#tylman susato
musicwithoutborders · 2 years
Tylman Susato / Early Music Consort of London,  12 Dances from the Danserye. XII. La Bataille I Various. Danseryes (Renaissance),1971
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sazeracs · 11 months
Pentiment: “My new song must float like a feather on the breath of God”
A playlist featuring the original early modern pieces that inspired Alkemie's arrangements, compiled in order of appearance.
O virtus sapientiae - Hildegard von Bingen
Do fraig amors (arr. M. Lewon for vocal ensemble) - Oswald von Volkenstein
Ich stund an einem Morgen - Ludwig Senfl
Fortuna desperata - Ludwig Senfl
Victimae paschali laudes - attrib. Wipo of Burgundy
Quia ergo femina - Hildegard von Bingen
Tels rit au main - Guillaume de Machaut
Fortuna, Bruder Conrad - Heinrich Isaak
Fortuna desperata - Antoine Busnois
Karitas habundat - Hildegard von Bingen
Saltarello No. 2 - Anonymous
Pavane 'Mille Regretz' - Tylman Susato
L'homme armé - Anonymous
Herz, prich - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Nymphes des bois/La déploration de Johannes Ockeghem - Josquin des Prez
Ellend du hast umbfangen mich - Anonymous
In dulci jubilo (arr. Robert de Pearsall) - attrib. Heinrich Seuse
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam - Heinrich Isaak
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prettybluelites · 2 months
31 Days of My Good Omens Playlist - Day 21: a Renaissance dance
So I had this idea a while back that I was going to create a GO playlist with music from as many historical eras as possible, including like every era of orchestral/classical music, as befitting a pair of lovers that've been around for millennia. I, um, didn't get very far with that idea. But I like to listen to the classical radio station in the car, and sometimes I hear something that rings in the context of something I've read or watched. Thus, this piece. Obviously, Angels Don't Dance, but I like thinking about the tension or formality of this sort of music combined with the sort of smoldering glances one might exchange with someone at, say, a fancy-dress party or a ball, even if you weren't actually dancing together.
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alexanderrogge · 6 months
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The U.S. Naval Academy Brass Ensemble featured music by Jacob Evarts, Tylman Susato, J.S. Bach, Kevin McKee, Sara Corry, and John Philip Sousa at The U.S. Army Band 2024 American Trombone Workshop; trombone soloist Hillary Simms played Aura by Anthony DiLorenzo. #USNA #BrassEnsemble #ABQ #NavyMusic #Trombone #ATW2024 #ATW #Music
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fransozie · 11 months
The Brigadier's Song
Oh don't you see these yonder of here's, Shoulder to shoulder the Brigadiers. This lonely view your spirit will conquer, and, you'll watch your name by the stars appear.
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And should you face the drag and pain. Should you fight, belligirent winds and rain. God of the Mountains be with you, sooner or later you'll see this through...
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Lyrics written for this piece (The first half);
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nietp · 3 years
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the-legend-orpheus · 6 years
The Organs of Montreal
So I was on vacation in Canada to see some family members. We decided to go on a three day, two night excusion to the beautiful city of Montreal!
Unfortunately, there was not enough time for me to see the International House of Jazz nor the Montreal Symphony or other classical music events in the city.
However, I visited Montreal just in time for the Grand Organs Festival in the B!
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So basically, every Sunday from July 8-August 12, there is an organise that comes to play in the basilica's organ. Allow me to show you the beauty of the organ:
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Okay, so the guy who came to play for us was Patrick Wedd, the organist and chorimaster of Christ Church of Montréal. He's also a composer who has composed masses/psalms/hymms/etc. for people like the Vancouver Chamber Choir, the Tudor Singers, the St-Lambert Choral Society, and the Vancouver Bach Choir. His two major compositions are A Bird of Fire (1978) for mezzo soprano and keyboard and L'imposition de la neige (1987) for choir.
The program was named Shall We Dance? and for good reason. Here were the pieces he played for us:
La Danserye by Tylman Susato
At the Ballet (Five Dances) by Calvin Hampton
An Evening Dance by William Albright
Pieds-en-l'air (Capriol Suite) by Peter Warlock
Vielles mélodies et danses, suite 1 by Ottorino Respighi
Pavane by Robert Elmore
Tango by Igor Stravinsky
Polovetzkaya Pliaska by Alexandre Borodin
After the program ended, he played an encore with "Shall We Dance" from The King and I, which I thought was fricking adorable; I may or may not have sung along.
That was not the only organ I saw in Montreal, though. On our last day in the city, we visited the massive St. Joseph's Oratory. The first organ I saw was in the Crypt church.
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Oooh, I love those colored pipes.
Oh, and that wasn't the only organ in the oratory. To give you a scope of how massive this oratory is, they have two organs in two serperate churches!
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Yes, they are both in the same building!
Anyway, I wasn't able to explore all of Montreal (we would need probably a week or two to explore the whole thing), but I still loved what I was able to see. Hopefully I'll be able to come back someday!
The trip to Montreal really inspired me to travel the world someday. My dream is to one day travel the world and explore classical music as well as spread it myself, like a modern day bard, haha. I'll work toward the dream someday; in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed (some of) the organs of Montreal!
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delaruecaalapluma · 8 years
Teresa de Jesús y la música europea de su época
Teresa de Jesús y la música europea de su época
Con motivo del V Centenario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa,en 2015, el ensemble Tylman Susato ofreció en muchos lugares en este programa, con el que han querido rendir un doble homenaje: por un lado a una mujer singular y por otro lado a su tiempo. Este domingo 24 de julio, a las 21h. tendrá lugar el concierto en la Parroquia de…
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sholazarr · 8 years
My favorite Renaissance composer: Tielman Susato
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silverfoxstole · 9 years
Just discovered that all my favourite sixteenth century music is by the same composer: Tylman Susato.
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