his arrival picture posted on the Wild socials. His phone is right there in his hand, but she has no new messages from him.
How is this so easy for him? How is she sitting here spinning her wheels, waiting for any sliver of attention, and he is walking into that arena without a care in the world? Before she thinks better of it, she sends a text to him.
Going to bed. Sweet dreams.
Then she fills her Instagram story up with all the pictures she can take of every Islander and her. She takes shots with their star center, captain, and goalie. Her and Ryder snap tongue out, ultra posed pics. She shoves at Ryder’s face as he tries to hand her another shot. Camilla and Harper join in on the pictures too- sexy, pouty faces as Liv sheds her jacket and runs around the hot VIP area in her black tank top. 
Liv is catching her breath off the dance floor with a fresh tequila soda when her phone buzzes on the bar top.
Your bed looks different these days. Have fun, baby! Call me when you get home?
He is as sweet as ever, which is so annoying to Liv. 
She sees Ryder on the dance floor with Harper, who is falling all over herself at his attention. Liv scoffs. Pathetic. Harper throws her arms around his shoulders. His hands go to her hips, holding her up and in place as her upper body sways. Everything feels like it is getting sloppy. Harper pulls herself into his chest, cuddling up into his arms. He lets her, but his eyes wander up to where Liv is. He raises his eyebrows at her. Liv shrugs in response. Ryder leans down to Harper’s ear, saying something that has her nodding. 
Liv scans the crowd as they wade through to get off the dance floor and to the stairs leading to VIP. Every woman turns their head to look at Ryder as he passes. If he notices, he doesn’t let on. Liv shakes her head in awe of it. She can feel their hot gazes judging her when he stops next to her. He throws his hands on the railing she is leaning on, smiling in greeting at her.
“Another night where you have your pick of the place.” Liv cocks a brow at him. A piece of hair falls across his forehead and instinctively, Liv reaches up to brush it away. Ryder goes still with her skin on his. He closes his eyes for a moment, then slowly turns fully towards her, setting his blue eyes on her face.
“They aren’t the girl that I want.” Liv holds his gaze for three breaths, then looks away, taking a gulp of her drink. She ignores his words, unable to comprehend fully if that was insinuation or not. She can feel the way her body responds to the alcohol. She is a little unsteady on her feet, feeling her inhibitions fall away, and the anxiety dissipate until she feels completely comfortable in her skin. 
The feeling doesn’t last as Camilla and Harper get downright sideways. Camilla is in tears crying over her ex-boyfriend with a rookie who looks like he wants to run through the brick wall to get away from her. Harper is falling asleep on the bench and the bouncer is throwing his thumb over his shoulder that she has to go. Ryder helps Liv get them back into his car. 
“Are you okay to drive?” Liv wonders before getting in.
“Yes. I’m sober. Saw you three getting wild and stopped drinking so you would be safe.” The consideration touches Liv. She is contemplative as she gets into the passenger seat. Her seatbelt clicks into place then Ryder pulls out into traffic. As the car shifts, Liv feels something shifting inside of her too. A softness is growing where she felt jealous and out of control earlier. 
Camilla rushes out of Ryder’s car as soon as he puts it into park. She tosses a wave over her shoulder leaving a passed out Harper to Ryder and Liv. They each take an arm, working together to get her into her apartment. Once inside Liv helps get Harper into bed as Ryder waits in the living room.
“Livy, do you think Ryder fell in love with me tonight? Is that why he is here helping?”
“I think he cares about you, Harp, but maybe try again when you’re sober.” Liv says to her friend. Liv ignores the twisting in her stomach at the thought of Ryder interested in someone. What audacity her tummy has to be churning right now.
Liv’s boots clack down the hall as she finds Ryder by the couch. He is looking at a picture of the three girls on one of their first weekends at Columbia. He seems out of place with his big shoulders, dark hair, and masculine presence in the overly feminine living room.
“That feels like a lifetime ago.” Liv murmurs, stopping next to him. Their shoulders brush. 
“You have lived a lot since then.”
“Yeah.” Liv smiles. “Can’t believe I’m graduating in a few months. It flew by.”
“The best years do, especially when you find a safe place to spread your wings.”
“I know it’s going to be hard for you when I leave.” Liv murmurs, sensing the sad undertone to his words. They haven’t spoken about this before, but the implication has been there.
“Yeah, it will be. I’m losing my best friend.” To comfort him, Liv laces their fingers together, tugging him towards the door to leave Harper’s behind.
“Come on, knight in shining armor. No need to get sad and sappy tonight. We have months left together.”
“True. Plus, I’ve got one more drunk girl to tuck into bed.” 
“I’m not drunk.”
“Sure, but you aren’t sober.” Liv doesn’t argue about that. Ryder makes sure the door is locked to Harper’s apartment, then puts a guiding hand on Liv’s back to walk her the two doors down to her place. 
Antsy anticipation intensifies in Liv as she pulls her keys out. Her other hand is still laced in Ryder’s comfortably. His thumb brushes along her fingers and she feels butterflies sweep the walls of her stomach.
“Liv. I’m serious. I know you’re trying to change the subject and move on, but I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. You have this effect on me. I am better when you’re around. I’m scared of who I will be without you.”
Warmth and appreciation spreads out from Liv’s chest to her extremities. That feels so good to hear. She has spent so much of the day feeling like an after thought, a throw away item when other things are more pressing. Right or wrong, Ryder fills her cup right back up. She smiles softly at him.
“See? What am I going to do without that smile.” He reaches out for her face, then drops his hand, remembering what they are to each other. Remembering who she has waiting for her in San Jose or whatever West coast city Liv said he was in. 
“We will still see each other.”
“Like this?” His voice gets huskier.
“What do you mean?”
“Just me and you. Like this. Like…” He trails off, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He gets bold, cupping her cheek with his hand. Liv closes her eyes and leans into his touch. “I’m trying so hard not to kiss you right now.” Her blue eyes open again at his confession. 
Liv should say goodnight. Right now. Danger signs bolt upright in her mind. Red flags whip in hurricane force winds. Alarms bang through her head like cartoon cymbals clamoring together. And yet, her eyes drift, down the bridge of his nose, over his slightly red cheeks, to the full, red flesh of his lips. Her top teeth tug her bottom lip into her mouth, then she runs her gaze back up those features to his eyes again.
“Livy…” He whispers her name like a secret. 
Her eyes gravitate to Ryder’s lips again, wondering what it would feel like, for one moment, to kiss someone else. But not just anybody, him. Ryder. Loneliness whispers like a siren to feel warm skin against her mouth again. To be held for a moment, desired, not put on a shelf to be taken down when hockey or school isn’t demanding attention.
Ryder leans in, keeping his eyes open, locked on Liv. Her heartbeat blasts through her ears like a freight train as he stops at 80%. All that is left between them is a slim slice of stale apartment air. His warm breath collides with hers right in front of their noses. She tilts her chin up more, perfectly evening up their mouthes. 
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz
Liv’s phone vibrates in the back pocket of her tight jeans. Her and Ryder stare at each other. Without even checking, they both somehow know it’s Luca. She never told him she was home. Now he likely worries, three thousand miles away.
“I should go.” He sighs dismally. Liv can taste his words in her mouth, feeling the flutter of the air of them on her lips. Then he turns and walks away. 
Liv doesn’t answer Luca’s call. She couldn’t speak if she wanted to anyway. 
Guilt crawls through her veins, icing her chest and making her unsteady on her feet. Ryder disappears into the elevator. Her back hits her door as she clutches her keys to her chest. 
Why did that almost happen?
And what is that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that mirrors disappointment?
Read more Liv and Luca here.
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wwrenwrites · 1 year
Jason Todd x Filipino! reader headcanons
A/n: i don’t care if this will be my most flopped post, I had to do God’s work
He would LOVE Filipino food
Jason is pretty open with food considering he has traveled frequently for work.
Being accustomed to seeing rice available even if it’s high in carbs lol. Started as a pancit (stir fried noodles) boy to a BIG garlic rice boy ever since you’ve introduced him to it.
Could see him really liking champorado (chocolate rice porridge) for some reason, since there is something so homey about it. Plus it’s not that sweet. He definitely have tried it with tuyo (salted dried fish) when you mentioned it but prefers it just the champorado alone.
Jason enjoys Jollibee most specifically the fried chicken, both of you have movie nights with a bucket on the coffee table with pineapple juice or alcohol. Would find Filipino spaghetti ‘meh’ cause it’s a bit too sweet for his liking but he wouldn’t mind it after a few more tries since there’s that child-like taste that makes it addicting.
Would 100% love lumpiang shanghai (Filipino spring rolls) and quotes as he explains it to Roy or any of his brothers ‘a way better version of Chinese spring rolls’, just like how you told him. He stops craving for the usual spring rolls if you guys go for Chinese take outs from then on.
Despite what the media depicts of having adobo (soy sauce & vinegar chicken stew), sinigang (tamarind stew) or ube hyped. He does think Filipino food is still very underrated compared to Thai, Chinese, Japanese etc.
Could also see him enjoying clear soup stews like pork sinigang & bulalo (clear soup with beef shanks & bone marrow) because of the homey taste versus the flavored stews but he definitely still enjoys them (also see him being a big kare- kare (peanut butter stew) lover by your influence.
Like every other man, he would be a sucker for San Miguel beer. He knew about it even before both of you were dating since there is a small Filipino town in Gotham. Considering he goes to different bars from time to time. He would enjoy the concept of food on sizzling plate but it would take time for him to actually try exotic street food specially Balut (duck embryo) lol. But he’s down for it!
Spicy White Boy
Canon- wise, he knows Portuguese and there are lots of similar words with Spanish. Which I’m sure he knows maybe the most basic and common sense ones; so Jason understanding a good amount of Tagalog shouldn’t be surprising but would baffle you when you find out he started learning bit by bit for you.
It is very impressive indeed, there are not a lot of good resources in studying it. However, Jason is a Wayne and if his father was able to learn Kryptonian. He would easily be in a level of fluency by time.
And being the intelligent simp he is. He would understand it in a good level in less than a year or two when both of you are pretty much ‘all in’ in the relationship. Especially when you brought up one time before you were both exclusive, that you were scared of the idea of your partner being left out in family events even if English is pretty much the second main language in the Philippines.
Though I feel he would have more confidence in trying to speak the language after a few more years including a few slangs cause he doesn’t want to handle the anxiety of being roasted by your family & friends even if he obviously has thick-ass skin.
You keep telling him that he has already won his parents approval (too fast) when he swoon them with just the use of ‘po’ and ‘opo’ the first time meeting them. Plus the very occasional whispers of ‘gwapo’ , handsome, or ‘matangkad’, tall, here and there would give him a mix of a sheepish ego boost.
Culture Differences
THE ‘NO SHOES IN THE HOUSE’ RULE is a mutual practice that both of you have no problem doing. It has always been a routine for Jason when he gets home and right away he would wash up just so he could be in bed with you.
The no shoes rule seems to be only followed by Alfred when he drops by with groceries for him in his apartment. It bewilders his siblings when he makes a big deal out of it even if they are just dropping by (uninvited as usual) but also more like so you wouldn’t get triggered if you get to meet them but frankly it triggers Jason more since he’s quite neat as a roomie (plus future hubby points too.)
THE FAMILY CULTURE in a Filipino household is usually a mix of chaos and laughter which Jason is quite familiar with but with your family he could tell how close all of you are from all the frequent get together celebrations or holiday trips.
But also he was told a few times from some neighborhood titos (uncle) when he was still in the streets that the number 1 rule when dating a pinoy (shortened term for Filipino) is if you’re ‘dating a Filipino you’re also dating their whole family.’ You even tell him when you show pictures of your immediate relatives and family, that it’s basically a whole village if you include your extended relatives which shocks him even more. You don’t even know who are all your aunts or uncles names nor your second cousins.
You gave him a heads up and number of pointers to Jason when you were both talking about your families plus the never ending group pictures and selfies that awaits. You get worried if he would be overwhelmed even if he tells you, “Doll, don’t worry you literally met mine” “It’s not the same.” With a kiss on your forehead and the cute pout he loves still present.
He immediately gets interrogated and compliments which takes him a back getting him a bit shy. Would vibe with your cousins and would be forced to sing. The karaoke machine playing till midnight, the never ending food being offered in his plate but also your baby cousins getting attached to him which you greatly adore. He would purposely annoy you with flirty gestures in front of your cousins just for you to swat his arm or his biceps multiple times getting a reaction from your comments mixed of ‘yiee’ or ‘landi!’(flirt).
SOUVENIRS in Filipino is pasalubong, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re materialistic it’s more of the thought when a person is away; may it be for family & friends.
Jason bringing home food or snacks when he goes out or something unique when coming from a long mission for you has been natural. You don’t expect him to always bring something home for you of course. Fortunately, Jason loves spoiling you and seeing you sulk when you rummage his duffle bag filled with used clothes and is helmet is too cute. Plus, this is definitely one of the first words he would understand besides the word ‘makulit’ (a neutral connotation of annoying, cheeky, and naughty combined.) and other cuss words.
The first time Jason brings you to the Wayne manor Alfred and Bruce immediately doesn’t see you as a threat especially with a bottle of wine or fruits as formalities. You panic a bit when both of you weren’t able to bring anything to the manor every time you go after that, he has to reassure you it’s fine. Though he appreciates and finds it adorable on how much his family becomes fond of you because of how genuine you are.
When you and Jason travel, you would be having an extra luggage for goodies and shopping and would get endless teasing from Jason. You would tease him back though if he needs something but you would also use his luggage as well if needed for everything you bought.
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crownleys · 10 months
One of the things I think about often with regards to Wayhaven is Rebecca's age, mostly because I think it can add a really interesting level of nuance to an individual player's/Detective's experiences within the game. From what I've seen Mishka has purposefully left it open to the player's interpretation, which I personally really enjoy and am glad for.
To me, Rebecca's age has a pretty wide window of possibilities -- she could have met Rook and had the Detective quite young, or with how career-driven she is, it could have been far later in life! And I do think those differences would shape the Detective's, the player's, and probably even Unit Bravo's impression of her just a little depending what her age is.
Edit: adding a readmore because I realize this got a bit long!
You could have a young Rebecca who had the Detective at maybe... 25 or 27, and if the Detective isn't much older than 25 themself she's only around 50 - which is a sharp contrast to a Rebecca who has an older child when she herself was older. If your Detective is 35, and Rebecca had them at 35 or even later, she could be older than 70!
You can be fit as hell at 70+ years old (and one of my favorite examples of this is Ginny MacColl, 71, mother of stunt woman Jessie Graff -- the both of whom are competing in the next season of American Ninja Warrior) but there are also physical changes a person's body experiences at that age. Bones can be less dense, muscles less elastic -- healing can take longer. Injuries can be more impactful.
Obviously Rebecca doesn't have to be that old, but I always have fun asking 'but what if that WAS the case'. Especially considering the immortal elements of Unit Bravo's powers. What must it be like to know someone for that long, to see them age, and be unchanged yourself? Is it more impactful for some of members UB than others? For the Detective, would her being older change how they feel about her showing back up? For something like the Auction scene in Book 3, would your Detective make a different choice on Rebecca accompanying them if they have a younger Rebecca vs an older one?
I'd love to hear from people about it too -- how old do you imagine Rebecca to be? Does her age make any difference to your Detective, positive or negative or otherwise? Is it different for different Detectives, if you have more than one?
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markrosewater · 7 months
If you could make a Universes Beyond of any network TV show, what would it be? I'll excise genre TV like Buffy and Angel, but I will say, I will immediately preorder any Buffy the Vampire Slayer UB set that is promo'ed. Examples; Bones, House MD, Cheers, Frasier, Family Matters, can be sitcom, drama, or procedural.
If you're inspired, give a drama, a sitcom, and a cop show.
“Roseanne”. : )
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Gladion x Reader: Shadows of Poni Grove PART 1
Shadows of Poni Grove.
word count: 3753 (part 1+2)
Prompt: The monster’s well aware of its typical victims, and it knows human eyes don’t glow.
“It’s very interesting,” (Y/N) sips her tea, “how the hyper training works in the Galar region. I’ve always needed to train my pokemon by myself.”
“It’s something that Rose had been working on for years.” Leon hides his smile by looking out the window. She’s trying to hide that she burned her tongue on the hot tea. Cute. “Says it has to do with the ‘future of Galar’ or something.”
“Still, though. I feel it is important for a high-performance trainer to know how to train their own pokemon. It builds-” A faint buzz hums through (Y/N)’s pant pocket, and her Rotom phone flies out.
Bzzzt. Hello? (Y/N)?
She snatches the Rotom phone from the air to look at the caller ID. It’s Looker. “I can hear you. It’s me.”
There’s something we need you to check out.
She taps the ‘location’ button. “You’re in Alola right now. I can send Gladion or Hau for the UB’s, remember?”
Where are you right now.
“I’m having tea with a friend.”
I need you somewhere private.
She moves the phone to her ear, and Rotom switches from speaker to single-caller mode. “Tell me here.” Leon is leaning against his chair, twiddling his thumbs. He watches (Y/N) as her eyebrows knit together, and then her face drops. Her eyes shake a bit, and then she is out of her chair, streamlining for the exit. She stops her march suddenly, then turns around to Leon, who is still in his chair. He waves and nods in understanding. Understanding what? He doesn’t really know. But she’s the Worldwide Champion, so he assumes it’s something important. And dangerous. He hopes she’ll be fine. He was starting to like having her around as he takes over Rose Tower- and she’s gone again. Leon sighs, and looks down to the half-eaten biscuits on the table and her still-steaming cup of tea. He hopes she’ll be fine.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid.
That was the only word going through (Y/N)’s head the entire ride to Alola. Who was she calling stupid? Stupid Looker, for sending Gladion alone. Stupid Gladion, for not asking for backup. Stupid (Y/N), for being worried for stupid Gladion and his stupid smile, his stupid haircut, his stupid stupidity. Why didn’t he ask for backup? Stupid stupid stupid stupid.
The urgency in Looker’s voice echoes in her mind, “Gladion was sent two days ago and we can’t reach him.” Stupid. A whine from Latios below her snaps her back into the present. She leans into the pokemon, and they dive downwards into Poni Grove.
“What is that? Oh my Arceus. Bank. Bank!” she yanks on Latios’ neck, and they abruptly level out, just close enough to see the damage. The usual green of Poni Grove was soaked in red. Bones and mush of what she assumes are Pokémon lay strewn across fields and left hanging on tree branches. Judging by the different hues of blood, and the ground just marinating in it… Latios descends slowly, the air growing thick with a metallic scent. It was so quiet. Too quiet. They land somewhere away from the mess.
Latios knew the drill. (Y/N) takes out a wreath of revival herbs, and hangs in around his neck. She brings her forehead to his before letting him take off to do an aerial inspection of the damage. She watches until Latios is out of sight, the wind from his wings whipping her hair around. Then (Y/N) calls out her team.
“This is (Y/N). Codename: WWC. I am reporting a case 294; massacre. This is a recon mission for Agent Gladion, and a rescue and relief for Poni Grove.” She leaves a message for Looker on her voicemail. Then she looks to her team of pokemon, a bunch of young, naive Galarian rookies. “Save what you can, burn or bury the rest.” She gives each of them a wreath of revival herbs around their neck, “do not touch anything rotting, do not engage in battle. Stay in groups of two or more.” She winces a little. This is a new team she started training from Galar. Their first mission on the field was a particularly gruesome one. There was no time to waste. Her team scattered, each running off to a pile of flesh and bones. The stench was overwhelming.
(Y/N) tightens the bandage on a Riolu’s midriff, pressing her lips together as the pokemon moans in pain. She did what she could with the items she had on her bag; a fresh water to wash away the blood and dirt, some pokemon scale to saw off the rotting flesh, and a measly full restore to seal up the wound. She gives the Riolu some berry juice and wipes the sweat off its forehead. The pokemon squeaks, its eyes drooping with exhaustion. The bushes behind them rustle, and (Y/N) snaps her head up as Riolu makes another pitiful whine. The scent hit her before the image: rot and char. An Alolan Marowak stumbles towards (Y/N), barely gripping onto the two halves of its bone. Chunks of his flesh were missing, and the remaining parts were scorched or dripping with blood. (Y/N) watches the pokemon carefully, angling her body so that she crouched between the Marowak and Riolu.
“What happened to you?” The Marowak trembles, its bone splintering into dust as it sways towards her. She quickly administers a Full Restore, watching as the Pokémon stitches itself together, pink flesh filling up the indents in his body. She hands the pokemon a bottle of Moomoo Milk, and takes out her sports tape to secure the two halves of Marowak’s bone. The bottle is empty before she can start, so (Y/N) replaces the empty bottle with a Fresh Water. She hands the bone back when he’s done. The Marowak studies her and the Riolu, shifting a little as if to say something-
A cry from one of (Y/N)’s pokemon rings through the air. She bolts up, head snapping towards the direction of the sound as the Marowak lunges for her bag. Without a word, the Marowak flees into the underbush. (Y/N) checks her pokewatch: all her pokemon are safe, the youngest just tripped over a branch. She sighs, looking back down to the Riolu and then to her bag, where the Full Restores’ pocket has been completely emptied. Shit. She checks the Riolu’s vitals once more, then picks it up, resting its weight on his hip and she releases a high-pitched whistle to call her pokemon. She moves towards an area with better visibility.
(Y/N) divides her team: half to aid the injured, lead by her Mimikyu, Mimi, who was a native to Alola. The other half would join her and follow the Marowak. Rotom tells her that Looker and the recon team are 30 minutes away. She lets the Riolu join the other fourty-something rescued pokemon in the middle of Poni Grove. But where is Gladion?
Sian, her Zacian, tracked the Marowak’s scent. The trail leads them deeper into the grove, more grotesque, death mingling with the unmistakable stench of human decay. They slow down around the opening of a cave, Sian signals something by pointing its nose towards her palm. (Y/N) places her hand to the walls of the cave, feeling for the vibrations of a pokemon battle. One side was losing, very badly. They make their way deeper into the cave.
Her pokemon were walking too heavily. She calls them back into their pokeballs, and presses herself against the walls, inching her way into the cave. The battle quieted down. She moves cautiously, focusing on a new noise that started; something wet and sloppy. She nears the opening into the main body of the cave, daring a peek at-
Something cold and very strong gripped her arm. A scream crawls up her throat before being muffled by a cold hand over her mouth. “Don’t make any noise,” a biting, cold whisper, “or it’ll attack us.” She quickly registers the warm breath at her ear.
“There’s no time to explain,” he looked awful. She couldn’t see very well anyway, but a few gentle pats down his body told her enough. “The Pokémon is ghost-fire type. It sees in infrared, so breathe as little as you can.”
“Where’s Type: Null?” she scans the darkness as her hands continue to feel around his face. Nothing’s missing, at least.
“He’s further into the cave. I can’t get to him, but thankfully his shell is too tough to break open. It’s the only thing keeping him from being eaten.”
“Do you have any Max Revives?” he grabs her hands and tugs her closer, desperation in his voice.
“I… left them outside.”
“How many Pokémon do you have with you?”
“Not enough,” he mutters. The two of them stood in silence.
The munching stops, and a clatter echoes through the cave. (Y/N) squints in the darkness to see what it was. Gladion yanks her to the ground as the cave floods with light.
A marowak bone.
The Marowak’s bone.
Oh, shit just got real.
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hajikelist · 8 months
Bug snacks and holy water sorbet
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I realized that there are people who are interested in these but don't go here and don't know the original so I'm including the panels now!
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It's hard to do savory things that look like glittery treasure so I got a little creative with it. I actually got some silkworms to fry up. I think the traditional treatment Chilchuck talked about is similar to the Korean style beondegi, but this is more south/southeast Asian street food style. I seasoned it with turmeric for more of the ✨golden✨ vibe but the color didn't really come out. That and hot pepper in the oil and vinegar for dipping really make it pop. I also had lotus chips as a backup for that visual roundness or if I really goofed the bugs. And of course grilled pearl onion necklace skewers!
Considering the jam and the sorbet together, I ended up thinking about shaved ice desserts with beans and jelly and other colorful bits. Used honey instead of sugar and even a bit of honeycomb to accentuate the bug aspect. And it was a good excuse to make ube halaya but that's just a little treat for me
More info and thoughts under the cut!
I made a contraption to try to make ice cream
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It didn't work!
I was better off sticking it in the freezer and mixing it occasionally. I used honey in place of sugar, some orange liqueur, and all sorts of beans and jellies. Coconut strings worked for the slime bits and just plain mint. The honeycomb got too cold and the texture was bad, if you're using honeycomb on a cold dish, put it right before serving instead of storing it with the dish. It was a bit too sweet for me, but it sounded like the others liked it!
This was my first time having silkworm and I'm not sure if I overcooked it, but it was good! A hit in this house. It was crunchy and earthy and almost shrimp-y. A bit of that shell/fish bone flavor. Definitely a complex flavor that hits in a couple parts. The onions were tasty but could have been cooked more. It was definitely more visual of an homage than flavorfully.
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deepzekrom · 1 year
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Beast Month Day 9, Depth Meet UB-?? Glow aka Nautitan the Lurker Pokemon, a Fire Psychic type based on Bone Worms, Submarines and Whale Falls
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fallershipping · 1 year
Looker and Anabel being good friends, exploring a romance together, opening up to the idea of a potential domestic life and having a family and/or thinking about new career paths and hobbies and things they’ve always wanted to do and try-- is all about them both seeing a life beyond the bubble of Interpol.
Their lives are dedicated to their work, and they’re fully aware that they are expendable for the safety of others. It’s in the job description, it’s in the numbered codenames. Agents belong to the service of a greater purpose. Even the whole semi-defunct “UB Bait” thing was to hire people who will actively lure UBs away from the innocent masses. It’s super complex. Imagine how dark it would have been if Anabel and Faller were told and they ACCEPTED the fate to be a lure or die trying. Looker is still working himself to the bone in Interpol despite everything he’s gone through because he believes in protecting others at the detriment to himself.
But I think it’s one of the most meaningful things for Looker and Anabel to start to break away from this. They can protect the world in their own ways far from the Interpol rabbit hole. Looker can start thinking about who he is as a person and what he truly wants in the world, and how he has grown attached to people despite his efforts not to. Anabel can think of who she was and rise back up as a skilled trainer, laughing and having fun battling again as she used to.
And they both can realize together that romance is something they can allow themselves to want and desire and need. And somehow, they might find themselves thinking “Oh shit...! I might want a family with this person...! I might want to stay with this person for life...!”
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star-shooters · 2 years
Members of Star Shooter
Copper Cephei
Copper is an elder team member with a fiery personality and a burning core of calcium nitrate. He is the illegitimate offspring of his Stellar Blood Cepheus; his numerous half-siblings see him as a burden. Copper seeks change on his home planet. He finds that treating anyone based on their creation and what burns in their core is ridiculous. Added to his hatred for his older brother, Coquelicot, Copper secretly wishes to have a functional family like some of his team members.
Copper sometimes loses his temper, catching himself and his surroundings on fire if no one calms him down. His anger threatens all who don’t know him, and he finds solace with his cousin, Ube, who looks past his threatening characteristics. Copper will protect his friends despite not having anyone to support him when things get tough.
Bone Aratumi
Bone is an older team member with an affinity toward death-themed attire; paired with a pure lead-burning core, he is seen close to Ube conjuring up spirits of long-passed Stars and Stellars. Bone’s family is an outcast for only producing Stars whose cores burn toxic materials; he wants to find a way to change society to accept his family and kin. He is the only one in the group with tattoos, making him appear like a skeleton, and with fire hair that changes size depending on his mood. Bone wishes to be as strong and caring as his idol, General Bone, Gold’s older brother. He carries a tote of various jars whose contents are helpful in almost anything he needs, so long as he has enough materials. With Ube, Bone can use her tote’s materials for larger projects and attacks. His spirit companies aid him in attacks and defending while he digs for a weapon.
Gold Gemitaurus
Gold is an older team member who has many contacts with influential people. She is believed to be a pure iron-burning Star with a sense of nobility which she gained from her brothers. Gold wishes for her home to change, willing to sacrifice herself for it like her late brothers did when she was a child. Gold’s need for change led her to volunteer for experimental coding that gave her the power with drawbacks, Detachment.
While in Detachment, Gold is not in control of her vessel and automatically takes down any threat within her vicinity. So far, the programming has kept Gold alive from her enemies but has hurt others when she’s not careful with tagging them as friends or foes. Gold is thankful that her friends don’t mind her corrupt data and help her when the coding takes over.
Bright Ube Cephei-Sirius
Ube is the youngest team member who suffers from insomnia and night terrors, causing her to be prone to fainting or falling asleep. With a core composed of potassium nitrate, she wishes to open an alchemy shop with her sisters and sell explosive powders. Her family is quite influential but doesn’t have enough power compared to other, more powerful individuals. She carries a tote, like Bone, and uses the materials to create explosives and smoke covering at a whim.
Ube is related to both Copper and Silver, which results in some confusion between the two. She changed her name from Bright Ube, following Silver’s lead in simplifying honorifics, and spends the most time with when Copper is busy. Like Bone, she can conjure up long-dead Stars and Stellars to help her or keep her company, though it drains much of her power when she is sleep-deprived.
Silver Kentaurus-Sirius
Silver is a team member who has unnaturally strong ice abilities, causing him to wear heated and insulated clothing. The unique fabrics keep him warm and prevent the cold from escaping from most of his body and freezing his surroundings. His proper name is Tuğçe Silver, reduced to just Silver to save others from mispronouncing it; his decision causes his cousin Ube to do the same, which he finds amusing. Many believe he is an aluminum-burning Star instead of a core full of magnesium sulfate.
Silver wishes for his people to treat everyone with respect: not based on their lineage or through world-changing acts. He has seen the different treatments two of his brothers had received for serving their people: one received respect for eradicating an extremist group, and the other received none for busting criminal rings. Despite having two of the strongest Stellars on their home planet, Silver needs his team to help in their efforts for a better future.
Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
Yellow is a young team member with explosive anger issues and a posh upbringing. She is one of the numerous other Yellows who would team up together and hunt down their mortal enemies, the Darkening, from taking over their district. She is considerably more stable with a core burning sodium nitrate than a pure sodium-burning Star.
Unlike Gold, Yellow has a natural ability that uses her anger and frustration to further fuel her core, Unhinged. Prone to irritation, she has trouble controlling her power and constantly reminds herself that it is only for emergencies like her sister, Sunglow. Yellow has coiled pigtails that can uncoil into horns when she lets the Unhinged programming do its magic. The state of her coils is a warning sign to everyone before getting hit with her Morningstar/flail hybrid. Yellow finds the idea that her people are treated based on their lineage and usefulness idiotic; she had dealt with mistreatment for being created with impure materials and being unable to find a place within their kind.
Lavender Pink Veloctan
Lavender Pink is an enthusiastic team member related to a well-known delivery line of Stars, Cherry Blossom Pink. Despite not participating in the family business of delivering mail through time and space, Lavender Pink has a unique tote with a pocket dimension. With a core burning potassium chloride, Lavender Pink shares a sibling bond with Ube and sometimes helps Ube when her night terrors worsen.
Like Gold, they have lousy coding in their core; modifications and patches were done to help them function better. Lavender Pink is very close to Gold due to sharing similar malfunctions and system errors. They wish to become as great a medic as Lapis, finding the limited available occupations frustrating and restrictive. Besides Ube, Lavender Pink is the group’s most naïve member and takes a while to understand the gravity of events. Whatever item they take from their bag can be helpful or not, depending on what Lavender Pink needs to solve a problem.
Bright Sky Blue Microscopium
Sky is the most logical member of the team, speaking differently from the rest of the members. It is a being of logic but is trying to stray from its purely monotonous and computer-like speech pattern. Unlike the other Stars, it prefers to stay away from elaborate plans that include unnecessarily high amounts of emotions. Anything about the average level of emotional output would cause Sky to experience a system reboot and wait a few minutes to restart and get back to speed.
Sky has a core burning cupric chloride but is mistaken for its arsenic-burning cousin, Sky Blue. Due to their shared names, Sky is avoided by many who don’t know the difference between them. It later shortened its name to just Sky, to avoid the confusion. Sky wishes to have more accessible education for everyone, teaching others the difference between two similar named or hued Star and Stellar; sometimes Sky wishes that everyone had actual names than by the tint of their cores.
Lapis Asclepius
Lapis is the eldest member of the team, a well-known medic who will find a way to alleviate ailments with whatever she has at hand. She is the largest in the group, towering over Copper and Bone, but will not fight unless others are in danger. With a core burning indium trichloride, very few occupations are available to Lapis and her line. The lack of jobs causes her to find other fields outside her core’s abilities, even inspiring others to create more work.
Outside of her job as a medic, she owns a bakery. Aside from combat and saving lives, others like Lapis make a living at the bakery. Lapis wishes that her home allowed other Stars like her occupations that deviate outside their assigned professions. So far, baking is the only different position she and other Lapises can hold, which frustrates many who want something more. With the help of her team members, Lapis hopes that they gather more members to convince the populous towards change.
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ronnie-ratke · 6 months
New intro post because I have to 💀
You can call me Moon 🌙
I am 24 years old | Enby | she/her they/them
Account is 18+ DNI if under 18. M1n0rs may ask for help/advice with stopping $3lf h4rm but I won’t allow any further interaction.
This blog is for venting all things $h, 3d, m3ent@l health and whatever else I randomly decide to post. Also might post occasional agere stuff. But mainly just an outlet for me vent about m3nt@l health struggles.
I have BPD | C-PTSD | depression | anxiety |schizoaffective disorder | POTS | EDS | and am a recovering addict.
Been in and out of p$ych hospitals since 13 years old and $Her since 10 years old. Struggled with 3d behavior since 10 as well. I struggled with $ub$t@nce @buse for two years but am currently sober.
✨I am also an age regressor so will probably occasionally have posts in regards to that.✨
I love animals and pretty much have my own zoo at this point. I collect bones and other oddities and never grew out of my emo phase. I also have a service dog who plays a massive part in my life
💕 Feel free to message me or follow me. I don’t have any moots but need some! 💕
Anyways see yall later 🩵
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