#ty lue <3< /div>
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最後の嘘は 優しい嘘でした 忘れない
"The last lie was a kind lie, I'll never forget it."
damn... u got the SID banger...
"∞" music lyric ask game
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tagged by @fyodorkitkat
3 ships: im suuuuch a fyozai (bsd) liker. also komahina (dr) i guess? i had to dig really hard into my memory for this question. for my third one im just gonna say something completely out of pocket and say myshkin x rogozhin x aglaya x nastasya (the idiot, dostoyevsky) should have been the most wet pathetic and toxic polycule ever. i. i can't think of anything else i really like rn
1st ship: when i was 13 i shipped johndave before reading homestuck. it was before i like, grasped that lgbt people existed on a very casual level so i was like... thats crazy... best friends can like each other like that...
Last song: mudai (guigno) - killie (i can only listen to italian music through a japanese proxy)
Last movie: antebellum by the suggestion of a friend!
Currently reading: the celebrated cases of judge dee (translated by van gulik) recommended to me by the one of the researchers i work with! i hate it but i Do It For Him
Currently watching: im on and off with welcome to the nhk, psychopass, samurai champloo, and cowboy bebop
Currently consuming: pho and bubble tea =(^.w.^)=
umm ummm im so bad at tagging if you're a mootie this is for you <3
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what's your sims play style?
I usually do legacy play throughs where I start with one sim and then build their life to the point they will have at least one child even if it is adoption (but if there is multiple kids I will pick one that I will plan to switch to basically to carry on the legacy).
My goals and plans vary depending on the sim but I usually keep them connected to their family still. When I move them out I will move most of the family's funds with them, creating and carrying over generational wealth even if I don't have them live lavish.
Eventually when old age starts to creep up on the parents I will sell off all their stuff and move them in with their kid (and their family if they have one at that point) until they die. The urns/gravestones travel with the next generation and I never release spirits to the netherworld so they hang out in the house at night usually even if they break things constantly. Sometimes they stop showing up after moving them though I don't know what triggers that because it doesn't happen every time.
It varies what sort of stories and backgrounds I imagine for my sims, but that is my general play style. Sometimes I will create new sims with the intention of paring them up with my legacy sims as well. But I usually just move them straight into the house and give them their own room while they get to know the sim I want them to kiss kiss fall in love with.
Before I had to reset my computer to fix something and forgot to back up my game files (again. The second time I have done this in three years because I suck lol) my last legacy playthrough was on the 16th generation. So I keep it going without an end basically.
Maybe it is boring but I like making my sims have healthy relationships, economic security, and nice lives even if they have more complicated traits. If I have any intentional fuckery it is because I have made someone be a total sleeze every once in a while for funsies. There was one time I accidentally created condensed human suffering in my sim though but idk if anyone wants to hear some random sim rambling that much lol.
Oh I also usually turn off aging or keep it on long life span for early adulthood to give them more time to work on their skills and career before I switch things to speed it up.
#idk what i am going to do with my new playthrough. because i am tempted to do legacy.#but i made myself as a sim for once then died on day 3. so i made a new sim and had them date the ghost me as penance for such a short life#but now i am like. wait do i adopt a baby to make my sim a single parent to have a second generation.#or let the ghost partner go and release a spirit on purpose for the first time. though moving them once i have money for a better house#might cause that to happen anyways so i might not have to decide#serious business in this legacy play through as you can tell. there is planning and everything 💀#ty for the ask#-Lue asks
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I really asked you for Poe thoughts not realizing you had been talking about wearing his skin earlier today apparently lmao. Love this.
that's a very normal thought to have about your highest kin, is it not?😌
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1: 0 1 2 4 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 32/36 (26/26) (6/10)
2: 08 11 18 19 41 42 84 90 ab ac ad ag ai aj ak al am an ap ar as at av aw ay ba bd be bi bl bo br bs bu by ca cc ce ch ci ck cl co cr cs ct cu cy da dd de df di dl dn do dr ds du dy ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei el em en eo ep eq er es et ev ew ex ey fa fe fi fo fr ft fu ga ge gh gi gl go gr gs gt gy ha he hi hn ho hr ht hu hy ia ib ic id ie if ig il im in io ip ir is it iu iv iz jo ju ke ki kn ks ky la ld le lf li lk ll lm lo ls lu lv ly ma me mh mi mo mp ms mu my na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nk nl nn no ns nt nu nv ny oa ob oc od oe of og oi ol om on oo op or os ot ou ow ox oy pa pe ph pi pl pm po pp pr ps pt pu qu ra rd re rg ri rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru ry rz sa sc se sh si sk sm sn so sp sq ss st su sw sy ta te th ti tl to tr ts tt tu tw ty ua ub uc ud ue ug ui ul um un uo up ur us ut ve vi wa we wh wi wo wr xc xe xi xt xu yb yg yl ym yn yo yp ys yx ze zo 290/1296 (282/676) (8/100)
3: 184 190 842 908 abd abl aca acc aci ack acr acs act ade ads age ain ajo ake aki ale ali alk all alm alo als ame ami amp ana anc and ane ang ani ans ant anu any ape app ard are arg ark arl arm aro arr ars art ase ask ass ata ate ath ati ato att atu ave avi awa awr ayb bab bac bal bas bdo bea bed beh bel bet bey bio bis bit ble blo bly bod bon bou bow boy bra bre bst bul bur but cal can cav cce ccy cee cen cep che chi cia cie cin cks cky cle clo clu coc com con cos cre cri cru cti ctu cul cut cyx dar dda dea dee den deo dep der des dfi did die din dis dle dne doe dom don dor dul dur ead eak eal ear eat ebr eci ecr ect edd edi eed eei eem een efe egi egs ehi ein eir eit ela ele elf ell elo elv ely ema eme emo emp ems emu enb enc end eng enh eno ent env eos eou epo eps ept equ era ere eri erl erm ern err ers ert eru ery erz esc ese esn esp ess est eta ete eto etw ety eve evi ewh exc exe ext exu eyo fam far fat fem fer fes fib fie fif fin fir fis for fos fra fro fth fur fus gap gel gem ges ght gic gif gio gir gla glu gol gon gou gre gro gth gys han hap hat hav hea hei hem hen her hes hey hic hig him hin hip hir his hit hiu hna hol hot hou hro hum hus hym ial iar ibe ibi ibu ica ice ich ick icu ide idf ied ien ier ies iet ife ifi ift igh ila ili ill ima imi ims ina inc ind ine inf ing ink ins int inu iny iof ion ior iou ips ird irs isc ise ish iso isp iss ist ite ith iti its itt ity ium ive ize joi jor jus jut ked kel kes kin kiv kne kno ksc lan lar lat lde leg len les let lex lia lie lif lis lit lli llo lls lly lmo loa log lon loo lop lou low lso lue lun lus lvi lym lyp mag maj mak mal man mar mas mat may mel men mer met mew mil min mit moo mor mos mou mph mpl mpr mse mur mus myg nac nad nal nat nbo nce ncl nde ndi ndn ndo nds ndu nec nee nei neo nes nex nfr nge ngs ngt ngy nhn nim nky nly nne nop nor nos not now nox nse nsi nst nsw nta nte nti ntl nto ntr nts ntu nuo nus nve oac oat oba occ oce oci odi ody oes ofi oft ogi ogo ogs oin old ole olo oma ome omi omp omy ona ond one onl onn ons ont ool oos oot ope ops opt ora org ori orm ors ose osi oss ost osu ota ote oth oti oto oug oun oup ous out owe owi oxi oyl par pat pea pec ped pel per pho pic pin ple pli pmh poi pos ppa ppe ppo pre pri pro pte pti pub qua que qui rac rai ral ran rap rat raw rdl rea rec red ref reg rel rem ren res ret rev rge ria rib rig rin rio ris rit rki rks rly rma rmi rmo rms rns roa rob roc rog rom rop ros rou row rpr rra rro rru rsa rse rsi rst rte rth rti rto rts ruc rum rus sac sal sam sav say sch sci scl scr scu sec sed see sel seq ses sha she sid sim sio sis sit siv siz ske ski sma smo soc sof som sop sor spe spi spo squ sso ssu sta ste sti stl sto sts stu sty sua sub suc sue sup sur sus swe syn tai tak tal tan tar tat tea teb ted ten ter tes tha the thi tho thr thu thy tib tic tid tin tio tip tis tiv tle tly tom ton too tot tre tri tsi tte ttl tty tua tud tur tus twe two tyl typ ual uar uat ubi ubs uch uco udi uea uen ues ugh uit ula ume und ung unt unu uou upp ups ure uri urn uro urp urr urs urt usc use usi ust usu uta ute uts vel ver vic vid vil vit war wee wel wer wha whe whi who why win wit xcl xem xio xte xtr xus ybe ygo yle ylo yme ymp ymu yno yon you ypi ypm yst zoo 802/46656 (798/17576) (4/1000)
4: 1842 1908 abdo able ably acce acin acru acti actu adep ages ainf ajor akes akin alis allo alls ally almo alog also amil ampl anal anat ance ands andu aneo ange anim answ ants anus aped appa appe area aren arge arki arks arly arms arou arra arsa arte arti arts ased aske atar ated ater athe atid atio ativ atom atte atty atur avit awar aybe babl back ball base bdom bear bedd behi belo betw beyo biof bitt blog bodi body bone boun boyl brat brev bsta bula burr bute call cavi ccen ccyx ceed cent ceps cept cher chiu cial cien ciet cing cles cloa clus cocc comp conn cons cont cosu cret crib crum ctio ctua ctus cula cuta dard ddar deal deed denb denc deos depo dept desc dfis died dies diet ding disp dnes does dome domi dors dula duri eaki eall ears eart ebra ecia ecre ecti ectu edda edin edis eedi eein eems efer egio ehin eing eith elat elet elop elow elvi emal emel emen emor empl emur enbo ence endi ends engt engy enhn enop enor enti entl entu enve eous epos epti eque eral eran ered eres erio erly ermi erru erse ersi erte erti erto erus escr espe esti esty etal etat eton etwe ever evic evid ewha excl exem exte extr exus eyon fami fatt fema femo femu fest fibu fied fift find firs fish form foss frac frog from furt fuse gely geme gest gica gion gird glan glue gold gona gous grea grou gyst hape have head hear heir here hert herz hese hich high hims hind hing hips hird hite hium hnac hole hoto houg hroa hume hyme hymu iall ibed ibio ibul ibut ical icep icks icky icul idea iden ideo ides idfi ienc iety ifes ifie ifth ight ilar ilia illi imag imal imil imse inal incl inde infr ings inky inse insi inst inte into ints inuo iofi ions ious irdl irst isch ishe isop ispo issu ists ites ithe itio ittl itty ivel join jori just juts kele king kink kive knee know ksch land larg larl late lati latu lden legs leng leta leto lexu liar lier life lifi litt llie llow lmos loac logi logo lond loos lope lops lowe lowi lung lusi lvic lymp lypm mage majo make male mall many mark mass mati mayb mely meno ment meru meta mewh mila mili mina mite moot mora most moun mous mple mpli mpri msel murs musc must mygo naci nads nali nalo nato nboy nclu ndee nder ndin ndne ndon ndul nect neit neou ness next nfro ngem ngth ngys nhna nima nnec nopt norm nost note noxi nsec nseq nsid nsis nste nswe ntai nter ntin ntio ntly ntri ntua nuou nusu nvel oaca obab occy ocee ocie odie oesn ofib ogic ogou oint olde olog omat omen omew omin ompr onad ondo only onne onse onsi onta onti ontr oolo oose ooth oped oper opte oral oria orit orma ormo orsa oses osit osso oste osto osty osus otal oted othe otic ough ound ount oups outs ower owin oxio oylo pare part patt pear peci pelv perl phot pica pine plex plif poin pose posi post ppar ppea ppos pred pris prob proc prop pter ptid pubi quar quea quen ques quit ract rain rang rans rapp rate rath rawr rdle real reat rect redi refe regi rela reme rent rest rete reve revi rgel rges rial ribe ribu righ ring rior rise rity rkiv rksc rmat rmit rmou roat roba roce rogs rope rost roun roup rowe rpri rran rrou rrow rruc rsal rsed rsio rstl rteb rter rthe rtic rton ruco sacr sacs sals same save sche schi scie scle scri scul secr sect seei seem self sequ shap shes side sidf simi sion sist siti sits sive size sked skel skin smal smoo soci soft some sopt sori spec spin spos sque ssor ssue stan stea ster stic stin stio stly stom stot stud styl sual subs such supp surp surr swer syno tain take talk tanc tane tars tata tead tebr tend tera tere teri term tern than that thei them ther thes they thig thin thir this thou thro thus thym tibi tica tick ticu ting tinu tiny tion tips tiss tive toma tomy tons tota toti trem trib tsid tter ttle tual tuat tudi ture turn twee tyle typi uall uart uate ubis ubst ucos udie ueak uenc uest uite ular ulat umer unde undi undn ungs unus uous uppo urin urns uros urpr urro urth uscl uscu used usio usiv usua utan utsi velo vely verr vers vert very vice vide vill vity ware ween well were wers what when whic whit whol wing with xclu xemp xiou xten xtre ygol ylou ymen ymph ymus ynos
yond ypic ypmh ysto zool 815/1679616 (813/456976) (2/10000)
5: abdom accen acing acrum actio actua adept ainfr ajori aking allow almos alogo amili ample analo anato andul aneou angem anima answe appar appea arent argel arges arkiv arksc aroun arran arsal arter artic asked atars atera ather ation ative atomy atter ature avity aware bably balls based bdome bdomi bedda behin below betwe beyon biofi bitty bodie bound boylo brate brevi bstan burro cally cavit ccent ceedi centu cepti cherz chium ciall cienc ciety cloac clusi coccy compr conne conse consi conta conti contr cosus crete cribe ction ctual cular culat cutan ddard denbo dence depos descr dfish dings dispo dness doesn domen domin dorsa dular durin eakin eally earts ebrat ecial ecret ectio ectus eddar eding edisp eedin eeing egion ehind eithe elati eleta eleto elope elops elvic emale emely ement emora empli emurs enboy endin ength engys enhna enopt enorm entio ently entua envel eposi eptid equen erans erest erior ermit erruc ersed ersio erteb ertic erton escri espec estin estio estyl etata etons etwee evers evice evide ewhat exclu exemp exten extre eyond famil fatty femal femor femur festy fibul fifth first fishe forma fosso fract frogs furth fused gemen gical girdl gland golde gonad great group gysto haped heart herto himse hnaci hough hroat humer hymen hymus ially ibiof ibula ibute icall iceps icept icula ideal idenc ideos idfis ience ifest ified ilarl iliar illie image imila imsel inali inclu indee infro insec insid inste inter inuou iofib irdle irstl ischi ishes isopt ispos issue ither ition ittle ively joint jorit kelet kinky ksche lands landu large larly later lativ latur ldenb lengt letal leton lexus lifes lifie littl llier llowi lmost loaca logic logou londo loose loped lower lowin lungs lusio lusiv lymph lypmh mages major makes marks matid matio maybe menop menti merus metat mewha milar milia minal mites mooth moral mount mplex mplif mpris mself muscl muscu mygol nacin nalis nalog natom nboyl nclus ndeed nding ndnes ndula necti neith neous nfrog ngeme ngyst nhnac nimal nnect nopte normo nosto noted noxio nsect nsequ nside nsist nstea nswer ntain ntere ntinu ntion ntrib ntuat nuous nusua nvelo obabl occyx oceed ociet odies ofibu ogica ogous oints olden ologi omati omewh omina ompri onads ondon onnec onseq onsis ontai ontin ontri oolog operl opter orial ority ormat ormou orsal ositi osits ossor oster ostot ostyl other otica ounde oundi oundn outsi owers owing oxiou oylou paren parti patte pears pecia pelvi perly photo pical plexu plifi point poses posit poste ppare ppear ppose predi prise proba proce prope ptera pubis quart queak quenc quest quite racti rainf range rathe reall rectu redis refer regio relat remel rentl resti rever revic rgely rgest ribed ribut right rkive rksch rmati rmite rmous robab rocee roper rosty round roups rower rpris rrang rroun rrowe rruco rsals rsion rstly rtebr rther rtica rticu rucos sacru scher schiu scien scles scrib scula secre seein seems seque shape sides sidfi simil sists sitio sivel skele small smoot socie somew sopte soria speci spine spose squea ssori stanc stead steri stick sting stion stoma stoti studi style suall subst suppo surpr surro swere synos tance taneo tarsa tatar tebra tendi tends teral teran teres terio termi their there thert these thigh thing third thoug throa thymu tibio tical ticks ticky ticul tinuo tions tissu tomat total totic treme tribu tside ttern tuall tuate tudie turns tween typic ually uarte uated ubsta ucosu udied ueaki uence uesti ularl ulatu umeru under undin undne unusu uppos uring urost urpri urrou urrow urthe uscle uscul usion usive usual utane utsid velop verru verse versi verte verti vicep viden video villi wered which white whole xclus xempl xious xtend xtrem ygold ymeno ynost ypica ystom zoolo 622/60466176 (622/11881376)
6: abdome abdomi accent action actual ainfro ajorit allowi almost alogou amilia amplex analog anatom andula aneous angeme animal answer appare appear arentl argely argest arkive arksch around arrang arsals articu atarsa ateral athert ations attern bdomen bdomin beddar behind betwee beyond biofib bodies boylou brevic bstanc burrow cavity ccentu ceedin centua ceptid cially cience cloaca clusio clusiv coccyx compri connec conseq consis contai contin contri cribed ctions ctuall cularl culatu cutane denboy deposi descri dfishe dispos domina dorsal during eaking ebrate eciall ecrete ection eddard edings edispo eeding either elativ eletal eleton eloped emoral emplif enboyl ending engyst enhnac enopte enormo ention entuat envelo eposit equenc eresti ermite erruco ersion ertebr ertica escrib especi esting estion estyle etatar etween everse evicep eviden exclus exempl extend extrem famili female femora femurs festyl fibula firstl fishes format fossor fracti furthe gement girdle glands glandu golden gonads groups gystom hearts herton himsel hnacin humeru hymeno ibiofi ically icepti icular idence idfish ifesty ilarly illier images imilar imself inalis inclus indeed infrog insect inside instea intere inuous iofibu irstly ischiu isopte ispose jority keleta keleto kscher landul largel larges latera lative lature ldenbo length letons lifest lified little llowin logica logous london lowing lusion lusive majori marksc mation menopt mentio metata mewhat milarl miliar minali mplexu mplifi mprise muscle muscul mygold nacing nalogo natomy nboylo nclusi ndness ndular nectio neithe nfrogs ngemen ngysto nhnaci nnecti nopter normou nostot noxiou nseque nsists nstead nswere nteres ntinuo ntribu ntuate nusual nvelop obably oceedi ociety ofibul ogical oldenb ologic omatid omewha ominal ompris onnect onsequ onsist ontain ontinu ontrib oologi operly optera ormati ormous ositio ossori osteri ostoti ostyle otical ounder oundin oundne outsid oxious parent partic patter pecial pelvic plexus plifie points positi posits poster pparen ppears predis probab procee proper pteran quarte queaki quence questi ractio rainfr rangem rather really rectus redisp region relati remely rently restin revers revice ribute rksche rmatio rmites robabl roceed roperl rostyl rounde roundi roundn rowers rprise rrange rround rrower rrucos rtebra rtical rticul rucosu sacrum scherz schium scienc scribe scular sculat secret seeing sequen shaped sidfis simila sition sively skelet smooth societ somewh sopter sorial specia sposes squeak ssoria stance sterio sticks sticky stomat stotic studie sually substa suppos surpri surrou swered synost taneou tarsal tatars tebrat tendin terans terest terior termit therto though throat thymus tibiof ticall ticula tinuou tissue tomati totica tremel tribut tually tuated tudied typica uarter ubstan ucosus ueakin uestio ularly ulatur umerus unding undnes unusua uppose urosty urpris urroun urrowe urther uscles uscula usivel usuall utaneo utside velope velops verruc versed versio verteb vertic viceps vicept videnc videos villie xclusi xempli xtendi xtends xtreme ygolde ymenop ynosto ypical ystoma zoolog 446/2176782336 (446/308915776)
7: abdomen abdomin accentu actuall ainfrog ajority allowin alogous amiliar amplexu analogo anatomy andular angemen answere apparen appears arently arksche arrange articul atarsal atherto bdomina beddard between biofibu brevice bstance burrowe ccentua ceeding centuat clusion clusive compris connect consequ consist contain continu contrib ctually cularly culatur cutaneo denboyl deposit describ dfishes dispose dominal ecially ections edispos eedings elative eletons emplifi enboylo engysto enhnaci enopter enormou entuate envelop eposits equence erestin ermites errucos ertebra ertical escribe especia etatars eversed eviceps evicept evidenc exclusi exempli extendi extends extreme familia femoral festyle firstly formati fossori fractio further glandul goldenb gystoma himself hnacing humerus hymenop ibiofib iceptid icularl idfishe ifestyl imilarl inclusi infrogs instead interes iofibul ischium isopter isposes keletal keleton kscherz landula largely largest lateral ldenboy lifesty llowing logical lusivel majorit marksch mations menopte mention metatar milarly minalis mplexus mplifie muscles muscula mygolde nalogou nboylou nclusio nection neither ngement ngystom nhnacin nnectio noptera normous nostoti noxious nsequen nswered nterest ntinuou ntribut ntuated nusuall nvelope nvelops oceedin ofibula oldenbo ologica omewhat ominali omprise onnecti onseque onsists ontinuo ontribu oologic opteran ormatio osition ossoria osterio ostotic oticall ounding oundnes outside parentl particu pattern peciall plified positio posteri pparent predisp probabl proceed properl pterans quarter queakin questio raction rainfro rangeme redispo relativ resting reverse revicep rkscher rmation robably roceedi roperly rostyle rounder roundin roundne rrangem rroundi rrowers rrucosu rtebrat rticula rucosus science scribed sculatu secrete sequenc sidfish similar skeleta skeleto society somewha soptera special squeaki ssorial sterior stomati stotica studied substan suppose surpris surroun synosto taneous tarsals tatarsa tebrate tending teresti termite therton tibiofi tically ticular tinuous tomatid totical tremely tribute typical ubstanc ueaking uestion ulature undness unusual urostyl urprise urround urrower uscular usculat usively usually utaneou veloped verruco version vertebr vertica vicepti vidence villier xclusiv xemplif xtendin xtremel ygolden ymenopt ynostot ystomat zoologi 297/78364164096 (297/8031810176)
8: abdomina accentua actually ainfrogs allowing amplexus analogou angement answered apparent arkscher arrangem articula atarsals atherton bdominal biofibul brevicep burrower ccentuat ceedings centuate clusivel comprise connecti conseque consists continuo contribu culature cutaneou denboylo deposits describe disposes dominali edispose emplifie enboylou engystom enhnacin enoptera enormous entuated envelope envelops eresting errucosu ertebrat escribed especial etatarsa evicepti evidence exclusiv exemplif extendin extremel familiar formatio fossoria fraction glandula goldenbo gystomat hymenopt ibiofibu icularly idfishes ifestyle imilarly inclusio interest iofibula isoptera keletons landular ldenboyl lifestyl lusively majority marksche menopter metatars mplified muscular musculat mygolden nalogous nclusion nections ngystoma nhnacing nnection nopteran nostotic nsequenc nteresti ntinuous ntribute nusually nveloped oceeding oldenboy ological ominalis onnectio onsequen ontinuou ontribut oologica opterans ormation ossorial osterior ostotica otically oundness parently particul pecially position posterio pparentl predispo probably proceedi properly queaking question rainfrog rangemen redispos relative reversed reviceps revicept rkscherz rmations roceedin rounding roundnes rrangeme rroundin rrucosus rtebrate rticular sculatur sequence sidfishe similarl skeletal skeleton somewhat sopteran speciall squeakin stomatid stotical substanc surprise surround synostot tatarsal terestin termites tibiofib ticularl toticall ubstance unusuall urostyle urroundi urrowers usculatu utaneous verrucos vertebra vertical viceptid xclusive xemplifi xtending xtremely ygoldenb ymenopte ynostoti ystomati zoologic 189/2821109907456 (189/208827064576)
9: abdominal accentuat analogous apparentl arkscherz arrangeme articular bdominali biofibula breviceps brevicept burrowers ccentuate centuated clusively connectio consequen continuou contribut cutaneous denboylou described dominalis edisposes emplified engystoma enhnacing enopteran enveloped errucosus ertebrate especiall etatarsal eviceptid exclusive exemplifi extending extremely formation fossorial glandular goldenboy gystomati hymenopte ibiofibul inclusion interesti isopteran ldenboylo lifestyle markscher menoptera metatarsa musculatu mygoldenb ngystomat nnections nopterans nostotica nsequence nterestin oceedings oldenboyl onnection onsequenc ontinuous ontribute oological ormations ostotical particula posterior pparently predispos proceedin rainfrogs rangement redispose revicepti roceeding roundness rrangemen rrounding rticularl sculature sidfishes similarly skeletons sopterans specially squeaking stoticall substance surroundi synostoti tatarsals teresting tibiofibu ticularly totically unusually urroundin usculatur verrucosu vertebrat xclusivel xemplifie ygoldenbo ymenopter ynostotic ystomatid zoologica 112/101559956668416 (112/5429503678976)
10: abdominali accentuate apparently arrangemen articularl bdominalis brevicepti ccentuated connection consequenc continuous contribute engystomat enopterans especially etatarsals exclusivel exemplifie formations goldenboyl gystomatid hymenopter ibiofibula interestin isopterans ldenboylou markscherz menopteran metatarsal musculatur mygoldenbo ngystomati nostotical nteresting oldenboylo onnections onsequence ostoticall particular predispose proceeding redisposes reviceptid roceedings rrangement rticularly stotically surroundin synostotic tibiofibul urrounding usculature verrucosus vertebrate xclusively xemplified ygoldenboy ymenoptera ynostotica zoological 60/3656158440062976 (60/141167095653376)
11: abdominalis accentuated arrangement articularly breviceptid connections consequence engystomati exclusively exemplified goldenboylo hymenoptera interesting menopterans metatarsals musculature mygoldenboy ngystomatid nostoticall oldenboylou ostotically particularl predisposes proceedings surrounding synostotica tibiofibula ygoldenboyl ymenopteran ynostotical 30/131621703842267136 (30/3670344486987776)
12: engystomatid goldenboylou hymenopteran mygoldenboyl nostotically particularly synostotical ygoldenboylo ymenopterans ynostoticall 10/4738381338321616896 (10/95428956661682176)
13: hymenopterans mygoldenboylo synostoticall ygoldenboylou ynostotically 5/170581728179578208256 (5/2481152873203736576)
14: mygoldenboylou synostotically 2/6140942214464815497216 (2/64509974703297150976)
Why are rain frogs so round? What's /inside/ of them around such an itty bitty skeleton?
So it turns out this is a really interesting question.
The first thing we must be aware of is that rainfrogs as we see them in videos of them squeaking are not quite the same shape as they are when at rest:
But you are quite right, they are very round. This is exemplified by the skeletal photo you refer to:
So what are we seeing?
Well, firstly, note that the body cavity in these frogs actually envelops the femurs, such that only the tibiofibula (fused in frogs) and the tarsals and metatarsals are outside the body. The arms are quite similarly enveloped, but a bit of the humerus does extend outside the body cavity too. This predisposes them to a rounder body shape.
Next, note the ilia - the U-shaped bone in the pelvic region. These in some breviceptid frogs are synostotically fused with the sacrum - that is to say, they are bound by bone-based connections to the bow-shaped vertebra at their tips. This whole joint seems to be quite smooth, and as a consequence, the back of the frog is quite smooth. The other thing we can see here is that the urostyle (i.e. the frog version of a coccyx) juts quite far beyond the ischium and pubis. This extends the body cavity beyond the hips. Note also that the pelvic girdle seems to be largely below the spine, rather than the typical position for frogs behind it and continuous with it. This makes the legs sit below the spine, rather than at its end, enhnacing the vertical roundness of the animal.
Next, let’s talk some soft tissue. Now, I’m not as familiar with soft-tissue in frogs as I am their skeletons, so you’ll have to bear with me a bit (rawr). Beddard (1908!!) studied the soft tissue of Breviceps verrucosus Rapp 1842. It seems that the majority of the body of these frogs is actually muscle. Beddard noted that muscles join the leg at the knee that extend into the body cavity, such that the inclusion of the thigh in the body cavity is further accentuated by musculature. The rectus abdominalis muscle is unusually large, extending from the lower abdomen up and around the sides of the body. Indeed, this large size appears to be the pattern with all of the major muscles, though in the throat the typical arrangement of large and small muscles is somewhat reversed. On the lateral side of the head, there is a substance that is not muscle, but appears to be loose tissue in which sits what is apparently the thymus gland.
There is a very large gap between the end of the urostyle and the anus (one fifth of the total length of the frog), in which there are almost no muscles, save for the one surrounding the lower cloaca. On either side of this area, between the posterior-most muscles of the thigh, lie two large ‘lymph-hearts’, as described by Beddard. These are between one quarter and one third of the total length of the frog. A further lypmh-sac sits between these lymph-hearts and the skin of the femoral region, and they are thus probably analogous to the femoral lymph-sacs of other frogs.
I find it interesting that Beddard (1908) did not mention any glandular formations in the dorsal region. As is evidence from many images (see below), these frogs are able to secrete a white, sticky, noxious substance from their skin (which they actually have to use during amplexus, as the male is too small relative to the female to mount her properly, and so he sticks himself to her with his glandular glue… kinky).
These glands do not apparently take up a great deal of the cutaneous tissue, and so I suppose are of no consequence to the size of the frog, especially relative to its enormous muscles.
The diet of these frogs consists almost exclusively of hymenopterans and isopterans (ants and termites). Neither of these insect groups are particularly fatty, so it is little surprise that their bodies appear to contain no large fat deposits - fatty bodies extend from the gonads up to the lungs and heart, but these comprise only a tiny fraction of the frog’s mass, and don’t contribute to the round shape. Instead, their bodies are extremely muscular, allowing them to be adept burrowers, ideal for their fossorial lifestyle.
So TL;DR: rain frogs are little balls of muscle (maybe the largest muscle mass relative to body mass of any vertebrate? science just doesn’t know).
Beddard, F.E. 1908. On the Musculature and other Points in the Anatomy of the Engystomatid Frog, Breviceps verrucosus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1908:11-41 [x]
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LA Clippers vs Golden State Warriors Game Player Stats
"Clippers vs Warriors in Thrilling Showdown"
Just before the All-Star break, the LA Clippers pulled off an incredible comeback to secure a big win over the Golden State Warriors in an exciting game. The Clippers guard Russell Westbrook's outstanding effort in the last quarter, when he displayed his flexibility and resolve, was crucial to the team's comeback .
The most crucial missed call occurred in the waning seconds when James Harden, anticipating an intentional foul from the Warriors, initiated his shooting motion before the contact from Wiggins.
Although this scenario typically results in a foul being called on the floor, a review by the NBA determined that Harden had commenced his shooting motion before the contact, vindicating the officials.
Despite the missed calls, the Clippers secured a solid win against the Warriors. Clippers' head coach Ty Lue, however, faced ejection during the game, leading assistant coach Dan Craig to take over coaching duties in the final minutes.
The team displayed resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, a testament to their depth and versatility.
Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images. Pictured: Stephen Curry #30 of the Golden State Warriors
Even more surprisingly, the Clippers won at Golden State despite the three calls that went against the Warriors. In addition to putting on a strong game without star player Kawhi Leonard, the Clippers' ability to overcome officiating issues demonstrated their fortitude and will.
In the spirit of transparency, the NBA also acknowledged three incorrect calls that nmaintain composure under pressure.egatively impacted the Clippers during the game. Despite these errors, the Clippers managed to secure the win, highlighting their ability to navigate challenges and pressure.
In a gut-wrenching turn of events the Golden State Warriors suffered yet another late-game collapse, falling 130-125 to the LA Clippers. Despite a commanding lead for the first three quarters, the Warriors couldn't hold on, putting an end to their recent win streak.
As fans grapple with mixed emotions over the team's improved performance, it's time to assess individual player performances with a critical eye.
Stephen Curry #30 of the Golden State Warriors dribbles the ball during the game against the LA Clippers
The Warriors showcased a commendable defensive effort in the early stages of the game, controlling the tempo and building an 11-point lead to start the fourth quarter. The first three quarters saw solid contributions from key players, creating a sense of optimism among fans.
However, the inability to maintain this level of play in the final stretch proved costly. Whether the most recent meltdown is more tolerable or unpleasant is a matter of opinion and relies on several factors.
Supporters must make up their minds about the situation, divided as they are between admiring the team's clippers vs warriors general progress and being angry at seeing another collapse.
Being a committed fan is an emotional rollercoaster, and the Warriors' wild performance further heightens that experience.
Russell Westbrook, often known for his scoring prowess, demonstrated his all-around capabilities in the fourth quarter against the Warriors.
Despite a slow start from the field, Westbrook erupted with 10 crucial points, adding 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 steal, and multiple hustle plays to fuel the comeback of Clippers vs Warriors.
Clippers guard Russell Westbrook (0) shoots against Golden State Warriors guard Ty Jerome, left, and forward Jonathan Kuminga during the first half on Thursday in San Francisco.
Westbrook's ability to impact winning after a slow start has been a recurring theme throughout the season. His resilience and commitment to contributing in various facets of the game have proven invaluable for the Clippers, providing a stabilizing force when the team needs it most.
The comeback victory against the Warriors serves as a significant momentum-builder for the Clippers as they head into the All-Star break. Westbrook's performance not only secured the win but also showcased the importance of a well-rounded approach to the game.
Russell Westbrook's all-around impact and resilience were on full display in the comeback win of Clippers vs Warriors.
As the team enters the All-Star break with newfound momentum, Westbrook's ability to influence the game beyond scoring serves as a testament to his versatility and dedication to securing victories for the Clippers.-Skynews
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yellow but in a positive way because you are silly af and funny
Ty Lue! Validation is the last thing I need but I'll take it<3
#Unfortunately I've been diagnosed with Nikolai kin/j#Very serious issue I don't know if I'll ever recover#thanks for the ask!
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Suns vs. Clippers Live Stream: Channel, Streaming Info, Where To Watch Game 3
The Suns/Clippers collection heads to Los Angeles as Ty Lue and firm host the Phoenix Suns in pivotal Game 3 of their Western Conference first-round matchup. The Suns rebounded from their Game 1 loss to even the collection at one sport apiece on Tuesday evening with a 123-109 victory. Devin Booker scored a game-high 38, Kevin Durant added 25, and Torrey Craig offered Phoenix with some clutch…
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1: 0 1 2 4 5 7 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 32/36 (26/26) (6/10)
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29: definitelytherepublicofirelan efinitelytherepublicofireland 2/1357602166130257152481187563160405662935023616 (2/108199957741720996894562347292921981566976)
30: definitelytherepublicofireland 1/48873677980689257489322752273774603865660850176 (1/2813198901284745919258621029615971520741376)
nudity isn't inherently sexual but when the nudity is sexual BARK BARK BARK BARK you know?
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Ben & Michael parallels 3/∞ | (requested by @i-am-thesenate)
#tfaedit#bensoloedit#michaellangdonedit#kylo ren#ahsedit#ahsapocalypseedit#swedit#star wars#michael langdon#american horror story#ahs#ahs apocalypse#mine:gifs#*#kmparallels#comparing these two shots was a great idea‚ ty for the suggestion lue!#look at these 2#so princely and regal#ugh <3
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20 & 30 music asks
ty for ur ask!!! merry christmas lue!!!
20:A song that has many meanings to you
this song is the staple of all my shippy playlists and for good reason: i can't fucking figure out what it's supposed to be about but it's a banger
is it about yearning? is it about a breakup?? is it about getting together?? all of the above? none of the above?? who knows....
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
someone in high school technology class introduced me to i kill giants and i really resonate with the entire album, but this one is me :3 (also because larry jr is my favorite binding of isaac boss)
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I get the vibe that Dame wants to be Allen Iverson so bad. Think about it:
- Both are rappers (AI’s “40 barz” is better than Dames entire discography)
-Both short, brown skin, and notorious cheaters
-No chip, no ring (AI wanted one more than Dame wants one)
-Loyal to a fault to cities that begin with the letter P
-Non-nike shoe endorsements (dame’s bape sneaker and AI’s questions 🔥)
-AI’s step over Ty Lue 🤝 Dames buzzer beater 3 against OKC
And despite all of this, it’s still AI over Dame all day, every day. 😂
LOOOOOLLLLL bye & they’re both effortlessly fine
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57 & 78 for the ask game
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
no but i'm fascinated by them! i love watching these ghost hunting videos even though i know that these instruments they use are... well probably not working in the way they should be? but i find it interesting, it's like collecting crystals even though i don't believe in them either, i just think they're pretty. i don't judge anyone believing in it though, i personally just don't think that if there's an afterlife that it works that way :3
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
good question... i never actually thought about it? i was to one concert (bc of a friend, i didn't like the music) and absolutely miscalculated how long i could stand so i just had to sit down in the first row (it was a small concert but still). so i would probably go to a small concert? maybe more of a pub where i don't know the band and they just play live jazz music? that'd be nice :3 if i had the choice tho, i would say the cure or maybe marina? she makes some really cool choreography as far as i know :D
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How many things have to go against the Clippers? - The schedule. - The Kawhi injury. - The "Valley-oop". Even the last few seconds tonight. Terance Mann fouled: no call. Ball off Payne: no review. Ty Lue: “Every single guy gave us all they had.” The Clippers have played 17 games in 36 nights - some of that is their own doing in not being able to wrap series quickly, but regardless you can see the tired legs at the end of some of these games. 1. NO AND-ONE for TERANCE MANN WHEN BRIDGES CLEARLY FOULED HIM. 2. Missed out of bounds on Payne, NO REVIEW WHEN BATUM CLEARLY KNOCKED THE BALL OFF PAYNE'S HAND OUT OF BOUNDS. 3. NO "TRAVELING" CALLED ON CP3 WHEN HE CLEARLY WAS NOT FOULED AND JUST FELL DOWN. "NICE JOB", REFS. 😒 Anyway, let's move past the bad calls, eyes on Game 5! Tyronn Lue on being down 3-1: “Just gotta take it One Day at a Time… It’s very doable, just gotta make sure we’re locked in.” 3-1 isnt a death sentence. unlikely sure. season on the line obviously. but steal one and u got a home game. game 6 in staples. I don't know where the Clippers are gonna find any juice from. PG13 & Reggie are Exhausted... 🥵 It's more disheartening because the @LAClippers are clearly the better team. Suns are getting lucky (obviously with Kawhi out), but even without him, these games are BARELY won by Suns. And fatigue. Complete scheduling bullcrap! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 👉🏾FOLLOW @BenchOnaQUEST 👈🏻 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #BenchOnaQUEST 🏀 #LAClippers 🔵🔴 #ClipperNation ⚓ #LAourWay #CLIPSET #ClipCityChipCity #HustleOverHype 🏀 #ClippersBasketball #ReggieJackson 🥽#TeranceMann 🇱🇨⚓ #KawhiLeonard 📈 #LouWilliams #PaulGeorge #LukeKennard #LosAngelesClippers #StreetlightsOverSpotlights #BallisLIFE 🏀 #PlayoffsOurWay 🏆 #NBAplayoffs (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQnMAmYssv5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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A virada de ontem foi a quarta maior da história dos playoffs. O Atlanta perdia de 26 pontos e virou. O torcedor do Phila ficou triste, mas não pode falar que ficou surpreso. Não com este técnico. Quando se contrata o Doc Rivers, é isso que se espera: uma grande virada - ela pode ser a favor ou contra o seu time, mas ainda sim ela será uma grande virada. Porque, veja, Doc Rivers não aparece só como técnico da quarta maior virada da história dos playoffs: ele também era o técnico na terceira (27 pontos) e na primeira maior virada (31 pontos) da história. E, nestes dois últimos casos, o Doc era o técnico do time que venceu! Animador? Calma. Seus feitos desde o campeonato com o Boston em 2008 revelam que sua especialidade é mesmo tomar a virada:
- 2009: Celtics 3 a 2 contra o Orlando, perdeu.
- 2010: Celtics 3 a 2 contra o Lakers nas finais, perdeu.
- 2012: Celtics 3 a 2 contra o Heat nas finais de conferência, perdeu.
- 2013: Clippers 3 a 2 contra o Grizzlies, perdeu.
- 2014: Clippers perde liderança de 15 pontos no jogo 5 contra o OKC e perde a série no jogo seguinte.
- 2015: Clippers 3 a 1 contra o Rockets, perdeu.
- 2016: Clippers 2 a 0 contra o Blazers, perdeu 4 seguidas.
- 2017: Clippers perde o jogo 7 em casa pro Jazz.
- 2020: Clippers 3 a 1 contra o Nuggets, perdeu.
- 2021: Sixers toma virada de 18 pontos no jogo 4 e de 26 pontos no jogo cinco. Resultado da série: indefinido.
Quando o Clippers levou a virada contra o Nuggets ano passado, Paul George reclamou da atuação do técnico, dizendo que ele não soube fazer adaptações para que o time vencesse. Doc Rivers respondeu dizendo que todos erram, inclusive os jogadores, e acrescentou que Ty Lue era seu assistente na época, então que, se Paul George esperava grandes mudanças com seu novo comandante, ele iria se decepcionar. Olha, não decepcionou. Ty Lue fez um bom trabalho ontem e conseguiu vencer a partida sem o seu principal jogador. Ele volta para LA com a chance de chegar nas finais de conferência, enquanto Doc vai pra Atlanta com a chance de aumentar o seu histórico de grandes viradas, para o bem ou para o mal.
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