#u-olga marie
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years ago
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by ポテトルス
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 months ago
Have you ever articulated your thoughts on Ms. president? Like in the way you did with Kiara?
It can't be the way I did with Kiara because Olga is still not a character with a complete narrative. I don't have a conclusion already to work backwards what she's about. That said, I think the latest reveal about her is something with a lot to comment about.
Olga Marie Quest 2 reveals the original Olga Marie was created as a control unit for CHALDEAS's system. That's a thing we speculated about before but now it's important to have it confirmed. It's really significant information when it comes to defining Olga.
As we can see her now, Olga is a machine who was never told she was a machine. She assumed she was a real girl, and because of that, she thought she needed approval from the creator she assumed to be her real father. She didn't get the approval that should come naturally to her apparent identity, so she began to hold herself to higher standards for it, which also comes with holding everyone else to higher standards, consequently making her a deeply unpleasant leader.
Her complexes blew up with Marisbury death, which pushed her to take command of Chaldea before she felt like she was ready for it, and made her contend with the fact that despite her incredible power, she was somehow unable to Rayshift and contract Servants (probably a more extreme case of Daybit inability to summon because he's not part of Earth's humanity). Olga Marie never felt more out of place in the identity she wrongly assumed to be hers.
In contrast, U-Olga is far more aware of what she was made for and a lot more in her element. She still holds everyone to very high standards, as it shows in her commentary about humanity's war and fuel problems, but her attitude about it is less that of an aggressive boss and more that of an attentive teacher and advisor.
But even then, U-Olga still proves herself too heavily affected by labels and the perceived responsibilities attached to it. In her reset state, she found dear companions in Fujimaru, Mash, and Marine 4, and she found her ideal in the deinos society that Wak Chan showed her, but at that point, she couldn't bring herself to act upon these desires that clearly originated from herself, because she was vaguely remembering her identity as an enemy of humanity. The only thing that ultimately made her break out of this role was accepting the other role Fujimaru said belonged to her, that of Chaldea's director.
One of the bigger mysteries in Fuyuki's story is how did Olga rayshift to Fuyuki when as far as everyone knew, she was incapable of rayshifting. The answer Lev gives is that Olga Marie's body was vaporized by being at the epicenter of the bomb, and without the restriction of the body, her mind and soul were naturally capable of rayshifting. Back when this was all it had, Olga being a ghost through her Fuyuki screentime feels like a really random twist that added nothing to plot. But now, Olga being unaware she was a ghost becomes part of a pattern of Olga being always incorrect about what she is.
Before Fuyuki, she assumed she was a human when she was actually a part of a Mystic Code. In Fuyuki, she assumed she still had a body when she didn't. From Olympus to Mictlan, she assumed she was an alien god who traveled to Earth to answer the SOS signal of a tortured peer (but in her Mictlan reset state, she changed her fake backstory to answering Earth's death cries) when she was unknowingly a Servant version of the Alien God CHALDEAS in the position of one of its Apostles. I don't have a conclusion to drop since the story isn't over, but I look forward to seeing how the 4 E-Olga Maries are also misinformed about their identity.
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lastencoregraphics · 2 years ago
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 months ago
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Beast VII: The Beast of Chunibyo, U-Olga Marie
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typemoonconfessions · 2 years ago
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zmeyel · 2 years ago
Translations seem to be going with “Sovereign” for U-Olga Marie’s title now compared to the “President” that fan-translations originally used. While I initially thought sovereign sounded cooler/more imposing and fit the supposed Beast VII, post LB7 and how it portrays amnesiac U-Olga I think using “President” actually could have been a very interesting exploration of who should be making decisions about the future and a further discussion about the series-wide idea of imposing your ideals on others.
Across the franchise we’ve been presented different stances about imposing your own ideals on the world regardless of the wishes of others. In Fate/Zero, Iskander and Gilgamesh endorse such imposition as the markings of a hero and what it means to be a king. The fate and ubw routes of the original novel, to different degrees, present Shirou pursuing his ideals as at least something admirable even if they clash against common sense and structure of the rest of the world.
Conversely, multiple fgo events have antagonists whose goals and motivations Chaldea find sympathetic/positive but still reject the antagonist’s decision to force their idea of a better world on everyone else. But at the same time many of our main allies are people who did exactly that in life even if some feel a bit bad about it now.
But a “president” is someone whose authority to act comes from ostensibly being chosen by the masses. It could have been interesting to have U-Olga argue her actions are more justifiable than Chaldea’s since as President of Earth she represents the masses (maybe have Alaya side with her for awhile and Gaia sides with Chaldea or something).
Recent revelations about the Foreign World seem to go against any of what I just said but it was fun to think about at least.
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years ago
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 509
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Well, crap.
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... Oh.
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I know this has been out for awhile now, but I honestly think she looks too silly to ever be taken seriously.
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Because you look ridiculous as hell!
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Okay, are we done with the "a super duper uber powerful enemy shows up and almost immediately gets decked" schtick? Because that happening twice in quick succession doesn't make the story better.
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And I see that you got new armor.
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elementbrigade · 2 years ago
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Caster class pseudo-servant Ochaco Uraraka, with the servant of the Alien World, U-Olga Marie. Still waiting to see when U-Olga will become a servant given what I saw in Lostbelt Seven XD. Last will be the Rider class servant...only problem is choosing which MHA character and the servant to go with them.
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valkyrievanessa · 2 years ago
apesar do nasuverse ser cheio de problemas, uma coisa que eu acho que eles acertam muito são os aliens, porque puta que pariu, alguns dos melhores aliens que já vi na ficção hahaha. Os aliens no nasuverse se diferenciam dos demais aliens da ficção por conta da forma que eles interagem com a humanidade é bem legal, por exemplo o ORT é o melhor exemplo disso.
O Aristoteles da nuvem de Oort, ele é completamente incapaz de aprender a cultura dos humanos e da terra, para ele não é um problema isso porque o objetivo dele é matar todos nos, mas para a gente é, porque não tem como dialogar com ele, tudo que ele é capaz de fazer é nos imitar e apenas isso, não tem como ter dialogo, o que o torna diferente dos outros aristoteles que estão destinados a chegar na terra, porque a Type Venus se apaixonou pelos humanos.
Tem a Alien God, U-Olga Marie. Ela é um caso bem legal, nós não conseguimos compreender ela assim como não conseguimos compreender os Aristoteles, mas por ela ser capaz de reproduzir um evento comum no espaço na terra, a torna tão fora de liga para a gente lidar e tão incompreencivel que se torna um enorme problema a questão de como vamos derrotar ela, porque os meios comuns não funcionam nela. Tem o fato também de que ela derrotou todos os governos e organizações da terra em dias, aparentemente causou o bleaching e plantou as arvores de fantasia, isso é totalmente absurdo e aparentemente ela não é uma inimiga da humanidade, o que me deixa ainda mais curiosa.
Tem outros aliens como os deuses gregos, os deuses mesoamericanos, Sefar, etc. Os que viraram deuses eles se tornaram compreensiveis para nós, se tornaram proximos da gente e isso é muito legal, porque o lostbelt 5 mostra o que rolaria se os deuses gregos nunca tivessem perdido os corpos originais deles, eles basicamente ficariam no meio do caminho entre ser o que eles eram na mitologia que conhecemos e ser apenas maquinas sem emoções.
O ponto que quero chegar com isso tudo sobre os aliens do nasuverse é que eles geralmente são tão diferentes e "aliens" a nós que se tornam uma ameaça, mesmo que a intenção deles seja nos ajudar e muitos deixaram de ser ameaça por interagirem com nós, por se aproximarem, mas seres como sefar e ORT é impossivel o dialogo por que a incapacidade de entender e aprender sobre a cultura vem dos 2 lados (e no caso do Sefar ela é só uma arma mesmo, o proprio planeta terra teve que agir porque se não todo mundo iria morrer hahaha) e por possuirem sempre uma intenção hostil a nós, não temos como conviver com eles basicamente, é um lado que quer a briga e o outro que iria adorar evitar a briga e ambos são incapazes de conversar, basicamente.
Também tem o fato bem interessante e que hollywood geralmente ignora, se uma civilização hostil nos encontrar nos dias de hoje, não teriamos chance alguma de nos defender, é impossivel, estamos falando de seres capazes de viajar pelo espaço de forma funcional e eficiente, navegar pelo universo ainda é só um sonho para nós humanos e caso a gente encontre uma especie capaz disso e for hostil, a não ser que role algum milagre nós não temos chance alguma, não seriamos sequer capazes de entender a tecnologia deles.
bom, isso foi um post beeem longo, mas era algo que eu queria falar a um tempo e a limitação de escrever do twitter me irrita hahaha, mas serio, eu adoro o design dos aliens no nasuverse, que seres lindos gente
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hasarjunadoneanythingwrong · 7 months ago
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happy pride
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empty-dream · 11 months ago
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 years ago
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U-オルガマリーの攻撃 by 山本五郎左衛門@sanmotogoroo
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kaibutsushidousha · 4 months ago
On the topic of Olga Marie, I still find it interesting her class is listed as Unknown in gameplay, granted it could just be that they didn't want to reveal a semi-playable Beast before Draco, but I wonder if the whole thing about U-Olga being Beast 7 is a red herring (I could be wrong about that). Makes me wonder if she'll end up as a Saver/Savior class servant or something.
Her being Beast VII in Olympus is verified by Mash, a character who would never lie. The only question is whether she remained Beast VII after her Mictlan reset.
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kiwikipedia · 1 year ago
I think about the fact that all the Beasts loved humanity to the point of destroying it a lot.
There’s just something there deep down that I’m sure has been said so much more eloquently before about it. About how these beings who might not appear to be on the side of humanity at all only became such beings because they, in whatever twisted way they saw it, loved humanity so much.
They loved it so much that they could not bear the thought of the path it was taking and so they sought to make a better path for humanity. So they loved and loved and loved and destroyed because to make something new the old must be destroyed and to them, who loved humanity, they loved and destroyed in order to save.
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philautiad · 10 days ago
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Excuse me, he asked for no pickes
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typemoonconfessions · 2 years ago
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