babyawacs · 1 year
@bundeswehrinfo #independent #notmywar #on #criticali ty #of #denial #ofsensors #in #contrary #to #strategic #solutions .@nato @otan .@us_stratcom (((.@ukraine))) .(((@twittermoments))) .@rosatom @bbc_whys .@haaretzcom @israel .@peace @peace .@kremlinrussia_e denial of se nsors require lau pod launched iir anti drone munitions insteadunguided. linked to fliir +aesa better multipurpose aa (drones /rotarywing cas targets)  a n d apc_at truck supplylines ground targets where ifnot one weak wa rhead cripples two destroy where smd (smalldiameter) anti terror weapons are likely less helpful ifnot effecti ve against drones and toofew toosmall for grunts (incontrary to cluster horrors etc) itisplausible the us sits on massiveamounts of now moreuseless smd s and may deploythem russia needs peace and itis hardtotell howmuch pegging own rule to conquest amounts as successful endeavo ur is credibility accepted or necessary domestically *********** #keypoint whi le ukraine and some in west aim for nato membership of ukraine and may sacrifice en ough conquerred terrain as real feasible option right now the intent is to keep ru ssia outof ukraine forever while this is usually the r aging noway of russia. ontheotherhand russia assumes west may stop or reduce while towest the raging noway is how theykeep their alliance intrinsically together no mess with borders surenot ap pease sleazy dictatorships that retinker borders and have a german alibi of nonexistence for that too sothey ge rmandeserve the lackof reliability of the us while aimin g for this retinkered border setup lead to eurozone segragation from the us security arrangement efforts which failed because of this #keypoint russia may challenge the effectivity of 60 western fighterjets and mitigate the effectivity of these systems to but may not succeed because airwar is hightech war and russia has no credibility in effective fighterjet competition. thismeans t hat each loss of ukraine assets has 2000 fighterjets ready to replacement but the stoplock tactics of russia be come deathtraps with a heldback fullyintegrated armed forces.  ************ th is means if russia chooses to test the effectivity of airwar integrated western system s: (earlywarning may underestimate) simpler you can try to aim at fighterjets of west they will shoot down e ach artillery and remining asset and send tanks over the problematic areas. and everytime youtry to shoot at wes tern jets they will hunt the targetting down beit to suppress long enough to takeaway assets. this afew weeks depends on clustermunitions effectivity and i n i t i a t i v e of assets per terra in where no hiding terrain is possible leads to hiding terrain borders tactically #keypoint securing rule over a security arrangement with russia out of all ukraine nonato membership no app easement. all out of russia means normalisation more easily possible incontrary to northkroeanisation. allofthi s mustnot and willnot be appeased. tradegate to russia instead other proxystates helps rebuild ukraine incontra ry to enslaved agricultural poverty colony in contrary t o assume continued stoplock effectivity of russian troops peg own rule to the conquerred terrain suspect open terrain is airwar ineffective denial of sensors maynot occur and the solution is that the west surely gives in - y e a h with nato membership thenrussia cankeep donbas and eachmess quickly triggers nato escalation later I am Christian KISS i speakformyself ihave no stake andor interest in thiswar thatgu y independent on t h a t topic
@bundeswehrinfo #independent #notmywar #on #criticality #of #denial #ofsensors #in #contrary #to #strategic #solutions .@nato @otan .@us_stratcom (((.@ukraine))) .(((@twittermoments))) .@rosatom @bbc_whys .@haaretzcom @israel .@peace @peace .@kremlinrussia_e denial of sensors require lau pod launched iir anti drone munitions insteadunguided. linked tofliir +aesa better multipurpose aa (drones…
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incorrectbridgerton · 4 years
Colin: Looking fierce, Bridgerton.
Penelope: I may have taken your last name but I’m still Penelope.
Colin: What? I was talking to myself
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kimludcom · 6 years
Fans celebrate Mean Girls day by wearing pink #MeanGirlsDay
Fans celebrate Mean Girls day by wearing pink
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[incorrect message from the clergy]
[Holding newborn III]
Papa Nihil: He’s so precious.
Doctor: Before you take him home we have to give him some shots.
Papa Nihil: HELL YEAH! Bring him some shots it’s his birthday!
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furryalligator · 6 years
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Source: http://twitter.com/TwitterMoments/status/1037443509408686080
On September 18, Orioles players will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the US National Federation of the Blind by wearing Braille jerseys. https://t.co/oEeOAZcW2x
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) September 5, 2018
Source: http://twitter.com/MLByahoosports/status/1037782284701589505
#Orioles announce they'll wear Braille uniforms on Sept. 18 to honor @NFB_voice. They'll be the first American pro sports team to put Braille on their uniform. 🤜🤛 📷 @orioles pic.twitter.com/lxMgzREoib
— Yahoo Sports MLB (@MLByahoosports) September 6, 2018
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yesadanlerma · 4 years
Election 2020 - Election Results Unknown - 6am CST
Election 2020 – Election Results Unknown – 6am CST
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Good Morning Bird Poster ©Felipe Adan Lerma https://fineartamerica.com/featured/birds-and-fun-at-butler-park-austin-birds-3-detail-macro-poster-good-morning-felipe-adan-lerma.html
Written 6am CST: Below the asterisk is what I wrote last night before I conked out 😴 I’ll post a couple of tweets of what the situation appears to be right now. My most important observation of all that’s transpired…
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yes-svetlana-world · 4 years
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A father and son in Georgia have been arrested and charged with murder over the death of Ahmaud Arbery. US newsArrests made over fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery
by  Twitter Moments@TwitterMoments·
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babyawacs · 1 year
.@deutschland @deutschland wenn ihrmal nicht die totalen monster seid suchtihr nach wegen den die minderwertig zumachen und euch darueber selbstzuerheben. .@law @law @harvard_law .@ai @ai @all .@all @world .@bbc_whys @twitter .@twittermoments
.@deutschland @deutschland wenn ihrmal nicht die totalen monster seid suchtihr nach wegen den die minderwertig zumachen und euch darueber selbstzuerheben. .@law @law @harvard_law .@ai @ai @all .@all @world .@bbc_whys @twitter .@twittermoments //// and now save lives rescue duressperil repair always but serotolerance with facts ///// itis not so cool how they harm the civilpopulation fucking…
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kimludcom · 6 years
Emmys - Darren Criss wins Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series for ACS Versace
Darren Criss wins Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series for ACS Versace
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windsock · 5 years
日米ではビリオネアの絶対数が全然違う(アメリカは当初格差がとんでもなく大きい)ので手放しで褒められるものではない。寄付されず金持ちの懐に収まった金額は人口比でもアメリカのほうが3倍ほどあるし、教育は寄付に効果はなく税とデュープロセスでないと意味がないのはさんざ論証されてるhttps://twitter.com/tawarayasotatsu/status/1130191365055234048 … ショーンKYさんが追加 『ヴァティカンの正体』筑摩新書/岩渕潤子 @tawarayasotatsu すごいなぁ、アメリカ・・・卒業式のスピーチに呼ばれた来賓の富豪が、その年の卒業生たちの学生ローン残債を全額肩代わりすることを約束。日本ではこういう話、無いですね。 https://twitter.com/TwitterMoments/status/1130164559308894208 …
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furryalligator · 7 years
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(via Porgs exist in The Last Jedi because of the real puffins on location)
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dailytomlinson · 6 years
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@TwitterMoments: One Direction stars @LiamPayne and @Louis_Tomlinson got together to #StandUpToCancer. (October 26th)
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yesadanlerma · 4 years
Election 2020 - Election Day
Election 2020 – Election Day
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We Are the United States of America not the United States of one color ©Felipe Adan Lerma https://fineartamerica.com/featured/we-are-the-united-states-of-america-felipe-adan-lerma.html
The last two daysI’ve included tweets about the voter suppression effort in Harris County’s (Houston’s) drive-thru voting (approved and confirmed by Republican Secretary of State and all-Republican Texas Supreme…
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thatgrrltina · 5 years
RT @TwitterMoments: Congrats to Pete Alonso (@Pete_Alonso20), who beat Vladimir Guerrero Jr. in the final round to win the 2019 #HRDerby. 👑 https://t.co/r7O8tfCfGn
Congrats to Pete Alonso (@Pete_Alonso20), who beat Vladimir Guerrero Jr. in the final round to win the 2019 #HRDerby. 👑 https://t.co/r7O8tfCfGn
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) July 9, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/LIChevyMetsGrrl
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dreatine · 5 years
This is something that would get Spencer's blood boiling.
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arianagrandenet · 6 years
@twittermoments: Here's what happened on the opening night of @ArianaGrande's #SweetenerWorldTour. 🌑
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