#twst paulie
axvwriter · 6 months
Stupid joke comic
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I haven't finished outlining it as I've run out of steam for now. I made the sketch then thought I'd just outline it to make it easy to see and less messy, forgetting how slow I am when drawing. Also idk what Charin looked like as a little kid, so I just shrunk him which I think works for a not at all serious comic.
Gosh I wish I was funny.
The characters are Paulie, rough idea of one of Paulie's friends, and @siphoklansan's characters Suchol, Charin, and Anan.
I'll come back to this hopefully tomorrow and finish outlining by which I'll consider it done. I wanted to at least share the lil' Charin sketch because it looks so stupid.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 9 months
Why do I imagine Floyd Leech sounding like Paulie Shore in English?
(Paulie Shore did that one guy from the goofy movie and that fruity pinocchio)
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squishosaur · 1 year
what abt dorian and felis? :3
i'm going to make a different post about dorian because felis has literally consumed MONTHS of my time
alright, so felis (genderfluid, goes by he/she, amab) is a former child actor who grew up rather lonely, having only one real friend, rudy. because he grew up just acting and interacting with fans, he learned to just fake emotions and pretending to care about people because physically could not make those emotional connections to others since he was not raised to.
in school, people wanted to be close to him only because they were interested in the clout they could get, so he became reserved and avoided people, including his Actual friend, who still kept chasing after him because they were worried. one day, he was super frustrated and lashed out at them. someone was recording, and got a video of him slapping rudy and posted it on social media. felis blamed rudy for ruining his career and shut people out entirely.
(that was all. before the events of the actual story aksjdkdkdndnn ANYWAY) so the real story begins when rudy reaches out to felis when they're both meant to go to college, asking her to go meet them one last time in a forest where they used to play as kids as one final attempt to make amends. she begrudgingly agrees to go, and they wind up fighting again and falling into a "rabbit hole" (rift in space) and getting seperated in another dimension. (oh my god they divorced so hard they got isekai'd)
they end up split up in the new world, and felis winds up in a bake shop and meeting a pair of elven siblings named clementine and lemon, who take him into the city to ask around for ways to get back home. when he gets there, he is chased around by an eccentric poet, lillos, who recognized him from a dvd of a movie that he acted in as a child.
lillos reveals that he has a collection of oddities from the human realm and offers to take felis to the site where he found these things. together, they set out for the rift between realms, constantly getting detoured by royal guards protecting the rift, bounty hunters who had never seen a human before (and immediately decided that they must be worth a lot), seemingly-natural disasters, and more. they also have to find rudy (who is on a completely different set of adventures).
in the end, felis rekindles her relationship with rudy, figures out the meaning of love and friendship, and finds her way back home where she belongs. wahoo love wins!!
anyways um actual personality blurb now SORRY... so felis is sort of stand-offish and rude. she's quick to correct or reprimand anything she doesn't like. she doesn't really smile or laugh much outside of acting. she's usually proper and poised, but she's known to get violent or snap when she's stressed. she's very opinionated and critical of others. when she's losing an argument, she gets quiet and sulky. she's got very low empathy and is bored with conversation most of the time, so she is somewhat avoidant of talking to most people. SHE DOES GET BETTER ABOUT INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE... and she does learn to apolgize and take responsibility for her own actions and stuff. she can also be polite and knows when to be quiet.
and then obligatory pictures!! since this is an art blog!! still cannot find the right sketchbook 😭😭😭
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cheerleaderman · 2 months
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Yolonda Florence
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The cousin of the perfect who comes to Twst in their second year. After hearing what happened and that Night Raven is technically responsible for her cousin death ,Yolonda has a strong disliking for the school
Twst - Cinderella’s Castle
Basic info
Age: 18-19
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: August 5
Voice claim: Eng- Samantha Pauly Jp-Chiyuki-Death Paradise
Hometown: USA, Earth
Dominant hand: right
Nickname: Yolo, Londa, London , Rainbow prawn -Floyd
Favorite food: Brownies, grilled carrots, Lemonade , chicken wraps
Like/hobbies: musicals, princess theme stuff, theatre, doll collecting, ice skating, fairy tales
Dislike: Cake , ballet  , pork chops , NRC
Family: Yuya,Mother, father , 2 older brother ,pretty big family but those are the main ones
Talent: keeping balance, playing the violin , remembering songs
More info
She comes in Yuya’s second year at NRC having fallen asleep and waking up in a unknown place. She thought she was dreaming especially after seeing Yuya
Only really shows her personality to Yuya and with other’s she’ll mostly just be quiet until she warms up to you
Has no desire to go home since Yuya is stuck in Twst
Has some identity issues from being under her mother’s watch. Also body issues from having to look the way her mother wants her to look.
Had Fairytale dreams of being saved from her mother and living a happier life, would enjoy most of the stories in Twst but due to her knowledge of all of the movies she is concerned about the Twst story of the villains
Doesn’t mess with most of the NRC people with the exception of Ace, Deuce, Jack , Epel, Grim and the ghost
Only gets one friend in NRC because Yuya wanted her to make Friends
Doesn’t do tasks since why would she help the school that got her cousin killed and making them run around doing everything.
She has been interested, in theater mainly tech crew and had the courage to join after being removed, this grew her interest in theater and would try to copy the dances from musicals
Not really a physical fighter but can through words got it from her mother - she has a freeze + run away response
Scared of her eldest brother knowing he could get away with almost anything and seeing him take anger out on Yuya, Does know that he’s in Twst but never meets him
Can peak Yuya’s behaviors and see that they have fallen back into old habits so would try to block people constantly asking help from Yuya
Visit Yuya in the hospital begging for Yuya not to leave her, when Yuya eventually dies she falls into a depression
Family tried pressuring her to date someone who she was childhood friends with damaging her only friendship
Her and Yuya were forced to share a space leading to many fights and petty stuff but they did have an understanding of not destroying each other’s stuff. They also had to share birthdays which in itself was more like a family event than their birthday
Finally getting the girl she wanted Yolonda’s mom started to live her dreams through her.Constantly under her mother thumb ,made to do ballet from a young age, play the violin and keep up good grades. Due to her busy schedule she never had time to develop a social life
She was never interested in ballet but when she got the courage to express the she was guilt tripped into continuing. Later down the line her performances started to not be good enough due to growing resentment and being tired
One day when things boiled over she destroyed one of her costumes and was caught by her mother. She got yelled at so much it scared the whole household. At this point she didn’t want her mother approval anymore and just started crying about how much she hates ballet. After that day her relationship with her mother finally shattered.
After Yuya’s Accident
After being removed from her home she was still pretty scared of her family.During that time her mother continued to try and get in contact with her.Her and Yuya started to slowly rebuilding their relationship still wanting to have someone to call family.
She finally started to find her own interests and ignoring her families pleas for forgiveness with Yuya’s help. She thought she could have a better life going on but at 18 Yuya and her eldest brother got put in the hospital in critical condition for an unknown reason.
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twst-the-night-away · 2 years
Profile: Paul Pilchard
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[ art by @oseathepebble ]
Paul Pilchard: He's Just Some Guy.
Paul is what you’d call a pretty average teen boy. He’s interested in things like comic books, games, and basketball. Nothing about him really stands out. That’s the life he’s used to living, as one of a huge family of sardine merfolk, where everybody knew their place and who they needed to stick with. Now that Paul’s at NRC by himself, though, he needs to learn how to be an individual - and maybe how to get noticed a little bit.
Dorm: Octavinelle Grade/Class: Freshman/Class C Birthday: March 5 (Pisces) Age: 16 Height: 163 cm/5’4” Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Homeland: Coral Sea Club: Basketball Club Best Subject: Animal Linguistics Worst Subject: Alchemy Hobbies: Comics, video games, following Floyd around Pet Peeves: Wide-open spaces Favorite Food: Pizza Least Favorite Food: Anything with little seeds Talents: Drawing, languages, navigation Physical Description: Short and kind of scrawny, with knobby elbows and knees. Pale skin with a few little freckles here and there. Short brown hair with a little bit sticking up at the top of his head. Big blue eyes. There is a gap between his front teeth, which he’s a little self-conscious of. Floyd’s Nickname: Barnacle Rook’s Nickname: Monsieur petit frais (Mr. Small Fry) Special Magic: None yet. Twisted From: No one in particular, he’s just a sardine merman
Relationships (changing as needed)
OC Friends: He hasn’t hung out with many people yet! This space under construction. @twstinginthewind's Punch has been nice to him before, and Bobby and Jon once got him in trouble with the boss after a dine and dash. Canon Friends: Ace, Deuce, Epel (this space also under construction) Respects/Admires: Floyd, most of all, but he also respects Azul as his “boss”. He’s good at showing respect to upperclassmen in general. Avoids: Just about anyone in Savanaclaw, they could probably eat him up. Avoided By: Floyd (the best he can) Potential Ships: Mia (@twstinginthewind), Cyrila (@the27th) ... so far.
Character Opinions
Housewarden: Azul is the Boss and what he says goes. Paul may not always understand his methods or motivations, but he does what he’s told. His grades have gotten better since he’s been Octavinelle, so he knows that Azul’s legit. Dormmates: Paul’s admiration for Floyd mostly lies in how Floyd just does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Having been in a tightly regimented family where he always had a job to do, Paul is just amazed at how Floyd can choose not to do something if he’s not feeling it. He wants to become more like that. Paul likes Jade because he always tells him where Floyd is when he’s looking for him, although he does sometimes wonder why Jade looks like he’s stifling a giggle when he lets him know. Clubmates: Paul and Ace get along all right, though Ace started teasing him about his height when he first showed up to try out. That was shut down pretty quickly when Paul demonstrated how quick and agile he was on the court. Jamil gets a respectful nod now and then - Paul feels like Jamil is someone he can’t approach lightly. Floyd is the reason Paul’s in the club in the first place. Crowley: Crowley’s in charge. Paul won’t question him. Trein: Gets caught doodling during his class a lot, but he swears it helps him concentrate. Crewel: Kind of scary. Paul’s not great at alchemy, he does better in lecture classes. Vargas: Paul’s okay at P.E., but he still dreads Vargas’s classes. Sam: Paul’s actually pretty good at negotiating. He’s haggled with Sam before and won.
Paul was born to a large family of sardine merfolk. The Pilchard family runs a restaurant, and as soon as he was big enough, Paul was put to work there like all of his other siblings. Since there were so many children, all of them were assigned a “buddy” who was close in age to them. Paul’s sister, Brooke, was his buddy, and they spent a lot of time together, whether they were playing, running errands, cleaning tables, or working in the kitchen.
Brooke showed magical abilities from a young age, and Paul felt kind of jealous of what his sister could do - she was able to bus tables without having to carry anything heavy, while he was carrying a tub full of dirty dishes and silverware. He started practicing his own magic to see where it could help. His parents didn’t mind him doing that, but they made sure he remembered that he really just needed to focus on getting good grades and helping out at the restaurant. They didn’t have any big dreams or expectations for their kids, and they were excellent physical providers, but there wasn’t a whole lot of individual one-on-one time where the parents and children could get really close. Paul’s closer to the siblings near his age than he is to his parents.
Some of Paul’s older siblings had already gone to NRC before, so when he showed up, he was wearing his big brother’s old uniform, two sizes too big for him. Everything Paul has ever owned has been handed down - new things only came when the thing they were replacing was absolutely torn to shreds. Paul’s looking forward to living on his own at NRC, making his own money at the Mostro Lounge, buying nice new things for himself, and figuring out what his own destiny will be like. He gets homesick once in a while, but not so much that he necessarily wants to go back.
Actions During the Story
Prologue: Paul was annoyed! His big day starting at NRC, messed up by a couple of party crashers. This was supposed to be an important ceremony.
Book 1: Paul didn’t have much to do aside from settle in to his own dorm, but the stories he heard from Ace and Deuce about their housewarden made him pretty glad to be in Octavinelle.
Book 2: Paul was running a booth during the tournament, and nearly got run over in the stampede. He would have been hurt if it hadn’t been for the quick reflexes he’d been developing in the Basketball Club.
Book 3: Paul really didn’t understand what was going on. All he knew was that Azul was collecting a lot more contracts than usual, and then the anemones started appearing … He had a little hesitation inside, and he started to feel like something was really wrong, but he kept doing what he was told. Azul’s overblot really scared him, and he hid when it happened. After that, Paul felt bad for running and hiding. He wants to become braver and stronger.
Book 4: Paul went back home for the winter holiday, and he spent it working. He didn’t know about what happened in Scarabia until he heard about it later.
Book 5: In an attempt to try and make himself stand out more, Paul tried out for the SDC, but he didn’t make it in. He ended up working in the Mostro Lounge during the festival, so he had no idea what happened.
Why Octavinelle?: Paul may not stand out very much, or be a very powerful mage, but he's willing to work hard. As he settles into life at NRC away from the daily distractions of his large family and their business, he will start to flourish and become stronger.
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axvwriter · 5 months
Event Idea
I want to have an oc interaction event and tie it with the theme of Mermay. Paulie’s pulled a prank that turns Bobo into a mermaid. Interactions could be asks sending in how one’s oc would react and/or try to help her turn back into human. Possibly I’ll draw these asks. I don’t really have any other ideas and typing it out makes it sound rather limited/boring?
I think it would be fun to draw some people’s mer ocs.
Does this as a blog event interest anyone?
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axvwriter · 11 months
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PERMISSION TO DRAW THIS PLEASE I’LL TAG YOU (for the delicious brainrot you gave me)😭🙏✨✨
To draw the birthing of a conch after 9 months of pregnancy or to draw Paulie taking Pin-cha over to NRC? (Joking, I'm pretty sure you mean Paulie... right?) Go right ahead! I'm completely fine with anyone using my twst ocs (that are apart of dorms/based off disney characters) but definitely would love to be tagged so I can see it!
(Though it it's actually just Pin-cha bringing in dirt, of course you can. I don't really feel claim/ownership over general ideas. The only things I would want tagging/ownership of is my ocs. Oh what if it's the sitting at Azul's desk part? What if Pin-cha's so short that you can barely see his head with the desk in the way?)
Oh I've gotten like halfway through with the comic I'm making that has Anan and Charin in it. I was going to message you in regards to the Jong-kra-ben but realized with how I've drawn so far, that I don't think there's enough of it shown to actually worry if I've gotten it right. Though since you are messaging, may I ask if they both wear a Jong-kra-ben? (Crap I'm hoping I'm remembering how that's spelled exaclty) I've looked it up but I'm uncertain if Google was actually showing me the right thing as it was also showing results for like a Chong-kraben or something of similar spelling... plus the article that explained how to wear it looked different to your drawings.
Do you already have some drawings or reference images in regards to that type of clothing? Sadly my american schooling has basically taught me nothing when it comes to the world outside of America.. Uhhmm you can answer this in your own post or reblogging if you do want to answer my question regarding Jong-kra-ben. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Though answers regarding to at least if they wear the same thing or not would be nice as I'm clueless.
Here's a link to Paulie's ref/post so you don't have to hunt him down!
#ask#twst related#siphok#siphoklansan#almost put sipphok and had to stare to figure out what i did wrong which was hit the h key twice#pin-cha is adorable#siphoks art always looks professional#paulies ref can be found under my fanfiction masterlist page#wait i should just link to the post to make it easier#link#tumblr link#twst ocs#after finish the first part of the comic i was thinking the second part will be pretty easy too#then i remembered i do want to go kinda all out on one panel so maybe it wont be that fast#doesnt help that i cant find a good long term position to sit in thats comfortable and doesnt make my feet numb when using my art tablet#all these little annoyances but no easy cheap solution rip#would love to have a wireless screen art tablet but those are hecking expensive#some reviews ive seen of just the wired screen art tablets have stated the wires not working and the screen being super fragile#some reviews even saying it only lasts a month which is unreasonable for something in the thousands of dollars#though my mom has pointed out possibly using a regular tablet but i keep forgetting to actually look into that oof#a discord pal has mentioned drawing on phone but ive realized i use refs so often that id have no room to draw!#i always use refs of even my own characters as i dont trust my memory#do people get upset if they arent credited for simple general ideas like bringing in dirt and then crying about trying to be rebellious?#like some ideas are generic and/or simple enough that anyone could think of it that it seems silly to try to claim ownership of such an ide#i actually considered drawing paulie and pin-cha myself but too many things i want to draw and im being too slow with drawing#i keep thinking of more and more things to draw in general plus im tired of drawing humanoids i want to do my creatures!#but crap i also want to draw my humans but i freaking hate human anatomy
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axvwriter · 1 year
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Here's two characters I've made to be just Twisted Wonderland fan characters. Lance is basically a background character of whom I made just to supply MC with clothes. Paulie is a troublemaker who is a bit unaware of how powerful his magic is. Based him off Peter Pan, though perhaps too much... but he's another excuse character, instead of giving clothes, he causes silly odd things to happen.
Such as, gifting MC a cursed swimsuit that transforms them into a mermaid. Since he thinks it's an easy curse to figure out and break, he doesn't even give a hint on how to deal with it.
I don't mind if anyone else wants to use these scenario-excuse characters, but please tag me. I would like to see what's done with them.
Image Text and some extra details about them under the cut/keep reading.
Lance Potsnuis, twist of a loom if there was to be one in Beauty and the Beast. (I figure I should give him a last name, but I just kinda threw one together. So I'm willing to change it if anyone has any better ideas.)
Dorm: Pomefiore
Grade: Sophomore
Age: 17
Height: 167 cm (6'5")
Dominant Hand: both/ambidextrous
Club: Film Research Club (Has no interest in acting himself, he just likes making the costumes.)
Hobbies: Weaving (He likes trying to make different types of fabrics that could then potentially be used to make clothes.)
Pet Peeves: indecisiveness
Talent: speed sewing
Unique Magic: Quick, Fix It!
His unique magic lets him make fast edits to clothes, including changing the colors. How much blot that occurs is based on how many changes and the level of difficulty of making such changes. Thus he prefers to use it for small, quick changes and if the color of the shade isn't right.
Always been a "workaholic". He quite enjoys working with clothes and making them, so it seems like it barely ever takes a break. His magestone seems to always have quite a bit of blot.
Lance has deuteranomaly red-green color blindness (which makes green look more red). Has ended up being quite good friends with his roommate as he relies on him to help fix any mistakes he makes in regards to his color blindness.
Part of a family of fashion designers.
Embarrassed by his own short and stocky body, but has resigned to the idea of being unable to change that.
Always willing to help out with outfits, as long as one knows what they want. He may have to postpone depending on the stat of blot on his magestone. Uses his unique magic more often then he should and more often then he means to.
A bit careless with his wealth, often giving away outfits that he's made.
For any MCs that like wearing dresses and skirts, they may find themselves drowning in clothes gifted from Lance. Being in an all boys school has made it so it's a bit rare for him to work on dresses and the like. Always making pants gets boring, so he'll gladly accept any excuse to make anything he doesn't usually get to do. Lance has no need to keep these clothes for himself, so he usually gives his models the clothes he's made. It's already made to their size anyway.
He's a bit more lax about appearances compared to most of Pomefiore. That doesn't mean he will slouch though. He just won't recoil in disgust if someone accidentally drinks the hand-washing water. Lance could potentially be a friend of Epel's, but I don't think they'd be very close. Lance refuses to help Epel hide from Rook as he doesn't want to get on his housewarden and vice housewarden's bad side. Though if Epel needs a breather, he's welcome to join him for a run to the store.
Now for Paulie
Paulie is the twist version of Peter Pan. Paulie may just be a nickname, who knows his real name? (I don't have enough examples for me to really think of good fae names and I wanted to call him Paulie.)
School: RSA
Grade: Freshman
Age: ???
Height: 174 cm (5'8")
Dominant Hand: left (This is simply so I can make a reference to the Princess Bride.)
Club: Fencing (Regarding that reference, he fences with his right hand. Plus I figure this is close to sword fighting which is what Peter Pan does with Captain Hook.)
Hobbies: Pranking
Pet Peeves: stifling maturity
Unique Magic: Never Growing Up!
His unique magic turns a person into a child. During this period, said affected person's memory is reverted back to that time. Age and how long it lasts depends on how much magic he uses when casting. After his unique magic wears off, person will regain their memory along with retaining memory of their time of being turned into a kid. Age that they revert to ranges from five to ten years old. Time of how long it lasts ranges from half a day to three days.
This idiot nearly overblots every time he casts his unique magic and takes an entire day for his magestone to recover. I figure such a spell would be quite powerful and assuming students aren't allowed or can't just grab a new magestone, he ends up skipping any classes he has left for the day. Doesn't matter if it's a class that doesn't require him using magic, it's time to goof about.
One of RSA's very few troublemakers.
Known to not take things seriously and to be very childish.
Due to being a fae, he doesn't realize his pranks can be hard to dispel.
Best friend is a craft fairy named Thimblina. (Yes this is basically Tinker Bell.)
I figure he grew up on a seashore where he gets to interact with several merpeople. I also think it would be a bit funny if he was a bit of a foil to Malleus when it comes to invitations. People tend to generally forget or are too fearful to invite Malleus to things. It doesn't help that Malleus doesn't seem too great with time. For Paulie, he's not very observant of time either, but people purposefully don't invite him to things. Since he's known to cause trouble, RSA could find it better to make sure Paulie doesn't know when things are happening. You would think he might suspect something when most students are walking around in robes, but he's not paying attention. The campus is unusually empty? Everyone must be in classes.
He tends to direct most of his pranks onto NRC as he views the students there to be hostile and needing to lighten up. He's unaware of when he goes to far with some pranks. He probably respects Malleus, but will totally cast his unique magic on Malleus if he thinks the prince is being a stick in the mud and needs to escape all the pressures of being royalty. This does mean he has to walk back to RSA though.
Oh, he tends to cast his unique magic on those he feels have forgotten what it's like to be a kid and on those that he thinks could use a break from all this adult responsibility. Has probably also tried to form a group of freshmen to follow him about, even has the idea to call them the Lost Boys, but I don't think he caught anyone's interest in that.
I didn't list all of the things that are listed on the games student records like favourite foods as I don't feel it's necessary to give them that much detail. At least, not right now as I don't know if I'll grow a bond to them or not. So far to me, they're characters I can only use for this game.
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axvwriter · 6 months
Any of my original characters that I write in Twisted Wonderland are an alternate version of them and will have a different tag. For example, Bobo's regular tag is #bobo mycelind. Her tag for her Twisted Wonderland alt is #twst bobo. If I bring any other of my original characters into Twisted Wonderland, they will likely have a similar tagging system of "twst" followed by their first name, like #twst catmask.
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Twisted Wonderland Fan Characters
These are characters made to be specifically in the world/game of Twisted Wonderland.
Lance and Paulie (If Beauty and the Beast had a loom character and Peter Pan.)
Paulie's friend group: name, name, name, name, i haven't named any of them yet (Lost boys from Peter Pan.)
Tuck Tinkerson (White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.)
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axvwriter · 6 months
Random rabble about my twst fan ocs
Had a couple of twst fan oc ideas, but one was barely thought out and I've seen a couple of people actually make one so I've scrapped Jerold. Who'd be Jerry from Tom and Jerry. The only ideas I had for him is that he'd be a 1st year heartslabyul mouse beastman who's just tries to pull of pranks and mischief without being caught. That was it. Didn't even have a last name idea for him. So I have no problem with just dropping Jerold.
Thank goodness I write notes to myself because with my other fan oc idea, I recalled his first name correctly but I didn't recall his last name correctly. My poor memory recalled his name to be Tuck Tuckerson. Oh so close. My notes say it's Tuck Tinkerson. I've seen people already do the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, but I have an idea that might be fun plus I doubt I'll do a good job pulling from the source material.
Heck so far Paulie is based off my vague recollections of Disney's Peter Pan along with a possible small influence of Once Upon A Time's Peter Pan depiction. Lance I'm completely bullcrapping. There's no loom in Beauty and the Beast; there's no one I'm even pretending to base him off of. I just want a character who makes clothes.
Anyway thank goodness I write notes because I was going to unknowningly rename Tuck to Tuck Tuckerson. Considering how I go about thinking up names, I didn't see anything wrong with that. Heck it's possible that maybe I originally thought Tuckerson but then decided it shouldn't be that repetitive. Like naming your child Rob Robinson. Rub Robinson is clearly better- wait
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