#twst cursed
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flimflam707 · 1 year
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r-aindr0p · 20 days
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✨The shroud brothers (and yuu) wish you a happy pride month ✨
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mellosdrawings · 4 days
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The loser Forever Number Two Squad is trying out lottery. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
I don't know, I love those three. I feel like they'd have a good dynamic together. It's a shame there's, like, no fanfiction whatsoever about those three. (Yes this is a shameless request to all you writers out there.)
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simpingseafood · 4 months
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I'm finally back! A lot of work + I didnt feel well and didnt wanna burnout.
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ryllen · 7 months
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kiss him a little
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before sending him to war
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deeva-arud · 4 months
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A considerable amount of makeup was used to cover Deeva's freckles and face marks, and Cater also had to use magic to make her clothes his size. They did this as a joke, but they sure were committed to it! 💪
Original style swap challenge by @ashipiko ! (see her post here!!) If anyone wants to give it a try, go ahead, it's really fun!!! <3
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evilcokito · 4 months
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These damn fish bewitched me.
One appears and they all appear to make you a deal.
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robo-milky · 3 months
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Boys with blvd <3
They just bounce right back up, don’t they?
Nosebleed theory, guys… makes everyone universally 10x more attractive 🙏
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
pt2~ Twisted Wonderland cursed images
Please do not repost without asking!
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ashipiko · 1 month
have y’all ever wondered what mario and bowser’s rivalry would look like in twst
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yume-yuurei · 9 months
Don't let Lilia into the kitchen
Recently I had a dream... Lilia was teaching me how to bake a cherry cake, but five minutes into baking he side-tracked and started improvising. The recipe I remember him following was absurd at best. ▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓
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yaksha-lover · 2 months
When I tell you Epel just wants to be a JoJo’s character 😭😭
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Epel is 16 and Jotaro is 17 lmao💀
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r-aindr0p · 10 months
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✨Bon appétit ✨
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hanafubukki · 1 month
Thinking about what time means to a fae and how conscious Lilia and Malleus became to it, and in a way, always have been.
Time has always ran at a different speed to faes than humans. To them, 20 years is nothing and runs by quickly.
Yet, unconsciously, time has become a concept Lilia and Malleus is conscious of.
For Lilia, you can say it started while he traveled and looked for a way to hatch Malleus. He keeps coming back to Mal egg, and tells him how long it’s been and how he’s still looking. Lilia who would encourage him to stay strong and tell him stories about traveling.
For a fae, this passage of time would mean nothing, but Lilia felt all those years. He constantly looked and worried about Malleus. He cared about him. It wasn’t a just a needless measurement of passage anymore.
But a concept he was conscious of as he looked to the stars and wished during his travels. Of course, seeing how the world evolved helped too. But, it was always in his mind, how to care and hatch Malleus.
And then he broke down crying, saying how after 200 years, he finally met him. He was relived. He was happy. All those years? It was worth it for this very moment.
Time moves on, treaties are made and Malleus grows, and then Silver is found and he’s conscious again of time. This time, it’s how fast it is for a human. Silver grows and changes faster than a fae and Lilia is also aware of that/made aware as is Baul and Malleus. Baul because of Sebek and Malleus because of Silver.
And then they come to NRC, where Lilia becomes aware of time but with a shock. His magic is gone, faster than he accounted for and so is his time, which makes him scramble to leave so he doesn’t hurt his loved ones.
With Malleus, he is aware of time, but initially it’s based on his loved ones as well. When Lilia visits him and he gets to spend time with him, Malleus’s time with his grandmother no matter how rare it would be, and unfortunately, the incidences of his loneliness (the cakes, the scares, people running away, etc) which he is aware of.
To a degree, he also understands the passage of time with humans because of Sebek and Silver.
He helped raise Silver. He has seen some of the milestones first hand. He taught them both. Malleus states multiple times how Silver and Sebek have grown quickly. He might not be as conscious as Lilia is but he is aware of it nonetheless and probably more aware than some of the fae in his country.
It really shows how much he cares about them to be so aware of how much time passed and how they grew to be the fine guards they are.
Malleus is shocked once again with time, ironically, because of Lilia and his leaving. Because Lilia is running out of it. Like how Malleus as an egg was dying and running out of time so is Lilia now. It has come a full circle and Malleus is more conscious than ever after he first found out about Lilia’s departure.
I find it rather precious and sweet that to such a timeless race like the fae, it is because of the love they have for their family that makes Lilia and Malleus so conscious of it. Because every moment to them is valuable no matter how long you have because they love each other so much 🥹💞💚
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simpingseafood · 9 months
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Someone summoned this sleep paralysis demon to me
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