#twiyor fluff weekend
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theblueeyedfirebender · 5 months ago
There is movement to his left. Swift and sudden and close, too close. Loid jolts, a burning hit of adrenaline crashing into his system. He tugs Anya behind him, his senses crackling ablaze. 
Yor has emerged from the kitchen, silent in that jarring, episodic way of hers. She wears the peculiar expression he’s seen from her a handful of times - flat, dark, penetrating - as if someone has snuffed the flickering warmth from behind her eyes, leaving her hollowed. Her movements are stiff, yet fluid, graceful and ghoulish. Long, pale fingers are wound tight around the hilt of a sinister-looking chef’s knife.
Loid swallows, reigning himself in. A prickle climbs the column of his spine, fine hairs rising along its path at the base of his neck. He hadn’t sensed her approach, not until she was within arm’s reach. Killing distance, a weapon in hand.
Soft, Twilight. You’re losing your edge.
He draws up to his full height. Keeps his sight trained on Yor out of pure instinct, even as she finds him in the shadows, and those ominous features shift back into the woman he married.
Even in near total darkness, her eyes are the color of cherry wine.
This woman is going to be the death of you. 
The thought doesn’t unnerve him in the way that it should. 
“What happened, Loid?” 
“Not sure,” he answers, pressing a palm to the back of his neck, willing the gooseflesh to recede. “There’s a flashlight in the drawer by the kitchen sink. I’m just going to step out and see what’s going on.”
Yor nods in response, taking hold of Anya’s hand. 
Trust is a foreign concept to a spy. A human compulsion trained out of them at the earliest opportunity. And yet it is surprisingly easy for him to step away, to turn his back and cross to the pair of double glass doors that separate their living space from the outside world. 
He is well aware of the kitchen knife still within the grasp of Yor’s free hand. He knows her curious strength, has witnessed her unusual talent with a blade. Still, he turns away, and his wife has every opportunity to sink the cold steel into his back, his neck, the base of his skull. She could end him - clean and effortless - and the greatest spy in Westalis wouldn’t even have time to react. 
Trust is a foolish, fatal mistake. One he makes consciously, deliberately, and without second thought.
Perhaps you would be happy to die at her hands, Agent Twilight. 
Loid pauses, studying the rain-flecked world beyond the glass. The bite of sharpened steel never comes.
- this WIP is taking too damn long, have a second teaser (first teaser can be read here)
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loveroma · 5 months ago
for twiyor fluffy weekend! these will be all AUs
day #1: eden (blushing)
day #2: babysitter (fall in love)
day #3: assassin twilight (i choose you and me)
day #4: we'll see 🫶
thank you for this wonderful event!
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roucaelum-art · 5 months ago
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Twiyor fluff weekend Day 2: fall in love
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zeldadiarist · 5 months ago
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Making a small offering for Twiyor Fluff Weekend, @twiyorbase , for the Blushing prompt!
I'll probably color this one because the lineart cam out really nice!
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octobertomarch · 5 months ago
Contribution for Twiyor Fluff Weekend
Prompt: Fall In Love
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cantareincminor · 6 months ago
My SxF Writing
When I first got into Spy x Family I had no idea I would write so many fics for it! Keeping track of it has gotten a bit unwieldy so here is a masterlist.
Completed Works
Orpheus: 350K words, mole hunt arc canon divergence fic where Yuri is critically injured in the sewers, leading to catastrophic consequences for Twilight. The fic I'm proudest of, and the most personally meaningful.
From Ostania with Love: Orpheus universe, comedy fic where years later, Twilight and Yor watch a Hollywood movie about themselves.
In the Sunlight: Orpheus universe, one-shot where Twilight and Yor recover their intimacy after the traumatic events near the end of Orpheus.
Form: My first fic in the SxF fandom! An identity reveal one-shot on how Twilight and Yor view each other before and after their truths come to light.
Tummy Troubles: Crack fic where Twilight embarrasses himself in the worst way in front of his cover family, only to find he is loved and accepted regardless.
What Friends Are For: Crack fic where Twilight begrudgingly helps Franky learn how to date by disguising himself as an attractive woman.
Every Stitch a Memory: One-shot where Loid intends to donate Anya's old clothes, unintentionally evoking sad memories for Yor and bringing her conflicted feelings about her "fake" husband to the surface.
Not With A Bang: Sequel one-shot to Every Stitch a Memory where Twilight and Yor come clean to each other.
Air: AU one-shot (for now?) where Twilight and Thorn Princess meet on the job.
Heaven’s Knife: One-shot for Twiyor Fluff Weekend 2024. Yor and Loid attend Camilla’s wedding pre-reveal, and experience a series of firsts.
Of Christmas Future: Three-part Christmas fic where Anya and Franky stage a Bondman-themed play to cheer Twilight up for the holidays.
Good for Goodness' Sake: Three-part Christmas fluff fic where Franky finds a job as a mall elf to make some cash! Crazy shenanigans ensue! (Gift for @juuyeah)
From the Seabed: One-shot spinoff of @unhappy-sometimes' fic After peace. Twilight struggles with caring for Anya and the memories of his own childhood that she evokes.
Served Warm: Shorter multi-chap fic that diverges from canon during Yuri's first visit to the Forger home. Yor kisses Loid and works through her regret and conflicted feelings over time.
Yesterday's Enemy is Today's Girlfriend: Orpheus universe, Franky/Chloe fic where the former informant and SSS agent get to know each other and settle in Westalis.
The Magical and the Mundane: Orpheus universe, TwiYor pregnancy fic told from Yor's POV.
Forever Family: Serious and somewhat dark fic about Anya's previous adoptive families and orphanages.
21 Eden Street: Collab with the amazing @unhappy-sometimes! Crack fic where Twilight and Franky go undercover as students at Eden to infiltrate a drug ring.
The Signal and the Smoke: Orpheus universe, Handler x SSS Lieutenant fic. Two former enemies get to know each other in an era of peace.
Discarded Snippets
Orpheus original opening scene
Orpheus Ch. 14: Twilight and Sylvia conversation
Orpheus Ch. 20: Twilight picks up Anya and Yor
Orpheus Ch. 29: Happier chapter ending
Orpheus Ch. 3: Ghosts by @hazardous-lightdas12
Orpheus Ch. 4: Twilight hugs Bond by @aerequets
Orpheus Ch. 32: Liars and Killers by @unhappy-sometimes
Orpheus Ch. 48: "Elegant" by @roucaelum-art
Yesterday's Enemy is Today's Girlfriend Ch. 15: Franky's mother by @juuyeah
What Friends are For: Gisela by @hazardous-lightdas12
21 Eden Street Cover Art by @unhappy-sometimes
Air by @unhappy-sometimes
The Signal and the Smoke by @unhappy-sometimes
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twiyorbase · 6 months ago
WAKE UP, the first edition of Twiyor Fluff Weekend is here! 📢
For more information, read the images and feel free to ask us your questions.
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The Spanish version will be below.
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beannoss · 3 months ago
Two fics over onto AO3
shock to your soft side
Twilight blew out a long breath. “Yor, you're Ostania’s best assassin and you can't stop telling me that this hurts.” “But it does hurt,” Yor said, as though this were explanation enough. She glanced at him over her shoulder. “What do you do when something hurts?” Twilight and Yor have... differing... philosophies when it comes to dealing with their own pain and injury.
Rating: T One-shot Ship: Yor x Twilight Tags: Established relationship, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, grief/mourning, caretaking, cuddling & snuggling, Twilight Week 2024
with you, all in tangles
Three times Yor blows kisses to Twilight and one time Twilight blows a kiss to Yor
Rating: T Chapters: 4/4, complete Ship: Yor x Twilight Tags: Post-reveal, pre-relationship, established relationship, time skips, fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, romantic fluff, flirting, 5+1 Things, except it's actually 3+1 things, TwiYor Fluff weekend 2024
I was transferring these over from where I'd previously posted them only on tumblr for two of the challenges run by @twiyorbase! I think shock to your soft side might be tied with heartlines for my favourite thing I’ve posted, and it was a stiff competition as I've really loved everything I've done this year ❤️‍🩹 soft side is very short and let me explore something about Yor and Twilight and their dynamic together which I love very, very much.
Posting these two actually put me over the top of posting 100,000 words to AO3 in 2024 which was a shock in and of itself but a very pleasant one!
It’s been such a joy getting to know and chat with some of you, and to otherwise dive face-first into the absolutely superlative and awe-inspiring creative works within this fandom. Y’all are so generous with your talents, it’s so wonderful 😍🥰🫶
Very much looking forward to what 2025 brings in SxF fandom — more manga, anime (!) and so much wonderful creative energy 💕💖
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briefhottubcoffee · 5 months ago
Happy Twiyor Fluff Weekend everyone!
Are you like me? Do you think about Loid and Yor falling in love with each other all the time? Then check out my new fic! 🎊
This took me all night. Seriously. I have to go to my nephews baseball game in three hours.
It’s… not very fluffy. But I hope you’ll read and enjoy it anyway!
Like most things with me, it ended up more… 🫣
I’m not even sorry!
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ao3feed-twiyor · 3 months ago
with you all in tangles
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vUK2fYZ by huhwaku Three times Yor blows kisses to Twilight and one time Twilight blows a kiss to Yor Words: 1033, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yuri Briar, Sylvia Sherwood | Handler, Gerald Gorey Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: post-reveal, Pre-Relationship, Established Relationship, Time Skips, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Flirting, Implied Sexual Content, 5+1 Things, except actually it’s 3+1, TwiYor Fluff Weekend 2024 (SPY x FAMILY) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/vUK2fYZ
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tare-anime · 4 years ago
And, the comedic fluff TwiYor drablle to counter the angst. LoL (AO3)
This was supposed to be my entry for Fluffbruary prompt: Hold hands…. But well… the idea stuck. So, pardon the quality ^^;
Twilight was walking home from yet another briefing. It was the weekend, and yet he got another mission. Just like usual, really.
The road was packed with people, but as an experienced spy himself, he easily avoided bumping into people.
Except for one beautiful blond lady.
Immediately Twilight grasped the lady’s wrist firmly, and politely asked, “I’m very sorry…. But can you return my wallet?”
The blond lady smirked mischievously, “I don’t understand what you’re saying….”
“My wallet. That you took. Just now,” Loid whispered gently while tightening his grip.
The lady just narrowed her eyes, and then suddenly she shouted, “Is that so??? So after all this time, now you blamed me?!”
Loid confusedly furrowed his eyebrows. Then as the eyes of the pedestrians started to turn at them, slowly he understood what this woman was trying to do.
“Ma’am, I’m just asking you to return my wallet.”
“I see…. I see now…. All of you men are the same!! Using me then is just like shoving me away ....”
As murmurs around him started to get louder, Loid felt his own face start to heat.
This woman was clearly trying to escape from him, by using other people’s judgement implying he was one of those playboys. Loid couldn’t allow her to go away with his wallet, but at the same time he needed to find a way to clear the misunderstandings purposely created by this pickpocket.
Still confused in choosing his next course of action, suddenly someone’s hand grabbed the thief’s collar and pushed her away from him.
“Stay away from my husband, you scheming wench !”
Astounded that suddenly she found red eyes glaring at her, the thief tried to retort, “Excuse me?! You’re still defending this man?”
“My husband is such a gentleman, that he will stay faithful to his wife,” Yor snapped at her, “You on the other hand….. How many times have I caught you stalking him?! Never understand the word ‘No’.”
The thief narrowed her eyes on Yor's way to follow her scheme, “I have no idea what you’re talking about….”
“No thief will confess they’re a thief. Now leave….”
Loid noticed how the murmurs around them now started to be directed at the thief, thanks to Yor’s clever maneuvers in turning the table of the conversations.
But of course the pickpocket wouldn’t accept being humiliated just like that.
She growled as she took out a knife from her secret pocket, and planned to attack the Forger wife.
Little did she know that she had picked the worst possible opponent in all of Ostania.
Right before she managed to launch the attack, Yor easily plucked the knife out of her hand, twirled it expertly between her fingers, and pressed its blunted side towards the thief’s neck.
“Don’t. You. Dare.”
Crimson eyes glinted dangerously as it bore into her opponents’ eyes, as Yor blasted her murderous aura at full force towards her.
Colors drained from the thief’s face, and nobody could blame her.
Even Westalia’s best spy could only stand there, froze to the ground, and gulped, because he had no idea that the woman who stayed under the same roof as him, could be that scary . Immediately he made a specific mental note, that he will never ever do things that will make him be at the receiving end of his wife's wrath.
“I’ve tried to be nice. But if I must………” Yor threatened.
The pickpocket shivered.
“I don’t want to see your face ever again.”
The thief nodded.
“Leave! ”
Yor threw the knife into the pavement with enough force to make it embedded halfway through. She deliberately made a move to scratch her opponent's clothes along the way, the exact part where the secret compartments were, making all of her pickpocket goods scattered through the pavement.
The thief didn’t make a move to collect it though. Instead she turned on her heels, and ran for her life.
As Yor calmly bent down and took Loid’s wallet from the pile, gasps could be heard from the people around them. The bystanders then started to check their belongings and several of them immediately moved to retrieve their stolen goods.
Loid still stood frozen when his wife gave him his wallet back.
The gear in his brain has trouble processing what has happened before his eyes.
He only started to move when his wife grabbed his hand and started to drag him away from the commotion, in long confident steps.
“Let’s go home, dear.”
He stared at his wife, and blinked several more times.
Did it actually happen? That for once, he was the one being saved?
Yes it did .
Did it feel nice?
And did he feel proud of his wife?
The corner of his lips started to move upward. Obviously.
Did he finally understand the feeling Anya had experienced, everytime she was saved by her mother?
His smiles grew. Yes he did
Did he feel safe when he absorbed the warmth of her smaller calloused hand that currently enveloped his bigger one?
He glanced at their hands. Yes he did
Did he notice how her confident steps became shorter and smaller as her face grew redder and redder, and her body deflated as her confidence was replaced by embarrassment?
Loid chuckled. Yes he did.
“So-.. Sorry, Loid. I just-... I-… well… that-...”
He couldn’t stop grinning, when he heard his wife stammer.
When he felt her hand move to release him however, he quickly repositioned his hand, so their fingers intertwined instead.
He felt her hand flinched for a bit, before relaxing and she held him back.
“Thank you, Yor. That was amazing.”
Her eyes widened, before it darted back to the ground, “It’s… it’s a normal thing wives will do, I guess….”
“Mhmm….” Loid nodded, while thinking back to his previous missions. He tried to imagine what his past female companion would do should he be in such a predicament.
Loid faintly shook his head because he concluded that they would do nothing.
“Shall we head home?” He asked the woman beside him.
His wife nodded despite still looking at the ground, with pink still tinting her cheeks.
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zeldadiarist · 3 months ago
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Remember the drawing I shared for Twiyor fluff weekend? I colored it finally! Have this offering to celebrate the return of Spy x Family!
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twiyorbase · 5 months ago
Today we start the Twiyor Fluff Weekend event!
We look forward to your contributions of any kind and remember that if you don't submit in a timely manner, we will still be receiving late contributions!
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cantareincminor · 5 months ago
New fic - Heaven's Knife
This is my late submission to Twiyor Fluff Weekend! Yor and Loid attend Camilla and Dominic's wedding, and since it's the first wedding Yor has ever been to, everything feels new and rather intimidating. She also can't help but wonder about all the symbolism and music and her husband's thoughts on the whole thing, since he must have had a wedding similar to this one with his first wife.
And Yuri is there as a groomsman. :D
The title comes from the song I danced to at my own wedding. Heaven's Knife, by Josh Garrels.
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cantareincminor · 9 days ago
FicSnips Day 16: Heaven's Knife
This one was a late submission to Twiyor Fluff Weekend 2024 (thanks @twiyorbase!). The premise was that Yor and Loid would attend Camilla and Dominic's wedding, and have to confront some of the things that are missing from their own marriage (still a cover at that point). They don't openly discuss a lot of those things since they're in public, but there is one moment where Loid expresses some regret:
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Aww. It was fun writing this fluffy fic and reminiscing on my own wedding and the little details I was fond of, including the song my husband and I danced to. Heaven's Knife by Josh Garrels. I love these lyrics:
Like the first man I was cut so deep by heaven's knife When I awoke from my sleep Oh my Lord, she's beautiful She's a part of me She's my wife
And I do believe that when Twilight falls headlong in love with his wife, he'll see her that way too.
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ao3feed-twiyor · 5 months ago
Heaven's Knife
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/UYuSpbj by Cantare “So then, you’d like to go?” Yor’s heart warmed at the sight of his lighthearted grin. “I guess so. What about you, though?” His smile softened in a way that made her heart skip alarmingly. “I would love to go with you, Yor.” --- Yor and Loid attend Camilla and Dominic's wedding and experience a series of firsts in their cover-turned-fledgling relationship. Words: 3008, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger, Franky Franklin, Yuri Briar, Camilla (SPY x FAMILY), Dominic (SPY x FAMILY), Millie (SPY x FAMILY), Sharon (SPY x FAMILY) Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Twiyor Fluff Weekend, Fluff, Light Angst, Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Wedding, Dancing, Soft Loid Forger | Twilight read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/UYuSpbj
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