#twst child mc
harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Lilia: Hm? Don't you like your ice cream?
Child MC: Mal-mal said that it's poison.
Lilia: ...
Lilia: *looking at Malleus*
Malleus: *enjoys eating his whole tub of ice cream*
Malleus: That's right.
Lilia: ...
Lilia: *looking back at MC* Well, aren't you curious why Malleus can eat it and you can't?
Child MC: He's a glutton and I'm not.
Malleus: ...
Lilia: *laughs*
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nemiravens · 2 years
Chapter 4: The Truth Unfolded
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What do we have here? Don't tell me you're feeling scared.
Come now, there's nothing to be frightened about. I can assure you that the campus grounds is a safe haven for students down to the last corner.
If something or someone lays a hand on you, it can only mean it's one of the students.
(That wasn't in the least reassuring...)
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Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain.
I'm going back to do more research. Make yourself at home and don't go wandering around the school!
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*shudder* This place is a little bit too... charming, I guess.
*wind howling*
W-Way too charming...
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It sure is dark in here.
And cold.
F-Forget it! I'm not letting myself stay in here! If not from falling debris, I would definitely die from a heart attack!
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*bang bang bang*
*sob* This is hopeless. The door won't budge and nobody can hear me from the inside.
I couldn't tell if I'm weaker than I thought I would be. The hinges could've rusted with age and refused to swing the door open.
Still, the headmaster was able to open it earlier with ease. How come I'm unable to open it on my own?
I sure hope there's nobody holding the door shut from the outside to trap me here...
*wind howling*
I wanna go home...
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*sob* This feels like having a nightmare of getting stuck inside a haunted house. However, it doesn't look like I'm about to wake up soon.
Come on, Nemesis. Get a hold of yourself.
I'm pretty sure this place won't clean itself. I should at least take the opportunity to keep myself busy.
The less occupied I am, the more likely I am to see and hear things that go bump.
I honestly have no idea where to start. This is the perfect horror wonderland.
I kind of forgot how Yuu was able to survive his first night.
Something must be done to keep this broken ceiling from leaking, but I have to do something about the dusty floor first.
Besides, now that I'm alone, it's the best time for me to start contemplating.
And find the reason why I'm here again.
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Alright! I've made progress!
This area should at least provide me the most comfort.
Although the couch has a missing leg. It's better than no place where I can rest on.
My legs are about to give up on my weight from all the walking, standing, and running I did.
Come to think of it, I wonder what the time is now. Maybe I can dust more areas before I call it a day.
As far as I remember, Yuu wasn't able to get back home. There's no telling how long I have to stay here.
Aside from that, this is the least I can do to show my gratitude to the headmaster.
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I'm aware that what I'm seeing right now is a dream, and what I've seen before is also nothing but another dream.
It's sad to think that you perished along with everyone.
My consciousness may have been living inside you those times, but I've gotten fond of you and your relationship with the other students.
I don't think I can ever be like you in this dream. And it makes me sad to know you're gone.
Heh... This feels like reading my favorite book in a first person perspective. I always end up crying for the characters as if they're real people.
I may be too empathetic for my own good.
Does that mean I'm destined to die in this dream, too?
If that's the case, then- Ahh!
Oh. It's just a mirror. Silly me, I got scared by my own reflection.
Tell me, Alice...
Will I be able to return home if I step inside the mirror?
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The mirror...
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That's it. The mirror inside Yuu's room!
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This mirror.
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"I can see you."
"I can feel your presence, but I want to confirm if you can feel mine."
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"Twisted Wonderland is at the brink of destruction. And only you have the capabilities to save this world."
These words at the back of my head...
"My memories, I will give them to you and have you transported back in time."
"With my memories, you will understand how everything has led this world to an end."
"To the girl beyond the mirror..."
"To the girl beyond the mirror, please save this world by changing the past."
"To the girl beyond the mirror..."
I see it now.
The first dream I saw, the dream oddly similar to the current dream I'm in...
It... It wasn't a dream at all.
Those are Yuu's memories he transferred to me. And shortly after that, I was...
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Transported back in time... In order to save this world by changing the past...
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I am not inside a dream...
I am inside the world of Twisted Wonderland. The same unknown and crazy world of magic where Yuu had been.
And this is the beginning of the story, the past, the point where Yuu first appeared in this school.
I'm here to relive his life once again and change the past on my own accord.
"To the girl beyond the mirror..."
I'm the girl beyond the mirror...
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ryllen · 8 months
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thank you for working hard x
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bl0rbohandbag · 1 year
Malleus on his way to tell his grandmother the next queen of Briar Valley is going to be a magicless human from another world that just showed up at NRC one day and if he doesn't marry them there will be NO EGG and the Draconia bloodline ends with him
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twisted-dork · 6 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Child au Incorrect quotes #6 GIYUU!YUU?!
*Giyuu!Yuu is tucking Child!Silver in his bed and giving him a good night kiss*
Giyuu!Yuu: I got to get back before your father realizes im not in bed
*In their bedroom*
Lilia: *Rubbing his eyes looking around* Giyuu!Yuu?...
Lilia: *Starts to panic and running around the house*GIYUU!YUU!?
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violetlunette · 5 months
~Ace and Deuce at Ramshackle Dorm~ Ace: Hm, it’s been a day since we heard from Yuu. He must be doing something weird. Deuce: You really think so? Ace: Uh, yeah! That weirdo’s always up to something. Deuce: ...True, but it’s only been a day. What could he-- *sees skeletons walk by* Ace and Deuce: … Ace and Deuce: … Ace and Deuce: … Ace and Deuce: … Ace:… Deuce? Deuce: Y-yeah? Ace: Did a skeleton just walk by? Deuce: Uh, yeah? Yuu suddenly appearing with Grim gnawing on a fish bone: You live at a magic school with ghosts. Are walking skeletons so weird? Ace and Deuce: YES!! -- (part of this series)
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Dream Diary of Irene Lovejoy
characters: irene lovejoy (aka the prefect), ace trappola
supporting characters: deuce spade, jack howl, epel felmier, ortho shroud, sebek zigvolt, grim
cw: weird and realistic dreams, liminal spaces, references to the backrooms™, use of blue matter to replace blood
first dream: the endless hallway (ace trappola)
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they didn't know what they were expecting when they went to ramshackle dorm that day. the prefect and grim weren't present in classes as usual, so naturally, they were rather worried.
well, deuce and jack were, the others were more confused than worried.
deuce knocked on the old wooden door. "prefect? are you there, prefect?" he called. "grim?" but nobody replied.
"maybe they're still asleep?" epel suggested, but ace furrowed his eyebrows in doubt. "prefect doesn't sleep that much. usually, she should've been awake and walking by now."
now they were getting even more worried.
deuce tried to open the door. however, it did not budge at all. not even a single creak indicating its moves. it as as if they were in front of a solid brick wall. "it's... locked?"
"i say we force the door open by magic." sebek, who had been (surprisingly) quiet the entire time, proposed a plan with a serious solemn look on his face. they nodded and held up their pens, pointing at the dorm's door.
it took them a few tries before the door was blasted off of its hinges. the five stepped inside the dorm. immediately, a cold atmosphere engulfed them whole, sending shivers down their spines. even ortho had a feeling of utter dread blaring in his system. the hall was void of human presence, completely. there was no signs of the three ghosts who resided in this dorm either. it was like a no one had been here in decades, and that whole idea had never felt more wrong than in that moment.
the moment they made it to the lounge, they felt their heart dropped simutaneously. "great seven, what the hell happened here?" the entire place was wrecked from top to bottom. nothing was whole and blue splattered everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, on the broken furniture, on the prefect-
"wait, prefect!?" there she was, sprawling face down by the broken couch. grim was also found unconcious near her. deuce held the prefect in his arms as jack picked grim up. both of them were stained with the same metallic blue that covered the room, and on the prefect's wrist had a strange mark literally carved into her skin. and, by the looks of it, the mark was fresh and... glowing(?) a deep blue hue.
"what's that?" ace picked up her arm and stared at the symbol in confusion. and he touched it.
the next thing they all knew, was a sudden drowsy state, and five loud thuds as they dropped to the floor around the prefect, falling into a deep sleep.
ace woke up, feeling disoriented. his head was throbbing painfully as he tried to sit up.
"what... happened...?" he cradled his head.
as his vision soon cleared, ace found himself in a hallway. the monotonous grey walls and the constant buzzing of fluorescent light were gnawing at his mind, ace thought he would go crazy if he stayed too long.
"hey. you're awake."
ace jolted at the sudden voice echoing next to him. he snapped his head towards the source, only to see...
the prefect was sitting close to him and staring at him with unreadable wide eyes. chills crawled down his spine, ace felt as if there was something so... wrong about the prefect- should he even call the one in front of him 'prefect'?
"you've been there for almost an hour now. come on, get up." the 'prefect' ushered him up, grabbing his arm rather roughly. "the others are waiting at the base."
there it was again. ace felt a pit of dread formed in his stomach. the prefect would never manhandle anyone like that. and she practically never called his name.
"what- who are you?" ace muttered, ripping his arm out of her (surprisingly) tight grip and keeping his distance.
"what are you doing?" the 'prefect' said calmly. she turned her head to ace in a slow but strange manner. "we don't have much time. we have to go, now."
it was then ace saw her face. she had the prefect's face, but her eyes. her eyes were a dull blue, while the prefect's were sea green. this further solidifying his doubts.
she- this person wasn't the prefect.
"you- you are not her."
ace took a step back, alarmed and on guard. who was the impostor wearing her face in front of him? where was the real prefect?
the 'prefect' only stared at him, never even blinked once. then, her head snapped to the side as if her neck broke. the thing began to take a step towards ace, who staggered backwards. his hand reached towards his shirt pocket, only to find his magic pen gone. the thing kept getting closer to ace, its skin began to melt like candle wax, revealing the grotesque bone structure that made up its being.
eyes glanced towards the thing, he ultimately decided. "oh, fuck this." he turned his heels and ran.
ace continued running, knowing full well the thing was chasing him down, considering the heavy footsteps gaining up on him.
"how long is this damn hallway!?"
ace glanced behind him. his heart nearly stopped when he saw the thing only a few steps away, its hands reached out just waiting to grab him.
'is this how i'm gonna die? to a creature before even finding the prefect or the others?'
no. of course not.
a hand outstretched from the endless wall, grabbing his hand and pulling him through. ace's heart almost leaped out of his chest when that happened, and before he could react, the hands slapped over his mouths, rendering him speechless.
"shhh quiet! it will hear you!" the person whispered-yelled. ace widened his eyes once he got a better look at the person under the flashlight they held.
"p-prefect?" his voice was muffled under her hand.
the person in front of him now had a rather disheveled look. messy black hair with wisps of white framing her face, tired sea green eyes marred with dark eye bags hiding behind a pair of round glasses. ace also saw the beauty mark under her right eye, just barely hidden behind her hair. this was the real prefect.
"prefect, where—"
"you touched the mark on my wrist, didn't you?"
the prefect gave ace a hard glare, to which he gulped nervously.
"i already sent my absence note to the professors the day before, but the little monster just have to touch my wrist, now you guys too?"
"w-who's the 'little monster'? gr-"
he was interrupted yet again.
"don't, and i mean don't, say your or anyone's name here."
he wisely shut up. the prefect sighed, a hand fixed her glasses as another hand ran through her messy mop of hair. "this place, where we're in, is my dream. in here, people like me are called the dreamers. the glowing mark you saw acts as a key leading people into a dreamer's mind. and those people can't return to the real world only until a dreamer found them, because if you somehow die here, you disappear from the real world too."
"us dreamers have to find a series of things or people who had fallen into our dreams the... wrong way. i can't explain how or why it's wrong, it just is." the prefect turned to look at ace. "like my tasks now. it went from finding my earrings to finding you guys."
the prefect shook her head. "i think i've said enough. you have to return to the real world, right now. and when you do..."
her hard stare turned softer with concern as she gripped his shoulders. ace could feel her hands shaking. "please, never try to come get me like that, ever, again."
a beat of silence. ace nodded grimly.
"okay, prefect."
she let out another tired sigh. in this moment, the prefect seemed to have aged more than she ever was. she rubbed her tired eyes, looking back at ace with a serious gaze she always had on duty.
"when you return, inform the dorm leaders about our... situation. text them, call them if you must, no one can leave or enter ramshackle until i've found all of you. am i clear, ace of hearts?"
ace nodded again, this time more firmly. "yes, prefect."
"good, good." she lifted a hand to cover his eyes and chanted something under her breath. his eyes went all blurry again, and he closed his eyes.
ace woke up with a gasp. he scrambled to sit up as chills creeped down his back. he looked around, and surely, he was back at ramshackle.
he then noticed the rest of the first year gang was still unconscious, and he remembered what the prefect had told him. he quickly pulled out his phone to send riddle a text, then he waited.
they'd wake up soon. ace sat there, waiting for the next person to wake up.
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taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @siren-serenity @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @moonlit-midnight @ceruleancattail @ang33333333l @twistwonderlanddevotee @axvwriter @silvers-numberonefan @leonistic @krenenbaker @savanaclaw1996 @i-like-forgs @bun-lapin @red-viewe
reblogs are appreciated!
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camilletea · 1 month
Malleus: Son of Man
Yuu: Tarzan?
Malleus: *blinks* Who?
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thedivineflowers · 9 months
Middle school reader should cover Crowley's office with sticky notes. And all of them should have messages on them. Also it might have been right before a meeting for Crowley.
Idk what happened or why the ask looks like it does rn but it looks funky on my screen when I clicked answer so I'm sorry but 🧚‍♀️
I feel like Mc would like write either every creative curse word they could think of with the help of Epel and Leona or they'd write cheesy inspirational quotes depending on how they feel that day.
Like imagine Crowley put you in detention because you ran your broom into a window. You'd sneak into his office and convince the paintings to tell you when his next meeting would be and then on that very day you'd write the most atrocious stuff on the sticky notes
Or if you wrote convincingly enough and did some spooky shit around him you could convince him that ab unknown entity was after him because he cut you short on your allowance.
And decorating would be done so quickly. You didn't even use magic. Crowley would leave the office to go meet his guest or whoever he has a meeting with and you'd be left alone in there for just two minutes. Enough time to even put a stink bomb under his chair and add glitter inside.
If you probably bribe the paintings they'd just tell Crowley that the sticky notes appeared all over the room and that you were away when it happened.
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janahanooo · 1 year
Bring your child to your date edition
Lilia: when you said, you already had many mouth to take care of, I did not expect this.
Mom!Yuu: well, yes. Being a mother to more than 5 children is hard. It's harder when you know that only one of them is yours.
Mom!Yuu: *had brought every first year, Grim and Aurelia. Yes even Sebek.*
Lilia: *has silver supervising the first years but mostly Aurelia*
Aurelia: *coloring in a coloringbook with Grim and Ortho* Mama, Mama! Lia draw mama and bat-bat with Lia and Grimmy!
Mom!Yuu: oh, how adorable! Thank you Lia! *gives her a forehead kiss*
Lilia: *turning to silver* I found your new mother, Silver
Silver: father please no...
Lilia: *holding up Aurelia* but look at her! She would be your sister!
Silver: ....
Aurelia: new big brother? *tilts her head*
Silver: *is fighting hard not to squeel* yes, I'm your new big brother.
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
Professor Crewel: What do you want me to do with you? Huh? *disappointed because MC got an F in Science*
Child MC: Cuddle...
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: How about no?
Child MC: I did my best...
Professor Crewel: No. It's not your best when it's an F.
Child MC: *sad face*
Professor Crewel: ...
Professor Crewel: I'm tired of teaching you. You know how I'm busy at school. All I want to do is rest when I'm at home.
Child MC: But you won't spend time with me unless I get a failing grade...
Child MC: Your students are more important than me.
Child MC: I don't even feel like I'm your child.
Professor Crewel: ...
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nemiravens · 2 years
Chapter 3: The Young Guest
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I am not a girl.
It's just as some students say.
I'm a boy with a feminine physique and mannerisms.
Are you really...?
Haha! It looks like Vil's assumptions are correct.
My mother raised me this way because she wanted a daughter, not a son.
What kind of mother would do that?
That's not enough reason to force your son to grow up like a girl.
I don't really mind.
Besides, my mother loves me. She wouldn't hurt me as long as I do what she wants.
(Wow. That was a really bad attempt of a backstory.)
(I feel bad for making them sympathize over something fabricated.)
(But I'm glad they believed me at least.)
Still, it doesn't change the fact that this school is no place for non-magic children like you.
I deeply apologize for I have to return you to where your home is.
I understand, Headmaster. I'm sorry for the commotion I caused...
It is the school's responsibility as the owner of the Dark Mirror.
You need not apologize.
Things may have been problematic but the entrance ceremony was still a success, thanks to everybody's cooperation.
Dorm leaders, please escort the new students to your respective dorms.
Looks like the freak show is over. Time to get back to the dorm.
Savanaclaw students, follow me.
Listen up, new students.
Here in Heartslabyul, I am the rule. Break them and it's off with your head.
Hmm? I don't see the dorm leader of Ignihyde and Diasomnia at all.
I came to fill in Idia's absence, Headmaster. Please allow me to escort the new Ignihyde students to our dorm instead.
Why is it that the vice dorm leader of Ignihyde is way more responsible than the actual dorm leader?
That's why I'm suggesting for him to take Idia's place as dorm head instead.
The position is already being offered to him. All that's left for him to do is to accept it.
I respectfully decline.
And both are just as stubborn as one another.
(A vice dorm leader?)
(Ignihyde has a vice dorm leader?)
I was right. Malleus didn't really show up at the ceremony.
The invitation must've lost its way again.
My deepest apologies. We didn't mean to exclude him.
Nothing to worry. I will fill in his place instead.
This way, Diasomnia students.
Boy with Black and White Eyes
(That student from Diasomnia...)
(Isn't that... my older brother?)
Boy with Black and White Eyes
(He didn't see me...)
(It doesn't matter. There's no point in asking what he's doing here.)
(Dreams are made to contain the most bizarre of situations anyway. I could just tell him about it when I wake up.)
*student chatter*
(Everybody's gone off to their dorms now.)
Do not fret for the Dark Mirror can guide you back to where you came from.
Just picture your home very clearly and everything will be fine.
Dark Mirror
(Would I like this dream to continue? I'm not so sure of the answer myself...)
(Maybe the Dark Mirror can help me wake up. However...)
(I still want to see the end of the story on my own accord.)
(Either way, I'll accept whatever route is available.)
Oh, Dark Mirror! Guide this one back to the place he belongs!
Ahem... Oh, Dark Mirror!
Dark Mirror
It is nowhere.
(Looks like I'll be staying here for a while.)
I don't understand. The Ebony Carriage fetching a student without a talent for magic. The Dark Mirror failing to find the origins of a student.
This is the first time it's ever happened ever since I became the headmaster.
My child, where exactly did you come from?
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I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the place.
Perhaps the library has the answers.
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This is strange. Even the library held no records of your home even to the farthest points of history.
Is that really the name of your homeland? Aren't you by any chance lying to me so I'll be forced to let you stay in the school?
I-I would never...
There's also a possibility that you might be from another world.
That might be the case but answer is still uncertain...
This is concerning. I can't let someone who can't use magic stay in the school.
As a teacher, however, I can't just shove a helpless child out on the street without anything to fend for himself.
For I am gracious!
You shall stay in the unused building in the campus as your temporary shelter. And I promise I will help you find your way home.
Can... Can I really?
Of course! I should make sure my guest is comfortable during his stay in my school at least.
Thank you so much, Headmaster!
I feel extremely indebted to your kindness.
I promise to do my best not to cause you trouble. I will also prove myself useful during my stay here in return.
Going as far as to hug me...
*sobs* If only the students in this campus are as sweet and innocent as you.
My graciousness shall ever be limitless to a sweet little boy like you! I truly am a model for all teachers!
(Wait a second...)
We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory.
It may be a bit old, though there is a certain charm to it you might like.
(Where's Grim?)
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ryllen · 10 months
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maybe i do want us to kiss a little more
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bl0rbohandbag · 1 year
the “Crowley is Malleus’ father” theory makes no sense simply because have you SEEN Crowley????
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THAT GUY???????????
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mrs-schoenheit · 5 months
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mashed-potato101 · 2 years
Imagine this...
|Twisted Wonderland|
Mc turns into a child due to an alchemy accident. Instead of making someone/people do the babysitting, it's the staff who will take care of them
Masterlist | Parts 1-?
≪Prev |[Part 3]| Next(TBA)≫
Taglist: @hornehlittleweeblet2
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Ruggie flew beside Kalim as they watched Riddle do a loop with his broom. Kalim’s eyes gleamed. “Wow! That was incredible, Riddle! I want to try that!” Kalim praised. 
“Shishishishi. You’re more likely to fall on your butt if you want to try that,” chuckled Ruggie.
“I agree with Ruggie,” Riddle nodded, “That stunt is hard, and it takes practice to master it.”
The three froze as someone zoomed past them and witnessed the person making triple loops. Their eyes widened with their jaws dropped. 
“What... just happened?”
Silver flew next to them, rubbing his eyes from dozing off. “Urm, what’s going on?” 
They heard a whistle and all students’ eyes were on Vargas with Crowley beside him. 
“STUDENTS! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!” yelled Vargas. He then pointed towards the same person who passed the three, “I NEED YOU TO STOP (Y/N) AND BRING THEM DOWN SAFELY!” 
Wait... THAT WAS YOU!? How and what in the Great Sevens-?! 
“Wh-What!? That was (y/n)!?” Kalim yelled in disbelief. 
“How did they manage to fly a broom!?” Ruggie followed. 
“No time to ask questions. We need to get them before they get hurt.” Riddle motioned and began flying towards you. The other three nodded and followed behind. To their surprise, the way you flew is relatively steady and fast.  
“Hehehe! Come and catch me if you can!” you laughed in joy.
You are now flying outside the field, causing the two adults to panic more. Many students made attempts to capture you but failed. It was fun at first; it’s like playing tag but everyone is trying to tag you. Then you grew afraid, noticing something was off.  
Riddle was behind you and nearly grabbed the broom, that was until Kalim accidentally bumps into him. The two fell to the ground but manage to land harshly. 
“Kalim! Watch where you’re going! I nearly caught them,” Riddle scolded. 
“ACK! Sorry, Riddle!” 
Ruggie flew right above them and manage to catch up to you quickly. He flew right next you, “Oi, (y/n)! You need to stop now before you get hurt!” 
“I… I can’t!” 
“Ha? What do you mean you can’t!? You’re going to end up hurt if you don’t stop!” 
“No! I really can’t control this broom, it’s like it’s moving on its own!” 
Before you could say anything else, Ruggie looked up to see the two of you heading toward a tree. 
“(y/n)! Watch out!” he panicked.
Ruggie kicked your broom away from the tree as he quickly turned the other way. He may have managed to push you away, regardless his kick made your broom rotate multiple times. You accidentally lose balance and quickly hugged the broom with your bare life. It finally stopped spinning as you are now flying straight. 
“Can this stop now?” you cried 
At that exact moment, the broom made a hard stop, causing you to fly forward. Your scream was heard all around as you fell. Out of nowhere, someone swooped in and you landed on their arms.  
“Are you alright?” 
You looked up to see the boy who saved you. 
“Silver! You saved me! My knight in shining armor!” 
You kissed his cheek, making the silvered hair man’s cheek tinted pink. Ruggie flew right next to Silver, 
“Huff. Nice catch Silver.” 
Silver sighed to himself silently, “I accidentally fell asleep again. If it weren’t for their scream, I wouldn’t have woken up and caught them on time.” 
Ruggie’s ear twitched, sensing something was coming. His eyes widened, “Silver watch out!”
Right on time, he and Silver swiftly moved away from each other as someone zoomed past them. They all looked up to see a random second-year student, who belong in the Octavinelle dorm. 
“Oi! What’s up with you!?” Ruggie yelled. 
The second-year smirked, “Don’t you understand? You have the kid with you.” 
“Yeah? What about them? They are perfectly fine” Silver questioned. 
“The coach wants us to get them, right? Which means it’s most likely whoever returns the kid will get something for it.” 
Ruggie and Silver discovered that the student wasn’t alone. There are now 5 people surrounding them, ready to take you away. 
“Tch. This is bad,” Ruggie growled, “Even if there’s a reward, I’m more worried about the prefect’s safety. They might get hurt if the guys get their hands on (y/n).”  
You hugged Silver tight, “Silver, Ruggie, what’s going on? I’m scared.”
Silver looked at you and hold you closer, “It’s okay, we’ll get you out of here. As a knight, it is my duty to protect, and I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe.” 
“Hey, I don’t normally do this, but I’ve got an idea,” Ruggie leaned onto Silver. “I need you to trust me on this. You fly above while I go down. Try to follow me quickly.” 
Silver nodded. “Hold on tight, (y/n). And close your eyes.” You did as you were told. 
Soon, both Ruggie and Silver quickly parted away from the group. The group of boys growled as they faced Silver who was flying away from them. 
“Get that kid!”
They soon began to chase Silver down. The white-haired saw a glimpse of Ruggie, who was signaling him to go through the woods. He nodded and rapidly followed him. The group trailed behind but lost him as they entered the area filled with trees. They stopped and check their surroundings. One Savanaclaw student’s eyes caught something from afar. “Over there!” he yelled. 
The rest of the group looked where he was pointing and saw a particular hyena flying away. They caught a glimpse of the infamous black and white fur coat with him. 
“He got the kid!” One student fumed. “After him!” They hunted Ruggie down like a pack of wolves until he was stopped by a tall cliff in front of him. He turned around to see the boys surrounding him. “We’ve got you now surrounded!” One of them yelled, “Now hand over the kid.” 
Ruggie sighed in defeat, “Alright, ya got me. Catch!” He threw the fur coat toward the Octavinelle student. As the student caught the clothing, he realized there was nothing or at least no one in it. “What? Where…?” 
“Shishishishi, good luck returning that to Crewel once he heard what you’re trying to do with his precious pup.” 
“If you don’t have the kid, then that means…”
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Meanwhile, the two Housewardens were standing on the ground with their brooms near the clock tower from Mr. S’s mystery shop. Riddle continues to scold Kalim. 
“You should be glad Jamil isn’t in this class with you. He could’ve scolded you by now,” Riddle scolded 
“I know I know, I’m very sorry. I was so focused on saving (y/n) that I lost control of my speed.” 
“Speaking of (y/n), we really shouldn’t stand around. We should be going after them.”
“But how are we supposed to follow them when we don’t where they are?” 
Their question has been answered as someone flew by with their broom with you screaming. “-WWAKE UPPPP!!!!” 
Silver snapped out and stopped at the main street. He landed on the ground safely, his eyes widened when he realized they were about to crash onto an arch. “GAH! I fell asleep again! I am terribly sorry.” 
You sighed, “It’s okay, Silver. I’m glad we didn’t crash.” 
Both Kalim and Riddle flew in toward the two of you. “Silver! (y/n)! Are you two okay?” Riddle asked. 
“Yes, we are okay,” Silver answered, “I can’t believe I slept again.” 
“It seems like you are dozing off more than usual Silver.” Riddle noted, “Did you not get enough sleep?” 
“No matter how much sleep I get, I always doze off randomly, and I don’t know why.” 
You reached up to Silver and cupped his cheeks. “If you’re sleepy, then you need a nap. We should have nap time together!” 
The knight felt his face warmth as he looked at your little face. “A… nap? No, there’s no time for that.” He turned to the three, “By the way, which one of you two can fly the fastest?” 
“Eh?” The dorm leaders let out. “Why?” 
“We were chased by these scary guys that wanted to get me. But Silver and Ruggie-kun protected me!” You beamed. 
“Wait, Ruggie? Where is he?” Kalim questioned. 
“He’s distracting them while I tried to bring (y/n) back to Vargas safely,” Silver answered, “Unfortunately, I fell asleep which leads us here.”  
“Why were they trying to get them anyways?” Riddle asked 
Before Silver could answer, they heard yelling from afar. 
Silver silently groaned and placed you in Kalim’s arms. “There is no time to explain. You need to bring (y/n) to Coach Vargas as fast as you can. I’ll stay here and hold them off.” 
“You go ahead, Kalim. I’ll stay here with Silver and have a talk with those boys” Riddle said. 
Kalim nodded and flew away with you. Silver and Riddle flew towards the group who was after you, stopping in their tracks. 
The Scarabia Housewarden managed to bring you safely to Vargas and Crowley, who were still arguing. They bought ran towards you and gave you a tight hug, sighing in relief that you were okay. You began telling them what happened from your perspective: 
“My knight in shining armor saved me from falling from the sky!” 
“Your knight in shining armor? Who’s that?” 
“It’s Silver! He and Ruggie-Kun also saved me from these scary guys who were trying to get me. I think they want to play tag with me.” 
“Erm, Coach Vargas, Headmaster,” Kalim interrupted, “I suggest checking on Riddle and Silver. They stayed behind to confront those students. I’m afraid it may not end well.” 
Crowley had no choice but to follow Kalim’s suggestion and found them along with the group of students who are now collared in the main street. It turns out that during their magic battle, the three of the Savanaclaw students in the group insulted Riddle’s height, which set the Housewarden off and used his signature spell on them along with the two Octavinelle. Crowley scolded the group of boys and put them in detention for a week for causing trouble and starting a fight with magic.
They all returned to the field with the collared students hanging their heads low in shame. Vargas began scolding them. They receive more running and pushups for a week as punishment. Before he could go on, Crowley started.
“This is outrageous! This is why I don’t want you and the other staff to take care of (y/n) because something like this would happen! You should be ashamed of yourselves for putting them in danger!”
Vargas sighed out loud, “Crowley, as you can see, the little sprout is fine-”
“This is why I should be in charge of watching over (y/n) in the first place! They would have been fine if they stuck by me this entire time-”
“Dire! Would you please calm down and let me talk-”
“Erm, not to intrude or anything,” Ruggie chimed in, “(y/n) have mentioned earlier that they couldn’t control the broom while I was behind them.”
“Of course, they couldn’t control it! They are magicless; they can't manage a flying broom.”
“No no, Mister Crowley!” you spoke, “I do know how to fly and control it- I think…”
“Well, that can’t be right,” Riddle stated, “You can only fly the broom if you have magic.”
Vargas crossed his arms, “Now that you said it, you are correct, Rosehearts. I do remember them needing Grim to fly a broom. Just as Crowley said, they’re unable to fly without magic. If that’s the case, how can little sprout fly without magic then?”
Everyone slowly turned to Crowley, who looked highly suspicious. “E-Eh?”
“Dire,” Vargas squinted his eyes at the crow, “Are the one who added magic in the broom?”
Crowley began to sweat, “W-What are you talking about, Vargas?”
“Are you the one who caused all of this?”
“I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING! How dare you accuse me of such nonsense!”
“Then how is it possible for them to fly the broom then? It’s impossible for them to use it unless you cast a spell on the broom or something. Plus, I don’t remember bringing the broom with me in the first place.” Vargas turned to the 2nd years, “Right, boys?”
They all nodded.
“I don’t remember you bringing a broom.”
“You should be ashamed of yourself, Headmaster” Riddle said. The 2nd years nodded in agreement. The rest of the students gathered around, wondering what the commotion was.
“What’s going on?”
“Why are they collared?”
“They probably messed with the Housewarden…”
They all began to whisper to one another, gossiping about what they thought had happened. Crowley grew anxious; he didn’t want them to spread rumors about this and ruin his reputation. He cleared his throat loudly and looked at his watch. “Ahem, I supposed it is time for you students to head back and get ready for your next class.” The students nodded and began walking to the locker rooms. Our 2nd years could only look at you in worry and followed their classmates.
Crowley then looked at Vargas, “If you’ll excuse me, I must be off doing my ‘duties.’ And I will be taking (y/n) with me, just to keep them safe, unlike you, Vargas.” He grabbed the child’s wrist and pulled them. “Come now, my little hatchling. It is time to go.”
“It is dangerous for you to stay here and Daddy Crowley will take care of you.”
“No! I don’t want to go! I want to stay with uncle Vargas!”
You started trying to pull your hand from Crowley, making it difficult for him.
“(y/- (Y/N)! Please, child! As your father figure, I must protect you, for I am kind and graciou-”
“Dire! Please let go of (y/n)!”
Crowley could only stare in disbelief. The coach witnessed the school’s headmage sulking on the grass floor, “After all the great and kind things I’ve done for you… You still choose that DAMN DOG TAMER!?”
Vargas could only laugh at Crowley’s karma for being ignorant and irresponsible. The crow then suddenly jumped up and bent down to you. “Well how about this, my little hatchling: If you let me take good care of you, I will establish myself that I am a better parental figure than your… papa. Now, what do you say?”
You looked at him and rubbed your stomach. “I don’t know, my tum-tum said you’re not a- What was the word papa used? Tust- trust woody? Wordy? Oh! Trustwordy! Yeah, I think that word.” Que Vargas wheezing in the background.
Crowley groaned, “Why must kids always make things problematic?” He lifted you, “If you don’t believe me, then I’ll have to prove it to you.”
“Crowley, where are you taking that kid- DIRE!”
Before Vargas could protest, Crowley took off with you in his arms. Vargas stood in the field alone, hearing nothing but silence and the slow breeze. He took a big breath and sighed in defeat. “Crewel’s going to kill me…"
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