#two day project that will get only 10 likes 🙃
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torisprlng · 5 months ago
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newsfmember · 2 months ago
Hello🙃! have been an observer for a while but new to this side of the community - down to chat if interested (about anything and everything snz related or not, DMs open / ask whatever😎)
(M, mid 20s, only into F, minors DNI)
Wavs are tagged as #mywavs — love hearing feedback on them :)
get to know me below the line
Get to know me better!
Found these online and thought I’d try to give the community some more insight into who I am given I’m quite new here!! Mostly non-sneezy, but if anyone has good sneeze prompts send my way!!
1. What do you do for work?
2. What playlists do you have on your phone?
3. Guilty pleasures?
4. Something you regret.
5. Celebrity crush?
6. How many languages do you know?
7. Make a confession.
8. What’s your favorite book?
9. What was your childhood dream job?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. How many siblings do you have? Are you oldest, middle, or youngest?
12. How tall are you?
13. What’s something you’re insecure about?
14. Embarrassing memory?
15. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
16. Have you ever had a one night stand?
17. A song that evokes a good memory?
18. A song that evokes a bad memory?
19. Do you prefer phone calls, facetime, or texting?
20. What’s a controversial opinion you have?
21. Do you believe in second chances?
22. 3 things you love about yourself.
23. What is something you are sure you’d NEVER do?
24. How different is your actual adult self from how you pictured it when you were little?
25. Have you ever met a celebrity?
26. Free Pass! (Ask whatever question you want to know that’s not on the list)
1. I’m in investment banking (yes finance I know lol).
2. I have a ton but pretty much only listen to 2 these days. One is my alternative / rock ish playlist and the other is my EDM playlist. I LOVE music though (play guitar and enjoy making edm music for fun) and am always down to talk tunes lol.
3. Secretly being infatuated by women in my life sneezing… of course lol
4. Honestly my major in college (majored in business but didn’t think it was one bit interesting unfortunately)
5. Well way too many to pick one (also side note always like imagining celebrity sneezes given how in the spotlight they are / feel like this gives way to good embarrassing / loss of control content ahhh 😂) but to name a few -> Kelsey Asbille, Lilly Collins, Margaret Qualley (side note, interesting that the first that come to mind here are all like dark-toned / brunette, all of my girlfriends have been blond)
6. I speak 3 languages! English / French fluently, and Arabic semi-fluently (minored in Arabic in college, long story haha)
7. Confession: Id be lying if I said i haven’t imagined essentially every girl I’ve ever been attracted to sneezing in my arms… sorry!!! (Not 🫣)
8. Favorite book is the sparrow by Mary Doria Russell
9. Cosmologist for sure. Still love anything space / universe related, find it so crazy / interesting
10. Don’t have any pets in my apartment, but yes I have a dog and two cats at my parent’s house
11. Im the oldest of two - have a younger sister ~2 years younger than me
12. ALMOST 6 ft. Lol no but actually 5’11.
13. Honestly a pretty comfortable in my own skin type of person. My sneezing around people kind of feels like a cop out answer but I’d have to say that one — I’m shy about it and have a (usually impenetrable … but not always…) mental block
14. ^ having to stifle sneezes next to a *very* cute classmate / project partner in college when a mystery illness was going around the extended friend group. Ended up not being sick but in the moment was like “pls don’t be grossed out I stg I’m good lol” after haha
15. Not a huge spender but probably one of my multiple guitars that wasn’t gifted to me
16. Indeed I have .. 😶
17. I want you by Chris Lake — heard that pretty much every tailgate in college which were some of the best days of the year
18. Cool and calm by sticky fingers — reminds me of a breakup (long time ago / over it … but still will always be tainted. Great song though I love that band 😂)
19. Phone calls / FaceTime I guess if I’m close enough to someone? I find like flirty / hinge style shallow texting to get quite boring especially with people I don’t know well / don’t know me well lol. Chatting about snz stuff here with new friends is a different story obviously (again somewhat new here and I’m loving it).
20. Not sure how controversial this is (but it might be idk let me know I guess 😂) but I genuinely believe that many, not all, physical and mental problems can be solved by eating / sleeping well and exercising. Certainly has been the case for me but know everyone’s different
21. I do. Think you have to be careful about handing them out with no thought, but I definitely believe in them / have been given them before myself!
22. Hmmm I’m kind definitely not one to talk about myself in an overbearing way, but I guess 1) my eyes 👀 haha my whole family has the same greenish / yellowish / hazel eyes with little dark spots scattered about and I’ve found that people tend to find them quite cool. 2) I’ve always been a (calculated) risk taker / never really afraid to fail which I attribute to getting good at languages / guitar. 3) I think I’m funny … with the right audience lol
23. Go on one of those deep sea commercial submarine explorations. Not trying to dive thousands of feet in a crammed metal box to look out of the window at a pitch black / endless ocean just to implode at the bottom. Anyway I’d go skydiving though 😂
24. Honestly not that different aside from the job I’m currently in. Feel like my physical / personality traits have remained pretty unchanged
25. Eh none to really shout about. A few smaller djs who I like but that’s about it.
26. Ask whatever here (snz related or not!!) and ill answer to the best of my abilities. Really enjoying interacting with all of you so far🙃!!
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semperreformanda · 2 years ago
life update
last june my boss let me go for “not being a good fit”
it didn’t take me long to put two and two together and realize that the big reason was because of my pregnancy. and the biggest support to this theory was he talked negatively about a coworker (who was in the company for 6+ years) who got pregnant, saying stuff like “I don’t want her back … I already know how it goes when employees get pregnant, they’ll start calling out … I don’t want to deal with that” he would say all that stuff to me and others behind her back so I knew I was only gonna stick around to save some $$$ and use the insurance as much as I could
(oh and she was forced to resign bc they literally did not want her there anymore 🙃)
but when it finally happened it drove me in anxiety and anger because I had relied on the insurance especially bc I AM PREGNANT
yes it is illegal yes I should have reported it but I had no energy to do anything
but God reminded me through it all that He provides and He does! and so silly of me to think He could provide for my greatest need (my salvation through Christ) but not provide for our little earthly needs
another reason I was annoyed was I was already planning to quit but they beat me to it 😂 but that was honestly the worst company I’ve ever worked for. I could not deal with the constant disrespect and the yelling and the cussing and their questionable ethics
they stole an engineer’s professional seal and stamp it on their projects WITHOUT HIS APPROVAL meaning all projects are “approved” 🥴 this was the last straw for me bc imagine all the hazards
anyways… that was almost 3 months ago and I honestly feel so relieved to not be working there anymore. I spent too many times feeling so incredibly stressed out and then even more stressed out that I may be hurting the baby from it
speaking of… I am already 27 weeks pregnant today 😭 I remember when I first saw that faint line and thought I was hallucinating things. we tried for months only with a stark white test every month, so seeing a shadow of a line sent chills down my spine. and 27 weeks later my little bubba has gotten so big and active 😭 I love him so much
like it’s so crazy how he’s so close to me but also so far it’s like a long distance relationship 🥴💀
also learned a lot about gestational diabetes bc my hypochondriac brain was convinced I HAD IT
apparently it’s not due to your diet and you can’t even cause it. shocking how this is not widespread knowledge, because so many moms feel guilty for failing their baby when they’re diagnosed but in reality it is mostly your placenta being a jerk 😭
so for the past few days when I got the call that I failed my 1 hour I acted like I had gestational diabetes 😭 became very picky with what I ate, which is hard bc my culture loves rice 😭 and I took 10 min walks after meals
all I could think about was my blood sugars spiking and how I needed to bring it down 💀
also I had to fast for at least 8 hours before I could do my 3 hour glucose test which was honestly so hard bc if you’ve been pregnant you know the pregnancy hunger pangs!!! I cried after my test because I was anxious about having GD and also I felt so bad for my baby 😭😭 like I starved him 😂 even though I know he’s fine in there because placenta n all dat
anyways I just wanted to let you guys in on that bc why not and also I’m bored and drinking chai while my husband works besides me 🙂🤠
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resetting37 · 9 months ago
1 for Seth and Adam :))
Thank you !!!
Character dynamic ask game
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I guess this would be Seth’s first impression of Adam, but I kind of answer this for both of them !
So despite them growing up in the same facility, they rarely got the chance to interact. They were of different trials, and the trials were on different floors. (Only two subjects per trial, so pretty isolating) they didn’t really talk to each other until they were relocated to Recom. however, they were aware of each others’ existences.
Seth’s impression of Adam: Seth was curious to meet another project subject that wasn’t the person he’s known his entire life. Seth did point out Adam was significantly smaller (‘significantly is a strong word’ says Adam) despite Adam actually being older. Adam gave him the cold shoulder, so fine, Seth would find attention from all the other new people he was meeting. So seth didn’t have a strong opinion of adam, in fact it was Seth’s turn to ignore him when Adam did decide to eventually interact with him. (‘Now that your friend [lilith] is gone you wanna talk ? Well, I found my own friends now’)
I think it was this initial mutual hostility kind of made them not like each other at first, but they were always in the same vicinity and over the years became work partners. Not relevant to the question, but in regards to Seth’s current impression of Adam, like I don’t think Seth has ever wanted to make the conscious effort to be like “Adam is an ass because [insert backstory and related issues]” but rather he has just accepted that’s just the way adam is and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He likes continually working for the attention/admiration.
Adam’s impression of Seth: sooo the reason Adam was initially hostile to Seth was that Adam’s (and Lilith’s) trial was largely abandoned and that fucked their development up a bit. (There were days where they would hardly see another person on the floor.) ignoring the fact that Seth’s (and Celeste’s, in that manner) trial was suffering a different kind of trauma 🙃 - Adam automatically resented Seth for this and so didn’t pay him much mind when they first met.
Adam thought Seth was much too overwhelming anyway.
When Lilith decided to leave on their own, Adam had no where else to go and tried in his last minute hang around Seth, and hated him more when Seth decide to ignore him back. What’d he do that for ?!
Speed run the next 10+ years into the present day, and Adam respects Seth’s version of meanness, and Adam sometimes wishes he can come up with something just as snarky on the spot. But he doesn’t like to act too impressed, because Seth will get cocky about it (which means Adam doesn’t have the upper hand, which he HATES)
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valyrfia · 11 months ago
Just saw your PhD post first thing on my dash and I swear I relate to it. As a fellow girlie who recently started her PhD in stem a few months ago, I feel like crying and quitting every other week. God I am hating python and bash/linux right now. Can silicone valley develop a way to store 100GB worth of data as 100MB that I can access using excel instead using compressed files. 🥲
The only thing that helps me is that I worked in academia for a few years before starting my PhD. Otherwise I would be working non-stop instead of giving myself breaks when needed (like what i’m doing right now 🙃). Just remember to take 5-10 minutes when you’re doing long hours, it can help refresh your mind and look at things from a different perspective which can be the answer to whatever hurdle you’re facing.
Now I just need to eat properly instead of surviving on fluids while working on my projects or just going to eat when I feel like starving/dizzy.
Anon you speak to my soul. I spent the entire day fighting the linux command line. I have worked for….15 hours today? Lots of coffee and controlled crying in a bathroom stall breaks involved of course, but the long works days is really a reality of our careers…..
I see your no compressed files and I raise you: I wish silicone valley would invent a way for me to click to edit halfway through a linux prompt, because having to manually click through to adjust the pathname on an scp command gets old REALLY quick.
Anyway! We’re women in STEM! We’re slaying! I think it’s still the coolest thing when you get a result and for about two minutes (until you ping your supervisor) you’re the ONLY person on earth who holds that piece of human knowledge. It makes all the long work days and torture we put ourselves through worth it. Thanks for stopping by anon, it also helps massively to remind all of us doing this that we’re not alone and that pretty much every person who’s ever done a phd has had the same flavour of trials and tribulations. And let’s not lose sight of the real end goal (getting to put Dr. in front of our names).
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formulapisces · 2 years ago
hiii!!!! how are your cooking endeavors going? I'm currently too busy with driving lessons but I'm thinking of making panna cotta next 😁
also I'm very glad to see you knitting ☺️ I want to do that to (well crochet but same thing) but my brain's like nope
wishing you a nice day 🌺🌺
im thinking of making brownies and also tiramisu soon because i’ve been craving them so much over the past couple of days 😇 panna cotta is SO GOOD, so satisfying to make too for some reason 🤗
i didn’t do that much yesterday, only a few stitches but it’s like my hands are super-glued to the knitting needles today 😳 for my first real knitting project and the first time i’ve knit since i was about 10, i think i’m doing okay! i didn’t even watch tutorials, i just did what felt good and somehow it worked 😁 i’m trying to take breaks so i don’t get burnt out but once you start it’s so hard to stop 🤷
i hope you have a nice day too!!! i’m feeling a bit better than i was yesterday, it was just the weirdest day and then the cherry on top was two huge spiders i found in my room 🙃
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princess-pill-enjoyer · 3 years ago
Takin a break for the first time in a while
It feels weird to be saying that again. It's been prolly.. 2ish months since I've cared how much I take. Let alone not having any at all lmao. I didn't forget that I'm mean to explain myself and I have been working on a draft for that.. tho it wont be posted for a little while.
tldr: temp break for a week. possibly still dosing but much lower and only taken where needed to prevent adverse effects to not get in the way of a massive project I'll be working on. At most probably 2-3 for the week vs 1-3 a day. No posts of any kind til at least the 14th. Even if I dose, no documenting as I'll strictly be sleeping and working to have any possibility of get this shit done in time
Reason being R's birthday is coming up. She's been in a slump since her breakup. Course I mean. Losing someone that you had that much history plans with is awful. Even if it was only a year. I couldn't imagine how she feels rn. Whiich is why I'm bothering to do all this..
I promised I'd make her some bracelets months ago since it's a longtime hobby of mine. Been making rubber band bracelets since middle school. Wayyy past the rainbow loom craze tho.. smh. I still get so salty about that. COULD YOU IMAGINE THE MONEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ME COULDA MADE??? Even if I only knew half the patterns I knew now I woulda made BANK bruh.. but nah. 5 years after the fact I finally learn it
Then during quarantine I picked up friendship bracelets and kandi, with friendship bracelets being my preferred type. Made sooooo many... only to never wear em. I never wore any of my bracelets if I'm being real. It's so backwards
Ah but anyway. Yeah. I'm gonna give her pretty much all of the bracelets that're worth a damn and I have probably... 40ish patterns saved on top of that
....and like 10 keychains.....
Kinda overboard I know. I was originally content with just sending all the bracelets I've made through this year with a few extra but.. then i went and caught the fr feels (the actual term for that feels cheesy 🙃) so didn't feel like it was enough for her. So I started casually making a list of shit I wanted to make which got massive sooooo quickly
Thennn shit happened and my progress pretty much halted. During the time we were on the phone all the time I made a good 20% of my list which was pretty good for 2ish months of heavily interrupted work so I thought I'd have this all done wayyy before her birthday
Did not expect half the shit that went on in the time since.
I've BARELY made progress since. I've maybe made... 5 bracelets in the time since. I get kinda cold/shaky when I'm high + a good majority of the time I'm either salty/crying/thinking up a storm or dancing around my room/listening to music/playing a game tryna act like dph is pink dopamine. Basically, I'm not too productive when I'm gone. HA ofc unless I want the shit when I'm doing something I need to be productive for. Then I'll bullshit til I get some..
Tangent mb mb. Two other things happened. Uh one I just realized I misremembered her birthday. It is in fact NOT the 28th as I thought it was.. it's the 18th. Only recently checked and saw so that was fun. Then she got broken up with and went pretty much silent ever since. I think we were otp damn near everyday before we went to bed during that period of them being together but not speaking. Then like 2-3 days after her partner left she said the whole I don't know if you can help shit so I haven't really talked to her since. I tried checking in one other time but it was still pretty obvious she didn't really wanna talk so I've been giving her her space. I know it'd probably be the smart/right thing to keep reaching out even if it'd annoy her but she'll turn off notifs in a heartbeat. i think she only recently turned em back on actually I asked her about something and it didn't take hours.. its a pathetic that is something I'm genuinely happy about..
Ah but yeah us not really talking plus her being so sad is kinda pushing me to make her present as grandiose as I can. She's not that sort of person anyway I'm sure even if I made her one she'd wear that shit til it fucking disintegrates but I'm hoping a bigger selection will make her feel less obligated to do all that. Plus I wanna show her that friendships/relationships shouldn't be so transactional you know? It'd be hella easy for me to just send the few I've already made and just say fuck it. We aren't talking rn and I didn't get a gift. I didn't even get a happy birthday period til the next day off of some fight with her and her partner that had her crying and sulking the day away. But even with that, she's a good friend to me period. I don't need her to be there for me every single time for her to reap the rewards from that. It sounds kinda stupid just saying it. Ah yes, you've sat there and helped me plenty of rough times and have made a strong friendship with me even with me CONSTANTLY trying to push you away but you forgot my birthday and been quiet for the last week so therefore fuck your present. Like ?? stupid. I'm sure she's gonna see it that way though smh. I'm already writting a gentle stfu letter to put in there so she'll hopefully ease up on herself a bit
Ah anyway. Long story short I can't risk the nonsense of benadryl rn. Shit makes getting out of bed hella hard and I can't have anything effecting my hands as I gotta to be able to make knots quick quick if I have any chance of getting the entire list done. So unless some life shit happens, I'm going 110% on that. Ideally, as little sleep as needed to not make too many mistakes as its a hassle to untie. I would say no sleep but I'm sure a week of that aint possible so I'm aiming for 2 hours a day. 30 mins of naps when needed though I really need to have it all right the first time to not waste time. It takes me a good minute or 2 to untie a single wrong knot so it's not even worth. The time I waste sleeping'll pay for itself in accuracy.
I'm assuming this all means no dph til at least next week. Works out honestly I'm running low on pills anyway. That's been weird to think on. I calculated it all out and it's kinda shocking. It's the most real feeling evidence of my addiction. If I were taking the proper dose, I could take it every single day and it'd still last roughly 3 years. I've only had mine since Feb 23rd and I have probably 100ish pills left. Shit honestly felt unlimited for a while..
Well, ig if the week goes to plan I'd be killing two birds with one stone, tho i doubt. If I have any issues with nightmares, I'm taking some no questions asked. I never get the hallucinations benadryl is so infamous for but when I'm withdrawing bad enough allll that horrible shit gets crammed in my dreams. God.. I remember the first few I like they happened recently. Had one where an end of the world paradise suddenly went dire and everyone just started killing themselves to save themselves from dying of starvation/thirst and I had to listen to every single sound from that. Another where I was accidentally drugged tryna help a friend and spent the entire dream running while going in and out of consciousness which made getting back to their house/evading the police terrifying. Most recently I had to help/defend a family with various deformities while trying to hold it together to not make them feel like I was upset because of their looks when in reality it was from having to scream and yell at people gawking at the kids I was helping. That and having about 40 people to take care of and it all being sprung on me out of nowhere. Which after was said and done took a seemingly casual turn to a free dinner in the lobby with the rest apartments residents being in there. I naively sat and picked something I knew would be good not thinking anything of it, only for the random people I sat with all being replaced with these older women yelling at me for picking so casually. Ah then all grabbed me and forced me to watch my dad cut some dude's head off with these giant shears. Ah. That was the first time I've actually cried in my sleep. Well... ish I clearly was sobbing from the way my face/chest was feeling but none of the tears. Shit I almost fell out of bed. I was pulling back trying to turn my head away from the whole beheading but they were all holding me in place. So ig I was doing that as I slept too. Woulda been.. not fun to say the least. I have concrete floors as my room is the basement sooooo I'm sure my fatass full deadweighting onto the floor would prolly cause a few issues lmfao
ah god sorry sorry I did not mean to go that in depth. That is genuinely the only thing that keeps me dosing some days. I've gotten used to a lot of the various withdrawal effects but nightmares + heart pain are really the only things that actually bother me nowadays. I was only going to do a brief retelling to emphasize why it's such a non-option for me but I got carried away.
anyway. temporary goodbye for now. i wont be posting so i can focus on her present. dont know if i also mentioned it but im also using paper stars/flowers/hearts as the like.. gift paper shit. like the thin strands you'd put in a gift bag so you can't immediately see everything inside? yep. uh. had the bright idea of filling that with little mini origami... dont know why th I would as that shit is literally worthless in the way I'm using it but... I already bought the paper and I have all the tutorials bookmarked... 🙃
i must be a special breed of stupid honestly.. within the week I'm supposedly making 50 bracelets/keychains of varying sizes/patterns/difficulties + learning how to do origami so I can fill a fucking box. we'll see how that goes lmao
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clatterbane · 4 years ago
Little update:
Mr. C has talked to the animal transport people, and got the main paperwork scanned/sent back to them today.
It looks like they should, indeed, be able to fly in through Copenhagen! 👍He's also checked--and got in touch with the Danish Embassy to clarify one point--and we humans should be good to fly in through there too, under current Plague Time regulations. (No destination address in Denmark apparently required, after all, if we're heading straight on to Sweden. Which, in this case, would be right across the bridge!)
So, that's all a relief.
What has had me in further Quiet Mental Breakdown Mode all day since then, though, is that we're now that much closer to a firm family moving date: most likely 31 May! 😱🙀
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Apparently there are only a couple of flights a week which can also take the cats within our required time frame, likely because Plague Time. And for various complicated reasons I'm not sure I totally got, he says that day would work better for Project Family Import than the following Monday.
(Then, of course, after helping us all get settled in--and no doubt a few days' much-needed rest for his own good!--he'll need to fly back to Plague Island. Then he can finish making sure all our shit is properly packed up and handed over to the movers, and get other loose ends tied up while he's self-isolating for 10 days minimum. Then, pending further COVID testing, he should theoretically be able to finally gtfo and haul ass back to Sweden for good. *fingers crossed*)
So yeah, I'd better get my personal belongings packed up and some other stuff taken care of before the end of the month, and get as ready as I ever will be to make another international move with two suitcases! 🙃
This time, plus likely some spare space in his luggage, one Giant Wheelchair Bag, and our two feline dependents. And I can be way more confident that he will actually ship the other belongings that he says he will, unlike my freaking hoarder dad. 🙄
So yeah, that's where we are right now. And also mostly why I haven't been around much lately.
I would maybe be feeling slightly less unsettled if I did already have a valid passport among other details sorted out, but hey. There really is fuck all any of us can do to control whatever course the US Embassy/NHS/etc. decide to follow. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Which kinda leads me to the opposite of worrying about it all less, but there is now at least a more definite time frame for the worries!
Oh yes, just reminded by that last travel update (full of unexpected kindness!) getting another note.
Mr. C contacted an animal transport specialist business, figuring they'd know what to do and what steps to follow, so much better than we do. Especially with a lot of international things turning more complicated post-Brexit--not to mention all the extra constantly shifting Plague Time considerations thrown on top. 😵
Turns out that the cats should also be able to fly into Gothenburg. For comparison to what we were afraid would be necessary:
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Shaving off about half the trip would help so much! Especially considering the whole point is dragging along a couple of poor discombobulated cats. 🙀 At least the actual flight shouldn't be longer than 2-2.5 hrs, in any case.
(BTW, Mirrors has lived in this house since he was like 4-5 weeks old, and Feist was born here. They're also 16 and 17 now, so yeah I expect that the whole relocation process will be extra stressful on them in general! 😩 But, the best we can do is try to make it as smooth as possible.)
Best of all would be if we could just bring them in through Copenhagen, and he's apparently looking into the current regulations affecting all of us there now. *fingers crossed*
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That's just right across the Öresund. And it looks like the airport is also not that far from the bridge/tunnel, which should be even handier! I wouldn't even feel too bad about taking New Landlord up on his offer to drive us, if that option is open after all.
But yeah, nothing about this whole moving operation is simple. And I could easily vomit forth a whole novel-length vent about how the combo of political BS (e.g., Brexit) and Plague Madness has been driving me even crazier, in terms of unpredictability in planning practically from one moment to the next.
(Hell, I still have no idea if I will even be able to get a valid passport in time for the flight plans. Can't even request an Embassy appointment until within 5 days of whenever our flight is booked. 🥴)
[ETA: Since we've been back out of lockdown, they're starting to make some other appointments available again a few days a week for issues which absolutely must be handled in person. But, it still looks like I'll realistically have to wait for an emergency appointment, and pray that they will have their shit together enough to give me a new passport in time for us not to waste a bunch of money rescheduling flights.
There are few enough slots available still, for a single week in advance--and those seem to be getting snapped up as soon as they're posted. 😑 Not really a surprise, with the number of people who are probably feeling at least as desperate by now, but a frustrating situation all around.]
But, I will spare everyone most of that--at least for now! I don't have the energy right now, anyway.
It is a bit of a relief, though, that we shouldn't need to fly into Stockholm after all.
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