#two druids walk into the underdark
thechaoticdruid · 8 months
[We'll Protect Each Other]
Paring: F!Tav x Astarion
Plot: While staying at an inn in the Underdark an unfortunate chain of events forces Tav and Astarion to protect one another.
Content Warnings: Fiercely protective Tav, Tav uses She/Her pronouns, Tav is kinda feral and unhinged, blood, gore, threats of/ literal genital trauma, we are going game of thrones up in this bitch, sexual harassment, brief allusions to Astarion's trauma, violence, so much fucking violence, death, Tav is heavily based on my own Tav Winnie. Oh and a little fluff.
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Tav hummed as she sat at the tavern table, glancing down upon the suspicious letter she'd received last night. 
‘I'll see you soon, True Soul.’
Been a while since she was called that, almost everyone who had referred to her as a ‘true soul’ was dead now so being addressed as such was rather peculiar, but at the same time not completely unwelcome. Tav smirked slightly, the idea of a new foe to face sparked excitement. It had been so long since the human druid had a good fight.  Since the defeat of the Elder Brain she'd been staying in the Underdark, looking after a horde of hungry vampire spawn. Her days weren't uneventful in the slightest, but gods did she miss adventuring. 
Tav's lover was over at the bar getting the two something to drink. Since the Underdark has become home to seven thousand life-challenged individuals this particular inn had made preparations to feed them should any appear at the establishment. He tapped his claws on the table, waiting for the bartender to finish mixing up their beverages as an uneasy feeling coursed through his body. Astarion had felt unfamiliar eyes on him since he'd left to get him and his beloved some refreshments. His blood red eyes darted back and scanned the tavern. Tav was still waiting at their table and mostly all the other patrons there happened to be deep gnomes, all who seemed much more concerned with friendly banter. But then he spotted someone off in the corner. A tall half-orc whose eyes seemed trained on him.  Astarion wasn't exactly sure how he didn't spot the big oaf sooner, usually he was far more perceptive than this, but perhaps his hunger had him quite distracted. The elven vampire tapped on the bar table impatiently wondering exactly what was taking the bartender so long. 
Eventually the half-drow barmaid brought over the drinks.
“Sorry for the wait.” She said softly, “not used to preparing food for our night time visitors.” The half-elf handed him a cold mug of dessert wine and a warm mug of ethically precured lifeblood.
Astarion took the drinks before turning and making his way back.  The half-orc then made his move, walking straight towards him.  
“Have a drink with me, handsome?” The half-orc gave a flirtatious smile, making the elf internally sigh in annoyance.
“No, I think not. My partner is waiting for me, you see.” Astarion gave a forced smile before attempting to make his way back to Tav. A large green hand was placed on his shoulder.
“Come on! Surely you're not talking about the little rat’s nest of hair? Sweetheart, I could show you things that little human wench couldn't even dream of-”
The elf quickly slapped his hand away. 
“Oh, I highly doubt you could show me anything I haven't already done myself. Now bugger off.” Astarion growled out the last part, barring his fangs at the orc before stomping off. 
Tav glanced up as Astarion took a seat next to her. He had a look of discomfort on his face, but quickly bushed it off as he noticed her attention on him.  “I'm back, my sweet.” Astarion smiled at Tav, setting their drinks down before planting a kiss on her cheek.
“You okay, doll? You seem uncomfortable.” Tav put her hand on his shoulder only to receive a small smile as his hand covered her own.
“I'm fine, love. Just a little annoyed by the wait is all.” Astarion squeezed her hand gently, not wanting her to worry. 
“Okay….” Tav said before looked back down at the letter, taking a sip from the wine Astarion had brought her. 
“What's that?” Astarion asked, sliding an arm over her shoulders before taking a sip from his own mug and internally sighing.
Rothé blood….
“Just an ominous threatening letter left by gods know who.” Tav said casually, nearly making Astarion spit out his blood. 
“Ah darling, perhaps you should be a just little more concerned about this?” 
“I'm not afraid. Let them come get me! I've been itching for a good fight for ages!” Tav clenched her fist, a wicked grin spread across her face. 
“Oh Tav, you know what that bloodlust look does to me.~” Astarion flirted leaning closer against his love. “But maybe we should be at least a bit more careful?”
“We’ve dealt with plenty of baddies before, Star. It’ll be fine!” Tav insisted.
“Need I remind you that there are only two of us now since the others have all gone their separate ways.” Astarion sighed, “I just worry for you, my dear.” 
“I know babe.” Tav planted a kiss on his cheek affectionately before saying,”I'll tell you what, once we get everything sorted out with the other spawn we'll recruit some new traveling companions and go after that ring of the sunwalker thing I heard about.” This brought a smile to the vampire’s lips. 
Large footsteps were heard stomping over to the table. Astarion glanced up seeing the half-orc from before approaching them.
“Sorry about my behavior before sweetness. I've just never seen such a breathtaking looking creature such as yourself. So, how about you ditch the runt and i'll take you somewhere we can get you something better to drink…. Perhaps someone?~” 
“Are you daft? I told you to bugger off!” Astarion snarled, glaring daggers at the large male. Astarion kept his arm around Tav in a protective manner, but it was more so for his own comfort truth be told. The half-orc was really making him uneasy. Tav could feel Astarion shake a little. 
“Hey, no need to be like that, I just want a piece of that tight little elven as-”  The half-orc was suddenly silenced by a scimitar pressed dangerously close to his groin.
“You really don't want to finish that sentence, big guy.” Tav said calmly, not even looking up at the green bastard. “You know I’ve been really itching to slit someone's throat lately, but you….I think I might have fun with you…” She said before finally turning her head towards him, a sadistic grin spread across her lips. 
“Y-You better watch yourself y-you little b-b-bitch!” He whined out the last part feeling Tav press her blade harder against his clothed crotch.
“Oh I like this!” Tav breathed out, voice unhinged and full of bloodlust as the half-orc began to shake in terror. “A big stupid creep thinks he can push me around just because I'm small…It's almost cute how pathetic you are. I should cut you open and show everyone what you really are inside. A gutless coward!” Tav stared at him intensely. The wicked grin spread across her lips didn't falter even for a second, until eventually she sighed.
“But it'd be rude to get blood all over Lyn’s nice clean floors.” Tav said, speaking of the half-drow bartender. “So you're going to leave now and never come near my lover again, or I'll cut your cock off and shove it down your throat. Understand?” Tav spat, nearly stabbing the blade of her scimitar through the orc’s pants.
“Y-Yes m-ma’m!” The half-orc said in a high pitch tone. 
“Good boy.” Tav pulled her blade back, “now get the fuck out of my sight.” She growled, causing the green creep to turn and make a run for it, slamming the door on his way out of the tavern. All the gnomes had seemed to halt their chatter and look over to the two lovers.
“Tav…” Astarion muttered in an irritated tone, “I didn't need you to defend me! I had that completely under control!” He fussed, clearly embarrassed because of the scene Tav had caused. 
“I'm sure you did sweetie, but you can't just expect me to sit by and do nothing when some pervert keeps treating you like a piece of meat.” Tav said calmly. 
“Darling that orc was huge! What if you hadn't been quick enough!? What if he comes back!?”
“Honey, I can literally turn into an owlbear.” Tav rolled her eyes. “I know you’re capable of kicking ass, Star. I have no doubt about that. But I don’t protect you because I think you're weak. I do it because I love you.” Tav said sweetly, placing her hand against his cheek. “And sometimes it's okay to need someone to protect you…” She looked down at his trembling hands. Fear began to stir in her gut, worried that he might have been triggered by the situation. Astarion simply place his hand over hers and relaxed into her touch. 
“I know. I love you too…It's just…I want to be able to protect the both of us…” Astarion glanced off to the side.
“You can! Babe, you're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for! You practically carried our team the entire time we were worm brained!” Tav placed a second hand on the other side of his face. Astarion rolled his eyes with a slight smile.
“Gods Tav, you're such a bad liar.” 
“I'm not lying!” Tav chuckled, “I'm pretty sure you have more kills than the rest of us combined! You're so stealthily and quick! The fuckers never saw it coming!” 
“Well perhaps I could be willing to allow you to win this little debate. Granted you continue to list off all of my many talents, or you can just call me beautiful and we can head upstairs for the evening?” 
“You're beyond beautiful, my Star.” Tav purred. 
The night was quiet as Tav and Astarion rested on the top floor of the Inn. Both of them snug in their bed. Astarion always had a tendency to curl around Tav as she slept and he tranced. However, tonight Tav lay there, eyes wide open. Her mind for some reason wandering off to a memory brought on by today's events.
“I assume he belongs to you.” The drow’s eyes leered over Astarion lustfully as she spoke about his as if he was nothing but cattle.
“Excuse me? I don't appreciate you talking about my friend like he's a fucking piece of property.” Tav snapped, stepping in front of her companion protectively. Of course she'd see him that way. The drow treat all their men like cattle. The fact didn't make Tav any less insulted. 
“Now now. No need to speak like that. I only wish to make a trade.” The drow said calmly, however her stare seemed to harden a little. “What is your name, spawn?” 
“It’s Astarion but hold on!” Astarion put his hands up as if to keep some distance between him the drow. 
“Astarion, I've dreamt of being bitten by a vampire since I was a little girl.” She purred. Tav shot the drow a look which she ignored, red eyes locked on Astarion’s mouth.
“Let me get this straight, you want to be bitten?” Astarion asked, a look of confusion and disgust filled his face. Normally he would jump at a chance to sink his teeth into a willing person, hells part of him wanted to drain this bitch dry because of how she talked about him, but this drow pretty as she was her blood smelled worse than death itself! Just being in her presence was enough to make him want to gag! 
“To feel my life’s essence slipping away, to dance on the edge of death, yes I want it.” She said, nearly swooning. “I'll even compensate you. A potion of legendary power. It's not for sale, but it's yours if you bite me.” 
“I will have to decline.” Astarion said immediately.
“Excuse me? This is a once and a lifetime opportunity and you're squandering it!” 
“I gave you my answer!” Astarion spat. The drow woman ignored him and immediately turned to Tav. 
“Can't you talk some sense into your obstinate charge!?” She demanded.
“He said no. The hells do you not understand?” The druid snapped.
Gods, Tav couldn't help but think back to her first encounter with Araj the drow blood merchant. This incident today reminded her far too much of it. Except this time it might have been worse. The fucking orc actually tried to put his hands on him.
Tav furrowed her eyebrows and glanced back over to Astarion’s peaceful looking face. She knew he could handle himself in a fight, but the situation was different. These sorts of things really got to him. Tav ran her fingers gently through his hair. She needed to keep safe no matter what. Sleep took Tav eventually and she snuggled into her vampire’s embrace, enjoying the coolness of his skin.  And for a while the two were at peace, blissfully unaware of what lurked in the shadows.
It was probably about midnight when Tav woke up. She whimpered and felt around the bed for her lover, only feeling emptiness in his place. 
“Astarion?” Her eyes slowly blinked open and Tav sat up. She glanced around the room discovering the vampiric elf was nowhere in sight.  She tried to rationalize that Astarion was probably just up and around since he didn't need as much rest as she did, but Tav couldn't help but feel anxiety creep its way into the back of her mind.  She got to her feet before slowly feeling a dagger be pressed against her throat. 
“Nice to see you again, true soul…” A familiar feminine voice spoke softly in Tav's ear, causing her to grit her teeth as she looked back. 
“Araj? The hells are you doing all the way out here?” Tav sneered. 
“I needed to see you again. I require your help.” 
“I told you before, you aren't getting any more of my blood and if you even think of bringing up Astarion so help me-”
“This isn't about him, darling. This is about you. I am on the verge of something extraordinary, but I need one key ingredient. Your heart.” Araj slowly dragged the knife down her throat and down between her breasts.
Tav rolled her eyes before chuckling.
“Sweet, but you know I'm spoken for.” In a swift motion the druid slammed her foot down on the drow's own before grasping hold of her wrist and forcing the blade away from her body.
“You idiots! Get in here and help me!” Araj suddenly shouted, prompting the door to open, revealed two half-orc male’s and a female. 
With them was Astarion bound with silver chains wrapped around his body. Cloth was tied around his mouth, preventing him from speaking, but Tav could very clearly hear him whimpering in pain. The silver was burning his skin! 
“Now cooperate or else! I'll make sure our darling bloodsuck-” Tav didn't even give the drow a moment to speak any further before knocking the blade from her hand and slamming her fist into her face with enough force to knock Araj to the floor. Araj hit the ground with a thud, seemingly knocked unconscious from the blow. The druid’s eyes quickly went back to Astarion who was struggling and letting out muffled cries of pain, but despite this he looked far more pissed off than afraid.  That didn't calm the rage that was stirring deep inside Tav however, and the fact that the same gods damned perverted orc from before was holding onto Astarion's silver chains just pushed her over the edge. 
Without even thinking Tav dropped to the ground transforming into a huge direwolf before letting out a deep bloodthirsty snarl and lunging right for the familiar half orc. Her jaws sank right into his groin, causing him to let out a blood curdling scream.
“Bloody hells! Get that thing off of him!” The female half-orc shouted. 
“But the vampire!?” The other male orc replied.
“He's tied up you dumb fuck!” She shouted before turning to attack Tav. Tav yanked her head back hard, tearing a chunk out of the half-orc’s flesh and trousers. The half orc continued to scream as Tav spat his unmentionables out before he tumbled over and began to bleed out on the floor. 
“That crazy drow bitch better pay us good for this.” The remaining male half-orc muttered before charging at Tav alongside the female. 
Tav quickly dove under his legs before bucking him to the ground with her back and darting right for Astarion. Astarion shook his head as his wildshaped lover approached him with a doglike whine and sunk her teeth into his chains, trying to he them off him. She was only able to allow one of his arms to slip free. Astarion quickly tore the cloth around his head. 
“For gods' sake Tav! Look out!” He shouted, before suddenly the female half-orc slammed into Tav from behind, wrapping her arms around her in a headlock. 
“I've got her! I've got her!” The female orc shouted. Tav growled loudly before turning round and sinking her teeth into the orc female’s shoulder. In the struggle the two ended up tumbling down the stairs and out the front door of the tavern.  The half-orc male was about to run off after his female companion when suddenly he noticed Astarion had somehow slipped free from his bindings. The vampire’s skin was quickly healing from the burns left from the silver, and his eyes almost appeared to be glowing red. He clenched and unclenched his fists revealing sharp claw-like fingernails and the next thing the half-orc knew were icy fangs piercing his throat.
Outside the tavern, Tav and the female orc were still going at it. The half orc threw a punch to Tav's head knocking her back before she took out a blade and took a stab at the direwolf only for Tav to dart out of the way at the last second and take a bit at the orc woman’s leg. 
“You godsdamn mutt!” She yelled, kicking Tav in the face before plugging her blade into her back.
Tav howled in pain and backed up, blood trickling down her back and staining her fur.  She let out a pained whimper as she looked up at the half-orc.
The she-orc smirked triumphantly.
“Not so high and mighty now are you, druid?” She huffed starring Tav right in the eyes. Without another word Tav lunged at the orc with a monstrous growl, sinking her jaws into the green female's head. 
“GODS DAMNIT!!” The half-orc screamed. Tav sunk her claws into her shoulders as she stood up on her hind legs and dug her teeth into the orc's skull.  Then with a harsh whip of her head Tav snapped her opponent’s neck. The druid then released the orc, letting her drop to the ground.
Tav dropped back down on all fours with a sigh, panting a little from the fight. She turned her head and yanked the blade from her back. Luckily in this form she wouldn't actually be harmed. But she was honestly feeling far too tired to stay in her wildshape now. Slowly she transformed back, taking a moment to regain her strength. 
“A-Astarion…I-I need to get back to Astarion…” Tav told herself. 
“I'm afraid you won't be seeing him again.” Araj suddenly stepped out from the shadows, blade in hand. “I am not leaving without your heart!” She hissed. 
“Oh for fucks sake! Don't you ever get tired of being a psycho!?” Tav hissed, she quickly reached for her weapon, but this time Araj was quicker.  She stabbed her blade into Tav's leg making her freeze. 
“What….W-What is this!?” Tav sputtered, suddenly feeling her limbs begin to tingle and go numb. She tried to move, but her body just felt so heavy. 
“A paralysis potion I've been keeping for a rainy day. I'd hoped I wouldn't have to use it. I have no idea what affects it will have on your heart unfortunately, but I can't let you get away.” Araj stopped as she watched Tav whimper and squirm on the ground. The silver haired female wiped her blade clean off the potion before she then undid the buttons on Tav's shirt, exposing her chest.
“Now I'll need a nice clean cut. I don't want to damage your heart too badly.” The drow licked her lips before dragging the tip of her blade over Tav’s chest. “Just close your eyes and it'll be all over…” Tears began to form in the corners of Tav’s eyes, heart pounding so hard she was sure it’d burst right out before that damn drow bitch would even have a chance to cut into it.
“Get away from my Tav.” Astarion suddenly growled out, appearing behind Araj who quickly turned and struck at him with her blade. 
“Not until I have her heart!” Araj hissed.
Astarion ducked out of the way, unsheathing his own blade and taking a swing at her.  His dagger barely nicked the side of her cheek as she dodged, drawing a few drops of blood.
“Gods below, it's even more foul smelling than before!” He made a gagging sound.
“Mock me all you like! It won't stop me!” Araj took another stab at Astarion aiming right for his throat, but he quickly grabbed her wrists and pushed her back towards the ground. Now that he was free of the tadpole his vampiric strength returned and it gave him an edge in battle.
“You know darling, I think I may have had a sudden change of heart. I may just bite you after all.” Astarion said, forcing a grin upon his face. 
“What-” Confusion flickered over her face for a split second, immediately being followed by Astarion sinking his fangs into her neck, but instead of drinking her blood, he tore her throat right out.  
Astarion immediately spat out any of her blood that had gotten into his mouth before watching her drop to the ground, a twisted smile plastered over her face. “I-Incredible….” She choked out before suddenly coughing up an alarming amount of blood. 
 He quickly disregarded her lifeless body and swiftly moved to Tav who was still paralyzed on the ground. 
“My love, are you alright?” Astarion knelt down and cradled her head with one hand.
“I-I can't m-move….S-She got me with a paralysis poison…” Tav croaked out.
“Hang in there lover.”Astarion frowned, looking down at Tav with worry. He immediately scooped her up bridal-style. “I'm going to take you to Dalyria. She should be able to cure this.” Astarion carried Tav back into the tavern. Several of the patrons were whispering to each other. Some seemed deathly afraid of Astarion and his love. The vampire spawn simply ignored them.
“I don't think we're going to be welcome here any longer, Star.” Tav said as Astarion set her down on a sofa near the tavern fireplace.  
“Forget them, darling. We're leaving anyway. Now sit tight while I grab our things.” Astarion said, kissing her forehead before quickly going upstairs to get their packs. Tav sat by the fire, she could see the barmaid Lyn giving her an awfully ugly look. 
Good gods, it's not our fault we were attacked.
Tav rolled her eyes. It didn't take long for Astarion to return with their things.  Tav weakly nuzzled her face into his neck as Astarion scooped her back up into his arms. Tav stared up at him with adoration as he carried her out. 
“You did it, you know.” She hummed.
“What are you on about?’ Astarion glanced down at her.
“You protected me!” Tav exclaimed with a weak smile, “and thank the gods you did. I was sure I was a goner.”
“You give me far too much credit, my love. I still allowed you to get injured. You did a much better job than I.” Astarion huffed. 
“You kidding? You just saved my life Astarion and this isn't even the first time.” Tav insisted. “Look, from now on no more arguing over who protects who. We protect each other and that's final.” 
“You're being awfully demanding of someone who can't even move her arms, my dear.” Astarion chuckled, “but I am grateful all the same.”
He planted another kiss upon Tav's forehead before continuing on to meet up with his sister and hopefully cure his beloved’s ailment.
The two set off, leaving the tavern to deal with three battered corpses and a mysterious trail of blood…
Note from TheChaoticDruid: Phew! Finally got this thing out! Honestly despite finding her a very shitty person and absolutely despising how she treats Astarion I can't help but find Araj interesting. The whole thing with blood and heck the creepy shit you find in her basement makes me want to know more about her. Kinda went a little overboard with this in terms of violence I guess, but I kinda wish there were more bg3 fics with some action in them. Also, I may have kinda ignored how silver and vampires work in DnD, but BG3 plays fast and loose with lore so I guess I will too. Hope you like it!
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alexissara · 1 year
Recruiting Minthara Without Doing A War Crime - BG3
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Opening Disclaimer: I do not know every variable, I am sharing what I did to recruit Minthara in BG3 since basically every guide in the internet is wrong and says you must do a war crime to recruit MInthara. You will lose out on the Minthara post battle sex scene and she remains mutually exclusive with Halsin you either have her or him but she can be obtained as a party member and even has exclusive voiced dialogue for Karlache and Wyll whom many say you are also locked out of to recruit her. Also this is totally intentional and accounted for but in my personal run I am getting some bugs, idk if it's an everyone issue or a me issue the game is still very new.
To Attack The Grove or to Kill Everyone In The Goblin Camp, that is the question, one that needs not an answer. You can do quests in both places, talk to Minthara, and more and still walk away from this fight.
All you need to do is simply progress the plot ignoring these two binary options. You'll need to ensure Minthara does not know the location of The Druid Grove so for me the way I did it was I rescued Sazza then killed her in the goblin camp before she could rat out the location and turn on me right before she would have walked me over to MInthara. It triggered a small fight but I destroyed the drums they played to trigger an alarm and have everyone fight me meaning I only had to kill four Goblins or so. I went to talk to Minthara and told her I had no clue where the druid grove or her item were but i'd totally look into it. I grabbed everything I wanted from the Goblin camp and before that did all of the Tiefling kid side quests except stealing the artifact in The Druid grove, upgraded Karlache's infernal engines, looked around everywhere I could. I did not at any point meet or talk to Halsin.
Then from there I simply went to the Underdark, you may be be able to take the Gith path instead, idk I didn't do it but I personally went to The Underdark by way of Feather Falling in the Phase Spider Monarch's layer down into it. From there I found some slavers, killed them and stole their boat. I sailed away to a forge where more slavers were living, I helped them save a true soul, helped the true soul kill them and then killed The True Soul. With that I was on my marry way and entered act 2. This I believe triggers time to have progressed in the game and everything will have gone into motion. I wanted to be sure though that I had done everything correctly so I headed to Moon Rise towers as fast as I can. I did some fights, got to the tower and found Minathara getting yelled at by her boss and thrown into a prison. In the prison two women are trying to wipe her mind. I killed all the guards before trying to help her out in the prisons area and freed some other prisoners. Stole a bunch of stuff then went to the girl herself. I then killed the people trying to brainwash her after talking to them for a little, walked out with Minthara, the guards at multiple times were like "why the fuck do you have Minthara" I smooth talk my way out of each situation, we leave moonrise and I tell her she can stay in our camp. From there she is a party member.
The game suggests you don't bring Minthara back into Moonrise Towers with you, I have got some light glitches on my own run when going to areas that are before you can normally recruit minthara and going to camp sometimes she spawns over at The Goblin camp where you first meet her. The Goblins seem to be basically fine so what happened with the tiefling and druids. Well the tieflings were forced to leave the druid grove but they were gonna do that anyway and the same quests are triggered as if you didn't do that as far as I undertand. I have met one of the tieflings already in act two and they were not mad at me for not helping the grove. The grove however did do the ritual and is no longer accessible. I will update this when I enter Baulder's Gate if I find out I like idk caused the death of a bunch of characters for not siding with either but I don't think I cased any deaths at all, I think I spared the most lives, the most peaceful bitch.
I want to end of the note that there is more to Minthara than Girlboss, Gaslight, Gatekeep. She for narrative reasons is a fun character to have. She is cold for sure but I think the game does a pretty good job justifying it and you can see right away glimmers of her warming up. In terms of a party member her kit is interesting, she starts with tadepoles already in her head so if you were totally avoiding them like me you'll be able to see a few of the powers in action given you have no option to remove them from her.
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brabblesblog · 1 year
Part 6 of the Goodnight Moon series
The confession has its repercussions.
More angst (happy ending at the end of the series) and more slow, slow burn.
Read on AO3.
Part 5
Part 7
Astarion hears the words, but it doesn't really register. What? He blinks, taking a moment for it to sink in. He had heard those same words before, countless times from countless lips - lips soon to be screaming and crying as Cazador took them away. He instinctively flinches away from your grasp, taking a sharp breath. This isn't the same situation, he tries to remind himself, but is it not?
Did he not manipulate his way into your bed? Into your heart? Did he not do this to send you Cazador's way? To kill him this time, sure, but what difference did that make?
And shouldn't he be happy? Your devotion to him was clearly written on your face. You died for him. Surely you would go to the ends of the earth to rid him of Cazador. But all he feels is a mix of relief and a twisted pain in his chest where his heart was. Relief that you had finally come back to him, yes, but that pain - he refused to look too deeply into it.
He looks to your soft, sad eyes and slipped his mask back on. It takes seconds to do, seconds you would have normally seen but not right now in your current condition.
"That's even worse, darling," he hisses, trying to bring as much venom into his words. "Love is for the foolish, the unlucky, the damned. I-," he almost falters, but presses on, "I don't do love. Let's just keep this fun, alright?"
You look away. Of course. That explained those faraway eyes whenever you were together. You try not to cry, but it was hard. Not expecting anything in return was one thing, but having your feelings dismissed so nonchalantly was another. You nod curtly and lay back down, stretching your neck out. If this was the case, you can only really think of one reason he'd be here.
"I understand," you say, in a small whisper, eyes brimming with tears. He can see it, can almost taste your pain, but he cannot - will not - do anything about it. "Just feed, please, and then you can go. I need to rest."
He stares at you in confusion. "Why would I - you're -"
He stops himself, realizing why. Instead he shakes his head. "You don't really have much blood left inside you, so I shall abstain today. I just came by on the way to hunt to make sure my little snack was going to be alright. And it seems like you are." He pats your hand twice, awkwardly. "I shall go, then. Good night," he says a little too cheerily, turning to leave.
If he hears the soft muffled sounds of your sobbing as he does, he ignores it.
As the days pass you slowly recover, thanks to Shadowheart and Halsin's help. You have been staying with the druid more often of late, as he helped you walk and would carry you when your body finally gave up walking. Astarion seemed to be acting like nothing had happened between you that night. He was back to his usual flirty, sassy self, and you were all too happy to just let that happen. There were too many problems for you and everyone at camp, and you were all too happy to just push this one to the side for now.
You still asked him to come feed on you at night, and without fail he would show up. Your little conversations in your tent remained the same. The only thing that changed was that whenever he would reach out - to touch your hand, or to cup your cheek - you would flinch slightly, but let him do it anyway. It meant nothing to him, you knew, but you couldn't really resist these small morsels of affection he gave no matter how insincere it was.
As the group traveled the underdark and the shadow cursed lands, Astarion begins spending more time at your tent after he had fed. There was nothing to hunt here, the lands barren and desolate. Inevitably it brought you two closer, but you knew not to let hope into your heart.
"Tomorrow we have to look for last night inn," you say, yawning. He had fed a lot today, as the fights had taken a lot of his energy. He nods and takes your hand, lazily tracing your knuckles. "Mm. I shall scout ahead. Which direction was it again?"
You frown. "Why do you like being in front? You don't trust me to have your back anymore? We used to fight back to back and- ugh. Never mind." You worry you pushed too far, asked too many things and upset the delicate situation you two had.
He tilts his head to meet your eyes. His were oddly round and shiny, as though he was about to cry.
"To keep you safe," he says in such a small voice that it's almost inaudible. You notice that his hand gripped yours tightly now, terrified of letting go.
"I can keep myself safe, Astarion. If anything, I keep you safe," you say, joking a little bit. He does not find it the least amusing. His eyes narrow and he almost hisses. "No," he says, his voice low and rough. "You are incapable of that, darling. You did it once, and it killed you. No more."
You take a deep breath, trying not to react in a way that would push him away. "Thank you for your concern. I am well though. I have been training with Halsin as well. I have seen my errors and am improving in combat. You can ask him."
His grip in your hand is almost painful now. He wants to scream, to tell you how much fear he felt when you died, how he could never live through that again. He bites his lip hard, enough to draw blood.
"Be as it may, me leading in the front has been beneficial to the group," he says quickly. It was true, to a point. He knew though that he had to leave. Any more of this conversation, and he was afraid he'd open his mouth and his heart would come spilling out onto your hands.
"Thank you, yet again, for the blood," he says as he slaps on a well-practiced smirk. "I shall see your delicious self tomorrow."
You nod, closing your eyes and settling in for the night.
He gives you once last glance, and is unable to completely stop himself. He leans over you and you feel soft lips press against yours. You feel a soft gust of wind as the tent flap is opened and when you open your eyes, he is gone.
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ymaohoh · 11 months
Beltane Eve - Halsin x Female Tav (NSFW)
Just a one-shot between our favourite druid and a druid Tav character. I've purposefully tried to make her as vague as possible so this could be a Halsin x reader. Definitely NSFW.
(Words - 8,549)
Warnings: lots of smut, kinky druid sex, oral, size kink
Also on AOO
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Beltane Eve
She breathed in the warm springtime air and let it fill her lungs. The weather was getting hotter now and she relished the feeling of sunlight grazing and caressing her skin after so many long days of darkness. The light tickled her skin like loving fingers and she sighed happily. It made her feel cheerful. Joyful even. 
She had spent those hard days in the dank cities of the Underdark and the terrifying Shadowlands. Both of those places had sickened her to her soul and nearly made her forget what a starry night sky looked like. She had bravely persevered and battled on because she knew what she and her companions were doing was bigger and more important than her own wellbeing. She would gladly sacrifice her peace of mind for what they were fighting to achieve. 
A safe and thriving world. She thought about the Shadowlands and how they were already mending from the curse. That was worth all of the heartache. 
Still, that very first moment of stepping out into the fresh air was as good as a health tonic. It tended to her battered body and stitched up the fibres of her being so that she was once again whole. 
As a druid she understandably felt more connected to the world around her than maybe the wizards or barbarians in her company did. She drew strength from the rich tapestry of life all around; the feeling of velvet grass beneath her feet, the murmur of birdsong, the tart smell of some flowers growing close by that were on the turn. These primal things gave her life and sustained her. 
Life sustained her. 
It was just after midday and she had walked a mile or so from the main camp in pursuit of a quiet spot where she could meditate and embrace the new lush scenery around them. Nobody from her camp had noticed though she left a scribbled note saying she would be safe. They were camped on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate now and everyone in her party was distracted by the idea of exploring the nearby village of Rivington. The thought was tempting and she too was excited by the idea of jumping back into the hustle and bustle of city life after being on the quiet road for so long. Even Astarion, who had dubbed the people of the town ‘boors’, looked eager to reacquaint himself with some hard liquor and soft bedding. 
She thought about the opportunities that such a place could offer; good food, merry music, hopefully some stimulating companionship. She had spent time in many human cities around the land and found them all to be similar in their pursuits, and expected that Rivington and Baldur’s Gate would be no different.
She was eager to drink it all in.
Though perhaps she should bathe and comb out her hair first?
Eyeing a secluded riverbank, she decided that this spot was as good as any. The water of the river seemed to beckon to her and she untied the belt at her waist. She shrugged the worn fabric of her robes from her shoulders and let them drop to a heap on the muddy bank. The robes had cost her a moderate pile of gold from Dammon but she had no real attachment to her clothing or belongings. Let them get creased and muddy - who cared? Her feet were already unbound as was her preference and she dipped them into the refreshing chill of the river. A moan of sorts escaped her lips when the water lapped against the skin of her thighs. 
She took her time bathing in the river and washing herself. Her hands caressed her skin and she even let her fingers dip down between her legs to touch herself. It had been almost two weeks since she’d felt any pleasure there and the absence of touch - of any contact - was something she was unused to. 
Eventually she returned to the bank and eyed her flimsy smallclothes. She hesitated for only a second before she reluctantly slipped them on. She didn’t know the area well and it would be unfortunate if some farmer or woodsman stumbled upon her in nothing but her skin. 
She wouldn’t have minded. She felt so at ease naked that clothing made no real difference to her but she knew humans had silly ideas about such matters. 
She recalled the early days of their adventures and one incident when she innocently walked naked back to her tent after bathing. Such an action was as normal to her as breathing and she paid no notice to her companions as she knelt by the fire and twisted the water from her hair. Back in her grove nobody would have cared one bit yet she’d looked up to see them all staring at her. Some, she’d noted wryly, with wanton smiles but poor Wyll and Gale looked as if they’d been dunked in cold water. Though she didn’t agree with human expectations, she still didn’t want her companions - and later friends - to feel awkward in their shared living space. She’d made sure to at least wear her smallclothes around the camp following that night though she still slept unclothed. 
Interestingly the only one of her companions who had not looked at all was Halsin. Her gaze had flitted across to where he usually made camp (as it seemed to do more and more these days) but found him stoically looking elsewhere. This had intrigued her as she assumed he’d be the last person to care about such things. She found him intriguing. He was a figure from campfire stories and legends and was renowned throughout the land by elves and humans alike. She’d heard tales about his mighty deeds ever since she was a babe nursing at her mother’s breast. That he should be journeying with her now - and actually pledged her his loyalty - was almost unimaginable. She wanted sorely to get to know him better. 
Yet…would he even want to share with her? She was twenty-six years of age. A grown woman in the eyes of the human world (long past marrying age in truth) but to a wood elf this meant she was still a child in the eyes of some. Young, inexperienced, undisciplined. What could he possibly want to know about her? 
She had known some of her other companions. She’d made love to Astarion that very night by the campfire but denied his bite. She’d also known Shadowheart’s gentle love a few nights following under the blazing stars. Then there had been others - Tieflings, Harpers, tavern bards - who she’d come to love and share her heart and body with. She’d been interested to pursue a night with Gale after a moment channelling the weave but after knowing more about his nature (that he could only pledge his desire to one and expect the same in return) she’d had to let him down gently. She respected that other people lived their lives that way but it was not for her and she didn’t want to give hope where there was none. 
She remained in her smallclothes and stretched out on the grass. The sun was high in the sky now and she bathed in its warmth. She allowed herself to breathe in and out slowly and let her eyelids flutter close. She focused on the world and noises around her and felt herself fall into a deep trance of meditation. Meditation had always soothed her mind and refreshed her body. She felt that it helped with her spellcasting too. In her mind, a druid couldn’t manipulate nature completely if they didn’t know it well. It was important that she take the time to immerse herself in it. Breathe it in. 
She wasn’t sure how long she lay there for. It could have been minutes or hours, it mattered not to her. 
But then - a noise. 
It was as faint as a whisper but still she heard it. She wasn’t sure if it was through her own ears or through the vibrations of the air. An attack? An ambush? A split second pause and then she felt the corners of her lips lift into a smile. 
She knew that Halsin was standing a few paces away among the trees behind her. She could tell that he had not meant to stumble upon her now but he didn’t want to leave either. He was letting her choose whether or not to invite him into her moment of tranquillity. 
She did. “Aerister.” Teacher. 
“Forgive the interruption, little one. I was hunting nearby for our evening meal and would not have disturbed you, but then I saw how at peace you looked here among the wilds. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a welcome sight.”
She liked the way he spoke and the warmth she heard there. Ever since meeting the acclaimed druid she’d always taken pleasure in the rich sound of his voice - whether it was gentle like now or roaring commands on the battlefield. His words always held weight and meaning. 
And she trusted him. As a fellow wood elf and first druid he was her elder (in rank, ability, age) and naturally she owed him her respect, but she gave it freely. 
She also liked the way he called her little one. It was an ongoing jest following her comment on his size when they first met. 
“There’s nothing to forgive. Your presence soothes me,” she spoke quietly. “Stay with me.”
At her invitation Halsin sat down and lay his weapon on the grass. Even without looking she could smell fresh blood on his knife and knew he’d been successful on his hunt. A deer or boar carcass would be sat somewhere nearby, ready to nourish them later. She wondered that he’d used a weapon to hunt with at all when he could just as easily shapeshift. 
“You’ve been in the water,” he noted, breaking up her thoughts. “I too found a moment to enjoy the lake further along the bank but I admit I’m not one for swimming. I imagine you spent a lot of your childhood swimming and playing on a riverbank someplace in the south. You didn’t grow up in the Emerald Grove.”
“Good guess. We spent more time in the water than in the woods, truth be told. Being here like this makes me think about those days. They were happy, safe…or at least they felt that way to a child.”
She imagined she sounded very naive to someone like him. He would have been one of the warriors fighting to ensure those years for her and the other children did indeed feel safe. 
She went on…“I can’t find the right words but laying like this in the sunlight...it is magic. It gives me life. I have missed it greatly. I’m not a creature for dark and cruel spaces. Now that we are finally here in the open again I want to make the most of it. Who knows where we will venture next…”
“I understand.”
“I know. I think you’re the only one here who could.”
She finally opened her eyes to look up at him and found his steady gaze already upon her. He smiled at her words - like one confidant to another. A thread of understanding seemed to flow between them and in that moment she felt that she did truly know him. Maybe she didn’t know what he liked best for supper, but she knew his heart. She watched as his eyes flickered to the light freckles that adorned her arms and then to the line of her sunlit body. 
She was conscious that her cotton smallclothes were very light indeed and he would be able to see the outline of her breasts through the fabric should he wish to. As if reading her thoughts (maybe he did) he began to untie the laces of his own leather armour. He stopped when he was wearing only the bottom half of his robes and just like her he leant back on his forearms to enjoy the sunshine on his skin. 
She would be lying to say she tried to look away. 
His tanned chest was broad and powerful like the rest of him and she knew she could spend an age studying the muscles that lined his arms, his shoulders, his back. His waist was narrow in comparison but even that was thicker than both her palms laid out flat. When he reached up to re-tie his dark hair she watched how the muscles of his stomach moved and contracted. 
She had seen Halsin fighting beside her on the battlefield and knew he was an impressively terrifying figure in the eyes of their enemies. His strong hands looked like they could easily crush a skull or wield a broadsword. 
She imagined those same hands making love and a shiver ran down her back. 
She suddenly wanted to trace the intricate lines of his ink markings with her fingers more than anything else in the world. Battle scars lined his figure and she wanted to know the story behind every one. 
Calm yourself, she thought. Remember that he did not look upon you before. 
So instead she sighed and she allowed her fingers to weave into the long grass beside her. It felt like an anchor almost. “Might I ask your counsel? Druid to druid. I feel so attune with everything today,” she admitted. “Every blade of grass…every leaf in the tree…I can even feel the heartbeats of the animals hiding underfoot. Is this truly just a reaction to being stifled in shadow for so long? I feel so strong today. So powerful. Do you feel it too?”
“I think you’ve been spending too much time with vampires and sages that you’ve forgotten your seasons. Today marks the first day of summer. It’s no wonder that you’re feeling this way, the world around us is calling to be heard.”
Understanding washed over her. “Ah…Beltane!” 
“Beltane, Cétshamhain, Calan Mai…it’s known by so many different names but it remains the same in essence,” Halsin added. “A powerful day for those who are attune to the earth and its riches. It’s normal to feel more aware of your magic during this time. Were I back home we’d have a whole week of celebrations and festivities. I would be called upon to lead some of the ceremonies.”
“It was the same back home. We would have a great feast to mark the evening itself and then light a bonfire as big as a hillside. I would braid the yellow may flowers into my hair and dance around the fire with my sisters. We sometimes wouldn’t stop until sunrise.”
“I would have liked to see that. It’s one of my favourite celebrations.” 
She heard the note of wistfulness in his tone. She thought about the many years she’s enjoyed the festival herself and felt for a moment very home sick. She used to love taking part in the dancing and feasting though due to her age she was not permitted to formally join in with the most important ceremony that always took place very late at night. Only the most privileged and experienced were allowed to do it. 
All of a sudden she had a thought and spoke before she could stop herself. “You say you led some of the ceremonies. Did you…did you join in with the rite?”
Halsin burst into laughter and she smiled weakly, her cheeks suddenly aflame. 
“Of course. Many times. It was expected that I perform it.”
The rite was a very important ritual where a chosen male (selected for his vigour and status) was expected to mate with many partners over the course of Beltane Eve. By spilling his seed into them and onto the earth beneath them, it was done as a way to honour the gods and increase the chances of a fertile summer. In addition, it was hoped that the blessed unions between man and woman might also produce children that were thought to be extra lucky. 
There was also said to be a hunt involved in the ritual and she wondered if the Emerald Grove celebrated that particular part of the ritual too. 
The idea of Halsin completing the rite was certainly intriguing to her though she should have known someone of his rank would be asked to complete it. She suddenly wanted to know all about it. 
In her enthusiasm she sat up and leaned towards him. They were sitting very close to one another and as she moved the line of her thigh brushed against his own. 
“I was never permitted to take part…though of course I always wanted the honour. One of my sisters was chosen last year and I remember helping her prepare though I was so twisted up with jealousy. I had hoped that this year might have been my time and I could be bred,” she admitted. “But here we are. I suppose fate has another plan for me. I should try and be content with that.”
In response to her words, Halsin placed his hand on top of hers and she liked how his fingers looked threaded against her own. His fingers were large which was expected for someone of his size and again she wondered how they might feel on her. His thumb brushed against her own and it made her shiver again. 
She looked back up and met his gaze. She didn’t know what she was expecting to see in his eyes - sympathy maybe - but she was taken aback to find a blazing heat there. He was looking at her like he knew exactly what she was thinking about and he liked it. She thought that she might fall into that blaze if she didn’t catch herself. 
“Had you been at the Emerald Grove, I would have mated with you gladly. More than gladly. I would have not been able to see anyone else’s face but yours. You must know that I can barely control myself around you.”
Her eyes widened and words spilled out of her without much thought. “But you don’t look at me. The others, they do. They’ve made their intentions and desires well known to me…but you…I had thought you were looking elsewhere. That someone else held your attention.”
He really desired her? 
Halsin reached up and ever so gently brushed the back of his hand against her cheekbone. In response she turned her head and she pressed a soft kiss to his palm which made him draw in his breath.
“Then the fault is mine for not confessing this sooner. My heart, I believe that life has a plan for us all and our meeting was no mere coincidence. Even now, sitting here together on Beltane Eve, cannot be by chance. I admit you are not what I expected for one so young as yourself, but I have seen you show love to those who do not always deserve it and an openness which moves my heart. You show greater wisdom than even I at times,” he admitted. “My gaze has been drawn to you more often than not over the last few weeks. I, who have taken many lovers in my time and experienced all manner of love, feel such a stirring for you that it has taken me by surprise…I admit I have tried to look away from you at times but only to keep a leash on my desires. ”
His words made her tremble but she made herself bite out the next words so she knew exactly what it was he was asking of her and there could be no doubt. She wanted to know his heart truly before taking what could be an incredible plunge. “You want to be with me?”
“I’m saying that I want you. I want to taste you, to consume you, to give you such joy that will leave you weeping. I want you panting my name into my ear so hard that I can carry the memory of it with me into our final battle. You say that I have not looked at you but I have spent hours lying awake thinking about all the different ways I want to take my pleasure with you...”
He cut off and she saw a glow of light erupt from his body as he fought back his natural urge to change form. He took a deep breath to steady himself and the light disappeared. 
“…Sitting so close to you now on this riverbank clouds my senses. It’s intoxicating. Your voice, your scent. I can see the dips and curves of your body beneath that shift and I want to rip it off you. It’s taking all I have not to lose control again, but I will not touch you unless you want me to. I swear it.”
His face was so close to her own that she could feel his hot breath against her skin. She took this opportunity to study his face and looked at the long jagged scars, the scarlet ink markings, the liquid gold in his eyes. She knew then that she had wanted him physically from the moment she first saw him. 
“You are so beautiful, Halsin.”
Her reply served to soothe some of the strain away from his shoulders and instead he grinned at her. “I am nothing in comparison to you. You who draws the eye and enchants everyone we meet. Your beauty must be the envy of even the gods above.”
She pressed another kiss to his hand - but this time allowed her lips to brush over one of his fingers too. She made sure not to break eye contact as she let it pass through her lips and onto her eager tongue. She heard the rumblings of a growl come from his chest. Elated, she licked along its length and then slowly pulled away. 
She saw him shudder with want. 
“How many times have I been distracted by that little mouth? Your lips feel as soft as woven silk,” he murmured. “Tell me that you want me too. I must hear it from those lips.” 
“I’ve wanted you since the moment we met.” 
He groaned in relief and pulled her fully into the strong embrace of his arms. “You are not bound to another?” he insisted. “I know that you’ve shared your time with the vampire and some of our other bold companions. Do they not have some hold over you?”
She smiled widely. “Aerister teacher, it is not in my nature to belong to only one person. I may be young like you say but I have had my fair share of lovers and have always loved fiercely and freely. I believe that to share your heart and body with another person is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Even if only for one glorious moment. I am not bound to anyone and I feel that you may feel the same way…Halsin, I will gladly share this day with you.”
“You are a wondrous creature,” he said in awe and tightened his hold. “Then let us celebrate this Beltane Eve together and be as one, as fate intended.” 
The words had barely left his lips when they descended on her own. It was both everything she expected and surprising at the same time. She climbed onto his lap and pressed herself as closely as she could to the line of his body, aching for the heat of his skin against her own. Halsin’s kiss was hard and demanding and she gave into it gladly. She allowed her fingers to finally grip hold of his strong arms and then trace them up and down. She could feel the power and strength that lay untapped beneath his skin. It only fuelled her desire further. 
His lips moved down from her mouth to her jaw, and then further to the skin of her throat. He kissed her like a man starved. When he reached the sensitive spot between her neck and shoulders and dragged his teeth against it, she hissed at the quick wave of pleasure. 
She felt herself growing warm for him and he must have scented this. 
“I must taste you, little one, I cannot wait any longer. Lay down here and bare yourself to me.”
Not needing to be asked twice, she lay back as he begged and opened her legs so that he could see her glistening core. Halsin breathed out when he saw that and gripped hold of her thighs so tightly she knew they would be marked tomorrow. He knelt down between her knees and ravenously licked his tongue into her juices. She allowed her head to fall back as another wave of pleasure took over and she uttered his name like it was a prayer. His tongue set to work immediately as he probed deeply into her flesh. His movements were slow and languorous. He was tasting her thoroughly and she enjoyed every sensation. 
Above them she saw that the sun was beginning to dip low behind the mountains and they had maybe an hour left of light before it turned to dusk. She knew dusk was the time of romance, of secret trysts, of endless possibilities. It seemed rather too fitting for what they were doing now. The sight of Halsin between her legs like this, surrounded by nature’s beauty, seemed terribly poetic and right. 
He made a noise that sounded like a growl and draped her legs over his massive shoulders so that he could explore her depths further. She felt one of his wonderful fingers probe gently into her fold alongside his tongue so she twisted her fingers through his dark hair and pulled him even closer. 
She could feel the familiar waves of her pleasure begin to grow but she didn’t allow herself to fall apart completely. Before she reached the beginning of her climax, she pulled back on his hair to cease his efforts. She knew that her chest was pounding and he looked at her in surprise as he knelt back. She could see that his eager mouth shone with her juices. She sat up and licked carefully along his bottom lip so she could taste herself. 
Halsin was looking at her with longing. “Tell me how you would have me, my heart. Be my guide. Tell me what your desires are and I will be at your command.”
Images crossed her vision of all the things she wanted to do with him then and it was difficult to choose. She found that she was usually the dominant partner in her coupling but that felt presumptuous when it came to someone like Halsin. She thought about the hardness she had felt when sitting atop his lap and knew then what she wanted most of all. 
“I want you inside of me. I want to ride you.”
Heat smouldered within his eyes and she could see he wanted that too. He began unlacing the bottom half of his robes and her eyes widened at the measure of him. 
“Amakiir flower…I would be gentle. I am…larger…than most and you have a slight frame. You may need to start slowly if you wish to ride me.” She knew that he wasn’t saying this out of ego like some men might but he was truly wanting to prepare her for his size which was very large. She had never been with a man with such a large member. She wasn’t even sure if she’d seen one. 
Yet she was no blushing virgin either. She lifted her shift and then climbed on top of him. Her knees found purchase against the ground either side of his hips. 
Halsin placed his hands on her waist to help hold her up as she positioned herself so that his tip aligned with her entrance. He was already hard and waiting for her. Slowly and carefully she began to lower herself onto his length. She could feel the skin of her core stretching in response and though it stung it made her desire for him only increase ten fold. He felt so thick and warm within her, filling her completely. She lowered herself another tortuous inch. 
She could feel that she was getting so wet for him and that the scent of her arousal was making it hard for him to leash the animal in him. He was doing his best to hold himself still but the effort of this was making him grip onto her tight. She could see that the animal in him wanted to bury himself deep within her but Halsin, ever the considerate and giving partner, would never put his needs above her own. 
She inched down bit by bit. When she thought that she had taken in as she could take, she began rocking her hips gently back and forth. Now pleasure began to wrap itself around any discomfort. 
His hands moved from her hips across her body and she felt through her bliss him ripping apart the clasp of her smallclothes and tearing them from her flesh. Now her breasts were free Halsin made quick work of touching and admiring them. His touch was no longer gentle and she moaned when he took her nipple between his fingers and pinched. 
“Oakfather preserve me. You feel so tight around me,” he murmured. “You look glorious. The most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. That you’re here with me now…it is a gift that I cannot possibly deserve.”
Her movements began to quicken as she found her stride and she pushed down against his chest. 
“You deserve it all and more. This feels so good, Halsin. So right. You fill me completely. ”
He tugged her down to him then and she relished the feel of her chest against his own. He pressed a searing kiss to her lips.
She cried out when he began to thrust his hips upwards into her, going suddenly deeper and deeper. She wrapped her thighs around him and tried her hardest to keep up but it was beginning to feel like a frenzy. 
“Halsin,” she panted. She panted his name over and over without caring how loud she was being. Let her cries shatter the sky above. All that mattered to her right now was the wonderful feeling of him rutting up into her. 
She had known love before and had known every sexual position conceivable, but she had never once felt this close to another person. It wasn’t just the feelings he was inspiring inside of her, but there was something deeper afoot taking place. She could feel it. Some magic that was unravelling all around them and tying the two of them together. She saw the glint of knowing in his eyes and knew he was thinking the same thing. 
“We are becoming one,” he said. “And the earth around us is taking heed. It is blessing this union.”
“Then let us give it something it wants,” she replied before she could shatter completely. 
Without another word she once again purposefully ceased her movements though it took everything in her to do so. She pressed her shaking hands against his chest and he immediately stopped as well though she could see the effort pained him. His hands came up to cradle her face and he looked startled. 
“Wait, my love…” she whispered and he obliged. Shakily, she managed to climb to her feet and took a few steps back though her legs felt useless. The loss of his warmth and size inside her made her feel incomplete and her body ached for him. Her back came into contact with a tree and she leant back thankfully against the rough bark as she caught her breath. 
She heard him say her name and ask if she was well. She nodded. 
He rose and took a cautious step towards her. Her eyes fell again to his naked body and the strong powerful muscles of his thighs. If she were a fawn he would have no difficulty in hunting her. 
She licked her lips before speaking. “I want to complete the rite with you. I want you to chase me.”
She hardly recognised her own voice for it sounded more wanton, more greedy, than she had ever felt towards anyone before. For a moment she was worried that she had annoyed Halsin but as he drew closer there was a look on his face that was both savage and full of heated desire which came close to overwhelming her. She could see that he liked this idea. He liked it a lot. 
He wanted to chase her. Wanted to claim her as his partner. Wanted to complete the rite with her this Beltane Eve. 
He had, of course, done this before (many times he’d said) but this would be her first time. She hoped she would be a match for him. 
She was trembling in her desire but when he beamed at her she returned it. “You are sure? I won’t be able to stop myself again once we begin. It’ll only end with my taking you.”
She took another deep breath. She turned to face the wooded area behind them which was nearly dark now, save the last lingering rays of sunset that glittered through the leaves. She looked back over her shoulder at him and gave him a truly wicked smile. Her mind was set. 
“Try and catch me, Oakfather. If you can.”
She used her powers to shapeshift and wasted no time in bolting into the darkness. She could hear laughter behind her and the familiar sound of Halsin changing shape as well, though she did not stop to check. 
Her usual shape to transform into was a wolf and that’s what she changed into instinctively this evening. The sleekness of the animal made it possible for her to charge through the trees without worrying about the pesky roots below that might trip her. She bounded through the woods, propelling herself as quickly as she could forwards. She had no idea how far she’d come but the trees were getting larger and more dense. She didn’t know the layout of the forest though she could still hear the waters of the river somewhere to her left. 
She knew she only had precious minutes before Halsin would catch her. Though he didn’t know the forest either, he was far more experienced with hunting in his bear form and more attune with its hearing and smell. He knew her scent already and would be using it to track her. 
Though she was eager for his touch again, she didn’t want this to end so soon. 
She veered to the right and kept on running. 
She wondered if maybe she had a chance of actually winning this chase - could that even be possible? - but then the sound of padded feet came to her woof ears. No, there was no chance. He was close behind her. 
What to do then if she couldn’t outrun him? She could hide. She came to a small clearing and quickly swerved behind a knot of old twisted trees. She flattened herself against the floor of the forest amongst the pine needles and grass. If she kept very very still then there was a possibility that he might race past without thinking and she could use that hiccup to give him the slip. She kept as still as she could as she heard the noise of his massive bear form come into sight. Though she knew it was Halsin the huge beast was scary nonetheless with its sharp teeth and claws. To her surprise it didn’t look like he meant to stop and her plan might actually work, but then he slowed in his movements. 
He knew she was hiding but he didn’t know where yet. 
She kept low to the ground and moved very slowly. If she timed this right she might be able to slip past while he was still working out her scent. 
She should have known that Halsin knew exactly what she was planning. He was not going to let his prey get away from him that easily.  
And so she leapt - and he leapt - and she felt herself being tackled mid air by his large frame. As they came tumbling to the forest floor she managed to change back into her human form and she landed with a soft thump on the grass. 
She lay there panting, listening hard, and then…movement beside her. 
Halsin had changed back into his usual form too and was reaching for her. She pushed herself up on her elbows and opened her mouth to tell him I’m okay... but the words never left her lips because as soon as he caught hold he climbed on top of her and pinned her down. She recognised his movements without even needing words. He had caught her. She was his. He would claim her. This was the rite. 
A wave of absolute lust and frenzy took over them both then. He gripped hold of her legs to pull them up around his waist and then he pushed with all of his considerable might right into her. 
She cried out at the bittersweet feeling of pain and pleasure as he drove right into her core but all she could think about was wanting him deeper and deeper inside of her. It was an urge now - a dark urge - one that demanded satisfaction or be damned. Unlike before when they were inspired by their desires this had turned into something primal and primitive like the world around them. He was thrusting into her with pure animalistic need now. 
She twisted her legs up around his waist tightly as he slammed her back again and again into the ground beneath them. Her fingers scraped against the soil and earth and it drove up between her nails. His own hands were gripping hold of her so tightly that she couldn’t move away even if she wanted to. He had her completely in his thrall. 
Heat rolled off him in waves and she clung to him, pressing herself as close to his fiery body as she could. 
He was so thick and deep inside of her now that moaning was not enough and she began screaming out her desire. The pleasure that she was feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before and it began to edge her completely to the brink of destruction. She screamed out into the night air and felt herself raking her nails down his arms and back. She bit down hard onto his shoulder and she tasted blood. 
When she came, she came sudden and hard and it felt like a thunderbolt had struck her. 
When he came it was with a roar that had the very trees around them trembling. 
Hearts racing, they collapsed against one another and lay very still. She thought she could sense the world around them taking a deep breath too. Whatever magic they had woven this night with their passionate mating - it had surely been accepted and blessed. 
She felt a soft brush of lips against her forehead and then again at her temple. Halsin was very gently moving to his elbows in an effort to shift his weight from her. 
He looked at her and she found she had tears in her eyes. She began to smile. She began to laugh. 
“That was magical.” 
Halsin laughed too and the kiss he pressed to her lips was so full of affection and love that it threatened to unravel her into desire again. 
“You are not injured?” he asked. “The rite can be overwhelming, especially on your first attempt. It’s a very old and powerful ritual but the forces at play are not necessarily gentle or kind. I am sorry if I caused you any harm in my pursuit.”
“Some soreness probably, but I can heal that myself. Halsin, I’m…I have so many questions but I also need to rest…I…”
She could feel every nerve in her body tingling and it felt like her body was alight with some force she could not name. It felt as if she’d taken three health tonics all at once. She felt that right now she was at the pinnacle of her magic and could level an entire city in a blaze of cinders should she wish to. Her words came out in a rush as she was unable to focus her thoughts. 
He interrupted her before she could go on. “Peace. I understand how you’re feeling and I will answer any questions you have, but first of all let me take care of you. We have mated now on Beltane Eve and it’s my responsibility as your mate to make sure you are cared for. I will make us a fire and find some nourishment. Under other circumstances there would be a grand feast to follow but I’m sure I can find us something.”
She trusted him. He pulled out from her but as he did so his seed ran down her body to the back of her legs. There seemed to be so much of it. She sat up herself and ran a finger down her stomach where some of it gathered. She caught his eye and she could’ve sworn she saw a proud glimmer there. 
“Kyre…” he murmured, kissing her cheek. Perfect. 
He did as he promised and found them a safe spot to rest close to the riveredge. She cast her gaze over their surroundings and if she squinted hard enough she could make out some lights far back along the river where she thought their main camp might be. No doubt her companions would see that she and Halsin were both missing and put two and two together.
He offered to carry her but she felt fine walking unaided, though she spotted some blood running down her legs as well as his seed. It was not surprising given the passion in their mating and his size. She cast a quick healing spell on herself to mend any internal harm yet did nothing to clean herself right away as it was a testament to their act. Bruises would come along soon also and she could see scratch marks on her arms and knees. 
She felt a wave of pride in the thought of what she’d just done. In what they had done together. Nobody she knew had ever mated like that on a Beltane Eve. With a first druid, no less. The stories told around the campfire had left her utterly unprepared but she knew now there could be no human or Elvish words to paint it just right. 
She watched silently as he summoned a fire and gathered something for them to eat. As he did so she noted again the strong hard lines of his naked body and allowed herself to eye the frenzied scratches that now graced his back. She could see the bite mark she had left on his shoulder too. Again, she felt proud about this. She had marked him too. 
Incredibly, she felt another glimmer of desire and longing fill her belly at the sight of him but she knew he was right and she should eat something. It was important that those who joined in with the rite were cared for and looked after their coupling. During usual Beltane celebrations there would be a great feast following the mating where they would eat and drink their fill and celebrate with music and laughter. 
As it was they sat alone together on the riverbank in the glow of the fire, and they were at peace. The world around them was the only witness to their union. 
When Halsin sat down behind her, he gently wrapped one of his large arms around her shoulders and drew her to him so that she was leaning back against his chest. His powerful legs were sprayed out beside her own. The gesture was tender. Comforting. She allowed her head to roll back so that her pointed ear was next to his skin. She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. 
He presented her with an offering of some fruits and goodberries and she fell on it ravenously. “Eat, little one. Tend to your needs.” 
“Are you not hungry?”
He smiled. He began to use his fingers to comb out the new snarls in her long hair. “The rite does different things to everyone and I’ve found that I do not require as much rest as others after it. I am well sustained on the magic around us and by the rite itself. You need not worry. But it is a pleasure to care for you and see to your needs. It is thought in my grove that by doing so any fruits of our union may be doubly blessed. Though…I admit I wish to care for you regardless. You were wonderful, by the way, I could not have prayed for a better partner in this. I’m very very thankful that you gave me the gift of chasing you too.”
She smiled, though she probably had berry juice around her lips. She could feel that she was still shaking but Halsin’s free hand moved up and down her arms slowly to try and steady her. 
“The fruits of our labour…the offering to the gods for a fertile and bountiful summer…but there may be a child as well,” she said. “I could feel a twist of something while you were inside of me. Something was blessing us. I could feel it.”
He didn’t hesitate in his motions for even a second. “If such a child is born from this union then I will count myself very fortunate. I will love and care for any child of ours that is born from your flesh, as is my nature. Granted a pregnancy is not ideal given our present circumstances and the dangers we face, but ignoring our way of life and setting aside such an important ritual? It would be the same as letting the shadows win, in my eyes.”
She found herself in agreement with that and wondered how many children he'd sired in his lifetime. It was foolish to think that someone such as he had not fathered dozens by now. She, like the rest of her people, had a very relaxed attitude when it came to bearing children and she would leave the outcome to fate as intended. 
She put aside the empty bowl and she found herself twisting around to look at him. He was looking at her with such tenderness that she knew in this moment he truly loved her and she him. Their hearts beat as one this night. 
“Is it always like this?” she asked. “The rite?”
“No. The chase itself is usually the same, although you got further than most,” he complimented. “But the mating afterwards did, in my experience, feel very different. I have never ended a coupling so sure that it had been seen and blessed. With you it was like the very heavens were watching us and were pleased by what they saw. And you are so very lovely.” 
A fleeting but sad thought crossed her mind. 
“I feel more alive than I have done so in a long time. So attune with the nature around us. I can actually feel the blood pumping around my body. I admit that a part of me is saddened to think that I may never experience such a thing again. You’ve quite ruined me for any other partner,” she teased. “Know that if we survive this next battle, I will come back to the Emerald Grove next year and demand another chance.”
“I will hold you to that. We have Beltane Eve, but there are other important rituals I observe throughout the year. Each one holds its own magic and promise. My heart, you’ll find that coupling with a first druid will never get tiring.” He leant down to capture her lips and when he whispered into the shell of her ear she felt herself shiver. “And I would say that even without those sacred days, I am regarded as a very good lover. I would never leave you wanting. As I told you before I have not felt such a desire for someone in a long time. You have stirred something deep within this old heart whether you meant to or not.”
“You’re saying that even after all of that you desire me still?” she whispered. 
She knew that right now she looked like the very crude image Human’s often had of wood elves with her tangled hair, her brazen nakedness, and the mud that still coated her hands and knees. Her lips were stained red with berry juice but she made no effort to rub this away. She looked as wild as she had ever done. 
The look in his eyes told her that it was all for the better. 
“More.” He stroked his hand down the length of her back. “And if it pleases you I will continue to share my nights with you until a time comes where we must be parted. Just say the word and I will be at your service. Whether you want me alone as we are now…or with another of your choosing.” 
Thoughts of sharing Halsin with a third party was enough to make her moan and her fingers moved of their own accord. She trailed them down his stomach and to the hardness that she found waiting below his waist. He was ready for her again. She found herself aching for him. 
His hand moved lower to grasp her waist. “The night is still young.” 
“And I will have you again, my love.”
Without looking away, she lowered herself down between his legs and she took his full length into her mouth. Halsin hissed with pleasure and the noise drummed through her body, urging her onwards. 
He took her again on that riverbank and again in the lake afterwards. He showed her what he liked best (mostly having his mouth on her) and in turn she taught him what she liked (which featured him ramming into her from behind). They learned each other's bodies thoroughly and blessed the night over and over. They spent the entire night pleasing one another in every way they knew how and when the sun rose the next morning they found themselves aching and thoroughly spent. 
A/N: Let me know if I should do another one. I'm thinking of doing a Gale/Female Tav next but LOVE this kink honestly.
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amywritesthings · 11 months
the better strategy. / astarion x tav
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summary: After successfully saving Druid Grove, Astarion has one goal in mind: secure his safety. His strategy? Seduce Tav. But what if that plan goes horribly wrong and he falls for his own game? pairing: astarion x tav (female, she/her) word count: 3.9k tags: act one spoilers, non-sexual intimacy, hand kink/hand holding, astarion's pov, miscommunications, allusions to astarion's past, selûne worshipper!tav // mature for thematic elements
part one. / part three. | masterlist.
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He can still feel the tickle of moving fingertips when he flexes his hand.
It’s positively psychotic, to think an undead runaway such as himself truly, and willingly, spent an entire night sitting side by side with a cleric of Selûne — a goddamn messenger of a moon goddess whose never earned more than a spit to her worshipping plaque in Baldur's Gate from him.
Not only sitting side by side, however, no.
They were stargazing.
They were stargazing and holding hands, for fuck’s sake.
Like the wretched gentleman he’d been mesmerized into becoming overnight, Astarion walked the little wood elf back to her tent once the wee hours of the morning crawled near. He sent her off and bid her goodnight like a caller — like a godsdamn suitor vying for her affection.
Then they parted ways, and Astarion was left alone to lay in his tent where he spent the morning hours staring at the peak of his tent with a confusion he hadn’t felt in…
Well, ever.
They were supposed to have sex.
He was supposed to give it to her so damned good that she’d stay by his side and only his side. 
He was supposed to secure his safety within this group as they traveled from the grove to the Githyanki creche, to the Underdark, and beyond.
Seduction was the only thing he was good for. It was the only thing he was good at. Yet he got rejected, twice, without it ever feeling like a rejection at all.
Because Tav still wanted to sit with him, right?
She still wanted to talk his ear off about Selûne  this and the moon that, right?
And he allowed her to trace the lines of his palm without questioning her intent, good or bad, and stayed against his better judgment — right?
She chose him that night. She never strayed to another tent.
(He stayed up to make sure.)
So what the fuck does it mean when he’s stuck at the back of the party listening to Gale drabble on about magic while the self-appointed Mama K plays personal bodyguard and Wyll strolls leisurely at the front with Tav?
That’s supposed to be him.
Astarion is meant to be the one to influence Tav. Astarion is meant to advise her on what to do and what to avoid in these ghastly ruins. Astarion is meant to steer her in a direction that will keep them both safe — because she’s the only one who can keep him from going back.
Yet it’s Wyll who’s charmed her, made her laugh with his Blade of Frontiers glory stories, while Karlach makes sure that not a singular hair falls out of place as the two women walk elbow-to-shoulder across a shadow-infested bridge.
They’re a pack of wolves vying for her affection — even Lae’zel has exceptionally warmed up to the wood elf upon their perilous endeavors to a sacred Githyanki creche. 
Each person has been touched by the cleric and wants her approval, her affections, but he has one thing on Saint Tav that the rest do not:
Her blood.
Her very life essence flows through his veins because she has willingly, consensually, offered her neck to him — a decision that cannot be made lightly, not for the living, not when he held his truth from her for so long.
Yet every morning she arrives like clockwork to his tent, bringing pleasantries and whatever vile breakfast Gale has made for camp. She asks him about sleep — he doesn’t have the courage to tell her he’s never slept so peacefully in his undead life. She asks him how he’s feeling — he doesn’t know how to answer that honestly.
Then comes her offer, and what lowly little spawn would ever say no?
(You can feed on me tonight, if you’d like.)
He still doesn’t know why she does it.
Nonetheless, Astarion will play up the charm and leer like she’s the most delectable thing in Sword Coast — because Gods, with a track record of one living person under his belt, nothing tastes quite like her.
Nothing probably ever will.
(My sweet, there is nothing I’d like more.)
Tav has a bleeding heart, but surely she must know that the benefits of this arrangement are purely one-sided. If he’s not fucking her, then what the hell can he give her? Extra protection in battle, maybe. Extra coin from pick-pocketing and lock-picking, sure.
But there is nothing — he is nothing.
At the very least, Astarion has tried to make the experience of drinking her blood as painless as possible. 
When Cazador bit him, it hurt. Brazingly so. 
The vampire spawn never wants Tav to know such discomfort.
He likes when her hand holds his bicep, squeezing at the first pinch when teeth breaches skin. He likes feeling that grip lessen, relax, when he flicks his tongue over the wounds as an apology. I’ve got you.
In a way, it’s twistedly romantic.
People have always romanticized a vampire’s bite. Perhaps he’s simply romanticizing Tav.
He found cradling her head helps eliminate the strain in her muscles. And, if he uses his free hand to hold her hip, then Tav makes gentle noises in his ear — he likes those the most.
A suppressed whimper not of pain or disgust, but a misplaced euphoria.
Sometimes he’ll find himself threading his fingers through her thick locks, testing the softness — it’s always feather-light. Sometimes he’ll leave her hip and press a palm to the juncture of her neck and jawline and glide his thumb along her chin, too much of a coward to touch her lips.
And sometimes — Gods, more than sometimes — his stomach will sour at the notion Tav only allows him to feed from her body out of some heroic obligation, a dubious consenting victim bared raw to a bloodthirsty monster that she may considerably fear.
But what does it matter? This is about his survival, not hers.
(It must matter, deep down, because he’s fallen into the habit of waiting with his lips against her neck to ask one make-or-break question: are you sure?  
Nothing is sweeter, nothing is more divine, than her breathy response: I’m sure.)
By now, most of their party is aware of the most interesting deal. It didn’t take long for Gale to look sickened and for Shadowheart to appear intrigued by such a proposal. The consensus fell to a unanimous one: as long as it wasn’t one of their necks, then it didn’t matter what the hells was happening after the sun went down.
Because Tav said she trusts him. So they, in turn, trust Tav.
Yet somehow, even with the leg up on the rest of these idiots, Astarion finds himself in the bloody back of the pack while Gale absently flips through his book of helpful (see: incredibly unhelpful) spells, occupying his brain with anything other than his goddess.
Tav’s voice makes both men stir from their own worlds to look at her as she points to a seemingly untainted alcove. 
“According to Halsin’s instructions, Moonrise Towers isn’t far. We shall rest for the night, get our bearings, then soldier on in the morning.”
“Oh, thank the Gods,” Karlach groans, flopping instantly onto a tree stump. “My poor feet. They’re ready to fall off.”
“Do you need help with your tent, Tav?” Wyll asks Tav as he leans closer to her side, causing the cleric to look into his eyes.
The man smiles at her, clearly meaning it in a helpful way, but—
“No need!”
Astarion calls, holding up a flamboyant finger as he glides through the thick of their companions. 
“I’m sure the magic men are better suited at securing a protective perimeter with our stock of torches. Surely we’ll need to use plenty of them to ward off any pesky problems in this dire hellscape.”
He’s quick to grab Tav’s pack before Wyll can even touch it. 
“Go on,” he ushers with a disgusted sneer, “go do magic things. I’ve got this.”
This, as it appears, is a grave miscalculation on his part. The entire party stops and stares with varying degrees of confusion at Astarion’s sudden bout of helpfulness. Even Lae’zel, who couldn’t be bothered with any of their drama, has a deeper scowl than usual.
When Astarion looks around the pack, however, his attention falls on Tav’s rounded eyes that stare back at him.
The cleric’s lips part in that funny way when she’s at a loss for words, straddling kindness and honesty, and Astarion cannot help but feel smug about it.
Yes, he murmurs in his mind’s eye, as if the tadpole will relay his thoughts. Look at me. Only me. See how useful I am to you, darling.
“You’ve got this?” Shadowheart breaks the tension, souring the mood.
“Magic men?” Gale adds with a deep frown.
“We don’t even do the same things,” Wyll murmurs, brows knit as he turns to Gale to deliberate.
“Last I recall, it took hours for you to pitch your tent,” Shadowheart adds, squinting in a way that’s downright annoying to the vampire — trying to figure out where his niceties derive. “Are the days of the Grove so far behind us already?”
“Your attempts were most pitiful,” Lae’zel quips, upper lip twitching at her passive agreement with the Shar cleric to her right.
There — Tav’s voice cuts through all the noise, and the vampire focuses on it. Revels in it, that she lets go of her pack so that he may swing the strap heavily over his shoulder. The vampire refuses to let it fall, gripping tightly to the handle as Tav addresses everyone with her eyes.
Always thinking. Always assessing. Always trying to do the thing that makes everyone happy.
“You don’t have to,” she murmurs, and suddenly his good mood goes to waste. 
Right. She’d rather Wyll help her. She’s not obsessed with him as much as he’d—
“But I want to,” he blurts quietly, and her expression softens.
The effect of his feigned selflessness is instantaneous, and he blinks his crimson eyes several times to comprehend.
Is this how he wins the game? Not by fucking her until she can’t walk — that will come eventually, he’s sure of it — but by simply… doing what she perceives as the nice thing?
Oh, he could vomit.
It’s such a fairytale approach, and he is in no part a prince.
Regardless, Tav smiles and turns her chin towards Wyll. “Astarion has the right idea. I trust you and Gale to secure the perimeter of camp while the rest of us set up the tents. Would you like us to take care of yours while you’re busy?”
He didn’t offer to fucking touch Gale’s tent—
“You’re lovely to do so,” Wyll tells her, genuine in his gratitude, “but we’ll take care of ours once we return. Thank you, Tav.”
Gale, still speechless in his confusion, slowly follows the warlock when Wyll presses his palm to the wizard’s shoulder and guides him towards the perimeter.
The moon lantern’s glow makes it easy to track everyone in this eternal darkness, but Astarion isn’t watching or caring whether they make it to the banks safely.
Shadowheart, Lae’zel, and Karlach go about their own business, choosing to situate their own tents. It’s only when he realizes how elaborate this shit is — the tapestries, the poles, the… maddening holes they need to spear into the dirt — does he regret his impulsive decision.
“Something on your mind, Astarion?” Tav finally asks, screwing some poles together with a suppressed smile. “I thought you hated setting these up.”
“Yes, well,” the vampire relents, picking up a metal pole with a grimace at the packed dirt touching his palm, “Wyll felt the need to keep you all to himself the entire way here.”
“I wouldn’t agree with that version of events,” the wood elf replies, clearly amused as she bends over to wriggle the pole in the dirt. “Karlach was right beside me and—”
Tav blinks, the worry spreading instantly. Is she always this nervous to displease others?
“What did I—”
Astarion holds out his palm, brow quirked. “I said I’d help.”
She looks lovely bent at the hips like this, her travel-worn hair cascading over her shoulder. Usually he’s ready to stare at the neck that will be at his mercy in just a few short hours. Instead he’s so hellbent on staring at all of her, the complete image of her, as she assesses.
Then she relents.
Tav gives him the pole, and Astarion gets to work. It’s miserable — the tapping of dirt, the prodding to see where it will take best, the shoving and the turning and everything in-between. He utterly loathes the feeling of perspiration on his skin, but he knows Wyll wouldn’t complain.
When did he start to care so fucking much about what the bloody warlock would do?
The wood elf crosses her arms over her chest, watching for a spell, before dropping her knees. “Wait, you didn’t loop—”
“I was getting to that,” he hotly argues, waving her hand away, and she giggles.
Gods above, she fucking giggles. He’s almost two centuries older than her yet he feels no older than when he was given immortality when she laughs like that.
“I believe you,” Tav tells him, patting him on the shoulder before leaving to start work on the back half of the tent.
Astarion takes a moment to watch her leave, to get engrossed in her task, her laughter echoing in his mind.
He’s losing his touch.
“I figured I spend so many of my nights with you,” Tav starts again, turning her chin to watch as they prepare her tent for the evening, “that it would be wise to check in with the others.”
Is that her version of an apology, for ignoring him? Astarion snorts. “Is that what we do? Spend the nights together?”
“In our way,” she replies, securing the back corner of the tent. She moves towards the west end of it, disappearing behind fabric.
Astarion freely rolls his eyes when she’s out of view. “I visit, my dear. I have yet to spend.”
“Then would you like to?”
The rogue question from the cleric almost has the man fucking up his stringed knot.
He lurches forward, briefly, crimson eyes wide and…
His stomach leaps into his throat, partially with relief and mostly with dread.
Did she just suggest what he thinks she suggested?
He’s grateful for the obscurity from the tent, allowing his facial expressions to run through the motions of what Tav may in fact offer at this moment: the one thing he’s been trying to get her to agree to, to want, to desire, since they met.
His company. His words. His… body.
He sharply inhales through his nose and smirks, sauntering towards the west of the tent. The pale elf peers around the fabric to see her staring back at him with a bright, warm smile.
“You wish to share this evening?” he purrs.
Tav gives a one-shoulder shrug, securing her pole to the ground. (How the hells did she finish these tasks so fast? He’s not even started on the final corner.) “It would be easier than pitching two tents, is it not? We’re only here for the night, and you were nice enough to—”
“No need for an explanation, darling,” Astarion cuts off, expression darkening. “I will see you and your delicious little self tonight.”
He doesn’t remember finishing the final anchors of her tent.
He doesn’t remember whatever they spoke about between her proposition and the midnight hour.
He doesn’t remember Gale and Wyll returning, the camp eating their remnants of a dinner, before promptly falling asleep without ever questioning Astarion’s lack of shelter.
Astarion crawls into himself to scheme, plan, prepare — she’s finally admitted she wants him in her tent after dark not just to feed, but to share.
To stay with her. 
He wasn’t born yesterday. He knows what this will lead to.
Then why is he so fucking sad that he’ll have to deceive her, toy with her, become everything she’s ever wanted — when this is what he’s wanted, too?
They near Baldur’s Gate with every passing sunrise. Cazador’s palace will be just over the Shadowlands and into the horizon of the Lower City. He’s already wasted so much time in uncertainty — he cannot afford to lose now.
Yet when he opens the flap to Tav’s tent, anticipating her trousers to be on the floor or her gaze to be hungry, he’s met with… well, with a woman sipping wine alone on her bedroll, not the least bit fazed by his entrance.
“Hi,” Tav greets, all smiles and no seduction.
Astarion clears his throat, remembering to close the flap behind him. “Hi.”
(Smooth. So fucking smooth.)
Tav pats a seat beside her, and Astarion lamely sits down beside her. He ought to be ravishing her. He ought to be pushing her shoulders down, finding out whether she loves dirty talk or sweet nothings or—
“I didn’t really wish to sleep alone tonight.”
Blinking twice, the vampire turns his chin belated to the cleric who watches the front of her tent like a hawk. The smaller wood elf shifts in her seat, drawing in a slow inhale as if to…
He can sense she’s nervous, but not about what he’s so used to.
"It's embarrassing, I know," she admits, fidgeting with her fingers. "Though I suppose no one else will know it."
"They're all asleep," he coos. "I checked. Your secrets are safe with me. Speak freely, darling."
(Nothing is safe with me, he wants to scream.)
Tav scrunches her nose, nodding. Agreeing, somehow.
"Well, it's just that I don't... this place, it's so... I can't help but feel... fear."
“You’re afraid of the Shadowlands?” he bluntly asks, squinting with accusation.
Tav, bless her soft heart, shrugs. The string front of her tunic loosens with the movement. “I know my goddess is somewhere, not so much far as she is near, but it’s so… bleak. You can hardly see the moon out here.” 
She turns to look his way, all rounded eyes and parted lips, and if he had a heart? It would break for her.
With each passing second, her bravery and wisdom diminishes, stripping her of her armor until she’s laid bare beside him.
“I’ve never been away from my goddess since my vow to her, not once. Not even when I woke up on the ship with the mind flayers and the tadpoles. But it is dark out here, and I feel… consumed, by it.”
Tav frowns, searching his face for answers the vampire does not have. He looks just as in the dark as she feels. His own lips part to mirror hers, uncertain of how to proceed.
“It is terrifying without Selûne. I am terrified without Selûne. But if I cannot have my goddess here to protect me, then at least I have you near."
The wood elf has a funny way of rendering him speechless.
Time and time again, he proves to her that he is not trustworthy — that he is not noble like the Duke’s son, or honorable like the tiefling that escaped Avernus, or bold like the Githyanki who defied her own queen’s will.
He will use her and throw her away when the time comes to keep running.
“I could be…”
His voice is but a croak. Astarion is surprised to hear it in the quiet of the night as they stare at one another. Tav’s eyes round, inquisitive, and he clears his throat.
“I could be nearer, if you’d like.”
This is the moment he has to take the reins; to kiss her, to devour her, to push her onto her back and make her sing his name for all of their companions to hear.
 — but he cannot.
Tav tilts her chin just so, asking without speaking, before Astarion takes the plunge.
His arm closest to her lifts off of his side, held out to invite her in. He’s seen people in taverns do this in times of need, in times of grief, when he’d stalk the lonely ones at the demand of his master. He’s seen the act of comfort with bodies outside of sex, but he isn’t quite sure if this is how it works.
Tav pauses, brows knit for just a second, before she speaks five words he’s never thought another person could ask someone as vile as him:
“Are you alright with that?”
She knows — knows what he’s done, what he’s been subjected to, under Cazador’s spell. 
Agency is something of a fairytale for vampire spawn. Quite frankly, even with the tadpole lodged in his head, it still is.
But she asks anyway.
When Astarion nods, forcing his body to comply with her question, Tav slides close to his side and rests her temple against his chest. She fits so perfectly against him, even if she still keeps a triangle of space between them at the hip.
His arm remains outstretched, uncertain what to do. He can feel himself panic — fearful he may blow this, that he may say something out of turn, that he may suggest the wrong things — but the sensation of the back of her hand gently resting on the top of his thigh expels all anguish.
It’s an offer.
A beckoning, against all better judgment.
Thickly Astarion swallows and reaches for her palm. Their hands glide together, smooth and cold and soft.
How is she always so soft?
“Thank you,” she murmurs against his tunic, and Astarion doesn’t respond. Can’t, not when he wants to scream and yell and tell her all of the wicked things he planned to do tonight, and every other night, since the tiefling party.
All he can do is relent — his arm finally wraps timidly around her shoulders, pulling the scent of her hair closer to his nose.
He rests the lower half of his face against the crown of her head, breathing her in, as his eyes stare at a corner of the tent he didn’t properly secure.
“Better?” he murmurs into her hair, too afraid to say anything more.
Her body relaxes into his arm, his torso, and he can feel it — her fear, her anxieties, melt with such a simple gesture.
She nods wordlessly, cheek pressed against his shirt, and folds her slender fingers over his.
After a half hour, he feels it: the way her body slumps heavier against his, back expanding and contracting against the length of his arm.
Tav, for some unfathomable reason, feels safe enough to sleep beside a vampire spawn.
Beside him.
Jaw clenched, Astarion forces himself to keep watch on that fragile little corner of her tent.
To stay completely still for hours, so as to not wake the wood elf gently snoring at his side.
To remain right here, with her, until sunrise.
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whaledenwtf · 9 months
Hey, can I request a drow!Tav who's actually very kind, has strong sense of justice and tries to help people out when she can with Astarion? It seems a bit tricky combination, but I really love your writing. 💛
I love elf-type races so the idea of a soft-spoken sweet drow is actually very interesting and I'm totally interested in exploring! Since you wrote she I'm assuming you wanted AFAB!Tav so I will be writing with she/her pronouns. Warning that there is a minor Non Consensual/ Dubious Consensual moment in the fic. I will be marking it with two stars ** so you are aware of when it ends and when it begins.
Request: Drow!Tav/Drow!Reader x Astarion - As Sweet As Can Be
Warnings: ANGST (Lots of it) Fluff, Some Smut (NonCon/DubCon), AFAB!Reader, SPOILERS!!!! Speak of Astarion's Lore (Including and not limited to S/A and lack of choices) and Act 1, Love and Support for my Angel Astarion 💖
As always, the goal is to keep the characters as close to their in-game personalities as possible.
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People always tell you "it's so easy to just be nice". What a load of bullshit. They never could understand how difficult it was to go against your very nature at every turn. You were raised in the depths of the Underdark, fighting your way out to feel the rays of the sun on your amethyst-toned skin.
That may be why you sympathize with Astarion. You understood what it felt like to be in constant darkness because of your nature. Fighting tooth and nail for freedom, without being someone's puppet. When he tried biting you, you accepted him whole-heartedly. When he asked to drink from you, you accepted him whole-heartedly.
"I still cannot comprehend why you are so kind. They do not deserve your pity." He told you once, at the beginning of your adventure. You ponder his words, and your response.
"All it takes is one kind soul to change a person's future." You had responded. He also pondered your words late at night. He questions what one kind person would have done to change his life.
You told yourself you found a kindred spirit in Astarion, but he wonders if he too had found a kindred spirit in you.
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You had saved Arabella from Kagha's viper. Despite many of your companions approving of your actions, you saw Astarion wasn't too pleased with time being wasted on a child.
"We're not getting the information we need. Should we not focus on the worms wriggling in our skulls?" Astarion said to you as you leave the inner sanctums of the Emerald Grove. You could see other companions shoot your spoilsport vampire some sour looks. You put a hand on his shoulder.
"The worms in our skulls are not going to disappear. We have time to focus on them."
"Exactly. They are not going to disappear. You may be content with turning into a mindflayer, but I have my good looks to keep!" He says loudly, earning more disapproving looks from your companions. You sigh.
"You may question my actions, but I will not let an innocent child die at the hands of a treacherous viper. We got our information, and we will find the Arch Druid Halsin. After all, he may have the answers we seek." This seems to appease him, slightly.
"Plus, you get to kill goblins." He grins at those words.
"Now you are speaking my language." You grin at him, patting his shoulder gently. You turn to your other companions.
"We will tread forward and save Halsin, then go to this Creche. I understand that these are much more stops than intended, however we must gain as much information as possible so we could get a full understanding of what is happening and how to prevent it from getting worse." Gale walks up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
"I will follow your lead, wherever it leads us." You smile at the human, nodding at everyone else.
Astarion can't help but scoff at Gale's actions.
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It was late at night now, and everyone else was asleep. You notice a particularly antsy vampire pacing around quietly, deep in thought.
"Penny for your thoughts?" You ask him when you walk up to him. He jumps, shocked.
"Gods! You can't scare a vampire like that... I'll bite." He ends with a seductive lilt in his tone. He smirks at you as you blush, turning away.
"I am just... thinking." He answers your previous question, frowning. You see his defeated stance, and sigh.
"We're going for a walk." You decide, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from camp, nodding at Halsin as you pass. He lets you drag him until you're in the thicket of the forest, the light of the camp a dot in the distance.
"Why are we walking? Don't we do that enough?" Astarion complains to you, whining loudly. Once you have distance from the camp, you let go of his hand and continue walking.
"I think you need to clear your head." You tell him, humming a soft tune.
"The only thing I need to clear my head of is this tadpole, darling." He says quietly, following you. You find a small clearing near a river, the treeline becoming sparser and allowing the moon's light to bathe you both. You sit near the shoreline, the water lazily moving as if it was also taking reprieve. He grumbles about his clothes getting dirty as he sits next to you.
"I understand how difficult it is for you, Astarion-"
"Nothing is difficult for me. I'm perfect." He says confidently, though you can tell it is forced.
"Must have slipped my mind." You say simply. He continues his act, boasting of his greatness.
"I am wonderfully stealthy, and beautiful." You nod, smiling at him. "I can speak my way out of anything, including Gale's dreadfully boring speeches-" You giggle at his words. He smiles at you, turning to look at you.
"The world is for the taking, darling. And I plan to take it." He says with certainty.
"Are you done your speech?" You tease him, turning to look forward and watch the stars. He gapes next to you, galled at your audacity. He splutters, unable to form a sentence in shock. You laugh loudly, the sound melodic.
"I want to speak about your troubles." He turns away from you now, no longer analyzing your profile.
"All this talk is wasted on me." He whispers, frowning. You turn to look at him again, seeing his scarlet eyes focusing on the rocks below your feet.
"Nothing is wasted on you." You answer simply. His gaze snaps to you. For the first time, you can clearly read his emotions through his eyes. There is a sadness, all encompassing.
"You think I do not understand your plight?-" You look into eachother's eyes, leaning closer. "I was once Lolth's puppet, like most Drow." You turn to look at the sky now, the moon's beams illuminating your face. If Astarion did not know better, he'd think you were a fae, magical and powerful. Beautiful.
"Lolth is a chaotic goddess, blood-thirsty and uncaring. Many of my years in the Underdark were filled with loss, anger, bloodshed... betrayal. I trusted no one. I still find it difficult to trust." You say quietly. He stays silent, allowing you to continue your story. "I began to rebel. I was punished, severely. I knew at that moment I needed to go on the surface. Those years were filled with darkness... the first moment I felt the sun's rays on my skin- I cried. A century of darkness and pain was behind me. I began to follow Eilistraee, and found my path. This anger was a weapon, and I wielded it poorly. Innocent people do not deserve that. I decided to be the good I desperately needed in the Underdark." You ended, tears in your eyes. You turn to look back at him and he was closer, only a couple inches away from you. His eyes flicker to your lips before looking back up at you. He surges forward, kissing you passionately. In shock, you stay still, though your lips move against his.
**NonCon/DubCon Content Warning**
He climbs on top of you, hand going up your night clothes. You pull away when his hand grazes your under boob.
"Astarion-" He kisses your neck, lips kissing the mark he made two nights prior, when he drank from you.
"Astarion, please." He misunderstands you once more, his hand going up to touch your breast, groping it lightly. Your hands go on his chest and push him away. He falls backwards, giving you both some very needed distance. He looks broken, his gaze void.
**NonCon/DubCon Content Warning**
"This isn't right." You tell him, biting your lip. He frowns, turning away.
"I've never had someone turn me away..." He says quietly, looking down. Your heart breaks for him.
"Is this what Cazador asked of you?" You whisper, biting the inside of your cheek. He doesn't answer, but his body language is enough.
"You do not need to put up an act for me, Astarion. You are worthy and enough as you are. I do not need you for your body." You see his eyes get misty, but the tears never fall. He doesn't answer, staying silent.
"Come here, please." You tell him, lying down and spreading your arms. His gaze leaves the ground and he looks at you, before nudging himself closer slowly. He lies next to you, still not touching you.
"May I hold your hand?" You ask him softly. You turn to look at his profile, but he does not meet your gaze. He nods. You take his cold hand in yours, linking your fingers.
"I'm sorry." He whispers. You shake your head.
"I do not want you to apologize to me." You tell him. He turns to you then.
"I... I almost..." He bites his lip, unable to finish his sentence.
"Listen to me, please-" You grip his hand tighter, thumb caressing the alabaster skin.
"You are hurting. You do not deserve this. You are surrounded by darkness. Your reaction... you were conditioned to act in such a way. Did you mean what you did?" He shakes his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Then I will not hold it against you." He turns over, laying on his side to look at you. You turn as well, both facing one another and on your sides.
"You're too good for me." He whispers again.
"You're much more than what Cazador has made you believe you are. You aren't just a puppet. I am proof of that." You tell him. His other hand goes up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Let us just... lay here for awhile. Look at the stars. Enjoy the freedom we found." You right yourself, laying on your back. He mirrors you, laying on his back.
"This freedom will not last... not for me." He says after a long period of silence.
"I will make sure it will." He turns to look at you. You turn to him, gazing at his beautiful features.
"200 years of pure shit. I lost all hope in anything." He says to you. You squeeze his hand, fingers still linked.
"I will kill Cazador." You say simply. He laughs loudly, his whole body shaking at the intensity.
"You can certainly try, darling." You smile at him.
"We can do it, together. You do not have to carry your burdens on your own, Astarion." He nudges closer to you, his head leaning on your shoulder.
"I will think about it." That was enough for you. You hum in acceptance, before leaning your cheek against the crown of his head and enjoying the darkness together.
Suddenly, the world didn't feel so alone.
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Exploring Astarion's lore and storyline always hurts me, and I try to use it to better fulfill what I wish for him, which is growth and happiness. The scene I wrote which was noncon/dubcon is something I particularly found important to write about because I personally feel like Astarion would use sex as a coping mechanism, and is not used to people pushing him away. Abuse is a cycle, and throughout the game we see Astarion stuck in that cycle, and later on continue it (despite him thinking otherwise).
I think many people overlook the psychological layers to a character like Astarion. To write something that I feel is close to the character, I try to explore every aspect of their past and personality, especially the dark parts. I hope I was able to do so.
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whathebeep · 6 months
Domestic Life with the companions: Astarion
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So like, how I imagine things would be once you and your partner(s) settle down, ofc depending. If folks like this I'll certainly make this a series!
I imagine you two spend a long while adventuring before settling. I like to imagine (whether you declared it to him or not), the goal was always to find a means to get him safely in the sun again. I imagine it took YEARS of travelling to try and find it, but eventually you do come across it. Not a cure by any means, but a ring lost in an abandoned vampire crypt that took you ages to learn about, and ages more to find. And he slips it on his finger and it gives him the means to not only step in the sun, but it also hides his vampiric features, if he so wishes. (I like to think it will make him look as he did before he was changed).
When you make your way back towards Baldur's Gate, you make a point to visit old friends along the way. Visit the now thriving town and nearby Selunite temple, restored to it's glory over the years, thanks to Isobel and Aylin. Shadowheart lives in the small town, I'd like to imagine, having settled there upon her finishing adventuring. She's of course, pleased to see you both and host you, sharing glasses of wine and some good stories and gossip. You two stay for a week or so, taking care to take in the sights, visiting the grove, the old crash site, hell, even Auntie Ethel's former house that had been taken over by some of the druids. You're surprised to discover that even the forge in the underdark has some new occupants, some of the spawn that were freed by Astarion; they have started up a mining operation, and are making quite a good living, the ore they find making good weapons to be made in the forge. From them you learn more settled in the underground near Halsin's community, and would certainly be worth a visit.
Next comes the former shadowlands and Halsin's community; by now so many of the kids he brought along and raised in the orphanage are much older now, either teens or young adults. Halsin, as you can imagine, probably beams at the sight of you two, especially Astarion in the sun, and most certainly drops whatever he's doing and runs over, picking up and hugging you both. He's happy to host you at his home, ThanieI's former place of residence. The building is a lot larger now, but still a homely stone cottage look to it, moss growing up the side and a sizeable willow growing to the side. I imagine you two stay there a few weeks, as there is a lot to see if what has changed, and Halsin is more than eager to show you both around. Everything has been restored and repurposed; Surprisingly, Moonrise has become a school, last light restored to a fully working inn, the inn near moonrise repurposed as the orphanage, the hospital back in working order- hell, even the former Sharan temple in the underdark has been inhabited by a large portion of the spawn and the community there is thriving. Hell they've even constructed a proper entry and exit point that doesn't require them walking through the graveyard, and instead leaves out of that old Shar shrine under the statue in town. (Of course, all Shar symbology has been removed). The area is lively and it's nice to relax, take in the clean air and admire how the land has healed, and the community has thrived.
When you have to leave, Halsin asks you to write once you're back in Baldur's Gate, and promises you a place there, if you ever tire of the city.
Astarion almost seems sad when you two leave.
It doesn't take long for you two to return to the city. When you do, you stay in a room at the elf song while you try and sort out an apartment or home, but within the first day back you're off to see Wyll and Karlach; both back in the gate after a few years in the hells. Her engine repaired to the highest degree, they've settled down together in a home of their very own, and it's of no surprise when there's three kids scrambling about. The two of you had been gone for nearly a decade exploring, I'd like to imagine; so it's of no surprise that they've got three kids, all half tiefling half human, the oldest being five, and the other two being 3 year old twins. Wyll and Karlach both have jobs, Karlach having taken to working at the forge with Dammon, and Wyll working as a private investigator, occasionally writing for the Baldur's Mouth Gazette too.
Seeing them settled like that, Astarion, when you two are relaxing in your room at the elf song, drinking some wine, tries to laugh about it. "Could you imagine settling down like that? Hah!" He says it in a mocking tone, but after nearly eleven years together, give or take, it's easy to see the way he frowns into his wine glass when he looks the other way.
A few weeks after returning to the gate, you receive a letter: Gale is going to be coming through town, and he'd love to visit the two of you. Coincidentally enough, he's moving to Halsin's community, to teach at the school, and will be in town for a day or two and would want to visit.
Upon his visit, the whole group in town get together for dinner and drinks together, Grandpa Ulder having taken the kids for the night. Gale has become quite the accomplished teacher, and has even written more than a handful of academic papers. His move was inspired by wanting to learn more about he other fields of magic, and also to help teach the youth of tomorrow about it too.
There's laughter and jokes and fun stories all around, and eventually Gale asks how the house hunt goes for you and Astarion. The city is ever expanding of course, but there isn't quite anything that the two of you feel confident about quite yet; and there's well wishes on that, and eventually everyone departs for the night.
That night Astarion suggests it, moving there as well. Having a house built on the edge of town, maybe by the water, or up on a hill. It's then that he admits that even though Baldur's Gate had always been home, there's far too many bad memories; and that he'd like making new memories somewhere else.
It takes maybe 3 months before the house is completed. The two of you had travelled back, and stayed in last light until construction was completed. Plans had to be drawn up with what the two of you wanted, a location scouted out, and then of course the process of building it. Stone and wood, two floors, and just up a hill from the water.
Within a year of living there, the house is truly a home. Astarion was enjoying a lot of his free time reading, to the point that a second bookcase had to be commissioned. He took up a job working as a bartender at the last light inn, and a few times a week the two of you meet up with Halsin and Gale to chat, have drinks, discuss things; and whenever it calls for, the two of you pick up your weapons to travel again, albeit a lot more short term.
What more could you ask for?
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vemaro · 9 months
alone again
[PART 1]
This is the next part!
Summary: Tav can’t deny her own eagerness to reunite with everyone. She’s missed them all dearly. It’s been years since so many of them have been in the city concurrently, not since the final fight against the Elder Brain. Lae’zel immediately ran into a battle to save her people from Vlaakith. Wyll and Karlach went to Avernus. Gale stayed behind for a little while, but eventually left for a position at Blackstaff Academy. Astarion is no longer safe from the sun so he went into the Underdark. Shadowheart stayed the longest, but she too ventured out of the city, following Aylin and Isobel.
She considered asking to tag along with someone, but she felt it wasn’t her place to insert herself into their lives. If they wanted her around, surely they would’ve invited her … right?
Pairing: Astarion x Tav (female Tav)
Word Count: ~1000
Notes: This is set in the same universe as my last fic. I’m planning on about three parts. Enjoy:D
The door to her bedroom opens, and without a proceeding knock. There’s only one person who forgoes such a courtesy. “Yes, Terrick?” He doesn’t fully enter the room, but she can feel his gaze on her back. One, two, three minutes of silence pass before Tav closes her wardrobe and turns around. He’s still just standing there with this scrutinizing expression on his face. If nothing else, Tav is a patient woman, so she continues getting ready.
Naturally, that is when he speaks up. “That’s not the dress I picked out for you.”
She pauses right in front of the bed. It takes every ounce of her willpower not to sigh. “I know.”
But he presses on. “Are you going to change?”
Breathe. Just breathe. But don’t sigh. Don’t give him the satisfaction. “No, Terrick. This is what I’m wearing.”
He finally walks in only to stand in front of her vanity. “At least put on a dress,” he says, adjusting his cravat.
Tav plops herself on top of her bed and crosses one leg over the other. “I will if you will.”
He doesn’t look away from his reflection. The man keeps working on that damn cravat. “For the gods’ sake, can you please not make this harder than need be?”
She rolls her eyes. “Can you allow me some comfort while in public? Most of the dresses I have are too tight.”
Terrick scoffs. “Then lose some weight.”
Tav wouldn’t describe herself as overly confident in her appearance. However, she is content. Growing up on the streets as a child, looks didn’t matter all that much. And then after joining the enclave, she was taught inner beauty was of more import than physical beauty. As an adventurer, as long as she was alive and well, that’s good enough for her. Yet holy hells, did that scathing remark almost make her convert into a Bhaal worshiper.
The druid doesn’t miss a beat with a quip of her own. “Awe. Concerned you don’t take up enough space in pictures?” She speaks in a cooing voice that drips with condescension. “Don’t worry, husband dear, I will happily step aside so you can have all of the spotlight.” The last thing she wants is to be in the Mouth anyway.
He whips around to leer at her. “I’ll have you know—”
She’s not through. “Oh, but you’re not the reason the journalists come to these events. I am. The people want to see the Hero of Faerûn on the front page, not some glorified Baldurian socialite.”
“A socialite?” Terrick goes so red in the face, he puts Karlach to shame.
She rises to her feet, refusing to let him stand over her. “What else do you call a man who lives off his family’s fortune while floating from party to party?”
Any more pressure in his head, and the man’s eyeballs would pop clear out. “How dare you?” he snaps, b-lining towards her. “I’m the only reason you’re able to start your little projects. Your schools, your food banks, your clinics; they’re all possible through my family’s name and wealth. Without me, you’d be nothing.”
Actually, she’d still be the Hero of Faerûn, but Tav bites her tongue. By now, she was far too used to him lording his status over her head. They’ve had this argument numerous times and she’s so tired. If she said that thought out loud, it would eventually end with her pompous husband threatening to end their arrangement. Tav would be out on the streets, which isn’t too much of a concern. She’s no longer a small defenseless child with no way of earning money. She’s wholly capable of enduring hardship, homelessness included.
But it wasn’t just about her anymore.
She has a son; Callum, who is a small defenseless child. Terrick may or may not keep Callum. He doesn’t care for him like she does, but she wouldn’t put it past the bastard to use him as a bargaining chip. But if they both ended up on the streets, there’s no guarantee gold would come her way, even with the title of Hero. And she couldn’t burden her friends with her problems.
So Tav stays.
And Tav bites her tongue again and again.
And Tav prays for the days when Terrick is out of the house.
Breathe, don’t sigh. “I’m sorry, Terrick.” She bows her head slightly. “You’re right. My comment was … out of line. Please forgive me.”
“I suppose.” He squares his shoulders and clears his throat. “See to it that it doesn’t happen again.”
It most certainly will happen again. “Of course.”
“Now put on the damn dress I picked out, wife.” When Terrick invokes that title, it’s like a curse, something akin to a Dominate spell. It makes her skin crawl.
“Yes, husband,” she responds.
Placated for now, he nods once more then rushes for the door. Just before exiting the room, he throws out one last command over his shoulder. “And do check on the boy. Last outing, he was rather irritable.”
Tav grits her teeth. Callum was sick during their last outing, just coming down from the flu. She offered to stay home with him, but Terrick demanded otherwise. The poor thing was miserable the whole afternoon, constantly coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. Breathe. In and out. Or else Bhaal may have a new follower by nightfall. She forces a smile onto her face. “Yes, Terrick. In a moment then.”
“Thank you.” And he slams the door shut.
Now that she’s alone at last, she finally lets out the heavy sigh she’s been holding in.
By some miracle of the gods, the grand opening of the new food bank goes off without a hitch. Speeches are made, the people seem receptive, and Tav doesn’t pass out due to her constricting clothes. All in all, today can be chalked up as a success. What brings her true happiness though, isn’t the praise from the crowd or the pride of a job well done. No, it’s the sight of some familiar faces scattered amongst the crowd.
Wyll. Gale. Karlach. Lae’zel. Shadowheart. Astarion.
She’s so very happy they’re all here for her.
But also incredibly sad because they may be here now, but they’ll all inevitably leave again.
Thanks for reading!
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hazzyking · 11 months
Act one headcannons cause I finished it so why not just add my thoughts
@fanaticsnail requested to be tagged in all things Astarion
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• Lovissa kept a journal. Night one, after she met Astarion, she wrote about the pale elf who held a knife to her throat and had never been camping, "What a silly thing. What elf had never gone camping?" She wrote.
• Astarion most likely cried that first night when he said he'd keep watch, the threat of the Mindflayer, and the first few breaths of freedom, all so overwhelming, I imagine he went hunting and then just cried that night
• when Lovissa saved Lae'zel, Astarion got a little jealous that they talked the entire way to the Emerald Grove, and left Astarion in the back.
• Lovissa showed off to Astarion during their first battle together, she knew he was older than her and she really wanted to show him what she was capable of, in the beginning though, Astarion would never admit that he was auctually impressed by her.
• Kaga definitely told Lovissa off for being a Wood Elf and not following the life of a Druid. That night, Lovissa hid in her tent and cried, Astarion paced outside her tent, her quiet sobs twisting his heart in two, but not sure how to comfort a complete stranger.
• Astarion joked with her and flirted with her while they walked, and then, being happy that he was able to walk in the front of the group with Lovissa, he'd feel his walls comming down whenever they talked. But before he got too comfortable he'd put them back up
• the night Astarion attempted to Bite Lovissa, his heart was racing, but he somehow knew she'd be the easiest he was caught.
"You dont... hate me?"
"You're just a vampire. It's nothing special"
• the first time Lovissa herd about Cazador was when they had defeated the Gur, Lae'zel and Shadowheart desperately attempted to have Astarion thrown from camp. But Lovissa wouldn't listen to them, and that's why Astarion pursued her.
• After Astarion and Lovissa fucked, Lovissa was distant, she had thought she wasn't satisfactory for Astarion and that was the first time he broke her heart.
• When Lovissa used 'slight of Tounge' to get the ring off the goblins toe, Astarion asked to hear every sordid detail of where she learned that, and she blushed softly, unable to find a way to be mad at him.
• After the team successfully defended the Grove, Astarion actually tried to find a truly romantic spot for him and Lovissa. He kicked himself for overthinking and caring about her.
• the second time Astarion broke her heart was when he said "I love you" at the Tiefling party. But he didn't really mean it
• When they walked to the Underdark, Lovissa got the sense that Astarion wasn't really a fan of the Underdark, and it made her feel bad...
• she helped Astarion decipher the marks on his back, her touch gentle and made his hair stand on end. He felt so guilty that she was helping him.
• "all of Cazador's spawns have this marking?"
"Not sure... we didn't really braid eachothers hair and swap stories~"
• Klarach and Lovissa talking about Aatarion and giggling,
• Astarion being able to hear them even though they are quiet and he's in his tent, blushing madly.
• Lovissa, feeling awful about the way she treated him when she finds out Astarion only wanted to sleep with her that first night because he needed protection
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thetavolution · 6 months
BG3 Tav Backstory Bash by Kelandrin
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash
I was tagged by NO ONE. I am unstoppable.
Tagging (no pressure!): @tavsboots @whenwindwhispers @himbo-hunter-hadrian @vatyrie-avaris @durgeteriormotives @fainlin @auspex-author
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Deep Gnome — Druid (Circle of the Spores)
Calvin "Sully" Sullenberger: He's an artificer and he works for the Ironhand Gnomes. He doesn't feel that strongly about their mission statement though. He's more self-serving than that. He believes in it, just not enough to die for the cause himself. He prioritizes his own skin first. He loves the fact his current wife hates his ex wife. He enjoys being fought over, even if it hurts his kids in the long run.
Greta Bloodstone: She's Ingrid turned up to 11. She's far more timid and scared, and she gives into her fears. She's the reason Ingrid refuses to let her fear win. She's seen what a doormat it made of her mother. She's a bard who often sings about other people's accolades, except for her own daughter's.
Anna Sullenberger: She's Ingrid's step-mother and Sully's second wife. She never behaved like an actual parent to Ingrid, but she's here on a technicality. Anna is a forest gnome and she hates living in the Underdark. She's convinced she'll change Sully's mind about leaving someday. She tries to use the fact the kids both left as an excuse to move to Baldur's Gate. She's just as self-serving as Sully, she's just more open about it. Anna is a wizard who focuses on illusion.
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Ingrid was born in Silverdale, a deep gnome settlement in the Underdark. It's largely hidden away which is partially why it's still standing.
Greta had a midwife while having Ingrid and it was a traumatic birth. Both survived, but Greta decided she would not have any more children. She felt it would be too dangerous for her. It was a source of contention between her and Sully.
First word / Tantrum / When they first walked / First sickness
Her first word was "Ada." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that's the gnomish word for dad. That would have been her first word, just for the man to mostly reject her.
Her first tantrum would have been over a lack of attention, most likely.
She started walking at around 10 months old.
Her first sickness was a cold. She was a baby and miserable, but it wasn't life threatening.
She didn't have a ton of friends growing up, but she did have some. They send letters to one another.
Bimpnottin Cobblegem (she/they): I saw the name Bimpnottin and decided I needed to have someone in Ingrid's life named this. Bimpnottin is a sweetheart, but naive. They've never left their hometown of Silverdale. Bimpnottin also talks very loudly almost all of the time. She comes from a long line of cobblers and she kept up the tradition.
Gerbo Ironfoot (he/him): He was another childhood friend. He was the kid who talked the others into doing stuff. He wasn't a bad kid, just a little rebellious. He's a fisherman these days and he's married to Orla, a tailor, and they have two kids, Roondar and Dimble.
Umber Rivers (they/them): I'll talk about them in a minute. They weren't a friend in the traditional sense. They were a druid water genasi and the reason Ingrid became a druid.
Ingrid has one younger half-brother, Sebastian. His other is a forest gnome and so he looks like a forest gnome. No one immediately pegs them as siblings because of it. I'm still fleshing him out. He is either an artificer, like his father, or a wizard who focuses on transmutation.
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Getting into trouble
She rarely got into trouble as a kid. Or, at least, for anything she actually did. Anna was hard on her and would get upset with her over small things, like how she cleaned dishes or something of that nature.
I've been waffling on exactly when, partially because I keep forgetting the calendar months in DnD/BG3. I'm officially going on record as making it 22 Alturiak. In her original story, she was born on February 22nd.
She would celebrate as a kid, but they would be small occasions with just close friends and her brother.
Games / Learning something new
She played the same games as many other deep gnome children. She did spend a lot of time alone, so she learned to entertain herself a lot.
She likes to learn. As a kid, she would get excited when she had a chance to learn something new. As a baby, she was a lot more afraid of things. It wasn't until she got older that she deliberately started fighting her fears.
Oh boy, her parents did a number on her. Her dad was more excited to have two women fight over him than take care of his kids. He allowed Anna to treat the kids as pawns.
She was neglected a lot as a kid. Her parents were way more into their own drama than the kids.
She and Sebastian were pitted against each other. They have no ill will toward each other, but they never had a chance to grow close. Maybe one day they'll change that.
First love
Her first crush was her schoolmate, Alston Garnet (he/him). He was a deep gnome fighter. She didn't know that much about him because it was a pretty innocent teen crush.
I like to use songs as reference points and my first immediate thought was I'm In A Perfect Relationship from Central Park. It's the perfect sum up of how she and Alston felt about each other.
They both think it's really funny now that they're adults. They aren't close, but do consider each other friends.
Alston is now in a relationship with a deep gnome ranger, Orryn Filchbatter (he/him).
Rebellion / Running away
Her fondest memory comes from the one time she ran away. She was probably around 13, just barely a teen. She left home and traveled the Underdark alone when she was discovered by a druid. The druid guided her home and kept her safe. It left a huge impression on her and it's why she's a druid.
The druid who took care of her was Umber Rivers, a nonbinary water genasi who identified with the Circle of Land (Coast). As a kid, Ingrid fantasized about Umber raising her instead of her parents.
Reckless behavior
She wasn't really a reckless kid. She would sometimes get pulled into things by friends (Gerbo specifically) or her parents. This is when she started to experiment with drugs to treat her anxiety. She eventually found the right mix. It only counts as reckless behavior because she had no guidance while doing it as a teenager.
Peer pressure
She would sometimes give into peer pressure. It was never when it came to hurting other people though. Every time she gave into peer pressure, it was usually just stupid teen shenanigans or trying a drink or drug she shouldn't.
Taking responsibility
She was good at taking responsibility for her actions as a teen. Sometimes a little too much where she'd be held responsible for stuff that wasn't even her fault.
She was often treated like an adult by her parents. Parentification led to her taking responsibility for stuff her parents did, too. It didn't help her anxiety.
Their “first time”
Donella Underhill (she/her) was her first real relationship and the person she shared her first time with. Donella was a deep gnome cleric, but she focused on becoming a merchant. Donella still lives in Silverdale and sells potions. If someone ever goes to Silverdale, they could encounter her as a potion seller.
The first time was awkward, but they learned a lot from each other.
Ingrid and Donella no longer talk.
Serious relationships
Depends on the universe/AU! In BG3/DnD, her first serious relationship was with Donella. They were young and it didn't end well. Neither of them knew how to navigate relationships and Ingrid didn't know how to set boundaries of any kind.
They have no ill will toward each other, but also have no interest in reconnecting. When they first broke up, there was a lot of raw feelings that turned into "hatred" for each other. Once it subsided, they took a much more nuanced view of the failed relationship.
Donella is now married to another deep gnome named Caramip Sparklegem.
She's a druid, but she also works and makes money as a tattoo artist.
In her original universe, she's a human and a tattooist. It's not the career people expect of her. She loves tattoos and she loves drawing, so it made sense.
Leaving home
She was still a teen when she officially left home for good. She figured if she could take care of herself, she could hit the bricks. She wasn't kicked out, she just didn't want to be around her parents anymore.
She's a deep gnome so she could live to 350 to 500 years. And that's assuming some DnD shenanigans don't prolong or shorten her life somehow.
Most deep gnomes are expected to ease into adult life by 40 and she's only 28.
Staring a family/found family
Minty, Laura, and Bex are her found family. If you have to compare them to anything, I would say sisters or cousins. In BG3, she also considers her companions found family.
Eventually, she might like to settle down and have children with someone. This could be biological or adopted children. She does fear she'll have a similar birth experience as her mother though.
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i’m in act 3 of baldurs gate 3 with 2/3 [collected items] for the main story point so here’s some (stupid/absurd) shit i’ve done in my first run of the game!
spoilers ahead!
(also a little out of order towards the end cause i’ve dropped 169 hours into this bad boy lol)
after recruiting astarion and shadowheart i went to the mindflayer in the ship ruins, trying to resist the mental connection and instantly died leaving shadowheart and astarion to fight the mindflayer who pretty much instantly killed them and had to immediately reload
almost didnt recruit gale cause i somehow missed walking by his rock the first time and had to google where he was 💀
sided with the tieflings instead of laezel and when she got knocked unconscious i tried to cure wounds her and she didnt get back up
i then proceeded to accidentally loot everything off her person so she was laying in mud naked and unaware
stole the druids statue after completing the main quest line so that the tieflings wouldnt die but now i have no use for it
almost didnt recruit laezel because i almost didnt go through with checking out the mountain pass and was going to strictly stick to the underdark
in the grymforge i killed all the duergar before letting out nere because i couldn’t get them to side with me for combat and thought this would be easier
had to revive laezel after killing the gith who killed her and that night i long rested i forgot i looted everything off her body and so instead of being in sleep clothing she was just naked
when in the gith creche (?) i pretty much killed all the gith i came across (not on purpose though)
when walking in the underdark i was going to climb up netting but i passed my perception check too late and traps went off and then i couldnt get up the wall
finding the fish cult and killing them and their god
glitched out halsins questline so i had to leave him in act 2 (maybe i didn’t glitch it, was maybe just the order i did stuff but 🤷‍♂️)
was so invested in shadowheart lore i immediately did the gauntlet of shar before talking to isobel at last light inn or going into moonrise towers so that was fun
gave the toll collector an identity crisis so they killed themself
convinced the nurses to "experiment" on each other and watched them kill themselves and then failed to convince the surgeon to do the same
in raphaels quest for astarion i had the guy tell his group to kill themselves, told him to kill his pet, and the told him to kill himself
did kethrics phase one no problem got to phase two and told him he could right his wrongs and watched him kill himself and then immediately had to fight the god of death (phase three)
dribbles scavenger hunt (not yet completed)
went into the sewers via the emperors old hideout only to get greeted by orin pretending to be laezel and find out she kidnapped laezel
fought cazador and when astarion asked for help ascending i told him no and watched him kill cazador, break the staff, and then break up with me and leave the party with tears in his eyes ( i reloaded instantly afterwards)
in act one at the goblin camp i put poison in their alcohol and watched them drop like flies
in act one, at the creche, when speaking with the doctor there and using the device i failed all the saves and laezel almost died but the spirit guardian had to step in cause they didnt like that
slept with the emperor in act three soley for the achievement and then reloaded because i felt bad for cheating on astarion
(fun fact abt this one the three people who walked in on me were astarion wyll and jaehira and it made me want to die until i remembered this was a reload done solely for the achievement and not my main save lol)
took out the steelwatch before speaking to gortash and now all of wyrms rock fortress is red so im just an enemy to one section of the city
said i would save the gondians(?), watched several of them die in the prison and then when uprising in the lab every last one of them died in combat
had to fight gortash with no cut scene and cause of the order i did things in uhh wylls dad had to die cause no way was i letting him renew his pact with mizora but the worst part is his quest line, as of when i last was on, is glitched and when i go to speak to him in regards to the quest marker over his head he just greets me like usual 😭
because of the order i did stuff i lost my wyrms rock (fortress) teleport point and when i tried to cross the bridge they wouldn’t let me so i killed a man (the fraudulent toy maker arfur or whatever) and they still wouldn’t let me in so i just decided to enter from the lower city
oh and if you’re wondering why i didn’t go to gortash sooner, when i tried to enter that area/sharess caress, the fist had a steel watch check me and they declared me an enemy of the state or whatever and i got arrested on the spot and then was too afraid to re-enter wyrms rock cause i thought if i went in the front again that the steelwatch would arrest me again 💀
was also surprised when gale was totally okay with breaking into private quarters when it was for his own gain idk the bit i’ve talked to him i just didn’t expect for him to be so okay and on board with it? whatever he got to read his silly book and tell me that he wants to become a god but we’ll deal with that later
also breaking into the vault for jaehiras quest was so silly! after rescuing mayrina in act one my ass always tries to keep water on me and what do you know it was useful for causing a short circuit (with a little help from call lightning lol)
and that’s all i can think of right now (3:30am) but i’m sure there’s more to come as deal with orin and rescue minsc… and also collect dribbles head lmao
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tarithenurse · 5 days
I see fire - 6
Fandom: D&D 5E/homebrew campaign. Word count: 4579. Contents: Puppers, more detective work, combat and death, decapitation. A/N: Any questions are welcome. Please comment and like and reblog. Let me know if you want a tag. Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Good morning,” Morella smiles, ignoring how Anvindr is blinking at her changed form, “I didn’t wake you but listen to this: at some point there was the weird growling sound...really deep and it sounded like a sort of language, y’know?” Her new friends shake their heads as they do have a hard time imagining it. She rolls her eyes a bit but continues: “Well either way...they all kinda hid even though it was coming from inside the mine and then a bit later they dragged out of one their friends who was hurt and smeared dirt on him. I couldn’t see what happened next, though. But that sound...there’s something else than duergar there.”
Wishing (not for the first time and certainly not for the last either) that she’d paid more attention in school, Zilvra wracks her brain for everything she knows about duergar and growling creatures of the Underdark. The thing is: there’s a lot of life down there, not at all like most Topsiders seem to think.
“It might not have to be anything from underground but could simply be something that likes caves,” Zilvra muses, “but maybe...maybeee...fire giants? Kobolds? Nah, they are probably too small for the sound you describe...uhm...”
Anvindr cocks his head. “Yeah but...if they were really scared of it wouldn’t they just leave? Sounds almost like they’re working with whatever it is.”
“Who do they work with normally?” Morella demands to know of the only one here who has any inkling.
“No one really,” the drow admits, “they’re vile and violent...but fair enough: they have sometimes worked with us, the drow, when there’s been a common enemy. The thing is...duergar vary, so to say.”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs. “The deeper they live, the stronger and smarter they are.”
Anvindr gets the point: “So anyone close enough to the surface to appear here might not be the most advanced.”
The trio sits in silence before deciding that they’ve done as asked: figure out who’s using the mine. Their next step is obviously to go back but not without a slight detour first to satisfy especially Daremot Jones and Morella’s curiosity. West, towards the rumoured howls and wolves.
It’s a quiet walk, sneaking through the underbrush from tree to tree particularly the first while until past a couple of outpost (occupied with snoring duergar).
Once a handful of hours out, they realize that there are more sounds of animals again. Birds and critters. But after another five or six hours it becomes less once more as the trio enters what looks like an abandoned orchard. Despite the season, there are still old fruit lying on the ground, half rotten and withered but all sporting jagged tooth marks as if something not herbivore has been chewing on it. Wolves, the drow guesses.
“Don’t move,” Anvindr suddenly whispers, “there’s...something.”
Morella is smiling though. “Yeah, they got us surrounded...hang on.”
With that she starts speaking, odd and warped at first but soon it sounds like yaps and growls and barks, causing a large wolf to step out, it’s head cocked.
Holding their breaths in anticipation, the two friends of the druid (as Zilvra realizes that Morella must be) are trying to get a feeling for the number of potential enemies, counting at least four by the time the visible one has finished yapping back.
“Alright!” Morella seems delighted. “So I said we’re looking for Dolos because we know they have an issue that’s driven them from their home and it turns out they used to live in the mine? The duergar drove them away when they appeared from deep within.”
The three humanoids look at each other.
“So...if the mine was free...” Zilvra begins.
Anvindr picks it up: “...with the help of some humans who don’t want wolves to encroach on their lands...”
“...then the wolves might go back and not bother the humans!” Morella finishes. She turns to the wolf and presumably relays this logic but this time the talk is short before she turns back. “That’s not Dolos.”
“He’ll take us to him, though.”
It’s with a certain unease that the little party is led through the old orchard, flanked by more and more large wolves that all seem a bit on the slender side compared to their size.
Eventually, the group with its satellites of wolves comes to the furthest outskirt where an old ruin of a house manages to keep a single wall with half a chimney erect. There, a huge black wolf gets to its feet, growling at the one that Morella has spoken with before circling the trio slowly.
As if prompted (which she probably is) the eladrin speaks in their language once more, presumably explaining the situation while standing stock still. Stoic. Zilvra realizes that it’s a power display from both sides and makes sure to remain immobile too.
Suddenly, the alpha jumps at Morella, pushing her over into the mud and standing over her with its snarling maw right in her face but even then the golden humanoid remains calm – if her heart is pounding as hard as her friends’, then it’s not possible to tell. She just mutters something in the tongue of the wolves, causing the large beast to back off so she can get up.
On and on it goes for what feels like ages but in reality probably isn’t that long even though the sun has time to set before the black wolf howls, causing its pack to join in.
Morella turns to her friends: “They want to help kill the duergar but otherwise it’s a deal.”
“If the mine is cleared they’ll go back and not bother the humans?” Anvindr wants verified.
The trio sleeps in the orchard, enjoying the dubious safety of the wolves that keep watch although the elven kind still take turns. But nothing happens.
The rain has been falling steadily for hours when the trio breaks camp and sets out. The ground is muddy even under the thicker canopy of the forest but knowing what awaits them, they manage to press on even well into the night rather than wait with the last four hours of march for the morning.
That’s why they arrive to closed doors of the monastery a bit past midnight but thankfully brother Samuel answers the knocking and lets them in.
“Oh my,” the friar exclaims, “you look like drowned mice!” They are indeed dripping and cold, huddling just inside the door to avoid spreading too much mud all over the place. “Get the wet clothes off and I’ll see to it that it gets dried by the fire. Here, I’ll fetch towels.”
As said, so done: the slender man rushes off, allowing the trio to slowly work their way out of armours and clingy layers of drenched clothes until they stand in their underwear, shivering from the cold. Samuel hands them fluffy towels and while Zilvra is busy looking anywhere but at her companions, she notices how he eyes the air genasi appreciatively before ushering them up into the tower.
The trio is settling in for the remainder of the night in the cozy clock tower (Morella has already fallen asleep – actually sleeping rather than trancing) when Anvindr motions for Zilvra to listen – angry voices. Or rather: one angry voice.
“What’s going on, you think?” the male whispers.
Zilvra shrugs. “One way to find out...wait here.”
Carefully tiptoeing down the stairs, she eventually reaches the floor that holds McBribe’s office and that’s where the shouting is coming from and while she doesn’t hear the start of the conversation, it’s clear that someone is lodging a complaint and it’s not for the first time:
“They’ve stolen from me again! What are you gonna do about it McBribe?!” There’s a mumbled answer that’s too faint for Zilvra to hear even as she presses her ear against the wooden door. “Well, get it fucking over with,” the angry speaker continues, “send them to me tomorrow then! Do something! This is also for the monastery, you know.”
Realizing that the conversation (or argument, really) is over, Zilvra rushes around the corner to hide just in time as the door slams open and someone exits. Peeping, she gets a glimpse of a human male who carries himself with importance although he’s rather practically dressed – not just to avoid getting soaked from the rain storm although his boots are caked with mud as though he’s walked for a while to get to the monastery.
“Ahem,” someone coughs politely behind the drow, “what are you doing?”
Turning, she comes face to face with Willem, the deputy. And he looks displeased.
“I heard raised voices and got worried,” she answers more or less honestly.
“Hmm,” he studies her face but finds no blatant lie. “Everything’s fine. Just...go back to bed, you look like shit.”
It’s true that she’s exhausted. Her entire body feels like lead and she’s still cold after having hurried through the horrible weather (weather really is overrated compared to what she had expected before coming up from underground) so she accepts with a nod and starts to head up the stairs...slow enough to see that Willem enters the office of the marshal. It’s only a few steps back and then she can lean against the door but there’s just the faintest of mumbling to indicate talking so she gives up and returns to the room the trio occupies.
Anvindr has fallen asleep too, curled up in a tight ball and shivering a bit until the drow finds him an extra blanket. Then she too gets comfortable and sinks into a trance – exhausted.
There’s a bit of confused grogginess from the air genasi when he wakes as the last and then the awkward realization that they all will have to make their way downstairs either wrapped in the towels still or just sporting underwear.
The eladrin seems fairly unmoved, folding the towel neatly before leading the descent with the others in slightly more hesitant tow.
They find their now dry clothes hanging by the fire in the kitchen, nice and toasty and clean. Slipping into their own clothes again is comfortable, almost distracting the drow from the growing tightness of the bonds.
Also in the kitchen is brother Paxton, rummaging about and setting up what’s an elevensies for him and now gets expanded to be a breakfast for the trio. He’s happy to see them, chatting about his wines as they get comfortable around the table. Soon, Anvindr and Morella are talking with him about friendly wolves and duergar, making his eyes grow wide and praising them all for their courage to embark on such a quest.
Halfway through the meal, McBribe shows up, asking to see the trio afterwards to plan for the future and hear of their discoveries.
“We also need to do something about your bonds,” he acknowledges to Zilvra who eagerly agrees.
That’s why, after breakfast, the trio retraces the steps up the stairs to the marshal’s office to explain it all to him.
“So,” he summarizes, “duergar and something else have taken over the mine, chased out the wolves who now encroach on our lands to survive...but are happy to help defeat the duergar to get the mine back and then will leave us alone?” The odd friends exchange glances briefly before admitting that, yes, that’s correct. “Well I’ll be damned.” He thinks for a moment before admitting that the wolves’ help makes it a lot more doable to deal with. “I’ll see what I can arrange in terms of manpower but I got another job for you in the meantime.”
The man Zilvra had heard argue with McBribe (unbeknownst to either) is called Layn and he’s the owner of the local vineyard which has run into some trouble in the sense that they often have their harvest stolen. And not just a little bit but massive crates or barrels disappear overnight seemingly without a trace. Both Layn and his stock keeper Macey have complained to McBribe before but he hasn’t had the manpower to deal with it yet.
“We could do that,” Anvindr offers, “right?” he adds to his friends who both nod.
“I’d be very happy if you could do that, just look for clues and such while I try to figure out a team to help with the mine...” McBribe considers the options: “It’ll take too long to ask for help from the city and I’m sure we’ll be turned down anyways but with the wolves on our side? Yeah...it doesn’t seem impossible. Expect to be heading out tomorrow.”
The trio is ushered off to see brother Paxton who will deal with Zilvra’s bonds and who also lends them some raincoats so they won’t be soaked going to the vineyard.
The vineyard proper precedes endless rows of grape plants nestling against scaffolding reaching south and east, enclosing the couple of buildings in a corner of the lands. There’s a large barn, presumably used for storage, another where the trio sees a horse brought in, and then the main house used for living. Despite the horrendous weather, there are plenty of people out and about, tending to the fields of produce or seeing to maintenance and preparations for the harvest later in the year.
Once on the property, a hearty looking woman (human, like most in Stouvania) hails the outsiders: “What can I do for y’all?”
“Hi,” Morella offers, “McBribe sent us over to investigate what’s happening to the grapes. He said something about theft?”
There’s a flicker of something across the woman’s face but she softens quickly. “Name’s Macey, I’m the stock keeper. ‘Bout bloody time they take us seriously.” She motions for the three adventurers to follow her towards the storage building. “It’s happened a couple of times now and that lazy ass of a marshal had the audacity to suggest it was vermin but c’mon! It’s full on crates disappearing over night!”
It’s dusky inside the barn but not too dark for them to see that the crates are massive. Looking around carefully, Zilvra and Anvindr find boot prints which could belong to any of the workers but at least rules out duergar activity here because they walk bare feet.
Morella on the other hand is looking up, spotting a couple of pigeons on the rafters.
“Croooh crooh!” she calls out to them, making Macey stare as if the stock keeper believes the colourful elf has lost her mind but of course the birds respond and the strange conversation goes on for a moment before Morella smiles at her friends. “Seems like they’ve seen an, according to them, big person come twice at night.” Then she spots another potential witness in the form of a haughty looking tabby cat whom she engages. Then: “Yeah, big person, leaves eastwards every time.”
Macey looks confused and Anvindr is about to explain how Morella can talk to the animals when the woman instead says: “But there’s nothing east of the vineyard?”
“Nothing?” Zilvra wants to be sure.
“Beyond the fields there’s the forest and about two hours later you’ll reach the foot of the mountain.” She thinks carefully. “There’s an abandoned hut or shed at the edge of the forest but that’s it.”
The friends exchange glances.
“Let’s check it out. Try to track this thief.”
“Alright!” Morella is chipper.
It looks strange and frankly creepy as the eladrin rapidly morphs into a dog, a muscly dog with a wrinkly snout with a little flower sprouting from its head. Undoubtedly, it’s the final form and not the transformation that scares the cat away with a loud yowling but Morella the dog doesn’t worry, focusing instead on sniffing for viable scents, eventually guiding her friends off towards the forest.
“Look,” Zilvra points to the muddy ground under the lower vegetation.
There, filling with rainwater, are clear tracks from a narrow cart or something similar.
They follow the eladrin’s canine nose for a while before the druid’s form eventually slips. Thankfully, Zilvra has been keeping an eye on the tracks which they have also been following, and she manages to guide the group on without loosing their sense of direction.
They continue east, towards the mountains, and it’s not much longer before they reach the edge of the forest and can see a wooden structure. To call it a hut would be more than generous as it’s half open to one side and only about ten feet by fifteen. It’s not in the best shape either but it looks like it’s still able to keep out the rain.
Drawing their weapons, Anvindr and Zilvra move closer, eventually entering the shelter but finding little of interest save for a satchel with several portions of rations that oddly look relatively new.
The sound of a forced exhalation reaches the two friend’s ears and they turn in time to see Morella flash towards them and away from a large man with a bandana across his face. Morella is clearly hurt, her crimson blood dripping from a short sword in the man’s hand.
“Wait! Don’t!” Anvindr shouts, “we just want to talk.”
But the man advances still with his weapon at the ready.
Lifting his weapon, Anvindr fires once, hitting the assailant in the shoulder but not stopping his advancement which makes the trio scatter. The man is burly, clearly a melee fighter and all of the new friends are rather squishy, preferring to avoid the mean swings he lashes out with.
It’s a messy fight where each side take as good as they give but even with three against one, it seems the man has experience on his side because he manages to get up close to the air genasi, causing him to fall unconscious despite Zilvra’s furious attacks to force the focus onto her.
“No!” Morella shouts at the sight of Anvindr falling.
While the man pursues the drow who now is backing away, the druid is able to get over to their dying friend and restore him to life, the green-golden glow of her magic seeping from her hands and into his body.
Still prone, Anvindr takes a shot that disarms the enemy and the druid is able to rush to retrieve his weapon, forcing a tactical retreat on the bandana-clad man’s behalf which is cut short as Zilvra interposes. Before her inner eye, she sees Anvindr fall again, unconscious, and a deep fear and rage of loosing another friend fills her. As if it moves on its own, her hand lifts the rapier and pierces his heart. The man stands still for a moment, looking into her eyes with surprise before sinking to the ground with an empty stare.
Shocked at her own actions, Zilvra carefully prods the corpse with a toe only to have to accept that the man really is dead. There’s nothing any of them can do to reverse the situation.
“Guess we have to...bring him back with us?” Anvindr also seems unnerved.
“Got rope?” At least Morella is keeping level headed and so the drow fights to remain stoic too, pulling out her length of rope.
It turns out that the druid’s plan is simple: she shifts into the form of a draft horse and the other two tie the corpse to her back and they all head back in a quick pace.
Now and then Anvindr glances over at Zilvra but she makes sure to keep her eyes fixed on the nigh invisible path from the tracks.
They only make it back just in time before Morella’s form reverts and that plus the corpse draws a lot of attention from the workers and Macey who gathers around the trio.
“Wooh, he’s a big guy!” Macey exclaims.
Anvindr begins to explain: “He attacked us out of the blue by the shed...didn’t want to step down and we had to fight for our lives.” He rubs his chest where the man had sunk his weapon in. “There were cart tracks leading through the forest and all the way out there...even beyond but we honestly didn’t check further because we...well...” he motions to the deceased.
Meanwhile, Zilvra sifts through the belongings on the corpse. He wears a leather armour, and his huge hands are rough and calloused in a different way than she would have expected from a soldier causing her to silently entertain the idea that maybe this guy used to be a mason. Other than that, he has a money pouch with 37 copper pieces, and two pouches of sand – which she pockets.
“Let me get the boss,” Macey shudders, still unable to look away from the corpse but eventually she manages to turn her back to the sight.
More and more people are gathering around the display, making Zilvra nervous and she shuffles over to her friends to inform them quietly of her findings.
“So, it wasn’t just vermin,” the owner of the vineyard growls even before he’s all the way over by the group, Macey in tow. “Didn’t expect you to catch and kill anyone but nice job and good riddance to him! What you gonna do about him?”
“Basically we just brought him back as proof and maybe someone can say more about who he is or something,” Anvindr explains before once again telling the story.
Layn listens carefully, nodding a few times and humming in approval. “You did a good job, I’ll make sure to write a letter of recommendation for you guys...and I’ll have to request guards because he likely didn’t work alone.”
“He’s wearing this, by the way,” Zilvra adds, showing off the armour with a neat round emblem and the swords.
Layn is silent for a bit, face paling and fists clenched. “That’s Stouvanian gear,” he finally growls. “You,” he points to one of the workers, “help me chop off his head...an entire corpse is too much to bring back as evidence. The rest of you, get back to work!”
It takes a while before the head is prepared, wrapped in a burlap satchel which only Zilvra is willing to carry – feeling rather responsible for the man’s fate. Meanwhile, the owner of the vineyard has written two letters as promised, pointing one out and explaining that it’s the letter of recommendation. Both letters are to be given to McBribe, though. They also get the armour and weapons as further evidence and to help identifying the man.
“Now, go show him his so-called vermin. We’ll make sure he gets buried.”
Happy to seemingly be done with the task, the trio heads back towards the monastery. At least it’s not raining as hard any more, but the road is one big mud cake and they are all tired after the fight and trek so their pace isn’t the quickest.
“We...might have a problem here, guys,” Zilvra points out.
They both nod but Anvindr is the one to talk: “If we just killed a Stouvanian soldier....that’s going to be a big deal.”
“Especially for you with your current sentence,” Morella adds to the drow.
“Yup.” It’s all she can say about that.
Arriving in the evening, the trio is greeted by brother Samuel who smiles warmly at Anvindr before rushing off to fetch McBribe.
The adventurers have only just gotten the wet raincoats and muddy boots off by the time the marshal arrives, looking expectant.
Unceremoniously, Zilvra hands over the bag with the head. “Found the thief.” At least it had stopped dripping a few minutes before they reached the abbey.
McBribe looks into the bag, woefully unprepared and his face visibly pales at the side of the chopped off head. “What the -?!”
“Yeah,” Anvindr begins, uncertain on how to phrase it, “we did some interviews and followed a trail through the eastern woods to an old shelter. That’s where we got attacked by him and he wasn’t willing to talk or back down so...uhm.”
Morella nods, wringing water out of her hair. “Big fellow. We got his gear too to help with identifying him but we’re kinda worried.”
“Why?” McBribe wants to know.
The simple answer would be because they now are killers but when Anvindr pulls out the armour, flashing the emblem, it seems that the marshal understands the deeper concern. At least he shouts for Willem who comes running a moment later.
“Get Niels to fetch the book!”
“What book,” the deputy wonders in all fairness.
McBribe is staring from one bag to the other. “The one with gear...Stouvanian equipment. Hurry!”
Once alone again, Zilvra remembers: “Oh yeah, we also have two letters for you from Layn.”
Handing them over, she can’t blame him for simply stuffing them in a pocket. Then they stand in silence as they wait for the reaction to the marshal’s order which comes after a while in the shape of the gangly, bespectacled friar who is carrying a leatherbound volume. Willem is following in his heels, clearly intrigued.
“What’s going on?” the deputy wants to know.
His boss thrusts the burlap sack with the gear over to him. “When’s this from?”
All three locals bend over the book as Niels leafs through it, comparing the make of the armour first before eventually finding it. Apparently it’s not just any random recruit armour but instead an issue indicating a specific branch of the military. Assassins. It’s not a current armour though but due to wear and tear and only minor changes over the years it’s hard to date it. The weapons on the other hand are a different matter: also of Stouvanian military make, they are much older than the armour appears to be, dating back around 40 years. It fits with the surprisingly slender blades which indicates decades of sharpening and use.
“So...we just killed a retired assassin or someone who’s gotten hold of the gear?” Anvindr summarizes.
“Looks like...we’ll have to send the uhm...the head back for identification,” McBribe mutters, “we’ll put it cold and have...uhm...Priscilla head out with it in the morning.”
He also hands the bag with the head over to Willem who for the first time gets a chance to look into it...much to his regret.
On the other hand, now the marshal’s hands are free to deal with the letters he had stuffed away and a quick scan of the writs is enough for him to nod in agreement with Layn. “Yes, I’ll write up recommendation for your work. Both the mine but certainly this too.”
Telling the trio to get food and rest, the man in charge heads off with his second in command, only briefly thanking the friar for the help with identifying the items.
So the trio heads to the kitchen (not surprisingly finding Paxton there) and are treated to warm food and even some lovely wine which they all partake in this time, feeling they need something to cheer themselves up with.
After the dinner, Anvindr goes up to the room to tend to his own armour that has sustained some damage during the fight while the drow decides to prepare for the next part of the quest with the mine – unfortunately a visit to the library grants little new knowledge on duergar, instead simply confirming what she already knows. And Morella? She’s snuggling up with the abbey’s cat, humming softly as she gives it scritches and love.
It’s only when rest takes her friends, that Zilvra has to deal with the silence and the weight of guilt from her actions.
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Sorry if you’ve already answered this but what would it be like romancing Sol? 👀👀 —WyllGirlDadAnon
It's alright I'm happy to just talk about Sol in general <33
In short, you know that song "your stupid face" by Kaden Mackay? It's what I imagined Sol's romance to be.
Because how dare you make them love you and care for you? They can't stand how much they like your stupid face. You shouldn't be smiling! Wel...maybe you can smile it looks sweet, but only for them!
I also wrote partially about their romance and romance ending as a companion here . I'll talk more about it in details below.
Act One
After taking them from the underdark to join you, their romance triggers start when you take them to the grove.
You have a cutscene if you attempt to walk into the grove with them, the gate doesn't open and Sol informs you that they're actually not allowed inside...because of a certain incident.
They tell you to go ahead, they'll just wait here. If you inquire further about the incident, they admit they've came here before the underdark but set something on fire, multiple times.
If you ask them why or if it was accidental, they don't answer you. They don't trust you yet to let you know about how dangerous their magic can be so they ignore your question.
If you poke fun at them for supposedly being a powerful sorcerer who can't control their flames, they'll tell you off but you do gain their approval for calling them out.
If you try to be nice and say it's not their fault, they stop you and say no it was definitely their fault, they don't want your useless pity. If you keep pushing it you gain their disapproval.
After going inside, you can talk to the druids on why they banished Sol. They tell you the same story about them setting things on fire even when told they shouldn't. You can solve it peacefully or take the druid's side.
Also you can ignore the gate and find another way to bring Sol inside, if you defend them when faced with the druids and say you don't care what they did, you'll take them wherever you please. They are kinda impressed.
That starts their romance, taking their side against the druids. You can also murder the druids, it still starts their romance. The tieflings have no problem with Sol, they just didn't want to anger the druids. So they aren't involved in this fight.
I like this as their introduction quest because it mirrors their ending. Sol says druids are their favourite when you first meet them and the flower they carry around in their hair. Yet their quest allows you to murder the one thing they love most.
Like how in their bad ending they plan on destroying everything they deemed beautiful and killing every person they loved when they die.
If you take the druids side and just leave Sol outside, they don't disapprove, they expected this treatment out of you really. They already have low views on anyone else and since you never stood out for them, they'd never bother with romancing you. You're just like everyone else afterall.
Solving it peacefully is a good middle option honestly, Sol isn't murder hungry, they just generally don't care if you are.
After their romance route unlocks, you get two more cutscenes in camp.
One during the morning after a long rest where you find them struggling with their hair in front of their tent. You can offer to brush it for them, they're really hesitant and eye you with suspicion.
Telling you they don't need your help, they make a second attempt but set their wooden hairbrush on fire and drop it to the ground. With a sigh they turn to you and say, they changed their mind actually, you may help them.
Agreeing to brush their hair for them will gain you their approval and progress their romance even more. At first their shoulders are stiff and they're restless. The more this goes on the more they relax against you and let you do it.
If you tell them to say please or ask nicely, you need to roll a persuasion check and survive their intimidation roll. They finally say please help them, but this time around you don't gain any approval from this interaction. And it lowers their opinions of you.
They add the flower to their head at the end, you can ask about it. They'll answer that it's pretty so it matches them and nothing else.
If you comment on how isn't it counteractive since it's siphoning their magic? They'll laugh and say "yeah that's the point."
If you ask to hold it they refuse. If you grab it without asking they'll snatch it back and burn your hand by accident, saying to never fucking do that again.
If you destroy it or crush it, they leave your camp.
During Act 1, it's crucial to agree wit them 90% of the time. Their gaurd is still up and they'll erease all the progress you've made if you even hurt their feelings once. They're very vindictive. Luckily most things don't hurt their feelings, including insults. But it only takes one domino to fall for the whole thing to unravel so be careful with how much you push them.
During act 2 it changes where it becomes important to disagree with them, otherwise they're see you as a doorstep in the romance who agrees with all their whims. Much like a red dragon would treat a kobold.
I mentioned it before, they don't care how you treat others or what your morality is, as long as by the end of the day, they get your special treatment and they are the exception to your rules. It is pure selfishness.
You do gain their approval by complimenting their appearance, they are vain. But compliment their magic and they'd start thinking you're trying to use them. Flirting attempts or sophisticated lines most likely won't work on them, they prefer straight forward basic Flirting and compliments.
During the tiefling party, they aren't drinking but sitting far away from the group of people. Especially as far from Halsin as they can manage.
Near the riverside.
You can invite them to join and they'll tell you they're good, the noises give them a headache. Go and have your fun.
Sitting near them and picking a flirty option will get their sole attention to focus on you, they tell you to come closer, sit on their lap.
You can ask them to sit on yours instead and they'll oblige.
Holding your arms behind your back, they tell you to continue talking, tell them what else do you like about them?
The scales on their skin brush against your face, their head lowers until their lips are on your throat. They ask if you'd like a gift from them?
Refusing makes them leave a small kiss on your neck before pulling away.
Agreeing will get their teeth to sink into your neck, biting and leaving their mark on you. Their hold on your body tightening as a strong feeling of possessiveness takes over them, the urge to own you, to mark you.
They let go, giving your neck a lick or two, they wish they had sharper teeth.
Pulling away from you, they tell you to go back to the party, show everyone else who you belong to.
During the goblin celebration they're actually in the party, drinking this time and standing next to Minthara and talking to her.
Minthara will ask you to sleep with her in front of them and if you agree, you gain one approval point from them. They tell you they hope you aren't biting off more than you can chew.
It doesn't effect their romance tho, you're free to sleep with whoever in act 1.
If you flirt with them in front of Minthara, especially after her proposal, they burst out laughing. You really have a deathwish huh? It's kinda of hot.
Yeah whatever, they'll makeout sloppy with you just to get her jealous. You can get away with touching or groping them anyway you like during that moment, the more you play along with their little show of exhibition the more approval you'll gain. But they still leave to the riverside after and don't spend the night with you.
You don't get their bitemark tho.
The second cutscene is before leaving to act 2. If it triggers it means you successfully romanced them and can start a relationship during act 2.
If it doesn't trigger it means you've picked some wrong options along the way or missed some important dialogue.
It's night-time and you're sitting by the campfire. They walk up to you with their arms behind their back, holding something.
Kneeling besides you, they say how since we are leaving this area and probably won't be coming back, they took it upon themselves to go back to the underdark and bring you this.
Nestled in their hands is another sussur bloom, a paler blue than theirs but just as beautifully glowing. They offer it to you.
They tell they did some test while in the underdark, it takes the effect of three flowers to completely suppress their magic rather than weaken them.
The one they're offering you, will weaken them. They're giving you an easy way out, a backup knife to press against their throat if they ever prove to be a danger to you. Don't hesitate to use it.
They offer to put the flower on your head, to match theirs. If you refuse then they place it on your lap, if you accept then they smile and give its petals a kiss before placing it on top of you.
If you offer a hug they'll refuse, a kiss will be met with rejection.
But maybe...holding hands is okay. Excuse their sharp nails, as they entangle their fingers with yours. Sitting side by side watching the campfire.
There are so many feelings swirling inside of them, they want to get up and leave. The things you make them feel are too overwhelming and they can never tell you that.
Worst of all, there is an ugly urge rearing its head inside of them at the idea of other people being with you. They wonder how long they can hide it before you eventually find out their true nature, the inhuman greed inside their heart.
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The Unlikely Similarities Between Kittens and Vampires, Chapter 15
Warnings: non-graphic oral sex, Astarion being himself
Summary: The Underdark isn't great, and Sable finds an enterprising use for the Fog Cloud spell.
Notes: Oh focus, where hast thou gone?
Sorry for the wait for this chapter, this week's been hell and I might be getting sick. Anyway, enjoy! <3
Read on Ao3 here!
Previous Chapter | First Chapter
They leave by the open window of the dilapidated chapel, as they didn’t find a way to turn off the damaging beams that killed the sudden rampaging minotaur so quickly. 
And they’re immediately attacked by a spectator. 
Who started unpetrifying the statues of drow placed around the cliffs. 
After somehow making it through that battle, bruised and battered they start making their way down to lower ground. 
And are attacked by a bulette.
They deal enough damage to the thing that they kill it before it can escape down it’s many burrow holes in the ground, but by this time no one is eager to move on to face more threats. 
After taking care of those exploding mushrooms, they make camp. And the entire time Astarion, slightly bloodied but not too badly off, is muttering under his breath. 
“Oh, yes, the Underdark is surely the safer route,” he hisses as he hammers in a tent peg a little harder than strictly necessary. “Surely, if this is the optimal choice between the two, the mountain pass would have been absolutely lethal! Good thing we listened to that very intelligent druid’s advice!” 
Halsin, setting up his tent literally across from the vampire, gives him a flat look. “If you have a complaint with my counsel, Astarion, speak it to my face.” 
“I’m sorry, it seems the area is sadly lacking in ladders tall enough to accommodate that,” comes the tart reply. 
On Halsin’s left, Karlach cackles. “You just called yourself short!” 
“I most certainly did not!” Astarion protests. “I’m calling him a giant. World of difference.” 
“Will you stop bickering?” Gale says huffily as he walks by, his own tent already up (magically, of course). “None of us are happy with how we’ve been welcomed down here, but that’s no excuse to jump down anyone’s throat.” 
“Trust me, if I were down the druid’s throat, he’d most certainly know it,” the vampire says, and no one’s quite sure if he means it as innuendo or a threat. Probably both.
Several noises of discomfort follow that proclamation, and Halsin just sighs and ducks into his tent. Astarion smirks victoriously, then grabs his wash bucket and soaps, heading around the bend for the waterfall they’d discovered earlier. 
He pauses as he realizes that it’s already occupied. Sable stands there, letting the water rush over her, her hands pressed to the stone for support. The look on her face…his still heart pangs. She looks a million miles away, a look he’s all too familiar with. He undresses, leaving his armor and underclothes near her own, and steps up to her. “Sable.” 
She jumps, flushing as she realizes that he’s both here and naked. “O-Oh, Astarion. How long have you been here?” 
“Only a few moments,” he says softly. “Are you all right? You looked…far away just now.” 
She smiles weakly. “I’m fine, I promise.” But her smile is just a hint too small, the corners of her eyes just a little too tight. 
He sighs, reaching out and cupping his hand gently around her jaw. “Darling, remember when I told you that you’re very easy to read? I meant it.” He leans forward and presses a quick kiss to her forehead. “Don’t lie to me.” 
Her eyes close. “Sorry. I’m sorry, I’m…” She takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, shakily. “It’s…this place. It’s too quiet, it’s too…oppressive. Yes, I’m a druid and everything, but I was raised in the city. It took long enough to get used to the forests. I know there’s nature down here, but it’s mostly mushrooms and other plants. There’s no wind through the trees, no animal calls, no…ambient sounds of the city streets.” She shivers. “I hate it.” 
Astarion softens, and he steps forward, wrapping his arms around his lover. She melts into him, her own arms winding gently around his middle. “I’m not exactly fond of the place myself,” he murmurs, pressing his cheek to her wet hair. “Now listen here, my kitten.” He feels her smile faintly against his chest at the nickname. “You’re not alone in this. None of us like it down here. So if you’re finding it overwhelming, just ask me for a distraction. Hm?” He pauses. “Well, so long as we’re not in a fight for our lives anyway.” 
She looks up at him, her hazel eyes locking into his crimson. “I need a distraction.” 
The air changes, becoming charged, intense. “Any particular type?” he asks, voice low, a sultry purr like velvet over her skin. 
She swallows, her mouth going dry. “Surprise me.” 
He smirks, and gently pushes her. Her back slaps softly against the wall behind the waterfall. “You are aware that anyone could just walk over and see us?” he murmurs, even as he lowers himself to his knees before her. 
Her eyes darken, even as her face flushes in both embarrassment and arousal. She waves her hand, green motes of light following her fingers, and a thick fog obscures the perimeter of the waterfall, hiding them from view. “Not anymore.” 
“My clever little kitten,” he praises. “Now, be nice and quiet for me. We don’t want them to come investigating any loud noises, do we?” 
He doesn’t give her a chance to answer, instead slinging one leg over his shoulder and leaning forward to bury his face into her core. 
She was quiet. Barely. And only because she seals her hand over her mouth. 
They emerge from the fog cloud, clean and refreshed, the young druid holding both their buckets as Astarion cradles her gently in his arms. He looks terribly smug as he carries her back to the campfire. Shadowheart hides a smile into her mug of tea as the vampire settles down with Sable in his lap. “Don’t you two look cozy.” 
“There has never been a more cozy couple,” Astarion says happily. “Oh, Shadowheart, be a dear and do your thing for her, please.” 
The cleric’s brow furrows as she searches Sable’s increasingly flushed neck. “I…can, of course, but I don’t see where you fed.” 
Sable hides her face behind her hands as Astarion smirks. “I can bite places other than the neck, you know.” 
The sigh that Shadowheart lets out is pained. “I knew I shouldn’t have asked.” But the gentle restoration spell washes over Sable anyway. 
Gale had to literally be carried out of the arcane tower. Slung over Halsin’s shoulder, he protested the entire walk away and back to their campsite from the previous night. 
“We already spent half a day in there,” the huge druid says, patting the wizard on the back. “Once this is all over, we can go back.” 
“But who knows what’ll get in there and mess about when we’re gone!” Gale protests, nearly on the verge of whining. 
“Stop your sniveling,” Lae’zel growls. “We must not waste any more time than we already have here.” 
“Here’s an idea,” Karlach says, crossing her massive arms. “How about we stop for lunch? I know I’m starving, and we’ll all think better on full stomachs.” 
There’s a general agreement about that, though Lae’zel grumbles a bit about the stop. Sable sits down and pulls out some dried meat and an apple, almost mechanically going through the motions of eating. Astarion sits beside her, leaning back on a boulder, crimson eyes trained on the rocky ceiling hundreds of feet overhead. “...you know, you may have a point,” he mutters, brow furrowing faintly. 
“About what?” she asks softly. 
“This place. I might prefer the city to a wilderness in the middle of nowhere, but…it was still nice to see the sky.” He sighs. “Endless rock gets so dull after a little while. What’s left to see? ‘Oh look, a new stalactite!’ Ugh.” 
She can’t help a smile, mirth dancing in her eyes as she chews. Glad to see a happy expression on her face, he continues. 
“And I mean really, all the damned mushrooms. It’s just so…phallic. Like this place is so boring to look at that it had to overcompensate with thousands of dicks.” 
She bursts out laughing, her face going red as she quickly smothers the sound, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention from anything nearby. 
And he does his best to ignore the uncomfortably perfect warmth in his long-cold heart. 
She seems better after that, more present, more herself. Even as they pick their way carefully across the craggy landscape. 
Even as they meet the myconid leader, who asks them to kill some slavers who are threatening his people. 
But especially as they walk away from the village, and she motions him down to whisper-laugh into his ear, “It’s an entire down of dickheads!” 
He’s never been more proud of her.
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alicelufenia · 4 months
Had a nice long play session with Tavierra today, so here's the latest for my chosen of Eilistraee:
Met the Dream Visitor! Her appearance is the spitting image of Qilué Veladorn, cleric of Eilistraee and chosen of Mystra. Qilué famously bore such a striking beauty that she was often mistaken for Eilistraee Herself. She's also been dead over a hundred years, so Tav is pretty sure this isn't her.
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She's VERY cute tho!
Am determined not to use the tadpoles. Except, specifically, to help her comrades. So far she's used the Illithid influence three times; to free Shadowheart, to see into Astarion's mind after he tried to bite her without permission, and to see Lae'zel's fears when she held a knife to her throat. Ironically, that means she's already used the influence power more times than Alice did in her whole playthrough LMAO.
Also unlike Alice, Tav went through with Volo's lobotomy
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That look when everything is fine and you'll love the results.
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Kaylin don't give your oc heterochromia challenge (impossible)
Confronted and fought Kagha and the Shadow Druids. No reforming her this time, she was horrible. Except I did have non-lethal on, so she got knocked out, and everyone talked about her like she's dead, but when Rath walked near her body he had the same banter he has with Kagha after she sides with us against the shadow druids. Very weird.
Realized I had fucked up the stealing idol quest by not accepting it when I talked to Mol about it the first time, so no Ring of Protection for me T_T
Back into the Underdark! We find our way to the beach coming from the south, so we meet the duergar before the Myconid colony. She's not going to help a bunch of slavers, but does take advantage of their assuming she's a True Soul to sneak past them and steal their boat.
We hit level 5 as we enter Grymforge and instantly everyone's power level spikes (even the multiclass party members). Hearing about Nere for the first time in Grymforge, Tav is intrigued by another drow True Soul.
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Pictures taken seconds before a whole lot of slavers die (Wyll approves)
Between the slavers and dead Harper-aligned drow (who have historically been allies of the followers of Eilistraee) Grymforge is officially flagged for killing everyone (except Tav stops for architect nerd talk, those guys are alright). Gotta do it subtly though without alerting the whole fortress.
Shadowheart spikes the ale flagon with drow poison to kill two slacking guards, and the rest of the team busts heads in isolated corners away from patrols.
Had an unexpectedly difficult fight with the oozes on the way to Philomeen, as Gale's Wild Magic surge made his level 1+ spells heal nearby creatures whenever he dealt damage, so I stupidly targeted a weakened ooze with magic missile, and it HEALED the ooze to full instead (healing procced on each missile hit!) So yeah Wild Magic has been working out great on this Tactician run, highly recommended.
Encountered the mimics and have realized Wyll might be my strongest combatant so far.
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Once Hunger of Hadar went down these mimics couldn't do SHIT and got eaten away over the course of 4 turns. Also if you're wondering how Karlach has a 95% on a throw, Tavern Brawler + Hill Giant Strength elixir is a really good combination <broken>
Gonna rest up and then plan how I'm taking out the rest of the fortress (I really don't want to fight Nere + all the duergar, even with the ones that can help us)
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If I have one complaint about the companion interactions it has got to be the weirdly paced and out of place Halsin addition.
He never has anything relevant to say about the actual events of the game, in my main save he's just some uncle with dementia droning on and on about the shadow curse while the rest of the gang fight, die and kill their tormentors and you click on Halsin to see if he has something to say but no, he wants to tell you that he hungers for you. What actually happened for me was that right after we did Astarion's hugely emotional act 3 quest, I went back to camp and talked to everybody who were all good for him, didn't think he had it in him, you did a wonderful thing there etc. RELEVANT stuff. Halsin? SEE ABOVE. I still laugh about this because the idea that you stagger home, having killed a vampire lord, released 7000 spawn into the Underdark, stopped your lover from becoming a fucking monster and walked with him through two hundred years of trauma only to find your weird mate standing by your door going "soo, how you doin'?" No, Halsin, I won't talk to Astarion tonight about bear fucking you in the moonlight, also I have NEVER seen to your needs in camp because I have been juggling a depressed wizard, a traumatized vampire and all my other friends while trying NOT TO DIE ALL THE TIME and also navigate through the bugged streets of Baldur's Gate AND YOU DID NOT HELP ONE BIT HALSIN because I can't level druids for shit and how can you be this big and hot and STILL DIE LIKE A LITTLE CHILD MADE OF PAPER? *breathes* I mean, I love Halsin because I love everybody but he is bugged and it's really not doing wonders for his character since he isn't a natural part of the actual game the way it stands now. I think he will be a fanfic character for me, where I shall enjoy him fleshed out and with reasonable responses to other people's lives .
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