#txt ot5 x reader
marloree · 25 days
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TXT and their ways to celebrate your birthday
Pairing: Best Friend! TXT members (separately) × Reader
Genre: fluff, slight crack (?), headcanons
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I feel like he would be the type to prepare something warm and cozy for you. Be it a picnic in the nearby park or spending the day at his place where he prepares every single thing for you so you don't have to worry on your special day and just relax.
Gifts: plushies, little cute surprise gifts, things that reminded him of you, simply things you were ever caught mentioning you liked.
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I feel like he's the type to bring you to his house or come to yours and just play you songs until you get tired or your neighbours get tired of the noise you two make.
Definitely would help you with buying the food and with the overall preparations.
Gifts: he definitely would never gift you his portrait as a joke
Anything you like, really.
Or any funny silly thing he can come up with as a gift for you.
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He definitely would start wishing you right at 12 am by texting. Or, if he for sure knows that you aren't asleep, he'd lowkey come to your house at midnight just to be the first one to wish and gift you.
I feel like you could celebrate your birthday with him at a small cozy café or a restaurant nearby, without having to worry about cleaning all the mess if you were to celebrate at your place.
Gifts: if we're talking of him as a kpop idol, then he'd totally gift you every version of their albums; if we're talking non-idol! au, then - flowers + something you like.
Hear me out, he would totally give you a bigger bouquet of flowers than any boyfriend ever would.
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He's definitely the one to be in for surprises.
If he starts acting all mysterious a good week before it's your birthday, don't even get surprised. The guy definitely comes up with something new and outstanding every year. He almost acts like it's his birthday instead of yours. Seriously, he plans out every single detail.
Be prepared to walk somewhere for half of your special day.
A new restaurant on the other end of the city, a nice place by the beach he recently discovered, or just the right place from where the whole city is seen - get your feet ready.
Gifts: the guy seriously seems to read your mind, or, rather, he's so observant to the point where he seems to remember every single word you've ever said. He'll definitely gift you that very thing you've mentioned only once a few months ago.
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He's up for everything and anything, really.
Do you want to throw a massive birthday party or enjoy the day with him only? Do you want to do something outstanding or just relax and have fun? Do you want to celebrate at a restaurant or go for something extra? He's always in.
Gifts: I think he'd be the type to directly ask you what exactly you want for your birthday. Don't hesitate to ask, though, he'll literally buy you whatever you want without looking at the prize tag twice. It's your special day, after all.
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jeongin-lvr · 5 months
ᙏ̤̫ ˘˘˘   txt reactions when another member likes you (nsfw)
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He’s such a smug bitch about it; obviously he’s jealous but the way he shows it is surreal. He’s clingier when Taehyun is around, grabbing your wrists and waist despite protests and plopping you in his lap, making eye contact with the boy just to see his reaction. Taehyun only watches albeit longingly. Yeonjun on the other hand practically laughs in the boys face, kissing your shoulder blade just to make you squirm and hiss at him. He finds it funny that anyone would even bother to like you because he makes it so obvious that you’re his and no one else could ever have you! That’s what he thinks, of course. Yeonjun makes it a point to brag about you on purpose to Taehyun and everyone else who would listen; talking about how pretty you look when he’s fucking you, the way your eyes tear up as you gag on his dick. Yeonjun knows it makes Taehyun tick. That’s why he does it.
It’s a particular night when all the boys are together, even Taehyun, the TV playing some nonsense show that you were already forgetting. You couldn’t focus on it as Yeonjun played with your puffy, wet folds beneath the warm confines of your blanket. Your back against his firm chest, trying to regulate your breathing and stifle your moans into his arm. The other boys were either half asleep or too engrossed in the show to care. But Yeonjun catches the eye of Taehyun just as he was slipping his first finger into you, making your face scrunch and mouth fall wide. Taehyun isn’t stupid; he knows what you two are doing under the sheets, and there’s really nothing he can do about it so he bites his lip. Yeonjun only smirks and flicks his hand toward the TV, signaling to Taehyun to mind his damn business.
“Baby… almost got us caught. Little thing all pent up and whiny… shhh, Tyunnie might hear you. We can’t have that, no, no. He’d want a piece of you and I wouldn’t let him. You’re fuckin’ mine, pretty.”
At first he’s calm. He barely even acknowledges the idea when Beomgyu first confessed to him about his crush on you. Soobin simply shrugs it off and tells the younger boy to not beat himself up about it, giving him a nonchalant smile and walking off. What actually makes him jealous is the sight of you and Beomgyu together; it would’ve been innocent had it not been for Beomgyu running a shy hand along your arm, then quickly wiping something from your cheek. And Soobin has no idea why he’s so angry at this. He doesn’t get jealous— it’s unlike him. But it’s you. How could he not be? The boy is quick to come between you and Beomgyu, literally squeezing his tall frame between the two of you with a phony smile towards the younger. He clicks his tongue and turns to you, as if to give a warning to Beomgyu, telling him to, respectfully, fuck off.
When Soobin tells you all of this you’re practically laughing at him. He pouts and folds his arms over his chest, sinking into the sofa. He couldn’t help it when it came to you; he just couldn’t let Beomgyu even be near you anymore. You slot yourself over his lap, tucking your cheek in his neck, still giggling at his jealousy. You’ve never seen him like this, pouty like a little kid and visibly jealous. So you decide to take the initiative and slot yourself onto his lap, holding his cheeks before kissing away the jealousy. It was fluffy and soft until the kisses got messier and he was openly panting into your open mouth, holding you down over his bulge as he whimpered nasty thinks against your lips.
“I gotta… ah, I gotta fuck you— please, baby, don’t make me beg. Ohhh, need it— no, I need you. Need to know you’re mine.
What a little monster. He makes sure everyone knows you’re his— even if that means marking your neck so hard it hurts too much to even cover in makeup, or taking you ok the bathroom corner at someone else’s house. Was it feral and maybe even a little nasty? Yes. But he was addicted to the idea of Yeonjun, his best friend who he always caught staring at you, hearing everything the two of you did. Beomgyu saw how Yeonjun stared at you, longing in his eyes and nervous breathes when you caught his gaze, giving a nonchalant smile. Beomgyu was by no means jealous, he was cocky. Which was worse for both Yeonjun and yourself.
When Beomgyu told you that you two would be spending the night at Yeonjun’s because of some video game related event, you could already sense what he was thinking. Teasing you all night, purposely showing you off, the bites and bruises upon your delicate skin. You weren’t even surprised when he spent the first 10 minutes before walking up to Yeonjun’s apartment kissing you until you were too flustered to speak coherently. When he pulled back and saw your lips red and puffy, a mess of spit on your chin, he was satisfied. But that wasn’t the end of it at all, giving you one last peck before smirking and hopping to your side to let you out. The rest of the night was spent with Beomgyu and Yeonjun on the couch, yelling at the TV screen as they lost or won. You had forgotten entirely about Beomgyu’s behavior. All up until it was time to sleep, finally. You and Beomgyu were warming up on the couch, your eyes growing heavy until you felt his hand slither down your torso and under the waistband of your panties. Yeonjun, who was just in the other room, unknowing. You protested half-heartedly, gripping his wrist as he found your cute clit, chuckling as he could practically feel the way you gushed for him. Before he sunk two fingers into your empty hole, he whispered nasty words into your ear, telling you to stay quiet or he’d stop.
“That’s it. Oh, you’re soaked, baby. No, no be quiet. Unless you want Yeonjun to hear… that’s what I thought. Imagine what he’d think if he saw you all wet and whiny for his best friend. Hah, you’re so bad at hiding how turned on you are, babe.”
When Taehyun finds out, via Yeonjun, that Kai had a massive crush on you he laughs. His younger friend has a pathetic crush on Taehyun’s oblivious girlfriend? It’s laughable. But he doesn’t make it a point to be extra touchy with you; he isn’t kissing you extra long or holding your waist a little tighter in the presence of Kai. He does, however, opt to observe the younger male. Taehyun sees how he bites his lip and puts a pillow over his crotch around you. And you were so fucking oblivious to Kai’s perverted behavior that it made Taehyun chuckle, kissing your cheek like it was a reward for being air-headed. Taehyun often finds himself getting turned on seeing someone pine over you so desperately, so shamelessly. It’s not jealousy at all; rather it’s cockiness.
It’s in the dorms when Taehyun hears the most interesting sound; what sounded to be a whiny Kai in his room— what shocks him is the fact that he’s moaning your name, the wet sound of his cock in hand making Taehyun’s eyes widen and heart race quicken. He immediately smirks, silently strutting down the hall to find you sitting unknowingly in his bed, innocently playing with your hair as he approaches with meaning in every step. You didn’t even protest when he quickly grabbed your jaw and forced your lips onto his, raking his hands up and down your waist. He’s mumbling into your mouth as he pulls you down, your bodies flat against the other as things instantly get messy. It’s like you’re floating when he doesn’t even wait a second to lift your leg over his shoulder and rub his bulge against your hot pussy. The sound of Kai in the other room isn’t as audible from where you two are; it’s just the fact that Taehyun knows what he’s doing behind those walls. Thinking about you while he gets you all to himself gives him some sort of weird power trip and all he can do is groan. You hear Kai whining behind the wall too now, and you would care if you weren’t being fucked brain dead by your possessive, perfect boyfriend.
“Babydoll, you’re all for me, yeah? Kai is in the other room thinking about you— meanwhile, I get the real fucking thing. I own this perfect pussy— it’s mine. He’s pathetic thinking about you like that, right, sweetheart?”
Hear me out… Kai is the most jealous of them all!! Kai hates it when other men even look at you, he hates it when they stare because he knows what goes on in their brains. But it’s the worst when he finds out Soobin has the biggest crush on you; it drives him mad. Kai is a sweetheart, but he’s a jealous sweetheart. He will find ways to cut between you and Soobin if he thinks you’re getting too close. Kai will press you to his chest and even grope your ass if he’s feeling extra bold. There’s been instances when the group would hang out and Kai would whisper to you that Soobin was staring at you— to which you reply with a pitiful smile —and soon enough he’d sitting you on his lap to cover his boner. He can’t help it! All he wants to do is show him you’re his! Kai is jealous and a big pervert in situations like these. He knows it and you know it and, honestly, neither of you are ashamed.
Kai pressed you down onto the cold marble of your kitchen, his belt loop cold against your hot skin. The two of you had barely gotten into the apartment when he was kissing your neck and pulling your clothes off. It was a long night out with the rest of the boys— all of you had gone to an Internet cafe, you opting to instead sit on Kai’s lap and watch everyone play. But Kai couldn’t focus when your ass was rubbing against his cock. He is too down bad for you to not get hard the moment he feels you like that; especially when right next to the two of you sat a silently longing Soobin. His big eyes on the two of you as you squirmed on his lap. Soobin saw the way you situated yourself lewdly on Kai’s pretty thigh, hiding you flushed face in his neck as Kai silently wished for an excuse to leave with you. The worst part is Kai knew the entire time of Soobin’s wandering eye and it made the entire situation hotter, at least to him. It wasn’t a surprise when the two of you quickly ran out of the cafe, exclaiming about an emergency before you were off. But Soobin knew, he saw the entire thing! Kai pressed you harder into the marble at the thought, gritting his teeth and pressing his stomach to your back, sweat clinging to the two of you. He was nasty with his words, entailing and describing every little detail about how he wanted Soobin to watch the two of you; how he wanted to invite him over to see how good you are for him and how you could only take Kai’s cock because you’re his little slut. His perverted fantasy seems to be mutual when you squeeze around him so tight he felt suffocated.
“Oh, yeah? You like that? Soobin coming over to w-watch you get fucked? Maybe I should call him, huh? You’re so nasty, baby, love it. F-fuck, he saw how you were grinding down on me earlier, baby… he liked watching y-you like that.”
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[ 𝗆.𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍 ] 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾:𝗂 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗍 𝟦 𝖺𝗆 𝖻𝖼 𝗂 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽𝗇𝗍 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗂 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗂𝗍𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗅𝗆𝖿𝖺𝗈𝗈 😭
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harufluff · 1 year
txt when you fall asleep on text
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warnings - minor cursing, let me know for anymore.
genre - fluff, text au, txt x gn!reader, established relationship au
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not very proud of this, but whatever.
choi soobin & choi yeonjun
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choi beomgyu & kang taehyun & huening kai
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©️ Harufluff 2023 | Do not copy, repost, or claim any of my works.
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incogrio · 12 days
omg I loved your soobin fic btw! I was wondering can you do ot5 txt being jealous/protective of the reader?
ot5 - jealousy, jealousy
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pairing: ot5 x reader (separately)
genre: fluff, bit of smut and angst
synopsis: how the members show jealousy!
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, smut, anger etc!
a/n: thank you so much for the request!! hope u enjoy!! this isn’t proof read don’t kill me pls!!
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i feel as though yeonjun would show his jealousy in a more whiney manner
like, he wouldn’t outright say anything to you or the person making him jealous in the moment
i imagine you’re also an idol, maybe even in txt and an interviewer makes comments about your appearance and how you’re the most desirable of the group
yeonjun, being ever professional simply smiles and laughs
lingers behind you as you reject the guy once the cameras are off
but after… he’ll come to you like a big baby all like
“he flirted with you right in front of meeeee..!!” he’d whine out with a slight high pitched tone as he tucked his head into your neck
“i rejected him, i only want you jjunie,” you’d reassure
only for him to respond with, “but i was right thereeeee!!! don’t i look boyfriend enough!!!!” and his perfect lips would form a perfect pout and you couldn’t resist but to kiss his sad face away :(
that would most likely lead to him smiling against your lips and the craziest sex ever.. like full on
“bet he has a smaller dick than me, huh? bet he couldn’t make you drool the way i do. he wishes he could see you like this doesn’t he? too bad only i can see you all disheveled.. only me, right baby? just daddy right?”
yes jjunie has a daddy kink argue with the WALL.
as for what made him jealous, i think he’s a little crazy and would be annoyed when someone so much as looks at you for too long
he would never blame you or your outfit, simply the pervs who wish they could have you
thinks it’s funny whenever you’re jealous, doesn’t really see that he’s just as hot as you
also finds it crazy that you’d think he’d want anyone else
just remind him that you only want him and kiss his pouty lips and maybe give him a blowjob and he’ll be fine…
until you do promotions again
sigh… loser soobie doobie.
i feel like soobie would be annoyed by it if anything
also VERY passive aggressive
let’s say you’re in a library, looking at a book that you might want
a rando comes up mansplaining the novel you’re holding and soobin comes up behind you like 😒🤨
yall know that clip of him during that live where he’s looking at the members w that disgusted look? yeah that’s him rn
the guy reaches forward to touch your arm all like “i just think this book might be too complicated for you”
ha. ha ha. soobin pulls you back into his chest before the guy can touch you and looks at him so angrily. “they’re fine. they can pick their own book.” he says it with such an eerily calm tone despite his aggressive gum chewing and fingertips digging slightly into your waist.
mf just gives an awkward smile, raises his hands in surrender and walks away
soobin literally mutters “pussy” under his breath LMFAO
he doesn’t really say much after that, only keeping a hand on you till you get to the car
“bunny, do you think i should read this book or this one first?” you ask, lifting up both books as he pulls out of the parking lot.
he rolls his eyes slightly, driving (hotly) and looking only at the road before saying: “dunno. ask your new book expert boyfriend.”
you literally have to stifle your laugh. for soobie, he’s a sucker for your cuteness
soooo u just pout at him cutely and rest your elbow on the console and your head in your hand
“don’t be mad bunny… only want you :(“
he does that thing where he smiles and pokes his tongue to his cheek in faux annoyance (i’m horny)
just smiles and shakes his head, reaching to you and holding your thigh tightly, you rest your hand on his
he may seem all tough right now, but don’t worry soon you’ll have him tied up and whimpering after making him cum over and over to make sure he knows his worth 💋
tbh seems like the type to bring it up randomly too LMFAOO
beomgyu… hehehe
i imagine this to happen outside of a food truck
he’s waiting w you, probably talking to you about something stupid and you suddenly get a poke on the shoulder
you turn around, and beomgyu looks with you and sees a guy
as you’re rejecting the guy, gyu is literally snickering and giggling to himself
you are so embarrassed by him this mf is literally cackling
you’d think there was a witch behind you
the guy is definitely STILL in earshot as he walks away dejectedly, and beomgyu immediately giggling and smoothly tugging you to be in his arms
“did you see his face???? he thought he had a chance w you???!!! my girl?? yahhhgh!!! he’s soooo stupid!” he says all loudly and dramatically. he has that little smirk on his face as he says this, but has his arms tightly around you as though the guy would come and kidnap you
you see behind the facade, simply reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “only want you,” you mutter, and he hums and smiles against your lips
“ahhh i knowww!! that’s why it’s so funny!”
he’d rather die than admit insecurity in the middle of a goddamn food truck line.
probably doesn’t talk about it until it’s late at night and you’re cuddled in bed
he might even start crying :(
for gyu, i don’t see sex being a good reassurance thing for him
i think he’d prefer to just sit with you, watching a bad movie and making fun of it together
randomly kissing you and every time you know what he wants to hear: “only want you, bear”
if you were to fuck, he’d deffo want to eat you out
“only i can taste this pussy, only your bear,” he’d grumble as you twist his long hair in your fingers, tugging him closer to your sopping cunt
mickey mouse voice: oh boy!
if you think you’re getting any other reaction other than silence, you’re WRONG.
hmmm let’s say you’re at the gym, watching him work out bc wow free show
at one point he walks away to grab weights from the other side of the gym and you wait for him to come back
suddenly, a sweaty yucky man is getting closer to you, and oh wow look he’s staring at you
as taehyun turns around, he sees you talking to him but doesn’t really mind because he knows you’re his
but then he gets closer and hears the guy complimenting your body… he just pauses for a second, making brief eye contact w you and continuing to set up his little work out thing (i don’t work out can u tell)
he knows you’ll tell the guy why you’re actually here
“so… why don’t we go grab protein shakes after you finish working out?” you wanted to scream. you were wearing jeans. WHO WORKS OUT IN JEANS?? you hadn’t touched a single machine and you hate protein shakes. is this guy a dunce.
“oh no thank you, i’m here to watch my boyfriend. he’s right there,” you point at tae, who is now bench pressing over 100 pounds and woah.. hehe
yeah no the guy could not have left faster. tae still doesn’t say anything.
you keep watching him, now sitting on the floor until he gets up from the bench and sits in front of you
before you can ask, he gestures for you to hold his feet and starts doing sit ups
except, after the first one, he starts puckering his lips when he sits up
sit up after sit up, he kisses you as he comes back up
he literally did over one hundred and you were drunk on him by the time he finished
his way of staking his claim i suppose… probably made sure that the guy was watching too
tbh… that’s all the reaction you’re gonna get
after, you ask why he didn’t say anything and he just shrugs and is like, “i know you’re mine. and you know i’m yours. i don’t need to prove anything.”
then you’re like, “so why did you do the sit up thing”
“i was horny.” you literally choke on your smoothie
when you guys get home he definitely fucks you but not super roughly or anything… super romantically actually
his thought process, conscious or not, is: you could go out and fuck someone and they’d do it emotionlessly. he’s going to fuck you like you built the very universe your souls found each other in. (you did)
huening kai:
just a warning… he’s my bias so this might be a little crazy
you’re in a grocery store, he seems like one of those cringy bfs who’s steer the cart but have you in between him and the cart
i want him.
every few moments he’d press a kiss to your hair or simply lean down and have his face near yours until you got the hint
his chest is against your back… his huge broad chest… i’m ill.
okay so you guys stopped to look at the cereal because you wanted to get the one w his face
as you’re looking, hueningie squats down and checks the very bottom shelf
and thus, the worker that goes up to you does not see him
“hey! you need any help over here?” you look over, pointing to yourself in silent question. the guy nods. kai is immediately tuned into the convo as he pretends to look for more cereal
“hm? oh no! we’re good, just looking for a specific cereal,” you remain vague as to not reveal kai’s identity.
lol imagine you’re like “yeah my bf has a cereal w his face on it! yeah my bf who’s a famous idol!” LMFAOO
the guy nods, and you think the convo is over so you keep looking for cereal as you reach down and pet kai’s hair absentmindedly. you don’t know how reassuring it is to him.
“okay well… i just saw you and thought you were so super cute. like.. how do you not have a boyfriend?”
“i do actually,” you respond without evening looking at him. you tug kai’s hair, silently telling him to make himself known. he gets up, all six feet and muscles wearing a fitted top so you could see all of his strength and hard work as an idol.
“they’re not here,” he says plainly, without the usual sweet tone he’d give you. he also doesn’t even look at the worker.
the guy doesn’t even have enough time to apologize before kai’s leading you and the cart elsewhere. he gets quiet, but a different quiet to the other members. a sad one.
the moment you get home, he breaks down
he sobs, barely able to get out the fact that he doesn’t understand why you’re with him, why you wouldn’t want someone w a normal life, someone who’s more attractive (no such thing), someone who could love you publically
oh my baby :(((((
you pull him into a hug, his head ducking to be hidden in your neck, reassuring him quietly.
“huening… i promise you, you are the most attractive man on earth to me.” you say sternly, “the universe, even. it pains me that you can’t see that. i don’t want anyone else, just you, hyuka. and i love you enough to endure the fact that you can’t be public with us.”
he’s just whining now, not responding. he’s holding you so tightly that you’d think you’d turn into thin air.
after a lot of cuddles with his plushies, he’s okay :)
but then his members come home and see the tear stains on his face
they don’t know what happened and call him a baby and make a bunch of maknae jokes
yeah that’s the last straw. he takes you to his room and shoves you onto the bed (makes sure that not only are you comfy, but also that all his plushies are turned away)
he fucks you until you’ve both cum at least 4 times, and he’s borderline shooting blanks.
he’s moaning so loud, hips are shaking as he keeps pumping into you, filling you up
you’re even louder, legs shaking and hands pushing against his stomach in a faux plead for him to stop
every so often, he’d say something like, “not a fucking baby,” oh negative kai i want you.
“could a baby maknae fuck you like this? oh fuck honey, clench me like that. could that guy at the store make you shake like this? hm?
yeah neither of you can walk after that. and the members for SURE heard your moans and are now never calling him a baby ever again
unless he does aegyo bc come ON he’s baby then
probably becomes an inside joke between you guys
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
RANDOM HEADCANONS. txt as husbands!
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 ۪ 𝆬 ೀ ot5! txt x fem! reader! ◌ ⃘ ₊ 🔗 mini hcs!!! if this becomes a daily occurrence not my fault! ˖ ֗⠀✿ ˖ ⠀KINDA SUGGESTIVE AT SOOBINS SECTION!
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gets drunk and goes to sleep at your neighbour's place because he thought that was your house.
you had to drag him by the ears.
cries to you about how much he loves you and how he would not be able to live if you didn't say yes to marry him.
tries to take out all the wedding albums and cries while pointing at pictures.
had a full on hiccup session after seeing a picture of soobin and him on his bachelor's ramen get together where they were egging beomgyu.
refuses to throw away his waifu body pillows.
tries to watch animes with you and gets uncomfortable when babes with anime racks on screen, fumbling to turn the screen off and if he can't do that—
holds your hand and makes you face all while the anime boobs were jiggling and defying all three rules of gravity,
"babe your pair is the most beautiful pair to me."
whips out his phone and starts recording you fighting another person in the whole foods section in the grocery to get the last discounted item.
screams 'world star' while recording.
totally hypes you up but when he sees the other person's husband approaching
quickly gets a hold of you, and your cart and power walks away before he gets his own ass beaten.
refuses to ask for directions.
at any cost. like he can't believe you would ask him to ask anyone for directions in this modern world of google map and self driven cars.
nastily side eyes you when you suggest that to him.
like a full on.
"maybe there WAS some questions i should have asked before i proposed."
you both have been married for a few months and still can't believe he is married.
fell out of his bed when you woke up next to him because he forgot he was living with you.
called you his best friend when you both went to register for your marriage certificate.
practices, "yes i got married, this is my lovely wife," in the mirror.
he is hiding a very big secret.
he will never tell you but he lost the engagement rings on the wedding day and almost had to be carried to the emergency room.
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PERM' TAGLIST: @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @wonioml
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taeminem304 · 26 days
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His arms wtf I’m not your strongest solider
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bunnycobie · 1 year
clueless - choi soobin
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pairing: choi soobin x f!reader summary: arguments with soobin are impossible when he's so good at making you smile genre: fluff word count: 900 content/tw: all txt members are mentioned once with no dialogue, established relationship, shirtless soobin (slightly sexual), reader is jealous, light arguing, not proofread
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your boyfriend opens the front door to your apartment, allowing you to walk in before him.
you do your best to avoid his gaze from nearly half a foot above you. and saying a word, you head straight to the bedroom to take off your shoes and get undressed.
his suspicion that there’s something wrong was confirmed. he could sense it while the two of you were out and you barely spoke.
“are you feeling okay?” soobin whispers in your ear, wondering why you’re so quiet.
“yeah, I’m just tired.” you nod slightly. you weren’t exactly lying. you had a long day, and you wanted nothing more than to go home and get into bed so you could cuddle with soobin.
that was until the girl sitting on his opposite side ruined your night.
the two of you had met up with yeonjun, beomgyu, tae, kai, and their dates for dinner. beomgyu only recently met his date, and you never found out her name. but after tonight, you could tell he wouldn’t bring her around again. anyone who wasn’t friends with you guys would’ve thought soobin was her date, from the way she was smothering him.
you realized you weren’t overthinking it when yeonjun’s eyes kept switching between the three of you, probably waiting for something to happen. everyone else seemed to notice too, except for soobin. to be fair, he’s clueless when it comes to hints. but as much as you knew that, you started to believe he was allowing her to do it based on how obvious she was.
still, you weren’t going to cause a scene in front of everyone. and even though he knew something was upsetting you, neither was he. so, he wrapped his arm over you and pulled you closer to his side, planting a soft kiss on your head and gently rubbing your shoulder with his hand.
soobin closes the door and nervously heads to the bedroom, trying to figure out the best thing to say. he walks in just as you’re almost done changing.
you glance at him as you pull your t-shirt over your head and ignore him, continuing your routine.
“you know you can talk to me if you’re upset.” soobin says, setting himself at the bedside and taking his shoes off.
“i know.” you reply bluntly, walking towards the door that separates your bedroom and bathroom.
his gaze follows you as you grab a wipe and begin removing your makeup in the mirror. after taking off his shoes, he follows you and leans against the doorway. his large body hovers next to yours, making him impossible to ignore any longer.
“could you tell me what’s wrong, then?” he looks down at you.
you glance up and try to ignore your attraction for him. as upset as you are, soobin is a difficult person to argue with. not because he’s stubborn, but because he’s too soft and kindhearted. you’ve been together for a little over a year, and even though you have the usual conflicts, they don’t last long at all. he’s always been good at calming you down and making you happy.
“why were you letting that girl flirt with you?” you ask, rubbing the cloth against your face.
he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “who?”
“you know who.”
soobin eyes glance around the room, still unknowing of what you’re talking about.
“the girl sitting next to you.” you roll your eyes, continuing your routine.
“beomgyu’s date? she was just being nice, was i supposed to ignore her?” he questions, smiling slightly as if he was amused.
you scoff, tossing the cloth into a trash can. you walk around him into your bedroom. “she wasn’t being nice; she was trying to get in your pants.”
you go back to your bed, sitting against the soft pillows.
laughing under his breath and smiling, soobin follows you into the bedroom.
“is this funny to you?” you ask, your pitch getting higher from frustration.
“if she was really flirting, i wasn’t paying enough attention to notice. i think you’re just jealous.” he grins, pulling his shirt off in one swift motion, revealing his long torso and abs.
his jeans are sitting low on his hips, revealing the band of his boxers. and as much as you appreciated this detail, you choose to keep your dignity and ignore it.
“it’s not that i’m jealous, i’m not even the only one who saw it! everyone else who was there noticed it, too.” you say defensively.
soobin walks to the other end of the bed and lies on his side. he still has that goofy smile plastered across his face, making it even more difficult to be mad at him.
rolling your eyes and groaning, you try to hide the similar smile creeping up on you. you turn your back to him and shift onto your side.
“hey, come on.” Soobin whines.
he pulls your body back as if you weighed nothing and lowers himself in between your legs, sprinkling kisses all over your face.
"im serious." you can’t just kiss me and expect me to get over it. you still let him, though. despite how upset you are, you’re enjoying it.
“i know. i just wanted to remind you how much i love you.” he says before planting a kiss on your nose.
this time, you let yourself smile at the view of his fluffy hair hanging down above you.
“i swear i didn’t notice. i was too busy focusing on the prettiest girl in the world that’s already mine. you’re never going to have anything to worry about with me.” he promises, lowering his head to kiss you one more time. you run your hands through his hair, pulling him in to deepen the kiss.
you wonder how you could get angry in the first place when you have the sweetest boyfriend on earth.
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gardnhee · 4 months
‘just friends?’ - cbg
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𐙚 ~ warning(s). suggestive, brief hair pulling, manhandling, fluff, lover boy gyu, intentional lowercase, some cursing, gyu n reader joke arnd a lot (way too much but i love it), pet names, not proofread - if i missed anything lmk !!
𐙚 ~ friends to loversss - college!bsf!bg x afab!reader
i. “what?“
ii. “what are you saying?”
iii. “we’re just ‘friends’?”
𐙚 ~ note. love their dynamic sm yall i was kicking my feet n shi while writing this (hope it does the same for you!)
𐙚 ~ wc. 1.8k
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you fought against your drowsiness as the professor endlessly blabbers on and on about something you don’t care to understand. she occasionally switched between slides with no warning, inducing several groans from the students; little to no interest shown from her part.
you look around the full auditorium, dim with only a cream-ish light pointing straight at the professor as she glances upon the weary students seated before her.
with a low grunt you lean back in your chair, staring at the dark ceiling when you felt a faint tap on your shoulder, followed by a small “hey” in your ear. you flinched slightly as a scowl of disbelief made its way on your face.
“can’t believe you just got here…” you whisper, “so irresponsible, choi beomgyu.” he sat down, bowing and sheepishly smiling at the professor as she glared at him for his unpunctuality.
beomgyu’s eyes travel to you, “irresponsible? nah… i studied ahead of time.” he whispered as you scoffed, eyes fixed upfront.
after some time, another tap. you smile and rolled your eyes playfully, the brown haired boy smirked and flicked your arm.
you furrow your eyebrows and gawk at him, “what?” you mutter.
“let’s hangout today?”
“we hung out yesterday…and the day before…and the day before that.”
“so? we can still hangout again.”
“we have an exam tomorrow.”
“let’s study together then.” before you can respond, someone shushes you both harshly. sticking your tongue out at beomgyu, he does the same, scooting closer soon after.
“so?” he pokes your thigh, your sides, everywhere he has access to; anything to get an answer from you.
“yes, dumbass! now let me pay attention.” you smack his hands away, earning a glare.
“as if you were paying attention before.” beomgyu grumbled and crossed his arms with a pout.
“you couldn’t shower in your own dorm?” beomgyu questions as he moves aside, letting you in. you knew he was trying to annoy you. typical.
brushing him off has become your forte for the past 2 years and a half. with a friend like beomgyu, however, that is a curse, because he won’t stop until you can’t ignore him anymore, something he’s unfortunately good that.
“bringing your sweaty ass in here like it’s nothin’” he makes his way to the living room, where you were now standing. you turn to him, placing your hands on your hips as you counter, “well then i guess i’ll shower so you won’t have to study with my ‘sweaty ass.’” beomgyu giggles, putting his hands together as he mouths a ‘please’ and nods frantically.
“you’re so stupid!”
“what?! you walked right into that one!”
you try to slap his arm, but he dodges and circles around, laughing behind you.
“gimme your backpack.” beomgyu offers after the laughter died down, grabbing it from your shoulder and swinging it over his, then walking off to his room.
“that’s wrong, yn…” he murmurs beside you, making you look at him as he doesn’t move his eyes from the paper, narrowed in concentration.
“look…” beomgyu continues, but you weren’t listening. you were staring - no, admiring - him. you don’t know what it is. perhaps it’s the fact that you’ve liked this man since you first laid eyes on him? maybe he just looks absolutely and utterly delectable?? you blink, why are you now realizing that he’s wearing a loose black shirt? so loose it exposes his collarbones whenever he leans forward to explain something to you?
“yn? hello?” gyu waves his hand in front of your face, a frown on his as he stares in concern.
“sorry i…” you clear your throat awkwardly, trying to ignore how beautiful he looks sitting there and how much it’s affecting you…everywhere.
“what’s going on in that head of yours? hm?” beomgyu wiggles his eyebrows as he leans in, “hmmmmm?” he prods, smiling.
you tsk, hugging your knees to your chest.
“nothin…” you reply under your breath.
“you sure? your face is red…” he reaches out, cupping your cheeks, “and hot…” beomgyu studies your features with intent, eyes widening as he gasps, kneeling closer, “do you have a fever?!” he exclaims.
you sharply inhale, letting go of your knees to hold onto his wrists, losing your way in a pretty pair of eyes that hold a thousand galaxies in them.
you sit there in silence, so silent you could practically hear your heart hammering against your chest.
beomgyu’s now hovering over you, face leaning so close you can just…kiss-
“i…im okay.” you gently take his hands off your face, he blinks and nods, sitting back slowly.
“i’m sorry i worried-“
your phone rang.
you pick it up from the table and stare at it, a big “mom” displayed on the screen. you cleared your throat again, answering.
“hi mom! how are you?”
“that’s great! me? oh yeah im good, currently studying.”
“no im not alone, im with beomgyu.”
you put her on speaker, “say hi” beomgyu smiles, an enthusiastic ‘hi’ erupting from his throat.
before you could take her off speaker, your mom asks, “is that the little boyfriend you always talk to me about?” your eyes widen as you stare at beomgyu’s amused expression, scrambling to put the phone to your ear again.
“mom, we’re only friends.” you retort matter-of -factly
you awkwardly smile at gyu who’s eyes were shifting between you and the phone.
“yes, yes…well, mom i have to go. talk to you later, bye.” you quickly hang up, sighing in relief as you set your phone back down on the table.
“what?” gyu questions, your ears perk up as you swallow hard, waiting for what’s inevitably coming your way.
“what are you saying?” he leans in, observing how your face heats up again.
“we’re just ‘friends?’ i don’t think you want that, do you?”
“well, no, but…” you slapped a hand over your mouth, amazed that you let that slip.
you choke on your spit, standing up. “i think i’ll just…” you grab your phone, making your way to your backpack.
you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, “don’t avoid me.” there was something in his voice, something you couldn’t quite pin point.
gyu brings you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist, caging you in. “i’m not avoiding im just…” “scared i’ll push you away?” his tone was serious, yet it dripped honey; you were melting into his arms.
you nod, “mortified almost.” resting your forehead against his toned chest, beomgyu grabs your hand, placing your palm flat beside your head. his heartbeat…you felt his heartbeat. intense; making a statement.
“do you still think that?”
“wha…?” your voice trails off, staring at him with eyes so wide it felt as if they’d pop out your sockets.
“c’mere.” beomgyu leads you to his bed.
“how long?”
you look at him in a quizzical manner, “what do you mean?” he licks his lips as you sit, “how long have you…liked me?” gazes at you expectantly, small smile tugging at his lips.
“since we first met 2 years ago.” it sounded cliché to say out loud, but it’s simply the truth.
his eyebrows raised, so you opted to giving an explanation. “at first, it was an incredibly small crush…” you paused, eyes traveling to the ceiling.
“i saw you as more of a friend than a potential partner,” he slowly nodded, letting you know he’s listening. “but when we started becoming closer, i realized it wasn’t just a trivial crush anymore. i saw - and see- a future with you.” you avoided his eyes, “i can’t believe im opening up like this…” you both chuckle, you finally turn to him. “i’m…assuming you feel the same way? i mean…” your voice fizzles away as you touch his chest again, heart still pounding.
“i do, more than you think.” beomgyu spoke with a sort of calmness, like the faint sound of waves crashing into the shore, a tremendous contrast to his usual mannerisms.
you basked in said calmness, it brings you peace, contentment, reassurance.
he holds your hand, caressing it with his thumb. your eyes meet, smiling, indulging in the tranquil silence that sets in between.
“can i kiss you?” and just like that, the silence was soothingly blown away. you nod, heart racing as beomgyu edges closer, placing a soft hand on your thigh.
“may i…sit on your lap?” gyu smirks at your request, “of course, princess.” his plush lips meet yours, smiling against them when he heard you gasp. hands coming down to your waist, maneuvering you sit where you wanted.
you whine into his mouth as he grabs your ass, firmly grinding your hips against his. “fuck.” beomgyu’s words are muffled, almost incoherent.
you caress his nape with one hand, the other tracing his stomach over his shirt all the while he drew on your back softly under yours, sending shivers down your spine.
the kiss was more demanding, a messy tangling of tongues, a dialogue of whines and breathy moans that only you two can understand; it was a pleasant high that you don’t want to fall from, an euphoric feeling that travels from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. you loved it.
“beomgyu…?” you breath, breaking away from his delicious lips, ones you’d like to devour entirely.
“i love you.” you smile, gazing down at him with those eyes that he loves so fucking much.
beomgyu’s breath hitched, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows, mouth opening and eyes blinking.
before you could react, he had you flat against the mattress, peering at you with lustful eyes.
“i love you more, yn.” his lips find purchase in your exposed collarbones, sucking gently as you twitch, fingers pulling his brown strands as a broken moan escapes from his godly mouth.
“will you give me the pleasure of calling you my girlfriend?” his voice was laced with mischief, you crack into a fit of giggles, brushing through his thick locs.
“nothing’s funny!” gyu pouts, “i know, you’re just so cute.” you run your finger down the bridge of his nose, booping the end.
“yes dummy, i’ll gladly be your girlfriend.” an ear to ear grin made its way onto his face, replacing the pout from earlier. beomgyu lays his head on your chest, hugging you as he childishly kicks his feet against the bed from excitement.
“now,” you start again, hooking your legs around his waist in order to straddle him again.
he falls on the mattress with a small huff, hair beautifully splayed across the surface as he looks up at you with wide eyes.
“i’m not done with you, choi beomgyu.”
he chuckled sheepishly, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“do as you please, beautiful.”
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms
𐙚 ~ idk how to feel ab this BUT please like, comment, and reblog. it would be highly appreciated 🤍.
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junnieverse · 10 months
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➙ little things txt do as your boyfriend
pairing: txt x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, implied short reader for soobin's drabble, mentions of food in taehyun's drabble
a/n: why was this so adorable?! Someone buy me bf!txt from amazon please!!
a/n (2): here's the zb1 and enha version if you'd like to check that one out too!
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🖇️ — 최수빈 ; SOOBIN !
↳ wrapping you in his jacket when it's cold
you had both decided to take a little night stroll together after a sleepless night
having mindlessly walked, you somehow ended up at a cute light park uphill that overlooked the entire city
feeling the breeze hit, you wrapped your arms around yourself to keep yourself warm but it was no help
you soon felt a large figure wrap himself around you from behind as he hugged you with his jacket to keep you both warm
"I told you to bring a hoodie to keep yourself warm, it's pretty chilly tonight." soobin playfully scolds you as his hands gently rubbing your arms brought extra heat
you had purposely left your hoodie because of moments like this
your boyfriend was a human heater, perfect to keep you warm whenever you needed
despite his argumentative statement, you knew he also enjoyed wrapping himself around you as he hugged you and rested his chin on your head
it was the small moments like this with soobin you treasured
you both enjoyed the comfortable silence between the two of you as he swayed you side to side watching the city lights in the distance
🖇️ — 최연준 ; YEONJUN !
↳ watching you with adoration
yeonjun has had this habit ever since he was crushing on you but in all honesty he does this with all his loved ones
he made sure to give them his full, undivided attention whenever they were talking and would just look at them with pure care and love
yeonjun not only made you feel like you were the most important person in his life but the way he looked at you was enough to say just that too
there's just something about that little glimmer in his eyes whenever you catch him staring at you with a soft smile adorning his face
"Yeonjun stop staring, I can't focus when you do that." you tell him looking down as your cheeks heat up
"What, I'm just admiring the love of my life." he says wrapping his arms around you still looking into his eyes as you shyly avoided his gaze
he also did this knowing how flustered you would get each time and he just thought you looked especially cuter when you were blushing
this was just one of the main reasons why you always lost staring contests with him
if anything he could stare into your eyes for the rest of his life because they were his favourite feature of yours
🖇️ — 최범규 ; BEOMGYU !
↳ playing his guitar for you
it was a normal occurance for beomgyu to randomly start playing his guitar and sing for you but each time he did you felt like you were falling in love all over again
he loved showing his love for you in various ways but serenading you was one of the small things he'd grown accustomed to doing over the course of your relationship
here you both were sitting on your living room mat as you held the guitar close to you whilst beomgyu tried to teach you the basic strings and tunes
your date plans outside had been ruined by the rain so you thought this was a great chance for your boyfriend to teach you how to play his guitar a little
"Okay, you're getting a hang of it, good job." beomgyu praises before kissing your cheek
he then takes over easily brushing his fingers against the strings as he plays a familiar tune before he starts singing to you
you can't help but admire your boyfriend as your heart skipped a beat
in this moment you felt yourself falling more in love with him as his deep voice filled the room
you could never get tired of this
🖇️ — 강태현 ; TAEHYUN !
↳ feeding you
ever since the day taehyun cooked for you for the first time and you obviously falling in love (with his food)
he made it his mission to always make sure you were well fed
even if that meant feeding you himself
he was also very experimental with the dishes he made and you were his go-to person if he needed someone to taste test the food.
"How does this taste?" he asks blowing on the hot spoon reaching over to feed you the soup
you had grown used to tae feeding you at this point and gladly let him do so too because all his dishes were your absolute favourites, "This is amazing baby."
you had ofcourse offered to help him prepare some of his dishes before but after an accident whilst making some dinner went wrong
the entire txt made the kitchen a "do not touch anything (y/n)" zone because they did not want a repeat of almost burning down the entire dorm
you may be a fire hazard in the kitchen but luckily your boyfriend knew how to keep you happy through feeding you
🖇️ — 휴닝카이 ; HUENINGKAI !
↳ buying you/each other plushies
"Omg Kai, this panda plushy is so adorable!"
if only you had realised that one statement would open up pandora's box
and now your boyfriend can't stop buying you plushies because, "they all remind me of you" he'd excuse
in the beginning you would sometimes go out of your way to buy kai a few little plushies to fill his cute collection but after the first valentine plushy he got you, he just couldn't stop buying them for you
it's become a love language at this point
although they made great cuddle partners, on days you were missing kai, you could simply cuddle this plushy which still had some of his lingering scent and fall right asleep
he too had his own favourite plushy that he would take with especially on tours to keep close to him whenever he was missing you and it was a matching one to yours
it was also the first plushy you had bought him
he had once accidently left it behind at the hotel they were staying at and he had realised it was missing when he had arrived at the airport
kai couldn't afford leaving it behind and risked missing his flight all to get back his plushy because it was a sentimental and important piece to your relationship
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saursoob · 1 year
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genre: fluff, random bf txt things, bf!txt x reader
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when you and yeonjun go on dates he takes soo many pics of you and the date you’re on! literally 30 million pictures of you he thinks you’re so beautiful he cant help it but if you’re not also doing the same and taking cute pictures of him as well he’ll get all fake upset “hey, i look cute too! take some of me” and he’ll pose all pretty waiting for you to take some of him 😭
if he playfully teases you and you get a little pouty he’ll definitely notice right away and pull you close and say something like “you’re so cute when you pout” and kiss you on your nose or forehead
he shares his food with you 24/7 “my baby always has to get the first bite” & will always ask after if you liked it “is it good my love?” he says it with such cute eyes UGHH he’s so cutie
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lovess movie nights with you but you especially love when its horror and he tries to act all tough but ends up screaming and hiding in your arms whenever there’s a jump scare and when the the movie ls over he says to you,“honestly that movie wasn’t even that scary” and says it so confidently too 😭
also the way when you make him laugh so hard to the point where he falls on to you laughing and/or shakes you slightly with his hands is literally so adorable + when he laughs his voice slightly squeaks at the ends of them
or the way he gets all flustered when you talk about how he was when you guys first met “you were just so shy soobin i cant help but tease you about it” and he comes up with sooo many excuses waving is hands in the air while a pink hue is tinting his cheeks, “well im just a naturally introverted person!” we all know its because it was love at first sight and that man was already so whipped for u
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loves loves loves being around you hes literally so clingy with you always playing with your fingers or hair he just loves being around you and he feels comforted by just that so cuddling with you is his fav & he absolutely loves when you play with his hair while cuddling especially during loser lover era when his hair was long <3
definitely will apologize first when in a argument but it will take him a while since his mindset is “why do i have to apologize? i didn’t do anything wrong, right?” but he will anyways because he cant stand you being mad at him for long
he loves teasing you but this time when going on a date with you he does it with his looks, tell me why this man pulls up to your date looking so scrumptious in a suit and tie ofc he teases “i look good right babe? i bet you can’t resist me right now” with that smirk of his so true i cant 🧎‍♀️
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taehyun doesn’t often show his affection in physical touch but instead buys you “gifts”, it doesn’t matter whether its food delivered to your house after you get home from work because he knows how tired you must be after a long day or something as random as something he picked up for you while shopping that reminded him of you he’s always thinking of u bae
also when you guys go on dates he is not afraid to spend money on you always making sure you get the best, taking you to five star restaurants and such + acts like its no big deal “babe are u alright?” NO IM NOT?? THIS IS SO FANCY? swear wouldn’t even care if one appetizer is 1000+ dollars like what. anything for u he says so 🤷‍♀️
definitely would “make” you go to the gym with him you went willingly to watch him workout okay at first you were gonna actually work out with him but how can you when your boyfriend looks so good lifting weights like that?!?! its actually impossible not to stare at that sight
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kai is such a reassuring boyfriend like any worries you have GO TO HIM!! not to mention so considerate like whenever you vent to him he’ll always ask “babe, do you want comfort or advice right now?” and by the end of it you’ll forget why you were even worried in the first place UGH kai is the definition of perfect bf
yk how protective he is with his plushes with the members? yeah not with you, he will literally let you borrow his fav plush and yes i say borrow because don’t get me wrong he LOVES you but he’s still a little protective with his babys also you guys definitely have matching plushies he bought you two pucca & garu
you two always talk in baby voices with each other def not in a cringe way though, it’s literally just became a normal thing for you two. at first it was to make fun of each other but now its just randomly. for the record though you don’t always respond back all cute 😭😭 “is it good y/nie?~” you give him the biggest side eye “well now im not hungry thanks!” LMFAO you both laugh about it so dw
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@saursoob reblogs r okay! please don’t repost
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slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. angst. headcanons. warnings. fighting. misunderstandings. crying. jealousy. pairing. txt x reader (separate). wc. 824. request. no. a/n. now why am i on an angst kick oops 👎 it's lowkey the easiest thing to write rn tho 😭
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breaking up with Yeonjun would be sudden
it would happen after a fight, messy and explosive in a flurry of emotions
regret would only settle in the next morning when you realized you could have tried harder to fix the situation
it would be even worse for Yeonjun
he wouldn’t be able to stop going back to the morning before when things were normal
when he woke up with you right by his side and littered kisses all over your face
when you made him breakfast and smiled at him with nothing but love in your eyes
and it had disappeared so suddenly
the breakup would be jarring, sudden, and full of regret
you and Yeonjun might both try to get back together only to break up again and again until you eventually promised yourself to move on
you’d never be able to find anyone you loved nearly as much as Yeonjun, and neither would he
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breaking up with Soobin would be filled with tears
it would be a creeping feeling that you both knew was coming
and you ignored it for as long as possible
you stayed as close to him as you could for as long as you could
before you just couldn’t anymore
you’d have to face it eventually, and that came in the form of a soft talk filled with sadness
it would be a heartbreaking breakup, but also a healthy one
you knew it was for the best for both him and you
moving on would be hard, but you managed it
Soobin always crossed your mind whenever you saw anything that you could relate to him, though
but rather than feeling any anger towards him, you only held a sense of gratitude to him for showing you that you were lovable and deserving of love
he had loved you with his whole being, and every moment with him is forever stored in your brain as the happiest memories 
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breaking up with Beomgyu would be because of a misunderstanding
it would be such a stupid thing that all both of you could feel was frustration
the falling-out would be extreme, even though the cause was ridiculous
the worst part is that you were sure as you looked back on it that the relationship could have been salvageable
you were hung up on what if’s and maybe’s even months after
because breaking up with Beomgyu had definitely been a mistake 
he had left a void in your heart as he left your life, and you knew that only he was capable of filling it up again
you would cross paths again by chance
but it would only be awkward meeting again
you could only managed rushed apologies or how are you’s before the embarrassment forced you to move along again
it felt as if he— once the closest and most precious person in your life— had become a complete stranger
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breaking up with Taehyun would be jealousy disguised as maturity
the way that you would decide to breakup would feel healthy and proper
enough to make you feel good enough to boast about having a smooth relationship and breakup
you talked it out and made sure you were both on the same page before deciding to end it
both of you looked fine on the outside
but inside, you both felt awful about the decision
this masking would haunt you even long after, and all you could feel was overwhelming jealousy whenever you saw Taehyun with anyone else
because he was supposed to be yours, he had said it himself
it was hard to accept that the relationship couldn’t be perfect, despite Taehyun being the most perfect man you had ever met
the jealousy would slowly morph into loathing, and before you knew it, you ended up blaming him for everything
though you knew you had also been responsible for the way things turned out, your regret and resentment showed itself through your dishonest hatred for him
the unhealthy mindset would take a while to break out of
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breaking up with Kai would be a realization
it would be hard to accept that the two of you were better off as friends, but it was necessary
he would have also come to the realization but would have been scared to address it in case you didn’t feel the same way
in a lot of ways, the breakup gave you relief
you would stay close to Kai— he’d still be your best friend 
and you would look back on the time you did date him as a fond memory
almost like an inside joke
whenever one of you brought it up, you would laugh
because there were no hard feeling left or any longing to go back to that time
you both had mutual understanding that staying as friends was what worked better
you would be happy if/when Kai found someone new, and he’d feel the same way with you
↳ txt taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @90steele,, @ddeonudepressions,, @minholing,, @delcakoo, @wolfmoonmusic,, @98-0603,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @amara-mars
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weeeeeekly · 3 days
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, mc is team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are "our love" and princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.4k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! this is fiction!!! this is made up!!! i do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in. mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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“I can’t do this anymore.”
You complain as you lean back in your office chair in an attempt to break your neck, so you won’t have to work or be conscious anymore. You were already having a shitty week after getting into a fender bender on your way to work and now working 8 AM to 4 PM. And 4 PM couldn’t come soon enough, on a Monday at that, so your sanity was slowly depleting. You started spacing out around 12 PM, so you took your lunch break right on the dot of the typical lunchtime. The break was what you needed as you took the hour to watch mind numbing, borderline baby sensory videos while eating your favorite sandwich with chips. Forcing yourself to add use nondairy milk this morning saved your stomach from destroying your insides. You do wish you had an excuse for getting more breaks to use the restroom though.
You let the rest of the random dance practice video play out as you space out. A light tap on your back snaps you back to reality with a startle as you remove your noise cancelling headphones.
Your boss smiles as she repeats herself but it’s only her filling you in about her newborn niece’s activities over the past week.
“She had her first strawberry, and she loves them now. She even threw a fit when she finished it. Let me show you a video.”
You fake a smile as you put on an act so your boss will still like you, throwing in an appropriate “so cute” and “awe” as the video goes in for much longer than you expected.
“Wait, let me show you the inspiration for her first birthday!”
At least you got that excuse for a long break.
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Soobin looks back to his members as they each give him a reassuring smile. Of course, the extrovert members would send him, an introvert, to speak to their long-lost soulmate and other half that they haven’t seen in centuries. He was not freaking out or anything. This was totally not an incredibly nerve-wracking moment.
“Hyung, your ears are red!”
“Stop teasing him.”
“Guys, please.”
The other members fall silent as Soobin finally knocks on the door. All five of them step back as they hear a faint “coming” and muted footsteps. When the door cracks open a little bit and half of your face peeks out, the group put on their brightest, dazzling smile.
You freeze in place as your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you stare at your favorite Kpop group outside your front door. In the same amount of time it takes Soobin to muster up the courage to greet you, you shut the door. They hear the distinct sound of a lock and then frantic footsteps away from them. Taehyun peeks from behind Soobin to ask their leader what they should do now but hesitates as he notices the deep frown on his face. Kai and Beomgyu share a worried look as Yeonjun pats Soobin’s back.
They’ll greet you properly later.
Back inside your apartment, you’re frantically pacing back and forth in your room as your mind is screaming a million things right now. You rationalize that this must certainly be a dream as you were quite tired from work today and must have taken a nap. Yes, a dream. You must be sleeping and comfort yourself from such a hard day you dreamt up a scenario where TXT has come to listen to your concerns and worries. But that comes crumbling apart when you look in the direction of your desk and you’re able to read the clock.
6:15 PM.
That can’t be right because you can’t read time in dreams. You grab your phone and scan the texts on your lockscreen.
            roomie i’ll be home late as i’m covering for a coworker. please don’t forget to eat dinner.
            roomie i’m going to make sure you eat something when i get back!
            roomie goodnight :)
Well, shit. Your glasses were not failing you so you could easily read and understand that your roommate was threatening you to eat dinner. So, to your disbelief and honestly terrible luck, TXT really was outside your door. The same TXT that covers a majority of your room’s walls with their beautiful faces on various posters from their albums – the same albums that you’ve been collecting sitting on their own designated shelf. The binder filled with little paper with pictures of their faces on it was not cheap either.
Your room was also pretty messy with a pile of clean clothes on the middle of the floor, the victims of your search from yesterday for a sleep shirt in a drawer. The rest of the room was a sight for sore eyes as well with the amount of shit was just everywhere. It would be embarrassing if they saw the state of it.
But why would you care what they thought. This was probably just a really insane fluke moment and if they were here to film content it would be for a few hours. Their protocol team would probably knock on your door a little later to have you sign an NDA and to not approach them. A few knocks on your door comes as a response to your thought but upon opening the door you’re only left with more questions.
There’s no one outside your door or in the empty hallway, only a tin box on your welcome mat greets you with a note taped on top.
Hello neighbor! We’re sorry for scaring you. Enjoy these cookies. Hope to meet you soon. From your new neighbors Steve, Daniel, Ben, Terry, and Kai :D
A smile appears on your face as you look to your left to see a stack of flattened cardboard boxes leaning against the door signaling that someone, or a group of someone’s, moved in. After you take the lid off another note greets you, but the handwriting is different.
sorry for not baking no time : (
You’re still not sure what to make of the course of events that happened in a short amount of time, but you do know that things will definitely be interesting.
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Just a few feet away on the other side of the thin wall sit the group that take up the majority of your mind. Soobin is sitting on the makeshift couch made out of a few pillows still in the plastic, attempting to read his book but failing to get past a single sentence due to his nerves. Yeonjun busies himself trying to make ramen they just bought for dinner. Beomgyu scrolls through his phone to see if the news has been released yet. Taehyun and Kai both sit on the floor and play a board game Taehyun brought.
They had been busy traveling from Seoul earlier in the day but their nerves wouldn’t let them calm down from the stress of getting the company to agree to it to looking as normal as possible so they wouldn’t be recognized and then to finally seeing you after all this time. Their hearts couldn’t be fuller, but the rest of their body was taking the toll as they couldn’t keep their eyes open any longer.
“Let’s eat!” Yeonjun says as he brings over the fried eggs to the foldable table that was being used as the dining table.
They all huddle around the cups of individual instant ramen and dig in. Sure, this wasn’t the healthiest meal, but this was their first meal since the plane food they ate over 12 hours ago. The only sounds that filled the empty apartment was slurping, but that changed when they heard you yell “WHAT” next door.
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Back on your side of the wall, your mouth is open as you reread the title of the notification you just got.
            [NOTICE] TOMORROW X TOGETHER to halt activities to film “In the Soop: Together”
Hello. This is BIGHIT MUSIC. We would like to inform you about the future activities of TOMORROW X TOGETHER.
The members SOOBIN, YEONJUN, BEOMGYU, TAEHYUN, and HUENINGKAI hope that MOA will see this as an opportunity for rest and new content. Activities will resume once the hiatus ends. TOMORROW X TOGETHER asks for MOA’s understanding and to wait.
Our company will also strive to provide all the support they may need during this time. We look forward to MOA’s love and support for future activities. Thank you.
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cur-sedd · 5 months
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵?₊˚⊹
UHM are yall okay?? 😭 the last time i checked i was at like 10 followers and now im at like 40?? Almost 40, its 39 as of posting this. THANK YOU GUYS??? Still shocked!! Also so sorry for not posting last week, i broke up with my bf so i decided to take a small break from everything in general <//3 I will try my best to post once a week though <33
╰┈➤Vampire!Ot5, subby!kai, softdom(?)!taehyun, subby!soobin (?), not rlly sure for gyu and yeonjun sobs, mentions of biting here and there, blowjobs obvi, cumming eating/ swallowing cum. OH OMFG and inexperienced!Kai, and hair playing!! gn!reader. if i missed anything lmk!
You plop down onto the couch, snuggling up against your boyfriend, a nice popsicle to soothe your late night cravings. Opening up the wrapper you see your boyfriend eye you every now and then before going back to his phone. One arm wrapped around you as happily had your popsicle, watching on your TV “Baby?” He mumbled, placing his phone down and turned to you. You respond with a small ‘hm’ eyes still glued to the TV. You felt him grab your hand and place it on his hard cock. Immediately, you whip your head to him, shock filled your eyes as you mutter his name. “Can you suck me like that popsicle..please?” 
Yeonjun✩ -you stared at him as he stuck his lower lip out - “that was so smooth” you laughed. - MOANS! Guys this man has the prettiest moans when you give him head fr -would bite his hands to not be too loud bc its late -fr though if he was not stifling those moans, your neighbors would give a noise complaint LMAO - would grab your hair to ground himself - he would defo push your head down on himself just to hear those cute gags its such a turn on for him -he would cum in your mouth and then force you to swallow
Soobin✩ -the look that you gave him, he was so shy abt it too LMAO -”never did i imagine you of all people would say that.” “its not my fault im horny.” -soft, staccato “ah, ah, ah” would leave this man’s lips and its like heaven - after every moan he would smile here and there, flashing those fangs oml -he isnt very loud in general but when you give him head its just another thing -binnie is like begging you to keep going -he would buck his hips up bc i feel like he is so sensitive!! -would ask if you could swirl your tongue around his pink tip - he defo would cum v messily like he would js pull out and cum all over your face KHSBGDHV
Beomgyu ✩ -you were more confused than shocked, thinking he misspoke -”what??” “i said please!” “please for what?” “Dont make me beg, i’ll get harder” LMAO - more grunts than moans, though when he does let a moan peep out, it sounds so subby? Like hello?? -melting under your mouth fr -i would say he isnt as loud as soobin but he isnt as quiet as Yeonjun either -okay but gyu would be so like? Switchy??? from like “little piece of shit, making me all horny and hot for no reason” to “thats it, fuck! Good job- FUCK! Do that again. Youre doing so good.” -The way he would look at you when you suck him off?? Its like so loving yall KASHBDGHV - He literally trying his best to hold himself together but the longer yall go the more is just much more whiner.  -”gonna cum and your gonna swallow no matter what.” -YALL HE WOULD CUM INTO UR MOUTH AND THEN LIKE FORCE YOU TO PUT UR TONGUE OUT TO VERIFY YOU SWALLOWED AHHH -got hard again bc he thought of yall fucking and him like biting and licking the fresh bite -someone jail me, my vampire!beomgyu is feral Taehyun✩ -Taehyun is much more unexpected than Soobin tbh. I feel like he would js say it out of nowhere catching you off guard -”im? Was a popsicle all it took?” “i guess so bc im hard now so i mean its a win win” -he is so quiet like tyun sir please -on top of that its more like fucking WHIMPERS -You would look up every now and then js to see if like he is okay, or if he is liking it. -ofc the silly noticed and he would caress your hair to show you he alright -very soft tbh! Soft and loving, its so cute JKHDGJHG -would you reward you with v rough sex later though with biting bc other than sitting there and looking pretty, his teeth have OTHER USES!! -he’ll end up pulling out and cumming on your shirt bc he wanted to take a shower before fucking you ruthless -maybe if he is extra eager he’ll ask you to join him in the shower and fuck you there hehe
Huening Kai ✩ -BIG DICK KAI BIG DICK KAI BIG DICK KAI! -tbh i feel like you sort of expected this from kai but not THAT quick.  -if soobin was shy, kai was shy-er  -”but but you dont have to do it im- fuck im sorry-” “no- kai, baby its okay!! Why are you stressing?” “Your pretty mouth is gonna suck me off, who wouldnt be stressed in that situation?” -LOUDD he is so loud - and poor bby he is trying so hard to be quiet too -mumbles shit like “nngh! I cant i cant.. No please keep going.” “feels so good!” -i feel like he would struggle to talk while getting head -would bite his shirt to try and quiet himself down -that only make him louder so he resorted to his hand -with his free hand though he is playing with your hair, holding your head down while he bucked his hips up -also very sensitive !! stop i love him sm aughh AND INEXPERIENCED!! -he would normally cum outside of ur mouth but if its very special or he is js extra horny he’ll cum inside without any warning whatsoever LMFAOO
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(a/n: also i forgot to thank my mooties for reblogging my stuff, i love yall hehe. This doesnt rlly make sense in the vampire aspect but it does in my world bc 1) this whole thing was a dream i had and 2) i have my own vampire world for my silly autistic hyperfixation saurr 😭 i didnt want to write anything too gorey)
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harufluff · 1 year
things they would say
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warnings - none
genre - fluff, comfort, dialogue, txt x gn!reader, established relationship au
reblogs and comments are highly appreciated.
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bolded is reader. enha version
choi soobin
"can we just like...stay like this? just for a little bit i promise"
"i like your face. it's my favorite face"
"i love you" "more than odi...?" "...your tied for first"
"it feels like ages since i've seen you!" "we just hung out yesterday..." "that was too long ago"
"am i aloud to look at you for this long...?"
"gimme a kiss riiiiiiight...here" *points to cheek*
choi yeonjun
"i can do whatever i want. im your boyfriend"
"i couldn't stop missing you if i tried"
"hold my hand, ok?"
"do you expire?" "im not ramen" "oh my god if you were i would love you even more." *gets punched in the arm* "OW WHAT THE HECK. I WAS JOKING CMON"
"i hope you know your stuck with me forever."
choi beomgyu
"wake up. its time for the day" "no"
"whatever, whenever, whoever. ill always be here"
"can i braid your hair...?" "why" "cause its pretty"
"i'm dying!! you're to cute!!!"
"is there anyway you would leave me for someone else...?" "thats a stupid question." "why?" "because there is no possible way that i would leave your side in any universe."
kang taehyun
"did anyone hurt you? ill kill them"
"why do you smell like coffee? did you have a long night?"
"your smile makes my whole world better." "where did you find that...?" "google"
"why does everyone think youre scary. your like a cute little bunny" "i am scary." alternative "PEOPLE THINK IM SCARY???"
"can you do that again?"
"you need to stop smiling." "why?" "because my heart is beating too fast. so choose, hospital or no smiling"
"love you, sweets"
huening kai
"everything you do is perfect. don't change"
"uhm...do you want to hug one of my plushies?"
"why can't we sleep forever?" "i mean...technically we can..."
"does anyone else make you this happy...?" "hmm...i dont think so?" "ok good. thats my job now"
"i don't know how well me cooking will end, but i'll do it if your too tired."
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let me know for an enha version.
©Harufluff 2023 | Do not copy, repost or claim any of my works.
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itgirlgyu · 10 months
how txt would embarrass you!
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 ۪ 𝆬 ೀ ot5! txt x fem! reader! ◌ ⃘ ₊ 🛸 mini hcs!!! this is me soft launching myself ㅎ_ㅎ
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comes to your formal office party in a nick from zootopia furry costume WITH A FLUFFY TAIL because he misread your text and thought it was a costume party not a custom party. tries to play as fashion faux pass, not one believed that it's faux passing. he will go home and cry about it.
was caught trash talking a toddler in an arcade game like a loser after he lied to your friend that he was feeling sick and couldn't come to her birthday bash. had the audacity to fake barf later on, before going back to finish the game. didn't even let the kid win.
started doing dougie with you when the host asked for all the couple on the dance floor. it was okay with that too until he finished his moves and then leered at you to show your moves. yeah he thought it was a couple dance off.
began the first date by calling women "females," and light misogynist remarks because he wanted to see how you react before he could drop his intensive collection on feminist books, dw baby girl he's an ally he's just testing you. honestly you embarrassed yourself by getting angry too quickly but on the other hand, you passed the test.
openly says Internet slangs that have expired 2 years ago to everyone, and doesn't get the hint that slangs that are okay in the Internet, like rizz king or w, doesn't translate well in real life. especially in front of your parents.
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PERM' TAGLIST: @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @ox1-lovesick @jisungsdaydreamer @wonioml @1921choi @forever-in-the-sky2
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taeminem304 · 1 month
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