#type of pipette
microlitseo · 4 months
Common Pipetting Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Pipetting is one common task that’s performed in many laboratories, essential for ensuring precise and accurate results in experiments. However, even experienced scientists can fall prey to common pipetting mistakes that can compromise their work. After learning the necessary pitfalls and how to avoid them it will become significant to maintain the integrity of your data. Here are some common pipetting mistakes and tips on how to avoid them. 
1. Incorrect Selection of Pipette 
Mistake: Using the wrong type of pipette for your application can lead to inaccuracies. For instance, using a large-volume pipette to measure small volumes can result in significant errors. 
Solution: Always select a pipette that is appropriate for the volume you need to dispense. For small volumes, use a micropipette technology that’s designed for that range. Check the pipette’s specifications to ensure it matches your requirements. 
2. Not Pre-Wetting the Pipette Tip
Mistake: Failing to pre-wet the pipette tip before use can lead to inconsistent volumes due to evaporation or retention of liquid in the tip. 
Solution: Pre-wet the pipette tip by aspirating and dispensing the liquid several times before taking your final measurement. This helps to condition the tip and ensures consistent volume delivery.
3. Incorrect Pipetting Angle
Mistake: Holding the pipette at an incorrect angle while aspirating or liquid handling can cause air bubbles and inaccurate measurements.
Solution: Hold the pipette vertically (90 degrees) when aspirating liquids and at a 45-degree angle when dispensing. This minimizes air bubble formation and ensures accurate volume transfer. 
4. Plunging Too Quickly
Mistake: Rapidly depressing and releasing the plunger can introduce air bubbles into the sample, leading to inaccurate measurements.
Solution: Operate the plunger slowly and steadily. When aspirating, depress the plunger to the first stop, immerse the tip in the liquid, and release the plunger slowly. Similarly, dispense the liquid smoothly and consistently.
5. Immersing the Tip Too Deeply
Mistake: Immersing the pipette tip too deeply into the liquid can cause excess liquid to adhere to the outside of the tip, leading to volume errors.
Solution: Only immerse the tip 2-3 mm below the liquid surface when aspirating. For larger volumes, immerse slightly deeper, but avoid submerging the entire tip.
6. Using the Wrong Tip
Mistake: Using non-compatible or low-quality tips can cause inaccurate measurements and compromise the integrity of your pipette.
Solution: Always use high-quality, compatible tips recommended by the pipette manufacturer. Ensure the tips fit securely and are free from defects.
7. Not Using the Reverse Pipetting Technique for Viscous Liquids
Mistake: Pipetting viscous or foamy liquids with the standard pipetting technique can result in inaccurate volumes due to retention of liquid in the tip.
Solution: Use the reverse pipetting technique for viscous or foamy liquids. Aspirate more than the desired volume and dispense the exact amount needed. This technique helps to minimize errors and improve accuracy.
8. Inconsistent Pipetting Pressure
Mistake: Applying inconsistent pressure on the plunger can lead to variability in the volumes dispensed.
Solution: Maintain a consistent, gentle pressure on the plunger. Practice pipetting with a steady hand to develop muscle memory for consistent pressure application.
9. Neglecting Regular Calibration
Mistake: Failing to pipettes calibration regularly can result in inaccurate measurements due to wear and tear or mechanical issues.
Solution: Schedule regular calibration and maintenance checks for your pipettes. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and document calibration results to ensure accuracy over time.
10. Ignoring Environmental Factors
Mistake: Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can affect pipetting accuracy, especially for volatile liquids.
Solution: Perform pipetting in a controlled environment where temperature and humidity are stable. Allow liquids to equilibrate to room temperature before pipetting.
Accurate pipetting is crucial for reliable experimental results. However, by being aware of common pipetting mistakes and following best practices, you can improve your pipetting technique and ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of your work. Regular training and practice, combined with proper maintenance of equipment, will help you avoid these pitfalls and achieve precise results in your laboratory experiments.
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
pre-pandemic i had a playlist for when i was studying chemistry, but at some point during lockdown i got rid of it bc i never used it anymore bc online classes bounce off smooth rubber brain; however, i wish i still had it bc at this rate the romcom hijinks playlist i spent days slaving over (bc i have like fucking Three unambiguously non-angsty songs in my mp3 files by default) to cue the brain into reading mode will be rendered moot bc of all the executively dysfunctioning tumblr scrolling i've been doing to it instead
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the epic highs and lows of pipette calibration
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clawsdevour · 1 month
silky skin
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wc: 1.0k content warning: post-time skip, established relationship, bokuto x reader, fluff, not proofread
note: doing skincare on bokuto would be so cute (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
໒‧₊˚ ⋅
Lounging on the soft cushions in the living room couch as the light from the TV shines on you. You hear the door creak, and a tall and bros silhouette walk out while you see the steam from the hot shower he took wind out. Bokuto had just finished showering to see you beaming at him with a face mask on while he walked towards you.
“Ooh is that a face mask?? Can I try one?” He’s ruffling his damp hair with a dry towel. His eyes are lit up, taking this as an opportunity to just relax and unwind with you before his next training schedule gets posted.
“Yeah, do you want me to do my whole skincare routine on you?” If he wanted to do the face mask, he might as well get the whole spa treatment while he’s at it. Bokuto’s lowering himself on the couch next to you as he mumbles out an excited Mhm!
While he’s resting on the plush cushions, you walked out to get the essential skincare products for his already perfect skin. He just washed his face in the shower so.. He’d probably just need a toner and maybe a simple serum. After the face mask he could also use some lotion to lock in more moisture after.. There were also new products you haven’t tried yet and wanted to test on him, but you weren’t for sure what his skin type was yet. 
Stepping back towards the living room with a little tray of the toner bottle and class container that carries the serum inside, you set them down next to your boyfriend before taking the sheet mask out for a little walk. Bringing it to the kitchen to chill in the fridge while you got his skin all nice and prepped for the mask.
“I think I have everything. Scooch over so you can lay ur head on my lap, Koutaro.” On the couch, his damp grey and black hair all sprawled out on your thighs while you brush it off his shining face. His hands are resting softly on his stomach as he’s looking up at you with a subtle grin spread on his lips. 
“So first is toner.. It’s perfect for everyday skin care. If you want to borrow this one I’ll give you it since this one is for all skin types,” unscrewing the cap open and shaking the clear liquid onto the palm of your hand. Rubbing your hands together before you softly pressed your wet hands onto the surface of his face.
“T’smells good, like expensive good hehe..” Bokuto’s content with just the first step of his newly built skincare routine. Just having your hands on him makes him almost the happiest man in the world. When you took your presence off of him, his eyes pried open as he saw you grab a little glass container that you opened. 
“Ooh, what is that?” His big hands tenderly take the bottle from your reach to which you let him out of curiosity. He’s toying around with the little silicone pipette, trying to read the label and understand what the words have to do with taking care of your skin.
“..contains hyalur–hyaluronic acid. Babe what are you putting on my face?? Is this really okay for skin..?” His gold eyes shift up from the bottom to peer at you in a slightly shocked face, trying to understand how you know all these chemistry terms that come with taking care of the body’s largest organ. The acid part might’ve threw him off..
“Yes it is. It’s good for keeping your skin nice and hydrated, I use this almost like everyday Bokuto… you seen me put this on!” talking back at him with a slight pout on your lips. His fingers twist it open where his eyes widens seeing how thick and gooey the clear liquid is.
“Gimme that.” Snatching pipette lid from his grasp, Bokuto’s still holding onto the container that contained all of the serum in his other hand. His gaze lingered as you squeezed out a drop or two onto your fingers, putting the cap back into the little glass jar to which he screwed back on before returning back into his resting position. 
His eyes laid back down as you’re rubbing the serum up all over his silky baby-like skin. Tapping in to lock in all the moisture, he can’t help but have a beaming look crawl on his face.
“M’kayy time for the face mask..” shuffling his damp head off your lap to go in the kitchen. Bokuto’s heavy eyes watch you step and grab the chilled mask from the fridge and return back to your seat.
“This might be kind of cold but it’s better when it’s cold okay?” squeezing his squishy cheek to get his attention despite the sleepiness starting to kick in. He responded with a simple nod as his lashes fluttered open into the light.
Tearing open the top of the thin package, your fingers reached in to pull out the soaked and chilly face sheet. You smack it onto his forehead to which he jolts at the freezing touch.
“WOAH! That’s like COLD COLD!!” That really brought him back from his unconsciousness. You can’t help but giggle at how silly your boyfriend can be while you’re unfolding the compressed mask.
“Close your eyes for me reallyyy quick..” lining up the chin part to his, laying the mask onto his skin slowly till it reached his forehead. Adjusting the sheet to mold to his facial features for a better result. 
“Okay now we just gotta wait for a good maybe.. Like twenty minutes-ish before we take it off.” Grabbing all the trash before you head off to throw it away. Bokuto’s head is pushing down on your lap, as his rising arms grab your attention. His hands are at your face that peered right down to his.
“We’re matching now!” Bokuto’s content golden eyes smiled as he gives you a gentle peck.
masterlist here
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five-rivers · 3 months
Prompt: Danny’s birth was an accident.
A lab accident, to be precise.
The problem with researching something as esoteric as ghosts was that you had to source all your own materials. If you wanted to know how high ectoplasm concentrations affected human cells, you either had to buy from ethically dubious medical supply companies or use your own.
Maddie used her own. Or Jack's. They worked together, and he was fine with it, so it was essentially the same thing, ethically, if not biologically.
Either way, they kept a whole variety of tissue samples, sourced from themselves. Cheek swabs, bone marrow samples, skin, hair, a tooth Jack had to get pulled, blood, serum and whole, a couple biopsies from different organs, spinal fluid, sperm, a collection of egg cells.
If they were going to market their inventions as family friendly and safe, they needed to know it wasn't going to render anyone sterile. They had Jazz already, and one child was quite enough, but other people might want more. Or assurances it wasn't going to mutate their children, before or after birth. Although in Maddie's opinion, that was quite ridiculous. Ectoradiation was quite different from electromagnetic radiation, or alpha radiation, or other traditional types.
So, that was what Maddie was researching now. Eggs and sperm. She wasn't about to do anything fertilized, of course. Too many ethical problems. But she would put a different concentration of ectoplasm in each test tube for one set, then duplicate those concentrations for the second set, then set up some eggs in one set of vessels, and a sample of sperm in the other, then run them for the same amount of time. Fourteen with eggs, fourteen with sperm. A bit of an odd number, but that's what happened in independent labs. Test tubes broke, and then if you wanted to control your experiments, and keep everything the same, you had to do things in odd numbers. Or buy new test tubes. But the more time you spent shopping, the less time you spent experimenting.
She started with the eggs. One by one, putting them into the the test tubes. One... two... three... four... bottom of the column... five... six... seven... eight... bottom of the column... nine... ten... eleven... twel--
"Maddie! I'm taking Jazz out to see you know who for you know what!"
"Dad!" said Jazz, her two-year-old voice squeaky with outrage. "I know we're going to the doctor!"
"Oh, right!" she called back. "That was today, thanks you for remembering, hun!" Usually, she was the one of them to remember important dates, but Jack was really on top of things for Jazz. It was nice.
"No problem, Mads! Good luck with the mutation experiment!"
"Thanks!" She turned back to the rack of test tubes. Now, where was she? She'd just finished that row... She had sorted them by row, hadn't she? Of course she had. So, she should start with the sperm. Right
She picked up the pipette and started from the top of the column. One.. two... three... four... She kept going, until she hit fourteen, and still had two test tubes left.
Well. That wasn't good. She must have-- Had she overlapped? Or had she just not finished filling the egg test tubes? If the latter, she could just put the last two eggs in the last two test tubes. And label them a little more carefully. She rearranged her worktable and peered into the container she'd carried the thawed eggs over in.
One. One unopened egg.
Hands shaking slightly, Maddie counted back to the thirteenth test tube. The one with the second-highest concentration of ectoplasm. The one that she had almost certainly put both an egg cell and sperm into. She pulled it out of the rack and set it in an empty one, then sat and stared.
This was a serious mistake.
Oh, she knew she could just dump it out in the sink or in the biological waste box, or any number of other things. Even moving at their fastest, sperm took a while to get into an egg. It might not have gotten there yet. And even if it had... Few people would consider a single cell a human being. But... Maddie had been raised Irish Catholic. She couldn't...
She sighed. Before she got carried away, she needed to check to see if it had even... taken, she supposed she should call it. If there was any life there. The ectoplasm could very well have acted as an inhibitor.
She licked her lips and reached for a microscope. First, find out what had happened, then talk to Jack, and then... then they would decide what to do. Together.
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 5 months
Traits they would want in a partner:
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Senku Ishigami
(This unedited so dont @ me)
Firstly. IF you ever manage to get into a relationship with the man known as Senku Ishigami you probably deserve some kind of award for having to deal with this man’s crazed scientist bullshit every day. He literally doesn’t change one bit, he's still the same Senku that’s blunt, mean, hates physical affection and mushy words. The reward for the least romantic boyfriend goes to *drumroll effect* SENKU!
Senku probably prefers someone that’s he known for a really long time I’m talking since he was at least in junior high but the further back the better and if you were in the science club with him back in high school fantastic. Meeting new people is one thing but actually having romantic feelings for them is a whole other ball game. It’s easier and less work when liking someone who already knows him inside out and vice versa instead of having to do the whole cliché ‘get to know each other’ façade over and over again.
Also, I feel like Senku has only had like maybe 2 crushes in his entire lifetime: one was some famous scientist he saw on tv talking at a press conference at the head of the table in a room full of men and the other one was in his first year of junior high when he was bested at a mathlete competition (in his defense he pulled the most brutal all-nighter the night before while working on some insane project and messed up the placement of a decimal point) by a girl who wore the chunkiest pair of glasses known to man. He quickly got over both as he had learned that realistic the possibility of this famous scientist (who was also married) falling in love with a prepubescent boy was damn near impossible (and illegal) and the girl he liked in school ended up coming out as a lesbian when she and another girl were caught kissing each other's cheek during break time.
Senku probably likes individuals that are independent and self-sufficient like Kohaku (girl boss!!) People that are clingy and to needy are not his forte’ and makes his face sneer or deadpan brutally. He doesn’t like physical affection or words of affirmation on most days he’s more of a quality time (slaving over more experiments with you doing physical labor) and gift giving (making you little trinkets from his science experiments). I mean it’s pretty obvious remember that one episode where Senku’s own dad was about to give a long emotional speech on the record but stopped because he knew Senku would ew at it. So if you’re somebody that thrives off of praise and attention then *opens the door* please see yourself out respectfully because this man is not going to give it to you. You'll be like a little dried up cactus begging for attention.
Senku likes cleanliness and organization. Senku himself is very clean and hygienic. People that are not are usually big turn off and and an even bigger *thumbs down* for him. He’s also organized despite how his experiments and projects seem to be all over the place they’re not. He knows exactly where everything is, the exact millimeter of, every beaker, of every pipette, of every pencil. It's called organized chaos. If one thing is moved without his consent or worse, his knowledge the entire room is thrown off and he has a hard time finding anything for the next 12 hours.
Personal opinion here but I feel like Senku has as dislike for bugs. Like sure. Bugs are cool to explore and on a scientific level sure but anything other than that he’s not really cheering for joy about it. I also feel like he despises getting sick, like literally any type of sickness whether it’s the common influenzas virus or even a slight stomach bug. He’s miserable and irritated and it takes a really long time to get better because although the scientist in him tells him he needs to rest the stubborn workaholic in him tells him he’ll be fine to do a few minutes of work (which ends up turning into hours-please make this man rest🙏🙏). So if you’re the type where you’re unhygienic to the point of constantly being sick or attracting like actual bugs then either you’re going to have pick up the slack on your hygiene or leave realll quick.
Senku also likes people that smart either intellectually or when they’re witty and have a sharp mouth. If they can understand and even better add in their own input when he’s going on and on about different types of minerals sharing his excitement when they make a scientific breakthrough in the stone world he thinks if he didn't believe marriage was a social construction he'd get down on one knee with some sparkly rock he *borrowed* from Chrome's rock collection. Now even if his partner isn’t all into the science *blah blah* cells *blah blah* quantum mechanics and Schrodinger's equation a partner who is sharp on his mouth will suffice jussst as well. It's makes him snicker the tiniest bit turning his head away so no one can see the grin covered on his mouth covered by his hands. People who are blunt and not softspoken are a *big thumbs* in Senku’s book why would someone who has something to say not say it? A waste of time in his head.
Senku likes a willingness to learn even if it's just about they like every now and again. He knows that science is a high broad topic that covers from up into the vacuum known as space or as to the deep as the aquatic volcanoes known in the deep blue ocean. And he knows about it all in that gorgeous brain of his. In Senku's mind everything thing revolves around science, walking-the physiology of cells to tissues, tissues to muscles and neurological brain activity to make voluntary commands, art- the primary colors created by the art starting from things like mud, bugs and fruits, oh chemicals- easy it all starts with the period table of elements starting from hydrogen all the way down to Ogganseon. Anything you like any hobby you enjoy has to involve some kind of science and if you ask some him some questions about how it works or at least how it originates he knows that somewhere in you have the curiosity of a scientist.
Likes athleticism....maybe? Honestly, I'm kind of unsure about this one because on one hand I can see him liking people that are athletic and physically fit not because he thinks that being skinny is better or anything like that but because he can definitely use you like a horse (do yall know like those short mini scenes between the episodes where Senku like dresses up as different jobs imagine him as a farmer with a straw hat on his head in overalls a piece of straw in his mouth and a riding crop in one hand whew😩😩😩) for a lot of physical labor don't worry he'll return your hard work with a treat of your choice but be prepared he will complain about your laziness and wanting to help 'humanity' but on the other hand I could see him liking people that get winded and red faced after walking up stairs or carrying a bucket of water just like he does (extra points if it's a guy like him) because if you're both low stamina and low endurance you can't tease him about his athletic abilities. So a tie maybe.
Lastly, LOVES a strong will and determination he knows that starting the stone world back to modern humanity from scratch is no easy feat hell even he has made a few mistakes while trying to figure himself out. But what he does know is that science is filled with trail and error (mostly error) and it takes a loooot of time before you actually get what you're looking for so if you're the type to give up easily after failing once or twice and turn your back to his goal of turning the world back into the modern society he once had then....I'm sorry to say it probably won't work out for you there's only so many motivational speeches this man can give before he gets annoyed and just lets you give up without any reassurance (don't worry he doesn't take it personal), besides he still has people like Chrome, Sukia, and Kohaku to help.
@instanthideoutsalad I know you said you wanted Soft Boyfriend Head cannons of Senku but I'm so uninspired with those at the moment so please accept my humble offering of this drabble I made🙏🙏🙏🙏. I swear I'll do it soon it soon. 😪😪
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starlightsuffered · 2 months
Long Healed
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Info - worker and boss relationship, worker reader, self harm scars, injury
I was racing around the Candy room. When Willy was really focused, he was like a surgeon. He’d call out for something and I’d need to grab it immediately and hand it to him.
“Maple leaf picked on the fifteenth day of fall,” he requested.
I went to the plants section and looked by day and type. When I got back the concoction was a lilac colour and the steam was coming up in cumulus looking clouds.
“Here,” I handed it to him. He grabbed it with tweezers.
It was wild because he even looked dashing in his lab coat and those ridiculous safety goggles.
“Tuft of hair from the beard of the 13th Billy goat in the flock,” Willy asked next.
I got the fluff and handed it to him. He took it and it made the candy mixture smell like spice. He was stirring carefully.
Other pipettes were boiling with other mixtures. I could hear the ticks and whirs of other devices working. Something in the corner was creating a new version of fairy floss. Taffy was being pulled by the stretching machine.
It was always so warm and cozy in here compared to the frigid outdoors. It was comfortable and homey. I was glad Willy had asked me to live here. I hadn’t had much of a place to stay before now. I also knew he lived here, and having someone else in the large factory made me happy.
I hadn’t had the most pleasant life. Things had been very hard before I’d been hired by Willy. I often thought of him as an angel. He was always so sweet and gentle with me. He forwarded my soverigns when I needed, and if I broke things he didn’t take it out or my paycheck.
“Please stir this while I prepare the dry ingredients,” Wonka requested.
“Yes sir,” I agreed readily.
I began to turn the spoon counterclockwise as he had. I hummed lightly as I did it. I looked over at the wall. I noticed the artists rendition of Willy’s mother. She had the best smile. I always wished I knew someone in my childhood who smiled that way at me. I would have liked to have met her. Willy was always saying she would have liked me. I always felt so warm and fuzzy when he said that sort of thing to me.
Suddenly, glass shattered. The noise startled me and I knocked over a pipette. The jelly like pink and white bubbles soared out of the tube and splattered on the floor. I felt a sharp pain as jagged pieces sliced into my arm.
“I’m sorry,” was the first thing I thought to say. Willy had rushed over to see the mess. I was horrified by how I’d destroyed his recipe.
“No, it’s okay, I’m just worried because you’re bleeding,” Willy said anxiously.
“Oh Mr. Wonka, I'm fine really,” I replied anxiously moving to hide my wrist. He gently took it back. He smoothed his thumb over my marred skin, eyes opened wider in shock.
He must have seen the the scars that hadn’t faded very well. He didn’t say anything. He made sure to get a bandage and wet cloth along with a salve to ward off infection.
He cleaned the wound, and next he used soft movements to apply the ointment. Finally, he wrapped my arm with the bandage and tied it off. It was just right, not too loose and not too tight.
“There you are,” he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He held my arm a little longer, his face getting sadder and sadder.
“You don’t have to tell me, but I’d like to know what all these other scars are from,” he murmured.
His radiant green orbs met mine. I bit the inside of my lip. I turned away from him. The intensity of his gaze was too much.
“I-I wasn’t always as happy as I was here,” I finally admitted. “I felt like the only person to take that out on…..was myself.”
“Oh, y/n,” Willy’s voice was filled with sorrow and ache.
“I haven’t done it in a while. I’m almost a year clean. I am sorry you had to see that,” I told him solemnly.
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for,” Willy told me quietly. His face dipped down and his lips touched the thicker skin. He kept his mouth there longer than I’d expected.
“I don’t want to overstep, but if you ever need a person to talk to when you feel that way; I am here,” he told me.
I finally turned back to meet his eyes. I felt full of gratitude and love. He was the kindest man I’d ever met.
“Thank you Willy, those cuts are long healed, but it feels like you just sealed them even further,” I told him tearily.
“I am glad,” he beamed.
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming
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sindar-princeling · 25 days
back again with another elvish culture theory: my first thought is that elvish forms of art and labor are characterized by time intensiveness; of course, elves are still susceptible to impatience and bound by the urgency of deadlines, but i imagine that they partake in lengthy projects beyond the scope of the lifetime of men. projects like la basilica de la sagadra familia in spain are incredible monuments because they’re enormous in scale and grandiose, and the timeline of their constructions lasts beyond their principal designers and architects. but for the elves? their lifespan implies that their designers would undertake missions at scales inconceivable to mortals—and i mean that both macroscopically and microscopically—with considerations that would seem baffling to us. i have this one image in my mind of an elven form of sculpting that relies on nothing but dripping water, in the same fashion that stalagmites/stalactites form; it’s such a cool image in my mind! of nothing but an elf with a pipette, painstakingly eroding the stone in such a gradual manner, literally drop by drop. it sounds painfully slow obviously, but i imagine that there are elvish spheres that exalt super slow methods of doing things, just like we have a certain reverence for some types of pre-industrial practices for the effort they necessitate.
(I'm sorry for only replying now! It's been an intense couple of months...)
I absolutely LOVE this, and I think it seems so very fitting to what we know of elven creations - they make things that last for millennia, some even past their own age and into the age of men. It only makes sense that the process would in some cases be just as lengthy. I really love your example of sculpting with water so, so much, it's such a lovely image.
You gave me so much food for thought with this ask, I'm going to be considering other forms of elven art all day for sure ncdjskhfkdjh
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midstpodcast · 8 months
The music and sound design for Midst is absolutley masterful. You mentioned some cool and weird methods of making noises for the Fold - can you tell us of any other unconventional objects or noises youve used to create some of the tracks?
🎷: YES, YEP, I can tell you about cool and weird sounds ANYtime. Here’re a few fun ones in brief:
The Blinding’s sounds are heavily remixed and modified vocalizations from a variety of different types of seals.      
Years ago I had access to a storeroom full of defunct old A/V and electronic gear including old film projectors, vintage adding machines, typewriters, strange retro printers, and loads of other obscure electronics from the 50s-70s. I recorded tons of random audio in there of various contraptions doing various things, and a lot of that vintage machinery is what makes up the mechanical ambience of the Trust bank machines in the Central Vault and in Imelda’s mission.
S1E12 “Coda” was probably the most wild sound production episode of season 1, and I had several days of fun throwing myself bodily around the room, knocking over furniture, smashing pomagranates, and generally hyperventilating while semi-literally strangling myself. 10/10, would repeat. Good times. 
We decided that teletheric devices in Midst emit sound not with diaphragmatic speakers, but with organ-like pipettes that emit overtones (you can see them pictured in the episode icon for S1E03) – so processing audio in Midst to sound like it was coming out of a teletheric wasn’t just a simple process of making it sound “radio-y” with some EQing, but rather a fun techno-anthropological process of converting audio into mechanically-accurate harmonic sidebands based on the technology in-universe that we decided was creating that sound.
The reality-eating sound of the Tearror consuming the cave in S2E04 is 75% the sound of my cat snoring and digesting his breakfast. I stuck a stereo mic under his belly while he napped and recorded the whoosh of his breathing, the pulse of his heartbeat, and the gurgle of his lil' cat intestines for use as the stuff of nightmares. Scary sounds can sometimes come from very cute places!
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junhuiste · 6 months
experi-meant to be ⋆ park wonbin
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pairing: wonbin x gn reader
tags/warnings: fluff, cursing, college au, laboratory environment, one mention of baking, 1600 words
a/n: i meant to publish this on valentine’s day since i had lab that day but i never finished it lol. there’s some microbio lab procedure jargon so like this is what streaking plates is if you want a visual lmfaoao. this is my first published work in like three years it feels weird haha + i might change my layout/header for fics but for now i’ll keep the same layout i've had for past fics
wonbin believes U are the uracil to his adenine—you should always be paired together.
| seunghan: dude 
| seunghan: lowkey i can’t come to lab bc my car won’t fucking start so i’ll have to make it up next week :\ but taehyun and his partner would probably be willing to help you out with calculations and clean up hopefully
Wonbin pants heading up the stairs into the classroom lab, cheeks immediately pink as he’s made a spectacle amongst everyone already sitting and tuned into the TA’s pre-lab lesson. Sighing as he processes Seunghan’s text, Wonbin turns to the drawing of bacterial growth curves on the whiteboard but is soon after preoccupied with the fact that there is no Taehyun on a stool. There’s just your backside entirely in front of him. 
Taehyun is one to set up all his materials before the TA even steps foot through the lab door so if he isn’t here now then that means—
“Guess you’re stuck with me for today.” 
Wonbin tries to swallow but it gets stuck halfway down his throat and is about to go into a choke type cough frenzy when he surprises himself and softly clears his throat instead. His thoughts are all just stuck there—in the middle of his esophagus, begging for them to travel back up to his brain so he has enough stamina to stick it through the four hour class. 
“No hate to him because Taehyunnie’s a tad faster at getting through the steps, so you know, we’re usually out thirty minutes early, but I can promise you I’m better at calculations. And I’m more precise with measurements,” you let out a small giggle before setting your backpack on the floor next to Wonbin’s.
The commotion of pipettes being thrown onto the surface, glass tubes clinking, and sneakers squeaking rushing to obtain their samples is right away drowned out in Wonbin’s ears by the sight of you perched atop the stool a mere few inches away from him. He tries to keep his chest from heaving at bay by taking his notebook out of his backpack and reviewing the method for today’s class. The solution is only short lived though, promptly taking notice of how you gather materials from the drawer while simultaneously reading through your own notebook. 
Every Tuesday and Thursday, Wonbin assumes his seat in the third to last row of his Virology lecture, close enough to the door that he can be among the first to leave as soon as “see you guys next time” leaves Professor Choi’s lips. He longs for the day (ideally it would be quite before the last week of classes but realistically that’s the best he has to offer for now) that he musters up just the slightest bit of courage to join you and Taehyun in the second row, where Seunghan also occasionally accompanies you two. It’s only the third week of this semester, but perhaps the sixth course of his over the past three years Wonbin’s seen you in. From Biochemistry to Rhetoric 2, he has never taken place at a desk next to yours. 
Wonbin’s always aching to know how you’d answer everything he could ever ask you, be it the attendance quiz question or your weekend plans—what time you usually roll out of bed, whether or not you stroll to the local farmer’s market near campus, if you’re spending Saturday with a special someone. He needs to hear you laugh at Taehyun’s cynicism about college. He needs to hear it up close, not having to strain his ear when he’s fifteen rows behind when you crack up at your friend during the five minute break Professor Choi gives the class. 
But Wonbin will take what he can get for now, and if that’s helping you fulfill your wish of completing the lab procedure as quickly as possible, he’ll do it. 
“I can do the calculations for us,” you begin, “would you mind getting our mutant strains at the front of the class and streak the Petri dishes?” 
Wonbin nods almost too enthusiastically and curses at himself for seeming embarrassingly desperate in front of you. Sure, he’d like to muster up the courage to ask you out, but today he’ll try to take it one step at a time.
When Wonbin returns with new plates to grow your bacteria on and two tubes filled with your bacterial strains, you scoot your chair closer to his to later show the finished calculations. He catches a whiff of your light perfume and almost falls out of his own chair. 
As he’s setting up the Bunsen burner for sterilization, you chuckle, “you know the real reason Taehyun’s not here today is because he left town last night to get a head start on the extravagant romantic weekend he has planned with Gaeul.”
“If there’s one way to use our one free unexcused absence, that’ll do it,” Wonbin replies. 
“Do you have any plans for Valentine’s Day, Wonbin? I mean if you did I just hope you wouldn’t leave me early like Taehyun did,” your eyes meet his for a brief second before flitting back to your notebook.
Wonbin’s grip on the matchstick to light the burner loosens. He just barely catches himself before the match could fall from his hand onto the lab bench. What he needed to get a grip on was his fucking sanity—he almost set the classroom on fire because his heart instead is aflame for yours. 
Taking a breath, Wonbin exhales when the flame turns to blue, finally lighting the Bunsen burner. 
“Nope, no plans,” he briefly turns to you. There’s a beat and he considers that asking you back would seem too forward, but he does it anyway. 
Upon seeing your grin before you open your mouth, he turns his attention right back to the tubes and plates in front of him. 
It’s so over. 
For a second Wonbin’s relieved, because he thinks he can actually get through the next two hours without overthinking his micro movements in front of you. Now that it’s over for him, maybe he can actually pay attention to the way the metal loop he’s holding makes contact with the jelly-like agar inside the plastic plate and not disappoint Seunghan with the results. However, it’s not realistic because even still, Wonbin takes note of all your beauty and remains completely bewitched.
“Honestly I wish...I mean Minjeong, Yunjin and I are gonna do a rom-com binge and bake desserts…but you know…not any plans with someone like that…” 
Your temporary lab partner tries to hide his smile and nods silently as he continues switching between spreading bacteria on the plate with the metal loop and then sterilizing the loop in the blue flame. 
The rest of lab goes smoothly as Wonbin tries to quell the embers within him for the time remaining. There’s forty minutes left but technically to you Wonbin knows time is dashing away and it should feel like there’s what but only ten minutes left to do everything. Your pair was a few steps ahead of the others, just like how it would be when Taehyun accompanied you every week. 
Wonbin has been psyching himself up the past two hours to finally ask you out but currently he’s stuck in his head and just can’t seem to get it out. Does he chase you after you’ve stepped foot out of the lab or should he leave you be? Or maybe he can try next week. He’ll keep telling himself that until there’s one day of instruction left and then he won’t see you for three months and then he’ll lament the entire summer to Seunghan that he didn’t say shit. 
He can do that…or just rip the bandage off at an agonizing speed. 
The last Petri dish that Wonbin holds is being wrapped in parafilm to prevent contamination. He’d been going through the motions of the procedure while simultaneously not paying attention to his surroundings, at his own self’s behest. You’ve already cleaned the entire lab bench and he doesn’t notice until he hears “see you in Virology,” and suddenly you’re slinging your backpack over your shoulder. 
It’s now or next week…or never—wait you know that Wonbin’s in your Virology class? What you said is ringing in his ears and it hits him all at once.
Petri dishes in hand and turning around, Wonbin freezes in his tracks.
Your eyebrows furrow.
“Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” his own mouth betrays him and suddenly it’s all coming out much too quickly for his liking. 
You’re about to answer but before you can even get a word in, “I-I don’t mean to interfere with your plans with your friends but uh, if you wanted to do something like that I’m down.”
Your lips press into a line and Wonbin is about to pass out from the threatening fluorescent classroom lights. 
“Park Wonbin…are you asking me out on a date?” He can practically feel his sweat melting the parafilm tape off and a vision of him dropping the Petri dishes in front of you, cracking open and shattering, exposing E.coli to everyone in the room flashes before him. He blinks once and calms his vice grip on the plates. 
“Yes. Yes I am asking you out on a date,” Wonbin looks down at your sneakers, not knowing where else to shift his gaze to. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you smirk, slinging the other strap of your backpack over your other shoulder and saluting.
Park Wonbin swears his heart is on fire and does a backflip off a fifty foot cliff. A curve forming on his lips, he smiles slightly waving with the plates still in his hand, “see ya…”
You halt your forward movement and turn back around, “Wonbin?” he perks up again, “you should sit next to me in lecture on Tuesday.”
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microlitseo · 4 months
What is the Importance of Pipette Calibration?
What is Pipette Calibration?
Pipette calibration is the process of verifying and adjusting the volume dispensed by a pipette to ensure it matches the expected value. This is done by measuring the dispensed volume using a highly accurate balance and comparing it to the target volume. If discrepancies are found, adjustments are made to bring the pipette's performance within acceptable limits.
Why is Pipette Calibration Important?
Ensuring Accuracy and Precision
The primary reason for pipette calibration is to ensure accuracy and precision in liquid measurements. Even small deviations in volume can significantly impact the results of an experiment, leading to erroneous conclusions. Regular calibration helps maintain the pipette's performance within specified tolerance levels, ensuring reliable and reproducible results. 
Compliance with Standards and Regulations
Many scientific fields are governed by strict standards and regulations that require regular calibration of laboratory equipment. Compliance with these standards, such as ISO 8655, ensures that the laboratory maintains high-quality control and meets industry requirements. Calibration records serve as documentation of compliance during audits and inspections.
Minimizing Experimental Errors
Inaccurate pipetting can lead to a cascade of errors in experimental procedures. For example, incorrect reagent volumes can affect the concentration of solutions, reaction rates, and overall experimental outcomes.  To be precise, regular calibration minimizes these risks by ensuring that pipettes deliver the correct volume through liquid handling instruments. 
Enhancing Reproducibility
Scientific research relies on the reproducibility of results. Reproducibility means that an experiment can be repeated with the same outcomes, regardless of who performs it or where it is conducted. Calibrated pipettes contribute to reproducibility by providing consistent and accurate liquid measurements, a critical factor in achieving comparable results across different studies.
Cost Savings
While calibration itself is an investment, it can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. Inaccurate pipetting can result in wasted reagents, failed experiments, and the need to repeat costly procedures. By maintaining calibrated pipettes, laboratories can reduce waste, improve efficiency, and avoid the expenses associated with erroneous results and repeated experiments.
Maintaining Laboratory Integrity
The integrity of a laboratory's data and its reputation depend on the accuracy and reliability of its measurements. Regular pipette calibration is a proactive measure that demonstrates the laboratory's commitment to quality and precision. This, in turn, fosters trust among researchers, clients, and regulatory bodies.
How Often Should Pipettes Be Calibrated?
The frequency of pipette calibration depends on several factors, including the type of pipette, frequency of use, and the criticality of the applications. Generally, it is recommended to calibrate pipettes every 3 to 6 months. However, laboratories should establish a calibration schedule based on their specific needs and adhere to it rigorously.
In conclusion, pipette calibration is a fundamental aspect of maintaining accuracy, precision, and reliability in laboratory measurements. It ensures compliance with standards, minimizes experimental errors, enhances reproducibility, and contributes to cost savings. Regular calibration is essential for maintaining the integrity of scientific research and laboratory practices, ultimately leading to more trustworthy and impactful results. By prioritizing pipette calibration, laboratories can uphold the highest standards of quality and contribute to the advancement of science and technology.
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Crime and Chemistry
Summary: You and Sherlock work together to solve a murder case
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Analyst!Reader
Warning(s): mentions of murder, some science mumbo-jumbo; lemme know if I forgot anything :)
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Sherlock stood outside of the forensic lab, drumming his fingers impatiently on the handle of his umbrella. He had a case that required the expertise of a top-notch forensic analyst, and he had been told that you were the best in the business.
Sherlock opened the door and stepped inside, his keen eyes scanning the room for the analyst. He spotted you at your desk, surrounded by test tubes and microscopes, deep in concentration. You looked up as he approached, and your eyes lit up with recognition.
"Sherlock! What brings you here?" you asked, setting down your pipette.
"I have a case, and I need your help," he replied, handing you a file. "I have been called in to investigate a murder case, a young woman was killed in her own home and there seems to be no forced entry. All the possible suspects have alibis, and the police have no leads. The only thing they have found is some fibres and hair samples at the scene that they couldn't match to anyone. I need you to analyse them and see if they can tell us anything about the killer."
You scanned the file quickly, your eyes narrowing in concentration. "I'll need to run some tests, but I should be able to have something for you by tomorrow," you said, rising from your desk. "I'll start by doing a DNA analysis on the hair samples and then run a comparison against the national database. I'll also do some microscopy on the fibres to see if I can identify the type of fabric and where it could have come from."
Sherlock nodded, his mind already racing ahead to the next step of the case. He knew that with the analyst's help, he would be able to solve it in no time.
As they worked together, Sherlock began to notice you in a different light. He couldn't help but be impressed by your intelligence and your dedication to your work. He found himself looking forward to your conversations and the way you challenged him to think differently about the case.
You, in turn, couldn't help but be drawn to Sherlock's sharp mind and his unorthodox methods. You found herself wanting to know more about him, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement whenever he walked into the room.
As you finally cracked the case and brought the perpetrator to justice, Sherlock couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment that your time working together was coming to an end. He turned to you, "I couldn't have done it without you, thank you. Would you like to grab a cup of tea with me sometime?"
You smiled, "I'd like that very much, Sherlock."
And so began a whirlwind romance between the two, as you continued to work together on other cases, and your bond grew stronger. The chemistry between the both of you was undeniable, and it was clear to everyone around you both that you were meant to be together.
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A/N I’m seriously getting back into my Sherlock phase...
Taglist! lemme know if you wanted to be added or removed!
Everything: @thewaithfuckingannoyme @evelyn-kingsley
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mrschwartz · 2 years
Alex Turner most likely has synesthesia: a compilation
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“She floats like a niccy rush and stings like a B-flat” (The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap)
“When you’re experimenting with more genres, it’s so delicate. It’s like a chemistry set: you got like all the boiling tubes and pipettes and you add one or too many drops on the whole thing and it falls apart and you get the wrong colour of the smoke.” (x)
"If desire would be liquid, then it wouldn’t be something you easily sail through, but a rough sea that whirls you around. The rhythm of [Fireside] has those wild motions of desire. If desire is something liquid, it is a rolling boil–like when you’re boiling potatoes." (x)
“That sensation of longing for something or someone, if it were a liquid it’s not something you sail smoothly along in. It’s gotta roll and boil, or it bubbles and coughes and splutters, and I think we wanted the rythm to reflect that in the tune Fireside.” (x)
“I love the color of them shows, [Thunderbirds] and 60′s Batman as well, that technicolor thing. If I could make a song sound like the Joker’s laugh, when it’s all angled and pink... for me it sounds like that, technicolor. [...] I’d love to have drums that sound like that looks.” (x)
“Jamie’s doing a lot of that icy plucking in the background, adding a texture.” (x)
“Alternative Endings was [my idea for a bar name]. [...] You can see that in pink neon light.” (x)
“It was what became a line in a song called 'Aviation'–'The Colorama in your eyes takes me on a moonlight drive'–not completely unremarkable written down but when appropriated by this particular melodic idea and backlit by its chord progression it permitted me to glimpse into what seemed like a new constellation in my imagination, one that every time I heard the demo recording I was encouraged to try and traverse.” (x)
“Franz Schubert the composer said ‘there’s no such thing as happy music’. I always got a kick out of that. Not because I think that music has to be sad but because I think when it most effective there’s an element of it operating within a spectrum that has neither ‘happy’ or 'sad’ at either end of it. Music with lyrics in a language you don’t understand or no lyrics at all has the power to send vehement shivers through your body. It’s almost as if the melody or something else in there has an invisible direct line to the depths of the subconscious. This interests me greatly. I always wanted to use the word 'Colorama’ in a song ever since I saw Antonioni’s Blow Up. It was an unplugged neon light at the back of my mind for years. Some lyrics are declarations of love or hate written in blood or carved in a bus stop, in need of little or no melodic illumination. Some, I believe, are there almost entirely to facilitate it. If I ever thought about it at all I’m sure I used to think the melody was the vessel that carried the lyrics but more recently it has occurred to me that the opposite is often true. The problem with the neon sign analogy is that neon signs are invariably bolted to the wall and full of gas. Melody seems as though its poured rather than sprayed and doesn’t feel as though whatever holds it ought to be fixed to anything. I sometimes imagine each word to be made using a three dimensional open-top glass alphabet. Each letter built to harness and transport the mirror ball liquid marble of the melody. When the 'substance’ fills up the syllables they seem to shimmer and become weightless. With the addition of close harmony I see colours swirl together, parts of the lyrics glow and the way in which they float suggests that something like the 'star gate’ sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey is happening deep inside them out of view.” (x)
“The types of sounds, or the chord progressions, or the music I was composing, let’s say on the piano or on these recordings I was making, definitely informed the lyrics, I feel, as much as the films I was watching or anything that was going on in front of me. It often does seem like it really just comes from the music. Like, that seems to suggest things to me as much as, if not more than, everything else.” (x)
“I like what you say about the pieces in the puzzle. I like the idea that the other part of that puzzle is the music, that the melody completes the lyrics, that you can feel that harmony between lyrics and music, a whole. The lyrics are just a piece of the puzzle, not something you have to decipher, but something that goes together with the music…” (x)
“Because you hit a couple of things on the way there. One was Bond villain–that went off in neon in my mind.” (x)
“Lego Napoleon movie / Written in noble gas-filled glass tubes / Underlined in sparks” (Hello You)
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pocdiagnostics · 1 month
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Need to quickly find out your blood type? 
The Hangzhou AllTest Biotech Rapid Blood Group Test is perfect for you! 
This test is easy to use and gives reliable results in just one minute. It is great for use at the patient’s bedside or in the doctor’s office. 
Each pack has everything you need for 25 tests, including test cassettes, pipettes, buffer solution, lancets, alcohol pads, and capillary tubes. The test is accurate, simple, and clear, making it easy to read the results. Perfect for healthcare professionals. 
For more details visit: https://poc-diagnostics.co.uk/products/rapid-blood-group-test 
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entryn17 · 10 months
had bio lab today WHO thinks of these pipettes. why are there so many types
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snakebites-and-ink · 7 months
btw I'm in both an OChem lab and a zoology lab this semester, and also I was in a cell bio lab last year, so if any lab whump writers have questions about like lab jargon or different types of flasks or pipettes or whatever, I'm your guy.
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