#u ever feel like ur mutuals hate u uwu
evanox · 1 year
hi sara!! some quastions for the fanfic writer ask game: ✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic) 👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with? 📃 Ever written something inspired by someone elses fic? ✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand? 🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about? 😊 The fic that you’re the most proud of?
thank u sara ily <33
ooo zeke ur too sweet ilyt <33 also love the new pfp ;)
✏️I think it was a Jack Will x Summer (from Wonder) prom-dance-kinda fic; extra deets: back then I was part of this group of fanfic writers on tumblr including a friend and some of her friends/mutuals and we all contacted each other on kik (wauw the memories). We once got a request for a fic featuring the Stoll brothers from PJO specifically directed at me because they liked my Wonder fic so much and that meant soo much to me. I remember writing away on my lil notebook back in 8th grade because I was so motivated sffgdf. Eventually the group became too much drama for my taste and I just stopped writing until they kicked me out bc I didn't have the heart to leave by myself.
👀Hmm I did have many og ideas that I eventually discarded; as for fanfic... I think there's a ton of drafts (both tumblr drafts and mental drafts) for Last Legacy hcs that I ended up not doing anything with because *gestures vaguely at everything that happened in the last year* that you can find on my WIP list on the pinned masterlist
📃If you mean by "inspired" as in "hated the writing so much I had to write my own thing to heal" then yeah. It was an LL rewrite thing featuring different routes and MCs so I was writing my own thing, not trying to "fix" someone's writing before anyone makes assumptions lol.
✍🏽Define plan... I think I usually roll ideas in my head for a while before spilling on paper until I run out of stuff then letting it marinate in drafts for a while, then adding stuff and editing until I'm satisfied. The only time I "planned" a fic was for my Sage x Maehwa LL rewrite, which included replaying the route, watching the official NH youtube playthrough of the old prologue to integrate the bits I liked, then throwing ideas and random lines into a google doc so I don't forget them.
🌈Besides character exploration I'm not sure I have preferences tbh... I think I'm more familiar with what I don't like than what I do like. One trope that I really disliked getting requests for (or reading tbh) is "character saves character/reader from their abusive partner" bc it's giving the same vibe as that one tiktok meme that's like "can you drop me off at my bf's house" *crashes car* "you flinched... he hits you doesn't he?"
Tumblr media
kinda vibe... No offense to anyone who does enjoy it lmao... However I do enjoy character saves their lover from some villain or dangerous situation uwu can't really put my finger on why I like it better than an abusive partner situation, though, or maybe I can but I don't feel like getting into the intricacies.
😊Not to toot my own horn but I'm proud of most of my LL ficlets but if I had to choose... sage and the baker and the one chapter I managed to write for my SagexMae rewrite
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likearecordbb · 3 years
about your post on the recent discourse...
it's honestly so confusing to me because like,, you say that ppl pointing out how members of this fandom will make neil very stereotypically 'feminine' is reinforcing the idea of 'masculinity' as one thing and 'femininity' as another.... and i get that we should get rid of these labels. but at the same time... the content itself that ppl are criticising (the ones that 'feminize' neil) are already doing just that. that's why they're criticising it.
i can't point out how ppl are reinforcing the idea that a relationship should have a 'man' and a 'woman', without... saying that that's what they're doing. the writer themselves already sees relationships this way and 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as two different distinct things. that's exactly *why* they're writing neil this way while keeping andrew close to canon.
there's nothing wrong with neil being stereotypically 'feminine' of course. but to act like it's somehow misogynistic for me to go to these ppl and be like 'hey, u shouldn't view mlm relationships through the lens of a hetero one! it can be very harmful' is weird to me... *especially* considering these stereotypes that ppl are pushing onto neil come from misogyny themselves. (ppl making neil much much more emotional than he is in canon while keeping andrew very stoic)
idk, like... ur simultaneously saying that we shouldn't view relationships as needing a 'man' and a 'woman'... while defending people who are doing just that and creating content which reinforces just that.
it's one thing to say 'we shouldn't view masculinity and femininity as two distinct and different things!'/'we should get rid of these labels all together cause they're meaningless'... but if i look at the content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes... then i can't help but feel like ur not as detached from the idea of 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as u would like to believe... i trust the ppl who say these ideas are meaningless while not changing the canon characters because they seem to be sticking to their words.
people will just say that they prefer writing andreil is this heternormative way... they'll just say it what they like or what they're most comfortable writing without ever questioning *why* they prefer it this way.
and if they're projecting.. well then, *why* this couple? why pick an mlm couple to project what is often the experience of a cis woman in a relationship? why pick this mlm couple when there are others that do fit the stereotypical heternormative dynamic? idk. like,, u can do this ofc, but ppl can also call u out on ur shit.
there's an undeniable reason that neil is exclusively the one that ppl pick to make more stereotypically 'feminine'. and there's a reason this type of content is also so popular. and it's certainly not wrong to point this out.
You know, I can see all of these points that you're making. For me, the overall issue of this is very complicated. I am also super uncomfortable with the imposition of heteronormative roles onto...well, onto any relationship, regardless of the identities of the people who constitute it. I was raised smack dab in the middle of the gay community by lesbian moms (together 38 years now, jfc, can you imagine??), so that "man/woman" thing was never something that I grew up internalizing or normalizing. I can recognize that this may give me a bit too much of a sense of objectivity.
However, I'm also like...I've been ruined by grad school. The "feminizing" word makes me really uncomfortable because it starts to stray for me into gender essentialism territory. It also seems to foundationally differentiate between "masculine" behaviors and "feminine" behaviors and I just really hate that? Lesbian moms, trans daughter, bi (and late-in-life trying to see where on the ace spectrum I might fall) self, I've just met so many people with so many expressions of gender and sexuality and I just... Idk, I automatically resist anything that feels like it's upholding "masculinity" and "femininity" as real (as in, not constructed) things. And then I also am like, well, I've known SO MANY gay men who behaved in the ways that the discourse constructs as "feminized" and then I start to feel like, what about these men? Are they less 'men' because of it? How would it feel for that man to read these things saying his identity expression was a problem or a bad stereotype? Do I read *Neil Josten* within that context... no, not really. I think Neil has a 'not enough emotional expression' problem way before he has a 'too much emotional expression' problem.
I'll say here what I often say to my students in complex discussions: I don't have answers. I don't think I'm right and anyone else is wrong. I just have complicated thoughts and feelings and concerns about some of the things that sometimes seem to be left uninterrogated.
So, I do 100% get the need to be vigilant about the imposition of a "man" (dominant, emotionally constipated, sexually driven, stoic) role and "woman" (emotional, needy, teary, dependent) role onto relationships with two (or more!) men or women. I would also argue that we need to get rid of that idea in hetero relationships, too, because it's super damaging. I just wish we could find a way to talk about that that didn't feel like it was accepting this idea of femininity as a given? And I definitely agree that it's problematic when the 'bottom' in a relationship is depicted as the one who's soft and silly and weepy. (Have you read TJ Klune's Tales from Verania series? A VERY fun world that does that not at all and it's great). I'm not saying these things are not worth confronting--I'm just really uncomfortable with the way the conversations are often framed around a concept of femininity/feminizing. It feels like shrapnel, I guess? Like, 'ugh stop feminizing Neil he's not weepy and uwu he's a badass' feels inherently to me like it's making femininity and badassery mutually exclusive? Maybe I'm just looking for a caveat or footnote in the argument that acknowledges that that is constructed *for women too*? And is a part of, like, a larger heteronormative patriarchal structure? And not something that we can just all obviously agree is the way the ladies (should?) behave?
One other question I've been dying to ask, though, is: where are these fics? I don't think I've ever read something where Neil is crying over Jack being mean to him or anything. Maybe if I start to see hints of that characterization, I just close the tab and never end up getting to the 'worst' of it?
Although, if what you said earlier about the "content that u make/consume and it's practically, if not entirely, all andreil conforming to heternormative stereotypes..." was referring to me, then... idk what to say to that. I don't think that's what I do. The heteronormative relationship that you're describing isn't one that I enjoy, desire for myself (or anyone else), or have any interest in reproducing.
Does this clarify what I'm trying to say? I guess it's a really long way of saying, in the old insufferable grad school tradition: well, first we have to define our terms. Because I'm not sure we're all coming up with the same thing when we use the word "feminizing" and that probably has a lot to do with why we keep having this exact same conversation over and over and over again.
If I missed any specific point you'd like to pick at in more detail, please let me know--my very sad platonic life partner (who had to put her beloved 15-year-old poodle to sleep yesterday) and her mom are waiting for me to drive them to the stores for a distraction, so I'm feeling a little time pressure.
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elitparadox · 3 years
ship your moots with haikyuu characters?
FINALLY I was waiting for this ask for so long it’s ridiculous you're the loml now anyway here you go, they're under the cut :)
@srkuv & osamu; mhm ik you didn’t expect this one mae but you’re so sweet, uplifting, kind, and smart and chaotic that the only person who deserves your love is osamu (and me hshshs but let's ignore that) he would make you all kinds of food and watch you eat with the most adoring look in his grey eyes I’m screaming just thinking about this I would ship the both of you so hard
@ioveangel & oikawa; when i tell you you're an angel sent from God i'm serious; you are literally the sweetest, most caring, enthusiastic, and creative person i've ever met and I'm so glad I did. have i told you you're beautiful too?? you're one in a million, you will definitely make oikawa feel like he's on top of the world (but you'd have to make sure not to boost his ego 🙄). no doubt he'll cherish you, just like i do.
@vs-redemption & daichi; I CAN LITERALLY PICTURE YOU WITH HIM aside from that though, you're just the kindest most thorough person ever, we haven't really talked much but everything from your simple yet organized blog to your beautiful writing... daichi would love you uwu cuddling sessions with him, you, and your cat are inevitable <3333
@kitacharm & kita; look i'm not just saying this because he's your fav but you're genuinely super cute, kind, and supporting!! kita would take you to picnics, send baskets full of homemade cookies and healthy snacks and gilded letters to your doorstep to remind you of how much he loves you :)
@keijee & sakusa; there is zero reason to explain. sakusa would absolutely adore you. you would give him such thoughtful compliments at the best times possible, and he'd tell himself (but would never admit to you), "what did i do to deserve someone like chelsea?" it's a perfect match, fight me.
@emergencyfoodpaimon & kunimi; okay this is platonic because i know you're more of a kin than lover, which i'd fully support !!! bromance 4 life, u know? you two would go along so well but i don't think there'd be much pep talk; you'd just get straight to the point LOL you're as reserved, consistent, and lovable as kunimi and that's why i love you both </33
@softetsurou & kuroo; MARI don't ever put yourself down, your writing is amazing and you're so humble and sweet. you also have a good sense of humour and kuroo would love that. he'd say sweet words in your ear, reminding you that you're treasured but he'd also tease you a lot, so you have to crank up your patience lol
@kodzukoi & kenma; koi you're so kind, relatable, caring, talented, and funny!! kenma would think about this all the time and although he's v quiet and not good with words, he'll hug you or ask you to come kiss him at random times. he's constantly reminding himself to be good to you because he loves u to the moon and back
@perqabeth & suna; don't get me wrong but i feel like your relationship would be a love-and-hate one. teasing and bantering are present every week. but when you're feeling down, suna would embrace you with his slender yet strong arms :') also you're super sweet and funny, suna loves that about u
@maipxilia & iwaizumi; UR SO BENIGN AND TALENTED YOU ARE PERFECT FOR IWAIZUMI!!! like how dignified u are, iwaizumi is as august and i'm willing to bet he'd take care of you no matter what. he's one of those people in your life who would literally die in your place, he'd also be so defensive if someone were to eye u or flirt with u and stuff lol.
@koushisbutterfly & sugawara; PLS YOUR PIANO PLAYING??? suga would beg u to play almost every second of the day because that's how good you are. he'd also kiss u on the forehead in the morning and just be the sweetest ever to u, his heart melts from the way you take care of him :')) you're also so kind you and suga would be that couple who punches pats everyone on the back for good luck
@mysterystarz & akaashi; yet another ship that sails freely across the ocean, uninterrupted and peaceful. akaashi would take you to watch the stars at night, give you cute notes, let you borrow his jacket, etc. wow, wonder how jealous your classmates would be when they hear (and see) that 😏
@strawbearisamu & tendou; first off, you and tendou are chaotic as hell lmaoo you'd vibe so well together- i literally know tendou would send you memes from the dozens saved in his camera roll but don't get me wrong, your relationship is also so sweet bc you give him a sense of home. you make him understand he's good enough, for once.
@mimi-cee-hq & tsukishima; MIMI YOU'RE SO TALENTED, KIND, AND SUPPORTIVE jsjsjs we all know tsukki isn't exactly the sweetest person and he wears a blasé mien most of the time, but around you, he softens a LOT and will be less mean to u i'm sobbing oh also i would ship you with kunimi but u guys are too similar i just wanted to switch things up ;)
@shirari & shirabu; i know we didn't interact much but you seem like a funny, kind person!! and don't imply that you aren't lovable or anything because you're passionate about the things you love and shirabu would highly admire that. you'd make him feel so warm and appreciated.
@itsmiyamore & kita; kita would love u bb, i'm spitting facts here. when you're stressed from homework/work, he'd endow upon you as many hugs as you want and comfort you by whispering "everything is going to be okay" i tell you, he's insuperable when it comes to best bf ever <3 (and u would be the best gf too)
@tetsusbbygrl & kageyama; wait abbs i swear you're so adorable and funny kageyama would be rlly shy around you, just like u are with him :)) he'd hold your hand at the most random times, he'd ask his upperclassmen for advice on where to take you out, etc. he tries so hard to make u feel the way u make him feel <33 you'd be that cute oblivious couple, u know the one
@sunkeiji & atsumu; okay we've been mutuals for only a day but you're already so welcoming and sweet to me, atsumu would be so grateful to have met you like i do!! you're collected and friendly while atsumu is energetic and a bit bothersome (but caring as well) which means you'd be great together <33 how cute
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kiyomie · 4 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^) [in case you've got more people you want to shower with compliments~]
ooh i recieved two more of these from @alice-chan-chan and @qvalcuno i'll be posting them all here~ (this'll be pretty long but ily all so endure)
@dicennio i think everyone knows how utterly talented this human being is (i always shower u with compliments in each of your edits❤) not to mention i love your sense of humor and overall just a really c o o l person
@eijunes woah cat your gifs are on another level seriously your fkbu gifsets (which ive seen but havent reblogged bc spoilers i havent watched them) the different colors you use in each of them BRO WOAH MY EYES BLESSED also ur a kind person our interactions were fun and cute i'd like to talk more in the future❤
@kagehjna oooh ilaydaa we dont talk often anymore but i really love your presence around my dash sm❤ i never forget how much of a fun and kind person you are thank you for leaving all those kind messages in the tags ugh my heart melts everytime
@haru-kaas anto!! i think you know already how much i love your content (if u didnt know well now u do🤩) and i love our interactions too, you're also one of the people here who just make this site way better
@kuroushi aahh omg i love your blog and holy shit your sense of humor😶 pls how could i live without your shitposts and memes and not to mention quality👌 edits in short tumblr won't be the same without u and wow are u so kind to talk to, looking forward to more interactions!!
@jaegerists siri!! i think you're one of the first mutuals i have on this site?? i remember thinking woah- they followed back😶 do know that i treasure your presence here on this site and also those lovely tags u leave on my stuff! all the love❤
@yokamis liiiaaaaa oMg i just love how damb sweet you are to me, your asks and replies (basically our past interactions) just melt my heart with how kind you are, you are also again another person i'm glad to have met on this site, thank u for existing you sweet person❤ i hope your doing amazing!!
@kurootetsuros audreeyyy!! yet again another person i'm blessed to have met here omg tumblr made me meet so many wonderful people including you, you've been so kind, supportive and fun through and through i would really love to talk and interact more with you and your talented self (hav all my luv❤❤❤❤)
@reddoriot tsuki!! AGAIN another sweet presence on my dash, you spread so much positivity how can anyone not love you😭 gosh ur talented too your art and gfx?? gimme sum of that talent🤲 you're simply just a lovely person your kind messages make really me smile🥺 (do know that ily too mwa❤)
@todoya k e l l y YOU are just- UGH im so bad at words but omg ily?? you took my heart already and are taking good care of it uwu everytime i rb my edits and leave those messages i cRI because how can one person be this sweet?? my fcking heart, also not to mention, you're so approachable?? what?? I feel so comfy in interacting and talking with u and that means a lot all the love always (watch mp when u have time pls)
@runwiththewind gabi!! ahhh i think we've only been mutuals recently and what?? i hate that sm, why have i only discovered your amazing blog recently?? your talent is i m m e n s e are you kidding?? I get even more in awe everytime i look at your edits, they're fucking superior period accept it, just...the work that goes into them...also thank you for hyping me up everytime i post my heart melts so much with how supportive you are❤ i'm looking forward to more interactions!!
@todorokih angell!! is an angel herself actually, we dont talk very often anymore but still i treasure all our interactions and you've always been the best in all those times, you're also talented af i hope you know how much i love the signature coloring you have on all your creations, all the love❤
@alice-chan-chan alice!! ofc i'll tag you here too you've seriously always been so kind and supportive always, i'll always never forget to mention how i love the cuteness and vibrance of your edits, your style is so distinctive wish you all the bests ❤
@qvalcuno aahh yes i'll tag you here too honestly i think you don't know how much i appreciate all the support/likes/reblogs, i really hope we get to interact more and ALSO if i remember correctly your blog (yourself) has a special place in my heart here bc you're the first person to ever send me an ask complimenting my small works and edits not too long ago❤ all the love as well
@villainii aaaahh we don’t interact much but do know that i also treasure your presence a lot <3 i really love seeing you and your blog around you are a kind and talented gfx maker i’d love to see more content from you!!!
@kioymi hey mika!! i would like to let you know that you're also one of those people who make my tumblr experience better, cute and sweet people like you never fail to shower positivity everywhere seeing you around my dash sure does brighten my day a little❤ your edits get better and better each time omg!!
@kikisdeliveryservices jill!! we haven't interacted much but im so thankful to know someone like you here, thank you for your kind words always, i never forget anything like that, and thank you again for sending in that ask when i recieved anon hate that one time, i really want to interact more with you your blog itself is just cute ghibli heaven (but im one of those uncultured swines who've only watched 2 ghibli films rip) but i love all your beautiful gifs and content❤
@ohreigen hey mary!! we dont talk much too but just know that bruh...i admire your edits with all my damn heart, to me before you were one of those big blogs whose creations look up to you always never fail to deliver quality content, keep making them pls everyone on this site (esp myself) need it!!
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bluespiderlilies · 5 years
Pillars x Modern reader? Please if it alright with you
hi!! i was going to say no tbh bc my rules say only two charas max but,, i'll let it slide i guess lmao 
modern! pillars x reader!hcs: 
himejima gyoumei:
okay so like,, in a modern au i like to imagine that gyoumei would be a sculptor hehe (yes, i know, not v original).
and you a painter!! 
and like,, the two of you are secret admirers of one another 
like he would often see you at the art gallery he frequents just staring at his sculptures & just,,, looking at them w pure awe?
 which he finds so heartwarming & makes him super motivated & happy in what he does!! 
and at art auctions when he buys your paintings? you feel like fainting from happiness bc the guy you admire so much BUYS YOUR PAINTINGS?!?! 
so then one day the two of you just,, bumped into each other coincidentally while at the art gallery the two of you go to often
the two of you chat comfortably before asking for one another's numbers & discuss about a potential coffee date!! 
and so, after that & a couple more dates, the two of you became official!!
iguro obanai:
hmm i feel like snek boi would be a tattoo artist 
you a florist (FUCK i hate my unoriginal ideas) 
your shops are right beside each other's haha
you sometimes talked but it was only about small awkward things like the weather BYE
but then one day you got locked out of your shop oops
so you,, sort of stayed w/ obanai in his shop until the person you called to help came
 which he didn't mind at all btw
surprisingly, the two of you got along really well? not to mention you guys liked a lot of the same things & had similar hobbies??
 from then on the two of you were kinda Whipped™™™™™ for each other lmaoo,, you often went to each other's shops when you guys didn't have any customers/had a slow day 
so then you decided to confess and!! he accepted your feelings & said he felt the same way!! (screams) & ever since then the two of you began to date uwu
rengoku kyoujurou:
okay so kyoujurou in the kimetsu academy au is a history teacher, right? 
and you are the english teacher!! 
honestly the entire school love the two of you so much
 and they even ship the two of you super hard\ but!! the thing is? the two of you are already dating, haha~ the students just don't know that yet
so it's hella amusing when the two of you witness them trying to set the two of you up with one another 
so you and kyoujurou had a mutual agreement to just act innocent and go along w what they do (which the students totally fall for)
until one day you accidentally let it slip (whoops) 
"hi guys, sorry for being late, kyoujurou won't be here today 'cause he's sick and i had to take care of him for a bit—oops did i just spill everything?"
 from then on the entire school knew the two of you were dating (and thank god, bc now you guys could be affectionate in public lmaoooo)
tokitou muichirou:
muichirou would be like that quiet, asocial first year *wheeze*
& like...there's tons of rumors of him being rude n closed off to others that try to be friends w him
n you're like!! haha!! fuck those rumors i want to be friends w him!! (plus he's cute wink wink) 
so, you try to approach him by sitting in front of his desk during lunch, or talk to him front time to time in your close (surprise!! the two of you are in the same class) 
he ignores you tbh & even tries to push you away,,, but you're super persistent (in an annoyingly,, cute way?) 
but like one day, you're absent from class two days in a row, and he's like,, fuck?? is it my fault??? did i do something to them?? is (name) not here bc of me?? i miss (name) surprisingly a lot and idk why???
and like for the two days he feels like he's fuckin hallucinating or some shit bc he always turns his head to the direction he expects you to be, or like hears your voice even if you're not there? 
but then you came after those two days, and he immediately comes up to you and questions you as to why you were absent 
you just laugh and smile, telling him that you were sick (& tease him too) which he gets really flustered at and even blushes bc he missed you a lot bye 
so then he confesses to you, and tells you that even if it was two days, it felt like forever and he just really missed you and wanted you to be by his side?? and you found that hella cute (also bc of his blushing face) so like uh,, ever since then the two of you started to date
tomioka giyuu:
kimetsu academy au where he's the gym teacher (duh it's canon) & ur the assistant nurse of tamayo uwu
you often supervise whenever giyuu has a class bc you know how rough he can be,, so you're just there in case anything happens
 cue the students being in love w you bc you're the literal opposite of giyuu
cue the students lowkey shipping the two of you too (& the two of you are HELLA oblivious about about, too) 
you like to chat w him sometimes, even if you're the one who's doing most of the talking
despite his rough nature you actually find him really cute and like??? attractive 
and giyuu?? is naturally attracted to you too?? but then one day a student fight breaks out and while giyuu tries to stop it he ends up getting injured
so you, of course, treat him the best you can—tending to the bruises on his face & the cuts on his arms & legs,, and like your touch is so fucking good and gentle and like??? bitch is about to melt too
he ends up telling you that he likes you,, and you're shocked bc omg?? the guy i like just confessed & asked me out (btw u said yes haha)
uzui tengen:
aight so spy!au where he is sent to spy on you bc you're under suspicion working under an illegal organization (wait this counts as a modern au right? yeah anyways,,) 
he moves in to the apartment right across from you as your new "neighbor" 
he also works as the cashier at the bakery you work at too!!
 bc of that, naturally, the two of you got close
you thought he was v attractive and funny lmao,, you especially found his "flamboyant" catch phrase hella endearing too 
yeah right lmao bc he did end up falling in love w you. so he even asked you out (which ofc you said yes?? like bro tengen is literally the person of you're dreams) 
but he reminded himself that he still had a mission to do, so he used it the fact that the two of you were dating to his advantage to find more about you (aka snooping) 
you didn't really mind that + the fact that he asked lots of questions about you
but once he found out that you were completely clear, he was?? highkey happy and relieved, so he could date you comfortably without being paranoid lmao
kanroji mitsuri:
idol! mitsuri and manager! reader au hehe 
honestly you have been w mitsuri ever since she debuted
you watched her grow as both a singer and as a person—you saw all the sides of her personality, habits, flaws, etc; which honestly? made you fall in love w her 
however, you kept your feelings a secret bc you didn't want anybody to find out plus ruin mitsuri's reputation?
like okay you get fired but you don't want to hurt mitsuri or the years of hard work to be destroyed 
but it's so fuckin hard you know? bc she's super affectionate w you, and you're over here trying to keep your feelings in? 
so eventually you just,,, confess to her—all the feelings you had pent up just finally spill out
unexpectedly?? she says she feels the same way?? but she's been in love w you ever since she first laid eyes on you?? 
so lmao you keep your relationship a secret, even from the agency you work at lmao 
despite the hardships that you guys often face, you get through them together and the two of you couldn't be anymore happier w one another??
kochou shinobu: 
roommates au in which the two of you are college students 
shinobu a pharmacology major & you in toxicology!!
bc of you living together and even sharing some classes, the two of you spend a lot of time w each other 
you guys have plenty of study dates too haha 
and cute stuff like night outs or movies nights!!! 
honestly the more time you spend w her, the more time you?? fall in love shinobu. like. head over heels for her. 
and shinobu's like??? I FEEL REALLY NICE AND FUZZY AROUND YOU (in her brain, though) 
so the two of you end up confessing at the same time during movie night bc the movie reminded the two of you of each other a lot?? uh?? 
when the two of you realize what you said two each other, the two of you laugh it off and just? begin dating 
nothing really changes tbh!! just more affection, dates, spending time w each other, and being more intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shinazugawa sanemi:
bodyguard au :D in which sanemi is your newly appointed bodyguard and you're a millionaire that needs to be protected 
honestly he thought you'd be snobby as fuck considering that's how rich people usually are in his eyes
 but?? you're really freakin chill and cool?? not like he'd admit that aloud lmaoo
you like to tease him a lot bc he's so uptight w you, but apologize & give him ohagi (which he really fuckin loves?? Uh??)
you always try to convince him to play video games w you lmaoo esp mario kart (he declines though *eyeroll emoji*)
since he's almost always serious around you, when you find him tending to your dogs and being so soft around them you're like?? fuck?? my heart?? 
so basically the two of u dumbasses have feelings for each other but are oblivious + don't want to confess,,, like the more time you spend w one another the more you fall in love?
and he absolutely just,, loves it when you visit orphanages and help w the kids and the way you treat them is so sweet? 
yeah. he's so in love. 
but it wasn't until you ended up in a life-threatening situation that he actually confessed to you—which, as serious as the moment was, you cracked a joke and accepted his feelings.
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morqwen · 4 years
I saw your post on fetishization and I agree with you but I am quite new to all this. Can you point out some instances/examples of the fetishization of Merlin's character?
hi i’m gonna say first of all that i’m not mlm so i’m not like an authority on this ok. anyways general fetishasation of mlm is in pretty much any v popular ship, so this is so far from being an issue in just bbc merlin.
tw for nsfw
i talked a bit abt this in the rbs of that post so i’m not gonna say that again. but basically with fetishisation of gay men/mlm there’s usually the same seterotypical dynamic. they call this top and bottom. the bottom is soft and gentle, probably a little shy and blushes a lot when complimented. but they’re also sultry and sexy and say filthy things during sex bc they’re the one being fucked so they’re obviously louder and the mouthiest. they are also smaller physically, so the top can act as their protector. also probably have a smaller cock bc why do they need a big cock when they’re an uwu power bottom. merlin is a good exp bc in the earlier seasons he’s very skinny so even tho he’s roughly the same height as arthur, the small aspect is super easy to manipulate in writing. so the bottom is basically the “feminine” half of the ship. they’re probably cute, comforting, gentle, cries, etc. this really itches people’s id for some reason. probably the same reason cishet men find virgins so tempting. seemingly pure, wicked in bed.
in contrast, the top usually has more masculine traits. so represses their emotions more/is just les emotionally available, shows affection through something physical like punching on the arm etc. they’re gonna be physically bigger probably has the biggest cock the bottom has ever seen, maybe even gasp about “how is that going to fit!?!?! :o” when they see it for the first time. idk i feel like the top doesn’t have much going for them in characterisation other than the fact they fuck good and hard. oh usually dominant over the bottom during sex. like in a more subtle way usually, like just generally rough in bed, maybe pins them down or against a wall etc etc
and i’m not saying that arthur and merlin don’t have some of those traits (very few lol) but they are exaggerated to the max so it warps their characterisation and makes them unrecognisable. ok, merlin cries. but this doesn’t make him some crop top booty shorts cock thirsting power bottom. firstly have u seen his style?? modern merlin would be dressing like shit. like some country boy who exclusively buys clothes from charity shops in a small town where no one donates. and yeah arthur is emotionally repressed but we know that he’s sweet in a romantic relationship bc of how he acts with gwen.
anyways if u were asking for like. explicit examples in people’s fics i’m not doing that for two reasons. 1. it’s pretty shitty of me to put someone directly in the limelight, this is an issue that’s too big for that. 2. i’m not gonna read a merthur fic in 2020 that wasn’t written by one of my mutuals. like. cmon. (especially as it would be everything i hate abt merthur shippers)
hope that somewhat answered ur question, i get that u were asking abt merlin but honestly it’s better to know what ur looking for in general tbh bc it’s really not just in bbcm
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jiminspjm · 5 years
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@gold-gguk :: 💗💗 my first mutual on here!! i love you!! you amazing and talented human, thank you for always being there for me and motivating me. you are truly a precious soul & i am forever thankful for you. ur very beautiful and have such a light to you! you never fail to make me feel good about myself hehe.
@yoonsgiggle :: ❣️❣️ hannah is just amazing, i love u a lot and ur obsession with a certain min yoongi. u never fail to put a smile on my face or taunt me with long haired jeon jungguk 😔✊🏽 uwu, thank you for always being there for me and making me laugh. hehe, also for the one day i accidentally did a face reveal and i was like HAHA OOPS and u were like uwuw so cute, hehe
@bymoonchild :: 🥰🥰 so basically this is che in an emoticon, this yitch has been there for me through personal ish, our crack head convo’s at 3am on kkt and how you & val SPAM ME lol, hoes. anyway, ur ig stories are so cute and ur so cute, and ur writing makes me bust a fat nut and honestly i just love you, thank you for sending me the serendipity fancam, u are so bright. and i love u and ur love for jungoo hehe, and even though u go MIA some days i still love u bitCH
@taendrils :: ❤️❤️ my favorite spitfire, so sassy, and expresses how much she hates men but only wants a strawberry farm with kim taehyung and wants him to water her crops. hehe, u have a nice face and GUYS HER VOICE IS SO PRETTY jesus, like a mom to me. never fails to make me laugh i swear. me & you & che are so funny i cri, val i love you and how sassy you are but also so genuine. what would i do without you, probably die
@guksthighs :: 💛💛 have known jess for a long time too! she unfortunately lost her phone :(( dunno when she will see this but, i love you jess! your writing is amazing, and you are as well. we have supported one anothe through dark times and i will never ever be able to thank you enough. you got me into the habit of saying keke HAHA i love it. i love you
@cherrynochu :: 💙💙 i LOve you!! I KNOW ur on hiatus rn, i hope everything is okay :(( but you rlly helped me get through my last fic, considering you cameod in it sjsjs, but our conversations never failed to make my day, you are so so funny, and ur writing is SO GOOD AND WHEN YOU MESSAGED ME ABOUT MY COMMENT ON THE DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE I CRIED (go read it) i admire you and love you, you kind soul.
@hoseokiehopie :: 💖💖 the funny thing is i also got to know my friend here through my reblog sjsjs, im such a fangirl i cry. anywaY megan is SO SWEET AND KIND AND I LOVE MESSAGING HER, i always feel bad bc i like, ramble when i talk to her and shes always the kindest soul 🥺🥺 never fails to make me feel mushy and gross, but in a good way. i love you megan!! thank you for allowing me to be ur friend hehe
@jeonshome :: 💚💚 nix lowkey went?? mia?? i still love her though, she ALSO messaged me when i commented on one of her fics lol, half of my mutuals are through me screaming excessively about their fics sjsjs, i mean EVERYTHING I SAY IT TAKES A LOT TO GET ME TO COMMENT SOMETHING WHEN I REBLOG, anyway, i love you nix and talking to you about “tell me no lies” 🙈🙈 hehe, im not gonna say anymore about that bc, 😉 also ur new theme makes me wet and im definitely going to change mine soon bc, yes, anyway I LOVE YOU SO MUCH litterally our convos are us always screaming hehe.
@seokstrivia:: 💓💓 afshi!! ur recent and im grateful so i can express my love for you!! beautiful!! human. i love our meme wars, and how we aggressively express our love for another. our friendship was also built on me screaming about her fic (go read it) i love ur love for kermit memes, how you try and out win me THROUGH REVERSE CARDS WHEN I SAY I LOVE YOU! I win everytime fyi. anyway, in the short time we have been friends, i have loved every seomd of us laughing at stupid shit, i feel grateful and warm for you. talking to you makes my day.
@minstrivia :: 🧡🧡 i know you are dealing with stuff rn eden, but I LOVE YOu so much, just so you know. and you deserve all the light, & love. bc u are so sweet, and always open to me and i will forever be grateful.
i feel warm. and happy. i love u all
the most irritating person in your life? maybe ;)
.。*゚+.*.。(❁´◡`❁)。.。:+* ash.
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vitosscaletta · 5 years
audrey x 🔥 & georgie x 🐀!!!
!!! THANK YOU!!! 💕💕💕 i missed talking about g & rat man in particular :(
also this is the ask meme.. 
IMHO (in my hoe opinion).. Georgie is really not someone to have a low self-esteem cause she was the hottest bitch in the distillery district but in a weird way she feels like she has to live up Jess somehow. She never knew her personally of course and in the end the end she only really sees her as he public image instead of the person she really was.. 🐀 obviously still loves her very much which makes Georgie feel super jealous and also stupid bc she feels so inferior compared to her. plus she’s got a lot of respect for her at the same time so!!!
hjfjh STUPID but during the game’s events they actually become friends… She’d probably be a really annoying npc who sends him on a really bad mission for a lousy reward but somehow he sticks around her clinic for some time and she keeps talking.. he’s a quiet guy but actually enjoys hearing what she has to say and they end up bonding over the “got blamed for a coup” experience (G was too young to really remember her life before but she still feels the impact it had on her family ). 🐀 stops by her clinic from time to time whenever he’s near because she gives him a discount on elixir and because he likes her i guess. In a platonic way of course
They both pretend nothing’s going on between them and keep it hush hush (yknow ~~secret meetings in some secluded corner in that palace or something.. 19th century forbidden romance aesthetique) even though no one cares!!!!! I guess technically Georgie is above his status and has a title and all that but none of the other nobles really care about her & they all know anyway so
Their first kiss was WEIRD and awkward as hell.. He probably came to her to get a tiny scratch or something treated.. as an excuse to see her and SOMEHOW that happened i guess & she felt really embarrassed after that for some reason so she was like “😳 please leave now”.. 
🐀: “ok :(”
She falls a lot faster than him but never acts on it out of pride and also respect for Jess.. she never really felt that way for anyone & is really embarrassed about it (not about having feelings in general she’s not a closed off person.. just being in love and all that). 🐀 on the other hand just viewed her as a friend for a long time and I GUESS he really liked her but with J********’s death being so recent it’s just too early to pursue anything so… slow burn 50k words. Nothing really happens until like… a year or two post-game.. they just hang around at the boyle party and talk shit about the other guests as FRIENDS
jfdj that ~first meeting~ is so funny to me, she thot f*llows ch*lk was messing with her when he told her who she’s gonna meet.. she’s just like “haha.. funny that you’re asking me for help 🙂 kind of ironic 🙂🙂🙂”.. J: “???? do i know u????”.. so yeah needless to say she avoids his ass at the beginning bc she sort of hates him (which is mutual). and also because he creeps her out.. until uhhhh *deep ass conversation about whatever but it’s CRINGE so I cant say more* 
domesticity is NOT something she’s used to anymore when [REDACTED] so she just leaves home from time to time to idk.. explore the surroundings, get some useless job done, etc… Not that she has commitment issues she just likes to see different places sometimes…. ****** just has to accept that i guess 😤😤😤 HOWEVER she also likes having a place she can always return to.. feels nice
she feels.. kind of stupid for developing any sort of feelings for him that aren’t negative, much less anything romantic, she’s hated that guy all her life & it’s so weird how it is now, but there’s a connection whether she likes it or not. She’s not someone who gets easily flustered & is definitely not shy.. she’s usually the one who initiates things but it’s so embarrassing for her at first 🤡 Audrey when they’re like. just talking: EVERYONE look away.. mind your own business!! >:(
I GUESS…. he developed feewings muuuuch earlier than her, mainly bc the “I got receipts of ur war crimes” sort of barrier (????? for lack of a better description) that she has doesn’t exist & she’s much more likable as a person…. she’s stubborn & kind of annoying bc she glares at him like this 😒 but wants to do right and is a good person not for the sake of using it as a bad excuse for revenge or anything but because.. that’s just who she is in contrast to his fake ~change of heart uwu~. which is not really welcome, he’s too old to have a silly crush on a woman who sings out loud to any nancy sinatra song that happens to be on the radio. Not that he ever acts on it anyway
I can’t think of a fifth one sorry
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metiredlr · 5 years
all questions from vines ask please?
Ask me - vine inspired
of course!!
Fresh avoc a do : what is your favorite take-out?
Merry crisis : what do you like the most during Christmas ?
mom’s birthday, the gifts AND the food
I never went to oovoo javer : uber, taxi, car, bus, train, walk, skate?
car o;
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell : which school subject do you like the most?
Hi welcome to chilli’s : How do you relax?
sleep w/ or w/o music, play w my cat and dogs, watch random youtube videos etc 
Adam.. : Do you have a best-friend(s)? If yes what’s your favorite thing abt them?
yes!! She’s an awesome person who helped me a lot in the last 4~5 years. She has a heart of gold and i really like that 
Barbecue sauce on my titties : Last time your laughed hard?
last sunday lmfaoooo
I can’t swim : When is your birthday?
20th of February! 
Country boy i love you : Biggest shame?
can’t think of any right now
It’s gonna be me : Which song do you blast full volume lately?
In The Kitchen - Mree
I spilt lipstick in your valentino bag : Biggest prank to your mom?
idk but something scary adjsdajjdsaj
Hurricane doritella : Favorite junk food?
ice cream........ and almost any fried junkfood
I’m joHN CENA : Can you play any instruments or can you sing?
nope ;;
Look at all those chickens : Do you have any pets? What’s their names?
3 pets - 1 cat named Pipoca and 2 dogs named Billy and Russo
Chris is that a weed ? : Did you ever smoked?
nope and thank god for that
That’s my opinion : When was your latest fight? And what was the reason?
i don’t remember when the last fight was sorry ;;
Who want lasagna : what’s your favorite food?
i dont have a favorite sadjjasdjhasjsadj anything is fine
I won’t hesitate bitch : Do you hate someone?
Can i get a waffle : What’s your favorite desserts?
ice cream.........
Where’s the lizard : What’s your favorite myth?
Iara.It’s a brazilian myth. She’s a mermaid that lives in the Amazon river 
B i c t h : What color do you really want to dye your hair?
blue ;)
Don’t tell mom : Are you planning on getting tattoos/ piercings? which ones?
not really ;;
Is that allowed : Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid, what was its name? What does it look like?
bold of u to assume that i dont have all the stuffed animals from back then still asdjjasdjasjasd  
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Marie is that the police : Do you drink alcohol?
Okay : what’s something that made you smile today ?
talking w/ that one mutual :’)
What the fuck is up kyle : Which social media do you use more?
tumblr lmao jasdasdkjasj and the 2nd is whatsapp
Woeva threw dat paper ur moms a hoe : Are you close to your parents?
a lot
I’m washing me and my clothes : How would you describe your style?
random? i dont know. But sleepy thats for sure
Kumbaya my lord : What’s your opinion about socks ? do you like wearing weird socks ? Do you sleep with it?
they nice. I’d love to wear weird socks jsjsadjjasdjasd and nope
Bitch i hope tf you do : Are you the wine mom or vodka aunt?
im more of a coffee tired binch tbh
Stop i could’ve dropped my croissant : Are you easy to scare? If yes, when was the scariest moment?
not really, but im really afraid of the dark. I can’t stand it lol
I don’t get to sleep cause of y’all : Do you sleep on your back side or stomach?
on my stomach!
I love you bitch : When do you feel the most confident?
when im w friends or family while doing something
i’m a girafe : If you could be a mythical creature, which would you be?
harpie or mermaid~
Zac stop : Are/ were you good in school?
i was good! Except in math and w/ numbers ;; 
Try me bitch : Tell us something we don’t know about you
i have problems w/ gaining weight and actually im a few pounds below the average for my height ;;
It’s pikachu : Latest awkward moment?
having to stay w/ my parent’s friends kid bc im a bitch who doesnt know how to act around kids so uuuuhhhh i just feel awkward towards them??? im not mad at kids usually but not uwu uwu around them either,,,,, so,, me.exe stopped working
That was legitness : What’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
its a secret~~
When life gives you lemon : What do you study? /What is your job?
i’ve been studying by myself these days. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Caterpillar rave : Do you like to party?
not really
Hahaha i do that : How do you take your coffee/ tea?
as long as it has sugar ill take it anyway lol
Boi has his free tacos : Have you ever stole something?
Shawty i don’t mind : What’s your favorite song?
rn is Alan Walker’s ‘‘All falls down’’
Patriciaaaa : Myer briggs type, zodiac sign and Hogwarts house ?
i dont remember exactly but guess that was INFP, pisces, and none
thanks for playing! have a nice day!
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virullcnt-a · 6 years
Mutuals Appreciation Post!!!! Aaaa~ <33
If you aren't listed here, KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE YOU. PLEASE BE MY FRIEND <33
@mahonoquirk Jupi-Senpai, where do I begin?! I just wanted to say that I lOVE YOU. You were one of the first few I've interacted with and I was super scared we wouldn't do much and that I would be too weird for you, BUT TURNS OUT WE GET ALONG JUST FINE AAAAA- You are so sweet and caring and super??? Funny??? And creative!! I just wanted to say thank you again for the theme you gave to me!! I seriously appreciate it. <33 
I LOVE TOSHI. Her backstory is really sad (her pARENTS) but she is still moving forward, trying to make everyone happy??? She's so adorable and quirky and can be a really tough smol girl. uwu I love her interactions with my Izuku~ Their relationship is so big brother/little sister-like aND IT'S JUST??!? AAAAAAA I LOVE THEM THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!! <33
You and your muse are just pure and so fucking good and I'll die for both of you hH I love you, thank uuuuu
@herohidden We haven't spoken OOC much, but you seem like a very lovely mun! You're so laid back and super sweet too. Please, if you ever have the time I would love to get to know you via message, because you're a pretty amazing person!!
I lOVE your OC!! Again, a very sad backstory but he's so precious and must be protected uwu His Quirk is amazing!! Very scary and creative!! I've seen your other verses too and I would love to interact with him in the other ones as well! His interactions so far with Izuku is just mPH 👌 SO MUCH ANGST IN ONE BOY, HOWWW
I love you, mi amigo!!! Take care and hopefully we talk soon!! <3
@lovesick-fangirl-roleplays You're the most adorable mun I have eVER SEEN. You're so nice and easygoing to me via message and I enjoy our little conversations! I'm also glad we have the same fascination for pocky, lol. >w> I was actually super scared to talk to you at first since you mostly like romance rps and I thought I wouldn't do good on them?? And while I haven't done them yet, I look forward to them!! More confident too!! Really!! <33 U sweet bun.
I love all your OCs, but especially Kira! She's so brave and strong, and I love the Twilight thing you brought into her. Twilight Princess is actually one of my favorite games ever!! And I'm loving the causal and calm interactions she's having with Izuku so far!! He's so friendly to her and she's the same!! I can't wait to see there the next thread goes~
Running multimuse blogs is quite the chore, but you're doing an amazing job, sweetie!! Keep up the good work, mi amigo <3
@koru-kogeru I remember talking to u a little when I did our starter ask, and you're a very sweet person! Nice and very cheery and cute, my friend. uwu Like I said for the other mun above, I wish to talk to you more!! I really wanna get to know all my mutuals!! But from the little bit I know from you, I can tell we're gonna be very great friends!!
Your portrayal of Shouto is 100% on point!! I can hear his voice in your writing, and the perspective of the writing really fits his personality!! Your threads can be funny, beautiful, and very emotional, and I'm happy to find a mun like you who has all those great things! I really wanna continue our thread together!! My Izuku and your Shouto are gonna have qUITE the relationship. uwu They both have good no nonsense attitudes hUHU
I can't wait for our and our muses' friendship to unveil!!! <33
@shcdowbeast / @kigennokanata Ur such a beautiful raisin, boo. <33 Such a good fwiend and a great writer!!! I really enjoy talking to you!! Whenever we talk, I feel like we're chatting over tea, right near a garden. uwu I wanna get to know you more! Drop bY MY MESSAGES -
I haven't interacted with your other OC, but hopefully we can do a thread with her soon! I really like her!! But for Kuro, cAN I JUST SAY I WOULD DIE FOR HER?? Her shape shifting Quirk is so cool! It's like there isn't anything she CAN'T turn into! I saw ur latest reply to our thread. Her powers are so amazing!! I especially love it when u send in asks of her shape shifting into things and interacting with Izuku!! Ahh, their relationship has so much potential!! I can't wait to see where it goes!!! <33 Cuz like Izuku really respects her and wants to be a good friend to her aAA <33
You're amazing and your OC is super interesting!!! Aa, love u, boo!!
@fireflythief / @blxxdyquirk MY FRIEND YOU AND I HAVE BEEN TALKING NONSTOP ON DISCORD AND I CAN SAFELY SAY U ARE MY BEST FRIEND AND I LOVE U AND WANNA PROTECT U FROM THIS SITE'S ANY AND ALL BULLSHIT- You are sUPER sweet and adorable and so fucking funny with the stuff you share and the things you say!! >w> We have so many plot ideas and I've shared so much with you and I'm glad I've met you. I love u so much, amigo. I hope u have a happy and safe rest of the day/night <3
I seriously love Hotaru! She's very nice and I love her tough attitude. I can't wait to do threads with her. uwu But the real shit shines with SACHIKO. I LOVE HER AND SHE'S JUST SO AUGH 👌 👌 K I LOVE HOW SINCERE SHE IS WITH IZUKU EVEN THOUGH HE FUCKING HATES HER GUTS ATM AAAA I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS GOES OWO
I love all of you!! You guys seriously inspire me and I couldn't ask for any more from any of you!! You're all creative, sweet, caring, amazing, and jUST 👌 👌 👌 I WOULD DIE FOR ALL OF YOU AAAAAA HERE'S ALL MY LOVE AND SUPPORT <333
Again, for those who aren't on here, I'll let u know right now that I appreciate you guys too! YOU'RE ALL AMAZING AND I APPRECIATE EVERY FOLLOWER I HAVE, EVEN IF WE HAVEN'T PROPERLY MET YET!!!
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aegissi · 6 years
Mutual appreciation time! Tag some of your favourite mutuals and write them a message! 🌸🌸🌸
this might get long bc i got loads of mutuals and i lurv them all :(((
@taehyunsrose i absolutely lurv talking with u everyday abt whatever we’re thinking abt and i lurv it when u tag me or send me horrible posts even tho i hate them (well i do the same for u ajbdhkbd wait weren’t u the one who sent me the cow jimin tweet?? if yes then i hope u know that it haunts me to this day) ur so kind and so smart ily!!!
@jinubabe ur one of the funniest person on this hellsite im glad we’re pardners 🤠🤠🤠 here’s to a lot of future winner shitposts 🥂🥂 (honestly what would i do without u????? life would be so boring?????? also ur an underrated softie and ily)
@sophrosynes angels exist and ur one of them!!!! ur such a beautiful person inside and out and a warm presence on my dash and seeing ur posts/talking with u/planning robbery with u makes me so happy 🌻🌻🌻
@sunshineyeols we never talked in private and now that i think abt it it’s so weird?? i think we have a lot in common and i lurv seeing ur poasts uwu (we should really talk afvjshbhf)
@fatescenario i think ur one of the only people i know on here who’s the same age as me (isn’t ur bday soon btw??) and idk that made me feel closer to u?? anyway ur one of the loveliest and i’m rooting for u when u yabba dabba throw hands with junhoe
@teamwanq i think ur one of my oldest mutuals??? ur so nice (and beautiful) and funny (and gorgeous) and smart (and ethereal) and im lurv u :(((
@minosrose my gorl!!!! the most iconic emo circle and my fellow alien circle 👽👽👽 ur hilarious and adorable and everything u post/reblog is gold how does it feel being such an intellectual honestly
@th7thsense ur one of the firsts i talked to regularly on this hellsite and im so grateful for ur presence in my life bc ur so funny and nice and even when we’re not talking im thinking abt u and supporting u *sends all my love to u*
@gayjinhwan u litcherally have the most powerful url ever ajvsfjbfhjf ur hilarious, kind and honestly good vibes??? like im pretty sure ur aura is golden or smth and also u have a face people write poetry abt ajsvffhbh im honestly so glad to know u and i forgot to write this but ur always supportive of my shitposts which i appreciate a lot i lurv yuwu
@prodgray ayy la seule personne avec qui je parle en français ici (enfin bon on alterne à chaque fois ajfvhbffl) t’es vraiment quelqu’un de super et je sais pas pk mais dès le début j’avais grave de l’affection pr toi en mode “cette fille elle est grave sympa et cool chuis contente qu’elle me follow” enfin bref agvgsvfjhbs i lurv u with my whole hort!!
@joo-hon-ey yoo i remember when i first followed u i was like “uuh idk she seems really nice but she posts a lot abt groups i don’t stan??” and then i followed u anyway and i honestly have no regrets ur an absolute sweetheart uwu
@ppangdaeng ur a cutie pie and i still remember ur contribution to the farmer winner discourse ur a legend ajgsvjbfhbfkfk anyway ily and i hope u manage to kidnap ppangdaeng one day
@everydaymv well hewwo (by winner)!!! i lurv and appreciate u so much and i can’t stop smiling when we interact (even when it’s abt avocado smh) ur lovely and deserve all the happiness in the world 🥑🥑🥑
@raisinbranstark well hewwo (by shinee) my slowburn mutual ajvsjbss ur a ray of sunshine and im always so happy to see u on my dash spreading love and positivity ur honestly precious uwu
@soyeon my only korean myootuals!! we haven’t known each other for a while but ur an absolute sweetheart and u deserve the world!!!! 다음에 우리 한국말로 대화를 하�� 해진아 ㅋㅋㅋ (띄어쓰기 공부 하즈아!!)
@04pluto im pretty sure we became myootuals bc of a cowboy post and that alone says a lot abt who we are as people ajgvjhfbdkn anyway ilysm and ur one of the very few bts stans i follow for thanks for always giving me that quality content (yoongi) also ur beautiful (i still remember that one selfie)
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