#ty for showin me the baby
yummycrummy · 1 year
Look at my cat. I don't have an ask I just wanted you to see him.
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Hes such a lovely little fellow 🥺💙 reminds me of my own (hes living with my grandparents)
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articus-icecream · 1 month
HI MOOTIE it's this storyboard that I was talking about in the confessions blog!
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I dunno if I should say "implied" or "theory" but either way the "writing rapper the wrong way" is possibly a dark joke with the words rapper and raper
Ooohhh sweeet baby jesus
I figured it would be smth dark like that, ty for showin me this
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mooodyblue · 1 year
Omg!!! I'm at a store and they have Halloween stuff out!
My favorite is Halloween!
Can you write something where elvis or bde has a little who loves Halloween and scary movies and fall?
not particularly huge on halloween but i love fall 🥹 seeing the fall scents starting to come out has been making me v happy. ty for the request!
wc: 609
elvis really didn't like halloween. he thought it was a silly, pointless holiday and honestly if he heard monster mash one more time he was going to find his way to destroy every single record with it on there so he’d never hear it again.
but then came along you. you loved halloween. you loved forcing him to decorate graceland, making him put up silly prosthetic spiders and ghosts outside in the lawn. not to mention the candy, you gotta have candy! but when you're little, you tend to go a bit overboard with candy and he has to hide it away from you…..he can't handle the sugar rushes little you gets after having one too many mini hershey kisses.
there was something endearing about watching you squeal in excitement when he’d drive past a house that was a bit too decorated for his taste. styrofoam headstones in the front yard was a bit too tacky for him, but at least you liked it.
halloween was quickly approaching though. and although he couldn't just…take you trick or treating, he still wanted you to have a good halloween whether he hated the holiday or not. he couldn't handle the tiny pout on your face as you walked into the living, a snug halloween sweater on you as you grumpily sat on the sofa.
elvis let out a small chuckle, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “what's got the baby so upset today?”
“‘s halloween ‘n you won’t take me trick or treatin’” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“aw, don't be mad at daddy. it ain't his fault.” he frowned, pressing his lips against your temple. “but you look real cute in the lil’ halloween sweater i bought ya. ain't it cute?”
“i guess so….” you grumbled again.
“how ‘bout this then.” he sat up a bit. “i know you don't have a costume or nothin' but we can at least sit here and watch some of the halloween stuff they got showin’ right now? hm?”
you didn't respond, only looking as grumpy as ever.
he chuckled a bit. “not even charlie brown? they're showin’ that in a bit. c'mon, you know you wanna watch the great pumpkin……” he said teasingly, trying to get you to crack.
but it wasn't working. he knew you wouldn't budge. he hummed for a minute, looking over at you as he thought for a minute. maybe it wasn't about going house to house for you….maybe it was the candy.
“alright, fine. i’ll let you have a few pieces of candy. is that what ya want?”
your head turned quickly to him, your eyes lighting up. elvis rolled his eyes at your reaction, knowing exactly how to get you to crack. “handful!” you said proudly.
his eyes widened, “now, honey….”
your face turned into a frown, causing him to let out a groan. “alright! fine! a handful and that’s it!” he said sternly, wiggling his finger at you.
when the sun began to set, you snuggled up to him, bowl of candy in between the two of you as you watched it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown—giggling along happily as you unwrapped what was probably your 5th piece of chocolate in the past 10 minutes.
he smiled at you, arm around your shoulders. he definitely paid more attention to you than the movie. “you wait here, i’ll get you your sippy cup.” he kissed your cheek, standing up and making his way to the kitchen.
completely forgetting you put decorations up, he jumped slightly at the sight of a skeleton sitting at the dining table.
god, he couldn't wait for this holiday to end.
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Okay I’m gonna complain a LEETLE bit. But like, okay, it’s already hard to get reblogs on stuff as a writer (but really, any content creation on tumblr. Again I think bc people don’t realize that reblogging is important esp if they’re new to the site? Anyway-). But like
It’s like. When I become friends with someone through my blog, like, they were a follower and we were chatting and vibing and maybe we’re friends or just super good mutuals now, it’s like. They stop reblogging stuff? And okay like obviously I’m not asking u to reblog stuff u hate or anything, gosh no plz don’t. But it’s like. Idk.
It’s like the support goes away? Like even when I tailor smth SPECIFICALLY for that friend and sit happily and wait like o yeah babey I know u love that character and I know u love that kink and then it’s just. Nothin. When u know before u were friends they used to go super wild over that stuff and it’s like. Hewwo?
Idk maybe I sound really silly but this has happened quite a few times and I’m worried like. Am I doing something wrong here? I love to befriend people! But me supporting them like reblogging their art and stuff and commenting and complimenting and then just,,,not getting that is kinda sad!
Purrhaps I am just overthinking and am just being silly tho eoruhjerouh I’ve been rather having wild mood swings anyhow
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
A miya osamu scenario where he’s having a quality time together with fem s/o in a quiet little coffee shop 💕💕💕 Thaaaaanks
A/N: miya osamu. your hand in marriage. now. ALSO SPOILERS IF YOU HAVENT READ UP TO CHAPTER 378 OF THE MANGA.
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apricate. | miya osamu
word count: 2040
warnings: MANGA SPOILERS, slight hints of sexual content
(v.) to bask in the sun
The silver band wrapped around your left ring finger glittered warmly at the amber beam of light streaming from the tiny shop’s window. From behind the mosaic counter adorning the back of the cafe, the aroma of caffeine and freshly baked fruit tarts poured between the tables in the room. At this hour of the day, the establishment was unusually quiet, but you weren’t exactly complaining about that—
“Osamu, I wanna go home.”
You were almost apologetic that your husband was into his third sigh of the day. At some point of time, you would be the reason behind his slowly settling wrinkles. “Y/N, it’s only been 5 minutes since we’ve sat down.”
It wasn’t like he could blame you for it. You weren’t just upset, you were distressed. A parent to three rambunctious children, and you had left them with the family shop on their own. Though it was only for the day—and seeing that they had demanded that the both of you “go and enjoy your day off”—you didn’t get much of a wink of leisure.
“A-Are you sure it’s alright to leave Setsuko to take care of her younger siblings?” you rattled, a soft image of your precious ten-year old daughter forming in your head. “Oooh… what if Eiji causes her too much trouble and insists that he keeps workin’ instead of eatin’ ? And ‘Samu, did you remember to tell her where Kaori’s diapers are kept? M-maybe, I should call her just to check…”
As you unclasped your purse to look for your cell phone, your face paled at its obvious absence from where it should’ve been. When you looked up to meet Osamu’s lax face, his expression had said it all.
Raising your “missing” phone in his hand, he crossed his arms and shot you a smirk that said: I took precautions.
“Y’know, if Secchan’s been pesterin’ us to get out of the house for so long, she knows exactly what you’d do to her if we came back to the house up in flames. Plus, Eiji and I had a talk the other day about over-workin’ himself, so rest assured, he ain’t going to be doing that for a loooong, long time… And yes. I did tell Setsuko that Kao-chan’s nappies are on the bottom drawer of her room. ‘S all good. Anything else, Miya Y/N-san?”
Now it was your turn to sigh. “They’re my children, ‘Samu. Can’t help it.”
“Hey, I’m also a part of the family. Why ain’t I stuck on your mind all the time too, huh?” he said gruffly, a tone reserved to cheer you up whenever you needed it.
That’s right, you could never help it. They were your babies, the angels that were growing up too fast for your liking. It felt like it was just yesterday that your firstborn Setsuko, now at a double-digit age, was curled in your arms. Practically attached at your hip 24/7. The moment she’d bashfully asked you to stop plaiting her hair for her, you swore you could hear your heart shatter.
Moreover, it didn’t help that eight-year old Eiji (despite still being pegged as a “Mama’s boy”) was becoming more and more of a carbon copy of his father—too hard-working, but too oblivious. You weren’t one to scold your children about their grades, but with Eiji’s frightful progress at school, the lingering thought of your son saying that he’d consider dropping out of school to “be an adult” so Osamu would let him work full-time at the shop hindered you from any good night’s sleep.
But Kaori… Oh, your darling treasure Miya Kaori. Just a year old, fresh from your womb. Like so, “Kao-chan” was the apple of your older children’s eyes and the jewel of her father’s heart. The lone salvation of your livelihood was her innocent youth and you were desperately begging the gods to keep it that way. As soon as Kaori would start tying her own shoelaces and everything, you were sure you were going to turn into stone.
Your knees bumping under the picturesque, wrought iron table, Osamu gave you an endearing smile. “Relax. We have Fuji-san to keep an eye on ‘em in the shop, right? That guy’s got more nerves than his own body. If we’re worried about anythin’, it’s that the kids would get bored with him telling them to sit still.”
Your mind drifted to the thought of the young but unusually high-strung college student who’d been working part-time at the onigiri shop for two years. Osamu did make a point though. The bespectacled Fujiwara Chiaki was probably more dedicated to working than your own husband—a trait that he had likely passed on to your only son Eiji. The idea was concerning, but not to the extent where your head throbbed from it.
“They say if you think too much, you’ll grow old faster,” Osamu poked teasingly, while pushing a plate of a fragrant confectionary towards you. “You didn’t even notice that I’d brought back your favorite cheesecake.”
At the mention of the dessert, your eyes shot downwards to the platter. It looked just as sweet and luscious as it always did. From the first time you had it in high school as a “thank-you gift” from Osamu for helping him study for his exams, down to your wedding party where your friends had surprised you with an entire tower of it. You were sure Osamu would’ve been sick of tasting the velvety cream for 20 years and counting, but there was another suspicion you had that he’d feel gratified whenever he got it for you.
Holding out a forkful of cake, he said smugly at your twinkling gaze. “Open sesame, Y/N-chan.”
You didn’t hesitate for a second. When was the last time you got to enjoy yourself without any sniffles or pleading demands from your children? They’d inherited you and their father’s affinity for eating after all; a meal would never go untouched when it came to the Miya household. And if you’d brought this cake home, you know they’d bulldoze it down before you could grab a slice for yourself.
“So good…” you murmured, savoring the lightness of the dessert. Tangy and tethering on the border of being sweet and too sweet, this was indefinitely your next favorite thing after your family.
Osamu chuckled as you ate, tucking the loose strands of hair behind your ear. “Ain’t this getting too sugary for you? Y’know, I only gave you this the first time because I’d felt my teeth would fall out if I ate a bite of it.”
“You practically bribed me with it so I’d date you. If you think about it, you used this to bribe me into a lot of things!” your pout did not mask your amusement at all.
“Like how I used this so you’d finally catch a break from coddlin’ Secchan and have a better ‘time’ with your lovin’ husband? I’d say that it was a profitable compromise, my dear.”
You scoffed. “Profitable until you learn that having a second child was harder that you’d thought. How’d it feel tryin’ to feed Eiji the first time, huh?”
“It was a coincidence that Eiji just had to be a picky child growing up,” he shrugged. “Should I point out that you made it harder with spoilin’ him rotten, Mama Miya?”
You gave him your best, dramatized expression of offense. Oh, two could play this game. “Excuse you, Papa Miya. But who was the one who bought Setsuko an entire 50,000 yen-pretend kitchen as soon as she gave them one small tug on the sleeve?”
“C’mon, Y/N, you knew if I could afford it I’d buy it for her, no questions asked! The face she pulled when we brought it home could add ten years to my lifespan. There’s no way I would want to miss it,” his cheeks flared a vivid crimson. Hiding a snicker, you wondered how long it had been since you’d last seen that look on him.
“Miya Setsuko, the heiress of Onigiri Miya, already interested in the way of the stove at four years old! I couldn’t believe it. Ain’t she pretty darn cute in that apron we got in the set? Nah… that’s probably because Secchan’s pretty darn cute herself…” He was rambling now, eyes glossed over at the image of his daughter. Six years ago, she’d happily hopped into his lap when he’d finished tying up the frilly, daffodil-yellow apron, and gave him a hug that nearly pushed him to tears. Oh, how you wished you were there to see it.
“Osamu… Your gap moe* is showin’.”
“Oh, hush!” he spat, averting his gaze from yours as your leaned back on your chair, nearly doubling over in laughter. Though part of his face was covered by the large, ornate coffee mug, you knew he was smiling through and through.
The soft tinkling of the fake crystal chandeliers in your wake, your insides felt tingly in a way you haven’t felt for so long. What felt like hours, you spent talking with your husband about your little family, the shop, his brother (though this was quickly interrupted by another conversation about what Kaori’s first word would be), and all the things you’d never had the time to talk about since you were both so busy. It was just like high school all over again, only less melodramatic and more… wrinkly. But just as colorful as it always had been.
However, when Osamu fell silent, you knew something had gone terribly wrong. Setting down your fork, you leaned over the small table to observe his wallowing features.
“Osamu, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
As if he was being forced to shove an entire rock down his throat, he whispered, “… I miss ‘em.”
You stared at him, then did a double take. “S-sorry, say that again? Didn’t hear you.”
With reddened cheeks, he repeated himself anyway. “ I miss ‘em! All this talk about the kids… I know it’s only been a couple of hours but I miss Secchan already! M-my baby. My princess. Y-you know what it’s like, right, Y/N?”
You felt like a colossal force had lifted from your back. Grabbing your husband’s shoulders from across the table, you shook him while exclaiming, “Me too! I miss ‘em too! God, the entire time I was wishing I was feedin’ this cake to Eiji instead of myself. The way his cheeks puff up when he chews something… I have to see it…! And especially—”
And just as the planets aligned, your cell phone that had been sitting in Osamu’s coat the entire time rang. Taking it out of his pocket, he showed you the screen, displaying the name of the caller. Fujiwara Chiaki.
With your husband pressed close to your side, both cramped on one dainty seat of the cafe’s chair, you listened closely to the other side of the phone. “Hello? Fujiwara-kun?”
Chiaki’s meek but strangely jovial voice responded through the speakers. “Ah, Y/N-san, you picked up. The children wanted to speak with you about something. I think you’ll like this—”
“Chiakiii! You’re takin’ too long on the phone~ Hi, Mama! Can Papa hear me too?!”
Looking at your husband, you exchanged a smile. Eiji. Leaning his head on your shoulder, he cooed at your son. “I’m right here, Eiji.”
“Great! Because we have some ultra, big, super, important news to tell you—!”
A pop, a crackle and Eiji’s exuberant voice turned into Setsuko’s huffy, light one. “Eiji, Mama and Papa put me in charge so I’m gonna tell ‘em! …Mama, Mama, Mama, you won’t believe what happened!”
“Oh? What happened, Setsuko?” you giggled, heart softening at the lilt of your daughter’s voice.
“Kao-chan said her first word today!”
Literally swiping the phone from your grasps, Osamu, practically gleaming from the announcement, excitedly quivered as he spoke. “R-really? She did that, Secchan? What did she say? Was it ‘Papa’ or ‘Mama’?”
“Hmm… I think it was—”
“Second thought, don’t tell us. I want to see and hear it for myself.”
That was your cue. Unravelling your right arm into the air, you shot the waitress your biggest smile. “Check, please!”
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gap moe - when someone does something that is the complete opposite of their habits
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trashcanband4 · 5 years
Father Daughter Duo Ch. 10
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Chapter Title: Sorting Things Out. Warnings: None that I can think of. Pairing: DarylxOc. Word Count: 4,749.
I once again shot straight up in bed gasping for air and my heart pounding so hard I could feel it in my head. After I caught my breath and convinced myself I was safe I looked around me to see that Daryl was still asleep. I couldn’t help but smile at how he looked. His normally side swept hair was sticking up in all directions making him look like a country version of Edward Cullen. I held back the laugh that threatened to escape me at the thought and turned to press my face into my pillow and pulled the covers over me. I figured if Daryl wasn’t awake that no one else would be either and I could use the peace and quiet after the events of the previous morning.
I was glad that Tomas didn’t try to kiss me. When I thought about all the forced kisses that I had received it made my stomach churn. I heard some one stirring down stairs and was about to get up when I heard Daryl grunt as he started waking up. So without thinking about it I turned onto my side facing him and watched as he slowly woke up. He groaned a few more times before he finally stretched and opened his eyes squinting from the bright sun. “Morning.” I greeted him and he looked over at me as if he had forgotten that I moved out here. He sat up and swiped his hand over his head a few times making his hair go into its usual style before he sleepily returned the greeting. “Wish it was that easy to fix my hair.” I commented as I sat up and started rubbing at the sleep in my eyes. “Mine looks like shit no matter what I do to it.” I started digging though my clothes and pulled out some worn jeans and a black t-shirt.
“Na, bed head looks good on ya.” The simple compliment brought a small blush to my cheeks as I stood up and laughed it off.
“Gee thanks. I could say the same about you.” I said before disappeared into my cell and changed. When I came out he was putting on his vest. I stopped in the doorway and ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to tame the wild waves. I grabbed the leather bracelet off of my bed and clasped it over the longer cut before I wrapped a clean piece of cloth over the other wrist. I was sitting on my bed tying my converse when a something occurred to me. “Hey um, thanks for showin’ me how to shoot yesterday.” All he did was grunt in acknowledgement before he disappeared down the stares. Well he can’t say I didn’t try to be nice.
When I got to the holding room I noticed that there weren’t very many people up. It was just Daryl, Rick, T Dog and Lori sitting around in the holding room. There were bags from the cafeteria sitting on the table so I started looking at them for something to cook for breakfast. I found a bag of oatmeal and grabbed a oversized bottle of water off of the table and looked around the room. “I’m assuming no one cares if I cook breakfast?” I asked and Lori answered.
“Depends, do you know how to cook?” Was she serious?
“It’s been just me and my father for the past three months. I think I’ve figured it out.” I said not being able to help my sarcasm at the stupid question. Rick stepped up and headed over to the door.
“Yeah go for it.” I walked over to the door and he opened it up for me. “But your father still doesn’t want you left alone around dangerous stuff so some one will have to go with you.” He said and I looked around the room letting my eyes land on T Dog.
“Would you mind?” I asked and he shook his head before he stood and came over to the door with me. “Don’t understand why I need a freaking babysitter. I’m not goin’ to pull anything.” I said as we walked across the yard to the smoldering fire from the night before.
“Well if anyone has to baby sit you I’m glad you chose me for the job.” He was flirting with me and I didn’t like it, but at least he wasn’t shoving me to the ground and just taking what he wanted. He wasn’t being overly disgusting in the ways he was flirting with me.
“Well, I’m trying to stay away from Daryl and I don’t really care for Rick and Lori, so you were the logical choice.” I answered letting him know I didn’t choose him simply because I wanted to be alone with him, because that wasn’t the case. He frowned a bit at the statement, but it didn’t completely dampen his spirits. Because he kept talking to me as I started the fire back up, pored some of the water into the pot and put in on the makeshift grill to boil.
“So why don’t you like Rick and Lori?” he asked and I sat on an ice chest that served as a chair near the fire. “Okay, Lori I can understand, she can be kinda…”
“Bitchy?” I finished for him and he smirked at me like he couldn’t believe I had said that.
“Yeah something like that. But Rick is nice enough.”
“It’s not that I don’t like him.” I said with a glance up at T then back down at my work. “I don’t know, he seems like he’s dealing with some stuff and I don’t think spending time with the mentally unstable woman of the group will help him much.” I said as I salted the water.
T laughed. “You’re not mentally unstable.” I glanced up at him then back down at the pot of water that was about to start boiling. “You’re just going through some stuff.”
“That’s nice of you to say,” I poured some oatmeal into the pot, “but we both know it’s not true. I’ll never be normal again.” After staring at the bland oatmeal for a few minutes I got an idea. “Hey, I think I saw some wild berries growing on the fence line the other day. Do you mind keeping this stirred while I go pick some?”
He agreed and when I got back people had started making their way outside. We all started talking about music while the others slowly came into the conversation as we waited for the food to be ready. We all talked about random things as we ate. I got a few good comments on my addition to the oatmeal, but none from Lori, good or bad. Soon everyone was done and they all went back inside to do their own things.
I was standing at one of the discarded metal tables stacking the dishes and rinsing out two plastic totes to wash them in when Daryl walked up with the water that I had put on the fire to warm up and poured it into the clean tub. “The cook don’t clean where I come from.” He commented and I tried to stay as far away from him as possible as I added soap to it and started putting in dishes.
“Really and where would that be?” I asked in an attempt to get to know him better. He filled the second tub with water and rinsed the dish that I handed to him.
“Georgia.” He replied and I looked at him. “In the mountains.” I handed him another dish. “What about you and you’re dad?”
“Texas.” I answered and Daryl raised his brows. “I know. We’re a long way from home. I had an uncle and some friends that lived up this way.” I said with a shrug. “We made it to his house, but it was empty.”
Daryl just smiled as he rinsed another dish that I handed him. “No bodies?” He asked and I shook my head. “That’s a good sign. Mean’s they might’ve got out in time.”
“Or it could mean that they got bit and wandered out of the house.” I retorted and handed him the last clean dish.
“Were you always such a pessimist?” He asked as he rinsed the dish and set it off to the side.
I frowned as I grabbed the bucket “No, actually.” I dumped the sudsy, dirty water on the ground. “Not until here recently.”
“Oh.” He dumped the bucket of rinsing water out.
“Yeah.” I frowned.
“Well I still say your uncle could still be alive.” Daryl said as we headed toward the building. “Look on the greener side or whatever.”
“The greener side of what? The walker covered mountain?” I popped off with a smirk as I pulled the door to the holding room open.
Daryl just laughed and my smile widened liking that I made him laugh. But my smile shrunk when I saw Lori glare at me. ‘what did I do to bust her bubble?’ I thought to myself but ignored it.
I had just sat down at one of the tables next to T Dog when we heard a loud bang on the door that led to the other cell blocks. We all looked around at each other before Rick told us to go to the cell area. He and Daryl stayed behind as we all went into the main room and closed the door behind us. I watched through the door as Axel and Oscar came into the room. Oscar was limping and had a bloody nose while Axel was bleeding from his mouth and had a black eye.
They were trying to say that Tomas beat the shit out of them then took off. They asked simply for some medical supplies for their wounds. But Rick turned them down telling them that we didn’t have any to spare. “Please you have to believe us.” Axel pleaded with what sounded like a half country half gangster accent if that makes any since. “I’m not a bad person. I just like my pharmaceuticals is all.” He said with pleading eyes. With him being from the same group as Tomas I should have felt that he and Oscar should be banished from the prison and made to go through everything that we had in the past months. But as I looked at Axels eyes I realized that this man was nothing like Tomas. He had kind naturally smiling eyes that projected everything that was going through his head. He didn’t wear his heart on his sleeve; he wore it in his eyes.
After coming to the conclusion that Axel wasn’t a bad man I looked at Oscar. His face was hard as stone and he never said a word unless it was to tell the ever rambling Axel to shut up. His eyes were as hard as his face, but I couldn’t find anything terrible in them either. But I couldn’t forget that these men were in here for a reason. They were not to be trusted. The two had requested to stay here in case Tomas came back to finish them off, but Rick, thankfully, refused. Eventually Hershel came in and he checked them for injuries. They had no broken bones, just a missing tooth and a sprained ankle, so they were sent on their way and the gate was locked behind them. A small part of me was relieved that Tomas was gone, but another part of me realized that he could easily get his hand on another set of keys, break in here and take what he wanted in the first place.
I was in the holding room putting the dishes back into the picnic basket that they came out of when Lori walked in and stood at the other side of the table across from me. “I know what you’re doing and I can assure you it’s not going to work.” I stopped what I was doing and looked up at her.
“I think I know what you think I’m trying to do, but please flatter me. What do you think I’m trying to do?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest and she just looked at me with a hand on her stomach.
“You’re playing with people’s heads. T-Dog and Daryl. You flirt with them constantly. Your daddy can’t protect you so you’re playing Daryl and T-Dog, Making them chase after you like puppies. It’s pathetic.” She said flatly and I just shook my head flabbergasted.
“What?” I asked looking at her like she was crazy. “You’re insane.”
“Oh really?” She asked. “I’m not the one lying through my teeth to get people to feel sorry for me.”
I saw red. “Why don’t you focus on your own problems instead of judging other people for theirs?” I asked as I slammed my hands down on the table and leaned across it to glare at her. “Why don’t you actually focus on you husband and son for a change.”
“Don’t even bring my marriage and parenting into this. I am a good wife and a good mother.”
“Really? Where’s Carl at right now?” I asked as I stood up straight and crossed my arms back over my chest.
“He’s organizing the food.” She said as if she really believed it and her eyes got big when I shook my head.
“Nope. He snuck out earlier.” I said in explanation and her mouth fell open.
“And you didn’t try to stop him!?” she asked walking around the table. Her yelling brought others into the room and Rick asked what was going on although I’m sure he had a good idea of what was happening.
“He’s not my responsibility.” I said with a shrug and finished putting the dishes up.
“Which way did he go? Rick, Carl ran off we have to go find him.” She said panicked and he looked at me and asked which way he went. I was about to tell them when I heard the bang of a door being closed come from the cell block. They all ran to the room and I followed them to see Carl walking in with a bag in his hand and a smile on his face. Lori hugged him happy that he was alive.
“Check it out.” He said holding out the bag to her and she started pulling out medical supplies. “There wasn’t much left, but I cleaned it out.” He said with a smile on his face that only faded to a grimace when Lori started going off on him.
“You went by yourself, are you crazy? You could have gotten bit.”
“People get hurt every day we need this stuff so I went and got it.” He said in his defense but she didn’t ease up.
“Carl did you just hear yourself. People get hurt everyday and that’s with everyone around them.”
“It’s not a big deal. I only killed two walkers and we needed the supplies.” He raised his voice a little and she scoffed at him.
“And I appreciate that but-”
“Then get off my back!” Carl yelled at her and Beth stepped in telling him that Lori was his mother and that he couldn’t talk to her like that.
“Listen I think it’s great that you want to help,-” He stormed off before she could finish her sentence and she turned to me looking like she had so much to say but she knew that this wasn’t the right place or time.
That one event changed everyone’s moods and the rest of the day was spent in silence as we all did different boring chores around the prison until supper time rolled around and we all gathered around the fire. Lori sat by Rick and Carl.
The sun was still up as we waited for Daryl to finish skinning his kill and get it ready to cook. Seeing the meat and remembering how bland it usually was made me remember that I had a bottle of Creole seasoning in the bottom of the bag we had all of our cooking stuff in so I went into the prison to get it. Beth came with me because I still wasn’t allowed to be alone even tough I hadn’t done anything stupid in a while. Beth looked at me funny when I shook it to make sure it wasn’t clumpy. “What? You people need to learn to season your food.” I explained and she just shook her head.
When we got back to the fire I tossed the can to Lori who was preparing the meal and gave me a questioning look. “Rub it on the meat before you put it on the pit.” I explained and she set it down on the ground. I sat down between my father and Daryl and watched her put more wood onto the fire. She picked up a piece of the meat out of the bowl and was about to poor the seasoning on it when I spoke up. “Don’t put too much. That stuff’s really spicy.” I said and she shot me a look. She pored the seasoning on a piece of meat the size of a chicken strip and I involuntarily made a sound of disapproval because she had done the opposite of what I had just said and put too much. She glanced up at me then back to the meat. “It’s easier to control how much to put on it if put some of it in the palm of your hand then sprinkle it on the meat with your fingers.” I explained.
She let out an aggravated breath. “Do you want to do this?” she asked raising her voice in irritation and everyone sitting around the fire turned their attention to us. “Seriously, if you think you can do a better job than I can then here, be my guest.” she held the bowl of meat and seasoning over to me. I was stunned that she was talking to me like that in front of everyone, but the shock was quickly replaced with anger.
“Fine.” I said glaring at her challengingly. “I will.” I stood up and took the bowl from her and she moved to sit back near Rick and Carl. Once she sat down she continued to glare at me, but Rick leaned over and said something to her that I couldn’t make out and she stopped. I looked away to see people looking at me. My dad had a small smirk on his face and made a motion for me to continue cooking. So I did. I seasoned all the meat and put it on the pit then sat down giving it time to cook on that side before I needed to flip it over and let the other side cook.
When it was done I dished it up into plates and walked around handing them to everyone. Most people’s faces were indifferent, but Daryl gave me a small smile and a thank you, as did my dad. Everyone started eating in silence and Lori tried to hide the fact that she liked my cooking. T-Dog was the first person to tell me that it was really good and Beth said that it was way better than the unseasoned stuff that was usually cooked then gave Lori an apologetic look. Then everyone else voiced their positive opinions and Daryl said that I should be the cook from now on. Lori huffed out a breath and crossed her arms over her chest looking like a pouting little kid.
“Oh slow yer roll olive oil. Not yer fault ya can’t cook.” He said with a smile in her direction before he turned his smile to me where I sat between him and my father. I just smiled back and continued eating my food. Once everyone was done we all just sat around enjoying the cool breeze that was blowing. My father suggested that I sing something but I refused and this time he let me. When the conversation slowed down I excused myself, put my bowl in the tub to be washed in the morning and started walking to the prison.
Of coarse someone had to come with me so this time Daryl was the one that followed me in as I made my way to the prison by moonlight. When we got inside he turned on a flashlight so that we could see our way to the stairs. He let me walk up first and I tried to convince myself that he wasn’t looking at my butt as he walked up behind me. When he got to his bed he turned off the flashlight and lit a small oil lamp that was next to his bed. I sat down on my bed and started taking off my shoes and was setting them at the foot of it when I looked up and noticed him looking at my bracelet for the millionth time that day. “Why do you keep looking at my wrist?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Just wonderin’ why yer wearin’ my brother’s bracelet.” he answered and my eyes widened as I asked him what he was talking about. “That’s my brother bracelet.” He said once again but I still didn’t understand.
“This isn’t your brothers. I found it at a house that my dad and I stopped at one night.” I explained.
“It’s his.” He paused and ran his hand through his hair messing it up. “He made it himself.” He explained and I looked at the bracelet in the moonlight. “If it’s his, and I’m pretty sure it is, his initials will be stamped on the inside.” I turned my back to Daryl and undid the snaps of the bracelet. There it was plain as day. Imprinted with black ink in the middle of the inside of the bracelet were the letters M.D. I turned back around and tossed it to him. Our expressions remained blank as he picked it up and looked at it. “Told you.” He said smugly and tossed it back at me.
I picked it up from where it landed at my feet and tossed it back to him. “I don’t want it.” He picked it up from where it landed on his bed and tossed it aside not really caring where it landed.
“So, when did you and T-Dog  become a thing?”
I somehow managed to choke on my own  spit before I pressed my fingertips to my neck and crooked “What?”
He smirked at my reaction. “He was the first person to compliment your cooking. He’s a picky eater and I caught him giving you googoo eyes a lot.”
I groaned and headed to my old cell to change. “I thought I had made it clear to him that we were just friends.” I said before I pulled a clean shirt over my head. “he’s cool and all but I’m not into him that way ”
“He thinks ya don’t like him cause he’s black.” He said with a laugh and I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I pulled on a pair of athletic shorts.
“I’ve told him I don’t have a preference,” I walked out onto the perch, “though my father would probably kill me if I did like Tee back.” I put my dirty clothes in a pile near my shoes and sat down on my bed.
“I’ll never understand men. I sighed as I flipped back my covers. “I mean, do all of you think with your dicks or what?”
Daryl chuckled. “Yeah, pretty much.” I was surprised he actually answered.
I found myself scooting away from him, remembering that he was also a man. “Good to know.” I drawed and pulled the covers up over my torso.
“Na, ya ain’t gotta worry about any of us.” Daryl assured you and you let go of the covers. “T’s a good guy.”
“I know…” I groaned and pressed my face I to my pillow. I couldn’t help but think about the alarming number of men that had come on to me since the turn. How many men had forced themselves on me. Out of all of the men I had met, Daryl seemed to be one of the few trustworthy ones. Eventually I pulled my face out of my pillow to see that Daryl was laying in bed and had turned the lamp down so that it was barely burning. I could tell that he wasn’t asleep from his light breathing. “Hey Daryl?” I asked and he hummed groggily letting me know he was listening. “Why do men target me?” his back was to me so I couldn’t see his face and I expected him to turn over and face me but he didn’t. “I mean, do I come off as some easy slut or something?” I was thinking about just letting it drop when he didn’t answer me.
He hadn’t moved a muscle since I started talking and I couldn’t even hear him breathing. He sounded pretty sleepy when he hummed earlier so I just figured he had fallen asleep and hadn’t even heard my questions. So I turned away from him and was about to fall asleep when I heard his gruff voice float over to me. “Yer pretty.”
I snorted. “Yeah, like I believe that.” I heard the rustling of him turning over so I did the same. I propped my head up on my hand and he simply had his propped up on a folded pillow that was tucked under his arm. We both had our blankets pulled up to our necks.
“You’re just being modest, right?”
“No, I really don’t think I’m pretty.” I said with a disgusted look on my face.
“But you are.” He argued and something about the way he said it almost made me believe it.
“I will never understand what's so pretty about me." I said as the lantern flame burned out. He never said anything so I was about to turn back over when he spoke up.
“Your eyes.” He paused and I could have sworn that he sounded bashful underneath the hard gruffness of his voice. “Your hair’s nice too.” He added quietly.
I didn’t believe him. I still wouldn’t except that as a valid answer as to why every man I came near thought he could just take what he wanted from me. “I’m pretty. So what. Beth and Maggie are pretty but I didn’t see Tomas go after them.” I said realizing as I said it that it was true.
“Maggie has Glenn and never leaves his side. And Beth has her dad at her side.” He said, but that still didn’t explain why Tomas didn’t go after Beth. She seemed to be meeker than me.
“So, I have my dad just like Beth does.” I said defending myself.
“Yeah, but you don’t let strangers know that he is your dad. If they did they wouldn’t mess with you.”
“It was quiet for a minute as we both thought about what he said.
"Now that I think about it you don’t even act like Sean is your dad when other people are around.” He said. I didn’t know what to think about how this conversation was turning out.
“Okay, so your saying that if I make myself look ugly,” I paused and added “Even though I already am.” Under my breath. “And spend more time with my dad and let people know that I have a man to protect me that people will leave me alone?” I asked.
“Yeah I guess that’s what I’m sayin’.” He said before he let out a big yawn and turned onto his back. About that time I heard the squeak of the doors opening and the murmuring of the others talking. I assumed that meant that mine and Daryl’s conversation would be over.
“Thanks” I said loud enough for only him to hear.
“For what?” he asked tiredly making me realize that it was probably really late.
“Not trying to get in my pants I guess, and for giving me advice.”
“No problem.” He said and he let out a sigh. “But you might want to work on not showing weakness like that. Other people ain’t as nice as me.” He said then followed it up with the rustling of his bed as he turned over and got comfortable. “Night.” He said and I turned over making myself comfortable.
“Night.” I said before I drifted off to sleep.
Tags: @jodiereedus22​ @mtngirlforever​ @zzeacat​ @winchester-angel​ @moodygrip​ @hells-mistress​ @lighthope08​ @sapphire1727​ @luisadontcurr​ @ilkaeliseb​ @twdeadfanfic​ @ravengalaxia​ @1lluminaticonfirmed​ @my-current-fandom-is​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @lonewolf471​ @gruffle1​ @mblaqgi​ @calumstuffs​ @beltzboys2015-blog​ @neontiger007​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @dixonluvv​ @dotslabyrinth​ @kayln97​ @art-flirt​ @cbarter​ @chocolatealmondmilkk​ @chocolatealmondmilk-blog​  @daryldixonandfrogs​ @feartheendlesssummer​ @brooklynalpha​ @topsykretts926-blog​ @lonewolf471​ @baseballbitch116​
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killian-whump · 6 years
OUAT 3x04: Rewatch Liveblog
Hey guys! I'm back again with another rewatch liveblog. Man, I'm kinda storming through S3 so far, due to the lack of Killian whump in a lot of these early episodes. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll make up for that by spending a quarter of a century on the next episode :P
But before THAT episode, we have THIS one! It's episode 3x04, and it's called "Nasty Habits". Unfortunately, none of those habits seem to be torturing pirates, because there's only some Killian angst in this one.
Well, let's watch it anyway... ;)
Neal bondage. Way to start off an episode!
Shame I'm not that into Neal, though :/
Hahaha, and Felix isn't even good at tying people up. Theeeere goes Bae.
Gotta admit, his "I'm not a boy anymore, and I sure ain't lost" is kinda hot XD
Bae: "Papa, I told you: I don't want anymore gifts from the people you terrorize." Ummm. Rumple, that's super fucking creepy. Rumple: "Then what do you want?" LIKE, LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT ISN'T THAT.
Hey, solid question here, but why IS the Dark One still living in a hovel at this point?
Oh, totally unnecessary but kinda awesome warpaint time.
And creepy Belle conjuring time. I mean, kudos to you for maintaining your child-like wonder, Rumple, but having invisible friends at your age IS kinda weird. Just saying.
Although, I mean, it DOES do a solid job of giving Rumple a chance to tell the audience his own inner doubts and fears in a far less creepy way than having him literally talking to himself.
So there's that.
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Wow, that's a really nice little miniature "Pan's Compound" made out of rocks and sticks. Did they all work together to gather the rocks and arrange everything so artfully? Or did one of them just sit there and do this on their own like the world's loneliest middle school art project? And if so, who?
"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in." MEANINGFUL OMINOUS CAPTAIN CHARMING LOOK BEHOOOOOOOOLD
Tink: "One nick, and you'll spend the rest of yo-" Dave: "Poison sticks equal death. We got it." No, no, Dave. Let her finish. This sounds relevant to my interests.
Tink looks so cheerful as she says she's ready to go as soon as they tell her the exit plan. Oh, sweet summer child. You're obviously new here.
...ALL of their faces right here. They're all like, "Oh shit, we were hoping you wouldn't ask us that." Except Hook, who looks as vaguely amused by their reactions as we are.
Regina's SO happy to hear of Greg's demise. I FEEL YOU, GIRL. I FEEL YOU.
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David: "what about you, Hook? You got off this island before." Hook: "Yes. Aboard my ship, which would require some form of magic to create a portal, which... I got from Pan, in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat." TELL US MORE OR I SWEAR TO GOD
He can't even meet anyone's eyes as he says it, either. Just what WAS that deal, Hook? Don't make me imagine it. You won't like what I imagine. Mmmm. I like what I'm imagining...
More angst. Yum.
Ahh... Rumple hears the murmurings of conversation...
BAM! Poppy dust to the face! Why did he use poppy dust, though? I mean, I assume it's poppy dust, since it looked the same as when Tink knocked Regina out last episode - which was pointed out to be done with poppy dust.
Don't act like you've already known that since last season, because that's just gonna make Rumple feel bad for being so behind on the news.
True Story: I meant to do this rewatch post the other day, but when I sat down to watch the episode, it turned out my copy of 3x04 was somehow episode 4 of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, so I had to go online and re-download the right episode, because of course I’m too lazy to rip my own videos. I just download them like the dirty pirate I am. Yarrrrrr.
Anyway, this episode seems to have slightly longer black breaks where the commercials were. Weird. Anyway...
We've already talked about how creepy it is, giving your kid "gifts" you stole from the people you torment with your dark magic.
Oh, look. Rumple's gone to Hamelin. And the children are missing. And there's a piper. And he wears a pied cloak. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR... (and I don't mean from the previous times I've seen this episode, you smart asses.)
Rumple: "Pan is too powerful. You can only beat him if you're willing to die... which I am." Ummm. But you were willing to die to save Henry because Baelfire was dead, and... and... I mean... *gestures vaguely* Neal: "What if I told you there was another way?"
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No, apparently it involves attacking one of Kraken-san's friends and relations. Don't worry, guys, no krakens were harmed in the harvesting of this squid ink. This particular kraken lived long after this, and sired a bunch of tiny kraken babies who went on to plunder pirate butts all along the shores of Neverland after the realms were united in S7.
It's true. I made it up just now.
Hahahahaha, Regina. "What is this supposed to be?" Well, it looks like... a gigantic rock of some kind, but I'm no expert or anything.
Oh, it's the "hot" conversation. I love it XD And the way David snaps the rope away from Hook, like he doesn't need his piddly help. "And I'm plenty hot." Yeah, you sure are, Dave XD
Mmmm... Hook's so intense when he's talking to Dave. "Why don't you?"
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"Oh, if there's one thing I've gleaned from you hero types, it's that there's always hope." <3
"Is there something you're not telling me... mate?" Oh, NOW he's your mate XD
"Alas, hope and reality are most often worlds apart." T_T
Sure, just shove him, Dave. Can't you see he's going through something here? Look how angsty he is. Like an angst burrito wrapped in black leather.
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I love the way Emma calls out Hook’s name. It's so familiar <3
Come on, baby. You can light the torch this time. Just keep trying. You can do i- DAMMIT DAVE. Every time I watch this episode, you shove him out of the way and use your fancy shmancy modern lighter to light the torch. He's just an angsty pirate, trying the best he can with one hand and a hook T_T
Showin' him up in front of Emma and all that... SO MEAN T_T
Hook's face, tho XD
...and Emma's not even paying attention, anyway XD
On a more serious note, these kinds of bestings make me laugh. I love them all <3
Oh, back to Hamelin.
Yeah, follow those kids, Rumple. This is probably the only time saying that wouldn’t be super duper creepy.
Gee, that piper on the other side of the fire looks a bit familiar...
Pan really IS a little shit, though, isn't he? Hahaha. Such absolutely horrible things to say to your own kid. WORST PARENT ON THE SHOW. And there's a LOT of competition for that spot, let me tell you.
NM, I don't need to tell you. You all already know XD
"After all, being abandoned is what you're good at, isn't it?" JFC, dude, chill out or something. This isn't the Cruelty Olympics up in here. I'd know if it was. I'd be taking part... AND STILL SIDE-EYEING YOUR NASTY ASS.
Just kidding. Love you, boo. Keep being the best little shit this side of the sewage plant.
Hey, thanks a lot whichever one of you is responsible for this one. Now I can't watch this scene without thinking they're out of paper towels D:
Henry: "Sorry. I don't hear anything." Pan: "Interesting." I'll say.
Oh, so the sentries were knocked out by a sleeping spell... that looks exactly like a puff of poppy dust. Busy year in the effects department?
Pan: "Now, now, Felix. Where's your sense of adventure?" See, that's why I still love Pan, even though he's a complete piece of shit. He's a fun piece of shit. He really gets into his dastardly and deviant behavior.
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JFC KNOCK IT OUT WITH THE LANTERNS NOW. I can only have so many orgas- OH, HI GUYS.
The way Colin pops those consonants on the word "important" XD I fucking love this man. Why is he so much the way he is?!
Hook: "He got it from his mother." OH GOD, BABY. Somebody hold me. I can't handle the look on his face after he says that. Oh shit. I've revealed feelings. RUN AWAY.
"Yes, because pre-teen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta." Never change, Regina. You’re my boo and you always will be <3
This scene is really pretty, though. I love the soft yellow glow coming out of the coconut and the stars across the ceiling. Pretty <3
Wow. That was a powerful gust of magic. I wonder who could've been responsible for that?
Pan: "We have a guest!" Ummm... Hate to break it to you, but your party literally dropped dead asleep about 2 seconds ago, so nobody's listening XD
Pan: "Who could it be?" I WONDER.
Slick move there, Neal. I might just start to like you again, after all. Hope you don't die in the second half of the season or anything...
Awww. The sad thing is, the viewer knows Rumple actually isn't here to murder Henry, but poor Rumple - Neal doesn't know that :/
I actually hate storylines like this. I'd rather be kept in the dark. It's so frustrating when you know shit that the characters don't know. Key reason why I'm not into S1 very much, actually. But you didn't hear that from me. Remember: I only dislike it 'cos there's no pirates ;)
Neal: "It's Neal!" Wow. Getting really loud there, Bae- sorry, Neal. Oops.
Ahhhhh, Peter Pan, you little shit. Causing more trouble.
Neal: "We're safer without you." Ummm... Are you, though? Are you really?
"Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while I'm here." Oh, Mary Margaret. About that... Heh. Heh heh. Hmm.
Hey, look guys. It's Neal, and he's found the heroes' campsite!
...and now he's been caught by Pan. I hate to say I told you so, Neal, and I hate to say Rumple told you so, as well, but...
Ahahahaha, "Never break in somewhere unless you know the way out." Peter Pan taught him that. Nice one, show. I forgot about that detail.
"I'll remember that for next time." Ummm... Wait. What.
Dammit show. You giveth and you taketh away.
Poor Jared, hahaha. He spends most of this episode being fireman carried by various people. Acting is so glamorous.
Ooooh, a good old-fashioned manhandling right here. Love it.
It still bothers me that Rumple's entire reason for living is Bae. I mean, having (Rumple!)Belle literally saying that now that Neal's alive, Rumple has a reason for living again... It just makes me feel bad about that ship?
What are they even paying you people for?!
Wait. I'm not getting paid. Why are you guys getting paid if I'm not getting paid? Dammit, I quit.
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following-a-story · 7 years
Something You Can’t Publish In The Papes
Summary: Race is the reader’s boyfriend, and his cheeky attitude just might get him in big trouble.
Pairing: Racetrack Higgins x Reader
Warnings: Um well hickeys I guess
Word Count: 2034
Reader’s POV
Laughing, I smacked away Race’s hands. “Stop it!” I whispered urgently. Waking up an entire room of teenage boys that probably weren’t sleeping well anyway and had a long day ahead of them was not the best idea. So, I was definitely not looking to start that.
Race leaned over me, smirk on his stupid, cute face. “Why’s that?” he shot back, raising an eyebrow at me. Rolling my eyes, I ran my fingers through his hair, then pushed his head away from me. I could feel his chuckle through where his arm was thrown over me.
Squirming, I hit his arm. “Because,” I retaliated. “I’s wanna go to sleep so thats I can make enough dough to eat tomorrow.”
The response was immediate. Race sighed, lightly setting his forehead against my collarbone. “I knows.” His hands gently settled on my waist, fingers so long that they nearly touched the small of my back. “You’s been lookin’ thinner than normal. I’s worried.” I didn’t dare look into his eyes. I knew that he was trying to catch my gaze, blue orbs wide and concerned. Pitying. I didn’t need that.
I plopped my head back against the pillows, blowing out steadily. “I knows,” I echoed, starting to trace patterns across his back with my fingertips.
Before I knew it, my boyfriend was grinning down at me. “Wow, that feels great, doll.”
Snorting, I shoved his shoulders away from me. “Shut up, you idiot.”
“Nah, I was bein’ serious. It felt real goods.” He grabbed my hands as I retracted them and pulled them back to him, lightly kissing the knuckles.
I had to fight down a blush. “I’s serious, too. Goes to sleep.”
He pretended to think for a moment before shaking his head. “Nah, doll. I’s gonna stay up for just a bit longer.” I’d just decided to stop trying in my mind when I felt his lips against my neck.
Barely even caring enough to wave him off, I groaned. I squinted up at his cheeky grin with malevolence. He wasn’t about to stop, so I settled for muttering, “Don’t leave marks.”
When sunlight hit my eyelids, I moaned and brought an arm up to shield my vision. However, when I tried to roll over, I found my progress stopped by an arm securely fastened around my waist. “Race,” I mumbled, pushing at his forearm. The only response that I got was him grumbling inaudibly into my shoulder and the grip tightening. I let out a grunt at the force. “Race, c’mon,” I snapped, a bit louder this time. I could practically feel the second he gave up. All at once, his grasp slackened. I hurriedly scrambled off the small barely-even-cot, grabbing my overshirt from the floor to pull on. You would think that I would have enough sense not to look back down at my boyfriend of nearly two years. But, I wasn’t being all that wise that day. The exact moment I caught sight of his cute little scrunched up face, my resolve crumbled. Leaning down, I kissed the corner of his mouth. “Thanks, baby,” I whispered. As I stood up fully to go to the bathroom, I swear I saw him smirking. I wondered briefly what it was about, but I shrugged it off. He’ll probably let me know later anyways. He never could keep his mouth shut.
After I finished up in the bathroom, I toweled off my hands and strolled out into the main area. As I had predicted, the boys were nearly all up, yawning quite freely as they sluggishly pulled on their clothes and stuffing the money to buy papes into their pockets. A glance revealed that the only two that were still in bed were Elmer and Race. I rolled my eyes, but those two wouldn’t wake up for a hurricane, so I didn’t even bother heading over there.
I turned to head towards the street when I ran straight into Finch. “Oh, sorry,” he apologized, pulling his cap on over his hair. And then, the strangest thing happened. He looked down. Now, you might be thinking that any normal boy would be thinking just like that, but not Finch. Never Finch. He respected me too much. And Race, come to think of it. So, why was he-? I started to follow his gaze, only to be stopped short when his eyes sprang back up. A smirk was on his face. “You’s didn’t get much sleeps last night?”
Was I really looking that awful? I thought I looked fine in the mirror. But I hadn’t looked in the mirror. I hadn’t even thought of it. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. “Um… I’s slept jus’ fine, thanks,” I answered back, the epitome of awkward.
If nothing else, Finch looked way too amused for his own good. “Sures ya did.” The added wink as he walked off astounded me. And it turned out that I was about to get a lot more confused.
Within maybe five minutes of my run in with Finch, the boys were gathered into groups, laughter spilling every now and then. I couldn’t help but think that they were talking about me in some way. It made me so uncomfortable that I grabbed my bag and started to leave before the boys did, eager to just get away from the madness. But I didn’t get as far as to the door.
Buttons leapt in front of me, cheeky grin on his face. “Yous sleep good?”
Frustration poured out of me. “Why does everyone keeps askin’ me that?” I snapped, wanting him to just back off so that I could get to the front door in peace.
The boy grinned at the others in the room, all of whom chuckled. “Likes ya don’t know,” he commented sassily, prompting more laughter from the group. “Looks like good ole’ Race got a little adventurous last night, eh?” This made the entire room erupt into giggles. Meanwhile, I was standing there, still confused and growing more angered by the second.
A voice broke through the fray, breaking them apart. “Hey, what’s goin’ on? I ain’t got time for a traffic jam this mornin’!” Jack Kelly came wading through the practical sea of kids, the annoyance on his face poorly masking his endearance for the ragtag company. They dispersed quickly, murmuring all the way. I instantly relaxed at the break. That was, until Jack’s gaze landed on me. He rushed toward me, then tilted my chin up almost roughly. “What is yous doin’, showin’ that in public? You’s causin’ a stir-up with the boys.”
When I failed to make my mouth work, Jack rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, gently leading me to the roof of the lodging house. The ladder rungs creaked at every step and the long-ago worn down skin of my hands embraced each sharp corner formed by rust. As soon as we made it to the top, a cool breeze hit us, but while I stopped to bask in it, Jack kept walking. I sighed. “Jack, what’s you doin’?” I demanded, crossing my arms.
He looked up at me like the answer was obvious. “You’s kiddin’ me, right?” The look I gave him was answer enough. He huffed, then grabbed a small shard of something from his little chest. Without a second’s hesitation, he tossed it underhand to me. I barely caught it. In an instant, I knew what it was. A piece of mirror. But why? At my confusion, Jack pointed at it from where he was still rummaging in his chest. “It’s called a mirror. You’s usually look in it to see youself.”
Catching the slight lilt of amusement in his voice, I snipped, “Shut up,” before taking a look. I could only get one piece of me in the mirror at a time, so I started with my nose, then my eyes, cheeks, chin, lips, until I’d gotten everything on the face. “Jack, I’s still don’t-”
Jack stood, something clutched in his hand. “That’s ‘cause it ain’t on your face.” He grabbed the tips of my fingers and tipped the glass so that it was pointed at my throat. My breath caught.
There, right in plain sight, was the largest, darkest hickey that I have ever gotten. Or seen, for that matter.
“That little, cocky, son of a-”
Jack slipped in front of me as I tried to get down. “Woah, calm down. It's alright,” he soothed. Not that it was really working.
I immediately began to furiously pace. “No, it ain’t! How am I supposed to sell papes with this thing on my neck? I specifically tolds him to not leave any marks! I’s gonna kill him!” I lunged for Jack, trying to move him. He simply grabbed my forearms and pushed me back.
“I’s gonna take care of it. I promise. But foist… Foist, you gotta let me cover it up.” He snatched something from his back pocket, a light blue piece of fabric. His fingers gently tapped my chin, and with a roll of my eyes, I tilted it up. Jack gently slipped the cloth around my neck before tying a knot in the front. I watched his actions in the mirror, and was awful surprised when I realized that he had made it look more like a scarf than an awkward shred of cloth. “Dere we goes!” Jack exclaimed, sitting back and admiring his work.
My mind went right back to the entire reason this whole thing started. “Great. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’s gotta go beat up Race,” I said, faking politeness even though I made it obvious that I wasn’t happy.
I started for the ladder, only for Jack to catch my arm. I whipped to glare at him without a second to think about it. He held his hands up immediately, surrendering. “I’s was just gonna tells ya that I’m comin’ with,” he defended. I grinned at him.
As we swung into the window, the murmurs shut down and the newsies dispersed quicker than I’ve ever seen them move before, averting their gazes. But I could see them exchanging glances. Oh, Race was so dead.
The devil himself came swaggering out of the bathroom, combing his hair as a cigar bobbed between his teeth. I stormed at him, clenching my fists. He didn’t see me in time to guard himself. I slapped him right across the face, and was actually a bit surprised at the feeling of triumph that rushed through me. “Ow!” Race complained, rubbing his cheek. “What was that for?”
Running my tongue over my teeth (a habit I had that I did when I was angry), I wordlessly pointed at my neck. He didn’t even have to follow my finger. He just smirked. “Oh, right. That,” he said, completely unapologetic.
That was, until Jack stepped forward.
Now, don’t get me wrong, Race is a pretty well-built guy, but Jack had at least a head on him height-wise and his fury no doubt made him look even larger than usual. Race instantly lost the grin, looking instead at his feet. “What was you’s thinkin’? How’s is she supposed to sell anything with that on her? Huh?” he boomed. If the room hadn’t already cleared out, the newsies probably would’ve shrunk back in unison.
Race swallowed, taking his cigar out of his mouth for a moment. “I wasn’t,” he finally replied, finally sounding ashamed of himself. In the next instant, he was meeting my eyes. “I’s sorry, doll. I guess I got carried away, huh?”
And however mad I wanted to be at him, I still smiled when I realized that he was being sincere. Besides, I couldn’t stay mad at him forever. That’s not how things got better. That’s not how relationships worked. “It’s fine, thanks to Jack, ‘ere,” I rasped back, gesturing at the cloth.
As we walked down the street, hand in hand and Jack a few paces ahead of us, I casually pointed out, “I ain’t never heard you apologize before.”
“Well, that’s the last time.”
“Sure, just likes that was the last time you’ll ever do something stupid. I’s don’t buy it, Anthony.”
“Shut up.”
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thestormyrainbow · 7 years
Since my emotions have been a little shifty , so has my music playlist. The song I've been listening to lately fall under, definitely romantic, dark but with a sense of like freedom, but a lot of love . A lot of alternative mix with some r&b, maybe pop . I know it has a lot to do with this guy I'm talking to and I really like him. every song kind of has a connection to with going on in my life. I shall categorize them.
Indie Love Songs:
 Hozier - From Eden (Live In America) & Work Song (Live In America)  
Lana Del Rey- Lust for Life & Ride
Vance Joy - Play with Fire 
Pop Songs:
Julia Michaels - Issues
James Arthur - Say You Wont Let Go
Ed Sheeran - Wake Me Up & Kiss Me
R&B Songs:
PnB - Selfish
Ty Dolla $ign-  Solid
Childish Gambino- Redbone
Mariah Carey (ft YG) - I Don’t
Niykee Heaton (ft Migos) - Bad Intentions
Kendrick Lamar - Love
Mixture of R&B and Indie kind of:
G Eazy - Lets Get Lost & Tumblr Girls
All those songs kind of tie together because there all in some form talking about love. Some of my favorite lines from each category ,
Hozier - work song    “I'm so full of love I could barely eat There's nothing sweeter than my baby I'd never want once from the cherry tree 'Cause my baby's sweet as can be She give me toothaches just from kissin' me ”
Lana del Rey - Lust for Life   “Take off, take off Take off all of your clothes They say only the good die young That just ain't right 'Cause we're having too much fun Too much fun tonight, yeah”
Vance Joy - Play with Fire  “You say you're used to playin with fire You say you're heart is on your sleeve You say you're sometimes sentimental Well that ain't showin through to me ”
Julia Michaels - Issues   “I'm jealous, I'm overzealous When I'm down, I get real down When I'm high, I don't come down ”
Ed Sheeran - Wake Me Up   “And I know you love Shrek 'Cause we've watched it twelve times But maybe you're hoping for a fairy tale too And if your DVD breaks, today You shoulda got a VCR 'Cause I never owned a Blu-Ray True say”
Mariah Carey (ft YG) - I Don't  “'Cause when you love someone You just don't treat them bad You messed up all we had Probably think I'm coming back But I don't, I don't”
Niykee Heaton (ft Migos) - Bad Intentions  “This is the face I wear treading the riptide Abysmal oceans where good girls go to die I wanna love somebody Wanna feel their love on me But after everything I still believe in true love Not being able to find it”
G Eazy - Lets Get Lost “That's that endless summer Never going back to school We do what we wanna Can't tell me no rules Every night on the town Going out all the time ”
Sooooo basically those were some of my favorite lyrics and why those songs stand out so much to me.  ooh and most of these song has a little dark side to them. Or not dark but how doo you explain it . A song for a person that comes with a lot of baggage and another person accepts it and still likes you . I don't know if that is a genre lol . But that's what I feel .That's my playlist for this month when I fall out of love then its going to change drastically. Hopefully I don't fall out of love , fingers crossed because I tend to be a bit clingy.
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