#u 4989
caram3lla · 5 months
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I was finally able to watch season 2 after 3 years 😭😭
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kokuyo-kogyo · 2 years
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ace-detectiv3 · 8 months
Low quality CaW! doodles
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I'm sorry but this is all you're getting for now,,,,, most of the rest of the doodles are just for my cringy self
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nixy-nee-indo · 5 months
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My first posted fanfiction is from the Cells at Work Fandom.
I've been pretty passive in the fandom for a long time but after reading my favorite cells at work fanfiction once again and seeing the fandom not being as active as I remember it used to be I've decided to throw my beginner writing skills and nerdy cells *self (haha funny typo, no pun intended) into the ring and write fanfiction (mostly wholesome fluff and romance) about white and red blood cells from the circulatory system...and I can't wait :D I'll also take asks for Cells at Work fanfics if you all would like? I'm pretty new to this but I'm sure it will be really fun!
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My first fanfiction is actually about band cell and an original character. It was inspired from "cells at work-hearts and minds". If you haven't read that yet I highly recommend it :D .
I'll put the link below for anyone who would like to check it out :)
After finally having the stress of her graduation behind her ML-1315 couldn't get enough of the sights. After being saved by a pathogen attack by a white blood cell boy. The white blood cells she had only heard passing gossip about back in the bone marrow, she wonders if someone with such a kind smile could really be the 'bloodthirsty killer' they had talked about back at the bone marrow. or Two adorkable cells new to their jobs and the body become fast friends and perhaps...maybe more.
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dearestones · 3 months
Neutrophil Squad x F! Immune Cell Reader Before Dating Headcanons
Warnings: N/A
@hellowiamadrawer Request: Hi again, if it's okay could I have some headcanons of how the female reader (can be an immune cell or regular cell) met the neutrophil squad (4989, 2048,2626 and ofc 2001) before they started dating?
U-2001 probably met you when you were both newly matured neutrophils while in the middle of combat. While he's a skilled neutrophil, that doesn't mean that he's infallible.
In the middle of gutting a bacteria with one of his many knives, he forgets that he shouldn't leave his back wide open. As his receptor pings in urgency, he tries to turn around, knife in hand and at the ready, but is still slow to react.
Luckily for him, 2001 is not alone. Despite the bloodbath and carnage that decorates the middle of the bloodstream, you are there to protect him. Like him, you're not a seasoned veteran, but you are spry and full of life. The instant you recognize that your teammate is in trouble, you leap him and immediately annihilate the scum that dared to hurt another immune cell.
After a brief acknowledgement of your valiant efforts, the both of you go back into your attack positions and stave off the continuing infection.
For many cycles afterwards, you don't talk, but acknowledge each other. Respect grows between you and you can on him to step in whenever a bacterium or parasite proves too much and vice versa.
It isn't until the both of you end up being critically injured and sent to the infirmary that you and 2001 finally have a conversation that doesn't require the use of your combat skills and bloodlust.
Between the two of you, your warrior's bond far exceeds everything and allows you to build your relationship from mutual trust and respect.
You meet U-2048 when he's busy trying to flirt with various civilian cells. While he definitely has the looks for a cliche Casanova type, he isn't that great with his words.
As an immune cell, he already has points docked for attractiveness because of his inherent bloodlust that comes with the territory, so that rule out most civilians. But, he also has points docked for being rather too forward or too coy with his advances.
He will never admit it, but he can never find the right balance when trying to woo possible love interests.
With you, though, he's a strong conversationalist. Despite his apparent interest in trying to go for various other cells, he always find time to relax and joke around you. Here, all his corny puns and pick up lines actually sound smooth and not like he rehearsed them many times in the mirror like he was still a myelocyte.
Eventually, those pick up lines begin to grow more and more true. It starts as something small. Innocuous. Something he can plausibly deny as being a product of inebriation or deliberate teasing.
However, as time goes on, he becomes more bold and more willing to take risks.
In the end, this culminates in an impromptu confession where he is no longer afraid of possible rejection or making his feelings known.
Whether or not you reject him, he'll be fine. All he wants is to show you that he can be truthful and honest about his feelings.
Getting to know U-2626 is a unique experience. He's level headed and rational, compassionate and loyal. Although his hair masks his eyes, and thus, many of his expressions, you can tell that he's always pleased to see you.
It's his smile, his laugh, and his mannerisms that make him intriguing. He's an engaging character who's always keen to make you giggle at his jokes or the stories about his teammates that he made you swear you wouldn't tell anyone.
He's a sweet companion, a friend to you at your lowest, darkest moments. Attentive and kind, he's always there with a mug of steaming green tea and a cone of glucose should you ever need it.
Furthermore, he's while he's great at conversation, he's also a good listener. It doesn't matter if you want to complain or to pass the time by talking about the trivial. He lives for them all because he can spend time with you.
As a result, it's because of these conversations that the both of you come to realize that the both of you hold each other in a positive regard. So much so that it's not long before the both of you are in a relationship—much to the bemusement and fond exasperation of your coworkers. 
With U-4989, you know you’re always in for a ride. 
You know that most of 4989’s improvised weapons are against regulation, but you can’t help indulging him in his whimsical creations that do, more often than not, actually get the job done. You wouldn’t be giving up your standard issued weapons any time soon, but seeing 4989 go after bacteria with a sign for glucose sweets or a pan filled with various nutrients never fails to make you smile. 
It’s all adventure and adrenaline with the both of you. It’s almost like the world is constantly colliding and spinning faster and faster, never stopping. From the amusing to the horrifying, the both of you face life’s challenges and hardships with laughter spilling from your mouths and joy in your souls. 
For a good while, you thought you were just good friends with him, but then he starts making things for you. Sometimes, it’s weapons. Other times, neat little trinkets that don’t often have a functional purpose, but look pretty in your dorm room. Each and every time, without fail, you thank him and you watch as his large eyes grow wide and his cheeks become saturated with the color of an eosinophil’s uniform. 
You grow to love this cute, bashful side of 4989. 
Unfortunately, he isn’t always the best with words, often favoring physical affection and action. 
That’s more than fine by you. 
Really, it’s fine if he wants to take the lead in other aspects of this burgeoning relationship, but it’s you who steps up and tells him that you would like to be official. 
Again, his eyes bulge wide open and he looks shocked, but in the end, he accepts. 
Every day, from then on, he’s always at your side, fiddling with something new and making sure that you have the nicest of his creations. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 11 months
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my wife.png
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I had a question for the neutrophil division, Do they get along together like siblings or do they just fight with each other all day long?
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[ U-2626: “we get along fine?”
U-4989: “like siblings, yeah.” ]
… With all that happens to entail. Not quite fighting, but they definitely bully and annoy each other often enough.
Too often, some might say; if that someone were, for example, a member of the squad who happens to have a close red blood cell friend. Not to name any names.
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baristas-kin-cafe · 8 months
Hihi ! Can I have some username suggestions for white blood cell (specifically U-4989 ) from Cells at Work! ? Thanks [:
Of course! Here's a few, it was a bit fun trying to come up with these. I hope they are good enough for what you were looking for, I had to do a bit of creative thinking. It's a good thing music helps with that.
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devintrinidad · 2 years
We finally reached 4989 views guys!!! :D
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kokuyo-kogyo · 1 year
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ace-detectiv3 · 8 months
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Wheb the cells,,,, they're working,,,,,,
The quality is so sht lmao sorry
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nixy-nee-indo · 4 months
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
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the kind hearted/cool headed bf, sure he may look emo but that's not the point. Always gives his honest opinion on everything, great to lend an ear if you to want to talk about your day or vent. Stumbles upon his words when he's around you for some reason (he thinks he's sick but he knows what he's feeling). would literally die/kill for you (well I think everyone in the WBC squad would ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Love language: quality time because spending time with you seems to be the good part of his day it's really sweet, but from time to time when he's really slammed with work, he'll send one of his comrades to tell you that he's okay and still alive protecting the body and stuff.
Do they like PDA?/Fav. type: Not much of a fan but if you initiate it, he'll give you the okay. His fav type of pda would be hand-holding for sure
The fun, chaotic, creative bean of the group. First thing you thought of when you met him was If he's a neutrophil then why is he so damn cute? 🥺
Gives you his trinkets/self invented weapons as gifts (You invested in a weapon rack in your dorm for one or two of them but for the rest you had to put them in a chest/box). Makes you wonder how the heck he does it but yk 4-9 is mostly bending the rules 98% of the time when it comes to using unknown items as weapons 😂
He tells the most hilarious stories of how he gets stuck in the migration routes that he wouldn't dare tell his squad about.
The tension between your hand and his fluffy white hair is strong and he's aware of it. It's like this: you two are sitting together, your hand was soooo close to petting a side bang and then the second he turns his head to you, you dart your hand back and look the other way. So what does the clever 4989 do? He takes off his hat and threads his fingers through his hair before actually taking your hand and placing it on the top of his head. "You know, all you had to was ask, silly."he implied with a grin. annnnd now you're burning from embarrassment.
Whenever you see him smile or laugh it's like the sun to you, warm and full of energy.
Love language:physical affection (pda is def on the table for him)
The mysterious, alluring but caring bf, a bit of a playful stalker kind of vibe, but really is a soft boi compared to his bloodthirsty side when eliminating germs. So expect to be scared half to death for fun, he'd be the type to sneak up on you and say "boo." and you halfway jump out of your skin then after he'd be all "sorry, love you" and give you a quick kiss on the cheek then disappears until you run into him again to return the favor.
At times, you forget how you turned out to like him, no it's not the bangs that cover his face like a hentai protagonist, it's his acts of service and his calming voice that seems to soothe you when you're in the darkest depths of sadness to then distracting you from what you're doing because you think of him that much and you want to slap yourself silly. Ugh is he actually that attractive? the answer to that is yes.
Teasing is in his nature as a boyfriend, this neutrophil will text you good morning and then sending you videos and pictures of him covered in blood his last killing, and the caption would be 'spamming me covered in this stuff cuz u like it'. now wait just a goddamn minute..how did he know you liked that?? The pet names are two times more bold, you just want to go over wherever he is and hit him (playfully)
Love language: words of affirmation/quality time
Ugh. the flirty, bold but respectful of your space (not) bf. Such a cocky bastard. Thinks he's hot shit 🙄 (spoiler alert: he is. )He looks so stupid with those stupid side bangs and it makes him so stupidly...handsome, dammit!
Casanova head ass not making you blush commenting on how beautiful you look today when you literally wear the same outfit everyday (that will change shortly) and god the flirting, just shut him up with a kiss and that'll do (sometimes..)
Spoils you as in buys you your fav flavor of glucose/new clothes/stuff that could help you in situations if he wasn't there to save you: like a simple black garter belt and a small dagger as a date gift.
He has a bit low self esteem issues because of his past (being a chonky myelocyte back then) soon maybe comment on him how good he looks covered in blood and maybe he would look more cuter if he cleaned up lol either way he's great to you in every way :)
Love language:gift giving/physical affection I can see him trying to push your limit of how much pda you can take before it gets pretty noticeable asshole
thoughtful, mature but intriguing bf vibes, his eyes say a thousand words as your smile lit a thousand worlds within himself.
you two kind of started out a little awkward but then once you all started to know each other, it was starting to click. hes the type of bf to give you flowers on the first date kill me I can see him doing that ahhhhh
Like 1146, hand holding is fine, everything else is for in your dorm room okay maybe one hug here and there but that's the limit.
Has a secret sweet tooth but a sucker for coffee instead of tea, remembers your order exactly ☺️
Knows where you are if you "borrow" his jacket for fun and he'd be all chill with it but really he kind of needs it, sometimes you can turn it into a game with him to make it more fun before he heads off to work.
Love language:quality time/words of affirmation with a sprinkle of physical affection.
a/n: I am finally back!! and with a new hyperfixation too, may do a B cell x Memory cell thingy in the future so hope you enjoyed this first Cells At Work piece love y'all!! 💗💗
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wbcsquad49 · 2 years
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Just some Blessed images of the Squad! (None of them belong to me!✨🌸)
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macrophage-nursery · 7 months
Human AU names for the cells :
U1146 : Shirogane
U-4989 : Yashiro
U-2626 : Toshiro
U2048 : Kenshiro
U2001 : Mashiro
AE3803 : Akari
AA5100 : Akane
Killer T : Kenta
NK cell : Nikki
Macrophage : Maria
Helper T : Hiroto
Regulatory T : Reina (the name with R and T in the middle didn't please me so I half assed it haha)
B cell : Banri
Platelet : Hinako (it was hard to find anything cute with a P so I gave up and found a cute name instead)
Eosinophil : Koizumi (name starting with ko because : Kōsankyū
Basophil : Kohei (another name starting by ko because : Kōenkikyū)
Mast cell : Masumi (because Masuto saibou)
Dendritic cell : Juichi (because Jujo saibou)
Basic cell/Cell boy : Nobu
Cancer cell : Haneki (referring to the moment he had wings)
It's pure amateurish. Do you have your own version? If so, I'd be glad to see it!
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