pintxotapote · 2 years
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Hotza burua argitzeko eta txoripan urdaila alaitzeko, plan bikaina. #Euskalherria #Basquecountry #Artziniega #Txoripan #LaGordi #Casco #Txorizo (en El Fresno) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZ4GpDNJbD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angel-amable · 1 year
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Hoy, 7 de julio, se ha producido un fenómeno curioso en los Sanfermines. Resulta que Kingsley ha venido de vacaciones a Pamplona.... y no sé si será por que ha comido txorizo o txistorra.... el caso es que llama más la atención que los toros bravos que recorren las calles por las mañanas.
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basquebites · 5 years
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So much fun last night! Hardly felt like work! From #anchovies to pork #jowels plus #squid, #bacalao, #scallops #txorizo #bloodsausage to #artichokes !!! Somehow we left out beef? #napafoodgal #craveandwander #basquebites (at Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/basquebites/p/BxKFJEnF6oF/?igshid=8ynb7x697eud
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guillemelgat · 3 years
Food Vocabulary in Basque
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Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash
Vocabulary related to food from my Basque class notes! Let me know if there are any mistakes. You can find the Quizlet set here!
Barazkiak - Vegetables
alberjinia - eggplant
arbi - turnip
aza - cabbage
azalore - cauliflower
azenario - carrot
baba - fava bean
babarrun - bean
baratxuri - garlic
dilista - lentil
erremolatxa - beet
garbantzu, txitxirio - chickpea
ilar - pea
kalabaza - pumpkin
kalabazin, kuiatxo - zucchini
leka - green bean
orburu, alkatxofa, artixot - artichoke
perretxiko - mushroom
perrexil - parsley
piper - pepper
porru - leek
tipula - onion
tomate - tomato
uraza, letxuga - lettuce
zainzuri - asparagus
zerba - Swiss chard
ziazerba - spinach
Frutak - Fruits
ahuakate - avocado
angurri, sandia - watermelon
gerezi - cherry
laranja - orange
limoi - lemon
mahats - grapes
mandarina - mandarin
marrubi - strawberry
meloi - melon
platano - banana
sagar - apple
txirimoia - custard apple
udare, madari - pear
Esnekiak - Dairy
esne - milk
gazta - cheese
gurin - butter
jogurt - yogurt
mami, gatzatu - curd
Haragia - Meat
azpizun - sirloin
hanburgesa - hamburger
odolki - blood pudding
oilasko - chicken
saltxitxa - sausage
solomo - loin
txistor - chistorra, pork sausage
txorizo - chorizo
txuleta - chop
urdaiazpiko - jamón, Spanish ham
xerra - steak
Arrainak - Fish
antxoa - anchovy
atun - tuna
bakailao - cod
berdel - mackerel
itsaski - shellfish
legatz - hake
muskuilu - mussel
muxila, txirla - clam
olagarro - octopus
sardina - sardine
txipiroi - squid
Janari Prestatuak - Prepared Food
albondiga, haragi-bola - meatballs
arroz-esne - rice pudding
eltzeko, erregosi - stew
entsalada - salad
entsaladilla - potato salad
ezti - honey
flan - flan
izozki - ice cream
kroketa - croquettes
natilla - custard
ogitarteko - sandwich
oilasko erre - roast chicken
opil - roll, bun
patata frijitu - french fry
patata-tortilla - potato omelette
salda - broth
tarta - cake
txokolate - chocolate
zopa - soup
Bestelako jakiak - Other Foods
arrautza - egg
arroz - rice
arto - corn
azukre - sugar
fideo - noodle
fruitu lehor - nut, dried fruit
gatz - salt
irin - flour
kafe - coffee
kamamila - chamomile
makarroi - macaroni
ogi - bread
oliba - olive
olio - oil
ozpin - vinegar
piperbeltz - pepper (spice)
te - tea
Edariak - Drinks
ardo - wine
freskagarri - soda
garagardo - beer
patxaran - pacharan (sloe aniseed brandy)
sagardo - cider
txakolin - chacoli (tangy white wine)
ur - water
zuku - juice
Jatorduak - Meals
gosari - breakfast
bazkari - lunch
askari - afternoon snack
afari - dinner
hamarretako, hamaiketako - elevenses, midmorning snack
Aditzak - Verbs
jan - eat
edan - drink
prestatu - prepare, cook
irakin - boil (water)
egosi - boil (food), bake
erosi - buy
eskatu - order
gosaldu - eat breakfast
bazkaldu - eat lunch
afaldu - eat dinner
gose izan - be hungry
egarri izan - be thirsty
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culinaryhannah · 2 years
Week 12: Steaming and Seafood III
This week, I will be learning…
Method: steaming
Menu: Seared Scallops, Chorizo, and Mint Pea Puree (appetizer), Red Snapper en Papillote, Creamy Polenta with Wild Mushrooms
Vocabulary: puree, papillote, polenta
What I Know So Far (not a ton)
I am not very familiar with preparing seafood. I have deveined and grilled shrimp before but I do not know much about cooking fish. Now, I have also broiled fish and poached fish. Steaming can preserve nutrients, but I am concerned that the food will be soggy and bland.
Learning Objectives
My learning objectives are to identify the structure and composition of shellfish, and prepare seafood for steaming.
Method of Cooking
I really like steaming as a cooking method because of my concern about meeting nutrient requirements. To me, many cooking methods are wasteful because they destroy valuable nutrients that have been carefully preserved up until the cooking. Steaming can be very good, but it can also be very bland. The steam used in the cooking process can be infused with aromatics to make it more interesting.
“Beyond its nutritional benefits, the papillote brings out all the flavour of your foods that are steamed, without coming into direct contact with your plancha. Your vegetables, meat and fish come out softer. This technique also helps to cook healthier because it does not involve adding additional fat (1).”
Chorizo “is a type of pork sausage originating from the Iberian Peninsula.” 
Origin and History
The origin of the word “papillote” is French, however the method has been used far before the word was applied. “With large leaves widely available across the archipelago, Indonesians have long used them in food preparation. The leaves are used to wrap food before cooking it either by steaming or grilling. The Indonesian method requires no additional moisture, and in some dishes, the leaf wrappings may also be eaten.” (2)
There are many versions of chorizo, including: Asturleonese: chorizu, Basque: txorizo, Catalan: xoriço, Galician: chourizo, Portuguese: chouriço, and Spanish: chorizo.
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La Polenta by Pietro Longhi
Polenta is a historically significant dish. It has provided nourishment for the poor and during times of famine. “The dish comes from Italy. It may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled.” It is very versatile in its uses and can have many things added to it. The meal that we will be making includes wild mushrooms in the polenta. (3)
1) 3) Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, March 25). En Papillote. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_papillote 
2) Papillotes: A new way of cooking. Verycook. (n.d.).  https://www.verycook.co.uk/blog/papillotes-a-new-way-of-cooking-n8888321 
3) Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, March 25). Polenta. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polenta 
Plan of Work
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Plate Presentation Models
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Lexi, Lexi, A., & Orlando. (2020, October 7). Creamy polenta with mushrooms. Crowded Kitchen. https://www.crowdedkitchen.com/creamy-polenta-with-mushrooms/
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Love and Olive Oil. (2020, September 14). Fish en papillote with fresh herbs and lemon. Love and Olive Oil. https://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2018/05/fish-en-papillote.html
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Vijayakar, S. (2016, February 12). For you sweetheart: Scallops with sherry, chorizo and Pea Purée. Daily Mail Online.  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3444059/For-sweetheart-Scallops-sherry-chorizo-pea-pur-e.html
Results and Reflection
Technique: The technique used on the fish was successful; it was thoroughly cooked. It was thoroughly aromatic, but it was grey on the bottom. The grey is from fatty tissue deposits high in omega-3 and low in pink pigment.
The polenta was creamy. It was not as thick as it should have been. This could possibly be a result of not stirring enough during the cooking process. A lot of what we read said to stir constantly, but we were unable to stir continuously with the other tasks occurring simultaneously. 
The technique used on the scallops was not perfect, but alright. They were not as tender as I would have liked and somewhat rubbery. 
Appearance: The fish was skin off. It appeared opaque with colorful vegetables on top. There is a lemon in the middle and a sprig of fresh mint in the center of the lemon for a pop of color and intrigue.
The polenta was purple. It was speckled and a bit shiny on top from the butter and cheese.
Texture, Taste, Flavor: The sea bass was very good. It had a strong rosemary and thyme flavor as well as a nice pop of citrus from the lemon and zest.
The texture of the polenta was like grits. The taste was reasonably corny with some cheese and salt. It was not overwhelmingly rich. The mushrooms were very important to the success of the dish.
The scallops were a bit rubbery, but not chewy. They were well browned on the outside. The flavor was very sweet and not salty enough. We adjusted and added more lemon zest and this improved the flavor.
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What Worked/What Didn’t Work Our plan of work went well this week. We had plenty of time to clean up as well as assist the group next to use throughout the lab. The fish was good this week.
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In the future… I would improve the technique of the polenta to be creamier. I could eat just chorizo. I would like to prepare more mushrooms and mix them into the polenta.
This was a very good lab. We worked well together and had a decent execution of most recipes. I learned more about the structure of fish as well as the papillote technique. I will keep this in mind as a technique to use when cooking thin pieces of meat.
1)Lexi, Lexi, A., & Orlando. (2020, October 7). Creamy polenta with mushrooms. Crowded Kitchen. https://www.crowdedkitchen.com/creamy-polenta-with-mushrooms/
2)Vijayakar, S. (2016, February 12). For you sweetheart: Scallops with sherry, chorizo and Pea Purée. Daily Mail Online.  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3444059/For-sweetheart-Scallops-sherry-chorizo-pea-pur-e.html
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basquetours · 4 years
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NEW FOOD TOURS An expresso and something sweet is not what your getting when we recreate a Basque farmers breakfast! Fina,a local ex sheepherder waits for us as we come back from our morning hike. Cornbread, bacon, txorizo, butter, jams and much more all made from scratch os how she expreses her love. And you know what they say 🎶 All you need is LOVE🎶
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ocioenlinea · 5 years
Convidados: La Cocina Española Euskal Herria
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Historia milenaria de inciertos orígenes y lengua propia, la más antigua y única en el continente
Situada en el norte de España con clima oceánico, bosques de pinos y abetos y una generosa huerta que son cuna de los productos pilares de la cocina vasca: alubias de Tolosa, pimientos de Gernica; su ganadería además de la carne produce quesos artesanales elaborado por los monjes de la Abadía de Belloc, o el Idiazábal (DO), que se acompañan txakoli (vino vasco fresco y acido, de uvas verde).
Cuatro son las salsas vascas: blanca para las cocochas al pilpil, negra para los chipirones, roja para el bacalao a la vizcaína y verde para la merluza koskera.
El Cantábrico ofrece una variedad impresionante de pescados y mariscos, como el marmitako de bonito, preparado por los arrantzales supuestamente con agua de mar; el txangurro a la donostiarra, un plato de alta cocina; o bien, la merluza koskera , clásico de la cocina vasca servida en cazuela de barrocon chirlas y espárragos. Sin olvidar sus kokotxas en salsa verde.
Los vascos aprendieron de los vikingos las técnicas del salazón del bacalao y las mejoraron. Las preparaciones al pil-pil, cuyo nombre proviene del sonido que hace en su elaboración en cazuela de barro; además la porrusalda (sopa de puerro); a la vizcaína basada en una salsa de pimientos choriceros sin perejil, lubina a la donostiarra (asada, con ajos y aceite).
De la huerta tenemos las papas con txorizo o con sus pimientos se prepara la piperrada, sola o como guarnición. Entre las legumbre están las alubias rojas de Tolosa y en los montes se recolectan los perretxikos, que se preparan con huevo revuelto, ajo y aceite de oliva, delicioso, aunque no apto para todos los bolsillos, el pisto a la bilbaína se diferencia porque los ingredientes se pican muy finamente y al cuajarse con el huevo toma la forma de puré seco y espeso, y nos presenta esa gran creatividad e imaginación de esta cocina, su tradicional sukalki, guiso a base de carne, cebolla, zanahoria, papa, chícharo, pimiento choricero y ajo.
Y para cerrar su repostería antigua y tradicional como la intxaursaltsa, natillas de nueces, torrijas de leche, los vasquitos y neskitas; el pastel vasco de Lapurdi con almendras para elaborar la masa recubierta con crema pastelera, mamia o cuajada que consiste en leche de oveja; el goxua de origen victoriano (bizcocho, nata, cuyo secreto es la crema pastelera caramelizada).
Otro elemento de esta cocina que no hay que omitir son los pintxos, platos en miniatura de gran nivel culinarios que se ofrecen en los bares o tascas. Donostia (San Sebastián) es la ciudad del pincho... Aún faltan muchas líneas por escribir e ingredientes que se quedan sin mencionar como el famoso txuleton de Biarritz, el zancarrón con jitomate, las albóndigas en salsa o el pollo de caserío, embutidos de Artziniega y una gran lista que invita a saborear y conocer esta cocina.
Eskerrik asko, Milenio! Okela gutxi eta salda asko (es decir: Gracias Milenio, poca carne y mucho caldo)
Antonio Curro. No.1138. 050719
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ao3feed-vikings · 8 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lhqHQE
by Txorizo
Seven years have passed since Ragnar's death, Lagertha is still queen of Kattegat. Bjorn is away on the Mediterranean sea with Hvitserk and Ivar and Ubbe have returned to their home country.
However, the days do not pass by as usual when series of murders start: someone seems to be trying to hurt the royal family for unknown reasons...
Ivar, as for him, is torn between his increasing feelings for Svenhild, a slave, and his royal duty.
Words: 1813, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Vikings - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: Ivar (Vikings), Original Female Character(s), Floki (Vikings), Ubbe (Vikings), Hvitserk (Vikings), Lagertha (Vikings), Ragnarr Loðbrók | Ragnar Lodbrok, Sigurd (Vikings), Aslaug (Vikings), Other(s)
Relationships: Ivar/Original Female Character
Additional Tags: Vikings, Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Weddings, War, Treason, Love, Slavery, Brother-Sister Relationships, Kings & Queens
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lhqHQE
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ofertasjamones · 8 years
RT @NosRobaronEl: @jklakasta @gaizkaranguren @aazpilikueta @ideiazabaldu "Insumisión, txorizo y jamón" ohiukatzen genuen ere; dirudie… https://t.co/0F3rI3pVPS
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pintxotapote · 2 years
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Goizeko ordu honetan ta eguraldi honekin hauxe da gure gorputza berotzen den erregai bakarra. #Euskalherria #Basquecountry #Bilbo #Txorizo #Tortilla #Bokata (en Irala) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cngnynnthgh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pintxotapote · 2 years
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Txoripan Barakaldoko erara #Euskalherria #Basquecountry #Barakaldo #Txorizo #Txoripan #Goxoa (en Elkano 29) https://www.instagram.com/p/CltOij6NfQZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angel-amable · 3 years
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Resulta que Kingsley ha venido de vacaciones a Pamplona.... y no sé si será por que ha comido txorizo o txistorra.... el caso es que llama más la atención que los toros bravos que recorren las calles por las mañanas.
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ofertasjamones · 8 years
@jklakasta @gaizkaranguren @aazpilikueta @ideiazabaldu "Insumisión, txorizo y jamón" ohiukatzen genuen ere; dirudie… https://t.co/0F3rI3pVPS
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ofertasjamones · 8 years
Que grande! @CarlosArguinano en el @ElHormigueroMx en portugués el jamón es presunto, aquí, es txorizo, #Rato jejeje #BuenosDiasATodos
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