#tyranny of fear
immaculatasknight · 1 year
Satan's legions
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prontaentrega · 5 months
>youtube shows me a video titled analysis/video essay
>ask if it's actually an analysis/video essay or if its just a 3 hour summary of the thing
>"it's a good video sir"
>click the video
>3 hour long summary
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"As long as a population can be induced to believe in a supernatural hereafter, it can be oppressed and controlled. People will put up with all sorts of tyranny, poverty and painful treatment if they're convinced that they'll eventually escape to some resort in the sky where lifeguards are superfluous and the pool never closes." -- Tom Robbins
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apenitentialprayer · 2 months
The repression unleashed by military regimes has a numbing effect on people. When the danger or tension becomes too high, people turn to their own survival. They detach themselves. In silence lies safety. They seek refuge in apathy. They don't want to reach out for fear that they, too, will become victims.
Benazir Bhutto (Daughter of the East: An Autobiography, pages 153-154)
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morgenstern16 · 1 year
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I actually came up with this meme as a silly joke years ago, but upon thinking about it, there really ARE startling similarities between the plot of Chainsaw Man and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Like these are extremely specific plot points that are being shared and they both came out at around the same time. Obviously I'm not accusing one of stealing from the other but this is an extremely interesting coincidence.
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fithragaer · 2 years
I wonder what it would be like if all the DA fans on here who wanted new games between inquisition and da4 had gotten into Tyranny instead of Pillars or divinity or bg3. Imagine the nuclear levels of discourse. “Actually this co-leader of a brutal imperialist army sent to crush all rebellion and hope of resistance is better than the other one!” Voices of Nerat stans. People getting mad at aforementioned stans because Nerat is a [redacted]. Everyone’s aggressively bland girl OC is shipped with Barik. People who wanted a fantasy tinted dating sim playing the game and being wildly unprepared for, well, any of it, but especially the Scarlet Chorus
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Another Harumi plot post because I’m so sad she gets portrayed in a psychopath/ heartless light.
TW: Mentions of Pedophilia and intense trauma.
An essay:
(TLDR at bottom)
Harumi is not a psychopath! Or a sociopath or a sadistic person fueled by genetic villainy and violence.
Harumi is actually a traumatized kid who’s found a way to cope with her trauma by trying to stop the carnage that faces Ninjago almost yearly. Her stated goal for SOG was to bring Garmadon back because he stopped the devourer. She didn’t wanna bring back a horrible person that would cause carnage and destruction, she wanted to bring back a protector who she saw as been more capable than the ninja.
She traumatizes Lloyd, yes, that’s obvious. Yet only because she sees him as being a narcissistic, ego child who doesn’t deserve to be seen as the grand protector that he’s portrayed as. Remember in her journal she states that she saw Lloyd, terrified, during the assault by the devourer. She idolized him incredibly before this, but after seeing him cower just like her she began to think that the ninja only portrayed themselves as being grand protectors, while actually taking credit for what others do.
She was stuck in a Palace for years! From S2-S8 she was trapped in the grand palace. She never saw the ninja defeat the Overlord, or Chen, or Morro, etc. As well, put yourself in Harumi’s shoes; if you only ever heard that your personal enemies are actually hero’s but never saw their heroics in action besides the time their incompetence killed your parents would you believe that they were actually being hero’s?
She hates the ninja and especially Lloyd. She had a Lloyd action figure that was either homemade or bought, both things that require money that a working class family doesn’t have, Lloyd was her favorite! And she saw him fail to save her parents!! It would be the same feeling as a favorite actor or YouTuber turning out to be a content thief or pedophile.
After brining back Garmadon she slowly became shocked and frightened by his ruthlessness and fear tactics. You can see her shock when Garmadon rips apart Mr.E in front of her. She didn’t think she would bring back a cold blooded killer and she never wanted to. She wanted to bring back the hero she remembered saving the city
She shows her true colors when the apartment building she’s in starts to collapse. A sea of traumatic memories would be going through her head in that moment as this is just like the day her parents died. She could’ve chosen to run down the stairs to save herself but she decided to help a family who could’ve been separated, instead of saving herself.
She only revived herself after death because the overlord promised her that he could be the protector that Garmadon failed to be. Her catered to her desire to help Ninjago like any manipulative person would’ve. He didn’t promise her self serving power or the opportunity to kill the ninja, he promised her the opportunity to be a savior again.
So I really don’t understand why people say she’s a psychopath dead set on hurting Lloyd. She’s traumatized, with good reason to be, but unlike a psychopath she realizes that when she’s doing something wrong she changes her ways. When she sees that Lloyd is a good person who only wants to help she realizes she still has feelings for him as he’s the protector that she’s always wanted Ninjago to have. When she sees that the Overlord is a force of evil that caused the death of her parents she defects and helps Lloyd and Garmadon finish him.
Harumi isn’t a villain for villains sake, or for revenge sake. She’s an anti-hero, who was misled and manipulated into fighting for the bad guys.
TLDR: Harumi is incredibly traumatized, saw the ninja fail, never got to see the Ninja be the good guys, and only saw Garmadon actually be heroic. She states blatantly that she wants to stop the yearly destruction Ninjago faces. She also shows herself to be empathetic, and heroic, saving the family in the apartments from being crushed like hers were. She only fights for a villain when they promise her, or she believes, that they’ll make Ninjago a better place.
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oathtorn · 1 year
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// I AM CACKLING. THE POOR MAN. She genuinely thinks she's saying something nice about Gale she's just awful I love her so much
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Children were never truly at risk, and the vaccines were never properly tested. Our kids are not guinea pigs.
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Not Mon Mothma gaslighting someone with a gambling disorder.
Because she's been funding rebel cells, there are 400,000 credits unaccounted for in her ledgers. Funneling money through a charity has not fixed this. Tay Kolma has found no way to cover these tracks with a different paper trail. She needs a loan and Davo Sculden has promised to help as long as she lets his son court Leida.
But they still need an excuse. She's going to get that loan and fill their account for the missing amount, but still needs a reason for why that money is gone. And Perrin and his addiction disorder is the "perfect" scapegoat. Because the Empire *is* going to look at their accounts and see that money missing and see that loan.
That whole conversation was very purposeful. Mon knows the Empire is listening, all the time. She knows her driver is an ISB plant. She has told Luthen so. She knows he listens and reports back. And now when he reports back, he reports that Perrin is the weak link; that Perrin has been gambling away money; that Mon Mothma is afraid where he's gotten this money.
She's throwing them off the scent, in a way, by throwing them a fake bone. They'll think they've caught their prey, but it's really just a false trail. She's playing 3D chess. And the Empire won't dig deeper than the easy answer because they won't feel the need to because they'll think they've got the dirt; the weakness, they need to have on her.
She's showing them the stone in her hand so they miss the knife at their throat.
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collegeoflore · 11 months
i’m holding xarrai in my hands like a baby bird. my weird angry little court jester. little fool who thirsts for blood and revenge. extremely normal little clown who desires only retribution.
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fiction-quotes · 1 year
Like a pervasive gray mist as fine as powdery snow, the fear hung in the air, clung to light poles and tramlines, fell upon the streets, and stopped up mouths.
  —  The War Doctor from Old Men at Midnight (Chaim Potok)
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“Americans have over the past several decades been convinced to accept and internalize governmentally-sanctioned limitations, regulations, and censorship that is entirely at odds with American norms and values.”
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agneasarrow · 2 years
love blogging about my crisis over if i should do a url change or not…
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bryanharryrombough · 2 years
Nemik's Manifesto | ANDOR
There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.
Remember this. Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they've already enlisted in the cause.
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.
And then remember this. The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that.
And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empire's authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege.
Remember this. Try.
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ruinconstellation · 2 years
So if my fellow students saw the real me, they wouldn't decide that after all I was a lovely person they should have been nice to all these years. No, they'd start thinking I was a violently dangerous person they should have been nice to all these years. They'd be scared of me. Of course they'd be scared of me. I could see that now with perfect clarity, despite the pathetic dreams that I'd hung on to all these years, because I was scared of me, too.
Naomi Novik, A Deadly Education
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